Fifteen of the best quests in the history of gaming. Quests for the quest Fun quest

The first quests in Russian appeared back in the 90s. The pioneer in the genre was the game (still under MS-DOS) “Pilot Brothers” based on the same name. The project attracted gamers with its excellent humor, wonderful voice acting and nice graphics. Then games poured in as if from a cornucopia: relatively cheap to produce, they gave developers the opportunity to quickly release one project after another and at the same time make money against the backdrop of the general financial crisis. It was on domestic quests that the Buka company took off, which successfully exists to this day.

Russian quests are united by several factors: absurd humor, cartoonish visual style, illogical levels of “find a syringe, put bees in it and release them through the keyhole in a bathhouse” - however, perhaps this is precisely why they are loved by domestic gamers. Over the past two decades, many interesting games in the genre, starting from the wildly popular “Petka and Vasily Ivanovich” and ending with stamped crafts based on “Ranetki”. To help you find quality projects in all this diversity, we have compiled a small top of the best quests in Russian.

1. Petka and Vasily Ivanovich

A legend of domestic quest building, a series of 9 games based on bearded anecdotes about Chapaev and his orderly Petka. Each issue of the series is a theater of the absurd, where the heroes find themselves in some incredible adventures, filled to the brim with jokes and funny situations. Buka has recently re-released some classic games about Petka and Vasily Ivanovich for PC and mobile devices, so gamers can once again go on a journey to the places of glory of famous characters.

2. Mor. Utopia

In this quest, players find themselves in a city where a terrible unknown disease is raging. They need to survive, save people if possible (those who want to be saved) and find out the cause of the terrible Pestilence. The Ice-Pick Lodge studio is known for its original approach to game development and projects that go far beyond the boundaries of genres (just remember another masterpiece of game makers -), so you should definitely get acquainted with its creations. In addition, the developers are happy to provide this opportunity: you can buy and download Pestilence games. Utopia with updated graphics and for modern computers. Also in 2019, Ice-Pick Lofge released a remake of the original game called - and it is perhaps the strangest adventure you could see.

3. Sublustrum

Not all Russian representatives of the genre are made in a humorous manner. For example, the game Sublustrum, included in our selection of the best quests, takes gamers on a mystical adventure in a mansion that holds many secrets. In an empty house, the main character is waiting for doors, difficult puzzles and a story that leaves behind more questions than answers.

4. Pilot Brothers

A series that dates back to 1997. It is based on the famous animated series and contains a number of games that throw the heroes into various locations and situations: detectives investigate the disappearance of an elephant from, identify a serial maniac and even go to distant Tasmania. Each game in the Pilot Brothers series is a sea of ​​great humor and entertaining, although not always logical, puzzles.

The game has been removed from official digital services

5. Knock-knock-knock

A horror quest in which you need to complete the only goal - to survive until dawn in a house where some evil entity lives. The project intrigues with its mysterious plot, captivates with interesting puzzles, and sometimes causes laughter thanks to its inventive black humor. Fans of non-standard games will really like it.

6. Last year's snow fell

A game based on the cartoon of the same name, made in an identical “plasticine” style. The main character needs to find the missing bathhouse, and players are invited to participate in this adventure, communicate with familiar characters and laugh at numerous jokes.

7. Cradle

8. The Great Perhaps

9. "Space Rangers"

“Space Rangers” is a project outside of genre boundaries, in which too many mechanics are mixed in to be classified as any specific direction. Nevertheless, there are also elements of a quest, a text one at that, and this part of the game is considered by many to be the best. A variety of scenarios will appear in front of you, and you will have to use all your ingenuity and intelligence to emerge victorious from them. There are a lot of quests in the game, so you won’t get bored.


This humorous (sometimes too much) game will ask you to solve puzzles somewhere in the research complex. The goal of your mission is to establish contact with an extraterrestrial life form, but do not expect that it will be easy: you will have to die many times, find yourself in a dead end, curse the game with the last words, and then gather your strength and move forward to further developments. Protocol is infuriating, but also captivating, which is why it deserves a place in our top.


It is almost impossible to cover the entire list of domestic quests - it numbers hundreds, if not thousands, of projects, among which there are both frankly bad and, without exaggeration, brilliant games. The best of them are presented in our selection, but you can familiarize yourself with the rest if you wish.

Every day the popularity of quests is growing - more and more people are learning about them and more people. And many people have a desire to come up with their own quest for some holiday for their family and friends. Coming up with tasks for a quest is not an easy task; here you will have to call on all your imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness to help.

It is worth noting that puzzle-solving games are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Over many centuries, humanity has come up with a huge number of riddles, charades, logic problems and other tasks that can not only diversify leisure time, but also help develop mental skills and thinking.

In this article we want to tell you how you can apply many well-known and favorite tasks from childhood to your quest. Pay attention to the main condition - the answer to the task must be a word denoting a place or object, and which can serve as a kind of hiding place. After all, a quest is a chain of tasks, each of which is hidden in a certain place. Having completed the next task, players learn the key word, and it tells them where to move next. At first glance, it may seem that the answer in the form of some word is obtained only when solving puzzles, crosswords and riddles. In fact, you can even get a word in a puzzle like origami. And we will tell you how to do this in this article.

How to choose keywords for a quest

The core of the quest is the puzzle cards and the locations that the answers to those puzzles point to. After all, as we wrote above, all tasks are hidden in various places and objects.

Places and words denoting them can be common, found everywhere: bed, TV, door, window, etc. Or they can be specific, found only in a specific room or in a specific area. For example, you can use the names indoor plants, books, tourist souvenirs, etc.

Or it happens that one word has a double meaning for some people. An example could be this: there is a cat in the family, the household jokingly calls him Loaf, or, well, Sofa) So this word can be made the key word in the quest. Having received the word “sofa” in the answer, players will not immediately realize that they need to run not to a real sofa, but to the cat or to the place where he sleeps or eats. Such funny moments will make the game more fun and interesting. They will add individuality to the quest and tasks, show that the organizer put his soul into the process and took into account the interests and passions of loved ones.

A similar example can be given with the use of souvenirs from trips around the world. For example, you have a plate hanging on your wall - a souvenir from Paris. This is an excellent reason to add a task to the quest, the answer to which will be something related to Paris or France. Maybe even the word “Paris” itself.

