DIY postcard to a war veteran. Master class “Greeting cards to veterans of the Great Patriotic War” (non-standard design options)

You can see these and other works:

On the eve of this great holiday Olga Tomchuk with her daughter made one like this DIY postcard for May 9th.

“I am a history teacher by training. And for me, May 9 is both a joyful and difficult holiday at the same time. Too much has been read, felt, learned about that Great War. Every year my daughters and I go to Victory Park to see the eternal flame. It can be extremely difficult to explain why we remember soldiers who died at the fronts. I don’t want to once again traumatize the fragile child’s psyche. And yet we cannot do without stories about the war. Now the word “patriotism” is not fashionable, but without love for one’s native country, for national history no, and there cannot be a people. That War left a huge imprint on our lives, and our children must learn this.

The easiest way to tell kids about the Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is through play or joint creative activity. The very first thing that comes to mind is to make a postcard. The parents will most likely have to come up with the composition, because even five-year-old children know little about that Victory. Well, you can bring the idea to life together.

For example, we decided to make a postcard from multi-colored napkins. For work we needed:

  • A sheet of cardboard for the base. You can use double-sided cardboard or the kind we used with stars.
  • Multi-colored napkins. For carnations - red, burgundy, pink or white flowers. For stems and leaves - green, for the inscription - yellow or another suitable color.
  • Scissors, PVA glue, stapler.

The whole work was divided into several parts.
1. We started with the most labor-intensive stage, creating carnations. folded in such a way as to form a square with a side of 5-6 cm. Fastened in the center with a stapler. Cut out a circle. They made cuts along the diameter to a depth of approximately 1.5 cm. My six-year-old Sasha coped with this work relatively easily.

Next, they separated each layer, lifted it, and made buds. Tissue paper is very thin and requires care, concentration and patience. There are many layers. It is important to support the child, even if he does not succeed. And praise is the main incentive to continue working.

2. We made stems and leaves from green napkins. First, we cut the napkin into 4 parts. This work can be entrusted to a child, since uneven edges will not affect the result of the craft. Roll the quarter into a tube and compact it with your fingers. The result was a kind of flagellum. For the leaf, we folded a napkin in several layers, cut out a triangle, rolled it into a bag and crumpled it a little, giving it the shape of a leaf.

The letters of the inscription were made from the same flagella as the stems. By the way, teachers advise learning letters in different ways: drawing, sculpting, laying them out of pebbles and food, for example, spaghetti. Letters made from napkins are another version of such games.

3. Glued flowers, stems, leaves onto cardboard. They posted the inscription “May 9th”.

4. Finally, we decorated the card with glitter.

Perhaps in your family, like in ours, there is no one to present such a card. After all, veterans of the Great Patriotic War every year it becomes less and less. Do not despair. Near eternal flame You will certainly meet an old person for whom a child’s craft will become an expensive and desired gift.”

On Victory Day, May 9, both adults and children should definitely congratulate the veterans. Don't forget about them on other days: many heroes need support and help. Therefore, together with your children or 1st grade students at school, you need to make beautiful and cute cards. They will help express gratitude to veterans and wish them the best health. You can make your own May 9 postcard from paper and various decorations cut out from old postcards. Children can make original postcards step by step to participate in a school competition. Using the given master classes with photos or video instructions for making a postcard with a dove, it will not be difficult to create an attractive and original craft. It can be flat or three-dimensional, include congratulations or just be a beautiful picture.

Beautiful postcard for May 9 made from paper with your own hands - step-by-step master class with photos

An original and cute postcard for Victory Day can be quickly and easily made using multi-colored paper. By rolling it into neat balls, you can put out any congratulatory inscription or design. Making such a May 9 postcard from paper with your own hands is very simple and is perfect for creating with small children. If desired, this master class can be used as a basis, and the drawing itself and decorations can be made differently, using more multi-colored paper balls.

