Increased sleepiness during pregnancy - normal or pathological? Why you want to sleep during early pregnancy Pregnancy makes you sleepy.

Conception activates a number of processes that affect the general condition of a woman’s body. Hormonal changes begin, the amount of progesterone increases, making the expectant mother want to sleep much more. This is what most often causes drowsiness during pregnancy. early stages, which in itself is normal. This goes away for most by the second trimester.

It even happens that a woman feels a surge of vigor from the age of 4 months. She needs much less time to rest, she wants to do all the things, and she has a lot of energy. This condition lasts until the last month of pregnancy, when the load begins to take its toll, women find it difficult to rest, and a feeling of weakness and weakness appears. And this is also normal for this condition: the child puts pressure on internal organs, a large belly makes it difficult to take a comfortable position. As a result, the woman does not get enough sleep, which, of course, causes increased drowsiness. Key value has a place for sleeping, so Come-for mattresses can be viewed here are a prime example of a quality accessory for the bedroom, and will provide maximum comfort while sleeping. As a rule, all this goes away with childbirth.

So, there is no need to panic. Daytime sleep itself during pregnancy in the first trimester is even beneficial. It’s good if a woman can afford such a vacation. What about those who work?

How to wake yourself up?

Those who have to go to the office have a more difficult time. It’s not possible to lie down for a few hours while working; it’s difficult to concentrate on completing current tasks. The situation is complicated by the inability to drink coffee or energy drinks. What to do in this case?

Doctors recommend normalizing your diet. Very often, weakness and drowsiness during pregnancy means that you simply lack energy. Some women habitually continue to stick to the same portion sizes, which is not true. The amount of food should be increased by 300 - 500 kcal on average. Moreover, this figure increases even more with multiple pregnancies.

In addition, meals should be divided into 5-6 meals. This way everything will be assimilated much better. And keep in mind that during pregnancy, many people have an accelerated metabolism, that is, many things are excreted much faster.

Next, pay attention to the flow of fresh air. It is advisable that the windows are always open. The more oxygen, the better. Walking in nature also has a very beneficial effect on your general condition and helps you wake up. If you can walk along the seashore, then that’s great!

If a cup of coffee wakes you up, don't a large number of you can afford it. 1-2 will not do much harm, besides, you can add milk, cream, water, etc. to the drink. Tea helps some people wake up, however, keep in mind that all this contains caffeine. And the norm for pregnant women is quite strict.

Do pregnant women need naps during the day?

In general, there is a lot of real debate around how much and when expectant mothers need to sleep. Some doctors believe that daytime sleep during pregnancy is almost mandatory. Others begin to check the patient for various pathologies. But still others adhere to the golden mean: everything is individual.

It is impossible to say in advance exactly when drowsiness goes away during pregnancy. Indeed, most often it disappears in the second trimester. But a lot depends on whether the body perceives the presence of a child as stress.

The psycho-emotional state of the mother also matters. If conception was not planned, if a woman worries a lot about childbirth, then the nervous system may be overloaded. And sleep is one of the body’s defense mechanisms.

This, by the way, also explains drowsiness during late pregnancy, when the load increases. The body is preparing for childbirth, so energy consumption tends to be minimized and accumulates strength. As a result, it “turns off” the activity. And a person spends the least amount of energy in his sleep.

It is this same mechanism that works in people during recovery. Remember how much sleep you had when you last time were you recovering from a protracted and rather serious illness? If, fortunately, this has not happened to you, you can find similar examples among your friends.

Thus, there are methods on how to deal with sleepiness during pregnancy, but this is not always necessary. By forcing herself to stay awake, a woman deprives the body of its natural defense and recovery mechanism. As a result, this will not make her feel better; on the contrary, the situation may drag on, that is, the drowsiness will not go away. Therefore, sometimes the most good way deal with the problem - just take it and relax.

Question of norm

But all this is true in cases where drowsiness is due to objective physiological reasons. However, you shouldn’t take it very calmly, especially if it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, lasts a very long time, or appears unexpectedly.

Let's say, if a woman feels well, she is in her 6th month of bearing a child, and she suddenly begins to feel weak, it becomes difficult to get out of bed in the morning, we need to figure it out. So, when is sleepiness normal during pregnancy? It seems that modern medicine itself is not entirely sure of this.

It is believed that drowsiness is present in the first trimester and at the very end (but not always). Statistics indicate that a constant desire to sleep sometimes appears almost immediately after conception. So the answer to the question of whether sleepiness can be a sign of pregnancy is yes. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, as mentioned above.

In addition, this condition is relatively normal during toxicosis. It often goes away during pregnancy with weakness and nausea, drowsiness, apathy or tearfulness. If there are no other signs of pathology, then only symptomatic help is needed.

The desire to lie down can also arise spontaneously when overtired. Women, relying on their usual reserves of strength, are sometimes able to overwork. So there is nothing terrible in such suddenness.

