Walking with a child - why does a child need a walk? Active walks with a child: games and development Children take very long walks.

Walking for infant useful and necessary. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical development of the baby, increases appetite and improves sleep. In addition, temperature changes harden the body and strengthen the immune system, and the sun's rays provide vitamin D. This vitamin promotes the proper formation of bones and teeth, and prevents the appearance and development of rickets.

The difference between an adult and a child walking is that the baby is more susceptible to changes in temperature, humidity and other manifestations environment. The child's immunity is too weak, especially in the first year of life. A baby can easily become hypothermic or, conversely, overheat. As a result, he may catch a cold or get sunstroke. In addition, the delicate skin of a baby can burn under the influence of UV rays in just 5-10 minutes.

Therefore, it is important to properly organize a walk with your baby. Let's learn more about how to dress a newborn and how to ensure safety while walking. Let's figure out what weather it is and how long you can walk with your baby.

Rules for walking with a baby

  • You can start your first walk with your newborn 7-10 days after the baby is born. Of course, you need to take the weather into account. If the frost outside is below 8-10 degrees, it is better to postpone your first walk. If it’s too cold outside and you can’t walk with your newborn yet, there is an alternative option in which you can leave the baby on the balcony for a while. It is important that the balcony is glazed and the door to the room remains open. This way you will hear when the baby cries. And on an open, unglazed balcony, babies can. ;
  • The first walk with a newborn in winter lasts 10-20 minutes, in summer – no more than half an hour. Gradually increase the time by 5-10 minutes, but do not do it quickly, as the baby takes a long time to get used to new living conditions (a sling, a stroller, etc.);

  • In comfortable weather, the walk time can be 1.5-2 hours or longer;
  • The optimal number of walks is 2-3 times a day, but there is no need to walk too often in cold or hot weather;
  • In severe frost or heat, the walking time should not exceed 30 minutes;
  • Pay attention not only to temperature indicators. Humidity, the presence or absence of rain, wind and snow play an important role;
  • Don't forget that the baby needs to be fed and the diaper changed. To quickly change diapers, take disposable diapers with you, and you can use slings for feeding. How to choose a sling for a newborn, read;
  • You need to dress your child according to the weather, do not overdo it with clothes, as excess sweating leads to skin irritation, diaper rash and other troubles. But don’t dress your baby too lightly, because he may freeze and get sick;
  • In sunny weather, be sure to use children's sunscreen to ensure the safety of your baby's skin. Apply especially carefully to the baby's face, where the skin is most vulnerable. What sunscreens to choose for an infant, read the link /;

  • When the heat is over 25 degrees, you cannot walk from 11 to 16 hours, since during this period UV rays are active and most dangerous. Do not walk in the open sun, stay in the shade;
  • Use special protective equipment for the stroller from rain, wind, sun, insects and other factors that can negatively affect the baby. This is a mosquito net, a cover, a light scarf or shawl. But remove items during calm weather, as they will create problems inside the stroller. Greenhouse effect! The baby will be hot, stuffy and uncomfortable;
  • You cannot walk with your baby if he has a cold and a temperature of more than 37.5 degrees! But if a newborn has a runny nose, allergies and other respiratory diseases, fresh air, on the contrary, will be beneficial. But the time of such a walk is reduced to 30 minutes;
  • To determine whether your baby is comfortable on a walk, check his hands and feet. If they are warm, then the baby is warm. Cool arms and legs indicate that the baby is starting to freeze.
  • Wet clothes (hat, blouse, etc.) and wet hair indicate that the child is very hot.

