Lightning strikes the dream. Dream book for the whole family

A dream in which lightning, a thunderstorm and other raging elements appear, often personifies complete calm in real life. What you see in a dream often reflects your thoughts that everything seems to be stable and prosperous, but too monotonous. The dream book is sure that you are looking for change. He who seeks will find. Wondering why else you dream about something like this? Find out about all the available interpretations of this plot.

Lightning strike

If you happen to see lightning in a dream, then you are literally about to receive the long-awaited news. For those who do not expect any news, Modern dream book promises a surprise: the news will be a complete surprise, which may stun you.

A dream in which there was a lightning strike should be taken as a warning. If a person you know in real life is hit in a dream, most likely his fate will change.

If you dreamed that lightning struck where you ordered it, this means that in reality you are in control of the situation. What you dreamed about also speaks of your ability to assess the situation and orient the course of events at your own discretion.

If you dream about how lightning struck a house, you should interpret what you saw as a warning. As a rule, the plot contains a hint of what exactly should be feared. The dreamed building and everything connected with it are unfavorable. If this is your own home, then the dream warns of problems in the family.

If you dreamed that lightning struck the ground not far from you, you will soon receive exciting news. Universal dream book strongly recommends that you take this news with due attention.


Perhaps the most fantastic interpretation of why ball lightning is dreamed of is offered by Nostradamus. According to this dream book, such a plot foreshadows a space attack or at least a major environmental disaster.

Severe weather

When you dream of lightning, rain and other signs of bad weather, this suggests that in reality events will unfold no less violently. Perhaps not all of them will appeal to you, but they will nevertheless bring some variety to your life.

What bad weather portends in your dream largely depends on whether you like such natural phenomena in real life. If yes, then a dream about a raging storm should be considered a good sign - you will certainly achieve your intended goal. The Dream Book of Wanderers warns that if bad weather frightens you, the plot must be understood exactly the opposite.

A dream in which thunder and lightning appear is often a harbinger of complete and unconditional victory. This means that circumstances and even the forces of nature are now on your side. Grishina’s dream book is sure that everyone around will hear about the triumph.

Another option to explain why you dream of a thunderstorm, lightning, thunder - big changes that can happen both around and inside you. In any case, some of the upcoming events will be a reason to reconsider your beliefs.

Various interpretations

The raging elements seen in a dream foreshadow a whole cycle of incidents in real life, the range of which is quite wide. A dream can equally likely mean a new acquaintance, fatal news, or sudden insight.

Lightning in a dream symbolizes hidden talents, as well as great strength, will, and the ability to advance and develop. Sometimes it's natural phenomenon warns of major changes. Why else do you dream about it, dream books will tell you.

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream about lightning? Expect prosperity and happiness, but for a very short period. Did you happen to see how lightning illuminated a certain object? Will you be tormented by malicious gossip or will you be delighted by good luck? loved one. If the flash illuminates you, then expect a strong shock.

Why do you dream of lightning in a dark sky among thunderclouds? Prepare for a long period of difficulties and failures. The dream book believes that this is always an omen of disappointment, loss, and great danger. What does it mean if lightning flashes above your head in a dream? A period of joy and profit is approaching.

According to the Wanderer's dream book

In a dream, lightning warns of major events and changes. If you dreamed that it was directed towards you or flashed directly above your head, then the dream book is sure: you are marked by invisible forces and have a specific mission.

It's best to see clean, bright lightning. It means a favorable combination of circumstances, creative energy, successful implementation of plans, and also symbolizes spiritual growth, insight, awareness, discovery.

Did you dream of lightning with a dark or purple reflection? You play the role of an evil genius, embodying demonic plans. The same plot warns of danger. Further interpretation of the dream must be based on the features of the sky, clouds and other features of the plot.

According to the dream book of lovers

Why do you dream of bright lightning? Get ready for changes that will greatly surprise you. The same vision hints at a close acquaintance with a person destined by fate itself. True, the dream book believes that you will not immediately understand this.

Did you dream that lightning struck near you? You will soon experience an unknown feeling; perhaps you are destined for love at first sight. Moreover, events will develop so rapidly that it is impossible to predict their turn.

Did you happen to see in a dream how lightning struck a loved one? It's your fault he'll know serious problems. If in a dream something catches fire or collapses due to a lightning strike, this means that you will literally lose your head and succumb to emotions.