Materials for creating a beautiful postcard for Victory Day on May 9th with your own hands

  • golden cardboard A4;
  • red and yellow tissue paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Step-by-step photo master class on making a beautiful postcard for May 9th with your own hands

A simple postcard for May 9 for Victory Day with your own hands in 1st grade - photo master class for children

It is much easier for kids in first grade to work with regular paper. You can cut out amazing decor from it, which will help you make a beautiful and touching card for veterans. You can use old greeting cards in your work. Ready-made images with letters, flowers, and inscriptions are usually cut out of them. Be sure to include glossy shiny paper in the materials: it will help make the design bright and unusual. An original DIY May 9 postcard in 1st grade can be made in just one lesson: this master class does not contain complex instructions and does not require lengthy preparation for work.

Materials for making a simple postcard for the holiday of May 9th with your own hands in 1st grade

  • sheet of yellow cardboard;
  • colored paper (can be replaced with ready-made pictures), plain and glossy;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • brush.

Photo master class for children in 1st grade on making a postcard for May 9th with your own hands

Touching postcard for May 9th for a veteran with your own hands - master class with step-by-step photos

For Victory Day on May 9, children can make not only postcards in the form of beautiful pictures, but also voluminous gifts for veterans. Such work is more suitable for students in grades 2-3, but can also be made by younger children together with their parents at home. A cute DIY postcard for May 9th for a veteran is created from simple materials and does not require any special skills in working with paper or cardboard. But at the same time it turns out to be very beautiful and looks unconventional. You can find out how to make a touching postcard for veterans with your own hands on May 9th in the instructions below.

Materials for creating a DIY postcard for Victory Day on May 9 for a veteran

  • multi-colored and white paper;
  • cardboard (white and brown);
  • scissors, glue;

Step-by-step master class with photos on how to make a DIY postcard for veterans for May 9

Do-it-yourself original postcard for Victory Day on May 9 - step by step according to photo master class

Children can make a very beautiful and cute card from small pieces of multi-colored corrugated paper. It is easy to work with and sticks to the cardboard very easily. The master class below will tell you how to make a bright postcard for Victory Day with your own hands.

List of materials for making an original postcard for the holiday of May 9th with your own hands

  • corrugated paper pink, lilac, purple;
  • tissue paper blue and yellow flowers;
  • green paper;
  • jute rope (thin);
  • St. George Ribbon;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Step-by-step photo master class on creating a postcard for the May 9 holiday with your own hands

How to make a postcard for the competition for May 9 with your own hands - step-by-step photos with a master class

Making voluminous May 9 cards with your own hands is no more difficult than ordinary flat ones. You just need to follow the instructions exactly and follow the order of the work. Then the finished postcard for veterans on May 9, made with your own hands, will look both cute and touching.

Materials for creating a postcard for the competition for the holiday of May 9 with your own hands

  • white and red cardboard;
  • multi-colored paper for flowers and stems;
  • printed inscription "May 9";
  • scissors;
  • thin green straws for juice;
  • glue, brush;
  • George Ribbon.

Step-by-step photo master class on creating a postcard for a competition in honor of May 9th with your own hands

Making a postcard with a dove for Victory Day on May 9 with your own hands - video master class for children

A beautiful card with a dove of peace is perfect for congratulating veterans on Victory Day. You can make such a craft even with a child aged 3-4 years. Parents just need to prepare all the details of the postcard: branches, flowers, dove, inscription. The child himself can easily glue them to the base using a glue stick. You can learn how to make DIY postcards for May 9th with a dove in the master class below.

Video master class on making a postcard for the holiday of May 9th for children with your own hands

In the proposed video instructions you can see how a little girl quickly and easily makes beautiful postcard for veterans for the holiday of May 9. All children can do this task, but it is advisable that the child carry out the work under the supervision of his parents.

Cute cards for May 9th for children with your own hands - step-by-step photo master class

A simple card for veterans can be made using different types paper. With its help you can make prefabricated elements of the picture. You can also use ready-made congratulatory inscriptions or write your own wishes. These DIY postcards for May 9th are perfect for children who love to work with paper and cardboard. Parents or teachers will only have to explain to the children how to properly prepare individual parts. The rest of the work on creating a greeting picture can be done by the kids themselves.