At times, drowsiness occurs after eating during pregnancy, especially if the lunch was heavy. And this is also completely normal, because, as you know, the body spends quite a lot of resources on digestion. Therefore, he needs to rest, he strives to save energy.

True, this also means that you need to eat a little less heavily, because overeating can lead to digestive problems, which is generally undesirable.

Finally, sleepiness is a normal response to stress. If a woman is given bad news, if she has depression or other psychological problems, her consciousness may begin to “switch off.” In such cases, it is worth sleeping for a while, for example, several days. But you shouldn’t completely distance yourself from the problem.


But sometimes drowsiness is a sign of illness. If it is accompanied by fever, swelling, severe weakness, and general deterioration of the condition, it may be gestosis. In this case, it is best to seek medical help early.

In addition, dizziness and weakness with drowsiness during pregnancy, combined with pale skin, are typical signs of anemia. Lack of iron is generally a very pressing problem for expectant mothers. This is due to poor nutrition, the fact that the element is poorly absorbed, and metabolic disorders.

Therefore, doctors strongly recommend monitoring all basic indicators and taking tests as often as possible, preferably every week. And normalize the menu: it should contain red meat, it’s also a good idea to include offal and other sources of iron.

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Low blood pressure

Pregnancy and drowsiness are also characteristic of hypotension. Low blood pressure is now increasingly being recorded in expectant mothers. As a rule, the head still hurts and it can be difficult to concentrate. Dizziness, lethargy and apathy are also typical symptoms.

Various herbal infusions and mixtures help cope with low blood pressure. However, keep in mind that collections are often made with alcohol, and ethanol is prohibited during pregnancy. It can be used in small quantities (drops) when diluted with water, but only occasionally and after consulting a doctor about this. It is also important to take into account the fact that some medicinal plants can increase the tone of the uterus, so caution should be exercised.

Caffeine raises blood pressure quite well. Therefore, you can make yourself a few cups of coffee or tea. And if you need help urgently, take 1-2 tablets, depending on the condition. Just keep in mind that a sharp increase in pressure can negatively affect your general condition. Therefore, it is better not to experiment and start from 1.

What affects blood pressure?

If low blood pressure is not a periodic, but a constant problem, it makes sense to work with it comprehensively. The situation improves with consistent exercise. Of course, serious exercise is contraindicated for a pregnant woman. But no one forbids just walking. If it is difficult to walk through the park, you can take breaks. Those living in private houses should go outside.

Many doctors strongly recommend setting a schedule. This is a controversial statement, but it’s really better not to stay late at night. On the other hand, if you absolutely cannot fall asleep, do not force yourself. Instead of tossing and turning for hours, painfully trying to fall asleep, it is better to sit with your favorite TV series and a cup of warm milk, for example. Or another drink.

Sleep problems

Sometimes drowsiness becomes reverse side medals, that is, the result of the woman not getting enough sleep. This reason is not immediately and not the first to come to mind, especially when a person actually sleeps for 10-12 hours. It seems that this is quite enough.

But besides quantity, quality also matters. Think about whether your bedroom is ventilated while you sleep? Are you having nightmares? How many times a night do you wake up?

You can also ask your husband if you are moving restlessly in your sleep, if you are clearly trying to run away from something or hide. This becomes visible with nervous movements, the desire to crawl away somewhere, cover yourself with a blanket, a pillow, or all at once.

Pregnancy causes a large number of changes in health and functioning female body, so she will have to put up with them. In addition to changes in hormonal levels and appearance figures, and many expectant mothers notice frequent drowsiness even after a full night's sleep. What makes you want to sleep during pregnancy?

The answer to this question is of interest to many pregnant women, since the desire to sleep overtakes them literally at every step. Sometimes expectant mothers even have to go to the doctor one more time to find out whether the desire to want to sleep is really considered normal and safe for her health.

The first trimester is considered the most important, because it is in the first weeks after conception that the formation of important organs and systems of the child occurs. Therefore, at this time, a woman’s body must work like a clock, and also contain a sufficient amount of useful substances.

Why does a woman constantly want to sleep during pregnancy? initial stage fetal formation? Drowsiness in the first weeks after conception is considered the main and characteristic sign of pregnancy, by which many women can understand their interesting situation.

In this case, the expectant mother will constantly feel drowsy, and she will almost always be attacked by thoughts about sleep. Why is this happening? The fact is that at the initial stage of a baby’s development, a woman’s body spends a lot of effort to ensure that the fetus grows and develops.

And since the expectant mother’s body is not yet accustomed to such a constant load, it often needs to gain energy and strength - this can be achieved with the help of sleep. This is why the first trimester is considered the sleepiest.

As soon as the baby’s organs and systems are formed, the need for sleep expectant mother will not be as strong. This usually occurs towards the end of the first trimester, but this phenomenon is purely individual for each woman.

