Thailand Thais. Sights of Thailand - what to see in Thailand

The land part of the mainland where Thailand is located is like the head of an elephant with an elongated trunk.

A country where there are never snowy winters or cold weather, and local residents always warmly welcome tourists.

Tourists are keenly interested in the past and present of this country - what form of government is in Thailand, what is official name, what was Thailand called before, what part of the world does it belong to, and even - do they speak Russian there?

What is the geographical location

The state of Thailand is located on the territory of two peninsulas: the northern part of Malacca and southwestern Indochina. Is southeastern part Asia. Thanks to such a large area and elongated shape, the state has 1875 km of coastline on the Gulf of Thailand and 740 km Andaman Sea- one of the longest in the entire surrounding region.

It is therefore not surprising that the Kingdom of Thailand is famous for the variety of its luxurious resorts. Thailand is a state South-East Asia

, located in the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and in the northern part of the Malacca Peninsula. It borders on the east with Cambodia and Laos, on the west with Myanmar, and on the south with Malaysia. This is interesting:

Thailand's unusual location and tropical climate make it possible not only to harvest crops several times a year, but also to receive thousands of curious tourists all year round.

To show Thailand on the globe, remember - the best helpers in finding Thailand on the world map are imagination and attentiveness. Having found India on the map, it is simply impossible not to notice to the east of it a part of the continent in the form of an elephant’s head with a trunk - the main symbol of the kingdom. Or you can move your hand to the southeast of China, taking the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans as reference points. You need to move as close to the equator line as possible.

Thailand on the world map

It is important to know: The Kingdom of Thailand is rightfully considered the heart of year-round tourism. The tropical climate, monsoons and many forests beckon with mystery. And there is not a day of the year when tourists would not want to come here for a resort or excursion.

In which country

This is not the name of the city, but the country. This is one of the few Asian countries that, throughout its centuries-old history, managed to maintain independence when all neighboring states were colonized by France or Great Britain.

The kingdom has tense relations with Myanmar, the reason for this being political differences and disputed areas of the country's territories. Today, the main form of regulation of power is a constitutional monarchy. A magical country that attracts tourists from all over the world - Thailand. Witnesses to it are scattered throughout the state rich history

: temples, palaces and other monuments of majestic Thai culture Interesting fact:

The name Thailand for the country was invented by the British back in 1939, which translated means “country of the Thais.”

On what continent The kingdom is located in the largest part of the world - Asia.

Connecting with Europe, they form the continent of Eurasia. Asia occupies the northern and eastern hemispheres. It is the undoubted world leader in terms of total land area, local population, and infrastructure development. The mainland is washed by all four oceans and the Black, Marmara, Azov, Mediterranean and Aegean seas.

Thailand - the pearl of southern Asia Note: In order to clearly understand where Asia begins and Europe ends, it is necessary to draw a line along the eastern side of Mugozhar and the Ural Mountains. Then continue the line along the Embe River. Descend to the northern shores of the Caspian Sea and head towards Kerch Strait

. At the same time, the Sea of ​​Azov should remain on the European side.

Thailand, known as Siam until 1993, is a separate independent state and an integral part of the Indochina Peninsula.

The former Siam is very proud that, unlike the surrounding countries of Southeast Asia, it was never a colony of European countries. The word tai itself means free. On the southern side it is surrounded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. Previously, at one time, Siam was the largest Thai country on the entire peninsula, which included Lanna, Pegu, Cambodia, individual islands and Laos.

Thailand is rightfully considered a real “diamond” among the resorts of the Asian region, successfully competing for the attention of tourists with other paradise corners of our planet. The warm tropical climate, exotic fruits, gentle waters of the Indian Ocean and the indescribable flavor of this kingdom in Southeast Asia annually attract many tourists from all over the world. Do you know that: The harbor of Malacca, which lay next to the Siamese kingdom, was important in the world trade market. Tea, copper products, porcelain and silk were brought here from China. India supplied handmade clothes. And rice, dried fish and different kinds

alcoholic drinks.

Which countries does it border with?

On the southeastern mountainous side, the country shares borders with Cambodia, which are 803 km long. The border with Laos, 1,754 km long, lies on the northeastern side of the Mekong River. The state's western neighbor is Myanmar, the total length of the border with which is 1800 km. And in the south, Thailand is surrounded by a 506 km border with Malaysia.