Materials for making cute cards for the holiday of May 9, Victory Day, with your own hands

  • silver paper;
  • red paper;
  • printed inscription “May 9”, “Happy Victory Day” (at your discretion) and images of a checker and rifle;
  • George Ribbon;
  • white cardboard;
  • glue, scissors, brush.

Step-by-step master class with photos on making your own postcards for Victory Day on May 9

Children, together with their parents and teachers, can make beautiful postcards for Victory Day on May 9 from plain paper and cardboard. Original, touching and cute crafts can be flat or voluminous. They can be presented to veterans after the parade. A simple DIY postcard for May 9 is quite simple to make and can be made by a 1st grade student or a younger child. Using these video examples or photo master classes, you can make a postcard with a dove or a bouquet of flowers step by step. These instructions are also suitable for participating in a school competition.

The postcard is designed to express your attention and cheer up the person to whom it is intended. Postcards for Victory Day have acquired particular significance, because with their help we express our gratitude, respect and eternal memory to those who defended our Motherland! We invite you to make festive cards for May 9th with your own hands using various handicraft techniques.

Postcards for May 9 with paper flowers

The easiest way to decorate a postcard, which even small children can handle, is to make an applique from colored paper.

Cards with rainbow carnations

And even a child can do this

Carnations can be easily and simply made from colored paper or napkins.

...and napkins

How to make a carnation incredibly similar to the real one, see the master class ABC TV:

Postcards for May 9 using Quilling technique

Quilling is the art of making paper compositions, voluminous or flat. It involves twisting long pieces of paper into spirals. The resulting spirals or “rolls” can be used to decorate postcards.

It’s worth starting small, studying the basic elements from which the entire composition is formed:

Photo of the main elements of Quilling from the site

Having mastered the twisting of the basic elements, you can assemble simple but original postcards from them:

Beautiful inscription made of small elements

And here is a version with an apple tree branch

Before starting work, you need to decide what decoration elements you have available. Perhaps you have old, unused May 9 greeting cards lying around, or you have the opportunity to print out elements to decorate the card.

Strict postcard...


...and retro

A red star can be cut out of cardboard or felt, or a three-dimensional star can be glued together from paper and combined with other elements:

Star with leaves...


...Ribbon of St. George...

...and other decor

Even a small wooden airplane clothespin can be used to decorate a card. Everything is very simple and original!

St. George's ribbon made of any materials (fabric, paper) in combination with clippings, floral elements, aged paper will always add brightness and symbolism to the author's postcard:

You can also use a ribbon with the colors of the Russian flag:

You can “scrape” either using glue or sewing elements of your story onto a postcard (on sewing machine or manually):

Battle maps, military documents such as the “Act of Unconditional Surrender” and others will all draw children's attention to our history when creating a holiday card:

He clearly shows how and from what materials to make such a postcard in his master class. MASTER FOREVER:

You can watch how to artificially age military documents or maps in the master class DIY Creative Ideas HANDMADE CRAFTS:

Decorative elements can be anything that reminds us of the Great Patriotic War and Victory Day: camouflage fabric, stars for shoulder straps, small cartridge cases, patriotic poems, old military letters or artificially aged notes.

In his master class, shows how to make a scrap card with a gift using camouflage fabric:

Or photos of war heroes, perhaps your close relatives, grandparents...

Don’t forget that May 9 is a holiday, so your postcard can be decorated with joyful moments of Victory Day

Drawn postcards for May 9

If you are good with a brush and paints, as well as colored pencils, you can draw a bright card yourself. For this you can use colored pencils, watercolors or gouache, etc.

First you need to make a sketch using a soft pencil. Next, draw out the main details of the drawing more clearly and begin coloring.

Children's drawing... worse...