According to the dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of lightning over your head? Luck will smile only for a short moment. If you dreamed that you were struck by lightning, then you will be rich and famous. Seeing a flash illuminate your own body means that a happy event is approaching.

Did you dream about ball lightning flying into the room? You have to worry and regret. If its appearance led to a fire, then the dream book prophesies the illness of a relative. It’s good if in a dream ball lightning flew close, but moved away from you. Troubles and troubles will actually pass you by.

Why do you dream of a tree struck by lightning? The dream book believes that you risk losing good friend. If lightning struck your head, but there was no pain, then soon the situation will become stable. You can see how lightning hits a lightning rod before making a mistake.

Why do you dream of lightning in the sky?

It's bad to see lightning flashing in a stormy sky. This means that very bad times are approaching, possibly war. The same plot points to a woman who will bring you misfortune.

Did you dream that lightning flashed in a clear sky? Receive a fair punishment for what you have done. If the same thing happened in bright clouds, then expect prosperity and prosperity. Lightning that appears in the sky in dark clouds promises trouble, loss, disappointment.

What does lightning and thunder mean, lightning without thunder?

Did you dream about thunder and lightning? Expect stunning news. If lightning was a threat, then expectations will not be fulfilled. Why do you dream of a safe natural phenomenon? Prepare for a very unexpected meeting.

If there was lightning in a dream without thunder, then illness or a fight with an opponent who surpasses you in strength and capabilities is approaching. Hearing thunder and seeing lightning in the night can lead to enrichment and happiness. If lightning strikes a lightning rod, then follow the advice of a loved one, otherwise you will get into trouble.

Lightning in a dream - other meanings

Lightning in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol and can promise both good and bad events. For example, the same phenomenon can symbolize strife and joy, good news and a dangerous situation. Therefore, it is very important to note the features of the dream.

  • ball lightning – loss in a lottery, game, dispute
  • flash of lightning - family holidays, joy
  • lightning in the south - temporary bad luck
  • in the southwest - fantastic luck
  • in the west - waiting
  • in the north - overcoming obstacles
  • in the east - good luck
  • above your head - happiness, profit
  • nearby - unexpected joy
  • in the distance - stagnation after enchanting success
  • between two clouds - a long period of hardships, failures
  • lightning struck a tree, a house - problems because of a woman
  • in you - losses, illnesses, discovery of unique abilities
  • on the plane - major losses due to external circumstances
  • sparkled - a short period of well-being
  • frightened - good luck of loved ones, excitement due to gossip
  • illuminated you - grief or, on the contrary, happiness
  • everything around is conflicting emotions
  • set a tree on fire - deception from children

Did you dream that lightning caused interference on your TV or radio? In reality you will have to do someone else’s work for which you will not be paid.

Lightning is a dream of happiness and prosperity - albeit short-lived.

If you saw lightning above your head, joy and lasting income are ahead.

If lightning illuminates an object near you, good luck awaits your friend.

But black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite a long time. After such a dream, businessmen need to fully concentrate on their business, and women need to vigilantly monitor what is happening in the family.

There are other interpretations of dreams about lightning. For example, if you see flashing lightning in a dream, know that something will soon happen in your life that you did not expect. Most likely, this is a new acquaintance, and you and this person will spend a lot of time together. You won’t see him right away, but then you will understand that this is “the hero of your novel.”

If in a dream you stand in the place where lightning struck, then soon a new love will arise in your soul. It will probably be passion at first sight.

If lightning struck where your loved one was, then perhaps that person may have some problems in the near future. You can cause these troubles, so be careful how you behave - then complications can be avoided.

If in your dream lightning destroyed an object, then your future love will become so all-consuming that people close to you may suffer from it.

Nostradamus believed that a bright flash of lightning in a dream means receiving unexpected news from afar. The fortuneteller interpreted such dreams as follows.

If you were hit by lightning in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict.

Seeing people die from burns from ball lightning in a dream is a bad sign.

A dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a clap of thunder is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your positions in life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered lightning a sign of destruction and misfortune. She said that lightning in the sky symbolizes fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases.

And in D. Loff’s dream book it is said: “The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like zippers - and don't mind this element. Others are intimidated by their strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention.

You can control lightning - this is an attempt to cope with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against disappointment and relapse. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed.

Lightning also serves as a warning.

