Lollo rossa lettuce. Salad lollo rossa - description with product photo; useful properties of leaf lettuce; its use in cooking; Lola Rossa recipes

In this review article, I want to tell you about culture with one very interesting name- "Lollo Rossa", a lettuce type salad of red, pink, burgundy or ruby ​​color.

Below will be a description of the Lollo Rossa salad, the main characteristics, information on growing the variety, and, of course, I will say a few words about the advantages and disadvantages.

Salad Lollo Rossa: variety description

Outwardly, the culture looks like ordinary lettuce leaves. There are differences in color. Lollo Rossa has leaves with shades of burgundy, brown, red. A green border is neatly located along the edges, and a white rosette is in the center. Culture looks aesthetically pleasing. The standard size of the outlet is no more than 20 cm.

To taste, the variety is slightly bitter. It has an exquisite unobtrusive aroma.

Lollo Rossa is an annual. Nevertheless, it requires a mandatory cut of young beams. Otherwise, the lettuce will bloom. From the seeds of faded plants, new shoots appear, the very next year.

Photo of Lollo Rossa salad in the garden

The growing season is short, only 40-45 days. Therefore, it is possible to grow several crops in a row in one season.
You can grow a Lollo Rossa lettuce variety throughout the year - you can plant it on a windowsill or loggia in the middle of spring. The variety is able to grow and produce a crop. Lollo rossa tolerates low temperatures very well..

When planting Lolla Rossa lettuce in early summer, the crop is obtained in August.

In general, Lolo Rosso salad is a rather undemanding, unpretentious culture.. It is easy to care for, and the leaves are very interesting to taste. Thanks to this, you can diversify and complement any culinary dish.

Characteristics of leaf lettuce Lollo Rossa:

  1. Undemanding to care, resistant to low temperatures;
  2. Among the growing regions are Siberia, the Urals, central Russia;
  3. Planting requires neutral or slightly acidified soil;
  4. Grows equally well in open and closed ground;
  5. The variety ripens quickly;
  6. Excellent for fresh consumption;
  7. Maturing term -40-50 days;
  8. From 1 m2, the yield is from 3 to 5 kg.

Growing varieties Lollo Rossa

Lollo Rossa can be planted as early as mid-spring. Lettuce seed is strong, hard, similar to carrot seeds or parsley seed.

Growing lettuce Lollo Rossa - photo

You can grow Lollo Rossa lettuce in open ground or on the windowsill. Outdoor temperature should be above 15 degrees.

Depending on the climatic conditions of residence, the time for planting lettuce in open ground can be carried out from late April to mid-May.

No need to additionally germinate Lollo Rossa lettuce seeds before planting. The seed will easily germinate in open ground and in its original form. One has only to carry out stratification: placing the seeds 7 days before planting in the refrigerator.

On a note! To get fresh lettuce leaves throughout the season, I plant lettuce seeds at 14 day intervals.

Since the climate in our region is quite cool, I plant Lollo Rossa salad in mid-May.

Lollo Rossa lettuce seeds are planted with respect to the distance, taking into account the size of the outlets. A quarter of a meter is enough between lettuce rows, and 15-20 cm between bushes.

It must be borne in mind that the seeds themselves germinate only after two weeks (at best), but then - the culture develops very quickly.

Therefore, Lollo Rossa salad is an early ripening variety.

You need to be a little patient and not worry if there are no quick shoots.

Growing lettuce variety Lollo Rossa - video

Selecting a landing site

You need to choose a place for landing, taking into account the fact that the culture loves heat and sunlight very much.. The Lollo Rossa lettuce variety does not tolerate drafts well. The south side would be an excellent option. It develops well on moist, marshy soils, in the case when the sun receives a long part of the time.

In greenhouses, greenhouses, the culture of this lettuce can be planted as early as February. At home, the greenhouse variety is planted extremely rarely.

Features of Lolla Rossa lettuce care

The key features of crop care include frequent watering and plenty of sunlight.. It is very important to loosen among the rows and weed the ground around the lettuce.

