Why can't you build a bathhouse in a leap year? Signs and superstitions about leap year. Is it possible to build a bathhouse in a leap year? Why can’t we build a bathhouse today?

In order not to anger the bannik, before entering the bathhouse, you must knock and ask permission: “Bannik-bannik, I ask you to come to your house, I will protect myself from evil. I know your rules, I conjure them! Receive the guest according to his rank and conscience. We found not troubles, but blessings! Key, lock!

From midnight until the first rooster crow, the bathhouse belongs only to the bathhouse attendant - washing at this time is dangerous. Also, according to popular belief, you should not go to the bathhouse on Monday - this is bathhouse day. If you break the ban and wash your hair, your hair will grow slowly. A better days for water procedures, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are considered, when the bannik looks after the evil spirits so that their malicious actions do not affect the well-being of those washing.

Men should go to the bathhouse first, then the spirit will not bring illness and trouble. You cannot steam the bathhouse more than 3 times, otherwise the bathhouse may suffocate. Also folk wisdom prohibits you from taking a steam bath while drunk - then walking around absent-minded and inattentive for a week.

In the bathhouse, according to signs, you should not spit, especially on stones - the bathhouse attendant will spit boiling water in response. You cannot stay in the bathhouse overnight: after midnight, other evil spirits come to visit the obstinate spirit, which can make sure that you do not wake up.

In order for the spirit of the bathhouse to be satisfied, it must always be kept perfectly clean. Once a month you need to coax the bannik with new soap, placing it on the floor in a corner. After washing, you need to thank the bathman and leave him a little hot or cold water in the basin.

Signs when building a bathhouse

Before building a bathhouse, you need to bury coins under the future foundation and say: “Bannik, here’s a coin for your housewarming! Respect me, guard the bathhouse, do not wish harm to my guests, avert all troubles! Truly."

Before laying the bathhouse, it is worth carrying out a ritual so that it comes out strong, and the bannik settles in it kindly. On the waxing Moon, you need to go to the site of the future construction. Hold a handful of salt in your right hand, sugar in your left, bow to the 4 cardinal directions and sprinkle the salt around you with the words:

“The bathhouse is strong, the bathhouse is built for good luck, and heated for health. Bannik, dear, invite yourself, settle in with a good spirit. Solyushka will drive away all evil - no devil will touch me!” Then leave the circle and scatter sugar on top of it in a cross, saying: “Help yourself, bannik! Fertilize yourself, messenger of evil! Guard your throne - don't touch me! Words are the key, mouth is the lock!

After this, bow again on 4 sides and go home without looking back.

In a newly built bathhouse, you should put a new bar of soap and leave it untouched for at least a month. Under no circumstances should you build a house on the site of an old bathhouse: this area is considered unclean.

Bath for health

You only need to knit brooms for a bath during the full moon - then you will increase your health. You cannot use branches of a burning tree for this, or a tree from the root of which 2 trunks grow.

A sick person and a healthy person should not use the same soap - the disease can be transmitted.

You can ask yourself for health by feeding the bannik with sweets. Before starting the fire, it is recommended to place a saucer with a piece of sugar in a corner, and after washing, take it outside the threshold of the bathhouse and leave it there for a day.

Washing with soap leads to poverty and melancholy. It needs to be thrown away or buried with the words: “I absorbed the remnant of illness and misfortune and passed it on to the land!” It didn’t affect me at all!”

Bath magic

In the bathhouse, all thoughts and words acquire special power. They can come true whether you want them to or not. Therefore, you should enter the bathhouse only with pure and bright thoughts, with the desire to wash away the accumulated negativity. You can ask the water to cleanse you of all bad things by reading the “Our Father” prayer on it before washing.

