Definition of the lexical meaning of the word nobility. Hamming

At all times, nobility has been considered an important component in relationships with people. Even today, in our cynical age, this quality is appreciated. Nobility has become in demand, but it cannot be acquired without spiritual strength. People with this quality live by the laws of decency, compassion and caring. Nobility is a real gift that does not need rewards.

What is nobility?

This word consists of two others: good and kind. This implies not only a noble family, but also a good upbringing, as well as a sense of responsibility. IN modern world there is also a place for this phenomenon: almost every person at least once in their life has forgiven someone for their offenses or helped those who needed it. Any act that is based on goodness can be considered nobility.

When thinking about what nobility is, the meaning of this word is difficult to interpret unambiguously. No regulations or laws are needed for its manifestation. A person commits noble deeds only because it is characteristic of his essence. Fortunately, today you don’t have to be to have this quality. It is actions that are highly valued, because they reveal the character of a person and his sides. Despite their shortcomings, people can act honorably: lend a helping hand, listen, keep a promise, or worry about the righteous path.

Nobility and freedom

Nobility is a certain moral code by which one must live. It is aimed at creation, not destruction. People with this quality love all living things and simply cannot pass by someone who needs their support and help.

Having decided to live according to the laws of kindness and compassion, a person feels freer: he no longer cares about public opinion or the noise of the crowd. He chose his path and overcomes it with dignity. Such a bold and firm position allows you to look into the future with confidence and not feel ashamed of your behavior. After all, a person who is proud of himself does not need public approval, he is self-sufficient and is responsible for his actions.

"Golden rule

Nobility is a quality that is inherent in a person who lives by certain rules, which are commonly called “golden”. The main ones include:

What is the danger of lack of nobility?

People who are insecure and complex subconsciously consider themselves not good enough to show nobility. They try to assert themselves at the expense of others, humiliating others. They are characterized by aggressiveness, vindictiveness, and their actions are destructive. As a rule, they deliver all their blows on the sly and constantly weave intrigues.

Under the influence of a bad society, people lose such a quality as nobility. Therefore, one should instill virtues in children from birth and not forget about human norms.

How to become noble?

Not everyone understands; its meaning is difficult to interpret unambiguously. In order to discover this quality, you do not necessarily need to belong to a noble family or be a deeply religious person. Eat simple rules, which help to cultivate nobility in oneself. A person will not only experience their benefits himself, but will also make his contribution to relationships between people. Perhaps someone will want to follow his example.

How is nobility manifested?

Nobility is an internal culture, which, unfortunately, not everyone has. It cannot be expressed in clothing or posture. The inner core is manifested through actions, only they reveal the true one. But respect for people, the ability to sacrifice one’s interests and spiritual generosity can be developed if desired. always keeps his word because he understands the full extent of his responsibility to other people.


Nobility and dignity always go hand in hand. A person who has these qualities adequately perceives his value. He understands that the main thing is to be, and not to appear.

People with feelings don’t prove anything to anyone; they already know who they are. They do not wait for approval and do not assert themselves at the expense of others. But they will always listen with interest to another point of view and perhaps even learn something useful for themselves.

High self-esteem is manifested not in narcissism, but in self-respect and faith in one’s own strengths. A person believes that he is worthy of a good life and knows how to defend his own interests without infringing on the rights of others.

Noble and not afraid of difficulties. They perceive them as a natural part of life. In any situation, they try to maintain composure, not to humiliate themselves and not to humiliate others. The nobility of man also lies in equality. Comparing yourself with other people is not only useless, but also dangerous. Sometimes this causes an acute feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with oneself, which is often completely groundless.

How to awaken your self-esteem?

First of all, you need to treat yourself as a full-fledged person. After this the feeling of this will come. To develop this quality, you need to remember the recommendations of psychologists:

  • Know and appreciate your strengths.
  • He is calm about his own imperfections.
  • Collect your achievements and build self-esteem.
  • Follow internal guidelines, not people's opinions.
  • Support yourself and praise.
  • Give up soul-searching and calmly admit your own mistakes and correct them.
  • Strive to be “real” and often repeat to yourself words of nobility that are creative.

