Pope Benedict XVI abdicates the throne. Benedict XVI Rejuvenation of Pope Benedict 16

Benedict XVI succeeded John Paul II on the Vatican throne. In place of the Pole Karol Wojtyla, who clearly recalled the times of the German occupation with what feelings, the cardinals installed the German Joseph Ratzinger, who at the age of 16 was drafted into Hitler’s army in 1943.

On June 29, 1951, Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich ordained Ratzinger to the priesthood. In 1953, 26-year-old Joseph brilliantly defended his dissertation on the heritage of St. Augustine and became famous as one of the best theologians in Germany. In 1959, Ratzinger became a lecturer in the department of theology at the University of Bonn, and in 1966 he became the chief expert in the field of dogmatic theology at the University of Tübingen. In March 1977 he became Archbishop of Munich, and in June of the same year the Pope Paul VI elevated him to the rank of cardinal. The pontiff chooses his name in the “weeping room” in those moments when people already know that he has been elected, but do not yet know who he is. Ratzinger wished to take his name in honor of Benedict XV. Giacomo della Chiesa was on the Holy See from September 3, 1914 to January 22, 1922, that is, he also captured the First world war, and a whole series of revolutions throughout Europe. Cardinal Ratzinger always used harsh rhetoric in relation to all social trends: he called homosexuality a perversion, and did not accept the idea of ​​birth control under any guise, even through abstinence acceptable in Catholic families. Pope Benedict XVI is a consistent opponent of all conciliatory gestures of the Holy See towards Jews and Muslims, in particular the admission of guilt to non-believers.

Even before his election as Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was considered one of the main favorites, while most observers agreed that his election would mean that no reforms in Catholicism should be expected. The name of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is associated with the most stringent conservative tendencies of modern Catholicism: as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the former Holy Inquisition, by the way), he defended the toughest positions - on issues of abortion and the use of contraceptives, on same-sex marriage, on the possibility of ordaining women and things like that. The new Pope is also known for his skeptical attitude towards modern trends and realities. Thus, in a recent interview, he said: “The culture that has spread in Europe is absolutely and radically contrary not only to Christianity, but also to the religious and moral traditions of all humanity.”

Materials from periodicals were used.

Photo from the site http://monarchy.nm.ru/

Benedict XVI, Pope (Benedictus Sextus Decimus). Worldly name: Joseph Alois Ratzinger. Origin: Marktl am Inn (Bavaria, Germany). Years of life: April 16, 1927 - ... Years of pontificate: April 19, 2005 - ... Father: Joseph Ratzinger Sr. Mother: Maria Ratzinger.

Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born in Bavaria, in the family of the gendarmerie commissioner Joseph Ratzinger Sr. At the end of World War II he was called up for military service in the German air defense auxiliary unit. Ratzinger did not have to take part in the battles. When American troops approached, he deserted and returned home, but was soon arrested. Josef spent only a couple of months in the prisoner of war camp. In 1951, he graduated from the University of Munich, where he studied philosophy and theology, after which he received the priesthood. Ratzinger was considered one of the best theologians in Germany and taught at the universities of Bonn and Tübingen. In 1927 he received the cardinal's hat and was appointed Archbishop of Munich and Freising. On November 25, 1981, Ratzinger became head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly the Holy Inquisition). On November 30, 2002, he was elected dean of the College of Cardinals. On April 19, 2005, Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope. In honor of the peacemaker dad Benedict XV he took the name Benedict XVI.
Benedict XVI is considered a conservative, a continuator of the policies of John Paul II. He also engages in dialogue with representatives of non-Christian religions. World Jewish Congress and the Dalai Lama have already expressed their approval of his election. However, on September 12, 2006, an incident occurred that almost quarreled Christians with Muslims. Speaking at the University of Regensburg, Benedict cited the words of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel II that the Prophet Muhammad brought to the world only “something evil and inhuman, such as his order to spread the faith he preached by the sword.” His words caused heated condemnation in the Muslim world, and Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone had to come forward with an official explanation of the pope's position.
On May 9, 2005, Benedict XVI began the process of beatification of his predecessor, John Paul II, without waiting for five years after his death.