Love spells and other magical actions performed in a bathhouse are the most powerful. This is where you can effectively remove the evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to take a new broom and read the “Our Father” prayer over it. After washing, wrap it in an old newspaper, take it into the yard and burn it after 7 days with the words:

“The brand broom took damage and the evil eye upon itself, protecting me, the servant of God (name), from illnesses, from troubles, from problems. Burn, twig and leaf, burn away the damage and the evil eye without delay! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

If someone shouts curses in your face, you need to take a good steam bath, saying: “Steam took everything, returned the evil to the evil, the good was left for me!” After this, wipe your face with a new handkerchief and burn it the next day.

If the newlyweds take a steam bath with a broom collected from the branches of 7 willows bending over the water, they will always love each other and live a long and happy life.

After washing in the bathhouse, you can remove 2 twigs from the broom, recite the “Our Father” prayer on them and put them under the pillow - your sleep will be healthy and sound.

If previously the bathhouse was the only place where one could properly wash and steam the bones, today it is more of a place for leisure. Although you should not forget about the beneficial properties of the bath for the body. Having a home bath or sauna on your own property will not hurt anyone. What do the signs say about the bathhouse, which was once reserved for in people’s lives? great value?

Bathhouse: signs and customs

Who's the boss

To begin with, it is worth saying that the owner of the bathhouse was considered not a person, but a special creature, something like a brownie, but for the bathhouse - his name was Bannik. Day and evening he steamed people, and at night he set up a steam room in the bathhouse for all kinds of evil spirits. Actually, this is the answer to the question why you can’t sleep in a bathhouse at night, or take a steam bath there after midnight - of course, if you’re not deliberately looking to meet devils, witches and brownies.

What not to do

In the bathhouse it was forbidden to make noise, shout, stomp your feet and swear - for all this Bannik could be punished, for example, scalded with boiling water or tripped on a wet floor. And some, especially objectionable ones, could be steamed to death by the owner of the bathhouse.

What rules to follow

They didn’t go steaming alone - it was believed that a group of people could get less from Bannik than the daredevil who decided to stay alone with him.

After everyone had steamed, they were supposed to bow to Bannik on the floor and thank him for the good steam, and also ask permission to come next time. If these rules are not followed, the bathhouse could burn down.

If it burned out, what's the point?

And if the bathhouse burns down, the sign says that this place cannot be chosen for building a house. Firstly, he may suffer the same fate as a bathhouse. Secondly, Bannik, who did not care for fire, yearned for the bathhouse and could appear to the owners of the house - shaggy, with yellow sparkling eyes, long nails and very grimy, showing with all his appearance how much he missed his bathhouse.

Folk signs of the bathhouse

  • You should not enter the steam room more than 3 times in one visit.
  • After finishing the procedures, you need to leave a piece of soap, a broom and a basin of hot water on the bench for the owner of the bathhouse.
  • If a new bathhouse is being built, signs recommend burying a black rooster under its future threshold. If this seems unacceptable to you, you can bury a gold or silver coin under the foundation - this will also appease Bannik.
  • When going to a new bathhouse for the first time, you need to take a loaf of bread and a salt shaker with you. After steaming, they are left for Bannik.
  • A woman should not enter the steam room first. The men come first, then the children, and only after them the women.
  • You need to build a bathhouse as far as possible from a residential building, in the far corner of the site.
  • Taking a steam bath means washing away all illnesses, the evil eye and accumulated sins.
  • The bathhouse is definitely worth a visit on New Year's Eve. Going to the bathhouse on New Year's Eve is not only fun, but also good for health - all the diseases that have clung to you over the year will be washed away, and in New Year you will enter clean and renewed.

In Rus', since ancient times, the bathhouse has been considered a special place, sometimes even dangerous, sometimes healing.

They not only washed off sweat and dirt in it (although the energy of such a procedure is also not a simple thing), children were given birth in the bathhouse and the dead were washed, men prepared for possible death by washing before battles and campaigns, sorcerers healed people from diseases and caused damage. In essence, the bathhouse was a thin border between the world of the living and kingdom of the dead In addition, it served as the habitat of some Slavic spirits - banniks and obderih.