Geographical location of Thailand

The bulk of the borders were documented at the end of the 19th century under the influence of Great Britain and France. Worth considering:

Today, there are disputed sections of the kingdom’s maritime borders with Cambodia, which do not officially belong to either state.

Capital what city Political, economic, etc. Wikipedia tells us that the total area of ​​this city exceeds 1500 square meters. km. The capital is located on the eastern side of the Chao Phraya River. Rapidly developing city infrastructure and implementation latest technologies

in its arrangement make it a worthy competitor to Singapore. The population is about 5.5 million people. The capital, together with five neighboring provinces, form the Greater Bangkok conglomeration.

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand Take note:

The first name of the city was very long, thanks to which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to calculate down to the minute the duration of a flight from Moscow to Bangkok, since this process is influenced by many factors. The key one is weather conditions. It is also possible to fly not only on a direct flight, but also with transfers. In the second case, the cost of the ticket will be significantly reduced, but you will have to pay for such savings by waiting for hours at the airport.

The straight line distance between Moscow and Bangkok is just over 7000 km. With an average flight speed of 850 km/h, and landing and takeoff time of 20 minutes, we get an average one-way flight time of 9 hours. But the figures obtained are only approximate. This does not mean that a plane flying from Moscow to Bangkok will fly exactly along a straight path, because... Special air routes are laid for all flights. Speed ​​may vary and depend on weather factors

The average duration of a direct flight from Moscow to Bangkok is about 9.5 hours; when using flights with transfers, the journey will take from 11 to 16 hours.

, located in the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and in the northern part of the Malacca Peninsula. It borders on the east with Cambodia and Laos, on the west with Myanmar, and on the south with Malaysia. In sunny Thailand, the whole year is conventionally divided into three seasons: the hottest period is considered to be from March to May, the rainy season occurs from June to September, and it becomes a little cooler from October to February.

What is the approximate cost of the trip?

The price range of the tour is between $750-1500. For example, a trip for two people to Phuket from August to October will cost from 50 to 70 thousand rubles. Those wishing to leave in late autumn or winter should count on 85-100 thousand rubles. But in order to be absolutely sure of your financial capabilities, it is better to have an amount of no less than 100 thousand rubles. This cash equivalent will allow you not only to pay for various excursions, but also to buy souvenirs for your family and visit more than one good restaurant.

Koh Samui beach

Thailand - the pearl of southern Asia Wealthy gourmets and exotic lovers will definitely be interested in Koh Samui. This chic luxury resort can be an excellent solution for a honeymoon.

When going on holiday to this country, it is important to know that:

  • It is better to exchange currencies within the country within the walls of banking institutions; other attempts may be regarded as robbery;
  • the cheapest calls to Russia will be obtained by using the services of street call machines;
  • When speaking, try not to suddenly change your tone of voice - this will be regarded as ignorance;
  • if you have any questions regarding your stay in the country, you can contact the tourist police;
  • To avoid problems with documents, it is worth making several copies in advance.
The islands of Thailand, located in the open sea, attract with their cleanliness, lack of metropolitan bustle and dust. There is an abundance of relatively wild, untouched corners of nature, because many of them began to be populated only at the turn of the century with the development of the tourism industry

It is important to know: try to touch the locals as little as possible. For them, touching by strangers for any reason is regarded as an insult.

Regardless of the time of year, Thailand will always surprise with its bright colors and will happily satisfy the curiosity of many new tourists who decide to visit its sunny expanses.

Watch the video in which a specialist talks about geographical location Thailand on the world map:

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It’s not for nothing that Thailand is called the “Land of Smiles”, because there live very polite and hospitable people who love to smile. Probably, Thais develop the habit of smiling from an early age under the influence of Buddhism. This is not surprising considering that there are over 18,000 Buddhist temples in Thailand. Another amazing thing about Thailand is nature, mountains, palaces, ancient monasteries and temples, pagodas, floating markets, Thai cuisine, Thai massage, coral islands, and, of course, white sandy beaches surrounded by palm and coconut groves.

Geography of Thailand

Thailand is located on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Thailand borders Laos and Cambodia to the east, Malaysia to the south, and Myanmar and Laos to the north. In the east of the country there is the Gulf of Thailand, which belongs to the South China Sea, and the western shores are washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea. The total area of ​​Thailand, including islands, is 514,000 square meters. km., and the total length of the state border is 4,863 km.