Used materials from the site http://monarchy.nm.ru/

Benedict XVI gives communionin the hand
the well-known heretic Roger Schultz,
Protestant founder
(April 8, 2005, St. Peter's Square, Rome)

Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger, German Joseph Ratzinger) Joseph Ratzinger (born 04/16/1927, Marklt am Inn) - Pope from April 19, 2005 to February 28, 2013. The son of a police commissioner, from 1946 to 1951 he studied at the Higher School of Philosophy and Theology in Freising and at the University of Munich. Ordained to the priesthood on June 29, 1951. From 1952 to 1959 he taught at the Higher School of Philosophy and Theology in Freising. In 1953 he became a doctor of theology, and in 1957 his qualifications were confirmed by defending a dissertation on the topic “The Theology of the History of St. Bonaventure." He taught as an assistant professor at the Universities of Bonn (1959-1963), Münster (1963-1966) and Tübingen (1966-1969). In 1969 he became vice-president of the University of Regensburg. He took part as an expert (assistant to Cardinal Joseph Frings) at the Second Vatican Council. He took an active part in the activities of the German Bishops' Conference and the International Theological Commission. In 1972, together with H. Urs von Balthasar and A. de Lubac, he founded the theological journal Communio. On March 15, 1977, he was appointed Archbishop of Freising, consecrated bishop on May 28, 1977, and elevated to the dignity of cardinal on June 27, 1977. September 14-16, 1978: Special Representative of the Pope John Paul I on III International Congress martyrology in Ecuador. November 25, 1981 John Paul II appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and the International Theological Commission. In 1986-1992 he was President of the Commission for the Preparation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Member of the Council for Relations with States, the Congregations for the Eastern Churches, Divine Worship and Sacraments, for Bishops, Evangelization of Peoples, Catholic Education, for the Clergy, Canonization of Saints, Pontifical Councils for Christian Unity and Culture, Supreme Court Apostolic Signature, Pontifical Commissions: on Latin America, "Ecclesia Dei", on the interpretation of the code of canon law and the revision of the code of canon law of the Eastern Rite. On November 6, 1998 he was elected deputy dean of the College of Cardinals, and on November 30, 2002 - dean of this college. Author of the books “Introduzione al Cristianesimo” (1968), “Dogma e predicazione” (1973), “Rapporto sulla fede” (1985), “Il sale della terra” (1996). Honorary Doctor of the College of St. Thomas and Paul (Minnesota, USA, 1984) and a number of universities. Elected pope on April 19, 2005. B. XVI's defense of the reforms carried out by the Second Vatican Council and after it was combined with the conviction of the need to preserve the traditional values ​​of the Catholic Church. In 2006, he emphasized the desirability of using more often Latin and Gregorian chants during the liturgy. With the special motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" he allowed priests to celebrate Mass at will according to the Roman Missal of 1962, which preceded the liturgical reform of 1970. Benedict XVI took tough measures against priests accused of pedophilia. In July 2008, Benedict performed an act of release from church duties and vows (including celibacy) elected president Paraguay Bishop F. Lugo. During his apostolic visit to Turkey in 2006, he attended the Orthodox liturgy served by Patriarch Bartholomew I. Bartholomew I was invited to attend the Synod of Bishops in 2008 in Rome. An ambiguous reaction was caused by the statement of Emperor Michael II Palaiologos, quoted by Benedict XVI during a lecture at the University of Regensburg, that Muhammad brought into religion "only something evil and inhuman, such as his order to spread by the sword the faith he preached." In 2009, Benedict XVI visited a mosque in Istanbul. Unprecedented in the history of the Catholic Church were meetings of a cultural and theological nature (2002, 2007) between the highest representatives of the Catholic hierarchy and the Muslim elite, which ended with the reception in the Vatican of a delegation of Islamic intellectuals and theologians. On July 11, 2007, Benedict XVI changed the procedure for the election of the pope, returning it to the order that existed before 1996 regarding the required number of votes.

E. S. Tokareva.

Russian historical encyclopedia. T. 2. M., 2015, pp. 498-499.