Attention! A woman often wants to sleep in the first weeks of pregnancy, not because of fatigue or frequent physical activity - the desire to go to bed is constantly present in a woman, even after a full night's sleep.

This phenomenon is associated with the following reasons:

  • development of hormonal imbalance;
  • negative reaction of the body to stress caused by pregnancy;
  • changing the functioning of the systems and organs of the expectant mother, which requires considerable effort from her body.

Although bearing a child is rightfully considered an unforgettable and pleasant time for a woman, the development of the fetus is a serious stress for the body, since the birth of a new life causes a rather complex immune conflict between the baby and the mother, while having a negative effect on all systems of her body.

This is why the expectant mother often wants to sleep every day at the beginning of pregnancy.

During the development of the fetus, the female body completely changes its own functioning - especially with regard to hormonal levels, on which the growth and development of the fetus directly depends. Immediately after conception, the expectant mother increases the production of progesterone and estrogen.

Progesterone causes a relaxing effect on the muscles and the general condition of the body - which is why, already in the first weeks of pregnancy, women feel severe and constant drowsiness.

The increased load on the organs is also important, because now they have to work “for two”. During pregnancy, the amount of circulating blood doubles. The constantly growing uterus puts strong pressure on the spine in the lumbar region, which causes the ligaments to relax.

Gaining weight every day also does not have the best effect on the female body - it needs to adapt to increasing body weight, which requires additional strength and energy.

All this can cause severe daytime sleepiness, which will literally make the expectant mother feel sleepy. After all, the body is not used to working with increased load, which means it needs more time to rest.

Causes of increased sleepiness in the second trimester

The second trimester is considered the most favorable and “asymptomatic” for a woman. After all, all the organs and systems of the fetus have already been formed, the toxicosis has passed, and the uterus has stopped putting pressure on the internal organs, since it began to grow upward.

As a rule, during this trimester, daytime sleepiness completely subsides. Although some expectant mothers still notice an excessive desire to sleep. Doctors attribute this to the individual characteristics of women, because of which they want to sleep not only at night, but also during the day.

However, sometimes you really want to sleep at this stage of pregnancy due to the development of certain diseases.

If in the second trimester the desire to sleep does not stop for a long time, and the expectant mother constantly feels tired, lethargic and lack of strength, it is imperative to inform the doctor about this so that he can identify the cause of this condition.

Why does a woman usually want to sleep during the day? Daytime sleepiness often develops due to the following diseases and conditions:

  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  • development of anemia;
  • hypothyroidism

Such conditions are quite easy to identify and treat, so there is no need to fear for the baby’s health. After all, because of them he can suffer more than because of medicines, which the expectant mother will have to drink while carrying the baby.

Insufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients

Doctors call this condition hypovitaminosis, which modern women observed quite often. Lack of natural fruits and vegetables in the diet, improper or unbalanced nutrition - all this negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother.

After all, during pregnancy she should take twice as many vitamins, which are required for the normal growth and development of the baby.

If the expectant mother's diet is unbalanced, she should definitely take vitamin or mineral complexes that will help avoid frequent sleepiness during the daytime.

Hypovitaminosis, in addition to drowsiness, is also expressed by the following symptoms:

  • itching on the body;
  • headaches;
  • cracks and dry skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • burning in the limbs;
  • tendency to develop colds.

For a woman to feel normal, she needs to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination of the body.


A dangerous condition for the expectant mother, during which the cells suffer from insufficient oxygen. If such a condition is constantly present in a woman, this will negatively affect the condition of the baby, since the lack of oxygen will cause inhibition in the development of the child.

During the development of anemia, a pregnant woman feels:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • fainting;
  • pale skin;
  • desire to eat unusual substances, for example, chalk.

Often, anemia develops in a woman due to insufficient intake of iron from food.

Sometimes anemia develops as a result of problems with the functioning of the digestive system, when iron is not fully absorbed by the body. This mainly develops due to problems with the intestines, which bear a heavy load in the second and third trimester.

Less commonly, a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 can cause anemia. Their insufficient amount in the body causes serious problems with the digestive and nervous system. In this case, anemia will not go away on its own - for this you need to undergo treatment, thanks to which it will be possible to completely restore the insufficient amount of microelements.


Function Downgrade thyroid gland causes the development of hypothyroidism. Often this disease develops due to the fact that the expectant mother’s body lacks iodine.

The consequences of this disease for the child and mother are terrible, so treatment must be carried out immediately after its development.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • frequent drowsiness;
  • memory impairment;
  • severe dry skin;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • rapid weight gain, which causes obesity;
  • apathy;
  • lack of emotions in a pregnant woman.

Improper functioning of the thyroid gland has a particularly adverse effect on the baby. If a woman does not manage to cure the disease in a timely manner, it will most likely be passed on to the child. As a result, he may suffer from impaired physical and mental development.