There are several geographical regions in Thailand. There are mountain ranges to the west, south and north, and the Korat plateau to the east. The most high peak– Mount Doi Intanon, whose height reaches 2,565 m. In the central part along the Chao Phraya River is the Menam Lowland. It is the Chao Phraya that is considered the largest river in Thailand.


The capital of Thailand is Bangkok, which is now home to more than 15 million people. The history of Bangkok dates back to the 15th century.

Official language of Thailand

The official language of the population of Thailand is Thai, which belongs to the Thai-Kadai language family.


More than 94% of the population of Thailand professes Theravada Buddhism (the most conservative branch of this religion).

Government of Thailand

According to the current Constitution, Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the King, and the head of government is the Prime Minister.

The bicameral parliament in Thailand is called the National Assembly, it consists of the Senate (150 senators) and the House of Representatives (480 deputies).

Basic political parties in Thailand – the “For Thailand” party and the “Democratic Party”.

Climate and weather

The climate in Thailand is tropical with big amount precipitation. On the west coast of the country, the monsoon brings rain from April to November, while on the east coast the rainy season lasts from September to December.

At all, best time to visit Thailand - from November to February. During this cool season, the air temperature in Bangkok ranges from +18C to +32C.

The summer period (i.e. the hot, dry season) lasts from March to June. In Bangkok at this time of year the average air temperature is +34C, but often reaches +40C. Try not to go to Thailand in April, unless, of course, you plan to swim in the ocean all the time. The fact is that April is the hottest month in Thailand.

The monsoon season continues from July to October in Thailand. Floods often occur in the country at this time.

Sea in Thailand

In the east of Thailand there is the Gulf of Thailand, which belongs to the South China Sea, and the western shores are washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea. The total length of the coast is 3,219 km. The average annual water temperature is +26-29C.

Rivers and lakes

The largest river in Thailand is the Chao Phraya River, which flows through the Menam Lowland in the central part of the country. Another large local river is the Mun, which is a tributary of the Mekong River. The Tapi River flows through the south of Thailand, it originates in Khao Lang and flows into the Gulf of Thailand near the city of Surat Thani.

Also in the south of Thailand is the largest lake in this country - Lake Songkhla, located near the city of the same name. Its area is 1,040 km. sq.


Archaeological finds indicate that people lived on the territory of modern Thailand already 10 thousand years ago, and they began to grow rice more than 5 thousand years ago. The ancient Thais were nomads, and their ancestral homeland is still not precisely known.

Buddhism began to spread in the territory of modern Thailand around the 3rd century BC. From the 9th to the 11th centuries, Thailand was part of the Khmer Kingdom.

In the XIII-XVII centuries, there were two strong Thai states - Sukhothai and Ayutthaya, which formed Thai principalities. Interestingly, the Europeans were never able to establish their protectorate over Thailand (it was called Siam in the Middle Ages and in modern times).

In 1932 after the bloodless revolution absolute monarchy Thailand became a constitutional monarchy. In 1939, Siam officially became Thailand.

After World War II, Thailand experienced several military coups. Only in 1997, after the adoption of the new Constitution, the political situation in this Asian country stabilized.

Thai culture

Thailand's culture is rooted in family and Buddhist traditions. Thai children are taught to respect parents, elderly people, teachers, and Buddhist monks. Every Thai village has a Buddhist temple, which is the center of local life. This is why Thais are so polite and friendly.

In April, Thai people celebrate the New Year (Songkran). To be more precise, Thais celebrate this holiday for three days - from April 13 to April 15. Before the New Year, Thais do a thorough cleaning of their homes to throw away all the bad luck of the past year.

Songkran begins with the distribution of food to Buddhist monks, who appear on the streets on this holiday in the morning. Then the youth pours water on everyone (including themselves), after which folk festivities, games, and dances begin.

Other popular festivals in Thailand are Visakha Puja (May), Rocket Festival, Full Moon Night (November) and Elephant Festival (November).


Thai cuisine is considered one of the best in all of Asia. Indian and Chinese culinary traditions had a noticeable influence on it. The staple food is rice, which is eaten at every meal. Other staple foods in Thailand are noodles, fish, and seafood. Meat is not often eaten in this country (due to its high cost).

We warn you that most Thai dishes are very spicy. Therefore, if you do not like a lot of spices, in a restaurant simply tell the waiter “No spicy.”

