Seven Unfound Treasures. To go to the location we need one of

When talking about treasures, one cannot ignore such an amazing and legendary piece of land, lost in the Black Sea, as Zmeiny Island. For three thousand years, humanity has been telling legends about the island, both terrible and beautiful. The fairy land contains many unsolved secrets and treasures.
The island is older than History.
Snake Island is located approximately 35 kilometers east of the coast at the latitude of the Danube Delta. The island has a cruciform shape and an area of ​​20.5 hectares. Its length is 615 m, width – 560 m, the narrowest point is a little more than 90 meters. The island is now small, although before, before the water level rose by 5 m, it was much larger. Nearest locality on the coast is the Romanian city of Sulina. The nearest settlement in Ukraine is the city of Vilkovo. The coast of the island is mostly rocky, but there are also four beaches: “Damsky”, “Dergach”, “Zolotoy” and “Banditsky”.
According to historical and literary references, Zmeiny was known about three thousand years ago. It was the holiest place on both banks of the Pontus Euxine (Black Sea). On this small piece of land off the western shore of the Black Sea, ancient myths and fantastic reality come together. As the ancient Greeks believed, this is where the entrance to the underground is located. kingdom of the dead, and the souls of the dead appear before the ruler of Tartarus - Hades. IN Soviet times There were even plans to build a nuclear power plant on the island. Such is the allegory...
Serpentine has ancient history. People first settled here in the 7th century BC. These were the Greeks who began migrating to the Northern Black Sea region. They also brought to the island the cult of the main hero of the Trojan War - Achilles. More than thirty ancient authors wrote about the island. The temple of Achilles on the island was mentioned by ancient travelers, geographers, poets, playwrights - Pausanias, Strabo, Arrian, Pindar, Euripides.
Over its long history, the island has changed many names. Only we know eight: Levka, Achilles Island, Island of the Blessed, Philoxius, Fidonisi, Ilan-Ada, Sherpilor, Zmeiny...
"Levka" is translated from Greek as "white". Some believe it is due to the abundance of white birds on the island. Some people think that it was named after the nymph Levka, whom the god of the underworld Hades (an unpleasant type - a misanthrope and theophobe) wanted to seduce. But his jealous wife turned the nymph into a poplar. Finodisi (Ofinodisi) translated from Greek means Snake. Sherpilor (Serpilor) translated from Romanian is the same.

Myths of Ancient Greece

Its widely known name in ancient times was Achilles Island. There is a romantic legend associated with this name. Achilles or Achilles (Acilleuz) - one of the greatest heroes Trojan War, son of the Myrmidon king Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis. The mother, trying to make her son invulnerable and give immortality, tempered him in fire at night and rubbed him with ambrosia during the day. She bathed her son in the waters of the underground river Styx, holding him by the heel. And only the heel remained vulnerable.
The mother knew that her son was predicted to die during the siege of Troy and sought to save him from this. She hid Achilles in the palace of King Lycomedes on the island of Skyros. There he was found by the “cunning” Odysseus. Achilles becomes a participant in the campaign against Troy. He fights fiercely, killing kings and heroes, but he himself dies, struck in the heel by Paris. The prophecy came true. The ashes of Achilles were buried under a mound on the Sigean Cape (now Cape Yenisehir in Turkey)...
And the soul of Achilles, according to legend, was transferred to the island of Levka, where the hero continued to live the life of the blessed. The island began to be named after him. The gods granted eternal life to the beautiful Helen, because of whom the Trojan War broke out, and was also transferred to the island of Levka, where she became the wife of Achilles, resurrected by the gods.
The sailors, the founders of Olbia, worshiped Achilles and considered him their divine patron. They believed that the island of Levka became the home of the hero god and his beautiful wife Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda. The Olbians built a magnificent temple on a deserted island, in which Achilles was revered as the ruler of the Euxine Pontus. It was believed that Achilles was the patron of seafarers; it was not for nothing that he was later called “Pontarch” - “Lord of the Sea”.
For the sake of the safety of the voyage, sailors specially visited the island of Achilles and presented him with expensive gifts and sacrifices. Merchants and pirates, nobles and adventurers from all over the world, visiting the temple, worshiped the hero who became a god, begging for good luck. They brought money, jewelry, jewelry, dishes as gifts, and left memorial inscriptions.

