Useful. How to make lessons interesting

Very often, the teacher becomes a kind of intermediate link between students and the school administration. The directorate puts forward more and more stringent demands regarding the topics and content of classes, and in response, students simply sleep in class, unable to comprehend the boring and “dry” material of the curriculum, often developed by people far from pedagogy. This situation is observed in hundreds and thousands of schools. And many teachers, unfortunately, already perceive it as something ordinary and quite normal. However, there are also many opportunities to break this not very pleasant tradition. Don't believe me? Then today we will try to convince you otherwise.

As part of our article today, we decided to put together several practical advice regarding how you can easily and simply do a lesson in elementary school interesting and entertaining. After all, the degree of assimilation of educational material largely depends on the attentiveness and interest of students. This means that even the teacher himself should be interested in this. IN in this case the interests of all interested parties converge at one point. The administration will be pleased with strict adherence to the curriculum, and the students will be pleased with the interesting and exciting course of the lesson. And a teacher can fully count on a small bonus for the performance of his students at the end of the working month.

How to make a lesson interesting.

In order to do school lessons entertaining and interesting. It is necessary to adhere to what was drawn up at the beginning of the year curriculum, without forgetting that it can always be varied depending on a particular topic. The scientific literature contains a huge number of different techniques aimed at increasing students’ interest in the course of the lesson.

1. The simplest and the easy way To make the lesson more fun is to use different techniques. This could be a computer, laptop or (optimally) an electronic projector. This way, you can present the material presented in the form of slides, which can be varied with pictures and practical examples. It is very noteworthy that this method is perfect for teaching a lesson in almost any discipline. If you need to diversify your literature lesson a little ( literary reading), you can show on slides photographs of authors whose works are discussed as part of a school lesson. If we are talking about conducting a natural science lesson, then everything is extremely simple: on the slides you can place photographs of animals, mushrooms, plants and many other objects of flora and fauna related to the lesson in question.

2. Clearly divide the lesson into segments. Don't be monotonous and monotonous. When preparing for a training session, try to highlight several of the most important fragments. This could be checking homework, the main part (presentation of new material), as well as physical education, independent work for schoolchildren, etc. There are a huge number of options in this case. The main thing, as school psychologists note, is not to drag out each individual part of the lesson. Each segment should last no more than 12 minutes. Some exceptions may only be the presentation of new material.

3. Try to behave outside the box - try to go beyond the boundaries. As practice shows, every student, one way or another, compares one teacher with another. And they, in turn, as a rule, conduct their classes for many, many years according to the same patterns. In this case, your task is to somehow stand out. Be recognizable. And then the children will always pay special attention to your actions during the lesson, subconsciously expecting something new from you.

For example, you can simultaneously repeat the completed exercises during physical education. This could be a multiplication table or foreign words. Anyone who cannot cope with the task can be given several additional exercises (squats for girls, push-ups for boys). Interesting and fun. Plus, this way you can influence the entire class. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it. It is better to give the “know-nothings” only five additional exercises, so that the dynamics and the very principle of the blitz survey are constantly observed.

4. Try to talk with students and maintain strong contact with them. A great option would also be to joke with them. However, in this case, everything is quite specific and depends on the personal characteristics of the teacher. In addition, for some contact with the audience, you can simply walk along the rows, presenting the educational material. In the vast majority of cases, such a little trick works one hundred percent. Students stop chatting and begin to listen to the teacher’s words.

5. Try to use as many interesting and exciting games as possible during class. These can be puzzles, charades, or even the most ordinary crosswords, the tasks for which will be the names of historical figures, names of cities, designations of certain representatives of flora and fauna. In this case, everything depends on the academic subject itself, about which we're talking about. According to many researchers who have devoted their work to the issues of children's pedagogy, it is during play, in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, that children learn educational material much better. In this case, you can diversify the lesson in a variety of ways. If the above methods do not suit you, we hasten to present to your attention another one. Find a small ball at home or in the school gym and arrange a quick poll. Pass the ball through the rows, timing the time. The student in whose hands the ball ends up when it expires must answer one of the prepared questions. If possible, you can use a short melody along with the time countdown.