Read further:

Popes (by century in chronological order): | I-IV | V-IX | X-XIV | XV-XIX | XIX-XXI |


Jesus of Nazareth: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem to the Resurrection. San Francisco, 2011.

The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Alois Ratzinger), was born on April 16, 1927 in the village of Marktl am Inn in Bavaria (Germany) in the family of a policeman. When he was two years old, his family moved to the Austrian border, and in 1932 to the Alpine town of Auschau.

In 1937, Joseph Ratzinger went to study at the classical gymnasium in Traunstein. In 1939 he became a student at the pre-seminary. This was the beginning of his church career. In 1943, from the seminary, he was drafted into the air defense corps. In 1944, having reached conscription age, he was drafted into the army into the Austrian Legion. Did not take part in hostilities. In the spring of 1945 he deserted from the army and headed home to Traunstein. When American troops were stationed in his home village, their headquarters were located in the Ratzinger house. Josef was arrested and placed in a prisoner of war camp. But already in June Ratzinger returned home, and in November he re-entered the seminary.

In 1947, Ratzinger entered the Georgianum, the Theological Institute at the University of Munich. On June 29, 1951, on the Feast of Peter and Paul, Joseph Ratzinger and his brother Georg were ordained priests by Cardinal Faulhaber in Freising.

In 1953, Ratzinger defended his dissertation in theology at the University of Munich. The topic of his work is “The People and the House of God in Augustine’s Ecclesiology.” He devoted his doctoral dissertation to the theology of history from St. Bonaventure.
In 1959-1977 he taught fundamental theology at German universities.

In 1962-1965, as a theological adviser to Cardinal Joseph Fringus, he participated in the work of the Second Vatican Council. In 1972, Joseph Ratzinger, together with Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac and others, founded the international Catholic magazine Communio ("Communion"), dedicated to issues of theology and culture.

On 24 March 1977, Ratzinger was installed as Archbishop of Munich and Freising.

On June 27, 1977, Pope Paul VI elevated Joseph Ratzinger to the rank of cardinal. In 1980, Pope John Paul II appointed Cardinal Ratzinger to head the special Council for the Laity and then offered him the post of head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

On November 25, 1981, Ratzinger became Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. At the same time, he left his pastoral duties in Germany and moved to the Vatican. Here he became a regular participant in episcopal synods.

In 1993, he took the title of bishop of the Roman suburb of Velletri-Segni.

In 2002, Ratzinger was elected Dean of the College of Cardinals, a member of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, created on the basis of the Motu proprio of the same name by Pope John Paul II.

According to tradition that has existed since mid-16th century century, the one elected to the papal throne takes a new name for himself, thus wanting to honor one of his predecessors who bore the same name. The 265th pontiff took the name Benedict, becoming the 16th pope with that name. "Benedict" means "blessed" in Latin.

On May 7, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI, who also bears the title of Bishop of Rome, officially assumed the chair of the head of the capital's diocese.

February 11, 2013 Pope Benedict XVI during the consistory for the canonization of the martyrs of Otranto, his post on February 28. The pontiff justified the decision to abdicate by the burden of fulfilling his mission due to his advanced age.

Benedict XVI became the oldest Pope at the time of election since Pope Clement XII (elected in 1730). Benedict XVI is also the first Pope since Pope Paul IV (16th century), who was elected while dean of the College of Cardinals.

Benedict XVI speaks fluent German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Knows Latin, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Polish.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