Shield of Achilles

It was forged for the hero in one night in the forge of the lame god Hephaestus. Not a single artistic retelling of Homer's Iliad is complete without its detailed description.
Huge, round and convex, it is forged from five folded copper sheets and framed by a triple rim. It is decorated with many images made of gold, silver and white tin. The sky stretched out in a semicircle above. It features a golden sun, a silver moon and brilliant constellations. Below is the Earth and the people on it.
Two cities are visible. One is peaceful, there is a wedding on the street, in the square on hewn stones
Elders sit with scepters in their hands: they listen to the requests and complaints of citizens and administer justice.
Another city is under siege. An army of city defenders emerges from it. Above the warriors are two figures in golden armor - these are the gods Ares and Athena leading them. Enmity and ferocious Death prowl the ranks.
Peasants work around the cities. They drive the oxen harnessed to the plow, reap the golden fields and knit the sheaves. Under the shade of an oak tree, heralds slaughter sheep and roast meat for the reapers' dinner, and women bake bread.
Beyond the field is a golden vineyard. Workers carry wicker baskets filled with grapes. A herd of gold and silver bulls goes to water. Shepherds with a pack of dogs follow him. Two fierce lions knocked over the bull and are tormenting him. The shepherds set the dogs, but they are afraid to approach the predators and bark from afar, with their tails between their legs.
A cheerful round dance of boys and girls completes the picture. Young men with golden knives on a silver belt over their shoulders, and girls all in light clothes, with wreaths on their heads. The shield is bordered by a white stripe, symbolizing the World Ocean flowing around the Earth.
The description is so plausible that you inevitably begin to believe that this magnificent masterpiece of divine art stands somewhere in an underground or underwater grotto, waiting for its Schliemann. Possibly next to the hero statue.
By the way, the famous Heinrich Schliemann, who excavated ancient Troy with money earned in Russia, often said that he must find the shield of Achilles. But for world fame it was enough for him that he found the “treasure of King Priam” - the famous gold of Troy.

What is hidden in karst caves?

Over the course of many centuries, untold wealth accumulated in the temple. The famous Roman writer and statesman Flavius ​​Arrian wrote about this in the 2nd century AD:
“Almost opposite this mouth lies an island, which some call the island of Achilles, and others - the Run of Achilles, and still others - by color - White. There is a legend that Thetis raised it from the bottom of the sea for her son and that Achilles lives on it. On the island there is a temple of Achilles with an ancient statue of him. There are no people on the island; only a few goats graze on it. They are said to be dedicated to Achilles by all who come here. There are many other offerings in the temple: cups, rings, gems, as well as inscriptions - some in Latin, others in Greek, composed in different meters in praise of Achilles.
Scientists have a burning curiosity about this piece of land, including ours. Back at the beginning of the 19th century (in 1823), when the study of the ancient monuments of the Northern Black Sea region began especially rapidly, an expedition of Captain Crete visited here. In the southwestern part of the island, on an elevated place, researchers saw a powerful foundation made of large limestone blocks. In some places, the lower parts of the walls have also been preserved. Cretan drew up a plan of the island and marked the ruins of the temple on it.
In June 1841, the ship Cecilia visited Zmeiny Island with a scientific expedition. One of the founders of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities, Murzakevichiz, and other scientists took part in it. They were struck by the picture presented: “piles of stone, piled into cubic fathoms, and this stone was the remains of the Temple of Achilles.”
The remains of the temple were later barbarically used to build a lighthouse.
Caves and grottoes are found in the rocks. Some voids were explored and described by an expedition in 1899. People could hide in them, they could also store valuables - for this you didn’t even need to dive into the water. Above the grottoes there are barely noticeable cracks in the rock that come to the surface. They are covered by grass, and it is not easy to find them.
Scientific interest in the island continues unabated. In 1964, excavations were carried out by an expedition led by archaeologist N.V. Pyatysheva. This is what she says in her diaries when describing the southwestern part of the island:
“In many places... voids are felt under the rocky soil, which suggests the presence of karst caves. It is likely that these caves were used as hidden treasures, where, when sea pirates approached, the priests hid statues of gods and jewelry.”
There was no settlement on Levka whose inhabitants could guard the temple and treasures. Living, and even spending the night, on the island was prohibited. There were only a few priests serving the temple there. Therefore, it is likely that they lowered valuables and religious objects into hiding places through cracks in the walls of caves or under the floor slabs of the temple, in moments of danger.

Stumbling Island...

