The rarest plants in Russia

The flora of Russia, for many reasons, is getting poorer every year. Fortunately, there are various botanical gardens, arboretums, nature reserves and reserves. In total, there are more than 300 of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, and all of them are different in area - from several hectares to several hundred thousand hectares. What plants are the rarest in Russia and require such careful protection?

Fine-leaved peony

This flower is significantly different from all the usual garden species. The plant has leaves strongly divided into needle-shaped lobes. The flowering period begins in May, lasts no more than ten days. But even after that, the plant retains the freshness of its foliage until the end of summer.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea (also known as golden root or pink root) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the Crassulaceae family. Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The name “golden root” was given to the plant by the rhizome, which has the color of bronze or old gilding with a mother-of-pearl sheen.

Anemonastrum permian

Perm anemonastrum or Perm anemone is a plant species listed in the Red Book of the Middle Urals. The genus name comes from the Greek word anemos, meaning "wind". Herbaceous perennial plant of the buttercup family, up to 65 cm tall. The stems, like the leaves, are covered with dense, horizontally protruding, slightly downwardly deviated hairs. Flowers 2-3 cm in diameter, tepals elliptical, white. The fruits are about 7 mm long.

yellow water lily

The yellow water lily got its name from its closest relative, the white water lily. It grows in water, in shallow water, and its leaves are both on the surface and under water. Officially, a yellow water lily is called a capsule for its fruit. The capsule blooms from the last days of May until August with large, yellow, almost spherical flowers. The flower is plucked both for bouquets (and in vain - the flower does not stand in a vase), and as a medicine (official medicine also recognizes the properties of the capsule).

lily saranka

Lily saranka (curly, badun, oil, royal curls) - lovely snow-white, lilac or pink, with dark dots, flowers with beautifully curved petals, blooming in June-July. The steppes and forest-steppes of Siberia are considered the birthplace of this variety of lily. There is a legend that the flower gives the warriors strength of mind, courage, courage and stamina. It is beautiful in bouquets, and its tubers are considered edible. Besides beauty, it also has many medicinal properties.

Dolomite bell

The dolomite bell is a flower that grows only in Russia, in Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, and the Chechen Republic. It has very beautiful white flowers, up to 4 cm, located on long peduncles. The dolomite bluebell is torn off because of its decorative appearance, and also its number is sharply reduced due to the laying of roads and other construction works in the place of its growth.

Dactylorhiza spotted

Dactylorhiza spotted (or speckled) - belongs to the orchid family, is found on the territory of Russia in the European part, but very rarely. In May-June, purple flowers bloom on racemose inflorescences surrounded by spotted leaves. Powder from dried tubers has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping, tonic and softening effect.

Iris yellow

Iris yellow (false calamus, marsh, water) - grows in the European part of Russia, along the damp banks of lakes and rivers, in swampy meadows. On a branched stem, light yellow flowers with an orange center grow in bunches of 3-8 pieces. Essential oil is produced from yellow iris, which is used in perfumery, and dried rhizomes, which have a pleasant violet aroma, are used in confectionery, in the production of wines, liqueurs and other drinks.

Gastrodia high (pot-bellied)

This is an extremely rare perennial plant from the orchid genus. Gastrodia is on the verge of extinction, therefore it has long been listed in the Red Book. It is interesting for its unusual appearance: its stems reach 1 meter, while they do not have leaves. It blooms with beautiful large flowers collected in brushes, the length of which reaches 15-20 cm. In autumn, fruits appear - boxes filled with seeds.

Slipper large-flowered

Lady's slipper, lady's slipper, lady's slipper - all these are the names of one plant. This orchid can still be found in Siberia, in not dense coniferous or birch forests. The flowers are very attractive. Local residents collect them for bouquets, dig up roots for further cultivation on their plots.

Krasodnev yellow

Krasodnev yellow blooms with large bright yellow fragrant flowers, shaped like a funnel. Due to the attractive appearance of flowers and healing properties, it is actively harvested by digging up the roots. Traditional medicine uses the plant to treat heart disease and liver disease. An infusion of roots will help get rid of pain in the epigastric region. Taken with fever, rheumatism, jaundice. From the roots, medicines are prepared for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Compresses are made from the decoction for the treatment of abscesses and tumors.

Kandyk Siberian

Beautifully flowering bulbous plant. From mid-spring, April-May, drooping, pink-purple bells appear on its stems. It grows in the Siberian region of Russia. Its bulbs are edible and can be eaten raw or fried, or baked over a fire like a potato. In addition to nutritional properties, the plant is medicinal. A decoction of it is used as a tonic, stimulant. Compresses from fresh leaves treat tumors and ulcers. Also, traditional medicine uses it as an emetic or antidote.

Violet incised

One of the most beautiful flowering plants. This violet with beautiful flowers that adorn purple corollas grows in meadows and coniferous edges. It can also be found on the banks of rivers or rocky slopes. This flower is propagated by seeds that do not ripen every season. Therefore, the plant has become very rare and is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

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