A story about a spring hike in the forest. "a trip to the forest" - an essay for school-age children

Day off - writing. A day in a coniferous forest brought tender memories

The day off spent outside the city, the essay about which is presented to the reader’s attention, began with the children walking around the nearby neighborhoods. Passing a wheat field rocking with waves

Emerald bread stalks, schoolchildren walked through a fabulous pine forest, humming with the organ of ship pines above the everyday bustle of forest inhabitants.

The day off in early May turned out to be very warm and sunny. My class went to May Day to take a break from the busy educational process, the end of the year and recharge yourself with spring mood for the upcoming, last call.

Early in the morning, with its gentle dawn barely touching the tops of the high-rise microdistricts whitening on the outskirts, we took the first trolleybus to the final stop on the suburban highway. Ahead was a green field of young wheat, and behind

Nim is a picturesque spruce forest, which was replenished every year with new seedlings of young pines and fir trees.

The viscous porridge of spring thaw under our feet was gradually replaced by velor islands of emerald moss and a springy, deliciously crunching carpet of last year’s red pine needles. We followed each other in single file, dodging the outstretched paws of the prickly pines.

Some of the perennial spruces were so tall that they seemed to catch with their blue-green, shaggy tops the white lambs of the clouds frolicking in the round dance of the heavenly dance. The mischievous sun either dived into their whipped foam, or slyly looked out, winking with a scattering of sun “bunnies”.

We easily found a clearing suitable for a picnic and lit a small fire from dry branches and pine cones. Speaking in a low voice so as not to disturb the invisible forest inhabitants. We comfortably settled down around the fire, splashing with sheaves of sparks, and enjoyed the beauty and peace of the weekend.

A distant cuckoo counted down our long years, and a carefree woodpecker, in between the booming knocks, looked at us with curiosity, bowing comically from side to side with its red beret. Spring motifs of bird trills merged in unison, hovering over the evergreen forest with a life-affirming chord of harmony.

On the way home, we looked back very often, mentally saying goodbye to the magical fairy tale of nature native land and with firm confidence we will all return together to this wonderful place during our summer holidays.

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March is a month of change. The time when winter ends and the first warmth arrives, confusion appears in the soul and preparations for spring hunting begin. This is the time of draft of woodcocks, capercaillie and grouse currents. Hunting with a decoy duck. Remember? Spring hunting. Well, well, remember quickly! Guns, cartridges, birch sap. You and I are screwed. It's time to look out the window. Weight-on-a-a. Wow, did you notice? That's what I mean, it's time to plan a spring hunt. March.

Winter flew by unnoticed. This is how life flies by. What am I talking about? Oh yes, about spring. “Martok – put on three trousers,” that’s what people say. It gets cold in March. But usually there are frosts only at first, and from the second half of the month the first heat waves begin. A couple of weeks - and the hunt opens! Time is running out. We need to prepare. It will be possible, by the way, to give up on the old place. There are some noble people there. Black grouse, wood grouse... True, it’s a bit far to walk to the places themselves, but that’s okay. We can live right in the forest. And what? Like the Indians. Let's put up a tent in the forest near a stream, build a fire - and that's it. I'll cook food in a pot, catch roaches in the stream with a fishing rod, in the morning we'll go fishing, and in the evening we'll go fishing. And if you use bite activators, then you are guaranteed a good catch. We'll live like this all week.

Let's sit by the fire and talk. Nice. And no one! Do you know what pine needles smell like in spring? What about the fire? Snowdrops? And the roach? Birch sap? It smells so bad you can't describe it. The smell of life. You'll be so smoked in a week, it'll be enough for a whole year. Yesterday I sniffed my jacket on purpose. It smells! It smells like last spring. Woodcock, spring fire and gunpowder. The smell is not the same in autumn. The spring spirit cannot be confused with anything! Do you have a sleeping bag? No? Ugliness! Buy it urgently. If you don't have time, I'll give you my spare one. No pity. With return, you will return two. So, we agreed. To hell with all of it. Work, boss, subordinates. Time off. Sick leave. Doesn't it matter? The main thing is to escape! It’s true, you can’t make all the money. It is we who earn them, not they who earn us. Well, how are we going? That's good, I'll call whoever needs it. That means the fifteenth. And you, Petrovich, call back. The first question in spring is where to sleep? The options are different. If it’s a house or a base, then it’s not interesting. Somehow not Indian. What if it’s really in the forest? Tent! This is what you need to check first. Has the bottom fallen off? How old is she? Looks like a hundred, no less. Need to check. Moreover, drag it to the very center of the room. Pick it out from the mezzanine and bring it. Unfold and feel.

