Social studies appeal review deadline. How to behave during an Unified State Exam appeal? Appeal in case of violation of the Unified State Examination procedure

Every year, during appeals, the rights of Unified State Exam participants are violated. We recorded stories of graduates who tried to challenge their grades, but were faced with absurd arguments, psychological pressure and an unspoken quota for points.

“An appeal is a procedure for protecting the interests of an exam participant in the event of violations of the established procedure for conducting the exam and (or) disagreement with the assigned scores,” - the official information portal of the unified state exam.

When Lisa ParshinaWhen she found out her result from the literature, she fell into a stupor.

I was in shock. I just sat there and didn’t understand anything. I looked at the computer and that's it

Lisa received 66 points. A single thought pulsed in my head: “Mom will be upset.” The girl reached for the phone, dialed her friend’s number and said in a calm voice: “I’m not going anywhere.” Instead of explaining, Lisa burst into tears.

Dasha SpichkoI couldn’t find the strength to cope with my excitement. When literature scores were posted on the website, she asked a friend to look at the score for her. He was silent for a long time and avoided the conversation. Dasha scored 68 on the exam.

I am still grateful to my teachers for not abandoning me and helping me fight for my scores. They supported me, although even I realized how I had let them down

Throughout the year, Dasha studied with Unified State Exam experts, who studied the assessment criteria in practice. After the first minutes of denial and doubt, the girl sent scans of her answers to the teachers and began to wait for their verdict. The tutors agreed that she did an excellent job that deserved 90+ points. They advised going to appeal. The teachers were confident that the girl would be able to achieve higher grades.

Oleg Yanapproached a four-story yellow building. An ordinary school halfway from Semenovskaya to the Vyshka building on Kirpichnaya. Moscow commissions on most subjects meet here. The appellants, who arrived ahead of their time, sat on the steps of the porch and on the fence - they were not allowed inside. One nervously leafed through the notebook, the second listened to instructions from the teacher. Oleg went up to the porch - a girl with a tear-stained face ran out to meet him.

Sveta ZaitsevaI took geography. According to the commission, the girl made a mistake in her calculations. To draw the terrain profile, it was necessary to measure 8 centimeters with a ruler. The permissible error is from 7.6. Sveta lost two points because she drew a line 7.5 cm long.

Dasha Spichkoclaims to be fluent in English. In her oral answer on the exam, she used inversion - rearranging words in a sentence. The teacher from the commission insisted that such a phrase structure was unacceptable in colloquial speech.

You should have used your communication skills, but instead you began to wrap up some unimaginable designs!

On the literature examSasha Kozlovchose an essay based on Mikhail Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”. Analyzing the image of the main character, he wrote that Grigory Melekhov was looking for the truth. “Everyone has their own truth,” the woman from the commission casually retorted. From her point of view, Sasha should have used the word “truth”. The wrong choice of synonym cost him several points.

In eleventh gradeMasha Kbecame a prize-winner of the interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Standard” in social studies. An in-depth study of the subject allowed the girl to include material on philosophy in her essay. The conflict commission saw this as a sufficient reason to reduce the scores.

So you cited the theories of philosophers, why did you do this? Did you want to show off?

“The chairman, deputy chairman, executive secretary, members of the Conflict Commission are obliged to ensure an objective consideration of appeals,” - order of the Moscow Department of Education, paragraph 4.6.

On appeal in social studiesMashu L.We were met by three women with inscrutable faces.

With all their appearance they deliberately tried to instill horror and fear

The girl went to the appeal with her mother. They sat down next to each other, experts- against. Masha signed the documents. “Did you know that points can not only be raised, but also lowered?” - one of the teachers said dryly. Machine's discussion of work began. The girl tried to express her point of view, but she was cut off mid-sentence, claiming that she was wrong. Nobody even tried to listen to her. The next step, after which Masha got up and left, was said with emphasis: “We remind you that we can not only raise, but also lower points. I see some other inaccuracies in your work..."Masha came out and burst into tears.

It's very difficult when people put pressure on you and you feel that they are stronger

“Consideration of the appeal is carried out in a calm and friendly atmosphere,” - The procedure for conducting state final certification for secondary educational programs general education, Chapter X “Reception and consideration of appeals”, paragraph 80.

“Members of the Conflict Commission comply with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts governing the Procedure for conducting GIA-11,” - order of the Moscow Department of Education, paragraph 4.4.