...the creations of the masters

Postcards that can be sent by email

Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with electronic congratulations. If you want to congratulate someone on e-mail or through social networks, then these postcards will perfectly cope with the task:

Happy Victory Day!

Victory Day is approaching, and, as usual, children will congratulate veterans on the holiday, remembering the military battles of 1941-1945. Today's schoolchildren must remember that such a terrible tragedy should never happen again. A beautiful DIY paper May 9th postcard will be a wonderful gift for people who gave peace to the world. Making such a souvenir is not difficult - you just need to follow the steps of the master class step by step. The main decorations of the postcard can be a dove as a symbol of purity, an Order Ribbon, a carnation, a star. In order for 1st grade students to show greater interest in making crafts, the school can hold a competition for the most creative postcard for veterans.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper postcard for Victory Day on May 9

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcards are always original and unique. By following the recommendations of a master class of professionals on making such crafts, children can make an excellent gift for a veteran themselves. To do this, they will need colorful paper, glue, cardboard, scissors, pencils, markers and a little patience.

Postcard with carnations and St. George's ribbon for May 9 - Master class on DIY paper crafts

A postcard made of paper and napkins with carnations and St. George's ribbon will be a wonderful gift for a veteran on May 9th. Making such a souvenir, the child will spend a little more than an hour; but how much joy his surprise will bring to a person who has gone through the war! Adults can help girls and boys by explaining to them where to start and in what order the steps should be performed.

To make this card you will need:

  • Cardboard or thick paper;
  • Multi-colored paper napkins (red, green and white);
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler

Step-by-step instructions for making a paper postcard for May 9

Beautiful DIY May 9 postcard for 1st grade

In 1st grade, children already have skills in working with paper, scissors, glue and pencils. That is why it will not be difficult for first-graders to make a small, beautiful postcard for veterans, congratulating them on Victory Day. The teacher can explain in detail to students step-by-step instructions for creating original gift veterans on May 9, help the guys at the most difficult stages of preparing their surprise for WWII participants.

DIY postcard “Triangular letter” for May 9 - Master class for 1st grade

The postcard, made in the shape of a triangular letter, will remind veterans of the news that so rarely came from home during the battles of World War II. It will take first graders a little over an hour to make it.

Materials for the postcard for May 9 “Triangular letter”

To make such a gift for veterans on Victory Day you will need:

  • A sheet of A4 paper;
  • Brewed tea;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • White, pink, red, green paper;
  • Pencil;
  • George Ribbon;
  • Printer or ink pen.

Step-by-step instructions for making a postcard for May 9 “Triangular letter” in 1st grade

A small do-it-yourself postcard for a veteran on May 9th

A small handmade postcard will be the best gift for a veteran on May 9th. To make it, the children will only need multi-colored paper or cardboard, glue, brushes, scissors and other materials at hand, depending on the design of the gift. Among homemade postcards for Victory Day, crafts made from plasticine and paper napkins always stand out. You will find examples of such souvenirs for WWII participants on this page.

Examples of small do-it-yourself postcards for a veteran for Victory Day on May 9

If the guys want to sincerely please the veterans on Victory Day, they can easily do this by giving them homemade cards made with their own hands on the eve of May 9th. Maybe it will be simple beautiful drawing about the battle and victory of our soldiers or a craft made using modern techniques. The text of the congratulatory letter to the participants of the Great Patriotic War can be printed on a printer or written by hand. We present to your attention examples of several unusual postcards. We are sure that such surprises will give warm memories to former frontline soldiers. The variety of materials used to create cards will help you choose a craft to suit your taste.

Step-by-step making of a postcard for Victory Day on May 9 with your own hands

Of course, we are all familiar with the “classic” postcard - this is a thick small sheet of paper on which a thematic design is printed in a typographical way. Souvenirs for Victory Day depict the St. George Ribbon, flowers (usually carnations), photos of soldiers in helmets, etc. Today everyone can make a unique congratulation to a veteran with my own hands. Using cardboard, plasticine, paints and pencils, and applications from multi-colored paper, you can create your own greeting card for May 9th. Follow our recommendations step by step, and you will definitely succeed!