Steam room spirit, holy spirit
Before the arrival of Christianity in Rus', our distant ancestors were pagans who believed in the power of the word, the energy of thought, the spirits of the house, barn, forest, field, earth, water, and their gods, of which there were several, and each was responsible for the plot entrusted to him: cattle, harvest, family and so on. Any spirit and any god lives as long as they believe in him. And while people believed in the bathhouse man, they saw him, tolerated the bathhouse man’s dirty tricks and came up with many conventions, called signs in our time, to appease the bathhouse resident.

Fast on Wednesdays, go to the bathhouse on Saturdays, everything in due time
In the dark, the evil forces, which included the bannik and obderikha, felt at ease, so they did not go to the bathhouse at night, they did not tempt fate. In the summer they washed and steamed until dusk, in the winter - until noon. They believed that if you violated the regulations and invaded the kingdom of evil spirits, you could die: the bannik would either support the door from the outside or strangle you with steam. For the same reasons, they did not go to the bathhouse alone, and even more so, it never occurred to anyone to stay in the bathhouse overnight.

How to behave correctly in a bathhouse
Knowing about the evil disposition of the inhabitants of the Russian bathhouse, our ancestors tried in every possible way to appease them: before flooding the bathhouse, they asked permission from the bathhouse man three times - “Sauna owner, let me heat the bathhouse”, and before going to wash, they turned to obderiha - “Baenna hostess, let us wash, warm up, fry, steam”.

It was customary among our ancestors, after washing, to thank the bath spirits for their hospitality and leave them some water in the basin and a piece of soap. If there was a need to especially appease the bannik, a little food or a piece of bread was left on the shelf.

The bannik’s habitat was considered to be behind the sauna stove, where it was warm and convenient for him to scare people from there. Obderiha, according to legend, did not get along very well with the bannik, so she was seen less often, however, she could harm pregnant women if they went to wash alone.

They didn’t wash in the bathhouse even after the “third steam”; they believed that those who went to the “fourth steam” (the fourth warming up of the bathhouse) would be crushed, strangled, and killed by the bathhouse. Therefore, everyone tried to wash themselves in three shifts, without angering them once again evil spirits.

Actually, the appeasement of bathhouse spirits began from the moment the bathhouse was founded. A black chicken (unplucked and strangled, not killed) was buried under the threshold, and a few coins were buried in the foundation. This was done so that the bannik, which started from the first steam, felt respected and did not harm people too much.

The commercial bathhouse washes everyone, but itself is covered in dirt
Believing that the bathhouse was an unclean place, after washing the Slavs doused themselves with cold water in the yard or plunged into the snow, and only after that they entered the house, as if washing away the presence of the bathhouse. We actively use this custom even now, however, having deprived it of all magical powers - solely for cooling.

IN modern world with another god and other concepts, the bathhouse still remains an unclean place, though only from an energy point of view. But this is a completely different article on the site. Tags

Since ancient times, people believed in signs about the bathhouse and tried to follow certain rules.

The bathhouse in Rus' was a special place. It was believed that the bathhouse is an unclean place in all respects: evil spirits live in it, people wash away all their sins and dirt in it. Therefore, a lot of beliefs and superstitions about the bathhouse are associated with it.

Signs when building a bathhouse

When building a bathhouse in the old days, certain rules were followed in order to appease the evil spirit that lived in the bathhouse:

      • a black chicken had to be buried under the threshold
      • When firing the stove for the first time, throw in a pinch of salt
      • After the first steam room, the bannik must be left with bread and salt so that in the future he can live in peace with him

Nothing can be built on the site of a burnt bathhouse.

Since the bathhouse burned down, it means the evil spirits wanted it that way. It is impossible to build a new bathhouse, much less a house, on this site. There will definitely be a new fire, don’t let it God, with people victims. Only in extreme cases, when there was a hopeless situation, there was no other place or for some other reason, a decision was made to build a bathhouse anew. Then a ritual was necessarily carried out to cleanse the place of evil spirits, and protection from fire was installed.