At the social studies appeal, the commission initially behaved loyally, he recallsMasha L.The teachers threw up their hands and complained that they could not change anything. Then the direction of the conversation changed abruptly.

It seemed to me that they were hinting at a bribe. Literally it sounded like this: “We are not able to do anything for you, because then we will have troubles. If you agree to pay the fines that we will be issued,then we will meet you halfway"

“It is not allowed to charge students for passing the state final certification,” - Federal law on education, article 59 “Final certification”, paragraph 8.

Masha Konoplevacame to the appeal in the Russian language, receiving 83 points in the exam. They didn't talk to her. The conflict commission motivated its refusal by the fact that the score was already too high.

Preparing for a literature appeal,Oleg Yanissued a notarized power of attorney for his teacher, Elena Krasovskaya, so that she would become his legal representative. It cost him 1,500 rubles. A member of the conflict commission prevented Elena K. from entering the office. At first she claimed that this was not in the rules, then she said that this was only for those who did not have a parent, and asked to show their passport. While the discussion was going on, a massive man with “secretary” on his badge approached. Oleg handed him the power of attorney.

What power of attorney? Well, this is not a document for me!

With these words, the man returned Oleg’s power of attorney and now he himself did not allow Elena into the office.

“A student, a graduate of previous years and (or) his parents (legal representatives) if desired, be present during the consideration of the appeal,” - The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, Chapter X “Reception and consideration of appeals,” paragraph 80.

Polina K.points were reset for several essays that met all the criteria. During the appeal it turned out that the answer form was not read from reverse side. Despite this, the conflict commission agreed to add only two primary points. It is impossible to raise higher because of “instructions from above,” the teachers explained their decision.

Oleg YanI argued with the commission in a hoarse voice for the fourth hour in a row. He was replaced by experts three times, and the words of each new one contradicted what the previous one insisted on. It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and the commission was finishing its work. They tried to convince Oleg that he had no choice and needed to sign the protocol. Thus, they hid information about a re-examination by the federal commission in the event of the appellant’s disagreement. However, Oleg still knew about this procedure, and he was reluctantly sent to the office to sign documents.

Katya Sobko, who went to appeal English language, carefully studied my rights at the preparation stage. After unsuccessfully trying to get the scores changed, she said she wanted to continue the discussion at the federal level. A woman with a “psychologist” badge casually dictated the procedure: you need to sign a waiver of appeal, then go down to the first floor and go through the iron gray door. Katya asked again several times, the scheme remained the same. Then she signed all the necessary papers, left the audience and walked briskly towards the iron door.

Hello, I would like to apply for a federal job review.
- Girl, did you have an appeal?
- Was. I signed a waiver and want to appeal to the federal commission. I was sent here.
- Well, once I signed the refusal, the appeal is over. Go for a walk.

“In order to provide consulting assistance to the participants of the GIA-11, the work of the consultation center of the Conflict Commission is organized,” - order of the Moscow Department of Education, paragraph 5.8.

Later, a teacher friend explained to Katya how it works. If a person signs a waiver, he is simply sent home. If he writes an application to the federal commission, they act differently. While a person descends from the third floor to the first, people from the conflict commission manage to call their colleagues from the federal one and convince them not to accept the application.

The Federal Commission met in the same building a week later, recallsOleg Yan.According to the rules, experts who examined the appeal at the first stage cannot participate in it. Half an hour before the start of the meeting, Oleg witnessed a strange picture. A teacher he already knew sat next to the woman who would have to argue with him today, and explained to her how it should be done.

The commission itself resembled a court: a large table headed by a judge - the chairman of the conflict commission. On the left is the prosecutor - a representative of the expert commission, which has just been given detailed instructions. Ten experts sat along the table. Oleg suggests that only two of them were actually experts, because only they participated in the discussion and expressed opinions. The rest just raised their hands to vote. Oleg was pleasantly surprised by the presence of a “lawyer”: a woman who introduced herself as a civilian observer supported his arguments and was even able to convince the commission to add one point.

Oleg notes the sources that the prosecutor referred to during the discussion. She mentioned the monographs of certain doctors of science and even a series of lectures on the “Culture” channel.

I think it would be unnecessary to say that these materials have nothing to do with the school curriculum.

When the commission was inclined to add one point, the prosecutor resorted to the last argument. She took out Oleg’s statement, read out a quote about contradictory arguments and said that this was disrespect for experts. According to the results of the federal commission, Oleg was still able to improve his result, but only by one point.

