The happiest names for girls: list and interesting facts. The happiest and unluckiest names How to name your daughter so that her fate is successful

7 WOMEN'S NAMES TO WHICH LUCK STICKS Even in ancient times, it was known that names have prophetic power, so naming was taken very seriously. A name could either give strength or take it away, add masculinity or, conversely, cowardice. If a child was born weak, he was given male name. It was believed that it would give him strength and courage. Women's, on the contrary, were given for creation, support and meekness. In this article we will look at names that will undoubtedly bring good luck not only to their owners, but also to their lovers. 1st place - Sophia/Sofia The list of lucky names begins with Sophia, which is translated from ancient Greek as wisdom. By nature, Sophia is calm and focused. Those around them are attracted by their thoughtful silence. Sophia does not chase luck, they know that Lady Fortune does not tolerate running around and quietly comes to those who are patiently waiting for her. 2nd place - Maria Sophia is followed by the no less fortunate name Maria, which translated from ancient Greek means “lady”. These are cheerful and carefree girls, whose happiness does not depend at all on the world around them. Marys simply attract fortune like a magnet and treat it like royalty. 3rd place - Anastasia In third place on our pedestal is Anastasia. These are calm people who look forward with optimism and adapt to any circumstances. Unperturbed, as if they didn’t care about anything. Anastasias have some kind of secret knowledge about how to attract and maintain good luck. 4th place - Daria Fourth in luck - Daria (from ancient Greek “winner”). This name originally comes from the masculine name - Darius. This is what attracts good luck to them. But here, unlike the prudent Sophia and calm Anastasia, everything goes according to a different scenario. The Darias do not sit idly by and wait for fortune to decide to visit them. They, like true winners, snatch it from the hands of others. Luck is not a matter of course for them, but a battle trophy. 5th place - Anna Fifth place on our list is occupied by Anna. Hardworking by nature, they achieve everything through sweat and tears. Luck smiles on them only after a period of constant work. But the value of this “acquisition” is so high that Annas strive to keep it for life. And in most cases they succeed! 6th place - Elizabeth Sixth, but no less lucky, are Elizabeth. For many centuries in a row, it was customary to call royalty Elizabeth, and for good reason. It was Elizabeth who could pull capricious luck by the tail and spread its influence to others. But how could the strongest rulers make mistakes? 7th place - Victoria And, finally, the last on the list, but not the last in terms of ability to control their destiny, Victoria. Victoria is a “victory”, a victory not only over oneself, but also over all the failures that sometimes promise us the world around us. Victoria accepts all the blows of fate with a smile, so that sometimes you wonder: “Was it a blow, or was she lucky again?”

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the name, like the zodiac sign, has a certain influence on a person’s character. But, as you know, if you sow character, you will reap destiny. A name is, first of all, an energy that is given to us from birth. For example, have you noticed that women with one name are usually happy in their personal lives, but not with another?

Let's take the most common ones in Russia. For example, Elena. What is a typical Lena like? She is smiling, active, rarely plump, often pretty, men like her, knows how to “treat” them, for example, receive gifts... She likes to go to different parties, and is not inclined to sort things out.

The fact is that the name Elena corresponds to the sign Gemini, which add lightness and curiosity to her. Lena is not inclined to fall deeply in love, and, having broken up with a man, she usually does not make a tragedy out of it. In a word, Elena is the ideal lover. But not the wife.

The ideal wife is Natalia(this name corresponds to Scales). She is more strict than Elena, from the first impression - somewhat prickly, but principled and reliable, at the same time very selective in her affections... If the owner of this name is infatuated with someone, then it is hardly worth courting her. Natalya does not tolerate defeats in life, she can be vindictive, but in difficult times she will always lend her shoulder. With age, she often gets fatter, at least not as prone as Lena.

Tatiana amorous and sexy, also proud, somewhat scandalous, and not inclined to listen to advice... It’s useless to “attack” her. With all this, Tanya often tends to enter into complex and even confusing relationships with fans. She is sometimes capable of falling in love, figuratively speaking, “on the edge of a cliff,” since the patron of the name is Scorpion- requires strong emotions. By the way, like Natalia, Tatyana will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Just twenty years ago, the third most common female name was Irina. Its bearers are extraordinary natures, not limited to family concerns. Often, Irina are excellent specialists, often leaders. These energetic ladies are able to supplant men in many areas, because they are under the protection of Leo. They also have a lot of determination.

For bearers of this name it is very important not to lose self-confidence. While they are “in the spirit”, all doors open for them. But if the energy drops as a result of suffering disappointments or illnesses, Irina can fall into a protracted streak of severe failures.