There are many similar examples. But we will not delve into them, since the purpose of this article is to give advice on how to come up with tasks for a quest yourself, for example, for a birthday. We will also use specific examples to analyze how to adapt and implement various types of puzzles into the quest. We will, of course, share some secrets, but we won’t reveal them all just yet. The examples of tasks presented below are taken from our quests, which you can read at.

Now let's look at how different types of tasks can be “modified” so that the answer to them is a word - the name of an object or place. Only then can you include this task in the quest.

Types of tasks for the quest

Conventionally, we divide the huge variety of types of puzzles and tasks into categories. Below we will look at some of them.

"Verbal-letter tasks"

Their essence is to correctly enter the answers (words and letters) into the required cells. As a result, a keyword will appear in the highlighted cells, which will lead players to the next task. A classic example of such a task is the most common crossword puzzle, after completing which you need to read the keyword in the highlighted cells.

Similar tasks include:

  • Crosswords
  • graphic crosswords
  • teawords
  • tasks “song” or “poem”, where you need to enter the missing words in the text and form a keyword from the letters in the highlighted cells.

"Simple tasks"

The key word is either a riddle, a charade, or a question of erudition or specific knowledge. Here is an example of a famous charade:


Example of a question with the answer “MIRROR”:


You need to compose and solve puzzles according to generally accepted rules that can be found on the Internet.

Most often, a rebus is a combination of pictures, letters and numbers. The task is to in the right order write down the names of these images and then decipher the keyword or phrase.

"Logic Puzzles"

It is difficult within the scope of this article to describe all the many ways to use logic puzzles for home quests. Maybe in the future we will dedicate this separate article. In the meantime, here is one good example of how a well-known type of puzzle with matches can be adapted for use in an escape room:


There can be many use cases here. In a fillword, you can guess a word by scattering its letters among the false letters. In this case, all false letters will be repeated, and the letters of the keyword will appear only once. In this case, the task should be formulated as follows: cross out all the repeated letters, and form a word from the remaining ones.

Or a fillword can be the intersection of many words that, according to the assignment, will need to be found and crossed out. And the remaining letters should form a keyword.

Another option for using a fillword is to hide three or four words among the false letters, which together would give a hint of the keyword you need. For example, the words hidden on the letter field are: soup, lid, kitchen. The word connecting them will be pan. This is where you need to hide the next puzzle or the final prize.

“Find differences or an extra object”

Such tasks are great for any children's quest, especially when children cannot read yet, and using word tasks is not suitable for you. If the task says to find an extra object, then you can, for example, in the image New Year tree“hide” a saucepan, a washing machine, or any other ridiculous thing among the toys. Organize another cache there. If in the task you need to find differences, then the players are given two pictures, on one of which they need to provide the “key” difference.

"Find an object without a pair"

Like the previous tasks, great for children. The card depicts various objects with their logical pairs in a chaotic order. For example: brush - paint, TV - antenna, match - fire, etc. We are conceiving one item without a pair, it will be the key one.

Can be used in two ways. In the first case, the labyrinth will be a regular puzzle with several exits. An item must be placed at each exit. The item planned in the quest outline is placed at the only correct exit.

The second application option is more interesting for adults and children who can read. Letters are scattered along the paths of the labyrinth in such a way that only after following the correct path can you read the key word.

"Logical chains"

For children, you can use logical chains listing repeating items.

For adults and children who are good with mathematics, you can come up with various chains with numerical patterns. The numbers missing in them must correspond to the serial number of the letters in the alphabet. The letters are guessed exactly from the keyword you need.

“Tasks with collecting letters”

The point of the tasks is to collect the necessary letters to compose a keyword. You can come up with a lot of options here.

For example, the letters of a word can be randomly placed on any picture, preferably with a thematic focus. Immediately imagine a number of small fragments of the same picture. Each fragment must correspond to the location of one of the letters of the keyword.

A collection of letters can also be conceived in a table at the intersection, for example, the names of countries and cities that are located in them. This puzzle can be made on any topic: literature, geography, sports, art. It is she who will help take into account the hobbies and interests of the players in the game.


Nowadays almost no quest can do without this classic technique. The keyword is encrypted with shapes, pictograms, flowers, snowflakes, in general, any icons corresponding to the theme of the game. Using the alphabet, where each character has a corresponding letter, players must read a message, a riddle, or just a keyword.


We discussed the issue of using riddles in quests in detail in the article Riddles for quests. In it we talked about how to correctly use riddles in an quest, how ordinary riddles can be turned into interesting puzzles, showed several interesting ideas, and also published lists of riddles about various household items.
You can also find a list of riddles about various household items here:

"Special tasks with secret inscriptions"

These are the most entertaining quests. These include tasks using sympathetic ink or the use of any manipulations to manifest a message on paper. Ink that becomes invisible after drying, but appears when heated, can serve as: milk, lemon juice, starch solution.

You can reveal the secret inscription in other ways. For example, you need to take two sheets of paper, place them one on top of the other and write a message on the top sheet, pressing firmly on the pencil. On the bottom sheet, at first glance, the inscription is not visible, but if you take a pencil and paint over it, the pressed inscription will appear.

The principle of operation is similar for this task: write a word, a message on a piece of paper, or draw a picture with a colorless wax candle. If you then paint over the sheet with a pencil, the secret image will appear, as it will remain white.

An interesting task for a children's quest is a message that can only be read with the help of a mirror. On the sheet you need to write a riddle or phrase in a mirror image. Having received such a task, players must guess how to use a mirror and read the text.

Developing tasks for a spy quest will not be complete without making a stencil, which can also be used to receive a secret message. To do this, you need to take a newspaper clipping, select the necessary letters in the text for the intended message, and make slits in the right places on a blank sheet of paper. This quest works especially interestingly when players find a stencil and a newspaper clipping at different stages of the quest.

Individual tasks

Above we described only a small part of the tasks that can be used in the quest. In you will find many other original and unique tasks.

We try, whenever possible, to include so-called individual tasks in our quests. They help to personalize the quest and give it the appearance of an individual, designed specifically for a specific person or company.

For example, task "Our Date" in the Romantic quest (link to the rum quest) is based on the date the couple met. Without remembering it, it is impossible to solve the task. A similar type of task “Do you know me well” with personal questions is also irreplaceable if the quest is being prepared for a loved one.

Our quests

Developing tasks for a quest is not only about coming up with original puzzles for the quest. Be sure to take the time to include some moving tasks into the quest. They will help diversify the quest and keep players from getting bored.