If you are afraid of it in life, the lightning effect can be caused by a person nearby or a building you enter. In this form, the mind provides a visual warning. In this there is the presence of an element of punishment, divine wrath, which manifests itself in the form of arrows of lightning and is personified Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor."

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dreams often show us visual, bright signs that we not only want to decipher out of keen interest, but we also feel very clearly that a lot in life depends on this.

Some of them are so literal and clear that there is no doubt that this portends something. Trouble or joy, great happiness and luck or unexpected difficulties?

Interpreters help to understand this. It is to them that we turn for help to find out what is hidden from us.

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that is difficult to miss or ignore. During a thunderstorm or before rain, it always makes you shiver, sometimes its majestic appearance delights and fascinates, and sometimes it frightens and makes you close your eyes in surprise.

A huge number of ancient legends and traditions are associated with lightning; it is a symbol of ancient strength, power, hidden potential, and sometimes belligerence and aggression. All peoples trembled and worshiped this powerful and destructive natural phenomenon, and admired its beauty and unrestraint.

In dreams, lightning is an ambiguous symbol and can promise a lot. It can be difficult to interpret what lightning means in dreams. But don’t let it scare you - because it can promise a lot of good things.

It all depends on what details were present in this dream, what kind of lightning there was and where. For example, such dreams may have one of the following scenarios:

  • You saw lightning in the sky in a dream.
  • In our dreams we saw only a glimpse of lightning somewhere on the horizon.
  • We heard thunder.
  • I dreamed of a strong thunderstorm.
  • Thunderstorm with lightning illuminating the stormy sky.
  • Saw heavy rain with lightning.
  • Lightning struck the ground in a dream.
  • I dreamed of ball lightning.
  • She illuminated objects or a building.
  • Lighted up the whole sky.
  • Lightning in the clouds.
  • In a cloudless clear sky.
  • It hit a building or structure and destroyed it.
  • Hit above the dreamer's head or next to him.
  • The dreamer was in heavy rain, with lightning and thunder.
  • You are caught in a thunderstorm in your dreams.
  • Lightning struck directly at the dreamer.
  • You are standing in a place where lightning recently struck.

Such “thunderstorm” dreams can be quite alarming, but first find out why you dream of lightning, and then we will draw conclusions - how to behave and what to expect in reality.

The thunderstorm passed by

Such a dream, in which you only saw lightning from a safe distance, can indicate both future happiness and temporary obstacles and difficulties on the way to it.

It all depends on what it was like, in what weather and circumstances - so try to remember these facts in order to correctly interpret what lightning means in dreams - and understand what awaits you.

1. As the dream book says, lightning seen in dreams speaks of the dreamer’s remarkable inner strength, his enormous potential and dormant creative energy.

Let it out, give it free rein - and you will very soon achieve unprecedented prosperity, recognition and good fame. Finally begin to act - decisively, without fear and unnecessary doubts!

2. To see in a dream the reflection of lightning on the horizon, in the distance, this promises, according to the dream book, happiness in the home, family joys and the bright joy of communicating with loved ones and close people. Your family is not in danger of any grief - as long as you are all together, you will be reliably protected.

3. Thunder thundering in a dream warns the dreamer of a period of difficulties and obstacles on the path to prosperity and achieving great goals. Take any difficulties as a test, and you will certainly overcome them soon - you just have to show strength.

But the result you will eventually arrive at will make you very happy. And you realize that everything was not in vain.

4. If you dreamed of a thunderstorm, this promises quick communication with your superiors or high-ranking officials. Nothing bad awaits you, but you will experience stress.

Try to relax and know that everything will end well. Be friendly and positive, your boss will appreciate it, and conversations will be easier for you, without much stress.

5. If you dreamed of a real storm, thunder, a thunderstorm, heavy rain, gusts of wind, lightning in a raging sky - know that no matter how frightening and unpleasant this “stormy” dream is, it brings your happiness closer.

Recognition and various honors await you; your merits will not only bear fruit, but will also be noticed and highly appreciated. Perhaps your position in society will change and rise!

6. Seeing rain in your dreams is a sign that you are overwhelmed with emotions. If you are destined to fall in love soon, enjoy this bright feeling, but do not forget about the real, vital world around you!

7. As the dream book says, lightning in a dream in the summer promises the dreamer good health. You are not in danger of any illnesses, and your inner strength will overcome all illnesses.

But this doesn't mean it's time to lead an unhealthy lifestyle or walk in the cold rain without an umbrella. However, be prudent and take care of yourself.