Did you use it in the fall? Used it. Dry it? It seems to have dried out. Okay, let's put it in the corner. By the way, hunters do not always use a tent on their forest and water expeditions. These modern tents weigh almost nothing. And before? Remember? This is exactly what I have before. My tent is solid in every way. And it’s good in terms of comfort, it weighs like an inflatable boat, and the size is appropriate. If you swim with it along the river or carry it in a car, wherever you go. It is impossible to carry such a bag on your back. Am I a convict? It is both heavy and a “separate piece of luggage.” The weight is fair. Ten kilograms. Still, we’ll drag you on our backs, through clearings, through swamps. How much will the backpack weigh? That's the same! Eh, people will be loaded at home, and then the tongue will fall on their shoulders. They can barely move.

It happened that on difficult routes a person, in order to lighten his backpack, shook out a lot of things he needed from it, sometimes breaking off the handle of a toothbrush in order to reduce the weight. If not in kilograms, then at least morally. However, you can do without tents. You can also arrange a booth. Some of my camping comrades use an awning instead of a tent. It's simple. An awning is a piece of material that is laid on a frame made from branches. However, if space allows, you can simply stretch it between the trees. An awning is like half a tent. Sloping roof and one wall. "L"-shaped design. The roof is for rain, the wall is for warmth. The awning is always placed with the open side facing the fire and always on the windward side from the latter. Then it will become a reliable barrier from the cold night wind. The smoke of the fire will fly away, and its warmth, having reached our modest shelter, will certainly be reflected from the wall of the tent. Excellent result. The fire warms not only the face facing it, but thanks to our “screen” it warms your back too! Yes, an awning is great, and it’s warmer in it. The fire smolders, warming a tired face. The nights are short in spring. While I was standing on the draft, it was already 10 pm, then I came, drank some tea, chatted - 12. Threw some firewood, a couple of thick logs - and slept until the morning. And the morning begins, by the way, in 3 hours. In the old days, when spending the night under a tent, a thick layer of spruce paws separated the hunter from the cold and damp ground. They chopped spruce branches for bedding. This is for the forest man.

A steppe dweller will get along well with hay or straw from a stack standing in the field, or even if he is being cunning, instead of all the difficulties he will spend the night in the stacks themselves. When setting up a hunting camp, especially during solo hunts, it makes sense to be careful and set up the booth secretly. It will never hurt and will definitely help. It is better to place the same tent not on the shore, but a little further. Cover its slopes, in addition to the usual sheet of polyethylene, with dry grass. Guess so that the flames of the night fire are not too noticeable. To prevent smoke, do not put wet wood in the fire. Let no one know where your tent is, the camp is set up. Let it be off the path. This is not stupidity. “The eye does not see, but the tooth numbs,” - that’s what they said in the old days. There are too many temptations for dashing people in your camp. These include things, money, and weapons. Therefore, some secrecy will not hurt, and when going to bed, it is worth putting a gun loaded with large shot on hand. At short distances this is a terrible weapon, but so that it is not dangerous to ourselves, let’s pull the trigger on it. You shouldn't trust your life to just one fuse. I broke the gun and the triggers were cocked.

With a roof over your head, everything is clear. What else is important? Warm. Chopping spruce branches has not been fashionable for a long time now. Old. Especially if you're pitching a tent. You can buy a special rug, and this is a really worthwhile thing. The material is porous and retains heat perfectly. In addition, it does not get wet, is light and comfortable. It can be rolled into a tube and fastened to a backpack. Some people cut it into pieces for ease of transportation, although this is not necessary. The sizes of the pieces should be such that they fit well under the back of the backpack. Cut approximately 40 cm for each segment. They cut it and then glue it with strips of tape. It turns out to be a folding rug. Folds like an accordion bellows. “Blams”: folded it and put it under the back of the backpack. Once - and already took it out, laid it out and lay down. Do not use any inflatable mats! They are harmful. The air in them gradually cools and you, in fact, lie on a cold object. Take care of yourself! In general, foam material has a wide range of applications. Firstly, some people use it to cut insoles. They are warm and do not absorb moisture. Also, many of them make “seats”. Did not see? They cut out an oblong piece so that they can sit on it on the ground.