When purchasing most of our scenarios, we give our customers a specially designed set of active tasks for the quest.

The set includes tasks according to which players must perform certain active (physical or creative) actions. When correct execution they move on to the next stage and receive another puzzle or task.

Please note that quests usually do not imply the participation of the presenter in the game process, because players find tasks themselves, solve them themselves, and receive hints on where to look for the next ones. If you enter active tasks, then the participation of the presenter will become mandatory.

An amazing world of puzzles awaits the player who decides to plunge into the world of quest games. Games in this genre surprise with their diversity: gamers will transform into completely different heroes, travel to other planets and worlds. But the most important thing that awaits them is a huge number of mysteries.

1. Runaway: A Road Adventure

The main character of the game is an ordinary student named Brian. The quest begins with the fact that he wanted to become a graduate student. But the mafia interferes with his plans. The bandits decided that the student had everything they needed. And in order to return it, they are ready to do anything, even litter the city with corpses. The main task of the character is to find out what the mafia wants, and this has to do with Brian.

There will be a lot of people along the way. And often many of them only pretend to be friends. But how to understand which of them wishes evil and wants to deal with the poor student in the quest. Dealing with such questions is not easy. Dizzying surprises await the hero. Runaway: A Road Adventure is full of murders, riddles and secrets, money, lies and difficult tasks.

This is a game in which the quests are not easy, but interesting. Gamers will also find excellent graphics, dynamic lighting of light and shadow, many high-quality cartoons, regular changes of cameras and a user-friendly interface. Excellent music completes the picture.

2. Grim Fandango

This quest game was created by LucasArts. In it, the hero goes to the other world. There, the task becomes to unravel a conspiracy that prevents the salvation of the hero’s soul.

Grim Fandango has a lot of bright humor, unusual stories, as well as unusual Mexican folklore. This makes you immediately interested in the quest and does not let the gamer get bored for a second. You can relax while solving puzzles; the secrets of the dead must be revealed.

3. Syberia

A well-known game line among all gamers, it will intrigue players who are not particularly interested in quest games on PC. However, the story in Syberia is so captivating that it immediately grabs your attention. It was invented by a popular artist from France. The story is about a girl. She gave up a good career because she wanted to visit the legendary Siberia. I have only one desire – to look at the legendary mammoths.

Syberia not only has an excellent and exciting plot, but also many interesting puzzles and excellent graphics. The first two parts are considered the most successful in the series. The third failed to become so popular. The trilogy is considered one of the best.

4. Scratch

The story about the Blackwood mansion has become a cult among fans of the genre of quest games, filled with mysticism and big amount interesting moments. Strange things happen in the house all the time. What exactly needs to be understood by the main character. He became the new owner of the house.

“Rustles” gained recognition and wide popularity thanks to its unique and exciting storyline. The quest game is considered one of the best in the genre. It contains horror elements. Attracts players and excellent visual performance, thoughtful tasks. The mood of the quest is gloomy. But this will not stop gamers from having a great time.

5. Full Throttle

Another quest from LukaArts with an incredible story about biker Ben. Will be remembered as charismatic main character, incomparable humor. Below we will talk about the Full Throttle remaster, released in 2017. It became one of the most exciting events in the gaming world.

In the quest, a biker is accused of murder. However, he did not commit it. And he tries to prove it. History is built around history. The creators were able to weave in many unusual tasks and situations here.

The hero will constantly fight with opponents, chase, and solve tasks of varying complexity. This will happen to dynamic musical accompaniment. Full Throttle came out in 1995, but still has fans today. The remaster will surprise almost any player.

6. The Secret of Monkey Island

The young man Threepwood becomes the main character of this quest. He decided to become a pirate, and this story of transformation is very funny and interesting. Lucasfilm Games studio worked on the plot in its heyday, which means that The Secret of Monkey Island could not fail to become interesting.

The hero will take part in tasks of a different nature: he will go through battles with bandits, show his intelligence and abilities, and solve many puzzles.

Recently the quest was republished taking into account modern systems. Therefore, there will be no difficulties during the passage on modern equipment.

7. Valiant Hearts: The Great War

An exciting quest from Ubisoft tells the story of the lives of four characters. They were drawn into the events of the First World War. The story turned out to be quite lively and emotional. However, at the same time, the developers maintained a balance between emotions and interesting tasks. The puzzles here turned out to be very exciting.

In addition, Valiant Hearts: The Great War is beautiful in terms of design and graphics. Its execution can be compared with comics.

But the main thing in the quest is the heroes. Everyone experiences war in a special way. Their destinies are intertwined, and their adventures form the outline of an excellent plot.


The quest game appeared recently: in 2018. A true detective story, but it has details from the mystical genre. The gamer will have to investigate crimes related to the other world. The quest process in Unavowed here is very different from its analogues. You will have to explore the locations a lot, looking for clues. Talk to suspects, solve puzzles.

But the main thing here is the dialogue. You will have to communicate a lot, not only with living people, but also with ghosts. Another atypical solution (for the quest genre) is that tasks most often have several solutions. The hero will be able to take a break from missions in the quest at the headquarters. There is a lot of communication, not with suspects, but with other characters, which will allow you to find out about their interests.


This is a whole series of quest games that are played in first person. They contain a sea of ​​mysticism, secrets, unsolved puzzles and omissions. In addition, books and magazines were made based on this plot. Therefore, we can say that the universe here is very rich.

Not all quests in the series may be suitable today, as they are very outdated. But there is a remaster. Thanks to him, the player will be able to touch the masterpiece. At the same time, he will not have to peer into numerous pixels: the graphics here are quite suitable.

10. King's Ques

“Royal Quests” is a line of games from the developers of many cult titles. King's Ques tells the story of the royal family. He rules the state of Daventry. It is also an idea of ​​the developers. The heroes will become participants in numerous trials and adventures. In addition, during the gaming process, players will get to know a wide variety of characters and solve interesting puzzles. King's Ques was re-released in 2015, so now you can play the classic quest game in decent quality.

An eminent developer named Shafer developed a project with that name. Full Throttle and many other “legends” became his creations. And Broken Age could even top the list. However, some believe that the plot in the quest is not ideal, and in some places the stories are drawn out. The interface in the quest is not the most convenient.