In Thailand, we recommend that tourists try rice in oyster sauce, “khao phat” (rice with vegetables and crabs), “laap” (fish salad with spices), “mee crop” (noodles with sweet and sour sauce), “naem” ( pork sausages), “mu daeng” (marinated meat), “salaphao” (pies with various fillings).

At the bazaars in Thailand, tourists are offered a variety of exotic fruits that grow in this country all year round.

Fruit season in Thailand:

lychee – June
durian – May-August
mangosteen – May-September
rambutan – May-September
Longan – June-August
Long Kong – August-October
mango – March-May
sapodilla – January-May

We must also not forget that in Thailand there are also other fruits - watermelons, bananas, coconuts, pineapples and papaya.

Sights of Thailand

In Thailand, tourists will find a huge number of different historical, cultural and architectural monuments. According to official data, Thailand now has several thousand temples, palaces, pagodas and other attractions. The Top 10 most interesting attractions in Thailand, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok
  2. Buddha's footprint at Phra Buddha Bath
  3. Royal Palace in Bangkok
  4. Wat Mahathat temple in Ratchaduri
  5. Hill Temple in Bangkok
  6. Seated Buddha statue at Mahahtati Si Chum
  7. Temple of Dawn in Bangkok
  8. Wat Lok Moli Temple in Chiang Mai
  9. Marble Temple in Bangkok
  10. Temple of the Mountain in Bangkok

Cities and resorts

The largest Thai cities are Nonthaburi, Pakkret, Chiang Mai, Nakhon Phanom, and, of course, the capital - Bangkok.

Excellent experiences await tourists in Thailand beach resorts. The most popular of them are Cha-am, Krabi, Hua Hin, Pattaya, Samet Island, Samui Island, Phuket Island, Phi Phi Island, Chan Island.

Many tourists believe that Thailand is home to some of the best beaches in the world. Which ones to choose? In our opinion, the top ten best beaches in Thailand include the following:

  1. Patong is the largest beach on Phuket, soft white sand, warm sea, a large number of hotels, restaurants. Shopping as well as a lively nightlife.
  2. Railay Beach – Accessible only by boat, this small beach near Krabi is surrounded by clear water and majestic mountains.
  3. Maya Bay, Koh Lay - the beach is located in a small bay, surrounded by high cliffs. This beach can only be reached by boat.
  4. Hua Hin – This beach, located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, is considered an ideal beach for families with children.
  5. Kata Beach - this beach is located in the quiet southern part of Phuket, in the low season the waves are quite large and therefore there are many surfers there.
  6. Lamai Beach, Koh Samui – this beach combines beautiful nature and dozens of bars.
  7. Sairi Beach, Koh Tao is considered an excellent place for beach holidays and diving.
  8. White Sand Beach, Koh Chang – This beach, located on an island, is surrounded by palm and coconut groves.
  9. Haad Rin, Koh Phangan – Once a month this beach hosts a fun all-night music party.
  10. Ko Mun Nork – this beach is located on an uninhabited island in the Gulf of Thailand. The white sandy beach is surrounded by palm trees. You can get there in 45 minutes by ferry.

By the way, Thailand and the Andaman Sea are in the top ten best places in the world for diving. The infrastructure on the islands is very little developed, and therefore the coral reefs and underwater world remain untouched. On the west coast, diving can be done almost all year round (the best time is from mid-November to the end of April).


From Thailand, tourists usually bring handicrafts (including wooden carvings), ceramics, Thai silk, silk scarves, clothing, Buddha figurines, silver jewelry, items depicting elephants (elephants are the symbol of Thailand), Thai sauces and spices.

Office hours

There are countries that everyone wants to go to for beaches, a beautiful tan and water activities. And there are countries that attract tourists with their attractions. The Kingdom perfectly combines both of these qualities. Add exoticism, oriental flavor, hospitality local residents- and you will get a mind-blowing cocktail that is definitely worth trying. So, a tour of the ten best attractions in Thailand.

10th place. Railay Beach

Since we started talking about beaches, we can’t help but mention the famous Railay Beach. It is localized in Krabi province. The uniqueness of the beach, surrounded on all sides, is that it can only be reached by water. This is probably why divers and professional climbers like to relax here. High cliffs, turquoise water, white sand - the advantages of the beach are countless. By the way, the famous James Bond Island is nearby..

9th place. Ayutthaya

Founded in 1350, Ayutthaya was once the largest city in the kingdom (and, perhaps, in the whole Earth), and now it is just a modest appendage of Ayutthaya. You can get here by car from Bangkok or book a one-day excursion with an overnight stay. Trains and boats also come here.