Until the end of the 18th century, the island belonged to the Ottoman Empire. This is the first official owner of “treasure island”. At the beginning of the 19th century, Zmeiny, together with other lands of the Ottomans, went to Russia, which defeated Turkey in a fierce war for access to the Black Sea. In 1856, after Russia's defeat in the Crimean War, the island returned to the Turks. And 22 years later, Romania, which had just appeared as a state on the map of Europe, became the owner of the island.
On the maps Russian Empire the island first appeared in 1785. In 1801 its coordinates were determined, in 1823 a topographical survey was carried out and a detailed plan was drawn up.
In April 1944, Soviet sailors, having landed on Zmeiny, took possession of it without a fight, since the Romanian garrison did not offer resistance. And later a corresponding protocol was signed, according to which “Snake Island, also known as Sherpilor, located in the Black Sea at 45 degrees 15 minutes 18 seconds north latitude and 30 degrees 19 minutes 15 seconds east longitude from Greenwich, was returned by the Romanian People's Republic Soviet Union and included in the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."
At the end of 1946, the island completely passed to the USSR - as component Ukrainian SSR. And since 1991, Zmeiny has been part of independent Ukraine.
IN recent years archaeologists, speleologists and scuba divers have landed on Zmeiny more than once. But their attempts to find the hiding places have not yet been successful. At the bottom of the sea, near the island, amphoras and coins from the ancient Greek period continue to be found.
Many secrets are kept on the rocky island. Treasure hunters hope to find treasures. But they are very well hidden. The search is hampered by the rising water level (5 m). Although modern technology was almost not used here. Everything is ahead!
Archaeologists dream of finding their Troy. They persistently continue their search, hoping to find the statue of Achilles itself, and even his famous shield, forged by Hephaestus and sung by Homer. Heinrich Schliemann himself, the discoverer of Troy, dreamed of finding this magnificent creation of the blacksmith god. There is no doubt that the search for the statue of Achilles should continue. But Achilles' shield is a real miracle!

The real wealth of the island

Currently, the island is actively being developed and settled in Ukraine. Perhaps there is fresh water on Zmeiny. Drillers are actively looking for it. If they find it, it will be a radical turn in the development of the island.
It is planned to build a wind-diesel power plant with a capacity of up to 500 kilowatts. The station will consist of five wind turbines, each with a capacity of 110 kilowatts. Its estimated cost is about three million hryvnia. There is also an interesting option for placing the station - it is proposed to move it out to sea.
As for strengthening the bank of Zmeiny, the President of Ukraine was convinced of the need for this with his own eyes during a visit to the island. The trip was timed to coincide with the commissioning of the berth complex.
The development of the island's infrastructure is impossible without the construction of a permanent pier. The Odessa State Administration was entrusted with its construction. Prolonged storm winds constantly disrupt construction deadlines, but work on the island does not stop. And the costs are worth it. They should pay off. The island has rich potential.
The island will open to tourism, not mass tourism, but elite tourism. Zmeiny is supposed to be an interesting object for wealthy travelers, for diving enthusiasts (underwater tourism) and ornithologists (those who study birds).
The island will also become more accessible to scientists. Research can be continued on a new, modern basis, making it long-term. The island's shelf is rich in seafood and delicacies such as crabs and rapana. Geographical location makes it possible to predict emergency situations.
For now, the island remains an inhospitable and extreme destination for visitors. This place is training for romantics. A place where physical fitness, psychological stability and willpower are tested to the limit. But for treasure hunters (underwater and above water), it is a real reserve of undiscovered treasures and cultural values. The stone hero Achilles with a huge copper shield in his hand was tired of languishing in his dungeon. He is waiting for you with great impatience!

For a long time it was believed that “ Treasure Island” - a story invented by Stevenson from beginning to end. This is not entirely true, since the fiction in his famous novel is based on real facts, drawn by the writer from the notes of Morgan, Drake and some other manuscripts at his disposal.

That same “Treasure Island” actually exists!

All this was remembered in the 40s of the last century, when the amazing similarity of the legendary island with the island of Pinos(since 1978 - Juventud, Island of Youth), located 70 km south of Cuba. The nature of Treasure Island, its bays and mountains seem to have been copied from Pinos Islands. Apparently, it was here, in Siguanea Bay, that she once dropped anchor.” Espanola" There is also a small island covering the entrance to the bay, Morrillos del Diabolo, in the novel - Skeleton Island. The name of one of the hills on Stevenson Island is Spyglass - there is a hill with the same name on Pinos. Pinos is also the only island in the Caribbean with pine forests. These are exactly what Stevenson described in his novel. It is interesting that when in the 40s Pinos had already acquired an unofficial name - Treasure Island and the first treasure hunters began to comb it in search of rich loot, the remains of a log fort were found on the southern coast, very similar to the one in which Jim Hawkins and his friends were fleeing from pirates John Silver.