8. If in your dreams sparkling lightning struck the ground, this is a warning - you are probably too careless and do not think enough about your actions. This can have a negative impact - be a little more serious, think about your steps.

9. It is especially curious why ball lightning is dreamed of - it is rare and dangerous phenomenon can leave very strong feelings after a dream. The sign is really important.

As the dream book says, ball lightning is a sign that the dreamer is expecting very significant changes in life, big and important events that will not depend on him in any way, will happen by themselves, from the outside, but will greatly change the direction of life.

Be prepared for change, do not get too attached to the current state of things. After all, new things are always for the better, they are new opportunities, and don’t be afraid of them.

10. If lightning illuminates some objects, buildings or structures in a dream, this is a hint that luck will smile on your close friend. Your task is not to envy, but to be able to sincerely rejoice in someone else’s happiness!

11. If lightning flashed in a dream so much that it illuminated the entire sky, then in reality the secret will become clear to you, you will learn the truth about something important. Be sensitive and attentive, and nothing will remain hidden from your eyes. It will be absolutely impossible to deceive you, insidiously deceive you and mislead you in any way, and this is power.

12. People in love always dream of lightning as a sign of great happiness in a couple, and a happy marriage in the future. The union is strong, sanctified from above and must be protected.

13. A young girl dreams of lightning for her early marriage! And believe me, even if such a prospect has not yet appeared in your life, very soon the situation will change - and they will make you an offer. Give it up or give up your heart - it's up to you!

14. If you dreamed of lightning sparkling in thick cumulus clouds, this portends good luck and complete well-being in the very near future. And if now everything is not very good and cloudless in your life, rest assured that the weather will change soon - and you will have joy and a calm life.

15. If lightning flashed in a clear and cloudless sky in your dreams, this promises you an unexpected turn in some current events. Believe that everything always changes for the better, optimism will make your destiny successful, and change will truly improve your reality.

16. Lightning, which in a dream hit a building and destroyed it, foreshadows the dreamer simply all-consuming love. Just try to stay in reality and make sure you don’t get lost in your feelings or do anything stupid.

Where to hide from the storm?

There are, although less frequently, dreams in which lightning not only flashes somewhere in the distance, but strikes directly at us, or strikes nearby.

This may frighten you, but first ask the interpreter why you dream of lightning - and then you will understand that your fears are in vain. After all, in most cases it foreshadows something very good for the dreamer.

1. If this happened, and lightning struck either above your head or very close in a dream, this promises great unexpected joy and equally unexpected income. Are you ready for pleasant surprises?

2. If in your dream it was raining with lightning, and you were walking under it, know that you will soon fall in love.

Whether you believe in love at first sight, or don’t believe it, considering it stupid romance, you will soon experience this tender feeling for yourself. And don’t resist – it won’t help!

3. To find yourself in a dream not just in the rain, but in a strong thunderstorm, with lightning and peals of thunder, this portends a large and stable profit, a new source of income, which you are not yet aware of.

Either a brilliant idea or a profitable offer will come to you - in any case, the opportunity will be brilliant, just don’t miss it!

4. If in a dream a merciless lightning strikes the dreamer, it is scary, but this dream is very successful - it promises wealth, honor and honor. Your merits and efforts are not in vain; very soon you will be recognized, promoted, and honored.

5. If in a dream you stood in the place where lightning had literally just struck, this promises new love, big and clean, just like in the movies. Whether it will grow into a family or remain as vivid memories - it depends only on you.

Lightning is dangerous and destructive; it contains a huge, uncontrollable natural force. But in dreams the opposite is true, and often this element promises the dreamer happiness, profit, love, fame and unexpected joys.

But remember that nothing in our everyday life happens for nothing. It is always worth making an effort and striving for a dream. So believe the dream books, but move yourself - towards happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

Since ancient times, everything connected with natural phenomena has become the subject of various kinds of legends, myths and mystical omens. One such natural phenomenon can be called lightning. Particular significance is also attributed to it when it appears in dreams: it is believed that this is a certain symbol designed to warn the person who is dreaming about something. If we move away from the mystical perception of lightning, it can mean a force that motivates a person to perform certain actions.

General information

Why do you dream about lightning? In dream books, the interpretation of dreams about this natural phenomenon can be quite contradictory. Everything will depend on many circumstances and the most small parts sleep. This is the reason why decoding dreams related to lightning is a very difficult task. This is a natural phenomenon that cannot be ignored, even if it is far from being a symbol on which the main semantic load of the dream falls.