On the Unified State Examination in EnglishOle M.managed to score 91 points, but the natural desire to see and analyze mistakes was still present. When Olya studied the work from the scans, she noticed something strange in the assessment of the essay. The girl and her tutor came to the conclusion that the points were cut unjustifiably.

On her day off, Olya went to the other end of Moscow. Already on the spot, she learned that she would have to communicate with the commission via Skype.

“For participants of GIA-11, according to good reasons those who are unable to come in person to the Conflict Commission, it is possible to conduct appeals using information and communication technologies via video conference,” - order of the Moscow Department of Education, paragraph 5.6.

The girl was sat down at the laptop and the equipment was connected. The headphones seemed large and uncomfortable, and the microphone kept falling off. It was difficult to hear the interlocutors due to poor communication. As soon as Olya was connected to the experts, they irritably reported that they were in a hurry for lunch. At first the girl was confused. Then she took a breath and began to read out the printed criteria. “You’re reading something wrong there,” they interrupted her rudely. She tried to explain that these were the criteria from the official website, but no one thought to listen. Suddenly a stranger intervened in the conversation. He did not consider it necessary to introduce himself, but immediately raised his voice. Olya did not remember the content of his words, only a loud and sharp voice that made her shrink into a chair out of fear. She was already very nervous - the girl didn’t know how to swing her license and wasn’t used to it. Olya was preparing for a peaceful conversation with experts; she was not ready for such an attitude. At some point, the girl could no longer hold back her tears.

An appeal to the Unified State Exam is pointless. No one will raise a single point, even if the inspectors made an obvious mistake

Unfortunately, federal appeals statistics are not publicly available. Our editors conducted a study based on data from the regions of Russia. To do this, we used information from official documents of the Republic of Tatarstan, Khabarovsk Territory, Saratov and Tomsk regions.

We managed to find out that in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2017 the number of appeals decreased by almost half.

In the Khabarovsk Territory in 2017, about 85% of appeals filed were rejected.

In the Saratov region in 2018, more than two points were added to only six appellants out of 180.

In the Tomsk region, the number of satisfied appeals is decreasing by an average of 5-6% per year.

These figures show that the number of appeals filed and granted is decreasing every year.The head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov admitted “ Rossiyskaya newspaper”, which positively evaluates this process.

"IN lately the number of applications to conflict commissions has decreased. Those guys who filed an appeal just like that, on the off chance: what if the examiners add points, stopped applying? Now all statements are essentially, as a rule, from those who are very confident in their abilities and knowledge.”

Text: Alexandra Levinskaya
Editor: Oleg Yan

According to Rosobrnadzor, in 2019, almost 750 thousand people registered to participate in the unified state exams, of which 662 thousand were graduates of this year. On June 13, unified state exams in biology and computer science were held, completing the main stage of the main period. Until July 1, the main period of the Unified State Examination will continue with reserve days for passing all subjects. As the department reminds, graduates who do not agree with the results of the unified state exam can file an appeal.

In what case can I file an appeal?

There are two types of appeal. The first is about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam. It is submitted directly on the day of the exam. The decision is made after consideration by a special commission. If satisfied, the graduate has the right to re-write the exam.

The second type of appeal is about disagreement with the assigned points. This is what graduates most often submit. tells you how to do this correctly and how to avoid getting fewer points in the end.

How to prepare for an appeal?

The graduate has the right to file an appeal within two days from the official publication of the Unified State Examination results. After receiving the results, seek help from teachers and tutors. For objectivity, it is better to ask the opinion of several experts. Discuss in detail which criteria you disagree with, and formulate a clear argument for your position. You cannot revise the content and structure of the tasks themselves, as well as the answers to short answer questions.

How does the appeal work?

The commission appoints a time and place for the appeal, where the graduate can come either alone or accompanied by parents or other legal representatives. If you prepare in advance, you can issue a power of attorney for the teacher. In this case, he will be required to be allowed in with the student.

All necessary materials are presented to the examination participant, who confirms in writing that he has been presented with the examination work he completed.

If the commission immediately states that the work has already been checked, no points have been added and nothing will be discussed with you, you should not be afraid to ask for a detailed explanation of why such a decision was made. Do not sign any documents, fight to the last. If this dispute is not resolved, request an appeal at the federal level. However, you need to be as sure as possible that the work deserves such a painstaking assessment and that there really is a controversial point.