The territories of present-day Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar were subordinate to the rulers of Ayutthaya. Ayutthaya reached its greatest prosperity by 1700. It was a major diplomatic and commercial center that hosted Japanese and European merchants. Nowadays ancient city is in a dilapidated state.

8th place. Floating markets of Bangkok

It is here that the true flavor of Southeast Asia dominates. Numerous tourists coming to Bangkok have heard about the most famous of the floating markets - Ratchaburi. Early in the morning, boat traders dressed in National costumes and straw hats. There are many women among the sellers.

For a nominal fee, you can charter a boat and go exploring the canals - in search of souvenirs, delicious noodles, fresh fruits and vegetables. This is what Thai business looked like in the old days.

7th place. Mae Khong Son

Before us is the capital of the northwestern region. Culturally, the city is closer to the Burmese rather than the Thai tradition, which gives it a special atmosphere that is different from anything you have seen in the kingdom before. It is an isolated, quiet settlement located in a mountainous area. The local lands are often covered with fog, which many people want to admire. Mae Khong Son also boasts ancient architectural monuments. Extreme lovers will be able to enjoy a mountain hike.

By the way, it is in the vicinity of Mae Khong Son that a strange tribe lives, women whose necks lengthen through rings that are strung together as they grow older.

6th place. White Temple

One gets the feeling that Wat Rong Khun has stepped out of the pages of a fairy tale collection. A snow-white palace, as if covered with frost, - good alternative most religious monuments in Thailand. Surprisingly, the complex is not ancient - its construction was started in 1998 by a local artist, who invested all his savings in the project. By the way, the construction work has not yet been completed.

The temple attracts tourists with its unusual appearance. The purity of the Buddha is emphasized by the dazzling white color. The temple is surrounded by statues of demons and various undead. There is only one way to get here - by crossing the bridge surrounded by these grotesque creatures.

5th place. Similan Islands

The archipelago consists of 9 islands, completely covered with impenetrable jungle and excellent beaches. Earthly Eden exists - it moved to the Similan Islands. Picturesque landscapes go well together with a unique underwater world that divers will appreciate. The archipelago is located in the Andaman Sea, which is deeper and more restless in relation to the Gulf of Thailand.

Similan is geographically included in the national park and is carefully protected by the Thai government. In May-October, no one will allow you here - you will disturb the turtles, which have begun the period of laying eggs.

4th place. Chiang Mai Night Bazaar

Another colorful shopping place, one of the main Thai attractions. No one sails on boats here, but the “trick” of Chiang Mai is different. The market is activated after sunset. Midnight life is in full swing in Chiang Mai - souvenir sellers, hawkers selling all sorts of tasty things, and traveling artists are everywhere.

In the vicinity of the market square there are expensive hotels and cheap hotels. Once you settle here, you can easily immerse yourself in the epicenter of Thai nightlife.

3rd place. East Coast Islands

In the east of Thailand are the islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Samui. Their main specialty is luxurious beaches. Palm trees, white sand, turquoise waters and a leisurely, calm atmosphere. This is the place to go if you are tired of the city bustle of Bangkok and Pattaya.

Koh Phangan is famous for its restaurants and cafes, as well as wild night parties. The nearby islands of Tao and Nan Yuan are slightly less crowded with holidaymakers. These isolated patches of sushi will give you peace and tranquility. In addition, excellent diving and snorkeling await you.

2nd place. San Kamphaeng

The famous hot springs are located near Chiang Mai (36 kilometers) in a place called San Kamphaeng. 40 acres of land are completely covered with landscaped parklands and are home to springs that are well-deservedly popular in Thailand. The local waters have strengthening properties and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Water with steam reaches the surface, emerging from an underground source, the temperature in the depths of which reaches 100°C. In addition, the healing liquid is saturated with sulfur. In San Kamphaeng you can set up camp and soak your body in the mineral-rich water. But be careful - in some sources the temperature is so high that it boils a chicken egg.

1 place. Bangkok

Perhaps the capital of the kingdom is one continuous attraction. At first, you can get a culture shock here - so much is being thrown at you. And at the same time. Bangkok is a vibrant, contrasting and incredibly chaotic city.. It can be compared to a human anthill, carved with canals like European Venice.