If a woman wants to sleep heavily in the morning, noon and evening due to hypothyroidism, the doctor will definitely prescribe hormonal therapy for the expectant mother, which lasts for at least a month.

Causes of sleepiness in the third trimester

At the final stage of pregnancy, women also really want to sleep. This is primarily due to the large size of the belly, due to which the expectant mother cannot get enough sleep at night.

In other cases, late-term drowsiness indicates the course of certain diseases, which, as a rule, the doctor identifies in the second trimester.

Also, drowsiness may be due to normal fatigue of the body, which is preparing for childbirth and supplying the baby with everything necessary. Doctors say that it is not worth struggling with sleep in the third trimester, since by the end of pregnancy the female body bears the heaviest load, which requires a long recovery of energy and strength.

The loss of stamina in many pregnant women is due to the fact that before giving birth the body weight of the expectant mother increases greatly - on average, the increase is 10-20 kg. A woman’s body experiences stress every minute, which will then need to be restored.

There is also a psychological component to sleepiness. After all, it is known that after the birth of the baby, the mother will no longer be able to rest. That is why, regardless of the gender of the child - a girl or a boy, the body will stock up on energy and strength in advance for the future.

When drowsiness is considered a sign of pathology

There is a disease that usually manifests itself in the 2nd half of pregnancy - gestosis. This disease is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • protein in urine;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • increase in pressure.

Early detection of gestosis promises a positive outcome in the treatment of the disease. The main symptom at the initial stage of the disease is drowsiness, which requires special attention.

A sharp increase in blood pressure also leads to drowsiness. Additional signs of arterial hypertension are:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headaches.

Daytime drowsiness is often considered a symptom of eclampsia - these are frequent attacks of convulsions, which are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • spots before the eyes;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • nausea that can turn into vomiting;
  • headaches.

Even if a woman does not notice any changes in her health, the pregnant woman's relatives will probably notice a deterioration in her health.

What to do if there is drowsiness during the day, but at night a woman cannot sleep? In this case, it is necessary to carry out treatment, otherwise a change in biological rhythms will negatively affect the condition of the pregnant woman. The doctor will prescribe the patient a number of homeopathic and herbal remedies that will help normalize the quality of night sleep.

Should you be concerned about daytime sleepiness?

According to doctors, drowsiness, which is not caused by the development of pathologies, does not pose any harm to the health of the mother and baby. If a woman constantly wants to sleep, she should not deny herself this, since thanks to such rest the strength of the expectant mother is restored.

However, if drowsiness is constant, she needs to carefully reconsider her daily routine, namely:

Waiting for a baby is considered the most exciting moment for every woman, even if it is overshadowed by frequent drowsiness. The main thing is to listen to your body, and in case of any problems, immediately consult a doctor.

While waiting for the birth of a miracle, every woman experiences new sensations and experiences completely different emotions. All changes are reflected in the general condition. One of them is constant increased sleepiness. Why does the expectant mother always feel the desire to sleep and how to deal with this condition, which causes so much discomfort?

Why do you often feel sleepy during pregnancy?

Problems such as sleepiness during pregnancy may be due to big amount reasons. Some of them are completely harmless, others are extremely serious and dangerous pathologies. Everyone makes a contribution, big or small. What etiological factors occur in early and late pregnancy?

In the first trimester

Drowsiness during early pregnancy (in the first trimester) is caused by the following factors:

  • the body's reaction to stress;
  • active hormonal changes;
  • functional changes in all organ systems necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a joyful event for any woman, but the body experiences enormous stress, provoked not only by psycho-emotional experiences, but also by sudden changes in the functioning of organs. Hormonal levels are subject to significant fluctuations.

In the 1st trimester, the production of progesterone increases significantly, which has a general calming and relaxing effect on the body. Scientists believe that this hormone is the key cause of drowsiness.

The increased size of the uterus and the increased stress that the body experiences lead to a redistribution of nutrients and oxygen, so even a slight outflow of necessary components to the fetus can lead to oxygen starvation of the mother’s brain, which is manifested by a constant desire to sleep. For this reason, drowsiness at the beginning of pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor.

In the second trimester

In the second trimester, progesterone production decreases, the female body gets used to the changes, and sleep recedes. Other conditions that can significantly increase the need for sleep come to the fore:

  1. Anemia. Most often due to nutritional reasons: insufficient intake of iron from food, deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
  2. Hypovitaminosis. This condition develops in 30% of women who do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables and tablet forms of vitamins. Additionally, the consumption of nutrients by the growing fetus, which urgently needs them, increases.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Underactive thyroid gland usually occurs in iodine-deficient regions. In severe cases, a similar pathology may develop in the baby.

The described conditions are quite easily diagnosed and treated without risk to the child. The main thing is not to be afraid to tell the doctor about everything. Lack of treatment can have a detrimental effect on the health and development of the baby.