In order to decipher dreams associated with lightning, many have been created different interpretations, varying depending on the context and situation that took place in the dream. It is also important to consider that our dreams are often strongly influenced by events occurring in real life. Therefore, for the most competent and complete interpretation, it is important to take this into account and combine the events that happened in the dream with the real state of things in your life.

Currently, a whole classification of various interpreters has been developed, each of which explains this or that vision in a different way. In this article we will look at the most popular dream books and the interpretation of dreams about lightning.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, flashing lightning in a dream means amazing changes in romantic terms. Usually this means meeting a representative of the opposite sex and the rather rapid development of a romantic relationship. As a rule, at the very beginning of your acquaintance you may not even like this person, but over time everything changes.

If in a dream lightning strikes the place where you are standing, this means a sudden flash of feelings, almost at first sight. It’s not for nothing that they say: “I was struck by lightning” when they want to say that some event happened very unexpectedly. Trying to recognize or predict this feeling is useless; it will still overtake you where you least expect it.

This option is also possible: in a dream, lightning strikes one of your relatives, loved ones or loved ones. This means that this person will soon have troubles in romantic and sex life, and the most important thing is that you have a hand in causing these problems. Such a dream encourages you to be more attentive and sensitive to your loved one in order to maintain mutual understanding and avoid difficulties in relationships.

The third scenario: in a dream, lightning destroys an object near you. This means that the love that awaits you in the future will be so strong that it will be able to make you leave everything and everyone in this world in pursuit of the dream of happiness. Be careful and try not to allow innocent people close to you, who only wish you well, to suffer because of your fleeting passion.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What can this famous lightning tell us? According to the interpretation of Nostradamus's dream book, seeing sparkling flashes means receiving sudden news from afar, perhaps from your relatives or friends living far from you.

Second option: lightning struck you in a dream. This may mean that someone in the family or at work wants to provoke you into a conflict situation. Be more careful and reserved when communicating with colleagues.

Third: in a dream you saw a flash of lightning or heard the roar of thunder. This means that you need to reconsider your priorities in life, as well as your behavior and attitude towards the people around you, friends and loved ones.

Did you see ball lightning in a dream? The dream book of Nostradamus explains this as very bad sign associated with natural disasters.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, seeing lightning in a dream is a symbol of short-term happiness and well-being, including financial.

Second: if in the light of lightning flashes you saw some object located not far from you, this may have two different meanings. Firstly, you may find yourself surrounded by gossips who are weaving various intrigues around you. Secondly, soon you may learn about a favorable combination of circumstances for one of your loved ones or friends.

The terrible sight described in the dream book - strong lightning in dark and heavy clouds - portends a long period of various troubles and difficulties. If in your dream it sparkled with a bright flash in the dark clouds, this means that disappointments and losses will enter your life.

According to Miller's dream book, lightning that illuminates you warns of a sudden disaster that will change your worldview. If this natural phenomenon is right above your head, it is a symbol of the onset of a bright streak in your life and financial well-being. A male businessman who sees such a dream must pay great attention to his business, protecting it from various outside attacks. If a woman had such a dream, she should be more sensitive and attentive to her family members.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

And what will this famous person tell you? Lightning in night dreams warns about a state of affairs that can lead to danger. Also, such a dream is an omen of unexpected news.

If you are sleeping in a dream and are awakened by the roar of thunder and bright flashes, then this means a warning about some unpleasant interpersonal situation. Another case is explained by the dream book: lightning struck right at you. This means that soon you will receive honor and respect at work. What if in a dream you watch lightning strike a house? The dream book explains that great changes may soon come into your life, or you will be told unexpected news.

If in a dream you see how lightning illuminated the clouds covering the sky and everything around you, this suggests that the predicament you are now in or will soon be in will be resolved in your favor. If you currently have some kind of problem or are faced with trouble, this dream may mean that you will receive help in this situation and will be able to safely resolve the unpleasant situation.

Loff's Dream Book

David Loff- an interpreter of dreams, approaching their decoding from the point of view of the person’s own perception of the phenomenon that he sees in a dream. He believes that if a person treats lightning with reverence, then its appearance in his dreams cannot portend anything bad. And if a person experiences a subconscious or conscious fear of this natural phenomenon, this may mean a person’s internal struggle with his phobias.