As for the situation, it often turns out far from rosy for these women. The main love, most likely, remains only a romantic memory. Irina experiences divorces and remarriages more often than others, since it is not easy for these strong-willed and emancipated women to find happiness next to men who, on the contrary, do not differ in strength of character. The motto of Irina’s fan sounds something like this: “Seize the moment of favor!”

Irins are characterized by rationality. Indeed, outside the sphere of romantic experiences, these women demonstrate extraordinary practicality...

One of the most colorful female names should be recognized as the name Olga. The woman who is so called has a dual nature: a cold mind and a warm heart. She has good self-control and behaves quite reasonably, at least without the obvious emotional outbursts characteristic of, say, Tatyana. Olga's mind is distinguished by a certain prudence: for example, she can lie and repeat the same lie after many years. And it won’t go astray if you have to repeat it. He has a specific mind and the ability to find the right path to achieve what he wants.

But if such a woman falls in love, her behavior changes radically. No one is capable, perhaps, of experiencing deeper feelings, and often with a touch of extreme drama. From unhappy love, Olga can severely and even undermine the nervous system. The point is that given name corresponds sign Taurus, ruled by the goddess of love Venus. And Venus is directly related to sex. It is believed that Olga has access to heights of pleasure unknown to most women. She might simply lose consciousness...

Such women are capable of making “slaves” from their parents, and later from their husbands. Often the husband satisfies Olga’s slightest whims, and does it with pleasure.

Another one of those who became lately popular female names - Catherine. The full form is rarely used. Katya, as a rule, knows her worth, and also knows well what she wants. She knows how, if necessary, to keep people (including the opposite sex) at the correct distance, she is quite selfish and at the same time somewhat mysterious... In short, Katya’s character is a typical city woman, often giving the impression of a “woman with pretensions.” Katya usually lacks simple human warmth, but she is focused on success in life and often achieves it, because this name corresponds to the sign Leo. The main obstacle on her way is the overestimation of her own mind. Such women live mainly by passions, although according to them appearance This is not usually the case.

Interestingly, two Russian female names - Hope And Lyudmila, extremely common in the recent past, are considered unlucky. Moreover, Nadezhda (sign Virgo) usually endures the hardships of fate quite passively, but Lyudmila (sign Libra), due to its explosive nature, often literally seeks adventures on its own head, for example, it can get married early and thoughtlessly... At the same time, the owners of these names often at the last moment have things that seem to have been “on track” falling through... Perhaps as a result of such bad luck, both of these names have now lost their former popularity.

Vadim Levin, astropsychologist

(Prepared by Irina Shlionskaya)

Is there a secret to happiness? Maybe there is some recipe that you can follow to attract good luck into your life? Did you know that a name has a huge impact on a person's destiny?

It may seem incredible to you, but it's true! There are names that are simply distinguished by their colossal power and energy. Today we will name 5 of them. They make their carriers happy, successful and lucky. What can I say, happiness sticks to these names!


Marina translates as “sea”. This is probably why girls with this name are energetically very strong. They seem to draw energy and inspiration from the indomitable waves of the sea.

Marina has developed ambition. She is freedom-loving and endowed with a keen sense of justice. Girls with this name are characterized by cheerfulness, self-confidence and determination.

The energy of the name allows Marina to achieve what she wants at any cost. She reacts painfully to comments and criticism addressed to her. Parents with Marina should be especially careful, since proper upbringing will greatly influence the formation of the girl’s personality in adulthood.

Even while she is little, the owner of this name is always in the center of attention. Her extraordinary attractiveness, natural charm, charisma and magnetism make her stand out among her peers. Marina is endowed with a unique, inner beauty that attracts the opposite sex to her.

Adult Marina enjoys stunning success with the stronger sex! Happiness and success literally stick to this name.


This name also has strong energy! It was very popular in the Soviet Union and for good reason.

Irina's life is almost always full of interesting events and adventures. The owner of this name is smart, lucky and prosperous. Ira’s external beauty is successfully intertwined with her internal beauty.

Intelligence, insight and ingenuity allow a girl with this name to achieve success in any area of ​​life. As a rule, they easily manage to keep themselves in great shape, make their home comfortable, build a career and raise children. Ira will make both an independent businesswoman and an exemplary wife.


The energy of the name is stable and strong. Natasha is a person who is almost impossible to break. Her strengths and weaknesses are balanced. She is unlikely to express her thoughts too emotionally.

Natalya can achieve, albeit not the highest, but stable results in everything. The owner of this name is in harmony with herself and with the world around her. There is always a mystery and mystery about her that attracts the opposite sex. Perhaps it’s not for nothing that Natasha means “dear” in translation. She is always close to her family and friends.