If you set out to explore all the memorable places in Bangkok, you will have to combine several vacations at once. The sightseeing tour can last for weeks. In the end, you will stay here to live.

Can't miss Wat Arun— the main local landmark or not to visit Wat Pho- the homeland of the reclining Buddha and the cradle Thai massage. You'll be drawn in by floating markets, Chinatown and endless boat rides along the winding canals.

It is based in Bangkok The most important attraction for Thais is the Royal Residence, known as the Grand Palace. The complex was founded in 1782 and is surrounded by well-kept gardens and numerous architectural monuments. True, there is a strict dress code on the territory of the complex - you will not be allowed in in a T-shirt and shorts.

  1. When planning to explore Bangkok and its surroundings, prepare for a long journey that will take up your entire vacation. When visiting Thailand for the first time, it is better to make a list of 5-10 places that you definitely want to visit.
  2. Include elephant riding in your program, floating markets and an unforgettable Thai massage.
  3. If you are a diver, learn about the tiny bamboo island that all diving enthusiasts flock to.
  4. If you decide to visit the zoo, rent an electric car or a bus with an observation deck on the roof.
  5. Don't forget about the National Parks of Thailand - there are a lot of interesting things there.

Which you are unlikely to read about in travel guides. Thailand is a beautiful country with picturesque nature, delicious food and friendly people. This is the tropical paradise everyone dreams of. Many people want to move here, first on vacation, then for the winter, or better yet, for good. We also thought so before, and decided to go to Thailand.

What did we see in Thailand when we stayed here for more than 2 weeks? We discovered the real Tai, which no one talks about, and learned things that you can’t read in beautiful advertising leaflets.

In the restrooms it is forbidden to throwtoilet paper

Thailand has poor sanitation, which can not deal with toilet paper. In all restaurants and There are notices in public toilets asking people not to throw toilet paper into the toilet. I received reprimand from an old Thai woman in the toilet at a gas station for not throwing the toilet paper in the bin next to the sink.

Thailand is not particularly cheap

Prices in Thailand vary in different provinces and regions.Central and Northern Thailand is much cheaper than, for example, Koh Samui or . You can always eat cheap in Thailand, for about 60 baht , but the service, quality of food and surroundings for the money will be appropriate.And most likely it will be a makashnitsa or a local wooden restauranton open air with mosquitoes.

If you want to eat in Thailand like “ a white man", sit in an air-conditioned room, prices will increase significantly(200-2000 baht per dish). One visit to the doctor will cost about 3,000 baht for an injection and pills . One wound treatment (first aid for falling off a bike) costs 3,000 baht and must be done daily. Tourist invisa required for every 90 days (at least) will cost you 1100 baht plus 1900 baht extend it for another 30 days . If you are leaving the country, you need to pay for tickets, accommodation and tourist visa. If you want to live and work in Thailand (although I recommend having your own business “at home”), a visa will cost you 2000 baht (single entry) and 5000 baht (multiple entry) and that’s not counting patent cost, which you will also need.

Russia is advancing

Due to the fact that Thailand has become one of the most liquid holiday destinations with a large number of offers for air tickets and tours, he constantly filled with tourists. Especially southern islands more populated by Europeans than Thais. Koh Lanta Island famous for having a large number of Swedes living there, the island of Koh Phangan was occupied by settlers from Israel, and the island Samui and Pattaya - this is the so-called« tropical Russia". Those living in Pattaya and Koh Samui share that the schools consist of Russian and Thai children, study in language schools adults Russian students, yoga teachers are also Russian, in most restaurants There is a Russian menu and today you can hear more Russian speech than Thai. Advertising in Russian will no longer surprise anyone.

The Royal Family everywhere

Thai to the king is deeply respected and loved by everyone Thais. Old and recent photographs of the king and his wife can be found in every store, restaurant and school. They speak very warmly about him and the schoolchildren must sing the anthem at least once a week. In the cinema, when the king is shown on the screen, everyone stands up, and you have to stand as a sign of respect . If you crumple or tear a Thai banknote, you could be put in jail because every banknote has a picture of the king on it. This is regarded as the deepest disrespect.

Unequal marriages

I doubt that somewhere else on earth you will see such a quantity European men over the age of 60 who are married to 20-year-old girls. When people come to Thailand for the first time, they are shocked by the huge numberThai young girls with grandfathers. When you live here, you don't pay attention to them, because you see this picture every day. European men retire, go to Thailand, marry Thai girls and start a second family . It’s probably already clear that everything Thai girls do this is because of money, to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself, your children and all your closest relatives, sending money to these "hubbies" every month to my family.