In case the land is not particularly fertile, you can, at the very beginning of the appearance of sprouts, apply fertilizer to feed the salad.

Diseases and pests are not capable of causing significant harm to the Lollo Rossa lettuce variety.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the Lollo Rossa lettuce variety are:

  1. Unpretentiousness in care;
  2. Resistance to cold, diseases, pests;
  3. early maturation;
  4. Large volume of productivity;
  5. The variety is capable of neighborhood with any crops.

Among the shortcomings I want to note: low resistance to high temperatures, drought. That is, during such periods, the variety must be watered twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Separately, I want to say about such a significant advantage of culture as a benefit for the body.

The Lollo Rossa variety is great for dietary nutrition when the body needs a lot of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

The salad is enriched with folic, ascorbic acid. Contains selenium, iron, potassium, zinc, calcium.

On a note! Salad is a healthy food. It is recommended as an additive to meat and fish dishes. Its use accelerates the process of digestion of animal fats.

Of the culinary shortcomings, bitterness of the leaves can be noted. It is easy to get rid of it: just dip the lettuce leaves for a few minutes in a weakly concentrated solution of vinegar and salt, or sprinkle a little lemon juice.

With caution, the use of lettuce should be approached by those who have urolithiasis, colitis.

My opinion on the Lollo Rossa salad variety

I am glad that I got to know this variety of lettuce.. It looks great in the beds and in a pot at home. Having an aesthetic appearance, it is also rich in useful substances: vitamins, minerals. Since I am a supporter of a healthy diet, there are always lettuce leaves of this or another variety on my table.

To all lovers of greenery, I advise the Lollo Rossa lettuce culture to be grown in the open field and on the windowsill.

lollo rossa salad- decorative leaf lettuce, which is known not only for its excellent taste, but also for its pleasant appearance. In spite of beautiful name and decorative forms, this salad is just a variety of the well-known lettuce. Lollo rossa salad is a brown head and curly light green leaves with a burgundy border (see photo). For this appearance, it is sometimes called "coral salad". The leaf lettuce got its name due to the bizarre shape of the leaves, which resemble corals.

This type of lettuce comes in two colors: actually lollo rossa with burgundy leaves and lollo bionda with green leaves. In terms of taste, the plants do not differ much, except that lollo bionda has a more delicate taste.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of lollo rossa lettuce are due to its rich composition. It is considered one of the most vitamin and healthy salads. Fresh lollo rossa leaves contain iodine, which is essential for normal functioning. thyroid gland, as well as magnesium, which is contained in bone tissue and is necessary for all vital important processes. Magnesium is responsible for the production of energy in the body, is necessary for the nervous system, and is involved in the production of antibodies. It is especially useful to use lollo rossa for pregnant women, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, and the elderly. Regular consumption of fresh lettuce leaves will strengthen the nervous system, help to cope with irritability and weakened immunity.

The low calorie content of lollo rossa allows you to use it without the risk of ruining your figure. Lettuce is easily absorbed by the body, is a natural source of fiber, which is needed for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high iron content, lettuce will be indicated for people with low hemoglobin and anemia.

Lollo rossa lettuce bypasses all known lettuce varieties in terms of the amount of potassium. Potassium is needed to maintain the work of the heart muscle and brain. Lollo Rossa gets second place due to its high iron content, and third due to the presence of magnesium. The balanced composition of trace elements and vitamins makes this salad indispensable for people suffering from diabetes, hypertension. It is useful to use salad for people whose work is associated with mental stress, as well as for children and the elderly, to strengthen memory.

Use in cooking

In cooking, lollo rossa salad can be used for decorative or food purposes. The taste of this type of salad is very delicate, slightly bitter, has a warm nutty flavor and goes well with many dishes. Salad will be a great addition to festive table or breakfast. For breakfast, serve fresh lollo rossa leaves along with a poached egg and bacon slices.