Treasure Island Map

Apparently, Stevenson used the pirate legends of Pinos, which has seen many gentlemen of fortune in its history. For 300 years, Pinos was a haven for pirates. The bottoms of ships were cleaned in its convenient bays. On the shore it was possible to replenish food supplies and drinking water- the island has thermal and mineral springs, so if you wish, you can even improve your health. And finally, pine forests, so necessary for ship repairs. The names of its capes and bays indicate the pirate period in the history of the island. Cape Frances owes its name to the French pirate François Leclerc, Cape Pepe to the Spaniard Pepe el Mallorquin, and Agustin Hole Bay is named after the Dutch pirate Cornelis Hole. Even the first description of Pinos belongs to the famous pirate and scientist William Dampier. Perhaps all the most famous pirates visited Treasure Island - Henry Morgan, Francois Olone, Francis Drake, Peter Hein, Rock the Brazilian, John Hawkins, Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard. The latter became the prototype of Flint, whose ominous shadow constantly accompanies the heroes of the novel, instilling horror in them, which is sometimes transmitted to the reader.

And this horror is by no means an exaggeration by Stevenson. This subject was so colorful that it is probably difficult to find another pirate about whom there are so many legends. He was over two meters tall and weighed well over a hundredweight. He was excellent with a cutlass, and carried 7-8 loaded pistols in specially sewn pockets. Before the battle, Teach drank a kind of aperitif - a set fire to a mixture of rum and gunpowder. His famous beard covered his entire face and reached his waist. Before the boarding battle, he wove ignition wicks into it, which enveloped his entire figure in smoke. When Blackbeard at the head of his team he jumped onto the deck of the attacked ship; there were few who wanted to resist. It was this pirate who Stevenson sent for the treasures.” Hispaniola" To Pinos Island.

For many, Pinos is primarily an island of pirate treasures. Over the past 50 years, probably hundreds of treasure hunters have visited here, digging up the island in all possible directions. True, none of them ever got rich.

At the mouth of the Las Casas River, very similar to where Jim Hawkins overtook a ship stolen from pirates, now the harbor of the island's capital, Nueva Gerona, is located. Founded in 1828, this city still retains the architectural style of the Spanish colonial era. And in the mountains of Las Casas and Sierra de Caballos, where the pirates led by Long John Silver The search for Flint's treasure ended so ingloriously, now there are marble quarries. The island's famous pine forests now remain only in the very center. Pirates began to bring them together, and the modern inhabitants of the island, declared something of a Komsomol-youth construction site, have been especially successful in this. As for the cave where Ben Gan lived and kept the treasure he found, it may be located on Cape Punta del Este. In one of these caves - Isla - traces of sites of probably the most ancient inhabitants of Pinos - the Guanahatabe Indians - were found. Rock paintings covering the walls and ceiling of Isla Cave indicate that it was a ritual center for the islanders.

Sicily: island of ancient treasures

Sicily's advantageous location between Europe and Africa has always been a tasty morsel for conquerors, many of whom left traces of their presence on the island. As a result, here you can see a bizarre mixture of elements of different cultures: customs, cuisine, language, architecture. They say that the Sicilians even have blood that is absolutely not Italian, but rather an “explosive mixture” of Greek, Nomman, Arab, Spanish, and Turkish. As a result, this exotic cocktail gave birth to a special nation.

Article: Sicily: island of ancient treasures


Sicily's advantageous location between Europe and Africa has always been a tasty morsel for conquerors, many of whom left traces of their presence on the island. As a result, here you can see a bizarre mixture of elements of different cultures: customs, cuisine, language, architecture. They say that the Sicilians even have blood that is absolutely not Italian, but rather an “explosive mixture” of Greek, Nomman, Arab, Spanish, and Turkish. As a result, this exotic cocktail gave birth to a special nation. However, this article will not focus on today's Sicilians, but on those who have contributed to the history and culture of the island.