Very hot

Do not misunderstand me, I really love the sun and warmth, but never before have I it was so hot all day, every day. As in any humid tropical location in Thailand there's no respite from the heat, neither in the shade, nor indoors, nor in the ocean (about +28 degrees). You will sweat while you sleep, after waking up, immediately after a shower and even without clothes. In the south of Thailand there are no cool days at all. If you don't want to change clothes , at least, three times a day, no visit Thailand in April and May.

Thais don't know how to drive... cars

When it comes to scooters, the Thais rule the roost. They ride scooters with school age until they can barely walk. It looks like they were born with motorbikes between their legs. Mothers ride with babies andkids, and can easily accommodate four people on one scooter, the whole family and a dog, and sometimes even a washing machine. As my Thai friends admit, they themselves do not know how to drive cars. This is due to traffic on the roads and the presence of minibuses and SUVs. Drivers frequently accelerate and brake throughout driving and cornering, most cars you have to stop before entering the roadway. It's easier to get around on a scooter: you you can pass between cars at speed, overtake

cars and vans.

Insects In Thailand you will be plagued by mosquitoes every day. For example, there are ants everywhere, but in Thailand there are big red ants , which have a sharp bite that causes swelling and severe itching. Small ants climb into thick bags of coffee, rice, muesli and containers withpeanut butter. They even manage to get into the refrigerator.

And if you don’t wash the dishes in Thailand on time, lizards may appear in them. 🙂

When it rains You will be without running water, electricity and Wi-Fi... These are extreme days that sometimes happen in Thailand. During the rainy season, it can rain for a whole week without stopping at all.... At the same time, you need to have time

Stock up on at least candles and water for brushing your teeth.

"Happy end" Prostitution in Thailand was first legalized in 1960 to receive American troops, dislocated in Thailand and Vietnam. There are even hotels where guests can order a girl to the room on entire stay. In Thailand, at every step you will see bars and massage parlors offering" happy end " . Every Thai bar hasprostitutes and ladyboys.Most often, these are visiting uneducated girls from poor areas that work to feed their families in the villages. They are tied to your place of work and they are fined if they don't some amount of money in a day . They all dream of finding farangs who will send them monthly amounts, so that they don't work. But they will still work and look for new suckers.

If you need a regular massage, stay away from salons where ladies are dressed in shorts and heels. These places offer much more than just a massage.

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Thailand is the dream of all travelers - those who independently explore unexplored corners and those who buy tourist packages. In Thailand you can see almost everything: unearthly landscapes, crystal clean water, old temples, wild nature and hospitable people. See 30 must-see places in Thailand.