Lollo rossa salad goes well with all types of meat. Its mild flavor and low calorie content will complement meat dish and help digest heavy meals. The salad makes a good side dish for poultry, such as goose or turkey, as well as pork or roasted meats. In order to get a full-fledged dish, it is enough to decorate the cooked meat with lollo rossa leaves.

Light bitterness lollo rossa allows you to add salad to a wide variety of salad mixes. The delicate taste of the leaves is a perfect substitute for arugula in salads where extra bitterness is not needed. The salad goes well with cheese and can be paired with fresh cheeses such as mozzarella. Dressing salads, which includes lollo rossa, is better with a small amount of olive oil.

Lettuce leaves can be added to various vegetable dishes, stews. Lettuce is put at the very end of cooking, as it does not tolerate heat treatment. In cooking, the recipe for cooking chicken liver with lollo rossa leaves is very popular.

A delicious salad is made from fresh lollo rossa leaves, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. For an even spicier taste, you can make a dressing with olive oil and spices. Probably the most popular lollo rossa is in Italian cuisine. Here the salad is combined with seafood (shrimp, scallops), as well as herbs such as basil, thyme. Cherry tomatoes are cut in half, then shrimp, which are pre-fried, and torn lollo rossa leaves are added to them. Salad should be dressed olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice.

French cuisine recommends preparing a salad according to classic recipe. The leaves of lollo rossa must be torn by hand into fairly large pieces, fry finely chopped onion, add a boiled egg, dress the salad with sour cream with lemon juice and spices.

Bulky lettuce leaves give any dish an appetizing look. You can buy lollo rossa in a supermarket, when choosing, you must take into account that lettuce should not be completely dark red, as this indicates that it is overripe. For one medium serving, a norm of 50 grams of green salad per person will be enough. Lettuce is not stored for a long time, so do not stock up on greens for future use. You can store the salad for several days in the refrigerator. In a package, the salad deteriorates very quickly and loses its attractive appearance. Proper storage of lettuce involves removing store packaging, if available. Lettuce leaves must be wrapped in a damp cloth and put in the refrigerator.

The benefits of lollo rossa salad and treatment

The benefits of leafy lettuce have long been known to medicine. Doctors recommend eating fresh salads at least 3 times a week. In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of the minerals and trace elements it needs, different kinds leaf lettuce can be alternated or combined.

Lollo Rossa prevents the deposition of salts in the human body. The components of the salad help the absorption of B vitamins, which are needed to strengthen the nervous system. Also, thanks to magnesium, lettuce supplies oxygen to the tissues of the body and is responsible for the absorption of calcium. Salad is recommended for people with obesity: it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and, as a result, weight loss.

Salad lollo rossa harm and contraindications

Lettuce can harm the body with individual intolerance, which is extremely rare. When Lollo Rossa was consumed fresh and in moderation, there were no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Salad lollo rossa: calorie content and composition of the product, what useful components are contained in the plant, what is their beneficial effect on the body, contraindications. Use of the product in cooking - as is, where to add.

The content of the article:

Lollo rossa is a type of leaf lettuce, a type of lettuce. The plant is distinguished not only by its high taste, but also by its beautiful appearance. Often this culture is called a decorative salad. It is also called coral lettuce, since the similarity of the plant with this unusual inhabitant of the seas and oceans is obvious. Lollo rossa is a loose bunch with curly leaves. Closer to the root, it is white, most of the “stems” are light green, and the top is maroon, purple. In cooking, the product is widely known, perhaps, in all countries. Its popularity is not in vain, its taste is described as mild, slightly nutty and "warm" - which means that it perfectly complements not only fresh summer salads, but also hearty winter dishes. It is very important that, unlike almost all other salad crops, there is no pronounced bitterness in Losso Rossa. With excellent taste, however, the plant is very useful.

The composition and calorie content of lollo rossa

Great news for all those who are on a diet will be the information that lollo rossa, like other salad crops, has a very low calorie content. This means that it can be safely used even in the most strict diet.