Dependence of walking on temperature

Indicators Features of the walk Walk duration
Below -8°C It is not recommended to walk with a newborn; use special baby creams to protect the skin from frost and cold wind, and also throw a shawl over the stroller No more than 30 minutes
-8-0°C Use protective creams for children and a shawl for the stroller against cold and wind No more than 40 minutes
+1+8°C The most comfortable weather for walking with a baby 1.5-2 hours or more
+9+15°C Transitional weather that can be deceiving. Dress your baby lightly, but always take blankets and blankets 1.5-2 hours
+16+20°C Don't undress your baby too early, but don't overload with clothes either. 1.5-2 hours
+21+25°C Choose light and breathable clothes for your baby, use protective insect nets, and don’t forget about sunscreen for your baby! 1,5 hour
More than 25 °C To avoid sunstroke, overheating and other problems, walk between 11 am and 4 pm, be sure to take water, wet and dry wipes No more than 30-40 minutes

What to take for a walk with a baby

  • Light blanket or blanket;
  • When the sun is hot, take sunscreen. Many products begin to act only 15-30 minutes after application. Read the instructions carefully and take this factor into account when using;
  • A sling or sheet if you plan to breastfeed your baby while walking. A bottle of expressed milk or formula will make breastfeeding outside easier if the baby is mixed or bottle-fed;
  • Disposable diapers for changing a diaper, or you can use a diaper instead of a diaper. This is convenient in hot weather when the baby sweats a lot in the diaper;
  • One or two diapers depending on the length of the walk. Bring a bag for used diapers too. It will come in handy if there is no trash can nearby;
  • Handkerchief;
  • Drinking water for mothers and older babies. Remember that with full breastfeeding Pediatricians do not recommend supplementing a child’s drinking for the first 5-6 months. Water is useful for wiping the baby during the heat, removing sweat, etc.;
  • Dry and wet wipes;
  • A cover from rain and snow, a mosquito net and other accessories for the stroller will be excellent helpers for mom.

How to dress a baby for a walk

Young children often become hypothermic. In the first two months of life, it is important for a newborn to have a minimum of areas of the body free from clothing. A solid jumpsuit or slip that will reliably cover the back and stomach will help solve this problem. And if you are going to a store or clinic, you can use an envelope that can be easily removed and undressed if necessary.

You need to dress your baby in several layers. This will help to cover the baby’s body as much as possible and ensure a comfortable temperature. But at the same time, the baby must move freely. Choose clothes only according to your baby's size. It is important that it does not restrict movement, but is not too loose and does not leave bare areas of the body.

Choose clothes, especially the lower layers, from natural fabrics, as they will provide the skin with normal access to oxygen. Therefore, the child will not freeze or overheat. In addition, natural materials rarely cause allergies in infants. It is important that the clothes are safe for the newborn and do not damage the delicate skin. Therefore, take clothes without metal buttons and rough seams, narrow elastic bands and snaps. For children under two months, take underwear and underwear with the seams facing out.

While the child is lying down and not actively moving during a walk, dress the baby as yourself plus one layer, and as soon as the child walks on his own, runs, jumps - as himself minus one layer.

In summer and spring, infants often develop rashes, skin irritation and diaper rash. Therefore, in warm weather, dress your baby in light clothing that will allow the skin to breathe. In winter, to prevent your baby from freezing, be sure to use warm overalls and an envelope, a cotton cap and a warm hat. In severe frost, wrap your child in a warm wool blanket. And first dress yourself, and then dress your baby. The child should not sweat while waiting for you!

Every mother knows that a toddler should spend at least two hours a day outside. Have you ever wondered why it is so important to walk with your baby?

If you count all the kilometers that you have covered while walking with a stroller, you will get a very significant distance. And it’s not surprising, because you walk with the baby every day for several hours. But why does everyone, from your mother to your pediatrician, unanimously repeat that it is necessary to walk with your baby? Let's try to find the answer to this question together.

The child is being tempered

Thanks to daily walks, the baby quickly learns to cope with temperature changes. Sleeping and playing in the fresh air enrich the child's body with oxygen, and this has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. In addition, walking on a sunny day is an excellent prevention of rickets, since exposure to sunlight synthesizes vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal development of bones and teeth. But to make the walk really useful for your baby, dress him according to the weather. Avoid overheating - this is very dangerous for small children. If your baby sleeps during a walk, you can additionally cover him with a blanket.

The child gets used to the daily routine

The change of day and night is something incomprehensible for the baby: he will have to get used to it and learn to live according to a certain regime. A daily walk, always at the same time, will certainly make this easier. Usually babies fall asleep easily and quickly in the fresh air, so with the help of walks you can adjust the time nap. If you want your baby to sleep longer, go for a walk with him immediately after feeding. A well-fed baby can sleep for 2-3 hours in the fresh air.