The student may not be present at the appeal: in this case, the decision is made solely based on the results of the commission’s inspection.

How to achieve higher Unified State Exam scores?

The graduate, together with the commission, considers controversial answers to tasks with a detailed answer. Both sides express their reasoned position. And here a lot depends on the graduate’s ability to speak clearly and cogently. If you are a shy or nervous person, do not be afraid to come to the appeal with your parents. They will help if you are confused.

What to do if they want to lower rather than increase their score?

Indeed, the conflict commission can either increase or decrease the score. Graduates of past years often share their sad stories and tips on how to avoid it. The most important one is not to sign any documents if you do not agree with the outcome of this appeal. Without your signature if you are present, the results of the appeal will not be valid.

A list of key points to pay attention to when filing an appeal.

The Unified State Exam has begun and the first results will appear soon. Some of the graduates will breathe a sigh of relief when they see them, while others will think that in fact he deserves more, and the grade given by the inspectors does not reflect his real level of knowledge. What to do in this case?

The answer lies on the surface - graduates who want to challenge the result of the Unified State Examination can resort to an appeal - a procedure aimed at protecting the rights of examinees. Whether or not to do this is ultimately a personal matter. On the one hand, this, of course, is additional stress and risk. But sometimes one or two extra points can be decisive when entering a university, and therefore there are always those who are ready to go all the way.

In what cases can you file an appeal?

There are two such cases. The first is challenging the exam procedure itself, violations of which led to the fact that you were unable to write the exam as successfully as possible.

The second option is to challenge the points received on the Unified State Exam. Let's look at each of the options listed above in a little more detail.

Appeal in case of violation of the Unified State Examination procedure

In this case, the appeal must be filed immediately after the end of the exam, and before the student leaves the class. You must write an application in two copies - the first of them goes to the conflict commission, and the second remains with the graduate. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that a member of the examination committee puts a note on the application that the document has been accepted for consideration.

The application must also be registered in a special journal and reviewed within two days after submission. The date, place and time of the procedure must be communicated to the student and his parents or legal representatives.
As a result, the commission may satisfy the student’s demands, or, on the contrary, decide that they are groundless. A positive decision by the commission means that the result of the work will be canceled, and the student will be able to rewrite the Unified State Examination - special days are allocated for this in the schedule. If the decision is negative, the exam result remains unchanged.

Appeal in case of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam

In this case, the appeal must be submitted within two working days from the announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the subject. As in the previous case, you will need to write two copies of the application, sending one of them to the conflict commission, and keeping the second for yourself. The application must be marked with a note that it has been drawn up in accordance with the form and has been accepted for consideration.

The decision to hold an appeal must be made no later than 4 working days after the conflict commission receives such an application. Each application goes through a registration procedure, and information regarding the date, time and place of the appeal is communicated to the student (his parents or legal representatives).

During the appeal, the student must be shown a package of his documents and the written conclusion of the commission on the subject. At this stage you need to be especially careful: the student will have to sign that, for example, the scanned work with answers belongs to him. Members of the appeal committee must give a clear answer as to why certain points were assigned. The procedure usually takes no more than 20 minutes per student. Based on its results, the commission can make the following decisions:
- reject the student’s requests and retain the assigned points if no technical or other errors were found during the assessment process;
- satisfy the appeal and change the points if errors were identified. It should be remembered that points can be revised in either direction (increased or decreased).

What is important to do before appealing?

First of all, you need to refresh your memory of your work as much as possible in order to have arguments to defend your own point of view.

You should also carefully read the scoring criteria to understand how objective you consider the commission’s decision on each item;
go to the subject teacher or tutor with whom you prepared for the Unified State Exam - they will help you sort out ambiguous points and give recommendations on how to behave and explain your opinion.

It is also important that for each point with which you disagree, it is necessary to formulate an exact question to the commission in advance, so that the conversation is substantive in nature, and you can explain why you did it this way and not differently. Argumentation supported by specific facts always looks more compelling.

How to behave during an appeal?

Here's some advice:
First, go to the appeal with a parent or other adult who can represent you. Yesterday's schoolchild will most likely be at a loss in the face of a conflict commission. In addition, he may be given an answer that is devoid of specifics. Mom, dad or other close person will help you feel much more confident, and their opinions and arguments can play a decisive role in the dispute.