6. Let students work on solutions to certain problems themselves. Divide them into groups and give each team tasks of increased difficulty. These can be complex questions on literature or regional studies, as well as “tasks with an asterisk” from school mathematics textbooks. After the allotted time has passed, each group of students will have to present their answer (preferably in writing on a small piece of paper). Such activities will teach children to act together and also instill in them a sense of partnership.
7. Make the lesson as varied as possible. Offer schoolchildren various educational programs, use the power of the Internet and additional sources etc. Interesting ideas can be collected in a separate folder. Over time, you will develop a whole “arsenal” of interesting and exciting tasks that you can use in your work with other students and another class.

8. And in conclusion - the most important rule, which will perfectly help make the lesson entertaining and interesting. When preparing for a lesson, try to approach the concept of the lesson creatively. Find the child in you, give free rein to your imagination - and then interesting solutions will appear on their own. Just be honest with yourself and your students.

I wish you interesting ideas and professional success.

How often do we face the problem of how to start a lesson in an interesting and unusual way?! After all, it is known that “a good start to a lesson is half its success.” Each of us needs that piggy bank of the best ideas and findings that would help solve these difficult problems. Famous American teachers and trainers Gordo Dryden and Jeannette Vos in their book “Revolution in Learning” write that the existing teaching model must be replaced with an individual approach to teaching each student. It should be based on the principles: learning through independent discovery, understanding of concepts, active participation in the learning process and adequate assessment of one’s own achievements.

The main task facing society in the 21st century is to teach them to learn and think, how to apply knowledge to solve any life or production problem. Jeannette Vos writes: "Learning should be exciting, fast-paced and fulfilling. And it should also embrace relaxation, action, stimulation, emotion and satisfaction."

In world pedagogical practice, there are many recipes for real learning. Novelty: - in the integration of well-known elements of pedagogical methods and techniques, which overall creates an interesting, effective approach.

Optimal learning conditions

A creative teacher understands that the conditions in which children learn are of great importance: we put fresh flowers, hang a colored poster and tables on the wall, emphasizing the main points verbally or with the help of drawings.

Many teachers use music at the beginning of the lesson to create the appropriate mood. It has been revealed that it is music that introduces a person into a special state of relaxation, when the brain is open to perception and information. You can use “The Four Seasons” by Vivaldi, “Water Music” by Handel, etc.

Methodological techniques that influence the formation of motivation

Surprise. Surprise is the initial phase of the development of cognitive interest. "What happens if:?" These questions address paradoxical situations. Students themselves can propose similar situations for discussion.

For example.

- “What would have happened if the “whites” and not the reds had won in 1920?

- “What would have happened if Russia had not joined the Entente and had not fought in the First World War?” etc.

Delay in guessing

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives a riddle; the answer to it can be found out in class while working on new material.


“Christianity came to Kievan Rus from Byzantium, so almost all external attributes repeated Byzantine models. But the only dissimilar element of the temple buildings were the roofs. In Byzantium, the roof of the temple had the shape of a hemisphere, in Kievan Rus - the shape of an “onion”. How to explain such a deviation from architectural canons?"

(The hemispherical roofs could not withstand the pressure snow in winter).

Fantastic supplement

The teacher supplements the real situation with elements of fiction.

Example. Consider the historical situation through the eyes of an ancient Greek or a resident of Kievan Rus. A universal approach is to write a fantastic story (“One day in the life of a feudal lord”, “One day in the life of a medieval knight”, etc.), essays, poems, using knowledge from the subject.


The following works can be offered:

  1. Solve the crossword puzzle.
  2. Make up questions for the words in the completed crossword puzzle.
  3. When completing the crossword, determine which keyword is highlighted and explain its meaning.
  4. Create a crossword puzzle yourself using terms you have learned before.

Let's read!

Excerpts from fiction and popular science literature can be used in our lessons for various purposes: for illustration, for asking questions to consolidate the material received, to build motivation.