The child's appetite improves

Active outdoor games are a great way to improve the appetite of a little “non-eater”. A large dose of oxygen combined with active movements will make the baby feel hungry faster. After a long walk, children tend to eat a larger portion than usual. If your baby is breastfed, you should avoid feeding outside in cold, windy weather, even if the baby requires breastfeeding right away. This could be very dangerous for you!

The child discovers the world

At 4-5 months, the baby begins to take an active interest in the world around him and watches with interest what is happening around him. And after he learns to sit, nothing on a walk will be left unnoticed: falling leaves, a barking dog, flying sparrows. Use a walk to help your little one explore the world: tell him what’s happening around him. Even if it seems to you that the baby doesn’t understand anything yet, don’t skimp on your words. The more you communicate with your baby, the better he will develop, because the child remembers individual words and gets used to the melody native language, learns to distinguish intonations. He develops a passive vocabulary.

The child's mood improves

And not only for him - a walk in the fresh air will benefit you too, because it is a way to take a break from monotony. When going for a walk, think through the route in advance and try to change it as often as possible: today go to the park, tomorrow to the playground, the day after tomorrow to the park. And remember that fast walking not only helps burn excess fat, but also increases the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. If your baby can already walk, don’t stop him from running, jumping and frolicking in the yard. This is very useful for his physical and mental development. Try to take part in your toddler’s games, come up with new fun things to do, or just give free rein to your imagination, try to return to childhood for a while.

The onset of winter - snowfall, low air temperature, cold wind - is not a reason to cancel walks with children. Even with little ones. Is it possible to walk with a newborn baby in winter?

Walking has a very beneficial effect on the mood and development of children. After walking, children after a year gain impressions, life experience and get very tired, and very young ones - newborns - fall asleep wonderfully in a stroller during winter walks. The main thing is to follow some rules.

How to walk in winter with a child

How to walk with a child in winter, of course, should be decided by the parents themselves. At what age to start walking with a child, only parents can decide. Some mothers who gave birth to a newborn in winter begin to walk with him within a month, and some wait until summer. – this is not a reason to cancel walks. Frosty air has its advantages. It is more saturated with oxygen, there are no microbes and viruses in it, therefore more oxygen enters the baby’s blood, and he has no chance of getting sick. In the frosty air, babies sleep very well and for a long time.

At what age can you start walking with your newborn in winter?

Baby's adaptation to to the outside world begins from the first minutes of life. And by the age of two weeks, the baby is already ready to go outside. Don't worry if your baby is born in winter. Walking with your child in winter is very useful for both him and the young mother. The newborn’s body is saturated with oxygen, and the young mother takes a break from everyday worries.

There are several conditions for winter walks with a child. It should not be below -5 degrees outside during the first walk with the newborn, for later walks - -10 degrees. From one month on, keep the temperature to -15. It is better to keep the duration of the walk to no more than fifteen minutes in the first three months. And in the first month, five or ten minutes in cold weather of -5 degrees is enough.

I have personal experience when my son, who was born in January, and I walked about a month after birth in frosty weather of -18 degrees for about half an hour. Until I got cold. He was well wrapped in a blanket and lying in a stroller. Half an hour later we went home, because I myself was cold, but he felt very good. He slept for another two hours after the walk. After that we walked every day for half an hour. He felt great and slept for a long time. When we stayed at home, he was more capricious and did not want to sleep during the day.

How to dress your baby for a winter walk?

The air layer provides warmth during a walk. That is, there should be an air gap between the layers of clothing. Three, maximum four layers of clothing will provide the baby with warmth. A newborn who lies motionless in a stroller only needs to be dressed in four layers of clothing. And for a baby after one year, who can move independently, three layers of clothing are enough.

To check whether your baby is cold or not, put your hand behind his collar. If it's warm there, then everything is fine. If not, go home quickly. It’s a good sign when a child has red cheeks during a winter walk, which means he is active and not cold.