Tatyana translates as “organizer.” The name has such strong energy that people are drawn to Tanya without realizing it. Perhaps the owners of this name are not very good housewives, but being around them always feels warm, cozy and comfortable.

Tanya's friends feel very calm around her, so they love her company. The same applies to her chosen one - he will strive to spend as much time as possible with his beloved.

The house of girls with this name is always full of guests. She easily devotes time to her loved ones and friends and dotes on her children. Tanya is a wonderful mother and wife.


Another name to which happiness sticks. The name translated means “victory”. His energy is that of a winner!

Vika always and everywhere wants to be the best and she succeeds very well. The girl’s minor weaknesses pale in comparison to her strength, determination and drive. Victoria's energy sweeps away all obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

The owner of the name will never hide from problems behind her partner’s back. On the contrary, she will do her best to help him solve them!

Vika is achieving great success in her career and is kind to her children.

These 5 names have a positive impact on the lives of their owners!

However, there are other opinions regarding the names to which happiness sticks. Want to know about them? Then watch this informative video!

Do you believe in the energy of the name?

Quite often superstitious people great value they attach to horoscopes, mistakenly believing that it is the signs of the zodiac that influence our character and destiny. Undoubtedly, horoscopes make their mark on the life of every person, but the name given to us at birth plays an equally important role.

It is known that a person who changes his name to another radically changes his life and attitude towards it. By changing his name, a person can become lucky, even if he was previously plagued by nothing but bad luck. And vice versa, by changing your name you can say goodbye to fortune forever. Let's look at the most common and popular names that can attract bad luck to a person.
Female unlucky names:

Aurora - it cannot be said that the owner of this name is unhappy; rather, she brings a lot of problems to those around her, without noticing it at all. Because of their activity and stubbornness, they do not notice others. They often go over their heads.

Ada are women with a masculine character. Popular with the opposite sex, but harmonious family relationships they never manage to build.

Galina is pretty, from early childhood she has been lining up crowds of gentlemen, but she will never see happiness in her personal life. Galinas are often called Jackdaws, and the Jackdaw, in turn, is a bird with a black color. Therefore, Galina’s life is often dark and difficult.

Diana is a woman with a rather complex and tragic fate. She is a leader in life, achieves a lot on her own, but no matter how hard she tries, troubles just stick to her. Vivid examples of this are Princess Diana and Diana Gurtskaya.

Kira is, as a rule, a selfish and narcissistic woman, but, despite the apparent strength of character, deep down she is quite suspicious and vulnerable, due to which she attracts trouble.

Milena – quite popular name nowadays, but, unfortunately, brings little happiness to its owners. Milena is a very weak girl from birth, does not have her own opinion and is constantly lazy. They are always extremely cold and stingy with praise, they absolutely do not know how to make serious decisions, which is why even in adulthood they remain mother’s daughters.

Male unlucky names:

Bogdan has been pathologically attached to his mother since childhood, is too jealous and stingy in financial matters, which is why he often becomes the reason for his broken marriage. Bogdan has a bad character, he never considers his wife, he likes to drink and spread his hands.

Boris - the name speaks for itself. These men have to fight all their lives to achieve the desired result. Very difficult men, they do not communicate well, spend a lot of time working and pester their wives with groundless jealousy.

Herman is one of the “heaviest” male names, which gives a person an evil character. Germans are quite cruel, any manifestations of tenderness and care are alien to them. Often, owners of this name become drug addicts or drunkards.

Stanislav is, as a rule, an unrestrained and capricious man. With his impulsive character, he repels even docile and soft women. He has a changeable character, with which he poisons the life not only of himself, but also of those around him.

Yaroslav - the name comes from the word rage. Yaroslavs are usually selfish and temperamental, they like everything to be the way they want. Due to their aggressive nature, they find it difficult to get along with women and work colleagues, and their inherent immaturity does not allow them to evaluate themselves soberly.

There are names endowed with special positive energy. Just think about it, they themselves mean “happiness”, “joy”, “light”, etc.! How does this work? We hear our name dozens of times a day and receive positive signals at the subconscious level. So what names program for a happy destiny?

! The influence of a name on a person’s fate has worried people since ancient times. And our compatriot, academician Boris Khigir, devoted more than 30 years to studying the phenomenon of the name. His books are published in millions of copies!