Loff also prefers to perceive the vision of thunderstorms and lightning (the dream book contains this information) not as a symbol in itself, but rather as forces associated with this phenomenon. For example, the ability to control this natural phenomenon in a dream is deciphered as a desire to overcome some unpleasant state of affairs that occurs in real life. Lightning in in this case is seen as a means of waging your psychological war against nervous breakdowns and bitter disappointments. It’s as if you are bringing down the full power of this natural phenomenon on your problems and experiences. Such a dream is a psychological relief for your consciousness, a call not to succumb to despair, directed from the layers of the subconscious.

If in real life lightning causes you fear, in your dreams it will be a kind of warning for you. In this case, as the dream book says, lightning in the sky will indicate something to be wary of in reality. Also, according to Loff, where it hit from and where it hit, and whether anyone was hurt by it or not, is significant. Depending on this, you can look at the situation from different angles and, accordingly, draw different conclusions from what happened in the dream. It is also important at what point in the development of events the lightning struck. The dream book says that this also indicates what you should be wary of, and which of the many areas of your life are in at the moment active and sensitive attention is required.

Vanga's Dream Book

The world-famous seer Vanga assured that if you saw lightning in a dream, this means that a black streak of misfortunes and destruction, both personal and professional, will soon fall on your life. If in a dream you saw lightning in the sky, this foreshadows destructive fires that can lead to deprivation of home, illness and death. Be careful and follow the rules fire safety to avoid such situations.

Lightning striking a tree or house in a dream and igniting it foretells that one of your relatives or friends may stand trial for his own deeds and become a hostage to his actions. Try to show your loved ones as much sensitivity and attention as possible, talk to them heart to heart, help them realize their mistakes, and then fate will be favorable to you too.

Other interpretations of dreams about lightning

There are also many other interpretations of dreams in which such a significant symbol as lightning appears. Interpretation Muslim dream book states that this natural phenomenon in the clouds is a sign of future financial and material well-being, while lightning in a cloudless sky warns of the opposite.

The British interpret this dream in a positive way in their dream books. In their opinion, lightning itself warns of various positive manifestations in life, the acquisition of material and financial independence, good relations with family and friends. In general, they believe that no matter what kind of work a person does, everything will turn out as well as possible. However, if lightning flashes in the company of rain, thunder, hail and all kinds of storms, such a dream warns of misfortunes.

The French, in the interpretation of dreams associated with lightning, take a strictly opposite position. They are sure that dreams in which this natural phenomenon appears warn of troubles or even disasters that may affect large quantity people.

Ukrainians tend to see various, sometimes completely opposite, omens in the symbol of lightning in dreams. They believe that in one case this natural phenomenon may mean something unpleasant for you. In another case, they see joyful events in lightning. If it is accompanied by thunder, it means that you should soon expect some news from your friends or relatives. Also, for Ukrainians, lightning is closely associated with danger.

In esoteric dream books, seeing lightning in a dream is associated with the appearance of some supernatural abilities in you that are inaccessible to other people. They see in this symbol a kind of awakening of the human intellect to new possibilities.

The dream books of Azar and Kananita, like most others, associate the vision of lightning in a dream with sudden positive events that can radically change your life for the better.

A children's dream book says that if a child saw lightning in a dream (in any of its manifestations), then events will occur in the future that will provoke him to demonstrate to the maximum his existing positive and intellectual qualities, as well as willpower.

Family dream book

According to the family dream book, if lightning appears in your dream, situations in the family will soon be expected that provoke quarrels and anger, which may even be associated with danger. If you saw a glimpse of it in a dream, it means that some unexpected, but very pleasant event awaits you in the near future. If it was a distant flash of lightning, then the news will also come from afar, perhaps from distant relatives or friends living far away from you.

If you saw that lightning flashed nearby in a dream, this means that clouds are gathering around you, events that will soon require fortitude from you in order to be ready to stand up for your honor. According to the interpretation of the dream book, lightning that hits your house in a dream portends a serious danger for you or your loved ones living next to you. If in a dream lightning hits your head, this means that you will soon find yourself in a situation in which you will have to show your strongest qualities in order to improve your social position.

If in a dream you saw lightning striking a lightning rod, this means that in real life you should be more careful in both professional and personal affairs in order to avoid mistakes that will then be impossible to correct. This dream serves as a warning to be as sensitive and attentive as possible to your loved ones, to avoid quarrels and disagreements with them.