The bathhouse should be built in the backyard, away from the house

Perhaps people were afraid of evil spirits because they went into the bathhouse to wash without a cross, defenseless.

In addition, the bathhouse is a place for washing away dirt, sins, diseases, where “unclean” women gave birth to children, so it must be isolated from housing.

Previously, people went to bed at sunset. This was how it was supposed to be, because in the dark the life of other creatures began. And so as not to interfere with them when running out at night to relieve themselves, bathhouses were built in the backyards.

The bath washes away all sins and illnesses

In Rus' it was believed that the bathhouse washed away not only dirt, but also all sins. That's why people went there regularly. It was a sin not to take a bath.

It was believed that illnesses also arise from sins. A person is hurt by what he sins with. For example, your throat hurts from blasphemy and foul language. And stomach problems are caused by gluttony.

The Church considered pride a very strong sin, because from it comes arrogance, contempt for others, a high opinion of oneself, and extreme selfishness. Pride leads directly to illness. talked about this Reverend Neil Sinaitic (15th century):

“Pride is a tumor of the soul, filled with tainted blood; if it matures, it breaks through and causes great trouble.”

To cure a person’s illness, they first took him to the bathhouse. The bath washes away dirt, sins and gives strength for recovery.

There they also spoke against illnesses, for example with this spell on burning coals:

“Father, you are the King of Fire, you are king to all kings, you are fire to all fires. Be meek, be merciful! How you are so hot and ardent, you burn and scorch grass and ants, thickets and slums in an open field, underground roots of a damp oak... I also pray and repent to you, father, Tsar-Fire, burn and sleep from the servant of God ( Name) all kinds of sorrows and illnesses, fears and turmoil..."

A woman should not wash first in a bathhouse

The Church considers a woman unclean. Even at baptism, the line is lined up like this: men first, then children, and women should be baptized only last.

It’s the same in the bathhouse: first the men steam and wash, then the children, and then the women. Only one way and no other way.

Perhaps the reason for the emergence of such a rule comes from the Holy Gospel of Mark, chapter 5, 25-34:

“There was a woman who suffered from hemorrhage for twelve years, suffered a lot from many doctors, exhausted all that she had, and did not receive any benefit, but came into an even worse state - having heard about Jesus, she came up behind the people and touched the clothes Him, for she said: if I touch His clothes, I will be healed. And immediately her source of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her illness. At the same time, Jesus, feeling in Himself that strength had gone out of Him , turned among the people and said, “Who touched My clothes?” The disciples said to Him, “You see that the people are crowding You, and you say, “Who touched Me?” But He looked around to see the one who did this. The woman is in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, she came up, fell before Him and told Him the whole truth. He said to her: daughter! your faith has saved you; Go in peace and be well from your illness.”

Like, if a woman washes herself in the bathhouse first, then all her sins (illnesses) can pass on to those who will be in the bathhouse after her.

You can't go to the bathhouse after 12 midnight

The owner of the bathhouse is a bannik. And at night all kinds of evil spirits come to visit him, that’s why it’s forbidden. If uninvited guests came to you after midnight, would you be happy? So the bannik believes that uninvited guests need to be taught wisdom, so he “jokes.” And his friends help him with this. Depending on their mood, the “jokes” can end very badly for the person.

In any case, in Rus' they adhered to this rule. The exception was fortune-telling, which had to be carried out at night, because the bannik and other dark forces had to participate in fortune-telling. This proves that any fortune-telling is from the unclean.

Bath and New Year

It was not Eldar Ryazanov who came up with the idea in the film “Enjoy Your Bath” that you need to go to the bathhouse on December 31, but this is an old sign about the bathhouse: a person should enter the New Year not only with a clean body, but also be cleansed of diseases (sins) in the bathhouse. .