The historical traces of the Greeks in Sicily begin with the fact that they gave the island its first name: Trinacria, i.e. "three capes" In the 13th century BC. The Greeks founded the city of Naxos, displacing the first settlers - the Siculi and Sicanians. Naxos, like other Greek cities, was very similar to Athens. Outstanding examples of Greek architecture today can be seen in the cities of Segesta, Selinunte, and Agrigento. The Temple of Apollo and the Theater in Syracuse, as well as the Theater in Taormina, are considered among the most significant monuments of ancient Greek civilization.
“To own Sicily means to be the ruler of the Mediterranean,” the ancients said. Roman soldiers quickly conquered Sicily. Their influence on art and architecture that has lost its former power Greek colony was of a beneficial nature: the theaters were rebuilt in accordance with the Roman idea of ​​theatrical performances. For example, the Theater in Catania, Syracuse and the Greek Theater in Taormina in new version became much larger. The Romans loved not only to relax on a grand scale. Their homes were luxurious villas, for example, Villa Romana di Scan Biagio (1st century BC), Villa Romana del Casale (3rd century BC), where the rooms are decorated from floor to ceiling with magnificent mosaics showing high level Roman mosaic artists.
After the Romans, barbarian tribes, the Byzantines, and Arabs fought for the “key to the Mediterranean Sea.” The "golden" Middle Ages began. New cathedrals were built on the foundations of old churches, for example, Syracuse cathedral, and many monasteries became centers of scientific activity, making a significant contribution to the culture of Sicily. The ancient mosque adjacent to the church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti with round red domes, and the Palace of the Emirs in Palermo are characteristic examples of Muslim architecture.
The scientific knowledge of the Arabs in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, agriculture. With the advent of new crops - citrus fruits - the cuisine of Sicily also underwent changes. The importance of the island's capital, Palermo, in trade between Europe and Africa grew. Nowhere are the traces of the Arabs in Palermo more visible than in the Vucchiria market, where today traders, buyers, and, let’s be honest, pickpockets crowd. The market stretches out in a narrow, long "gut" of a street in the very center of Palermo, a stone's throw from fashion boutiques and modern shops.
Following the Arabs, the Normans came to Sicily, forming the Kingdom of Sicily with the south of Italy and destroying three hundred mosques in Palermo in one night. However, Arabic elements in architecture were preserved, and the so-called Arab-Norman style appeared. A bright representative This direction is the Dome Cathedral, in the decorative elements of which both Arab-Norman and Gothic and Catalan styles stand out. Since 1184, this monumental building has been rebuilt and reconstructed many times over the centuries. Inside the cathedral are the tombs of Sicilian kings, including the remains of Emperor Frederick II, his mother, his wife and daughter. The treasury contains a diadem that once belonged to Constance of Aragon.
Piazza della Vittoria (Piazza della Vittoria) in Palermo is where the first historical city began to develop. Today here stands the Palace of the Normans, the construction of which was begun on the site of ancient ruins from Arab times in 1143 by Roger II as a sign of his rise to power. Today there is a museum here. The existing cathedrals in Montreal and Cefalu are also a legacy of the Norman period in Sicily.
In the Middle Ages, the island was followed by a constant change of European royal dynasties, several revolutions, the transfer of the capital and power to Naples and, as a result, a protracted crisis. Only in 1948 did constitutional stability begin: Sicily became an autonomy consisting of Italian Republic. And the surprised exclamations of tourists do not subside to this day, confirming the opinion of Johann Goethe: “To see Italy without seeing Sicily means not to see Italy at all, since Sicily is the key to everything...”

"Treasure Islands"

If you believe the legends, the Seychelles are literally crammed with pirate treasures. In 1975, the Seychelles postal department even issued a stamp depicting pirates burying a forged chest of jewelry in the ground...

The history and exploits of the pirates of the Caribbean and Atlantic are described quite fully. The pirates of the Indian Ocean were much less fortunate. Meanwhile, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles and other smaller islands of the western Indian Ocean for many years served as a haven for sea robbers - and not at all legendary, but very real. The Mauritian historian of the 19th century, Elise Lienard, wrote about them: “... they robbed ships, intercepting livestock and provisions that were supplied from Madagascar to Mauritius and Reunion. They landed on these two islands, burned the settlements there, killing their inhabitants. The Dutch, who then owned Mauritius, were driven to extremes, deprived of food, and perhaps it was the frequent invasions of these bandits that caused them to leave Mauritius forever in 1712.”

Pirates also visited Rodrigues, Farquhar, Agalega, Aldabra, and the Amirante Islands, which were later developed by Europeans than others. But for the longest time and most actively they used the Seychelles as their base. This archipelago essentially became the last “pirate paradise” on earth. Isolation, small population, many convenient bays where you can hide from a storm or pursuit, a healthy climate, sources of fresh water, abundance of food and wood for repairing ships - all this attracted many sea robbers to the Seychelles.

In the bay of the main city and port of Seychelles - Victoria, lies the tiny island of Odul. Its name reminds us that in the very late XVIII century, the Seychelles became the base of the famous pirate Jean-François Odoul. Here, in Victoria Harbor, Odul brought his small, fast ship for repairs. Until the beginning of the 19th century, his Apollo was a threat to all but French ships in a vast area from the coast of Africa to Java. He plowed the entire western part of the Indian Ocean, and many places in this area now bear his name. Even on the deserted Aldabra Atoll there is a cape called Odul Point.