But Broken Age also has many advantages. And they outweigh the disadvantages. The story of the teenagers who became the main characters of the game is quite interesting. They move in several worlds. The characters in Broken Age are deep and interesting. And the humor is sparkling. Puzzles occupy a special place in the quest. They are thought out to the smallest detail and will captivate everyone.

12. Dreamfall Chapters

A quest from Ragnar Törnqvist, a developer and creator of many popular projects, who is originally from Norway. The game is fantastic with fantasy elements; it has found its fans among fans of this genre.

Gamers find themselves in a universe in which many worlds and our planet exist in parallel. The heroine wants to understand what she should do in life. And at this time hostilities begin. Events take place in the distant future.

Dreamfall Chapters has excellent direction, excellent communication, and a plot that is pleasant and interesting to watch.

13. Edna & Harvey: The Breakout

A series of quest games from German developers includes two toys, one of which is called Edna & Harvey: The Breakout. Both have a cartoonish style that is quite funny. Edna & Harvey: The Breakout is about two girls. In this part of the quest, the heroine will have to escape from a psychiatric hospital.

To do this, she will have to go through many tests in the quest. In addition, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout is distinguished by the presence of many non-standard moments, “dark” humor, and the attitude towards the death of minor characters is completely frivolous. This version of the quest is quite suitable for anyone who is looking for something non-standard.

14. Samorost 3

This adventure quest game is part of a whole series of games that were released from 2003 to 2016. This part is the last of the trilogy. A puzzle quest with a unique graphic style; famous designers from the Czech Republic worked on them.

The hero of this part (and previous ones) is the little Dwarf. He will solve all problems by trial and error. You will have to control it by tapping on the screen. The gnome can help the characters, and they often do not stand aside and come to the rescue.

The project was warmly greeted by everyone: both critics and gamers. The graphics in Samorost 3 were especially highly appreciated. All parts of the quest were appreciated and given significant prizes and awards. But the amazing design and gameplay deserved attention.

15. Chuchel

The hero of this quest is an incomprehensible creature with eccentricities named Scarecrow. The creature has to overcome many levels for the sake of a single goal - he wants to get the cherry, which is a jewel. And all this is in the genre of absurd comedy.

A strange and unusual world opens up before players in the quest. He is as incomprehensible as the main character. Therefore, it is important to prepare in advance for what will appear on the screen. However, the story, although unusual, is good, with a good dose of madness. Its difficulty is low, so it is suitable even for children. The puzzles, although not difficult, are fun.

16. Dear Esther

The arthouse-style quest appeared in 2012. This game project was experimental. And it's played in first person. However, some have dubbed Dear Esther an interactive book. According to the plot, gamers find themselves on an island, it is uninhabited. But a voiceover communicates with the players, reading excerpts from letters. They were written for the mysterious Esther.

The main task is to get to the lighthouse tower, on which there is a flashing light. The hero is accompanied throughout the journey by a voice-over reading parts of the letters. They contain information about the main characters.

Exploring the island in a quest will bring a lot of interesting things. There are many unusual locations: abandoned buildings, ships, or rather their remains that sank many years ago.

The gamer will not understand who he is playing for, how the creature ended up on the island, who he represents. Only the legs are visible, which are capable of quickly transporting the hero from point A to point B.

Dear Esther is filled with incredible atmosphere. It is incomprehensible and strange on the one hand, and on the other – fascinating and alluring. The game is considered a must-play, as it is considered one of the most outstanding quest games of our time.

17. The Next BIG Thing

The quest, which appeared in 2011, has a good hint system. The main focus of The Next BIG Thing is on research activities. The hero will have to visit many locations, find various items, which are sent to inventory.

The plot revolves around two journalists. They find themselves at a strange event - “Monster Ball”. Their task is to film a report. They, like any reporters, will have to communicate a lot, since some of the mysteries cannot be solved otherwise. Players are advised to pay attention to this. You'll have to skip puzzles that are too difficult and try to move on.

Most reviews about the project are positive. Players appreciated the quest for its good humor and memorable characters. The jokes here are really very accurate and funny. The plot is thoughtful and interesting. Therefore, the project is recommended to everyone.

18. The Whispered World

This quest game can be called amazing. It tells the story of an unusual clown named Sedwick. He doesn’t look like a cheerful person at all, but is always sad and gloomy, and has a bad character. And all because of the terrible nightmares that literally haunt him. He sees that through his fault the world will soon perish.

His goal is to get rid of terrible dreams. So he goes traveling. During the quest, he will overcome numerous obstacles, solve riddles, and pass tests. The story turned out to be a little sad, but also instructive.

19. Armikrog

The quest, which appeared in 2015, is very original from a graphics point of view. It is made of plasticine. Therefore, Armikrog is called the heir to the Neverhud idea. The gameplay in the game is standard for the point-and-click genre. So the hero will definitely have to move around the area a lot, solve puzzles and solve problems.

As you progress through Armikrog, the tasks become more difficult, but there are almost no extremely difficult places in the passage, everything can be solved.

Critics have dubbed the project with a spirit of originality, some argue that the creators tried to play on the nostalgic feelings of the players. The passage will not be long, so Armikrog will not have time to get bored. The plot of the quest is quite simple, but interesting and addictive. Therefore, players are unlikely to want to tear themselves away from the screen until the very end.

20. Deponia

The quest game appeared in 2012. These are not just quests, but real adventures. Deponia's genre is also point-and-click. And the controls and gameplay are standard for this genre. The main character was the inventor Rufus. Unfortunately, failures follow him everywhere.

He will have to travel from place to place, picking up things, communicating with other characters, and solving problems and puzzles.

Deponia has great humor and puzzles that really grab players' attention. The quest has an excellent plot, although at first glance it may seem banal. But as things progress, players realize that there are many interesting and unusual nuances.

After completing it, many gamers will want to play the next parts. Since the continuation is interesting, how will events develop further?

21.Still Life 2

The detective quest Steel Life has won many fans, and the appearance of the second part is quite predictable. Starring Special Agent McPherson. She is investigating another murder. This time the victim was Audrey Dunnigan. The heroine finds herself near Maine. She needs to investigate the place where the victim was killed and analyze the evidence.

After this, the agent will understand that the killer is the legendary “Executioner”. She recognizes his handwriting - a mark on the victim's body. However, the villain leaves no other traces. He is generally distinguished by his special pedantry and cleanliness. There are no prints or traces here. Therefore, the chances of catching him are extremely low.