It's easy to be bold:
If allowed.
How did we all live before this?
They applauded nonsense more than once
And this united us so much.
They shouted that we were going forward,
But they thought quite the opposite.

(Poem on the theme “Years of Stagnation” (1964-1985))

a) From the age of 18, Alexander the Great took part in battles and became famous as a warrior, but all his life he unsuccessfully tried to prove his innocence in only one death. Whose?

(His father).

b) Alexander the Great was an excellent runner in his youth, and his father invited him to compete at the Olympic Games. What condition could not his father fulfill for the ambitious young man to accept his proposal?

(Alexander agreed to compete only with kings.)

c) When Alexander was going to war at the age of 22, he distributed all his property to his friends and subjects. When asked what he left for himself, in a royal, “modest” manner, he answered: “It will be enough for me:” What?

(“Asia”, according to another version - “hope”. Many of his friends refused gifts, inspired by his answer and wanting to be like the commander).

There is no limit to a teacher’s creativity and therefore we must try to ensure that the lessons not only teach, but also captivate.

How to spend interesting lesson

You must strive to make lessons interesting. After all, a lesson is a road to the heights of knowledge, a process of improvement and intellectual growth of a student. On each of themthoughts and incredible discoveries that excite the child's consciousness or hopeless boredom and dangerous idleness are born. How valuable and interesting the seconds, minutes, hours and years spent at a school desk will be depends on the efforts of the teacher.

Anatole France very subtly noticed the importance of an extraordinary presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the children would be afraid to be late for it, and after the bell would not rush to leave the class.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, every lesson should arouse interest in the child. Yes, yes, exactly everyone. In this case, the effectiveness of school education increases, and new material is easily absorbed. I will try to tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and enjoyable lessons.

It is necessary to plan a lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional state, and their inclination to work individually or to study in a group. The concept of every interesting activity should have a creative beginning.

Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of your imagination - and non-standard solutions will definitely be found. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will allow you to conduct the prepared lesson in an interesting way. You should always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! You should start the lesson actively (maybe with a small surprise), clearly formulate the tasks, check homework using non-standard forms of work.

An interesting lesson is always divided into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, you should not dump a portion of new knowledge on students, but move smoothly and logically from one stage of the lesson to another. Each individual part of the lesson should not be lengthy (on average up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explanations of new material).

Use a variety of techniques to create a fun lesson. Using a computer or electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both an open and traditional lesson in any discipline interesting.

You should be flexible in the classroom! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which the teacher must quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve tension in the classroom, you need to have simple and fun tasks (preferably in a playful form).

How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? It’s very simple - don’t be afraid to break stereotypes. Not doing work for students to “help” them. Stimulate constant activity of schoolchildren. Give simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Make the most of every activity. I like to use such a technique as working in groups: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions and develop a sense of partnership. I often use this form of work to conduct open lessons.

To teach interesting lessons, I constantly search and find unusual and surprising facts on each topic that are not in the textbook. I surprise my students and never cease to amaze them together!

I have created and am constantly replenishing my own methodological piggy bank, where the most successful, interesting and exciting forms of work are accumulated.

Thematic games will make lessons interesting in any classroom. The game creates a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, in which new knowledge is well absorbed.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop an interest in a subject thanks to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What is needed for this?

Fatigue, troubles, worries should be left outside the school door! It is necessary to open up to communicate with students! Children really appreciate appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom and dialogue on equal terms. You should behave unconventionally, sometimes going beyond the usual boundaries, because the personality of the teacher and his behavior are extremely important. I try to bring more examples from personal experience, because a teacher is a creative person and an extraordinary person, and children remember vivid life examples much better than fictitious ones.

I hope that these recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new, non-boring lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional improvement is the basis of successful teaching activities, the guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

From the experience of a music teacher

Author: Magdeeva Gulnara Enveryevna, music teacher of Ulyanovsk Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 76
Job description: I bring to your attention the article “Studying at school is interesting!” This work may be of interest to music teachers, music directors, teachers additional education. It reveals issues of development of cognitive and educational motivation schoolchildren at a music lesson.
Target: to draw attention to the problems of teaching music in modern schools
Tasks: to reveal the possibilities of teaching in a modern school.