They attach a wide elastic band to the seat and, like a watch on a wrist, wear the seat on themselves. On the belt. Behind. You need to sit down, sit down on a cold stone or on the ground. Dry and warm. Easy and convenient. True, I prefer a folding chair to a seat, but this is a matter of taste. This is the second example of successful use of the material. What's number three? Whatever. The material cooks well, in the sense that, being molten, it sticks well, or rather welds. Therefore, various light and soft boxes are made from it. Put whatever you want. Sleeping bag. Also important. The motto on the hunters’ glorious shield should read: “A real polar explorer is not afraid of the heat!” It's warmer to sleep not in warm clothes, but in a sleeping bag. And if you don’t have it, then be sure to buy it. Didn't buy it? Then it is better to sleep not in warm clothes, but to cover yourself with them like a blanket. More efficient.

Some of the cost savings and total weight they try to buy a very light sleeping bag, one that is designed for the summer, and they pay for it cruelly on the very first cold night. Everyone is asleep, and they jump around the fire until dawn. The sleeping bag should allow you to stay comfortably in it down to 10° below zero. The material of a good sleeping bag is synthetic. Down is also used, but the first option is no worse. example “sinsulate”. Be sure to have a sleeping bag with a hood and a large zipper. We buy everything according to the iron principle: the longer an item is used, the more expensive it should cost. A thing that will serve for many years should be as reliable as possible; there is no need to skimp on it. It’s stupid to carry a special pillow; it’s better to have something like a rough pillowcase. A cloth bag is suitable for this purpose. It can be stuffed with any soft item. Pants, spare socks or something else. If you happen to see a haystack nearby, fill it with hay, it will be convenient. Sometimes we get to the hunting spot on foot, sometimes by boat. Some of my buddies go deep into the middle of nowhere with the help of four-wheel drive, maps, and GPS. Using a winch and a Russian mat. Sometimes these trips are short, sometimes they are long. I knew one hunter who spent his entire vacation in the forests. Every spring he went into the forest for a month. First, close by, for a week. When the hunt closed after 10 days, he moved north, where it was just opening, and climbed into the wilds.

Again for a week. Alone again. I can be different variants spring hunting, but you should make it a rule not to go hunting without a bowler hat. You need to take a pot, even if you have every reason to believe that it will not be useful, and that you will live in the most comfortable conditions. Be sure to take it with you. Someday he will help you out a lot. The bowler hat is lightweight and, when placed in a backpack, takes up little space. The best material for it is, of course, stainless steel. For solo campaigns, soldiers' bowler hats can be successfully used. They are small in size and comfortable. Top part a soldier's bowler can be used as an additional container. Material is aluminum. Of course, old-fashioned, but convenient. I take two of them. I cook food in one, and boil tea in the other. Usually slingshots for fire crossbars are made in place of branches, and here America cannot be discovered. Perhaps completely inexperienced colleagues can be recommended to use not dried wood, as some nature lovers insist, but a living tree, preferably not a coniferous one. A dry crossbar or slingshot quickly heats up and begins to burn. No raw.

Some motorists, when climbing into the northern wilderness in jeeps, take with them small grates from old gas or electric stoves. A set of four metal slingshots is made for each grid. The grate is installed above the flame on slingshots. You can put a pot, or even a couple, on the grill. You can cook fish and bake meat on it. Metal pins are easy to install in any soil. And after use, the grate and pegs are quickly put away in a special bag. Cool idea, although not applicable for hiking. Fighting excess backpack weight! Walking through the forest in spring is difficult and therefore it is useful to have a small supply of water. Simple clean water in a light plastic bottle. It will come in handy in moments of rest. He took a sip, caught his breath and moved on. It is better not to use any sweet drinks. Water or Birch juice. Thermos - excess weight. It is better to drink tea before going to the forest, or already at the hunting site. For example, when you come to the draft ahead of time, brew it in a pot.

In the forest, birch sap, water and tea are the main drink. IN Lately I got used to making it from concentrates instead of tea chicken bouillon, which not only warms well and quenches thirst, but also helps dull the feeling of hunger. You should drink only boiled water, and instead of tea leaves you can use lingonberry leaves. What's the best way to light a fire? Matches? Right, what else? With a lighter! Matches are afraid of dampness. The box itself suffers greatly from moisture or damp air. Lighters are no worse, especially if you take several of them and place them in different places. The flint of a gas lighter is afraid of dampness. Lastly, there are alternative sources of producing flame.