In the third trimester

Oddly enough, in the third trimester of pregnancy you want to sleep all the time. This situation rarely indicates the presence of pathology, since all the main diseases have already manifested themselves and were promptly diagnosed and treated in the 1st and 2nd trimesters.

In the later stages, the desire to sleep is caused by the woman’s banal fatigue. 9 months is a fairly long period during which the body is constantly overloaded. A deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and oxygen, weight gain of up to 15–20 kg and a whole range of internal experiences greatly exhaust the pregnant woman.

When is drowsiness a pathology?

In some cases, drowsiness cannot be regarded as normal and is considered a pathology. Single or periodic, but rarely occurring episodes of drowsiness are not a cause for concern.

If you constantly feel sleepy, then you urgently need to find the reason, which may be:

  1. Severe early toxicosis (in the first weeks of pregnancy). It does not necessarily have to be manifested by vomiting or nausea. Sometimes the expectant mother simply does not leave the bed.
  2. Preeclampsia. This condition is characterized, in addition to drowsiness, by the appearance of massive edema, elevation blood pressure and proteinuria.
  3. Anemia (iron deficiency, folate deficiency or vitamin deficiency).
  4. ARVI, flu, sore throat.
  5. Allergic reactions. Certain types of hypersensitivity of the body may occur without clear clinical signs and be expressed by drowsiness.
  6. Mental disorders and organic pathologies of the brain. It is rarely possible to develop an increased tendency to sleep against the background of various diseases with functional or structural damage to the brain.

How to cope with drowsiness?

Drowsiness, fatigue and weakness are the most faithful companions any pregnancy. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them, but it is quite possible to try to ease the symptoms. It is important to realize that the pregnancy period is a time of caring for the baby, therefore, you need to choose a lifestyle that would satisfy his needs too. To combat drowsiness, experts recommend:

  • Eat nutritiously (in terms of quality and quantity). A pregnant woman's diet should be rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements and all essential nutrients. You should consume more dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Walk outdoors as often as possible. Parks located outside the urban environment and coniferous forests are ideal. During the walk, the central nervous system relaxes, the brain receives more oxygen, and the body rests.
  • Creation and compliance correct mode day, work and rest. The expectant mother should schedule her life in such a way that there is at least 3-4 hours left for daytime sleep or rest. It is advisable for a woman to sleep at the same intervals every day. To ensure sound and restful sleep, you can use special devices, for example, pillows for pregnant women.

  • Avoid any stressful situations, psycho-emotional stress. Each episode of drowsiness or fatigue leads to disruption of fetal life support. Even if these changes are barely noticeable, they can cause serious harm if systematically exposed.
  • Maintain hygiene in the home where the pregnant woman lives. It is extremely important to do wet cleaning at least 2 times a day.
  • Avoid overwork. Any physical labor contraindicated.
  • Engage in vigorous physical activity. Swimming, water aerobics, and yoga are ideal. These complexes reduce muscle tension and promote general relaxation. A good night's sleep after physical exercise can give you energy for several days ahead.

How to work when drowsy?

Situations often arise when a pregnant woman needs to continue working during pregnancy, so she has to deal with drowsiness. To do this, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • Monitor the air temperature in the work area. It should be 20 degrees. If there is an increase or decrease, the woman will feel sleepy. This temperature indicator is the most favorable for the body.
  • It is necessary to frequently ventilate the room, avoid stuffiness and smoky places.
  • Do not consume, especially systematically, tonic substances: coffee, energy drinks, strong tea, etc. Taking such drinks will wean the body from fighting drowsiness and in the future will lead to an increased desire to sleep.
  • If you feel drowsy, drink a glass of cool water. This method allows you to temporarily raise the tone of the body and increase your ability to work.
  • Choose feasible work and feasible tasks. When overtired, the desire to sleep increases, the effect of labor activity decreases noticeably. In addition, overwork has a detrimental effect on the baby’s condition.
  • It is advisable to take a break every 1-3 hours during work for a 15-minute walk in the fresh air.
  • After work you need to get a good night's sleep. A woman is recommended to sleep at least 10 hours a day. It can be extremely difficult to implement this, but it’s worth trying.

Thus, if you want to sleep all the time, it is better to consult a doctor and get examined. This will not take much time, but the pregnant woman will be sure that everything is fine with her and her child and that he will not develop various pathologies that appear in the last stages of pregnancy and after childbirth.

“In the morning I want to eat, in the afternoon I want to sleep,” folk wisdom. It happens that a state of drowsiness haunts a person throughout the day. This affects overall well-being, reducing performance. Such symptoms are far from harmless. IN special cases A doctor's consultation is required. Often the cause of hypersomnia in a woman is an “interesting” position.