Children love frosty air, snow, and ice. They are ready to run and jump through snowdrifts for hours in any frost. In addition, walking with a child is very beneficial for all family members. Both mom and dad become closer and more united during walks with the child. Until about the age of four or five, a child can only go downhill, ice skating or skiing with his parents. When, if not at this time, does the whole family get closer? Both mom, dad, and baby enjoy walking together, riding slides, sleds, ice skates, creating an ice fort or ice sculptures.

During such events, do not forget that the baby may become hypothermic. Check his mittens - they quickly become covered with snow and ice, so you need to have spare ones with you. Dress your child according to the weather. It is very good that now winter overalls and jackets with pants are made for children that are light and comfortable, waterproof and very warm. Children feel much more comfortable in them than before (remember those clumsy sheepskin coats and hats?).

How much time should I walk with my child in winter?

, depends on the age of the baby, his state of health and, of course, the weather outside. If it’s minus five, ten or fifteen degrees outside, take a walk with pleasure. If the baby less than a year and he is in a stroller, walk for about half an hour, preferably after feeding. Scientists have found that it is better to take children under one year for a walk after feeding. They feel better and fall asleep immediately. If you take a hungry baby for a walk, after an hour or half an hour he will become very hungry and start begging, and you will immediately have to run home and feed him. Therefore, about half an hour after eating, it is best to walk with your child in winter. Such a walk can last for half an hour, or even more, or continue on the balcony.

If the baby is over a year old, it is also better to feed him first, and then get ready for a walk with the child. If the child is over a year old, the walk continues until the baby gets tired. Naturally, take into account the weather - the temperature is at least -15 degrees, the wind is not strong. It is very good to keep your baby busy with something. For example, ride a slide, build a snowman, clean the path. Such classes can last for half an hour or an hour. I don’t think it’s possible to walk with a child for more than an hour in winter.

Is it possible to walk with a sick child in winter?

It depends on how sick the baby is. If the baby has a slight cold or a slight cough, just keep the walk to a minimum. Frosty air will provide the child with oxygen, he will sleep better. But if you have a child, it is better to stay at home. Just wrap him up well during the daytime sleep and open all the windows so that the frosty air enters the room.

Do not deprive your baby of walks in the cold. He will receive a good mood, light hardening and his own life experience. And also, if the whole family is present during such walks, there is also the support and love of loved ones. whenever possible. In the northern part of Russia this is not possible so often; you need to “catch” good weather in order to take a walk with your child in winter. Do not wrap your baby tightly - he moves especially actively after reaching one year. Give him this pleasure.

In any season, walks outside are a must for children of all ages. The length of time a child spends in the fresh air depends on age and health status. Fresh air strengthens the respiratory system, improves blood circulation, increases appetite, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Children are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and air humidity, so it is important to harden the body from an early age.

The duration of each walk depends on the child’s preparation for being in the fresh air and on his well-being. The younger the children, the more they need fresh air. Therefore, young children should go for walks 3-4 times during the day. The total duration of walks can be increased to 4-5 hours, and if the weather is warm and good - up to 7 hours. During walks, you need to monitor your child’s breathing: make sure he breathes through his nose. If a child has a runny nose and breathing through the nose is difficult, then he involuntarily opens his mouth, and this contributes to cooling and can contribute to a cold. In this case, you should replace the walk with a stay in a well-ventilated room.

During walks, the child's clothes should be warm, dry and comfortable. You need to pay attention to your hat and shoes. The hat should be worn low on the forehead, shoes should always be dry, not narrow, not tight. Excessively large shoes tire the child and rub his feet.

Duration of walks for children of different ages

  • For children in the first two weeks of life, the duration of the first walk on a windless day is 10-12 minutes.
  • The second, third, fourth and fifth walks are lengthened by 3 minutes each day. Then the duration of exposure to air is increased to 30 minutes, at a temperature not lower than 5-6° below zero.
  • In the fourth week of life, the duration of the walk is increased to 45 minutes-1 hour (in 1-3 doses).
  • For a two-month-old child, the walk is extended to 2 hours (in 2-3 doses).
  • You can walk with three- to four-month-old children for up to 3 hours (in 2-4 steps).
  • For children five to six months of age, the duration of the walk is increased to 4 hours (in 2-4 doses).
  • Thus, up to 1 year, with each month of life, a walk in the air lengthens by 10 minutes. This duration of walk is possible on warm, windless days with little precipitation. With sharp temperature fluctuations, the walk is significantly shortened.

