Gluten free chocolate cake. Cake “Count's Ruins” (gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free)


Mold size from 18-30 cm


For the biscuit

500 g whole eggs
210 grams of coconut sugar (cane or white can be used. The amount cannot be reduced!)
200 g gluten-free white bread mix from Garnets
50 g cocoa
1/2 tsp. Gluten free baking powder (I used).

For the chocolate cream

375 g dairy-free chocolate (read above)
750 g coconut cream (about 2.5 cans of coconut milk, I use aroy-d. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Open before preparing the cream, the milk will separate into cream (ground) and coconut water. We only need cream)
spices to taste - cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom (optional)

For the filling

200 g fresh or frozen raspberries
60 g chocolate (you can use callets, chocolate drops or simply chop the chocolate into 2 mm pieces



💬This biscuit grows very tall. Therefore, you will have to increase the shape, or use a larger diameter. If you like tall cakes, there are 2 options to achieve this.
1) Take a mold or pastry ring and grease it with a very thin layer of coconut or sunflower oil. Cut a piece of parchment and place it around the entire shape, gluing its outer side onto the butter. We also grease the parchment itself with oil. Lightly sprinkle the bottom and sides of the pan with flour. The parchment should protrude far beyond the height of the mold. Adjust the height by eye.

2) Use a mold approximately 30 cm in diameter. If you have a springform pan from a supermarket, you will have to increase it in any case or halve the amount of all ingredients. After the biscuit is ready for cutting into cake layers, from each cake we cut out a cake of the diameter we need (approximately 17 - 17.5 cm), and form the next cake from the scraps. The main thing is to evenly lay out those parts of the cake that will be the sides, then also fill the middle evenly. When cutting the cake, no one will notice it, but it will be tall and impressive.
1. So, let's prepare the form as described above. If you have a pastry ring, wrap the bottom with foil, preferably in several layers. Preheat the oven to 180C. 💬Keep in mind that everyone has their own oven and different temperatures. If yours is too hot, set it to 160C. If the top of the sponge cake burns, cover it with foil after 30 minutes of baking (not earlier!). If the bottom burns, place a baking tray filled with water under the baking sheet with the biscuit.
2. In a separate bowl, sift 200 g of the gluten-free mixture along with 50 g of cocoa and 1/2 tsp. baking powder.
2. 💬Don’t be surprised that eggs are indicated in grams. This is important because eggs vary in size and you can make a mistake in the proportions and get the wrong result.
Therefore, measure 500 g of eggs into a large bowl or directly into the mixer bowl. And start beating at low speed until foam forms.
3. Then increase the speed of the mixer and gradually pour in coconut sugar (210 g) in several additions. It is very important not to beat the eggs! They will beat for about 5-10 minutes, depending on the power of your mixer. When you lift the whisk, the mass will fall from it and leave a pattern on the surface.

4. When the eggs are beaten, add the dry ingredients in parts and carefully mix with a spatula (not a whisk or a mixer! Otherwise, you will kill the air bubbles that we have been forming for so long by whipping). Knead with folding movements from bottom to top. For a long time biscuit dough You can't interfere. Mix until all the flour is incorporated and you no longer see dry lumps in the dough. Scrape the dough well from the bottom, there is often flour left there.

5. Transfer the dough into the mold and immediately put it in the oven. We do not knock the mold and try not to breathe too loudly near it so that the air bubbles in the dough do not burst. 💬You CANNOT open the oven while baking! And even if I really want to, and even if I just glance at it! It is forbidden!!!
6. After 30 minutes, open the oven slightly and carefully check the biscuit with a wooden skewer in several places. It should come out dry. If not, we’ll finish it. Extend each time by no more than 5 minutes.
7. After the biscuit is ready, open the oven and let it stand in it for 10 minutes. We move it to the grill. Be sure to cool on a wire rack so that moisture does not form at the bottom of the biscuit. Let it cool in the mold for about 10-20 minutes. Then remove it and leave it on a wire rack until it cools completely. For a minimum of 4 hours.
8. After the biscuit has cooled, wrap it cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, or better yet overnight. During this time it will stabilize and will be easy to cut into cakes. It is better not to neglect this moment.

Let's prepare the cream

1. Melt chocolate (375g) in a water bath. To do this, pour a small amount of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a bowl (metal or thick glass) on top. It is important that the bowl does not touch the boiling water and does not protrude too far beyond the edges of the saucepan (if it is glass)!
Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a bowl. In a water bath, the likelihood that your chocolate will burn is much less.
Stirring occasionally, wait until the chocolate melts and when you lift the spatula, it flows evenly into the bowl. Do not overheat the chocolate to prevent it from curdling.

2. Remove the chocolate from the heat, add 1/3 of the coconut cream to the same bowl and stir quickly. The mass will begin to thicken. Add the rest of the cream in 2-3 additions, mixing well each time until smooth. The cream will be quite liquid, as it should be. If it turns out thick, let it stay that way. Add the spices of your choice indicated in the ingredients and taste.