13 November 2009, 16:08

His Holiness Benedict XVI (Latin Benedictus PP. XVI, Italian Benedetto XVI, in the world Joseph Alois Ratzinger, German Joseph Alois Ratzinger; April 16, 1927, Marktl am Inn, Bavaria) - the 265th Pope (since 19 April 2005). Benedict XVI became the oldest pope at the time of election since Pope Clement XII (elected in 1730). Benedict XVI is the first pope since Paul IV (16th century), who was elected while dean of the College of Cardinals, the first cardinal-bishop elected to the papacy since Pius VIII, the first pope-elect since Benedict XIII, who was a cardinal before his election for a long time, the first pope of German descent in the last thousand years. Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born on Easter Eve in a house at ul. Schulsstrasse, 11 and became the third and youngest child in the family of Gendarmerie Commissioner Joseph Ratzinger and Maria Ratzinger.
During World War II he was drafted into the air defense auxiliary unit in Munich. Ratzinger did not have to take part in the battles. When American troops approached, he deserted and returned home, but was soon arrested. He spent only a few months in a prisoner of war camp. In 1941 he became a member of the Hitler Youth, after December 1939 it was compulsory for all boys in Germany who were 14 years old. Anti-aircraft battalion soldier. 1944 - Enlisted in the Austrian Legion. 1945 - Deserted as the Allied army approached. 1946-1951 - higher education(theology and philosophy), at the University of Munich. On June 29, 1951 he received priesthood. The ordination was performed in the Freising Cathedral by Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich and Freising. 1953 - defended his dissertation on heritage St. Augustine and became one of the best theologians in Germany. Since 1959 - lecturer at the Department of Theology at the University of Bonn. Since 1966 - chief expert in the field of dogmatic theology at the University of Tübingen. Here he tried to act as the main ideological opponent of the radical left at the height of the student unrest that swept across Europe in the 1960s. 1972 - in opposition to anti-clerical publications, he founded the theological magazine “Communio”, which still exists. 1977 from March 24 - Archbishop of Munich and Freising, from June 27 - cardinal, appointed by Pope Paul VI. November 30, 2002 Ratzinger becomes dean of the College of Cardinals. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is the first dean of the College of Cardinals since 1555 to be elected pope. Benedict XVI speaks fluent German, Italian, Latin, English and Spanish and reads texts in ancient Greek and Hebrew. Pope Benedict XVI has an email address that anyone can send a letter to - [email protected] After Christmas Mass in 2008, an Italian woman, apparently suffering from mental illness, tried to force her way to the pope and bite him on the neck. Security staff managed to prevent the incident in time. Conflict with Muslims On September 12, 2006, Benedict XVI gave a lecture at the University of Regensburg on the role of reason (Greek: λόγος) in Christianity and Islam, as well as on the concept of holy war (see Pope's speech in Regensburg. He quoted the words of the 14th century Byzantine emperor Manuel II , that Muhammad brought to the world only “something evil and inhumane, such as his command to spread the faith he preached by the sword.” His words caused a strong reaction in the Muslim world, due to the violence caused by this statement (according to experts), Islamic fanatics died. , at least one Catholic nun. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit ordered the embassy in the Vatican to obtain urgent clarifications in connection with statements about Islam attributed to Pope Benedict XVI... Thousands of Egyptians demonstrated at the Al-Azhar mosque on Friday. " in Cairo, protesting against the pope's remarks on Islam, the Turkish Islamic Party has joined a wave of criticism against Pope Benedict XVI's comments on Islam, accusing him of trying to revive the spirit. crusades. Party representatives said that the Pope interprets history in the same way as Hitler and Mussolini did. In protest, Indian Muslims burned a copy of a newspaper containing Benedict XVI's speech. “Show me what Muhammad brought new, and you will find evil and inhumane things, such as orders to carry out the faith that he preached with the sword,” the BBC quotes a scandalous quote. Benedict XVI said “I quote” twice. However, the Pope's speech provoked an angry reaction from Muslim leaders. Pope Benedict XVI expressed regret that his statements about Islam were perceived as hostile towards Muslims, Reuters reports. The respected Islamic university Al-Azhar has called on the Vatican to take a scientific approach to the study of Islam, which will ensure the mutual respect necessary for dialogue between representatives of different religions. This is stated in a statement by the Al-Azhar research center, which refers to the sensational statements of Pope Benedict XVI about Islam. Islamists have threatened to attack the Vatican. To the text of the statement, the “Mujahideen Army” attached video recordings of attacks on American military targets in Iraq, “dedicating” them to Benedict XVI. Militants from the Mujahideen Army group vowed to destroy the cross in the heart of Rome, as well as destroy thrones and crosses on the territory of their opponents. In Iraq, Muslims burned a symbolic effigy of Benedict XVI. The Russian Council of Muftis called for preventing religious confrontation. Two Christian churches were set on fire in Palestine. The reason for them was the statements of Pope Benedict XVI about Islam. Pope Benedict XVI began his Sunday sermon by lamenting the reaction of the Islamic world to a speech he delivered on Thursday at the University of Regenburg in Germany... The head of the Roman Catholic Church recalled that on Saturday the new Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, spoke official denial...