If the air temperature is below 15°, then the walk is not lengthened and is carried out in a lull in several stages.

On damp, windy days, the child’s clothes should be protected with waterproof covers; The total duration of the walk does not change, the number of exits increases. If a child is not prepared for walks in the fresh air on warm, dry, windless days, he reacts more strongly to humidity; it is better not to take him outside, but to “walk” at home in a warm, well-ventilated (with the window open), dry room. A child's body, well trained by walks in the fresh air, can easily cope with changing environmental conditions; the child does not catch a cold, grows healthy, cheerful, and develops well.

  • For two-year-old children who regularly walk outside, the duration of walks can be 5-7 hours in several sessions.
  • Three-year-old children can walk in the fresh air for 6-7-8 hours. During rainy weather, part of the walk outside for two to three year old children is replaced by staying on the veranda, under awnings. How to choose clothes for your child to wear in kindergarten. After all, during a walk, movements are necessary: ​​walking, running, games, riding, etc.
  • Children four to five years of age can and should walk for at least 6-7 hours.
  • For children aged six to seven years, the total duration of the walk is increased to 6 hours.
  • Junior schoolchildren from 1st to 4th grade need to walk for 5 hours.

Most families usually monitor the length of their children's walks. On weekends and during vacations, schoolchildren should mainly relax in the fresh air (sports, games, walks, hiking, etc.). In summer, it is better for children to spend most of the day outside. Part of this time must be combined with socially useful work (work in the garden, vegetable garden, etc.).

In children's institutions (nurseries, kindergartens), it is better to conduct classes in playrooms with the windows open if the weather is calm and warm. In windy weather, playrooms must be frequently ventilated, avoiding drafts.

In schools, on warm, dry, windless days, classes must be conducted with the windows open. If a child is unwell or has a fever, then his room should be ventilated more often. Fresh air is necessary for both healthy and sick children. Children who constantly spend long periods of time in the fresh air improve their appetite. Their sleep is more peaceful. The body's resistance to temperature fluctuations and humidity in the air increases.

Tatyana Zamaraeva
About the benefits of walking with children. Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents

ABOUT benefits of walking with children

Prepared by T. A. Zamaraeva

Walk occupies an important place in a child's life. During walks knowledge of the surrounding world occurs, the child learns to communicate with peers, and walk has health benefits.

Parents understand that the child needs to walk as much as possible. However, not everyone knows about the meaning walks for children. Walks outdoor activities are important for every person, and especially for children. They have a positive effect on the health and emotional state of the baby. With their help, you can improve the condition of the body as a whole. First of all, while staying in the fresh air, the lungs are cleared of allergens and dust, thereby improving the functions of the upper respiratory tract and nasal mucosa.

Walk is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, increases appetite, and the absorption of nutrients, especially the protein component of food. Children's stay in the fresh air has great importance For physical development. Walk is the first and most accessible means hardening of the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds.

Finally, walk- this is an element of the regime that gives children the opportunity to satisfy their needs for movement in outdoor games, work processes, and various physical exercises. If walk If it is well and correctly organized, if it is of sufficient duration, children realize in it about 50% of the daily need for active movements. Reducing the time spent in the air creates a lack of movement.

The duration of stay in the fresh air varies significantly in different seasons of the year, but even in cold times and inclement weather it should not be canceled. The daily routine in day care groups includes 2 walks, lasting about 4-4.5 hours.

in winter walks with younger preschoolers it is allowed to carry out at an air temperature of no lower than -15°, with older children - no lower than -22°. At the same temperature values, but strong wind, it is recommended to reduce the duration walks, if it is not possible to protect children from the wind with a specially constructed canopy.