A particularly interesting solution is the invention of the American company Cabelas. This is a block. One side is made of a special composition based on a magnesium alloy, the other is a zirconium cylinder. Unlike simple flint, it is not afraid of moisture. You remove magnesium shavings with any metal object, strike the butt of the knife along the other half (cylinder) and strike a spark. Everything immediately flares up and burns, releasing high temperatures. A block can fall into water, and this will not affect its properties in any way. There will be a spark and a flash. Everything is packed in a beautiful case that is worn on your belt. Great, right? A trifle costs from 10 to 20 dollars. One of my friends liked the innovation so much that he willingly shared his impressions in the taiga with the Siberians. They oohed and aahed, sharing his delight. But at the same time, out of habit, they did not forget to pull a piece of birch bark here, a dry branch here, and when the narrator finished, the fire was already burning. It burned, having been put out by the quick hand of an experienced forest hunter accustomed to this matter. Everything was done so quickly and deftly that he, the city hunter, just sighed, scratched the back of his head and smiled. Here's America for you! Perhaps I won’t reveal anything new to you. But a brief explanation for beginners will be useful. So, it’s very good if there is a dense spruce forest near your camp. One could even argue that the camp itself should be placed near young spruce trees. Spruce is a godsend. Its thick branches do not get wet in heavy rain, even if it has been raining for a week.

Approach the Christmas tree and bend over. What's under the lower branches of the trunk? A mass of the finest dry twigs. They are always dry here and burn beautifully. This is one of the best fire starters. You can use birch bark, but it will take more time to get it. Thicker branches are suitable for firewood; spruce's older sister, pine, is also good. In the pine forests we will see a lot of fallen branches, and they will be useful to us first of all. Like Christmas trees, the lower branches of pine trees are usually already dead and dry. Let's take them. When looking for firewood, people usually look at their feet, which is not always correct. Fallen branches, especially in moss and lichen areas, have a disadvantage. In rainy times they are damp, with bark swollen from dampness. You shouldn't even bend over. But the sushina is just right. Look up too. Dry trees can be overlooked. Here is an old pine tree. The bark has fallen off a long time ago, and it will serve us well. Especially for thoroughly refueling the fireplace before bed. Dry stumps are perfect for our idea. On the banks of many rivers, the main fuel for a fire can be quickly collected not in the forest, but along the bank. Floods always leave a lot of twigs on the shore! In swampy areas, alder can be used as firewood. It burns well, but the flame of the fire will be dim. It’s warm, of course, but it’s like you’re sitting in the dark. Briefly about safety. Bonfires have a nasty habit of spreading through dry grass. This is fraught forest fires. You can set your tent and equipment on fire. Some hunters, falling asleep by the fire, risk waking up from acute pain. Pants are on fire! And the flames are already approaching the rest of the property, sometimes your jeep. Therefore, cut off the turf (top layer of soil) and, turning it over, cover the fire pit on all sides! By the way, some firewood, in particular aspen, tends to shoot disgustingly when burning, and no worse than snipers. “Bam,” and the ember has already burned a hole in the company suit! The tree sometimes shoots, and someone else shoots. I don't remember now. I only see a few holes in my jacket. Memorable spring hunting holes!

Children love new emotions and memorable events. Everyone has certainly had an incredible trip to the forest filled with moments of joy. Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay about such an event. Both children and parents must understand how to write such a story correctly. “A Walk in the Forest” is an essay that can be written in colors and emotion. An extensive and emotional text will earn high praise and recognition from the teacher.

How to write an essay “A trip to the forest”

For this type of work to be done on high level, you should adhere to the correct order. To do this, mothers, fathers or grandparents who are doing homework with the child should tell the child, “A Trip to the Forest” - an essay that can be presented in the following order:

  1. Brief introduction. Here you need to tell about when and under what circumstances the campaign took place. Who did the child go to the forest with, what season was it at that time.
  2. Main part. At this point, it is necessary to outline what was most remembered from the hike, what interesting adventures awaited them in the forest.
  3. Completion. In this column you need to briefly describe whether you still want to go on such a hike. And also, in conclusion, you can indicate what else you would like to see in the forest.

Such a plan will help the child understand in what order to express his thoughts when writing an essay. Therefore, let such a sketch be somewhere at hand at the time of completing the work.