In his annual speech to the Vatican's top clergy, Pope Benedict XVI said saving humanity from homosexuality and transsexualism is as important as preserving tropical forests. According to him, admiration for God's creation should not be limited to protecting environment. It is necessary, the Pope said, to save man from himself. The pontiff emphasized that he considers the theory of gender equality destructive for humanity, since it erases the boundaries between men and women. The theory of gender equality also suggests that each person must understand his biological purpose and his role in society. However, the Pope is confident that the destiny of men and women, as defined in the Bible, is clear, does not need to be rethought, and is inherent in every person even before birth. At the same time, sexual minorities around the world, and especially in the United States, consider the theory of gender equality to be the basis for mutual understanding and tolerance between people. The 81-year-old pontiff said that along with the ecology of the environment, there must also be an ecology of humanity. Speaking to Vatican ministers, the Pope also recalled the Church's unwavering position on same-sex marriage. On December 7, a protest took place in Italy against the Vatican’s attitude towards homosexuality. About 200 people, among whom were a number Italian politicians, gathered in a park on the border of the Vatican. Earlier it was reported that the Vatican published a document on homosexuality among priests. It states, in particular, that it is not recommended to ordain men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies as Catholic priests. An exception to the rule is made for those who can overcome these tendencies at least three years before ordination. And Pope Benedict XVI is going to release a music album with the help of the record company Geffen Records. The release, scheduled for Christmas Eve this year, will be called Alma Mater. In addition to religious chants dedicated to the Virgin Mary and performed by the pontiff, it will also include modern compositions. It is noteworthy that the record will be published by Geffen Records, which at one time was involved in reproducing records by Nirvana and Guns N' Roses, and now the label publishes rapper Snoop Dogg, the Pussycat Dolls and singer Mary J. Blige. Company President Colin Barlow called the voice of the pontiff "incredible."

Image caption The new pope must be elected by a conclave that will meet before the end of March this year

Pope Benedict XVI announced that he will leave the throne on February 28 for health reasons.

The pontiff announced this in Latin during a meeting in the Vatican. This information was later confirmed to the press by a representative of the Holy See.

BBC Rome correspondent Alan Johnston reports that the news of the pope's impending abdication took the Vatican by surprise: as it turned out, even his closest aides did not know about it.

“Having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the conviction that my strength, due to my advanced age, is no longer sufficient to properly fulfill the ministry of St. Peter,” said Benedict XVI.

From the history of the papacy it is known that in last time The pontiff announced his voluntary abdication almost 600 years ago: in 1415, Gregory XII did the same.

The newspaper La Stampa quotes the reaction of Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti: "I am shocked by this unexpected news."

Pope Benedict XVI

Reuters has found out that elections for the new head of the Roman Catholic Church will be held before the end of March this year.

Experts believe that several cardinals will lay claim to the vacated papal throne, but it is difficult to single out an obvious successor to Benedict XVI among them.

Meanwhile, bookmaker Paddy Power has started taking bets on who will become the new dad.

Cardinal Peter Turkson from Ghana is considered the favorite among bookmakers: bets on him are accepted with odds of 9 to 4.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

He took charge of the Roman Catholic Church at the age of 78, becoming one of the oldest popes in history.


Comments in the BBC Russian Service forums:

  • It would be strange if he did not leave, after all the revealed sex crimes of Catholic clergy [...] The Catholic Church is sharply losing parishioners. His renunciation is the act of an honest man (Stas)
  • The next Pope, in my opinion, is younger and more physically active. But in general, the Vatican’s policy will remain conservative, given the state of the Holy College (Yuri Baksalov)
  • But when the Pope retires, who will he be? Not back as a cardinal. And by whom? An honorary Vatican pensioner? In general, what does the regulation say about this? (Another Lyudmila)
  • Personally, I’m not interested in this at all, I’m Orthodox, I go away and happily... (Alexander AlrM)

According to Benedict XVI, he himself never felt the desire to become pope.