They say that Odul was something of a sea Robin Hood and once even returned captured treasures to an Englishman, whom he became friends with after taking him prisoner. In between, Odul was also involved in the slave trade. He seemed to the Seychelles colonists to be a fairly respectable and respected figure, and they elected him as a justice of the peace. The famous pirate spent the rest of his years in this post and died in the rank of judge. Who could have predicted such a fate for him in those turbulent times when he terrorized English ships on his ships Apollo and Olivette!

In the old Victoria Cemetery, among the family crypts of the early colonists, is the grave of this famous French corsair. The gravestone depicts Odul's ship with the inscription:

And a note:

"He was fair."

The descendants of Jean-François Odoul still live in the Seychelles.

Odul and other French pirates plundered a lot of valuables from British merchant ships plying the Indian Ocean. From 1793 to 1797, 2,266 British merchant ships were captured by corsairs, and the value of the looted goods was £3 million. They say that Odul literally took part of his loot with him to the grave, bequeathing to bury the gold along with his mortal body. But the islanders do not want to disturb the bones of the old pirate for any treasure.

More than once Odul almost ended up in the hands of the British, but each time he escaped reprisals. He was incredibly lucky. So, on May 16, 1794, four British ships under the command of Captain Henry Newcome entered Port Royal, as Victoria was then called. Odul's brig "Olivette" was in the harbor at that moment. The pirate had practically no chance of salvation, but he still managed to escape...

It is not surprising that in the Seychelles there are many legends about buried pirate treasure. All local legends about pirates and treasures are associated with traces of pirates on the islands. These traces were discovered by settlers who arrived on the archipelago in mid-18th century century. And there is no island or cove that does not have its own legend. Anse Furban (Pirate Bay), on the southern coast of the island of Mahe, Cote d'Or (Gold Coast) in the northeast of the island of Pralin, was not accidentally named so by the first European colonists...

Frigate Island is especially rich in legends. Here the pirates once settled, apparently for a long time: they even set up an observation post from where they monitored the appearance of warships on the horizon. This is what Elise Lienard wrote after visiting the Frigate in August 1838: “They showed me a hole dug shortly before my arrival - in it was a huge chest filled with dishes from various countries, Dutch lances, knives, battle axes, sabers, Spanish piastres - everything it’s almost completely rusted from time.” On the Frigate, Lienar also saw the remains of fortifications built by pirates, covered with earth and overgrown with vines. In this place, according to Lienard, in 1812 a saber belt and a golden epaulette were found. In good weather, half a mile from the shore one could see the skeleton of a large ship lying on the bottom. And on the rock facing the bay, the settlers found some mysterious images in which they recognized encrypted inscriptions, but they could not decipher their meaning...

Near Grand Anse Bay, the first colonists who settled here in the second half of the 18th century discovered the remains of dwellings, and in another place - a wooden mast and platform: some kind of observation post or command bridge. There, on the seashore, among the coral sand, three graves were discovered, in which they found sword handles trimmed with leather and many human bones. Elise Lienard concluded that the pirates lived here for several years. Fearing that they would be caught at sea, they buried part of their treasure on the island. “But still, a little later, finding themselves in the hands of justice, they suffered a well-deserved punishment for their crimes - all except one, who was pardoned due to his young age. It was from him that they learned about the treasures: while dying, he gave one of his friends a note containing descriptions of the places where the treasures were hidden, writes Lienard. And he adds: “I saw this note and have no doubt about its authenticity.”

On the island of Moyen, which lies off the outer roadstead of Victoria, according to local legends lies a treasure worth 30 million pounds sterling. Why has no one raised it if everyone knows about it? The treasure is enchanted, local residents believe.

Another island in the Seychelles group - Silhouette - also maintains a strong reputation as a treasure island. The only fact that remains is that copra was removed from it, but copra is not as romantic as gold, which could well have been buried here when pirates careened, cleaned and pitched their ships in these shallow waters. One old African, a former slave, lived until the 1920s. He claimed to know where exactly the pirate stash was located on Silhouette. However, he was a stubborn and capricious old man. After the first unsuccessful attempt to negotiate with him, he refused to lead anyone to the treasured place. They say that one rich landowner managed to seduce a former slave and he led him to the hiding place. They rounded the inaccessible rocky part of the island in a boat and were about to land on the shore, when suddenly the African noticed that they were being watched. He got scared, returned to his boat and from then on didn’t trust anyone anymore.

A great expert on the Seychelles, Julian Mockford, spent a lot of time checking the legends about treasures buried on the archipelago. He was shown gold rings found near the city of Victoria (Mahe Island), as well as several ancient coins discovered in the sand. Residents of the island talk with deep conviction about gold doubloons and jewelry hidden in the sand. But they are convinced that the lucky ones who find treasures never talk about it and sell their finds carefully, slowly, with the help of Indian and Arab sailors who know how to keep secrets.