(Greek: shining, jubilant, joyful)

IN Greek mythology was the name of one of the three grace goddesses. A strong name belonging to ambitious, persistent women, with a powerful intellect and an enviable, simply sizzling temperament. Their character manifests itself in early childhood - little Aglashes are purposeful, striving for victory. The meaning of the name fully corresponds to the girl’s appearance. Aglaya is very beautiful and is well aware of the power of her charms.

Aglais are realized both in creative professions and in business. Natural charm allows you to conquer both the picky jury and the most severe partners and achieve the signing of the most profitable contracts.


(Heb. grace, gracious)

Annushka's kindness knows no bounds! And people love and appreciate her. A needlewoman, she inspires admiration among her friends and shines in the world with the outfits she sews herself. Anna knows how to dress beautifully and does her make-up and hairstyle with taste. Her intuition allows her to understand people, and she surrounds herself with truly loyal friends. Devoted wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law - Anna is happy and in family life.

Please note that Annas are found in all the monarchical courts of Europe. And in the church calendar there are 30 (!) Saints Anne.


(Greek: blooming)

Anfisa is a beautiful, gentle, sensual girl. At the first meeting she literally falls in love with herself. She attracts you not only with her elegant appearance, but also with her energetic character, witty conversation, and manners. It is impossible to imagine her without stiletto heels, flawless makeup and a stylish hairstyle.

Unpredictable and manages to subordinate strangers to personal plans and desires.

Well-read, educated and erudite. Such a girl sometimes becomes a famous businesswoman and wins wide public recognition.


(lat. happy)

Women with this name are extremely attractive, from a young age to old age they enjoy great success with men and know how to perfectly lure them into their networks. Everything they do is very unobtrusive, feminine and sexy. Beata is a good actress, which is why people fall under the influence of such a girl without even noticing. They feel great in the role of beautiful seductiveness, even if they do not start a family. Beate finds it difficult to belong to just one person.


(pers. possessor of good or winner)

The most common Persian version of the origin, according to which it was formed from the name Dareios and means “owner of good,” “possessor, possessor of good.” Another option - translated from ancient Greek, the name means winner.

Daria has a strong will, determination, and intelligence. From a young age he has been participating in all sorts of competitions and winning. Lives in the present and looks to the future. Energetic, active takes over both in the profession and in family life.


(Greek: sunny, light, shining)

Elena the Beautiful goes through life with ease! He almost always achieves his goals using considerable mental resourcefulness and assertiveness. She is able to attract someone in her direction so easily and naturally that you won’t even notice it. Since childhood, she has had good intuition, which she listens to throughout her life, and this brings her good luck!

Always cheerful and optimistic, she chooses professions that involve communicating with people. She is attracted to work in the field of aesthetics and art. The professions of actress, musician, and singer suit her. Successful in modeling business.


(Greek: fun, joy)

Although the name is considered traditionally Slavic, its origins actually relate to the ancient Greek name Euphrosyune and is interpreted as "joy" or "cheerfulness". Frosya is a committed, extremely collected girl, sensitive, purposeful and persistent. A creatively gifted person is a very extraordinary person. Efrosinya has many friends, since childhood she has been very mobile and active, loves sports. Able to realize herself in research activities, in the field of psychology and pedagogy. Possesses good health. And also with her charm, which attracts many men to her.


(Greek - calm)

Derived from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene, meaning “tranquility.” A strong name that shapes the owner’s destiny from childhood. From a very young age, Ira has been distinguished by her independence and determination. She is capable of studying well, it does not require much effort from her. Sociable, easy to find common language With strangers. Irina are excellent diplomats and good leaders.

Irina is amorous by nature. However, they always maintain independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, and do not subordinate their lives only to home.


(Heb. desired, serene)

One of the most popular names in the world of biblical origin! It has many meanings and only some of them: beloved, desired, serene. There is, however, another version that the name grew out of the Hebrew Miriam, the root of which is the word “mar”, “bitterness”. Such a sad meaning is usually associated with the times when the Jews were captured by the Egyptians. However, in terms of energy, this name is ready to outshine literally all the others.

Maria is a cheerful, sociable, well-wishing girl. She intuitively determines which people are trustworthy, and this helps her a lot in life.

Maria considers family the most important thing in life. She tries to build a harmonious relationship with her husband, based on trust and respect.


(Greek solar)

Polina is a ray of sunshine among children: responsive and friendly. A born fashionista, she has well-developed taste. He plays music, writes poetry, and loves cinema.

Adult Polina is very charming in appearance, sociable, but at the same time a proud and very wayward woman. In judgment - independent. And this is its advantage!

Most often, a child's passion for fashion turns into a real hobby or even a profession. In it, Polina strives for public recognition, and succeeds in this.

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