Studying at school is interesting!

“In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the entire school business, nothing can be improved without going past the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky).

Having worked in school for many years, I ask myself the question: how should a modern teacher work so that the student not only receives a flow of information, but also thinks, understands, independently draws conclusions, and how to ensure learning with passion. In the process of work, I formulated the topic of my research: “Formation of positive motivation for educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren in music lessons”
The beginning of the 21st century for Russian education is a time of major change. Education is being modernized. And this involves solving a number of problems. The main thing is to achieve a new, modern quality of education. Article No. 7 of the “Law on Education” establishes Federal state standards, which represent “a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (EOP IEO) educational institutions with state accreditation.” (quote)
The final assessment of a teacher’s professional activity is made based on the results of training, education and development of students. (“Professional standard”, clause 5.1)
Great value In the work of a modern teacher, a teacher has professional ICT competence.
In music lessons, you can use ICT tools at various stages of the lesson: acquaintance with new material (documentaries about the work of composers, illustrations of paintings by famous artists based on a musical work), consolidation of what has been learned (showing videos of performances by musical groups), testing knowledge (creative tasks and games, testing, etc.)
For example, during a lesson in the second grade, to check the mastery of material on the topic of timbre coloring of instruments, I conducted computer game based on the symphonic tale by S. Prokofiev “Peter and the Wolf”. The children were asked to divide into teams and complete the wolf's tasks. Each team chose a colored card, behind which the melodic leitmotif of the heroes of our fairy tale was hidden. And, if the guys named the hero correctly, then musical instruments appeared on the screen, voicing him. Thus, the children saved the duck from the wolf's belly, and the fairy tale had a happy ending.
I would like to quote excerpts from the “Professional Standard for a Teacher”: a modern teacher must use special approaches to teaching in order to include educational process all students: with special educational needs; gifted students (“Professional Standard”, 4.1, paragraph 5); be able to objectively assess students’ knowledge using different forms and methods of control. (“Professional Standard”, 4.1 point 6); possess ICT competencies (“Professional Standard”, 4.1 point 7); be able to design and create situations and events that develop the emotional and value sphere of the child (the culture of experiences and value orientations of the child). (“Professional Standard”, 4.1 clause 10); be able to detect and implement (embody) educational opportunities various types the child’s activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic, etc.). (“Professional Standard”, 4.1 clause 11).
In music lessons there are great opportunities for this: children listen to music, empathize with the characters and musical images, and analyze musical works. Students junior classes To more accurately express one’s own attitude to a particular work, paints and pencils are used. In my classes, children are involved in the theatricalization of works, where everyone tries on the image of one or another hero of a musical fairy tale or song.
Modern schooling is associated with high tension and stress, which can block the mental activity of schoolchildren. In such a state, there is a desire to run away from everything new, unknown, instead of learning this new thing. But if you present the material differently in class, the effect is the opposite.
The figurative-emotional situation helps to turn children's emotional images to educational activities.
Here are examples of didactic tools:
artistic(images of sculpture, painting, architecture, etc.);
For example, a second grade lesson on the topic “Musical calendar”:
Before listening to P. Tchaikovsky’s music from the cycle “The Seasons” - “December. Christmastide" and "February. Maslenitsa”, the children and I look at the paintings of famous artists M. Kustodiev “Maslenitsa” and “Balagans” and V. Surikov “The Capture of the Winter Town” and analyze the nature of the colors with the help of which the artistic image was created in order to find similar colors in musical works.
musical(images created by various musical works);
literary(images of literary characters);
For example, a lesson in first grade “My Motherland-Russia”:
The concepts of Motherland, Country, Russia will become more understandable and close to children if they are presented in the context of their children's understanding. Therefore, I started the lesson by demonstrating a fragment of a cartoon based on the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz,” in which the song of the wizard Goodwin was heard “ Home side" And after analyzing the contents of the song, she moved on to more complex concepts and works about the Motherland.
cognitive(images of historical, political and scientific figures created by getting acquainted with their biography, studying their works, activities, etc.);
For example, in high school, when studying major theatrical and stage works, such as the opera “Boris Godunov,” in order to better understand the musical characteristics of the tsar, I introduce myself to this historical figure using presentations or documentary footage.
color(images created using color combinations);
For example, in the 5th grade, working in the 2nd half of the year on the topic “Literature and fine arts"I suggest you look at the picture famous artist Raphael “The Sistine Madonna” and pay attention to the color combinations with which the artist conveys feelings of tenderness, joy, trembling and love. And then find the similarity of the artistic image with the musical images in the works of I.S. Bach, G. Caccini, F. Schubert.
symbolic ;
For example, in the middle classes, to determine the similarity of the painting “Fuga” by the Lithuanian artist and composer M. Ciurlionis and the work of the German composer J. S. Bach of the same name, I demonstrate a graphic image of the musical notation of a musical work, reminiscent of the details of an artistic canvas.
The task of a modern teacher is to maintain the child’s motivation for learning.
You can create similar situations at different stages of the lesson - at the beginning, in the middle, at the end.
So, my article is devoted to the problem of organizing educational activities that give the joy of learning and develop the abilities of children.