There are still rumors on Mahe that the fortunes of at least two local families came from the discovery of jars filled with gold coins, one on Teresa Island and the other near the convent of St. Elizabeth in Victoria. But there are very few finds that would become public. The only officially recorded treasure found was the discovery in 1911 on Astov Island of 107 silver coins, several forks and spoons, two shoe buckles and a boatswain's whistle.

So far, targeted searches for treasures in the Seychelles have not yielded results, but this does not mean anything. William Loring Esperance Becherel has been searching for pirate treasure for more than ten years. His father began the search for treasures. But unlike his father, who worked by hand, Becherel hired ten men with jackhammers, dynamite, powerful pumps, diesel and electric motors. He spent £450 a month on the search, and, as he admitted to one journalist, the further his case progressed, the more money it required. In order to somehow cover his exorbitant expenses, Becherel began to take on everyone. And they were - however, this is not at all surprising: he promised 1000 percent of the profit.

In 1973, in a giant pit he dug, 45 meters wide and 15 meters deep, Becherel found the remains of stone structures, apparently actually built by pirates. However, Becherel believed that these were not ruins, but a map made of stones indicating the true location where the treasures were hidden. During the excavations, a skeleton was found, according to Becherel, of a Malgash slave who helped bury the treasure and was then killed because he was an unnecessary witness. Becherel had to interrupt his search not because he lost faith in success, but, as is usually the case, for purely financial reasons. However, he was sure that his descendants, having become rich, would continue the family business...

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Many legends have been preserved, according to one of which participants in the Pugachev uprising hid here from the tsar’s wrath. But most often they remember hermit Vera, who was canonized by local Old Believers during her lifetime. This is where she is buried. Every year in mid-May a religious procession is held at her grave.

Everything changed in the summer of 2003, when a new hypothesis was born - about the existence of archaeological site...

The first person to draw attention to the obvious contradiction was Vladimir Korolev, deputy chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Cultural Foundation. An engineer by training, he thought: this megalithic structure could not have been the work of Russian settlers. Megalithic structures of the Mediterranean, Northern and Atlantic Europe have always been considered the most outstanding monuments of antiquity. Scientists know the “quarries” on the Iset River, built in the second millennium BC. Similar structures have been found in Armenia and Palestine. But still, the structures in the Middle East were not distinguished by the capital construction that scientists could observe at Lake Turgoyak.

In general, as is known, there are several types stone structures: dolmens, alleys of menhirs, rock and gallery tombs. Korolev suggested that the structures on Vera Island most closely resemble dolmens. (Until recently, the only monuments of this type on the territory of our country were the dolmens of the Western Caucasus.)

As an expert, Korolev invited Stanislav Grigoriev, a Chelyabinsk archaeologist, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. An eighteen-meter-tall structure opened before them, consisting of several chambers, all of them connected by corridors. The largest of them was called the Central Hall, the rest - according to parts of the world: Northern and Western. The walls of the structure were lined with stones without any cementitious material. The chambers are covered with massive slabs weighing from five to seventeen tons.

The megaliths found on the island have baffled scientists. It remained unclear why it was necessary to cover the chambers with such powerful stone slabs? You cannot escape the harsh Ural winter in such sarcophagi. The whole island itself, as they say, is one ship grove - wouldn’t it be easier to build a roof from timber? And how could these slabs be delivered here? And for what purpose was it necessary to build this unique structure?

In general, this is just some kind of mysticism,” Stanislav Grigoriev was surprised. - The monument stood for a thousand years. Four years ago, shortly before our arrival, everything began to collapse...

And yet, the expedition led by archaeologists Yulia Vasina and Stanislav Grigoriev appeared on time. Until recently, the unique structure was in relative integrity. But imagine how several times a day the catamaran brought 30-40 people here on excursions, a good half of whom “danced” on these slabs! It is not surprising that cracks gradually began to appear in them. And not so long ago some dubious individuals visited here, introducing themselves as archaeologists from Moscow. They dismantled the wall on which the slabs rested in two places, and they simply hung. Chelyabinsk scientists rushed to save the ancient structure, installing temporary supports and stopping people from accessing it. It was clear that the destruction of the monument itself, which had fallen into disrepair, could lead to mass deaths. After all, the fallen slabs can only be lifted with the help of a crane, which, of course, cannot be brought to the island. Despite such dangerous conditions in which the excavations were carried out, scientists managed to establish the main thing. Firstly, the cameras were undoubtedly used by the Old Believers. Moreover, the latter most likely mistook these buildings, covered with grass and turf, for real caves. Actually, the discovery itself took place only because the ancient buildings were used as dwellings by the Old Believers. (According to some sources of the early twentieth century, in particular according to the descriptions of the architect N. Filyansky, there was a refectory in one of the large megaliths.) In the corridor between the chambers the cultural layer was not disturbed, and scientists discovered a unique picture: four thin humus layers were located at fifteen centimeters , separated by sterile layers formed from crumbs falling from the ceiling. They all read quite well. The top one is the “autographs” of modern tourists, just below are traces of the life of the Old Believers (19th century), the bottom one is the calling card of the “architects” themselves. But the question is - who were they?