If you look at the root of the word “nobility”, you can define its concept. “Blessing” and “clan” - a person who comes from a family that is considered good for society. The term "nobility" dates back to the days of slavery, when there was still a clear and rigid division between rich and poor. To be distinguished from the poor, certain signs of nobility were needed that distinguished the rich from them.

Nobility used to be called the noble origin of a person who went through training and a certain upbringing, had knowledge and possessed skills that were known only to people from high society. Today, the term has been transformed, since absolutely all people, regardless of their financial situation, receive knowledge and education.

Nobility today is considered a set of qualities that take into account the moral, spiritual and ethical development of a person. Nobility is the behavior of a person who focuses on honesty, openness, loyalty and devotion. People who do not betray, do not deceive, and act openly are called noble. Moreover, a person who always comes to the aid of someone in need becomes noble.

However, each reader of the online magazine site understands in his own way what help is. When a person misunderstands the meaning of a word, he either becomes a hostage or simply begins to manipulate this concept. Since society encourages the presence of nobility in every person, many people outwardly appear noble, although in fact they do not possess this quality. And you can determine how noble a person is by the purpose for which he helps others. There are people who help to improve someone’s life, while other people do it in order to make those around them their debtors, then ask for help themselves or be flattered.

Distinguish between your selfish desires and your real desire to help a person. Many people think that their actions aimed at improving the quality of life of loved ones are good. But if you ask the people themselves who are being helped, what will they answer?

For many, it is a shock to hear from others when they say that “it would be better not to help them.” For you, too, such a revelation comes as a shock when you help another person, and he actually suffers from your actions. What's the matter? The answer is quite simple: you did not ask the person you are helping whether he wants your help and what kind of help he expects from you.

If you help when you have not been asked to do so, you only harm the other person. If you do what you think is necessary without asking the other person whether he expects such help from you, then you are harming him again. It seems to you that the other person needs help. This seems to you like the right way to help. But they forgot to ask the person they decided to help about all this.

How can you understand that you are acting from good intentions and not from your own selfish desires? The other person must have his own motivation that makes him act. That is, not you, but he asks you to help him. Secondly, is the person happy with the results he receives? If yes, then you acted from an impulse to help, if not, then it was your desires, not his. Third, ask the person you are helping what exactly you need to do. You should not think about how to help a person, but he should clearly understand what kind of help he needs. Otherwise, all responsibility for the negative result falls on you. Do you need it? If a person asks for help, then he must understand what exactly he wants to receive.

What is nobility?

At some time, nobility became a religious concept, when a person was endowed with certain characteristics only by becoming a believer. After all, believers are considered a priori to be sacrificing, benefactors, and kind. However, all this is refuted by the behavior of the believers themselves, who do not always bring benefit to others. So, what is nobility?

Nobility should be understood as the quality when a person brings goodness and benefit to others, focusing solely on his own internal motives and motivations. There are people who act well, help and do good deeds only because others told them so. However, a noble person quite often does not listen to the advice of others at all. It focuses exclusively on own ideas about what good and evil are, while having clear boundaries between these concepts.

A noble person is independent in deciding what to do. At the same time, he is always focused on self-sacrifice. Between the choice to do good for himself or other people, he will choose the option when it will be good for other people. He is ready to sacrifice himself, which can be compared to heroism or a martyrdom.

It is not surprising that nobility is encouraged by society, since everyone is pleased when they are helped for free and without mutual return. Nobility is living for the sake of other people, when everyone is happy, and the noble person himself is already content with little. It is worth saying here that, to some extent, nobility can be called madness, stupidity or the absence of the instinct of self-survival.

If we are honest, do not be hypocritical, do not pretend, do not deceive, then we can see the real situation where nobility is stupidity. How reasonable is it for you to give some of your money to the poor and needy while your own family is poor? How reasonable is the situation when you give yourself to the person who openly tells you that he doesn’t love you? How reasonable is it to sacrifice oneself for the benefit of another person?