When you see in a dream that lightning brings some kind of destruction, the dream warns you of the same thing - losses and disappointments also await you in life. However, everything depends on the nature of the destruction and what exactly it destroyed. Lightning flashing in a dark stormy sky with heavy dark clouds also does not bode well. This is a harbinger of losses and losses, as well as danger to your life and the lives of people dear to you. This dream may portend financial problems or an accident.

What other interesting things can the dream book tell? Lightning strikes a tree and ignites it? This means that your dream will not come true. This suggests that you may need to reconsider your priorities and aspirations at the moment. One of the interpretations also considers lightning in a dream as a symbol foreshadowing a tragic event that will relentlessly accompany you throughout life.

This natural phenomenon is also seen as a symbol of changes that will come into your life in the future. Bright peals foreshadow short-lived happiness and prosperity. If lightning strikes you, beware of gossip that unscrupulous colleagues spread around your person, trying to harm your professional activity.

It is also worth paying attention to exactly when you have a dream in which lightning appears. If from Tuesday to Wednesday, it may mean a conflict into which your friends or colleagues want to drag you. And if from Wednesday to Thursday, then such a dream foreshadows problems and difficulties in life that are sent to you as a test of fortitude, and it is advisable to cope with them without resorting to outside help. A dream about lightning from Thursday to Friday warns you that your friend or loved one will have problems or troubles in the near future. From Friday to Saturday, such a dream prophesies problems that your friends or relatives could have a hand in causing, so be careful.

Prozorov's Dream Interpretation

According to the interpretation of this dream book, seeing lightning means seeing the entry of happiness and financial well-being into your life. If you saw bright flashes in a dream, then family happiness will soon await you. If lightning came along with rain or hail, this is an omen of future events, the result of which depends on your ability to quickly make important and complex decisions in an emergency situation.

If in a dream you saw that lightning struck some object, this means that you will soon get married. Family happiness awaits you. If lightning strikes you in a dream, it means that a time of financial well-being will come in your life.

When you see lightning flashing among the clouds, it means that a situation that has been tormenting you for a long time will soon be resolved successfully. This natural phenomenon in the clear sky foretells you a high professional status, fame and honor among your work colleagues. If you see lightning hitting a lightning rod, this means that someone close to you is trying to help you solve an unpleasant situation for you.

If lightning flashed somewhere far from you, then in the near future you will have a joyful and fun time in the company of loved ones. If she fell next to you, beware of problems in the family.

Let's look further through the dream book. Ball lightning predicts that you will gain a certain authority among your friends and acquaintances. If in a dream you are given the ability to control the actions of lightning, this means that the situation in which you are now in real life cannot be resolved without your participation.

If in a dream you see how lightning brings destruction and causes death, be careful, because such a dream cannot serve as a good omen.

It is also believed that if you saw lightning in a dream, this warns of events that will require emotional stability from you. Try to exercise maximum restraint to avoid outbursts of anger and anger, as negative emotions can negatively affect your relationships with the people you value. Make an effort to ensure that the people around you suffer as little as possible from the fact that you are in a bad mood.

If they try to provoke you into showing negative emotions, do not give in. Respond with a smile or laugh to any negative words you may hear during this period. Cherish your relationships and don't let your irritation control your life.

It is believed that if you heard thunder in a dream, it means that news of an economic nature will soon await you. If you saw lightning and heard thunder, it means that an extremely favorable financial situation awaits you, and good luck will accompany you in personal relationships.

If in a dream you saw ball lightning flying into your house or into your room, beware of committing an act that you will regret for a long time, and the unpleasant events associated with this act. These events will bring you unnecessary worries, and to avoid them, be careful in real life and try not to make quick and rash decisions. Even if now it seems to you that you will never regret your action, life will always put everything in its place. Better think twice.

Thus, we have found out that in the world of dreams, lightning can appear completely various types, be accompanied by various events, on which the interpretation of these dreams often depends. Different cultures respect different methods for deciphering the meaning of lightning. This is a grandiose natural phenomenon that has impressed people of different eras, who also interpreted the presence of this symbol in their dreams in different ways. As some dream books explain, thunder and lightning are considered a symbol of happiness and wealth, while in others they are a gloomy omen of future troubles. Or maybe the interpretation of our dreams depends only on ourselves?

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