Second: insist that the work be rechecked in your presence. Quite often, a graduate is told that the work has already been rechecked, and the commission decided to leave the result unchanged. Remember that this state of affairs grossly violates your rights - an appeal in absentia is possible only if the student and his representatives simply did not appear for the procedure. The final decision on the work must be made in the presence of the appellant, and the members of the commission must explain each point deducted.

Third: do not leave the appeal venue until a comprehensive explanation of the work and decision of the commission is given. All underestimated scores must meet the criteria put forward for the assessment of the work, so do not accept as an answer the general formulation that the scores for the solved CMM are already high enough. Until you are satisfied with the explanation for each point deducted, do not sign the appeal paperwork.

Fourth: don't give up halfway. If you have already decided to appeal, then, by and large, there is nothing to lose.

Fifth: don't be afraid of an appeal. Behave calmly and confidently. Take this procedure as an opportunity to defend your interests. Remember that a significant part of students who are not happy with their results are simply afraid to appeal so as not to lose the points they have earned. Of course, if a member of the commission finds additional errors during verification, the points may be revised downwards. However, general statistics indicate that scores are usually raised more often than scores are lowered.

Passing the Unified State Exam is half the battle. But waiting for exam results often seems long and painful. After all, every graduate is afraid of receiving less than expected scores for the Unified State Exam. However, you can get a low grade not only because of an incorrect answer. So in what cases can you question a low score and file an appeal? Let's figure it out together. What is the reason for appealing the results of the Unified State Exam?There are currently several reasons for appeal.

Firstly, the reason may be violations in the exam itself - the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam. For example, if during the exam it was noisy in the office or in the corridor, or there were not enough work forms or drafts for all those taking the test, which the inspectors are required to provide before the start of the final work. In these cases, the appeal must be filed on the same day, without leaving the school where the Unified State Exam is being held.

Secondly, the most important and common reason for an appeal may be disagreement with the points awarded for the final work. This does not mean that you can come with an unfounded claim. If a graduate comes and complains about bad questions, then no one will listen to him. Here we are talking about cases where the computer incorrectly recognized the answer in the test part. Or when an expert made a mistake while checking the work and made a mistake himself. In this case, the appeal must be filed within two working days after the publication of official data on the Unified State Examination. Here it is worth understanding that you should not wait until the school posts lists of exam results. They may not do it right away. Official data is published on the website of the Unified State Exam. It is worth checking the results there as often as possible.

In other cases, the appeal will not even be considered.

When to challenge Unified State Exam results meaningless:

· If there is a complaint about the assignment itself (for example, when the graduate did not understand the essence of the question);

· If the student himself violated the rules of taking the exam (for example, he came to the Unified State Examination with a phone, cheated or talked during the exam);

· If the final work was not completed according to the rules.

· If the graduate does not agree with the results of the test part. An appeal is only possible if the computer has incorrectly recognized something.

How is an appeal filed?

The application itself is drawn up in several copies: the student keeps one for himself, the other must be given to the head of the commission for signature (often this is the director of the school where the Unified State Exam is taken). Then one copy is sent to the conflict commission. It is there that the validity of the appeal is decided and further fate student's examination work.

If a graduate files an appeal due to a violation of the exam, recordings from CCTV cameras that were in the classroom at the time of the Unified State Exam are reviewed. Observers and assistants are also interviewed. If there really were violations, the commission records them and cancels the results of the final work. Then the student must retake the exam on reserve days. The conflict commission also has certain deadlines. Thus, they are obliged to make a decision on the work about which the complaint was received within two working days from the date of receipt of the application.

If a graduate has complaints about the points assigned for the work, the commission has four working days to consider. If a student does not agree with the results of the test part, which is checked by a computer, then specialists independently check the work. After which the results are updated; in fact, the presence of the graduate himself is not required here. If the appeal is filed on the oral or written part, then the student is given the entire package of documents: a copy of the work (the original is not issued), audio recordings of the answers, as well as protocols with grades and all notes and notes. Although when a student submits his examination paper, he must also submit a draft, in the event of an appeal it will not be considered. Therefore, if a graduate wrote down all the answers on a draft and did not have time to transfer them to a special form, filing a complaint and trying to challenge the results is useless.

What arguments should be used on appeal?