Agent McPherson's work begins to be criticized on television for the fact that solving the case is not progressing. But the same reporter on the quest offers her help to the agent. But then she disappears too, and McPherson faces another exciting case.

22. Aquaria

The two-dimensional arcade game, which was released in 2007, has all the elements of a classic quest, telling the story of the amphibian Naya - a real traveler and explorer. The world of underwater Aquaria opens before her. The heroine will study it.

Gamers, together with the amphibian, will have to collect many ancient things, artifacts, find lost locations, hidden rooms, fight opponents and even bosses. By the way, you will have to influence the world through singing and swimming. These are the character's basic skills.

True, the amphibian has some other skills: moving stones, moving plants, changing the shape of its body. The heroine's appearance affects her skills. In addition, she fights enemies with magical projectiles.

Critics praised the project. The game received mostly praise for its excellent graphics and fast-paced storyline. The quest draws players in from the first seconds.

23. Blade Runner

An old quest game in the cyberpunk style is not only a quest, but also a detective story to boot. It appeared more than 20 years ago, but continues to be at the top of puzzle toys.

Its plot is based on a film with the same name. This is an amazing 3rd person adventure. The hero faces a detective investigation. Unraveling it will not be easy: the character will be faced with non-standard evidence. It is not always clear how to interpret certain facts and situations. And this is one of the “chips” of Blade Runner. It has as many as 16 endings! Therefore, any action of the hero can lead to the ending changing. And there are many branches. Places where you have to decide future fate, are called "choice".

The quest perfectly conveys the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the coming times. The presence of multiple endings gives the game additional intrigue. The player has a profound influence on the story, and it's compelling. Blade Runner today remains interesting, attractive and original, despite its release date.

Enter the world of puzzles now

Quest games are a special genre that has many fans. Gamers are attracted by fascinating stories and the opportunity to solve countless mysteries. Various worlds open up before the players, they will have to immerse themselves in the world of investigations, go through a huge number of locations, and unravel unusual and strange cases. Players will be able to become an FBI agent, a detective, an amphibian, or an unsuccessful scientist. Who else?

They will open before him amazing worlds: desert island, haunted house, parallel worlds, post-apocalyptic future, plasticine world, everyday life of a gloomy clown and much more. Each game has its own characteristics, atmosphere, features of passage and complexity of tasks, so do not put off quests, try to plunge into the world of puzzles right now! Some are suitable only for adults, while others will be interesting for children too.

When planning a children's party, the easiest option is to turn to people who professionally organize holidays. They will offer you a lot of options, different kinds entertainment, among which quests are especially popular today.

Quest- this is a chain of tasks connected to each other by some topic or common goal.

It is not surprising that children are delighted with quests, because they so love to solve mysteries, go to the goal and receive such a coveted prize as a result.

But to arrange an exciting quest, you don’t have to contact anyone. Using ingenuity and imagination, any parent can write a script for their own special quest, which will be compiled taking into account the hobbies and interests of your child. And such a quest will be even more valuable, because you have put your soul into it, and even more interesting, because who, if not you, knows how to interest your own child.

To create a scenario, you will need tasks for a quest for children. Let's look at different options for children's tasks, by putting them together, you can create your own unique scenario.

To read it, you need to do certain things with it. Examples of such a letter:

  • inscription with milk. Appears when heated. To do this you will need matches or a lighter, so this task should not be given to children. But even if you are doing a quest for schoolchildren, at this stage it is advisable for the participation or at least the presence of an adult for safety reasons.
  • wax candle or chalk. The paper with the hint must be painted over with a pencil so that the inscription appears. Great safe option tasks.
  • pressed inscription. We take two sheets of paper, place them on a soft surface and write the message so that it is imprinted on the bottom sheet. This will be our secret letter. To read the inscription, it must be painted over, just like in the previous version.


You can easily compose it yourself. For example, the answer to the next stage will be the word “sun”. For each letter of the word we come up with another word: the letter “C” is a dog, etc. Moreover, this may not necessarily be the first letter of the word. Then we select a leading question or riddle for each word. The answers are entered into the cells and the result is a clue word in one of the columns. We paint it some color. An example of such a crossword puzzle can be found here.

Hidden clue

For this type of task, you will need a container with sand, any cereal or pasta, in which a capsule with a hint is hidden. You can also use a bucket of water.

Such tasks are more suitable for a quest that takes place in nature.

You can hide the clue not in a container, but in a certain area. It could be some bushes or thick grass.


One or more questions, after solving which, participants receive a hint. It is advisable that the quiz questions be united by one topic. These can be phrases from fairy tales, from which you need to guess the fairy tale itself.

More quiz options:

  • we take several objects or pictures, we need to guess which movie or cartoon these objects are from;
  • Geographic quiz - guess countries, cities;
  • quiz with questions about animals, birds or insects;
  • a quiz with questions about household appliances or any items used in everyday life.

If the quest is carried out with schoolchildren, the quiz can be dedicated to any subject that they study at school. In this case, the task will be not only exciting, but also useful.


More suitable for nature, but can also be organized at home. On the street, it could be stretched ropes that you need to crawl between, or a tunnel made of branches - this must be determined by the availability of materials.

At home, you can use a special children's tunnel or stretch tape between the walls in the hallway.


It can be either in prose or in poetic form. The answer is the key to the next task.

To complicate the task, write the riddle backwards - then the children will have to try to read it, and then only guess.


We represent the key word using a rebus. You can choose a ready-made rebus, or you can come up with one yourself.


We first print a word or picture on paper, glue the paper onto thick cardboard and cut it into pieces. The child's task is to put the puzzle together to get a clue.

Word encrypted using phone buttons

Phone buttons have letters, which means each letter in a word can be represented by a number. But each number corresponds to several letters, which complicates the task. Such tasks are suitable for schoolchildren; children may not be able to cope with them.

Word encrypted with icons

Each letter of the alphabet is indicated by some kind of sign - a circle, a square, an asterisk. Children are given a code of signs and an alphabet with symbols. Their task is to pick up the letters and solve the word as quickly as possible.

find 10 differences

A well-known childhood pastime is to compare two pictures and find the differences. It could well be made into a task for a children's quest. Looking for differences as a team is much more fun and interesting.

Relay races

This is a component of an outdoor quest. There are a lot of relay variations. You can come up with your own, stylizing it to match the theme of the quest. For example, if the quest is dedicated to the New Year, then instead of a ball, children can pass each other a toy snowman or Santa Claus’s bag with gifts.