Benedict XVI was born in Germany in 1927; in his youth he was a member of the Nazi youth organization "Hitler Youth".

During World War II he served in an air defense unit in Munich.

Before his election as pope, Cardinal Ratzinger actively opposed Turkey's admission to the European Union.

For 24 years, Cardinal Ratzinger headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in the Middle Ages was called the Holy Inquisition.

Consistently opposes abortion and the ordination of women, and considers homosexuality a sin.

In church circles, Benedict XVI enjoys a reputation as an intellectual and a "cautious realist."

He became the first German pope in 1000 years. There were at least three German popes in the 11th century.

Benedict XVI speaks ten languages ​​and plays the piano. His favorite composer is Beethoven.

At the end of last year, Benedict XVI began using the microblogging site Twitter and has since sent out his messages there in eight languages.

Pope Benedict XVI's announcement of his upcoming abdication came as a surprise not only to millions of Catholics around the world, but also to the papal circle.

Popes who abdicated the throne

  • Pope Silverius (536 - 537). He was forcibly deposed in March 537 and abdicated on November 11. After initiated at the direction of Empress Theodora trial- Dad was accused of political treason. Died on December 2, 537 - either strangled or starved to death.
  • Saint Celestine V (5 July - 13 December 1294). At the time of his election, the pope was 80 years old. He died a year and a half later in the fortress where his successor, Boniface VIII, imprisoned him.
  • Gregory XII (1406 - 1415). After his abdication, Gregory XII retained the title of cardinal and retired to Ancona, where he died two years after the council.

"Of course, you now have many questions, but we need a few days to understand how and what to do next. This announcement is a big surprise for all of us," Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said.

“If the pope himself, after deep reflection, came to the conclusion that he no longer had the strength to serve, then I have the utmost respect for his decision. He remains one of the most significant religious thinkers of our time,” the German Chancellor said Angela Merkel.

"On behalf of all Americans, Michelle and I want to express our gratitude to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. The Church plays an important role in America and around the world. I wish all the best to all those who gather at the Vatican to elect his successor," said US President Barack Obama.

“Pope Benedict worked tirelessly to improve relations between Britain and the Holy See,” said British Prime Minister David Cameron.

“The change of pontiff gives no reason to predict any deterioration in relations between our churches,” a representative of the Moscow Russian Patriarchate said in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. Orthodox Church Archpriest Dmitry Sizonenko.

“It is unprecedented in our time that a pope is retiring due to physical infirmity, and that a successor will be elected and ascend to the throne during the lifetime of his predecessor,” said Esio Mauro, editor-in-chief of the Italian newspaper La Reppublica.

Text of the statement

Dear brothers,

I have called you to this consistory not only for the sake of three canonizations, but also to inform you of a decision of great importance for the life of the Church.

Having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I came to the conviction that my strength, due to my advanced age, was no longer sufficient to properly fulfill the ministry of St. Peter.

I am well aware that this service, due to its spiritual essence, must be fulfilled not only by deeds and words, but no less by suffering and prayer.

However, in today's world, subject to rapid change and agitated by questions of the greatest importance to the life of faith, to steer the boat of St. Peter and proclaim the Gospel requires energy both of body and spirit, and this energy has been so diminished in recent months that I am forced to admit my inability to properly carry out the service entrusted to me.

Therefore, well aware of the seriousness of this act, I declare with complete freedom that I renounce the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, Successor of St. Peter, entrusted to me by the cardinals on April 19, 2005, so that from February 28, 2013, from 20 o'clock, the See of Rome, See of St. Peter's, will be vacant, and those who have the corresponding powers will have to convene a conclave to elect a new Pope.

Dear brothers, I thank you with all my heart for the love and work through which you have carried the burden of my ministry with me, and I ask forgiveness for all my shortcomings.