The commission sets the time and place for the appeal. It is necessary to prepare for this moment in advance and thoroughly. Since a student can come with his parents or guardians, but the teacher simply won’t let him in. Therefore, you need to discuss all the details and arguments with him separately. And you won’t be able to come up with it on the fly - a maximum of 20 minutes is allotted for a conversation with a student. It is important to immediately emphasize that graduation work meets all requirements. To do this, you also need to find out in advance all the work criteria, which are described in detail on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

After the conversation, the commission makes a decision. The results of the work can really change if there was a technical error (computer error), or incorrect assessment of the work by experts. However, it is worth remembering that specialists can either raise or subtract points for work. Therefore, you need to think about whether it is worth the risk. Experts note that most often the so-called medalists and olympiad winners file an appeal - those graduates who need to score at least 75 points in order to confirm their knowledge and receive benefits when entering a university.

How many points on the Unified State Exam can be added through an appeal?

On average, using an appeal you can add from one to three points for an exam. This can be done mainly through the test part. But the written or oral part of the work is checked by seasoned experts who extremely rarely make mistakes - it is much more difficult to “knock out” points and prove that you are right. Although, throughout the existence of the Unified State Exam in Russia, there have been cases when students defended their position and raised their Unified State Exam results by 10 points.

Let us remind you that graduates are already in full swing. In the Saratov region, the Unified State Exam began on May 27. And the first compulsory subject, Russian language, schoolchildren.

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The personal page shows the scores for all exams passed, scans of answer forms and recognition results of the first part. The assignments themselves and drafts are not posted, and only scores are shown for speaking, without audio recordings.

Exam results can be challenged through an appeal. There are two types: about violation of the procedure for conducting the exam and about disagreement with the assigned points.

In the tab with primary scores, you can see what the experts rated and how. An assessment is a criterion with a score. For example, according to the fourteenth criterion - the quality of the social facts and examples given - I was given one point out of two possible. You can decipher the criterion using demo versions of the Unified State Examination. One point is given for one source, two points are given for two or more sources.

Types of appeal

Appeal about violation of procedure

To file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure, you must write a statement to a member of the state examination commission. He works at each examination point - PPE. Contact any organizer: during the exam, one of them is always sitting in the corridor and will be able to take you to to the right person.

The commission will review CCTV footage and interview the organizers. If there are no surveillance cameras or they do not work, this is also a reason for an appeal.

If the commission finds that you are right, the work will be canceled and the exam will be allowed to be retaken. The retake usually takes place two weeks after the exam, at the end of June or early July. These are reserve days when graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam. If the appeal is rejected, the submitted work will not be allowed to be completed, so it is better to finish it despite the noise and other circumstances.

An appeal about a violation of the procedure must be filed before leaving the borders of the PES. The boundary is the frame of the metal detector or the area where the guard sits, usually in the hallway after the cloakroom and hallway.

Appeals about violations of the procedure for conducting exams are filed very rarely, and are granted even less often. When I was preparing for the appeal, I read 15 reports of subject commissions on the Unified State Exam in 2015 and 2016. Usually there are no such appeals, or they are rejected - but the reasons are written in general terms. Therefore, you should file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure only if you are completely sure that you are right.

Most often, in emergency situations, the exam is canceled without an appeal. For example, a fire started at my friend’s school during the Unified State Exam, and the exam was postponed to a reserve day, two weeks later. The printer in my classroom broke down and the organizers couldn’t print the assignments. The exam was scheduled to start at 10:45 and papers were printed at 10:42.

Types of appeal

Appeal of disagreement with points

Another appeal option is to challenge the exam results after they have been announced. It happens that the computer does not recognize the form - then in personal account it is missing or there is a blank sheet in its place. It happens that the computer recognizes some answers incorrectly. Even experts can make mistakes. If you disagree with the results, this is a reason to contact the conflict commission to have the work re-evaluated.

I filed an appeal against the results of the social studies exam - in the second part I did not agree with the deducted score. The essay had to give examples from at least two sources, and the experts decided that Theresa May, Adolf Hitler and Orwell's 1984 were one and the same.

How the commission checks the work

The conflict commission checks the work completely, even if you disagree with one issue. Remember that points can not only be increased, but also decreased, so file an appeal only if you are completely sure that you are right. To reduce the risk, first consult with your teacher or tutor and tell them all the assignments as accurately as possible.

Tatyana Yakhontova

former member of the appeal committee

It is useless to complain about the structure and content of tasks and the assessment of the first part, if we are not talking about a recognition error. If the exam was not accepted due to incorrect formatting of the work or bad behavior, this will also not be possible to challenge. Also, during the exam you cannot write your first and last name on the form: the answers will not be checked and the appeal will not be accepted. But you can ask for an explanation for each point.