The calorie content of the product is only 16 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.5 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 2 g;
  • Water - 94.98 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.3 g;
  • Ash - 0.62 g.
The plant is almost 95% water and boasts extremely low content fat. But, nevertheless, a small percentage of fat is not the main advantage of the composition of the product. It contains a huge variety of various useful components necessary for our body.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 194 mg;
  • Calcium - 36 mg;
  • Magnesium - 13 mg;
  • Sodium - 28 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 29 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 0.86 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.25 mg;
  • Copper - 0.03 mcg;
  • Selenium - 0.6 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.18 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A, RE - 370 mcg;
  • Beta carotene - 4443 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.13 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.09 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 38 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 9.2 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 126.3 mcg;
  • Vitamin K - 231 mcg.
As you can see, delicious and beautiful lollo rossa leaf lettuce is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that our body needs every day to maintain the healthy functioning of all tissues, systems and organs.

Useful properties of lollo rossa salad

In general, lollo rossa is considered one of the most vitamin salads, which means that its beneficial effect on the body is very large. It is recommended to use it not only in diets for weight loss, but also in special diets for the treatment of certain diseases. In particular, it is often "discharged" for low hemoglobin and diabetes.

Let's analyze the benefits of lollo rossa in more detail and in detail. Here are its effects:

  1. Beneficial effect on the nervous system. This influence affects both the emotional mood of a person and the activity of brain activity. The product helps fight irritability, stress, depression, insomnia, and also improves brain function and memory. In this regard, it is especially recommended for the elderly.
  2. Prevention and treatment of anemia. Lollo Rossa is rich in iron, which means that it helps maintain normal hemoglobin and is an excellent prevention and treatment of anemia (anemia).
  3. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This salad also contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. It also reduces pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps to cleanse them of excess cholesterol, which prevents the development of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.
  4. Improving the state of the endocrine system. Lettuce is rich in iodine, which means it has a direct effect on thyroid health. This fact has a beneficial effect on the health of the endocrine system and the whole organism.
  5. Strengthening immunity. Lollo rossa will help strengthen the immune system - it contains a lot of vitamin C and other important useful components. Regular use of the product is a guarantee of protection against beriberi.
  6. vision improvement. As part of this salad, vitamin A and beta-carotene are present in large quantities, the main task of which is to improve vision. And this is another reason for older people to introduce the product into the diet, it can not only save you from age-related vision loss, cataracts and other eye diseases, but also partially restore lost vision if used regularly.
  7. Improved skin condition. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of beta-carotene on the skin. This component, it is important to note, is useful for both young and aging skin. In the first case, it helps to fight various imperfections - acne, inflammation, in the second case, it stimulates the production of collagen - an important element that prevents skin aging.
  8. Prevention of the development of cancer. Finally, it is worth mentioning the importance of beta-carotene and vitamin A for the prevention of oncology. These components are excellent antioxidants and in the case of lollo rossa, they are paired with tocopherol (vitamin E), another powerful antioxidant. Together, they fight excess free radicals in the body, which in turn reduces the likelihood of developing tumors and prevents early aging of the body.
  9. Regulation of water exchange. Also, lollo rossa plays the role of a regulator of water metabolism in the body, prevents swelling, retention of salts and excess fluid in the body (it has both a diuretic and choleretic effect), which in turn prevents development and helps to treat many diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.
  10. Normalization of work digestive system . The product is rich in fiber, which helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber effectively collects and removes toxins and toxins from the body that have stagnated in the intestines.
  11. Anti-inflammatory effect. Finally, it is important to note the fact that lollo rossa is an excellent anti-inflammatory product. It effectively fights pathogenic flora and allows you to prevent and treat infectious diseases and other inflammatory processes.
It is important to note that lollo rossa is an ideal product for dietary and diabetic diets. The fact that lettuce regulates water metabolism in the body is equally important for those who want to lose weight, and for those who want to ease the flow. diabetes. In addition, we must not forget about the presence of fiber in the product, which helps to remove toxins from the body, this is especially important for all those who lose weight, as well as the fact that the product is low in calories.