Who's the odd one out here?

Children are given a few words or pictures. Their task is to determine which object or word is superfluous. The extra word will be the key to the next stage. An option with a complication - we make each word a riddle or a rebus, then the children first need to unravel the words, and then look for the odd one among them.

Do the math

We prepare cards with hints in advance, on each card there is a word and a number. To find out which word is the key, you need to count something. You can count steps in the entrance, benches or trees on the street, windows in the house, etc. Let's complicate the task - you need to count several objects, then add these numbers to get the key.

Find the right box

You need to prepare several identical boxes, one of which contains a key or a word. The participants' task is to open all the boxes. The option is more complicated - we put a key in each, but only one of them fits the lock, or we put a piece of paper in each, but only one of them has a hint.

Mirror reflection

We write a word or riddle in a mirror image. Participants must guess for themselves that they need to use a mirror to read. By the way, the mirror can also be hidden, thereby making the task even more interesting.

General assignment rules

Here we have selected only the main variants of tasks, you can take them as a basis or come up with your own, but you must follow several rules:

  • All tasks should not be dangerous. You cannot force a child to swim across a river or light a fire;
  • the problems must be age-appropriate for the participants to actually solve them. But at the same time, they should not be too simple;
  • the stages of the quest should be united by one theme, smoothly transition into each other, and be built in a logical chain;
  • at the end there should be a prize waiting for the participants, and it should be such that no one is offended. If the game is a team game, then the prize should be for the whole team. If desired, you can give small prizes at each stage of the passage.

We hope that our tips will help you and you will organize your own original and exciting children's quest!

Hi all! I collected here best selection quests on PC for all time. If you want to suggest a game, write in the comments the name of the game and an explanation of why you think it is the best.


Release date: 1995

Genre: Quest

A first-person graphic quest that became a model (and for many, even a real “icon”) of the genre, subsequently giving rise to many similar projects. The plot of the game, which also received four sequels, formed the basis for a number of works of fiction.

During the game we move between locations by clicking on active zones screen. As the game progresses, the character finds pages from two books that contain certain information. Subsequently, based on the knowledge gained, the player will have to make a certain choice. The game is distinguished by very complex puzzles, a strong plot and some non-standard solutions for the genre (for example, lack of inventory, etc.).

Broken Sword Series

Release date: 1996-2013

Genre: Quest, point-and-click

A series of adventure games in which each part has its own storyline. The first two parts have hand-drawn, slightly cartoonish graphics. Starting from the third part, the graphics in the game become three-dimensional with an emphasis on realism. In terms of gameplay, the game is a classic point-and-click quest, in which we move between locations, find the necessary items there and solve riddles of varying degrees of complexity.

This series is one of the favorites among fans of the genre; it is not surprising that a re-release of the first part was released in August 2010, and then a re-release of the second on December 16, 2010. It is worth noting that the re-releases have been somewhat simplified due to the fact that all active places and zones are now highlighted with special markers.

Blade Runner

Release date: 1997

Based on the movie of the same name, it's an adventure game with a third-person view. The plot is based on a detective investigation with an incredibly intricate interweaving of evidence, facts and various circumstances that will subsequently lead the player to one of 16 endings! The game has many branches with various events, and places where the player needs to make a certain choice will be marked “Choice”.

In general, the developers managed to convey the atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic future very well, and the presence of multiple endings, as well as the possibility of such a deep influence on the development of the storyline, makes the game really interesting and original (especially considering its release date).

Nancy Drew series

Release date: 1998-2015

A series of popular quests telling the story of a girl detective named Nancy Drew (based on a series of books by writer Caroline Keene). The gameplay in the games is traditional for the genre - in most cases we control the main character and travel around the world, interrogating witnesses and suspects, as well as collecting evidence and solving puzzles of varying complexity along the way.

It is worth noting that this series, numbering this moment 32 games are not hardcore representatives of the genre and are aimed primarily at teenagers and female audiences, but it is definitely worth checking out, especially since some parts have a truly interesting and exciting plot.

Grim Fandango

Release date: 1998

Genre: Quest

A graphic quest based on Aztec myths and legends about the afterlife and telling about the adventures of Manuel Calavera in the World of the Dead. The game was an attempt to revive the quest genre, thanks to which a completely new engine was used, and some traditional components of the genre were changed. For example, the game does not use a mouse, and the character’s interaction with objects in the game world occurs when the character is in close proximity to them.

The game received a lot of positive reviews and also won many prestigious awards. On January 27, 2015, a re-release of the project was released, called Grim Fandango Remastered. The changes affected mainly the graphical component of the game, and the ability to control it with the mouse was added.

A series of games about Petka and Vasily Ivanovich

Release date: 1998-2016

A series of hand-drawn point-and-click quests telling about the adventures of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and his orderly Petka. Each game in the franchise has its own plot, unrelated to other parts of the series. The gameplay is traditional for the genre - we wander around locations, collect items and try to use them in various places. Some parts contain simple mini-games.

All games about Petka and Vasily Ivanovich are filled with sparkling humor and parodies of everything and everyone. Most of the characters from the earlier games return in the later ones in new ways, while they traditionally do not remember who they were in the previous games. It is noteworthy that in 2016, the first two parts of “Petka” were re-released with additional graphics and re-voicing of some lines.

Syberia 1-3

Release date: 2002-2017

Genre: Quest

A trilogy in the adventure quest genre, characterized by good graphics and an incredibly interesting plot. All three parts are classic representatives of the point-and-click genre, so the gameplay here is appropriate - we move through locations, look for active points on the screen and interact with them. The heroine has an inventory in which objects and documents found during the game are stored, which often contain hints for solving puzzles.

The trilogy is deservedly considered one of the best representatives of the quest genre. It’s definitely worth playing, at least to enjoy the fascinating story, and in general, if you decide to get acquainted with the genre, then it’s best to start your acquaintance with “Siberia”. There is one on our website that I wrote with pleasure myself.

Sherlock Holmes series

Release date: 2002-2016

Genre: Quest detective

A series of games about the famous London detective, made in the quest genre. The plots of each part are based on works of the same name, but have their own history, somewhat different from the book source. Currently, 8 games in the main series have been released, in which the main characters are detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend and assistant Dr. Watson.