3. Transfer part of the cream (about 250-300 g) into a small container and cover with film in contact (so that the film lies tightly on the cream. If you cover it as usual, condensation will form on the inside of the film and drip onto the cream. This gives the structure cream may change). If you plan to assemble the cake in the next hour, put this part of the cream in the freezer. Just don't let him freeze! It needs to thicken a lot so that it can be used to level the cake.

4. Cover the remaining cream with film in contact and put it in the refrigerator until assembly.

Assembling the cake

💬Ideally, collect the cake in a confectionery connector ring. This way it will be better soaked and the cream will not leak out of it. You can buy such a ring in a confectionery store or on Aliexpress. Some also use springform rings, but they are lower than the pastry rings. You can increase the height of the cake using acetate film, which is also available in confectionery stores. By the way, be sure to line the metal ring with acetate or parchment, otherwise it may oxidize and make it more difficult to remove from the cake!

1. We will cut the sponge cake into 5 layers if it is tall. If you choose another method, then make three cake layers and then cut out the diameter we need from each.
Using a knife, we make marks on the biscuit to understand their approximate thickness. You can cut the biscuit in several ways - with a long bread knife or regular thread. I prefer the second one.
2. We cut the biscuit not deeply along the entire circumference of each cake layer. Then we take the thread, insert it into the cut of the first cake layer and simply tie it, slowly, without rushing. The thread will quickly cut the cake. We do the same with the rest of the cakes.

3. Take a cake base or a dish with a perfectly flat bottom, apply a small amount of cream in the middle and place the first cake layer (the one on the bottom) so that our cake does not move around, but sticks tightly to the dish. We install a ring on top (if there is one).
4. Pour vegetable milk (any milk, any temperature) into a small bowl or cup. Take a tablespoon and soak the biscuit well with milk. Don't put too much milk on the bottom layer to prevent the cake from floating.

5. Take the cream (most of it) out of the refrigerator. Pour about 4-5 tbsp onto the crust. cream. Calculate so that there is enough for all the cakes. You can weigh the cream and calculate how much it will take for each cake.
6. Place a layer of fresh or frozen raspberries on the cream. It won’t float because coconut cream and chocolate stabilize perfectly and hold the berries in themselves. Sprinkle with finely chopped chocolate or chocolate chips. I also had homemade dairy-free ice cream and added it to the cake filling as well. Cover the top with a little cream. Keep in mind that the sponge lid should sit in the middle of the cake and the center cake should complete the cake. This way, the entire structure will be better saturated.

7. Place the next cake layer on top, press it well and do all the same manipulations until the cakes are finished. We don’t cover the top layer with cream!
8. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
9. Take out the cake and the part of the cream that was left for leveling. Remove the ring, if there was one. Place the cake on the turntable (if available). If not, take a soup bowl and turn it upside down. Place a plate or base with the cake on it. Not best option, but a little more convenient than moving it on the table.

10. Take a spatula and apply the leveling cream in a thin layer onto the sides of the cake as you like. Using a pastry staple or a sharp knife, smooth out the sides of the cake. Then we transfer the cream into a pastry bag or a tight bag, cut off a corner and apply the cream with a sausage around the entire circumference of the cake. We put the rest on top.

11. We place a pastry spatula in the joint against the side of the cake so that it stands as evenly as possible and move it in a circle until the side becomes even and smooth. Then we level the top. I will add a video from YouTube for clarity.

12. Decorate the cake as you like and leave it to soak in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours, preferably overnight.

I received a couple of emails from moms whose children are on a gluten-free and casein-free diet. Letters asking for help in finding recipes delicious baked goods for their kids. The issue of cooking for such children is further complicated by the fact that some of them cannot eat eggs. Just imagine - without dairy products (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter) and without eggs. That is, none of the things that usually form the basis of gluten-free baking are allowed.
I understand the despair of mothers. You have to cook practically out of thin air. I already have several recipes on my blog that are suitable for kids on this diet here and there.
Today I’m adding another recipe to this collection - chocolate cake.

A gluten-free, casein-free, and egg-free cake that I named “Alexandra” in honor of someone very close to me.

The cake turned out tender, juicy and mega-chocolatey. My daughter had already taken a sample and from her gestures and cries of “nanny”, I realized that the cake was a success!

It's easy to prepare. So simple that the cooking process can be entrusted to the child himself. (of course, if he is already at least 5-7 years old).

Well, shall we please our kids with a chocolate cake? :)

So we need:

sugar - 150g

cocoa powder - 20g

salt - 1/2 tsp.

soda - 1/2 tsp.

flour or ready-made mixture - 200g (I used ready-made mixture "White Bread" Garnets)

water - 200g (water should be cold, never warm!)

vegetable oil - 40g (I cooked with sunflower oil)

citric acid - 1/3 tsp.

Mix all dry ingredients - sugar, soda, salt, cocoa and flour. (Be sure to sift cocoa and flour so that there are no lumps)

Dissolve citric acid in water, add vegetable oil, mix and combine with dry ingredients. Mix well and whisk a little

That's it, the dough is ready! Isn't it really fast?!)