People believed so much in the idea that everyone needs to help, sacrifice, and feel sorry that they forgot about the well-being of themselves and their family. Many people are ready to help complete strangers, not paying attention to the fact that they themselves or their families live from hand to mouth, without love and affection. You can see how friendly people are with complete strangers, and when they communicate with family and friends, they allow themselves to insult and disrespect them.

Nobility is stupidity. And it is based on the ideas that one needs to help and sacrifice. Help and sacrifice are destructive if you and your family suffer in the process. Help is useful only when you yourself want to give it, while having a surplus of certain resources. You simply have nowhere to spend your energy, time and money, so you help. But it is completely stupid to help if you give other people resources that you or your loved ones need.

Nobility is needed only by those people who profit from noble people. Are you sacrificing yourself? They give you a certificate and thank you. You can wipe your hands on this letter, but other people received more from you than they gave you in return. Do you think you are being thanked? In fact, they say “thank you” to you only so that next time you will help “those in need” again. And it’s good for those “in need” themselves, because now they can not need anything, but live at your expense.

All helpers and sacrificers are fools. They believed in the idea that it was necessary to tear away from themselves the resources that they themselves needed and give them to complete strangers. This is only useful to those people who profit from it, and harmful to the helpers and donors themselves. Don't be foolish. Nobility is stupidity, a myth and manipulation by those who at least somehow want to earn praise in their address. They will say “thank you” to you, and you, in turn, will deprive yourself of something valuable and important. You are a fool, and strangers turned out to be smart because they were able to take away from you what you yourself need.

Nobility is an exclusively acquired quality. Nobility does not exist in nature. Nobility is not programmed into a person. However, nobility is a socially invented quality that initially distinguished rich people from poor people, and today should motivate every civilized person to sacrifice himself for the good of others.

Nobility is formed in the process of educating a person, when he is told how he should act, how moral values conform to what to give up (in particular, your selfish desires). Nobility is a quality in which a person does not put himself above others and does not judge others. At the same time, in order to make a decision, a noble person must judge what is good and evil, which people are worthy of receiving his help, and then act. It turns out to be double-entry bookkeeping when a noble person does not consider himself superior to everyone else, but must first evaluate which people are worthy of his help.

Signs of nobility

It is difficult to describe nobility in one word. Perhaps this is a set of qualities that can be determined by the following characteristics:

  1. Following your words and promises. A noble person will never go back on his word, will not change the terms of agreements, will not postpone the fulfillment of his promise until later.
  2. A clear idea of ​​what justice is. They will not give in to emotions when it comes to doing justice. They will not divide people into loved ones and unloved ones if everyone deserves something.
  3. Spiritual strength. Moreover, it is so strong that it cannot be shaken by anything.
  4. Self-sacrifice. A noble person is willing to give his time and money for the benefit of others. The only thing he is afraid of is to act unworthy or cause harm through his actions.
  5. Forgiving others, being strict with yourself. A noble person is very demanding of himself, but is always ready to forgive the mistakes of others.

Nobility and loyalty

Nobility and loyalty are completely different concepts. However, they have several similar positions, which is why we are considering them:

  • Loyalty and nobility are based on a person's faith in something. To be faithful, a person must have a clear position on life, which is also observed in a noble person.
  • With loyalty and nobility, a person acts strictly on his words. If a person promises, he keeps his word. He clearly follows his path.
  • Loyalty and nobility presuppose the performance of exclusively good deeds. With loyalty, a person commits actions towards the one to whom he remains faithful. With nobility, a person simply does good deeds in principle.
  • Firmness in one's decisions can also be seen in both qualities. After all, when a person is faithful, he clearly understands what decisions he should make and why he should follow them. The same goes for nobility.

We can say that loyalty is aimed at something or someone specifically, therefore a person shows all his nobility towards this object. When we're talking about about nobility, then a person, in principle, acts kindly, regardless of how he treats anyone.

Bottom line

Nobility is an acquired quality that is based on a person’s internal beliefs about good and evil. However, this quality is often used by others or misunderstood by people themselves, so it often manifests itself in a distorted way.