The first days after conception, the woman’s body does not perceive the embryo as “its own” and in every possible way “resists” the consolidation of the fetus. As a result, unpleasant symptoms may appear: nausea, elevated body temperature, emotional fluctuations. During pregnancy, you want to sleep at the beginning of the term.

The week after conception is characterized by subtle signs of a woman’s new position. If you don’t really listen to your own feelings, you may not notice any changes. Over time, in the process of further formation of the fetus, the condition of the expectant mother will change noticeably. The most obvious signs appear after ten days. There is a special table developed by gynecologists. It reflects an approximate list of common manifestations of pregnancy before a missed period. Each symptom appears at a specific time:

Sign of pregnancyPeriod of occurrence
Decreased body defenses2-3 days after conception
Bloody issues4-10 days after ovulation
Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, frequent urination4-10 days after ovulation (implantation)
Increased breast sensitivity4-10 day
Psychological "changes"Between 10 and 15 pm
Daytime sleepiness, increased fatigueFrom the first days to the second trimester
Early toxicosisIn 7-14 days
Positive pregnancy test result10-14 day
Elevated rectal body temperature15 days after ovulation

Early pregnancy can be diagnosed using an hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test. The result of the study will confirm the presence of this hormone in the body. HCG, the main indicator of the birth of a new life, begins to be synthesized immediately after implantation.

Drowsiness as the first sign of pregnancy

Hypersomnia is often the only symptom in the early stages. In the first days of pregnancy you want to sleep. Progesterone is responsible for the “sluggish” state. The female body begins to produce secretions in large doses, thereby increasing fatigue. From the moment of successful fertilization, the vegetative-vascular system of the expectant mother also undergoes changes. As a result, blood pressure decreases. In hypotensive patients, this condition manifests itself especially acutely: dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, and a “white veil” before the eyes. Fainting attacks may also occur.

State Description

Drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy manifests itself as follows: you constantly want to sleep, regardless of the time of day. There is also a general “loss of strength”, apathy, and difficulty concentrating. The thing is that the fertilized egg moves through the uterine canals and secretes certain substances. They influence the center of neuroendocrine regulation and stimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Explanation of the syndrome

If you manage to get pregnant, increased fatigue is a completely natural manifestation. Thus, the expectant mother “accumulates strength” to bear the child. IN in this case You should listen to your body and provide it with proper rest. It is necessary to exclude sources of increased stress and avoid conflict situations.

Advice! Usually in the second trimester of pregnancy, constant drowsiness disappears, overall physical tone improves, and emotional manifestations are regulated.

Natural factors

The state of weakness during pregnancy interferes with daily activities and worsens the quality of life. Therefore, it can be gently adjusted. There are non-hazardous factors that affect a woman’s well-being:

The listed causes of drowsiness can be eliminated or changed.

It is important to know! If, under normal conditions and in the absence of serious shocks, a pregnant woman continues to complain of constant apathy and hyposomnia, this is an alarming signal.

Threatening reasons

Increased drowsiness during late toxicosis may indicate a serious pathology. Eclampsia is a brain disorder that causes seizures. Characterized by main features:

  • the presence of swelling of the extremities;
  • high blood pressure;
  • protein in urine;
  • headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • frequent vomiting, nausea;

If this diagnosis is suspected, immediate medical attention is necessary.

Attention! Iron deficiency during pregnancy is common. Anemia may also make you feel sleepy all the time.

For reliability, a blood test for hemoglobin is taken, based on the results of which appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Negative consequences of excessive sleepiness

Drowsiness prevents you from performing your usual everyday activities at home and reduces your ability to work at the workplace. The woman becomes distracted and inattentive, which can pose a threat to her and others. Severe attacks of hypersomnia and increased weakness can provoke fainting, fraught with falls and injury. If the disease is left to its own devices, it can become more complicated and drag on for many months. Postpartum asthenia is a syndrome that occurs both in completely healthy women and as a result of various ailments. The course of the disease is characterized by duration; symptoms may persist even after the causes have been eliminated. Practice shows that it is too late to treat this condition on your own; a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Combating hypersomnia in expectant mothers

To restore a joyful perception of life and a thirst for activity, pregnant women need to sleep a full 10 hours a day. If possible, introduce a two-hour daytime rest and take a nap for pleasure. While at work, you should take regular breaks. Why? Because a twenty-minute timeout is not a luxury, but a necessity. It is not advisable to drink coffee and strong tea. Helps cope with drowsiness green tea. Going to bed should not be later than 22.00. In the morning, you should get into the habit of doing exercises.

Preventive measures

The expectant mother has to be careful and attentive to her own health. How else?