Pour the dough into the mold (no need to grease it first) and put it in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. You need to bake for 25-30 minutes. Everyone’s oven is different, so it’s better to check the readiness of the cake with a wooden stick; it should be dry.

This new recipe was obtained experimentally, and everyone liked the cake without exception! Biscuit based on recent ones.


for the cakes:

  • 300 g gluten-free flour mixture (for example, Garnets white, gray bread or universal mixture)
  • 120 g cane sugar
  • 1 packet of baking powder
  • 1 tsp soda without top
  • vanilla pinch
  • 2 tbsp. carob (or cocoa)
  • 310-320 ml water
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp. coconut oil (or any unscented vegetable oil)

for cream:

  • 500ml store-bought coconut cream, pre-chilled
  • 100-130 g cane sugar or powdered sugar
  • vanillin
  • 1/2 packet of cream thickener

for fondant:

  • 1 tbsp. , or plant milk, or water
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 2-3 tbsp. carob or cocoa

+ chilled boiled water for soaking the cakes (several spoons)

+ walnuts(oven dried), prunes


Mix the dry ingredients for the cakes and divide them into 2 plates, into one of which we add 2 tablespoons of sifted carob.

Mix the liquid ingredients (if using coconut oil, slightly heat the water). And also divide in half, adding to each plate.

It is important not to extinguish soda with lemon separately. The soda will be extinguished by the process of adding the liquid ingredients to the dry ones. The reaction must take place internally.

When mixing the ingredients, do not stir for too long, just to mix, otherwise the effect of the soda will “dissipate” faster (this applies to any sponge cake). The presence of many bubbles on the surface is a good sign :)

And another important point. If you see the dough is difficult to mix, add a little water. Gluten-free flour mixtures vary greatly, so watch as you go. The dough is neither slow nor fast, but flows off the spoon.

Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 C, like this double cake, one or two, light and dark. Let it cool completely.

Take it out of the refrigerator coconut cream, Carefully remove the top thick layer. We do not use the remaining water at the bottom. Whipping cream with sugar until thickened, periodically put in the refrigerator or even freezer. If it doesn’t thicken for a long time, add a cream thickener (or, alternatively, a spoonful of chia seeds or starch - they will absorb excess moisture). But coconut cream thickens faster if it is as chilled as possible.

Soaking prunes V warm water for an hour. We chop walnuts into small pieces (not small). Let's prepare boiled water for impregnation of cakes, chilled.

Cut the cooled cake into squares and place them in the first layer; using a spoon, soak them with a little water on top so that the cake turns out tender and melts in your mouth.

Place walnuts and pieces of prunes between the squares.

Cover with cream.

We soak the remaining squares in a separate bowl. We lay most of them in a second layer. Don't forget walnuts and prunes. Cover with cream.

Place the third layer of the remaining squares. You can cut them in half. Don't forget walnuts and prunes.

Spread the remaining cream over the entire cake.

Mix the ingredients for the glaze, heating in a water bath if necessary. Fondant on top of the cake. And decorate as desired. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours (or overnight).

If I didn’t have time to take a cross-sectional photo of the previous cake for the recipe, then I specially seized the moment for this one :))

Oh! Came out very nice! And delicious! Everyone appreciated it! I hope you enjoy it too. Share your successes


Children love sweets, especially chocolate cake. But I want it to be also useful. It would seem impossible to bake a delicious chocolate cake completely without gluten, flour and sugar, but thanks to pastry chef Inna Goldstein, I was convinced that this can happen.
Dates are added to the cake, which lower bad cholesterol levels and help strengthen the immune system. Cocoa contains magnesium, which stabilizes heart rate.

1.1. Dates and yolks

Dates should be boiled for about 5 minutes and then chopped in a blender.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Add 4.5 tablespoons of honey to the yolks.

1.2. Beat with a mixer

Beat the yolk mixture with a mixer until the mass increases in volume and lightens.

1.3. Mix the mass

Add cocoa and mix. Then add dates, chopped almonds, soda, baking powder and juice with the zest of 1 orange to the yolks with cocoa and mix.

1.4. Beating the whites

Beat the whites until white foam, add lemon juice and beat until fluffy and stiff peaks form.

1.5. Adding proteins

Take 1/3 of the whites and mix into the dough with dates until smooth. Then transfer the dough completely into the whites and carefully and carefully mix slowly with a silicone spatula. If you mix the whites quickly, the cake will not rise.

2.1. Let's bake

Transfer the dough into a cake pan (the pan should preferably be 18-20cm in size) and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 40-45 minutes.

3.1. Preparing syrup

While the cake is baking, make a syrup from the juice of one orange and 3.5 tablespoons of honey (the honey and orange juice should be brought to a boil and then kept on the fire for about 3-5 minutes).

3.2. Preparing the glaze

To make chocolate glaze, you need to heat the cream over medium heat, reduce the gas to the lowest setting, add chocolate (black or milk), when the chocolate has dissolved, add the butter cut into cubes and leave on the fire for another 3 minutes, stirring.

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