The gameplay is made in the style of a “classic” quest, i.e. we move around locations, communicate with characters, look for clues and various objects, sometimes combine them and solve riddles of varying complexity. Often the player has to use various detective devices, for example, a magnifying glass, etc. Depending on the part, we can play from the first or third person (sometimes it is possible to switch the view).

Samorost 1-3

Release date: 2003-2016

Genre: Quest, adventure

A fascinating trilogy made in the quest-puzzle genre, the main feature of which is the original and unique graphic style (which is not surprising, because the game developer is a Czech designer with his own original vision of the world around him). In all parts we play as a little Dwarf, and control is carried out by clicking on the screen. Most puzzles are solved through trial and error. Also, our hero can sometimes help other characters, who in turn can help him in passing a certain place.

The project was warmly received by players and critics, who highly appreciated the original graphics of the games. In addition, each of the parts of the series received prestigious awards and prizes, mainly for the best design and innovative gameplay.

Still Life

Release date: 2005

Genre: Quest

An exciting quest main feature which is the ability to play for two characters, as well as move actions from the present time to the past and vice versa. The main character of the game is an FBI agent named Victoria McPherson, who is investigating a series of brutal murders in modern Chicago. The girl finds the diary of her grandfather, Gustav, who was a detective in Prague in the 20s and investigated similar murders.

Control of the characters, between whom we will periodically switch, occurs from a third person. Players will need to search and compare clues, pick locks, solve various kinds of problems, etc. It is worth noting that it was not without reason that the project received an “18+” rating, but this is due to the fact that during the investigation the player will observe incredibly bloody and brutal murder scenes.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Release date: 2006

Genre: Quest

A three-dimensional third-person quest with elements of action-adventures and stealth, recognized as the best adventure game of 2006 by many gaming magazines. The gameplay combines puzzle solving with combat, and some episodes will even require players to sneak around without enemies noticing or hack electronic devices. In this case, the character may even die, which is why the player will have to start from saving. We have three characters and you can switch between them depending on the plot.

A nice feature of the game is the ability to solve some problems in different ways (for example, use brute force, complete a task secretly, or use the art of persuasion). The uniqueness of the gameplay lies not so much in the puzzles, but in managing the interaction of the characters as they travel around the world.


Release date: 2007

Incredibly atmospheric and stylish graphic point-and-click quest. The action takes place in the world of robots. The most noticeable difference from other games of this genre is that our hero (a small robot) cannot interact with any objects on the screen, but only with those that he can reach. In this case, the protagonist’s body can stretch a little or, on the contrary, shrink.

Otherwise, the gameplay is traditional - we wander around locations and interact with everything we can, completing puzzles along the way. There are no dialogues; instead, the characters have animated “thought clouds”. The game received many prestigious awards, including as the best indie game of 2009.


Release date: 2010

Stylish graphic indie platformer with elements of such genres as puzzle, adventure and survival horror. Here we control a boy who must go through a series of tests, riddles and traps, and save his sister from limbo. The gameplay can be described as “trial and error”, since one wrong action and the character instantly dies. And believe me, you will die often, very often, and in a wide variety of ways.

The project is made in stylish black and white graphic design. This gives the game atmosphere. The controls are simple and the puzzles aren't too difficult. At least, there are no impassable places in the game, so as soon as you figure out the algorithm of actions on this or that part of the path, it will immediately become quite easy to complete.

The Next BIG Thing

Release date: 2011

Genre: Quest

A graphical point-and-click quest with a flexible hint system, the main focus of which is on exploring locations and finding items (they can be inspected in the inventory). The plot of the game is built around two reporters who arrived at an event called “Monster's Ball” to film a report there. It is noteworthy that some riddles in the game can only be solved after talking with a certain character, which means that sometimes it is better to skip the unsolvable puzzle and try to go a little further.

The project received mostly positive reviews, and the Games-TV portal even rated it “worth buying,” noting that there is a lot of excellent humor, as well as “amazing” characters. And indeed, the game’s humor is truly sparkling. The project is worth going through at least once to enjoy great jokes and a good plot.

L.A. Noire

Release date: 2011

An action-adventure detective simulator in which players find themselves in Los Angeles in 1947 in the role of police detective Cole Phelps. Our hero will have to solve several high-profile crimes, for which he will need to inspect places in search of evidence and clues. Moreover, how fully the picture of the incident will be revealed will directly depend on the successful actions of the player.

The game is made atmospheric and of very high quality. The good news is that there are side missions that the character can receive via police radio. You can move around the game world both on foot and by transport, which opens as we advance in our careers. It is possible to change the character's costume (some outfits of the main character give him certain bonuses).


Release date: 2012

Genre: Quest adventure

An adventure graphic quest in the point-and-click genre, telling about the adventures of the failed inventor Rufus. The gameplay competently follows all the canons of the genre - we move through locations, collect objects, communicate with characters and solve puzzles. There is an inventory with two options for using items.

The project is distinguished by its unique drawing style, eccentric characters, unusual humor and exciting puzzles. It is impossible not to note the high-quality plot, which, although it seems a little banal, gives players unexpected twists. In general, after completing this game, you immediately want to watch the next parts to find out “what will happen next.”

Dear Esther

Release date: 2012

Genre: Quest, arthouse

An experimental game project made in the genre of a first-person quest (although it would be more correct to call this game an interactive book). According to the plot, we find ourselves on a small uninhabited island, while a voice-over reads to us excerpts of a letter addressed to a certain Esther. The goal is extremely simple - to get to the beacon tower with a flashing light. Moving through locations, we hear parts of the narrative in which key characters appear. As the player explores the island, he finds abandoned buildings, caves, and even the remains of sunken ships.

Who you are? What are you doing on this strange island? What or who are you looking for? All you have is your feet, carrying you through this incredibly atmospheric and incomprehensibly fascinating game. The project is simply a must-see, as it is probably the most skillful and memorable game of our generation. On our website the game is included in .


Release date: 2012

Genre: Quest

Traditionally for the developer, the game has no spoken or written dialogue, but there is interaction with the characters. The project is distinguished by a very original graphic style, interesting puzzles and an excellent soundtrack, which was awarded the prestigious Excellence in Audio Award at IGF’12.

Broken Age

Release date: 2014

Genre: Quest

An exciting adventure quest in which the player controls two characters at once (you can switch between them at any time). At first glance, the boy Shay and the girl Vella are in no way related to each other, however, the events that permeate the plot look the same and gradually a very interesting picture of what is happening is built before the player.