“A memorable trip to the forest” - an essay for elementary school students

Surely every child has been to the forest. Either it was a walk with my parents, or picking mushrooms or berries. In order for your son or daughter to write an essay correctly, you need to show them an example on the basis of which you can compose your own story. You can take the following idea.

Essay example:

“Not far from my grandmother’s dacha there is a forest. And when I come to visit her on vacation, we always go wandering through the thickets of our favorite area. Every time we come across something interesting and surprising.

I especially remember one of ours. We were going into the forest to have a picnic there. Having reached the edge we liked, we sat down on the rugs. Suddenly the clouds gathered over us, and it began heavy rain. Since the weather was good in the morning, we didn’t even think about taking umbrellas or raincoats with us. It was a long way to run home. Therefore, I had to hide in the forest. My grandmother and I managed to come up with a shelter. We stretched an oilcloth between the trees, which was supposed to become a table, and hid there. In order not to be sad, my grandmother began to sing songs, she knows a lot of them. I also started singing along. Our picnic turned out to be very unusual. To the sound of rain, we ate everything we brought with us from the dacha.

When the rain stopped, we headed home. We had almost approached the dacha, when a rainbow grew in front of us, and the bright sun shone, as if especially for us. I will never forget this day. Despite the bad weather, we had an unforgettable time with my beloved grandmother-inventor."

This essay is suitable for first-grade students, and the child will earn an excellent grade.

Beautiful essay for middle school students

Sometimes they are asked to write an essay “A hike in the winter forest.” This kind of work is not difficult to do; it is enough to simply sincerely and emotionally tell an incident from your life that you will remember for a long time. For example, you can give your child the following essay to read:

“Not far from our house there is a beautiful forest. It is beautiful at any time of the year. One day, my dad and three of my classmates decided to go to the forest in winter. It was that day that the paths were covered with snow, and the snowdrifts in some places were knee-high.

I especially remember one moment. When we already approached the forest, we noticed that not a single path was visible, because the entire road was strewn with winter silver. Dad said he would go first, trodden the path. My friends and I followed him. On the way we encountered huge snowdrifts, it was a little higher than my knees. Then I fell into the snow. I was so immersed in the snow that my friends did not immediately understand where I had gone. But when they saw how happy I was there, they came next to me. Dad also lay down in a huge snowdrift. Then we no longer looked for paths, but simply fell into the snow, played snowballs and made forts.

When we came home, my mother barely recognized us. All clothes were covered with a thick layer of snow, and shoes were full of water. But we had a lot of fun and had a lot of fun."

Such essay options will help children get good grades and convey their emotions and experiences.