Before going to the bathhouse, you need to tidy up the house, clear it of the old energy accumulated over the year, and make room for new positive energy of the house and person. A renewed person from the bathhouse should come to a clean house, in clean clothes, so that the new year begins for him with positive, clean energy for further success in life and gaining good health.
Although in our time many people consider all beliefs and signs about the bathhouse to be prejudices, they still exist today.

P.S.Answer to the erudition question asked in the article “Interior in a bathhouse”:

The play was called "The Irony of Fate." And the phrase was with the following words: “Are you guys in bathhouse never go and beer Don’t you drink?”

What kind of bathhouse cannot be built on summer cottage.

The standards that buildings on citizens’ private plots must comply with have existed for quite a long time, but it is precisely in lately their compliance has become much more strictly controlled.

In many ways, this began with the system of state registration of real estate: who would have previously thought that a bathhouse or garage on a summer cottage should be registered as one’s own property, but now the Rosreestr and tax authorities constantly remind about this.

During registration, the object is registered in the cadastral register and, accordingly, all its parameters are checked.

Therefore, any violation of building standards entails a refusal of state registration, recognition of the structure as an unauthorized construction and, as a consequence, the obligation to demolish it.

One of the most complex objects in this regard is, of course, a bathhouse - it is not just a structure, but also a source of increased danger (primarily from fire).

The owner of such a building is responsible for compliance not only with building codes and regulations, but also with fire and sanitary safety rules.

Let us briefly consider what they are and what kind of bathhouse cannot be built on a summer cottage.

1. Rules for the location of a bathhouse on a summer cottage.

The bathhouse must be located at least 5 meters from the street and 15 meters from the beginning of the forest.

In order to prevent the spread of fire, strict requirements have been established for the distances between the bathhouse and other buildings located in neighboring areas:

1) if the bathhouse is wooden, then it cannot be placed at a distance less than:

- 10 meters - to stone, etc. buildings (made of non-combustible materials),
- 12 meters - to a building made of partially combustible materials (stone with wooden floors, for example),
- 15 meters - to a similar wooden structure,

2) if the bathhouse is built partly from flammable materials, partly not, then the indicated distances are 8, 10 and 12 meters, respectively,

3) if the bathhouse consists of non-combustible materials, then the minimum distances to neighboring buildings are reduced to 6, 8 and 10 meters, respectively.

Additionally, you also need to take into account the minimum sanitary safety distances:

- the bathhouse must be located at least 1 meter from the border of the neighboring plot,
- to a residential building - no less than 8 meters (both on the neighboring site and on your own).

2. Standards for the construction of a bathhouse and its arrangement.

The bathhouse is subject to strict requirements to ensure fire safety. So, in particular:

- the stove is located only near the inner wall of the bathhouse (or partition). The ceiling, if it is made of flammable materials, must be protected with a steel sheet or plastered mesh,
- the part of the bathhouse floor that falls into the stove firebox area must be protected from fire: an additional sheet of metal (50x70 cm) is installed along the entire stove (if the floor is made of flammable materials),
- that part of the wall that is in close proximity to the firebox is also protected metal sheet- from the floor and along the entire height of the stove, exceeding the height of the firebox by at least 25 cm,
- the wall opposite to the firebox must be at least 1.25 meters away,
- the stove must have its own chimney, which is connected to the pipe. Exhausting smoke through ventilation ducts is not permitted.

Sanitary safety requirements cannot be ignored. So, for example:

- it is prohibited to use artificial materials (foam, plastic, etc.) in the interior decoration of the bathhouse,
- water drainage must be installed at least a meter before the border with the neighboring site.

Construction of a bathhouse on a garden plot in compliance with all current regulations is a rather complex task, the implementation of which is best left to specialists with the appropriate qualifications.

The construction of the “wrong” bathhouse is now fraught with fines, demolition of the building and even seizure of the land plot.

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