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The meaning of the word nobility

nobility in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


nobility, plural no, cf. Distraction noun to noble.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.



Nobility(from ancient Greek eugenes, as well as benefactor and well-being) - high morality, dedication and honesty; generosity, chivalry, sublimity, holiness. Also Noble- exceptional in its qualities, grace; distinguished by value. In the pre-revolutionary meaning, it referred to nobles.

Nobility (from good And genus) - initially a set of personal qualities inherent in a person who came from a noble family, that is, an aristocrat, a nobleman, acquired during the special training necessary to bear the responsibility assigned to him by virtue of his origin. Mainly associated with an individual's concept of honor, for which the narrower term "self-esteem" is now often used.

Nobility is the sublimity of the motives of human behavior, their “kinship to the Good.”

According to Christian faith, the source of true good can and is only one God:

  1. based on the word of God Himself: “And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but not leaving unpunished, punishing the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the children's children to the third and fourth generation."
  2. based on the words of Jesus Christ: “Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect,” “No one is good except God alone.”
  3. based on the words of the Apostles of Jesus Christ: “The Lord is very merciful and compassionate,” “following the example of the Holy One who called you, and be holy in all your actions.”
  4. based on the conclusion that the principles of high morality, selflessness, honesty, generosity, sublimity should:
    • be uniform for different countries and levels of education;
    • not created by a person or a group of people. Since the opinions of any person or group of people are subject to constant change over a short or long period of time;
    • have rules of behavior described/available to everyone, following which a person can be called moral or immoral, immoral;
    • to have a standard that could be emulated by any person who wants to live by the above principles;
    • to have an “accuser” and a “defender” who, in accordance with their powers, accuse or justify a person of his actions, thereby explicitly or implicitly encouraging him to conform to high morality. The “Prosecutor” and “Defender” cannot be a person who is himself influenced by ignoble motives.

Based on the above, the source of good is the one God, the standard of nobility - Jesus Christ sent by God into an immoral world, contains a set of rules for a noble life New Testament, the “accuser” and “defender” is the Holy Spirit

Atheism assumes that the sublime motives of human behavior are not necessarily associated with religions. The universal moral and ethical principles of humanity (kindness, compassion, the pursuit of justice, etc.) exist regardless of specific creeds and are more often a product of the collective life experience of certain societies.

According to Epicurus, “a noble man is most occupied with wisdom and friendship.” According to N.A. Dobrolyubov, “... only that kindness and nobility of feelings are completely reliable and can be truly useful, which are based on a firm conviction, on a well-developed thought.”

Examples of the use of the word nobility in literature.

It is known that Abu Salama is the head of propaganda in Kufa, a man of exceptional nobility, honor and justice - on the eve of the uprising he intended to convene a council of the descendants of Ali and Abbas so that they themselves would elect a caliph.

The actor's professional speech and plasticity were reduced to ostentatious showiness, to pompous nobility, from which a special one was created.

A quarter of a century ago, several families of an old family lived there, who, in every possible way, boasted nobility origins, every now and then they organized noisy celebrations in a somewhat pompous and anachronistic spirit.

Unsurpassed in its nobility Kelil Pasha, let’s no longer bother ourselves with guessing how, after the capture of Baghdad, Serdar-i-ekrem, simply a bashi-bazouk, Khozrev, will want to get rid of us.

Okay, even if her face is ugly, there is nothing in her figure nobility, no charm.

If nobility Pastor Boehme had three usual geometric dimensions and the corresponding weight, this reverend man would have to make his pastoral and private journeys by freight train.

But nobility, being a property of spiritual substance, has only one dimension - the fourth, mathematicians puzzle over it, and in real life it has no weight, so Pastor Boehme could easily travel in a small chaise drawn by one horse.

Agatha, as if in delirium, then turned to the people, praising kindness and nobility Señor Robert and Señor Osric, whom she knows personally, then conjured the seigneurs to ask their Badger Hump for benefices from the kind Count Ed, so that someone like Thierry would not become their master again.