1. Bridge over the River Kwai. About 10 thousand people died during the construction of this famous bridge. To this day, it remains a symbol of the brutality of the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia. The bridge was destroyed in 1944. Only the rounded steel structure was retained, and the rectangular middle sections of the bridge were rebuilt after the war by the Japanese as war reparations. (Photo: Shutterstock).
2. Phang Nga Bay is a real miracle of nature. The fabulous lagoon is hidden between steep limestone cliffs. There are only two other places in the world that can compare in beauty to Phang Nga Bay. (Photo: Shutterstock).
3. Khao Kheow - a unique reserve has been created on the territory of a 1,500-year-old jungle, where you can personally see a lion lying on the road or a giraffe passing by. Walking tours, educational hikes, and night safaris are organized here for tourists. (Photo: Shutterstock).
4. Railay - a peninsula with fabulous beaches, fenced off from outside world huge rocks - it is no coincidence that this place is on the list of the most beautiful places in the world. (Photo: Shutterstock).
5. The Reclining Buddha in Bangkok is a huge 46-meter tall completely covered in gold leaf statue of a Buddha who is in a state of nirvana... Everywhere in Thailand you will feel Buddhist mysticism permeating your life. (Photo: Shutterstock).
6. Khao San in Bangkok is a great starting point for those looking to explore the city. Nearby is the river, Phra Arhit pier, Sanam Luang fields and the Grand Palace. Only here you can feel the atmosphere of carefree, freedom and joy that you will not find in any other place in Bangkok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
7. Amphawa is a floating market in the central region of Thailand. (Photo: Shutterstock).
8. Sa Morakot - emerald lake. If you want to see something you have never seen in your life, then you must come to the emerald lake of Sa Morakot. (Photo: Shutterstock).
9. The monkey city of Lopburi, the main attraction of which is the tailed macaques. (Photo: Shutterstock).
10. Wat Arun in Bangkok is the Temple of Dawn, which is reached by an unusually steep staircase. It looks especially intriguing in the rays of the rising or setting sun. (Photo: Shutterstock).
11. Wat Phra Kaeo - amazingly beautiful Grand Palace, royal residence. (Photo: Shutterstock).
12. Fairytale islands - Ko Tap, Ko Poda, Ko Mor in the province of Krabi - this is a real paradise for those who love to walk in water on a sandy bottom. (Photo: Shutterstock).
13. The most beautiful scenery can be seen while sailing on a boat on the Chao Phraya River. (Photo: Shutterstock).
14. In Phuket national park Khao Phra Teo has a gibbon rehabilitation center that is trying to restore the population of these endangered unique animals. (Photo: Shutterstock).
15. Khan Sok is the oldest and richest ecosystem in Thailand with the unique virgin forest of Khao Sok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
16. Ko Chang on the southeast coast is suitable for those who lack adrenaline and who are not afraid to drive along narrow and dangerous mountain roads. We can confidently say that the risk is fully compensated by the beautiful views that open from there. And going down to the valley, you can enjoy the amazingly beautiful beaches. (Photo: Shutterstock).
17. Moon Nork Island is almost heaven on earth. This is a place you will never forget. (Photo: Shutterstock).
18. Koh Samui, Namuang - parking and entrance to the national park are free. Jumping from a ledge into a deep pool filled with refreshing water is a real temptation not only for children, but also for adults. Between Namuang I and Namuang II waterfalls there is a huge safari park and a large number of elephants. (Photo: Shutterstock).
19. Hua Hin. It may come as a big surprise to you, but there is an actual winery in Thailand that produces award-winning wine. international competitions. Therefore, in the Hua Hin mountains, while tasting wine, tourists can feel almost like they are in Tuscany. (Photo: Shutterstock).
20. The house of the “silk spy” and intelligence officer Jim Thompson in Bangkok, whose death still remains an unsolved mystery. His house, which is actually six buildings from different parts Thailand, is an enclave of tranquility and a testament to a bygone era in the heart of bustling Bangkok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
21. Popular beaches of Lamai and Chaweng in Koh Samui with soft white sand and beautiful coastal cliffs. (Photo: Shutterstock).
22. Phuket: Similan Island and Surin Island are surrounded coral reefs, sharp rocks, and strewn with golden sand. These islands are a true diver's paradise and a photographer's dream. (Photo: Shutterstock).
23. Si-Satchanalai is an abandoned, nostalgic ancient city, which is a historical monument of ingenious urban planning. (Photo: Shutterstock).
24. Wua Talap Island. From the observation deck on the “Sleeping Cow Island”, where sea gypsies live, a paradise landscape opens up. (Photo: Shutterstock).
25. The Mae Hong Son loop in the northwestern part of Thailand, which consists of 1864 turns, is the most beautiful corner of the country - offering stunning views of amazing mountains and valleys, forests, rice fields and mysterious villages. And, of course, the beautiful town of Pai. (Photo: Shutterstock).
26. From the northwestern part of Thailand you can get to Myanmar (Burma) for one day. Leaving your passport at the border, you will be given a one-day pass, costing about $10, with which you can visit the small town of Thachilek, where they sell hot roasted chestnuts. (Photo: Carlos Wang
27. The ancient temple Wat Phra That Lampang Luang is a popular attraction in Thailand. It was built in the 15th century and has remained in good condition to this day, and inside the temple there is a statue of Buddha from 1563. (Photo: Shutterstock).
28. Ko Si Chang is a royal island without a king in Pattaya, where you can see the remains of a 19th-century royal palace, the main part of which was moved to Dusit Park in Bangkok. (Photo: Shutterstock).
29. National Park Khan Yai is the oldest and most frequently visited protected area in Thailand. The park has special areas for high towers from which you can observe wild animals in their habitat. (Photo: Shutterstock).
30. The area near Pattaya is a place where time has stood still. In the villages of Bang Saray, Samaesan, Ang Sila you will feel like you were in the 60s: sleepy streets, wonderful beaches, excellent dried shrimp and seafood. (Photo: Shutterstock).

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