Examples of step-by-step making of postcards for May 9th with your own hands

The choice of material for the step-by-step production of postcards for May 9 is huge today. This is not only paper and cardboard of various colors, textures and thicknesses, but also fabric, silk paints, wrapping paper, wallpaper, clippings from old newspapers and magazines, stickers, etc. In addition, you can decorate the finished craft with your own hands using various accessories ( beads, rhinestones, seed beads, stones), glitter applied to glue, inscriptions pre-printed on a color printer. The main steps in making such a souvenir will be your following actions:

  • Choosing a postcard theme;
  • Selection of materials for its manufacture;
  • Exact following step by step instructions on making crafts with your own hands;
  • Final design of the card using voluminous, pre-made parts, sew-on stones, glass beads; congratulatory inscription to veterans.

You will find images of unusual postcards made by yourself here.

DIY children's card for May 9th for a competition

Unlike a stamped card bought in a store, a craft made with love by children’s hands conveys the love and caring attitude experienced by a girl or boy when making such a gift. On the eve of Victory Day, schools can hold a competition for the most interesting postcard for veterans. During craft lessons or after classes, schoolchildren can create a unique thing using only paper, cardboard, paints, natural and improvised materials.

Examples of do-it-yourself children's cards for the competition for May 9

By giving children the creative task of making a postcard for a competition dedicated to Victory Day on May 9, teachers can allow children to choose the design of the gift themselves. However, in order for each child to end up with a beautiful craft that is different from others, teachers must help each student design his souvenir for a veteran. It may be difficult for students to work with some of the selected materials - help the girls and boys realize their idea. Pay attention to the photos of unusual postcards made by children - we have posted them on this page.

Original do-it-yourself May 9 postcards with a dove

Among all the crafts for Victory Day, postcards with a dove are the most popular. The dove is a bird of peace, a symbol of opposition to war, a sign of hope and goodness. The guys make these cards from paper, napkins and feathers. At the same time, a variety of techniques are used for making such surprises for veterans - from ordinary drawings to complex silk-screen printing and bead embroidery.

DIY postcard with a dove for May 9 - Master class in making crafts

Making a postcard with a dove is easy - all you need to do is follow the step-by-step instructions below. Such a souvenir will be a real pleasant surprise for veterans who went through the war and will remind them that their feat has not been forgotten.

To make a postcard with a dove, prepare:

  • Glue;
  • White piece of paper;
  • Plastic straw for cocktail;
  • St. George's ribbon;
  • Felt pen;
  • Printer with copier.

Step-by-step instructions for making a postcard with a dove for May 9

Original do-it-yourself postcards for the holiday of May 9th for children

Having decided which card the children will make for veterans on May 9, they will also have to design a homemade envelope for their gift. Let it be as original as the surprise itself, made with your own hands. However, if you wish, you can buy a ready-made envelope in the store and decorate it with St. George’s ribbons, flowers from multi-colored paper, congratulatory inscriptions, and beads.

Examples of original do-it-yourself children's cards for the holiday of May 9

In order for the card for veterans on May 9 to turn out not only original, but also neat, adults should help younger children make such crafts with their own hands. Probably, the child does not yet know how to handle glue or cut out exactly along the contour of an image for a future applique-decoration of a souvenir. It doesn’t matter if you take on the work together with a student. Next time he will make a card himself. See what surprises kids can make for veterans!

Unusual, handmade May 9 postcard with love , will be a wonderful gift for veterans on Victory Day. Materials for crafts can be not only cardboard and paper, but also accessories, improvised means, fabrics, and stones. Explain to the 1st grade children the steps for making a postcard step by step, help the schoolchildren choose a theme for decorating a souvenir - flowers, a dove, a St. George's ribbon. On the eve of the holiday, hold an original postcard competition in your class and reward the winner with a sweet prize.

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