Also walk promotes mental education. While staying on the site or on the street, children gain a lot of new impressions and knowledge about their surroundings.: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. From observations, they learn about the features of seasonal changes in nature, notice connections between various phenomena, and establish elementary dependencies. Observations arouse their interest and a number of questions to which they strive to find an answer. All this develops observation, expands ideas about the environment, awakens the thoughts and imagination of children.

Walks solve not only educational, but also health-improving problems. On them, the teacher conducts individual work on the development of movements, mobile, sport games, entertainment and physical exercise. Special time is allocated for labor and independent activity children. Reasonable alternation and combination of these various activities makes interesting walk, attractive. Such walk provides good vacation, creates a joyful mood in children.

It seems to most that in winter walk the child will freeze and will certainly get sick. And colds in children are associated precisely with walks in winter.

Walks You should be with your child every day and in any weather. You should not be afraid of wind, rain, cold or heat. The child must face all this so that in the future it does not arise. "surprises" in the form of a cold at the first wind and other things.

How to dress a child walk?

To walk brought only joy, you need to know how to dress a child according to the weather. Otherwise, overheating or hypothermia can lead to various diseases, and the child’s immunity will be constantly tested.

In summer, clothing should be made of light fabrics that absorb moisture well and easily release moisture.

A child easily overheats and becomes hypothermic, so he needs to create a state of thermal balance, which is achieved by properly selected clothing. The latter is especially important if the child moves a lot while walking.

Do not forget that the motor activity of children is walk much higher than in adults. Therefore, dress your child so that if it’s hot, you can take something off, or if, on the contrary, it’s cool, take some kind of blouse with you.

When choosing children's clothing, be guided by the fact that the child walk his movements were not restricted so that he could run, jump, get up after falling, and turn his head comfortably. Children's clothing should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and practical! How to dress a child in summer, autumn, winter? There is a very simple system, but not many people know about it. It's called "one two Three".It deciphers quite simply: walks with children in summer they are accompanied by one layer of clothing, in spring and autumn by two, and in winter they wear three layers of clothing. Walking with children In summer, try to arrange it not when it’s too hot, but it’s also quite hot when going outside in the morning and evening. Therefore, choose breathable fabrics, preferably cotton. Do not pull up your T-shirt; a thin T-shirt or sundress will suffice. Wear thin linen socks under your sandals. Without socks, the child may chafe his feet.

Isn't the child cold?

First, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the child himself. The child reacts very violently to the cold - screams loudly, moves. The skin becomes pale.

Secondly, along the neck, bridge of the nose and arm above the hand.

Thirdly, icy feet (check if your shoes are too small or too tight, this contributes to hypothermia).

Fourthly, a child will not remain silent if he is cold. If he "does not notice"- this means that he feels good.

Signs of a child overheating.

The first sign of overheating is thirst, that is, the child asks for a drink;

On walk a constantly warm face, and it’s below -8° outside;

Too warm, almost hot back and neck;

Very warm hands (arms and legs, these are special parts of the body that should be, due to the characteristics of blood circulation, "room" temperature).

You can't walk!

You cannot walk when a child is sick (high temperature, weakness, pain, especially if the disease is contagious, so as not to infect other people.

But during the recovery period, you can and should go for a walk. Fresh cool air promotes healing. Especially for respiratory diseases. Since it helps to liquefy mucus. On the street, the child will cough effectively, expectorating sputum. This is good and is not a sign of a deterioration in his condition!

pros walks:

Increases the adaptability and performance of organisms and systems of a growing organism;

Helps harden the body and prevent colds;

Forms health-saving and health-enhancing motor behavior;

Forms the correct skills to perform basic movements, important elements of complex movements;

There is an accelerated development of speech through movement;

Fosters a positive attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment and nature in general;

Develops the ability to note and make a primary analysis of seasonal changes in environmental life.

Every child should be in the fresh air as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health. Walk- this is a wonderful time when an adult can gradually introduce a child to the secrets of nature - living and inanimate, and talk about the life of a wide variety of plants and animals. This can be done anywhere and at any time of the year - in the courtyard of a city or country house, in a park, in a forest or clearing, near a river, lake or sea. Take more walks with your friends children and gain from walks as much fun as possible.

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