So in the phrases of the modern playwright, no less skillfully than in the poems of Racine, Berma inserted broad images of grief, nobility, passions, and these were her own great creations, in which she was recognized, as an artist is recognized in the portraits he painted from different natures.

It would be very unwise to invest in such an unworthy shell nobility, benevolence and other good qualities, and nature provided him with a soul quite consistent with his appearance, that is, low, selfish and greedy.

This sadness deepened in the works of Beaumont and Fletcher, Webster, Turner, Messinger, Ford and other late Renaissance playwrights, giving way to emotional shock, fear for man and his future, disbelief in justice, nobility, virtue.

And then all classes and ranks, from top to bottom, spoke of respect for Sir Lancelot for his nobility which he showed to Sir Tristram, and for this he nobility There was then more honor and glory for Sir Lancelot than if he alone had crushed five hundred horsemen.

What happened, however, only confirmed my long-standing conclusion about the absurdity of literary judgments about romance and nobility, supposedly inherent in the criminal world, and yet.

This last one is nobility, is too rare to be relied upon, especially among those who pursue the goals of wealth, power or sensual pleasures, and to these belongs the greater part of mankind.

I'm not even talking about high valor, nobility, generosity and self-sacrifice - they can hardly be found anywhere else except in the theater and novel: no, I’m talking only about those virtues that are charged to everyone as a duty.

Reading time: 2 min

Nobility is a personality quality that reflects the combination high level developing traits such as morality, honesty and selflessness. The meaning of the word nobility is often used synonymously with chivalry and holiness, emphasizing the uniqueness and value of personal manifestations not only for the person himself, but also for the surrounding society.

Initially, the word was used to characterize a whole set of qualities inherent in a person from a noble family or high origin, and this was due to the fact that people of these classes underwent special training that developed these traits. Such education was necessary for the worthy performance of their chosen service or compliance of actions with a high rank, where nobility was inseparable from the concept of honor. Now noble traits are not determined by gender, because knowledge and upbringing have become accessible, so they can be inherent in a person of any class, which depends on the personal aspirations of maturity, moral choices and internal values, but the connection with the concepts of honor and honesty, faith and devotion remains.

What is nobility

In many sources, the emergence and very fundamental positions of nobility are explained by Christian influence and the definition of God as the source of this quality, but even bypassing religious confessions, the concept of nobility is the same in its manifestation in different countries, for it there is no difference between national and social, and in level of education.

Nobility has a certain list of its manifestations and rules, in relation to which a person’s act is assessed as moral or violating the concepts of honor. It is also characteristic that there are examples from history or personal life that one can follow (such trends are most clearly reflected in knightly orders, which have their own set of rules, as well as outstanding characters about whom legends are already being made).

Visible nobility is a personality quality that elevates a person spiritually, regardless of faith or atheism, since it implies sincere good deeds performed under the guidance of internal convictions, and not under the influence of created laws and necessities.

Nobility is a personality quality that reflects a deeply internal, not determined by external factors, a person’s desire to perform good deeds and a strong will to achieve his aspirations. It is impossible to persuade a noble person to act differently, because then his behavior will violate his own internal foundations. Such people separate good and evil without halftones or justifications, drawing a clear line between them; they will not consider betrayal as justifying behavior under certain circumstances; for them it will always remain a betrayal. Often faced with the choice of their own well-being and benefit, noble people perform for the sake of others, and we are talking not only about great feats of saving lives, but also about more mundane things such as giving away the most delicious piece, covering another with a warm blanket, refusing a profitable deal, if it is known that it will harm someone. Such self-sacrifice is often justified by the concept itself and involves giving one's time and mental strength, putting one's own desires on the back burner, and making charitable donations (from starting foundations to donating one's clothes or cooking dinner for the homeless).

This quality is not innate or genetically determined, it is acquired in the process of upbringing and its presence and degree of manifestation is due to the people around the child, their values, ideas, techniques and methods of education, moral and ethical qualities. Even the meaning of the word nobility has in itself this information, noting that such a character was inherited from a good family, which was previously possible in aristocratic families involved in the clergy or knighthood, rule. Now this is an integral characteristic of a cultured person, regardless of his class, spiritual, age or educational background.