Let us now entrust the Holy Church to the care of her Supreme Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, and let us pray to his holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, that she may accompany with her maternal goodness the Fathers of the Cardinals in the election of a new Pope.

As for me, I will continue to serve with all my heart the Holy Mother Church with a life devoted to prayer.

Age of Benedict XVI

Image caption Benedict XVI led the Catholic Church in an era of technological and social change

Benedict XVI was elected pope in 2005, when he was 78 years old. He became one of the oldest cardinals in history to ascend to the Holy See.

When the previous Pope, John Paul II, died, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was already considering retiring from church affairs. According to him, he did not want to become a dad.

However, it was he who was then chosen by other Vatican cardinals. If anyone expected a smooth and peaceful transition from his papacy to new era in the life of the Catholic Church, these optimists were disappointed.

Benedict XVI took the helm of the world's largest Christian denomination as the storm clouds of a scandal surrounding the sexual exploitation of children by priests gathered over it. But this was not the only challenge that the rapidly changing world posed to this ancient institution.

The flow of allegations, lawsuits and official reports of clergy sexual abuse was particularly intense in 2009-2010. Perhaps this theme became decisive for the papacy of Benedict XVI.

The most damning allegations were that local bishops - and sometimes the Vatican - took part in covering up many of these facts, allowing pedophile priests to get away with it.

Some church leaders tried to dismiss these statements as slander against the church. However, the pope said that one cannot shirk responsibility and pointed to “sins within the church.” They apologized to victims, made it clear that such facts should be made public immediately, and established a process for expedited defrocking of those found guilty of sexual misconduct.

Many recalled to the pontiff his childhood in Nazi Germany.

He was six years old when the Nazis came to power. In 1941, he joined the Hitler Youth and even served in an anti-aircraft battalion, but shortly before the defeat of the Nazis he became a deserter.

Ratzinger turned to Catholicism after the war. In 1960, he delivered a speech at the Second Vatican Council on the need to modernize and reform the Catholic Church.

However, the wave of protests that swept across Europe in 1968 forced Ratzinger to abandon theological liberalism.

In 1981, John Paul II appointed Cardinal Ratzinger to lead the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the former Holy Inquisition - allowing him to exert significant influence on church life.

Ratzinger continued the ideas of John Paul II. He spoke out against abortion, homosexuality, feminism and even rock music and the Harry Potter books. He viewed Catholicism as the only correct faith, considering all others inferior.

It was Ratzinger, as senior cardinal, who presided over the funeral of John Paul II. When white smoke above the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican announced the election of a 78-year-old German as the new Pope Benedict XVI, many were not surprised.

But the shy, not always self-confident Ratzinger lacked the charm and charisma of his predecessor.

At the same time, they both shared the view that the church must resist rampant individualism and consumerism.

In 2006, during a lecture in Germany, the pope cited criticism of Islam dating back to the 14th century. This sparked mass protests in some Muslim countries. As a result, the pontiff had to apologize and say that these statements did not reflect his own views.

He also had to apologize for the behavior of Catholic pedophile priests in the United States and other countries.

Ratzinger saw the main goal of his life in the fight against the weakening of faith within the church itself and its marginalization in public life.

The reign of Benedict XVI can be called transitional: he tried to combine the religious principles inherited from past generations with the new demands that secular society made on the church. At the same time, he firmly believed that for long-term service to society, the Catholic faith must be maintained in its original purity. Even if this leads to a reduction in the flock.

Benedict XVI abdicated the throne - this news recently stunned the religious world, and especially Catholics. The last time a Pope abdicated the throne occurred several centuries ago. Usually they replaced each other due to death. Such an extraordinary act holy man attached to him the influence of not only the Catholic public, but also representatives of other faiths, as well as the media around the world.

The early years of the Pope

In the small village of Marktl am Inn, on the eve of Easter, Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born into the family of a gendarme on April 16, 1927 - this is the real name that Benedict XVI had. He was the youngest child in the family. When the child was 5 years old, the family moved to the city of Auschau, which is located in the picturesque Alpine mountains. At the age of 10, Joseph was a student at the classical gymnasium in the city of Traunstein. His father chose this gymnasium for him because he was one of the supporters of National Socialism. At the age of fourteen, Joseph joined the ranks of the fascist organization Hitler Youth. Many historians argue that joining the fascist organization at that time was a prerequisite for all boys who had reached this age.