During the game, we alternately control one or another character, explore the world and interact with various elements of locations. In addition, characters can collect various items to use later in the story. The dialogues have a system for selecting an answer option. The project is divided into two parts.

Murdered: Soul Suspect

Release date: 2014

Genre: Action adventure, survival horror, quest,

A noir thriller made in the action-adventure genre, in which the main character (police detective Ronan) manages to die before the gameplay begins. However, death does not stop the brave policeman and now, in the form of a ghost, he continues to find his killer, especially since otherwise he will not be able to reunite with his wife, who tragically died a little earlier. The second hero is the girl Joy, pursued by the same maniac who killed our policeman.

The most interesting thing in the game is the investigations in which we need to collect evidence. The detective’s abilities help us a lot in this - he can inhabit people, exert mental influence on them, study papers in their hands, etc. The project turned out to be incredibly stylish and interesting - the story is presented well, and the characters want to worry.

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Release date: 2014

Genre: Quest adventure, puzzle,

A graphical puzzle quest with platforming elements and several playable characters, telling about the events that took place in the First World War World War. Essentially this is an interactive story about four different people(and one dog) who found themselves at the front, and who will now have to achieve their goals shoulder to shoulder.

The gameplay is based on movement in a 2.5D perspective, where characters wander around locations, look for objects, communicate with NPCs and solve various puzzles. The game received mostly positive reviews. Many critics noted that the developers managed to tell players about complex things in a simple and accessible way.

Dreamfall Chapters

Release date: 2014

Genre: Quest

An atmospheric adventure that is a direct continuation of the game Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, and is divided into five episodes. The game takes place in spirit worlds, with most locations open for exploration, regardless of the main plot. Characters are controlled from a third person, and objects that can be interacted with will be highlighted when you hover over them with the cursor. The emphasis in gameplay is on exploring the world and solving puzzles. Also, a considerable part of the game time is devoted to dialogues between the characters.

Despite the fact that the ending in the episodes is always the same, the player will often have to make important decisions, the consequences of which will affect the plot. The project turned out to be quite a strong quest and a worthy continuation of the previous game. A must read for fans of the genre!

Fran Bow

Release date: 2015

Genre: Quest, Survival horror

A graphical point-and-click quest with horror elements, telling the story of a teenage girl, Fran Bow, who, by the will of fate, ended up in a children's psychiatric hospital. Our heroine can move around locations, communicate with characters and solve simple puzzles. Also, as you progress, you will come across simple mini-games. One of the features of the game is the presence of several realities, the transition between which is sometimes played out in a very original way. Some riddles are built specifically on this game “trick”.

The game turned out to be very atmospheric and exciting. Many critics and players praised the plot; gaming sites gave the project 8 points, noting that this adventure game is a classic game of the genre, although without deep meanings, but with a strong plot and graphic component.


Release date: 2015

Genre: Quest

An original graphic quest made of plasticine (the ideological successor to the game Neverhood). The project is made in the point-and-click genre, so the gameplay will be traditional for similar games. In particular, we will move around locations and solve various puzzles. The riddles will gradually become more complicated, but the truly difficult places in the game can be counted on one hand.

The project turned out to be very original, despite the obvious attempt to play on nostalgia (which sometimes the developers are very successful at). The passage will not take you much time, so you won’t have time to get bored with the game. The plot is simple, but captivating. At least, the desire to find out how it all ends keeps me glued to the monitor until the very end.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Quest, puzzle, platformer

An indie platformer with puzzle elements, which is the ideological successor to Limbo, from which the game received similar gameplay and visuals. We move mainly to the right side of the screen (with the exception of places where we need to overcome various obstacles to the paths of movement in the other direction or even up), we encounter various challenges and solve physical puzzles (usually related to the manipulation of objects). There is no interface as such, and it is not needed here.

The player’s task is to try to overcome trials without the death of the hero, who has the most ordinary human vulnerabilities. When getting in the way of the enemy, the only thing the right decision is to avoid direct confrontation with it. If the character dies (and you will die often), then you will have to start from the nearest control point.

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Release date: 2016

Genre: Point-and-click

A remaster of one of the most famous classic quests with tons of humor, the action of which develops in three time periods: in the past, present and future. At the same time, by influencing the past, we will change the present, etc. The gameplay is traditional for the point-and-click genre - we wander through locations, find objects, use them and move on, communicating with characters along the way. The riddles in the game are moderately complex, but quite solvable in a logical way.

The remake contains updated graphics (it is possible to switch to the old graphic version), developer comments and a number of small gameplay improvements.

Full Throttle Remastered

Release date: 2017

Genre: Quest

A high-quality re-release of the 1995 game of the same name, the same developers who worked on the original worked on it. The game is a classic hand-drawn point-and-click quest, in which the models, backdrops, sound design have been significantly improved, and new control options have been added. Traditionally for the genre, players here need to carefully study the world and solve puzzles of varying complexity (some can force you to really strain your brain).

The remaster, like the original game in its time, received positive reviews. Many noted the trademark humor, which has not gone away (especially since the plot copies the original 100%), as well as the high-quality redesigned graphics. It is worth noting that the game has the ability to switch to the original graphics and sound from 1995 (just press F1 on the keyboard).

Varenje: Chapter 1

Release date: 2018

Genre: Point-and-click

A colorful quest with nice art, in which we find ourselves in the fictional world of a gamer gone crazy. The gameplay is expected for the point-and-click genre - we slowly explore locations, look for objects and periodically solve puzzles along the way.

Separately, it is worth noting the work of the artist - the art in the game is simply magnificent with attention to detail. Finding quest items on them is a pleasure. The advantages of the game include stylish graphics, a pleasant soundtrack, and a variety of puzzles. The first chapter is distributed free of charge, but the full version will have to be purchased.


Release date: 2018

Genre: Third person quest

A detective quest with a classic third-person perspective and elements of mysticism, in which we must investigate various paranormal crimes. The gameplay here is no different from other similar games - we explore locations in search of evidence, communicate with suspects and solve puzzles. The main emphasis here is on dialogues. The original move is that we will communicate both with living people and with all kinds of ghosts.

Another solution atypical for quests is the presence of assistants for the main character. Moreover, we can take two on a mission at once. Assistants have some useful skills, and generally help in solving problems that can often be solved in several ways. In between missions, we are at the headquarters, where we can chat with other characters and learn more about their interests.

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