The concept of nobility is so broad that it is not possible to describe it with a couple of synonyms. Thus, in addition to actions that benefit others, it also includes the internal aspects of empathy and sympathy, understanding of other people and impartiality in one’s attitude, as manifestations of spiritual purity.

A noble person does not put himself above another and will not consider any external manifestation more significant; in general, judging people is not a noble act, but at the same time there is observance of the code of honor and rules that determine worthy behavior. Guided by such a set of rules or guidelines of his conscience, a noble person may well punish a criminal, go to war against an enemy, or refuse support to someone who is hypocritical. All good deeds are performed out of sincerity and spiritual purity, but this does not mean that these are good-natured people who can be forever used as patrons; on the contrary, the will of such people is strong, and they will not indulge in the corruption of others, sharply but with dignity discouraging people with selfish motives. thoughts and unworthy behavior.

Signs of nobility

Despite the breadth of the concept and the multifaceted nature of the manifestation of nobility, it is possible to identify the main signs or character traits that make it possible to define a person as noble. This includes following their words and supporting them with deeds (keeping oaths and promises, strictly following agreements, without making independent changes, but only after discussion), so they will not let you down, even if you have to sacrifice your own comfort or plans to keep your promise.

Noble people have a clear concept of justice, value this quality in those around them, and themselves strive to act according to fair laws. You will not see how they give a large share of the joint profit to those they love, they will divide everything in accordance with the efforts put in by each, and if they understand that they cannot objectively assess the situation, they will seek help and advice, but will not give in to feelings and other kinds of provocations.

Usually the noble ones are quite strong, and not so much physically as spiritually and intellectually, but they never use their strength and skills for the purpose of subjugating others or pointing out their shortcomings. On the contrary, knowledge and power are used to help those around them in their development and overcoming difficulties, and a high development of spiritual qualities helps to avoid being patronizing and condescending, instead remaining an equal with the person and showing the same level of respect to both kings and homeless people.

Nobility forces you to do good to others, without stinting on your own time or material wealth. In their manifestations, such people are not afraid to appear strange and stand out, but what they are afraid of is committing an unworthy act or one that entails troubles for others.

Strength of spirit allows you to see only the best in others and support these inclinations in a person; they will not constantly make comments and point out mistakes, they will pretend that they did not notice, pointing out what worthy traits a person can develop. This same inner strength protects them from complaining and whining, forcing them to fight difficulties rather than stop. Noble people easily forgive others and almost never forgive themselves; the severity of their assessments and demands on themselves are always maximum.

Nobility and loyalty

Loyalty has many similarities with nobility in its characteristics, but these are different qualities, although they always go hand in hand. A noble person who violates the laws of fidelity is impossible, just as fidelity is a reflection of the nobility of the spirit. The very concept of fidelity is also one of the moral and ethical components of personal manifestation and characterizes the immutability of a person in his choices and feelings, the fulfillment of imposed obligations and duties, despite the changes taking place. The word fidelity itself is derived from faith and speaks of the inviolability of human faith, confirmed by the immutability of commitment. This may be faith in God, and then fidelity is manifested by strict observance of the laws of Scripture, or faith in man, and then fidelity will be manifested in maintaining purity and constancy of relationships, or perhaps the manifestation of faith in an idea and fidelity to it through development and implementation. Just as nobility requires a person to strictly fulfill his words, so loyalty requires strict and constant adherence to the chosen path.

The concepts of loyalty and nobility are based on similar things: honesty, courage, confidence, immutability, fortitude, confidence in one’s own decisions, as well as following what is good (not exclusively for oneself, but in the understanding of humanity). One of the manifestations of knightly nobility (as the main example and image that comes when pronouncing the word) is loyalty to one’s king, one’s cause and one’s woman. If at least in one of the moments loyalty was violated, the entire moral character of the person was questioned, up to the deprivation of his title. Now chivalry has a slightly different look, but the nobility of a person who does not show loyalty is still unthinkable, and loyalty not only to external figures (boss, business, woman, idea), but also to himself and his internal principles.

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