Whether the lesson will be interesting to children and whether they will want to take an active part in it depends on how well the teacher thought through every detail of the lesson. When organizing a lesson, it is necessary to rely on its purpose. Clearly define what the student should take away from the lesson, what task the lesson will solve: will it be learning new material or a lesson in repetition, generalization and systematization of knowledge, a test lesson.

Achieving the goal will directly depend on the motivation of the students. Therefore, make every effort to make them want to know what you are telling them about. Actively use your creativity, a variety of methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Choose a lesson format. It is determined in accordance with its goals and the age of the students.
The forms of the lesson are very diverse, each teacher brings something different. Lessons on learning new material can be in the form of an adventure, a lesson, a surprise lesson, etc. For older children, this could be something prepared by the students themselves. A lesson in consolidating the material can be conducted in the form of a tournament. This can be within one or several parallels. You can also organize an excursion or hike. This will contribute not only to students’ interest in the lesson, but also to unite the class. A test lesson can be conducted in the form of a quiz. A lesson in applying knowledge can be organized as a report lesson, a trial lesson, an auction, or a research lesson. For a combined lesson, it is suitable to conduct it in the form of a workshop, seminar, or consultation. Seminars and lessons on multi-age collaboration are also useful. But it should be remembered that such lessons should be conducted in the system, but not every day. Students, firstly, will have to prepare, and secondly, they will know that not just an interesting lesson, but a holiday awaits them again. This also raises the teacher’s authority in the eyes of students. Computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, tables, illustrations - the correct and appropriate use of this will only decorate your lesson.

Based on the goals and form of the lesson, choose teaching methods and techniques. They are classified on various grounds and can be: verbal, visual, practical, explanatory and illustrative method, reproductive method, problem presentation method, partial search or heuristic method, research method, etc. Methods of problem-based learning are of great importance for the development of cognitive interest of schoolchildren, since they are more capable of activating students in the classroom. Problematic question, problematic task, problematic situation, etc. - all this allows you to make any lesson interesting, thanks to the fact that children themselves take part in finding the answer. With the partial search method, students’ independent search is given greater importance than with the problem method. The teacher only guides the students in their actions. The research method is more difficult for the teacher to organize and for the students to carry out. The teacher only creates a problematic situation, and students, in order to resolve it, must see the problem, determine ways to solve it and find the answer.

The use of various ones helps to increase the cognitive interest of students, and this is inextricably linked with better assimilation of the material being studied, the development of their creative abilities, attention, memory, and thinking. The student will be happy to attend your lessons, knowing that they are always interesting.

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