This story was told to me by a friend who happened to her last summer.
As usual, she quit her job in the summer in order to relax quietly in the rays of the warm summer sun. Usually she goes on vacation to Ukraine to visit her grandmother, but this time her mother persuaded her to go to her relatives in Karelia. The following is a story in her words:
“My parents and I arrived in the village early in the morning. The first thing I did was go to the refrigerator, because... My mother has a “black belt” in cooking and kills with one cutlet, in principle, like my sister, so I was hungry as a dog. Granny had evening milk and homemade milk in her refrigerator. smoked chicken. After having a snack and chatting a little with grandma, I went for a walk around the village. But before leaving, my grandmother warned me not to go into the forest alone, because... there were more wolves in them than ever before.”
When she told this, I was truly wondering what kind of suicidal wolf would dare to encroach on these 120 kg of “kindness and mercy” of my friend, as they already understood, she is a “fragile” girl, hits with her left hand so that then the doctors pump it out. Well, so, I continue:
“Of course, as always, I agreed with her and went for a walk. Of my friends, I met only one guy who didn’t even recognize me, apparently because he had vodka instead of brains. But I was violet - finding something to do is not a problem for me. So I spent the whole day mindlessly walking around familiar places. In the evening I returned home, and when I was already approaching, I noticed that all the windows of all the neighbors were closed with shutters. I asked my grandmother, she said that again it was all because of the wolves, because... they calmly walk around the village and only God knows what is on their minds.
But, of course, I wasn’t scared, in the end, even if they broke into the house, I always slept on the second floor, and by the time they get to me, they will have to first eat everyone below, and I During this time I will lock myself up properly.
After having a hearty dinner, everyone scattered to their rooms, although they shoved my sister in so that we could sleep together. We lie and look out the window at the head of the head, the beautiful starry sky. And then the howl begins, such a sad, drawn-out howl... It was the first time I ever heard wolves howl, but I really liked it. My sister, on the contrary, hid under the blanket (she had a phobia of werewolves, or rather all films with them, and any mention of them caused her genuine fear). Of course, as befits an older sister, I began to scare her with all sorts of stories, inventing as I went along, if I was lucky, she would go downstairs to her parents - and I would be happy.
But she, such a brute, endured it and passed out on top of everything else. I think, okay, let him sleep, the main thing is that he doesn’t shit himself at night, and, just in case, he moves away from her - who knows what he’ll dream about? And this howl stopped. I’m sleeping, I’m having my tenth dream, and I feel like they’re waking me up, but I’m too lazy to open my eyes - after all, we’ve been driving for a long time, I’m tired. Well, I open my eyes, getting ready to open my mouth and tell my sister everything I think about her. Opening my eyes, I see that she is shaking all over and tells me to look out the window. I ask her why, and she tells me - look. I look - there is no one, the sky is clear, everything is visible, the roads are empty, there is no one on the street, only one lamp near the post office is on, and it’s dark all around... beauty. I asked why she woke me up, and she told me: “There was a dog walking on two legs.” Then I realized that I was guaranteed to end up on a wet sheet, which she would provide. I told her to relax and sleep, there was no one there. She, the infection, lay down by her side and grabbed me with her arms to feel that I was nearby. I think screw her.
In the morning a surprise awaited me: the sheet was dry, for me this is real happiness that I don’t have to stand on my butt in the morning and wash clothes in a basin. Having done all our business and had breakfast with pancakes, my mother and I ran into the forest, because... the neighbor said that the chanterelles had started coming so early. We thought that we would just pick it up, fry it with potatoes and make soup.
We got together and crowded with our neighbor. Because to the part of the forest where they were mushroom places far away, we drove in his car, on a penny, I was even surprised that it withstood me. We drove deeper into the forest and came out. The air is clean, the birds are singing, the sun is breaking through the pines... beauty... The neighbor went in one direction, and my mother and I went in the other. He decided to remind us that there were wolves here, so my mother and I joked that we would kill anyone we wanted, and calmly left.
We walked for a long time, finding only a few pieces. We didn't go far from the car, because... these places were no longer so familiar, and why beat your feet over the bumps again? My mother and I decided to return to the car and we heard something rushing towards us, the sound of something cutting the air. We see that someone is touching the spruce branches ahead, well, of course, we tensed up. We were just about to organize a sprint obstacle course when our neighbor appeared rushing like a bullet, as if they had smeared turpentine on one spot. He runs and yells at us to run to the car. Since I’m a smart girl, I rushed, grabbed my mother by the scruff of the neck, and rushed to the car - it’s better to ask later what happened. As they say, it's better to be safe than sorry. We ran level with our uncle, ran up to the car, he began to open it, but it, the dog, would not open, the alarm was blocking the lock, I actually thought then: “What for does it have an alarm, who needs this pile of scrap metal?”
The neighbor, with a Russian scientific approach, moved his foot on the car, and it miraculously opened, apparently afraid that if it did not open itself in an amicable way, I would open it.
We locked ourselves in the car, the man’s hands were shaking like a drunk, he was trying to insert the key. Mom asks him what happened, and he answers something incomprehensible, so I thought that he came across a bear (it’s just not the first time he’s been so lucky). The car started up, began to reverse, and, turning around, we drove away from this place. I looked out the window and, together with my mother, saw several gray wolves running out from behind the trees, among which one was really enormous in size and, sniffing the air, stood on its hind legs. I probably immediately lost 20 kg in weight and ended up having the salon cleaned, but this was the first time I had seen this. This wolf really calmly stood on hind legs and looked in our direction. He had a grin, even my mother noticed, as if he was smiling maliciously. He seemed to look like a wolf, only he had clearly visible wide ribs, narrow ears and a wide muzzle.
We flew out of the forest and, having rushed home, told grandma everything. She listened to us so calmly and said that “I warned you.” As it was clear from her words, this creature was something like a goblin, which appeared in every certain cycle of time, something like once every 7 years.
Without hesitation, I packed my things and rushed back home to Moscow in the evening. I’d rather stay in the urban jungle than traumatize my delicate psyche like that.”
At first I thought it was just a story, but her mother told the same thing, noting that they did not use any wheels, mushrooms or anything like that.

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