To ensure that the waiting period for your baby is not overshadowed by painful conditions, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Timely treatment of colds and allergies will eliminate the main factor in the development of increased drowsiness.
  • A dosed stay in crowded places will only bring benefits.
  • Intake of microelements (iodine, calcium, folic acid) will help you stay energetic for a long period. Some doctors are of the opinion that during pregnancy, mono-drugs are preferable to complex vitamins.
  • Any room where pregnant women are present must be well and often ventilated. There is never too much oxygen!
  • Workaholism and multitasking are not best friends for the health of the expectant mother. Moderate loads are your everything!
  • Night is a holy time. A dream and only a dream. No work, watching TV series or other entertainment.
  • Gymnastics - it’s worth making friends with it even for those whose favorite exercise was “lying prone.”
  • A healthy breakfast in the morning (balanced and complete) is a great start to the day. It will help you stay in good shape for a long time.

Frequent walks in the fresh air will also help improve your health. The excellent health of the expectant mother is the key to the successful development of the baby.


Pregnancy is not a disease, but a wonderful and unique state of a woman. Weakness and drowsiness in most cases are natural satellites this situation at first. Compliance with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle helps in solving current health problems. Unless there is a serious pathology. Expectant mothers are usually under the close attention of doctors, so there is no need to worry again.

You should also tell your doctor immediately about any alarming symptoms. Timely diagnosis and treatment often save the life of not only the unborn baby, but also the mother.

Drowsiness during early pregnancy is a characteristic sign of the onset of conception and the beginning of the development of the embryo. This phenomenon is experienced by a significant number of expectant mothers, and for some it causes concern. The causes of drowsiness in different trimesters of pregnancy can be various changes that occur in the female body. Doctors explain that this is a set of protective reactions of the body, designed to protect the pregnant woman from potential dangers that could lead to rejection of the embryo.

Such risks surround a pregnant woman from all sides - stressful situations, negative nervous conditions, rapid hormonal changes and effects on the body. During pregnancy, you want to sleep, because it is in sleep that energy reserves are replenished and physical and mental strength is restored. In the early stages of pregnancy, the appearance of drowsiness during pregnancy rarely becomes a sign of pathology.

Causes of sleepiness in a pregnant woman

A woman who is carrying a baby not for the first time is aware that during pregnancy she wants to sleep quite often, and at certain periods this becomes a habitual state. Sometimes, focusing on the experience of the older generation and her own, a pregnant woman is sure that this is a physiological condition throughout the entire period preceding the birth of the baby.

The first trimester of pregnancy is usually not dangerous, but more late date, marked by an exaggerated tendency to sleep, sometimes indicates excessive physical and emotional overload or insufficient nutrition.

The second trimester is the time when the final formation of the placenta occurs, toxicosis should go away, taking with it drowsiness. But if this does not happen, the reasons should be sought and eliminated.

The second and third semester may be marked by a state of lethargy and a desire to constantly sleep. But if in the second trimester this is explained by a lack of iron (anemia), then in the third trimester pregnant women sometimes want to sleep for negative reasons. A woman can carry out minimal diagnostics on her own if drowsiness is accompanied by negative signs:

  • late toxicosis;
  • severe swelling;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • failure of visual function.

Such a set of signs can signal a pathological course of the child’s development, for example, eclampsia, which requires immediate surgical intervention.

Sign - drowsiness during pregnancy

Drowsiness in the early stages of bearing a future baby, even in those days when the presence of pregnancy was determined only by physiological signs, served as one of the signs by which they could accurately determine that a woman would soon become a mother. Now there are modern ways to determine the onset of pregnancy, and why a woman begins to sleep more has reliable scientific explanation.

In the early stages, the cause is almost always the onset of pregnancy, associated emotional experiences and hormonal changes in the entire body, which is preparing for a special stage.

The main function of the female body in this state is maximum efficiency. building materials, emotions and necessary substances. This will require effort, and any costs require compensation.

Therefore, if sleep is not pathologically constant, there is no need to be afraid of it. In the third semester, doctors recommend setting aside time for nap and give a woman’s tired body additional rest.

The baby will be born soon. After giving birth, a woman will have less time to sleep.

Pregnancy symptoms and sleepiness

Early pregnancy progresses individually for each woman. One has practically no sleepiness, the other feels so tired that she cannot bring herself to get out of bed in the morning.

Fatigue can accompany a working woman who has conceived. However, increased weakness may be a consequence of the development of the disease. Lethargy is explained by poor health or seasonal vitamin deficiency.

The beginning of the gestation period for a new life is also manifested by accompanying hormonal changes and a radical restructuring of the body:

  • Basal temperature remains high throughout the luteal phase. It is recommended that women monitor this parameter when planning pregnancy.
  • Absence of menstruation (although not always).
  • Morning sickness, present in many pregnant women. However, some never develop toxicosis.
  • The breasts change - they hurt and ache, the nipples enlarge along with the areolas and become hypersensitive, veins appear.
  • Vaginal discharge increases, and panty liners sometimes have to be changed several times a day.