Today we can say with a certain degree of confidence that the megalith was built at the end of the fourth - beginning of the third millennium BC, says Stanislav Grigoriev. - This is much earlier than Arkaim! It's about about the so-called Copper-Stone Age, when, along with stone ones, metal products also first appeared.

(In the Bronze and Early Iron Ages, such structures were no longer erected.)

Actually, the problem of the megalith itself is the problem of the transition to the Copper-Stone Age, the development of metallurgy. The second period of use of the megalith occurred at the end of the Bronze Age - the beginning of the Early Iron Age (Gamayun culture). Thus, we can talk about the presence here on the island of several monuments from different historical periods - from Stone Age structures to a huge number of dugouts, a cemetery for Old Believers, and fragments of their chapel.

The closest analogues of these megaliths are the megalithic tombs of Western Europe, says Stanislav Grigoriev. - The layout of the buildings is almost the same: a corridor and several chambers branching off from it. And the similarity is amazing - down to the smallest detail! For example, the “design” of the cut windows on Vera Island is almost identical to those that were discovered on the territory of modern Germany.

And again an interesting parallel! While working on the mound, scientists found three steles. According to American scientists, in the gallery tombs of Western Europe, the mounds were surrounded by alleys of menhirs. Such similarities indicate that bearers of these megalithic traditions came to us from Eastern and Western Europe.

And yet the nature of the monument remained unclear until the end.

Once, during one of the evening September sunsets, scientists suddenly saw a ray of the setting sun penetrating the entire megalith, which illuminated the back wall. The hole in the megalith seemed to catch the sunset ray. This could have been ignored if not for one circumstance. This happened on the day of the autumn equinox... Of course, elements of chance could not be ruled out. If at least two megaliths had been found, also clearly oriented to the cardinal directions... Chelyabinsk geologist Vyacheslav Nikolsky, who worked together with archaeologists, drew attention to the fact that the construction of the megalith could be associated with tectonic cracks. Scientists took this as the main version, paying attention, however, to the fact that the megalith seemed to be specially turned with its hole towards sunset and somewhat shifted from the direction of the cracks.

Of course, comparing the find on Vera Island with Stonehenge is somewhat incorrect, argues Stanislav Grigoriev. - After all, what is Stonehenge? Menhirs placed in a circle, with which the buildings on Vera Island certainly have little common features. We have a monument of a different type, although no less interesting. Today, something else is more important: if the version that the discovered structure had an astronomical purpose is confirmed, then this will become another parallel with European monuments. For example, participants held in Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions paleoastronomical studies have come to the convincing conclusion that some of our monuments have much in common with Stonehenge and other European henges. And we are talking not only about circular structures, but also about alleys of menhirs. The menhirs, found in the mid-90s near the village of Akhunovo, Uchalinsky district of Bashkiria, were also the remains of an ancient observatory (located in a circle, the stones cast a shadow, based on which ancient astronomers could record the same days of the winter and summer solstices).

However, argues Stanislav Grigoriev, megalithic structures have never been dwellings in the traditional sense of the word. Rather, they were sanctuaries for performing certain cult rituals. Mostly such sanctuaries were located in caves and grottoes. Why exactly they were erected is another question. For example, burials were found in the same European buildings. No traces of burials have yet been found here, but this does not mean that they are not there.

The uniqueness of the megalithic structures found on the island of Vera is also that these are the easternmost cultural monuments, created at the same time as the monuments of Western Europe. The only strange thing is that such monuments have not yet been found on the territory Eastern Europe.

And yet who could build structures on the island of Vera? Scientists do not rule out that these could be proto-Finno-Ugric peoples (the ancestors of the current Finno-Ugric peoples - Khanty, Mansi, Mordovians, Mari, Hungarians, Estonians and Finns).

Today, scientists hypothesize that Europe and the Urals were a kind of centers of sacred initiations. At the same time, the megalithic sanctuaries found in the Urals could be a center for Eastern Europe, Siberia and other regions. If this is so, then it is quite logical to assume that our ancient land also stores other megalithic monuments.

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