If you want to prove to the commission that you are right, you need serious sources: laws, scientific works and textbooks that have been approved by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, it is usually pointless to refer to Baranov’s reference book on social studies, but a school history textbook or the Constitution of the Russian Federation will do.

How to appeal

Appeals regarding disagreement with scores are accepted within two days after the official date of publication of the results, excluding Sundays and holidays. Most often, the results are published earlier, but the days are still counted from the official date. For example, in 2018, the Unified State Examination results in literature and physics appeared on the second of July, and the official date was the fourth. The appeal could be filed on the fifth or sixth.

You can write an appeal directly to the commission, or you can ask the school for help. Before the Unified State Exam, I was given the phone number of an employee who works with the conflict commission. When I decided to appeal, it turned out that she had gone on vacation. So I went to the head teacher. He gave me the address of the commission and offered to go with me, but I decided that I could handle it myself.

The commission registered the application, set a day and time for the appeal, told me about the procedure, and signed my copy. I was also asked to choose the form of consideration of the appeal: in the presence of the appellant, in the presence of a legal representative or in absentia. As it was explained to me, a parent or teacher can come in with the appellant and help him prove his case. I did not take advantage of this opportunity because the experts' mistake seemed obvious.

The appeal is considered for four working days, during which time it can be withdrawn. On the fifth day there is usually a meeting.

How is the meeting going?

My appeal was considered at the same place where my application was accepted. Before the meeting starts, you need to register and find an audience, so you should arrive ten to fifteen minutes before the appointed time. Don't forget your passport. If you are late, the appeal will be considered as soon as possible; if you don’t come, it will be done in absentia. The results will appear on the Unified State Exam results website.

According to the rules, each appellant is given 20 minutes to prove his case. But, in my experience, if you don’t meet this deadline, you are unlikely to be kicked out: the person in front of me spoke to the commission for almost half an hour. Therefore, you may have to wait a little. It depends on your luck: everyone is prescribed exact time consideration, but I waited almost half an hour for my turn. At the same time, I myself and another person in front of me completed it in 10 minutes.

The head of the commission called me into the audience. They checked my passport again, showed me printouts of my forms and asked if they were definitely mine. Then they asked to check the forms that were evaluated by the computer. This is a formality, but I carefully compared the answers anyway - and discovered that in one of them the computer read “15” instead of “25”. Unfortunately, the computer error was due to an incorrect answer, so this did not add any points to me.

Another mistake was simpler: the commission admitted that the experts had gotten carried away with the sources and returned the deducted point.

Both corrections were made to the protocol. The chairman of the commission read the decision and asked to sign it. The signature in the commission's decision confirms your presence and not agreement with the outcome of the appeal. If you refuse, the commission will draw up an act, and the decision will still come into force.

If you disagree with the conflict commission, its decision can be challenged in Moscow. The terms and conditions are the same: you must submit your application within two working days, and it will be reviewed within four. I did not dispute anything and my exam results were updated two days after the hearing.

The conflict commission works with primary USE scores - these are preliminary scores that are obtained by simply adding up the points for correct answers. The initial scores are converted into test scores - this is the final result of the exam, which is published on websites and accepted at universities.

Test scores usually one and a half to two times higher than the primary ones. One original score that I returned on appeal added two points to the official exam result, and instead of 83 points, I received 85.

Unfortunately, this was still not enough to enter my university on a budget. But at least I tried.

Briefly: how to appeal the results of the Unified State Examination

  1. If something prevents you from passing the exam, you can file an appeal for violation of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam. This must be done before leaving the PES, but it is better to hand in the work first: if the appeal is rejected, you will not be able to complete it.
  2. If you disagree with the scores, you can submit a score appeal. This must be done within two days after the official announcement of the exam results. The application is accepted by the conflict commission.
  3. The application is considered for four days. During this time you can still change your mind.
  4. The meeting takes 20 minutes. During this time, the commission will check the forms, listen to you and announce a decision. It can be challenged in Moscow by filing a second appeal.
  5. If you have to prove that you are right, it is better to rely on textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education - or call a teacher with you.

We worked on the material

Author - Victor Ershov, editor - Pyotr Ryabikov, production editor - Marina Safonova, photo editor - Maxim Koposov, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, responsible - Anna Lesnykh, proofreader - Alexander Salita, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova

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