If, in addition to all these signs, you really want to sleep, it means you are pregnant. As a result, hormonal changes in the woman’s body began, which are aimed at preparing for gestation and birth. Progesterone, otherwise known as the pregnancy hormone, is also produced. The relaxation of smooth muscles by this hormone, aimed at maintaining pregnancy, which is sometimes prevented by the immune system, provokes a decrease in blood pressure and causes hypotension.

This is the scientific explanation for why the first trimester for a pregnant woman in position is marked by a constant desire to sleep. This is normal, and during this time it is not only harmless, but absolutely necessary to sleep more.

Sleep norms during pregnancy

There are no unambiguous rules that could be useful in every case. American scientists believe that a woman should sleep at least 9-10 hours during pregnancy. In order for sleep to be beneficial, it is advised to go to bed at a strictly defined time and avoid physical exertion before falling asleep.

Domestic researchers also call the 10-hour norm optimal, but they believe that before this it is useful to take a short walk in the fresh air. The early period, with its hypertrophied desire to sleep, which can last the whole day, just like the late period, when the load increases significantly, suggests that in the middle of the day you can allocate additional time and rest for 1.5-2 hours.

Sleeping too much is not recommended, especially if it is sleeping before noon, followed by further lying in bed. This method of compensating for the costs of pregnancy is harmful for a woman, because it leads to a disruption in the biorhythms of two people and disrupts blood circulation, causing a depressed state.

Main causes of drowsiness

Although the main reason for the sleepy state during the period of bearing a child has been determined (this is the pregnancy itself), there are specific reasons for the desire to want to sleep in different trimesters.

First trimester

The visceral theory suggests that during pregnancy you constantly want to sleep due to the restructuring that occurs, which the nervous system controls and regulates. Since the process is intense, the central nervous system requires more time to control and regulate than before.

The endocrinological aspect explains this condition by increasing the level of progesterone in the blood, its role in relaxing smooth muscles and lowering blood pressure. Psychology suggests that the phenomenon is due to the emotional and psychological stress that a woman experiences during pregnancy. An adequate explanation is a combination of three aspects.

Second trimester

Expectations that drowsiness will go away by the 13th week are sometimes not justified. The main justification during this period is that the baby is already grown up. The fetus sets the woman's periods of wakefulness and sleep, which do not always coincide with the mother's, and the close relationship between the two organisms leads to the fact that the mother wants to sleep with the baby.

Sleepiness in the second trimester is not laziness. This is a coincidence of life cycles, which is necessary because at this time the baby’s basic abilities are formed. An additional aspect: the intensity of development in the fetus has increased, more building materials are required, and its mother limits herself in food so as not to spoil her figure. Lack of nutrients can cause a strong urge to sleep.

Third trimester

Explanations for constant fatigue, lethargy and the desire to sleep are related to hormonal status, fetal growth, and possible complications caused by increased size putting pressure on internal organs. The child may behave restlessly at night, looking for a comfortable position, and the immune conflict still requires the body to make efforts to preserve the fetus.

If the doctor examines you regularly and sees no cause for alarm, it means that the woman is pregnant.

Seeing a doctor

Pathological abnormalities can also cause increased drowsiness. The most common of them are:

  • anemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • lack of vitamins.

Anemia is diagnosed by hemoglobin analysis, but it also has quite obvious signs: hair becomes dry and brittle, falls out, skin becomes pale and seems thinner, nails peel and break, soles and palms begin to peel. Treatment of the pathology depends on the degree of its severity. The first can be compensated for by diet, while the third requires hospitalization and intensive care.

Hypothyroidism during this difficult period can occur against the background of autoimmune processes or iodine deficiency. Fatigue, forgetfulness, sudden weight gain, dry skin, heart problems, and fluid retention can easily be attributed to a complicated pregnancy. Therefore, if there are a combination of symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

A lack of vitamins manifests itself in much the same way as anemia, with increased bleeding gums, blurred vision, dental problems, ulcerations on the mucous membranes, red eyes and swelling. The lack of a particular vitamin or mineral has its own distinctive characteristics, but the overall picture is quite characteristic, and with a complex of symptoms, a doctor is vital.

If drowsiness is natural and not accompanied by pathological signs in the early stages of pregnancy, then there is no reason to fight. But women work even while carrying a fetus. Therefore, this condition becomes a serious obstacle to the performance of official duties.

Drug treatment of pathological conditions will have to be postponed, but vitamins, iodine-containing drugs and a specialized diet will help get rid of the problem if it is diagnosed at the beginning of pregnancy and is overcome under medical supervision.

There will be no harm from the fact that a woman eliminates the state of drowsiness on her own during the working day if she goes to bed on time and at the same time. The body will sleep for the prescribed number of hours and rest productively. If you can sleep for 1-2 hours in the middle of the day, or just lie down and give your body a rest, that would be ideal. After all, drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy is not a pathology, but a natural consequence of the emergence of a new life.

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