Contraindications and harm lollo rossa

As you can see, the benefits of lettuce are really huge, it has a beneficial effect on almost all tissues, organs and systems. However, at the same time, lollo rossa, like any other product, has a number of contraindications.

To whom do they apply? Lettuce is strictly forbidden to eat for those who suffer from urolithiasis, kidney disease, gout. Lollo rossa can also harm those who have acute diseases of the digestive system.

With caution, the product should be introduced into the diet of allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. This salad rarely causes allergies, but there are precedents, and therefore it is important to beware.

Another important point is the reasonableness of using lollo rossa, when overeating it, unpleasant symptoms can appear even in the healthiest person.

Finally, we must recall that the salad contains a lot of beta-carotene, and this component is very poorly combined with alcohol and tobacco. This means that it is undesirable to combine dishes from lollo rossa with alcoholic beverages, and you should not smoke immediately after drinking them in order to avoid harm to health.

lollo rossa salad recipes

And now let's move on to interesting question- how to eat lollo rossa. Of course, you can eat it in its pure form, it will be extremely useful, but it is hardly breathtakingly tasty. Where it is better to add it as an ingredient to a particular dish in order to achieve the perfect balance of taste and benefits.

As we said at the beginning of the article, this salad will probably be happy in the kitchen of any country in the world. At the same time, Italian cuisine is completely unthinkable without it. signature dish with lollo rossa in this country, perhaps, is a salad with seafood, cherry tomatoes and classic spices of the Mediterranean.

However, this product is good not only in light salads, thanks to its mild and delicate taste with a slight bitterness, it goes well with literally all products - meat, poultry, fish, cheeses, eggs, vegetables and other herbs. In general, lollo rossa is a great addition to any dish that will make it not only tastier, but also healthier.

Let's look at some interesting and most successful options for using lollo rossa in recipes:

  • Italian salad. Heat olive oil (25 ml) in a frying pan, fry shrimp (100 grams) and scallops (50 grams) on it for 2-3 minutes over high heat - great if you get a delicious golden crust. Cherry tomatoes (8 pieces) cut in half. Make a green pillow on two plates from a mix of salads - lollo rossa (40 grams), radiccho (30 grams) and frisse (30 grams). Put seafood, cherry tomatoes on top, garnish the dish with fresh finely chopped basil (10 grams). Prepare the dressing: Combine olive oil (3 tablespoons), lemon juice (1 tablespoon), wine vinegar (1 tablespoon). Dress the salad, salt, pepper to taste, mix and eat immediately.
  • lollo rossa in french. This very simple salad is one of the French specialties. In a frying pan, heat olive oil (25 ml), fry onion (1 small head) on it until soft. Boil an egg (1 piece). Mix lollo rossa (50 grams) with onion and finely chopped egg, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with sour cream to taste.
  • cobb salad. And this dish is classic American - the ingredients vary, but the main theme is a large number of various components. Here is one version. Boil eggs (2 pieces), turkey fillet (300 grams) and bacon (200 grams), cut into pieces and fry in different pans until cooked. Separate the protein from the yolk, chop separately. Lettuce lollo rossa (200 grams) cut into large pieces or tear with your hands. Avocado (1 piece), peel and cut into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice. hard cheese(100 grams) and Feta cheese (100 grams) cut into cubes. Cherry tomatoes (8 pieces) cut into halves. Make the dressing: Combine olive oil (3 tablespoons), Dijon mustard (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (3 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon), wine vinegar (2 tablespoons), salt and pepper to taste. On an oblong rectangular plate, first put the salad, and then on top of it in strips of various ingredients, alternating as you like in color. When salad is ready, drizzle with dressing. Its advantage is that the ingredients do not mix, and everyone can eat only what they like.
  • Salad with blackcurrant sauce. Fry almond flakes (20 grams) in a dry frying pan - note that they fry very quickly. Lettuce leaves (30 grams) tear with your hands, smoked chicken breast(70 grams) and persimmon (half) cut into cubes. Prepare the sauce: pour red semi-sweet wine (100 ml) into a saucepan, evaporate by half and add sugar (40 grams), lemon juice (30 ml), currants (40 grams). Take a special molding ring for lettuce (you can use improvised means). The bottom layer will be persimmon, then lettuce, then breast, lettuce again and almond flakes - each layer must be spilled with sauce. Top with cubes of Gorgonzola cheese (30 grams).
As you can see, lollo rossa perfectly complements both very simple and very sophisticated salads. But, again, do not forget that it can be an excellent side dish along with other vegetables for any meat and fish - just sprinkle it with olive oil and lemon juice, and a tasty and healthy side dish is ready.