Youth years

Joseph Alois Ratzinger's work as a church minister began in 1939, at which time he became a student at the pre-seminary. During the Second World War, he happened to get into the youth air defense unit as an assistant. He studied in the city of Munich at the Maximilian Gymnasium. At the age of 17, Joseph was enlisted in the Austrian region. This moment Pope Benedict XVI does not like to remember much in his biography. Military service did not suit him, and in 1945 he deserted. These were difficult years for the young man; after escaping from the army, he returned to the city of Traunstein. At that time, the headquarters of the American army was located in his parents' house. Joseph Ratzinger was arrested and then sent to a prison camp. A few months later he was released.

In 1946-1951, Joseph Ratzinger received higher education at the Theological Institute, specializing in theology and philosophy. In 1951, Benedict 16, about whom a film was made not so long ago, received holy orders. In Freising Cathedral, Joseph Ratzinger was ordained a priest by Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, who was the archbishop. Then in 1953 Joseph Ratzinger wrote a theological work at the University of Munich. As a result of this work, he went down in German history as the country's best theologian.

The Pope's Mature Years

In 1972, Ratzinger worked as a teacher of theology at the Bonn University. educational institution. In 1966 he is the best expert on dogmatic theology in Tübingen. Then, in 1972, Ratzinger became one of the founders of the famous magazine Communio, whose name translates as “communion.” This magazine about theology and culture is still published today. In the spring of 1977, Joseph Ratzinger was appointed Archbishop of Munich and Freising. On June 27, he was appointed to the post of cardinal by Pope Paul VI. In 1980, the cardinal was appointed head of the Council for the Laity. Subsequently, Pope Paul VI invited him to become head of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Church service

If Joseph Ratzinger had taken this post, this could have led to his departure from the Munich see and there would have been a need to move to the Vatican. Therefore, Joseph Ratzinger refused the offered position of leader of the Congregation. In 1981, he agreed to be appointed prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican department and then moved to the Vatican. At the same time, he refuses to pastor.

In 1993, the Vatican appointed Joseph Ratzinger as Bishop of Velletri-Segni. In 2000 he became Bishop of Osti. Then, in 2002, he assumed the position of Dean of the College of Cardinals. Having become a cardinal, he joins the ranks of the Council of the Ecclesia Dei. Thus, from that time on, he has been the chief theologian in the Vatican, and therefore his views on major issues affecting society appear to be the position of the Vatican. Ratzinger opposed abortion, which is why it is unacceptable in the Vatican.


The activities carried out by Benedict XVI indicate that he is a highly educated person. He is fluent in several languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, Ancient Greek and Hebrew. The Pope is also the author of numerous works: “Truth and Tolerance”, “God and Peace” and others. He is the author of Introduction to Christianity, which has become an international bestseller.

He is distinguished by his conservative views and thinking. He condemns homosexual relations, same-sex marriage, divorce, and cloning. Among other things, he is an opponent of feminism. He believes that feminism undermines the foundations of marriage and family, as well as God-given differences between the stronger and weaker sex. Conservative views can be read in his books. In them he examines the conservative course of the formation of the Church, he is also dissatisfied with the mixing of different cultures that takes place in some Western countries, he believes that modern culture contrary to religion and moral standards.


The Pope in Germany was given the nickname Panzerkardinal, which means “battleship cardinal”; he is distinguished by his intolerance of liberalism in the Catholic Church. But at the same time, Germany, like other countries, joyfully learned the news of the appointment of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope. On May 7, 2005, he, who is also the Bishop of Rome, solemnly assumed the see of the capital's diocese. In 2013, the Pope announced that he wanted to leave his post due to the fact that he was old.

Joseph Ratzinger, like his other predecessor, the Pope, supports the existing course and policy, which is aimed at the peaceful coexistence of the Catholic Church and other faiths. In turn, Benedict XVI has always opposed armed conflicts around the world, in defense of civilians.

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