In our supermarkets, lollo rossa is quite common, but it is very important to choose it correctly. First, of course, the leaves should not be lethargic and damaged. Secondly, the salad should not be completely burgundy - this indicates that it is overripe.

It is undesirable to store salad for a long time even in the refrigerator, it quickly withers and loses beneficial features. If lollo rossa needs to be preserved for as long as possible, it should be wrapped in a damp cloth and put in the refrigerator in this form.

The plant is quite unpretentious, the cultivation of lollo rossa lettuce can be carried out in our climate. It is desirable to plant it in the spring, but at the moment when the weather is warm. The culture does not require special care - only regular watering and weeding. When the plant begins to bloom, you can remove it and plant new seeds in its place.

Watch the video about lollo rossa salad:

Lollo rossa is one of the most delicious, most beautiful and most healthy salads. It has a beneficial effect on the body, and with regular use it can even cure various diseases. This product is very much loved in cooking in all countries of the world for its soft and delicate taste with a slight bitterness. However, before using it in your dishes, make sure that its contraindications do not apply to you.


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Having a period of time from mass shoots to technical ripeness of about 40-50 days.

Lollo Rossa lettuce leaves contain (per 100 g) about 1.5 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, 2 g of carbohydrates, a large amount of potassium, as well as elements such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, zinc and magnesium; he is rich folic acid, which regulates metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system and the brain.

Lollo rossa salad belongs to those varieties of green salads that differ not only in excellent taste, but are famous for their decorative appearance. There are several varieties of lollo rossa, but the most common are red and green salads. The leaves of lollo rossa are corrugated, from green to reddish crimson, juicy and tender. At maturity, a loose head is formed with a diameter of 15-25 cm. This plant can be used to decorate flower beds and paths, and grow all year round.

Curly leaves of lollo rossa salad of rich burgundy-raspberry or green color can be used in cooking not only as an independent dish, but also to decorate and complement meat, fish and vegetable treats.

With the regular use of Lollo Rossa salad in food, digestion is normalized, as well as metabolism, hemoglobin in the blood. This salad prevents the deposition of salts in the human body.

Growing lollo rossa lettuce

Landing lollo rossa

Lolla rossa lettuce leaves - lolla rossa salad

Grow lollo rossa both outdoors and protected, on loose, nutrient-rich, neutral soils. The soil must be constantly moist. The plant is light-loving, like all leaf lettuces (with a lack of light, it slows down in growth), while it is quite cold-resistant (young plants can withstand frosts down to -2 o C).

Due to the fact that the period from germination to technical ripeness is about 40-50 days, then n seeding this salad is produced in April-May (can be sown until the end of July) when warm weather sets in.

Lollo Rossa seeds are sown in furrows with row spacing of about 25 cm, the distance between plants is 20 cm to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. After sowing, the seeds are covered with earth, which is slightly crushed. Watering the ridge is carried out by spraying (small drops). At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that a hardened crust does not form on the surface of the soil, which can interfere with seedlings. Shoots appear after 7-8 days.

After the emergence of seedlings, the plants are thinned for the first time so that there is at least 5 cm between them. As they grow, several more thinnings are made, while the plucked plants are used for food.

lollo rossa care

Plant care consists in weeding, rare watering at the root with simultaneous top dressing. Between the beds it is necessary to loosen, watering is not required very plentiful, but with a lack of moisture, the leaves of lollo rossa become lethargic and tasteless.

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