We saturate the body with vitamins in the summer - how not to harm your child? Why vitamin E is useful in summer Why you shouldn’t take vitamins in summer.

Nutritionists and doctors scare us: they say that in winter and spring, when there are practically no fresh fruits and vegetables on the table, our body is in dire need of vitamins. Therefore, taking vitamin complexes at this time is simply necessary.

In response to this, the question quite reasonably arises: is it necessary to take vitamins in the summer, when a huge amount of these same fruits and vegetables appear on the table?

Let's look at this issue in detail.

Vitamins in summer and winter

It should be said right away that food does not change at all throughout the year.

If our diet is sufficiently varied (which does not mean expensive and luxurious), then we get all the vitamins we need all year round. This is obvious, if only because life is impossible without vitamins. Another thing is that the amount of some of them during “hypovitamin” periods may be lower than the norm that the body needs.

So, in winter we most lack vitamins C, E, P and D. In other words, all those that are found mainly in the green parts of plants and their fruits. In addition to vitamin D, which in summer is actively synthesized in our skin under the influence of sunlight.

The rest of the vitamins - the entire complex of vitamins B, vitamins A, PP, K, etc. - we get in abundance from meat products, cereals, mushrooms, fish, and therefore their consumption changes little when moving from one season to another.

In the summer, keeping the same amount of animal products in the diet, but adding a large amount of greens to them, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, we can easily supply ourselves with those vitamins that we received in winter along with multivitamin preparations.

There is a nuance regarding vitamin D: its deficiency can occur when we spend little time in the sun for a long time. We are in the hospital, for example, or we work in the office all daylight hours. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter outside or summer.

By the way, in winter it is also quite possible to provide yourself with purely summer vitamins. The same ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins E and P are found in abundance in berries, citrus fruits and dried fruits. Of course, it’s easier to buy a jar of multivitamin than to regularly buy tangerines and raisins, but in the second case, supporting the body will be more comprehensive.

It is worth remembering that without proper diet planning, even in the summer and even in favorable southern regions, we risk provoking hypovitaminosis. Each of us has our own food preferences and individual body characteristics. Therefore, there is always a possibility that some vitamin may be missing.

To properly plan your diet, you should either carefully study the composition of food products and plan their consumption during the week, or take ready-made examples of diets. And don’t be afraid: the word “diet” here does not mean any kind of restriction. This is just a set of products that nutritionists have already compiled for us.

Therefore, if you take care of your diet and follow it, then in the summer-autumn period from consuming vitamin complexes you can safely refuse.

You can also safely stop giving vitamins to children if in return they eat as many berries, fruits and vegetables as they want.

However, there are always exceptions. And in some cases, even with a perfectly balanced diet in summer period you need to take vitamins.

When you can't live without vitamins in the summer

There are quite a lot of situations when vitamins need to be taken in the summer. The most common of them are:

1. Presence of specific diseases

Usually these are diseases of the digestive tract, in which some vitamins are poorly absorbed, or metabolic disorders, in which, even after being absorbed, vitamins pass through the body in transit.

Some diseases simply themselves require significant amounts of vitamins. For example, alcoholism, hepatitis, diabetes, and many others. If they are present, the body requires as many vitamins every day as it simply cannot extract from food itself.

It also happens that the disease itself does not lead to vitamin deficiency, but the drugs used to treat it greatly affect the metabolism and absorption of vitamins. Among these drugs are various antibiotics and sulfonamides.

And there is a separate list allergic reactions. In many cases, your own allergies or allergies infant- in the case of pregnant women, they are not allowed to consume many vitamin-rich fruits or berries. However, this rarely leads to hypovitaminosis - after all, most products are easily replaceable.

2. Large physical exercise

This is usually typical for athletes or workers in certain specific professions - miners, loaders, sailors. Their body, either due to too active metabolism or due to the action of various harmful factors, requires increased amounts of vitamins. But at the same time, the ability to digest food in the stomach and intestines is limited by the amount of food. Accordingly, additional supplies of vitamins are needed here at any time of the year.

3. Individual characteristics of the body

These include various features of hormonal levels, a lack of certain enzymes, and the specifics of digestion. In these cases, the absorption of certain vitamins may be impaired and should be consumed in increased quantities. However, these are very rare cases, and usually patients have been aware of such characteristics since childhood. If you have not experienced any deviations before, then they are unlikely to appear now.

But even in these cases, it should be remembered that the amount of vitamins consumed must be carefully monitored, and their excess can be even more harmful than a deficiency.

Beware of hypervitaminosis

In summer, the risk of developing hypervitaminosis when consumed especially increases. Food already contains quite a lot of vitamins, and adding synthetic analogues to this set can lead to an excess of some of them. And with them - and to various disorders.

It is very useful to consult a doctor with all questions. He will be able to take into account all the individual characteristics of your body, and he will also correctly determine whether you need additional amounts of vitamins, or whether their deficiency can be corrected by slightly diversifying your diet.

If you or your child took certain vitamin complexes during the winter, your doctor will tell you for sure whether you should continue taking them in the summer.

Remember that you have virtually no risk of catching hypervitaminosis. Everything is simple here: if there is an excess of a certain vitamin, the body itself will hint to you that you shouldn’t eat it anymore. This will simply result in a reluctance to consume a particular product.

And vice versa, if you lack something, your body will demand it.

But with multivitamins the situation is more complicated. The doses of vitamins in them are quite large, and even short-term use without special need can lead to a significant imbalance in the body.

So remember: summer is the time for vitamins. Unless you have a serious illness and are preparing to perform at Olympic Games, then feel free to put the jars of vitamins in the cabinets, go to the market and buy more different ingredients for the salad. Combine business with pleasure and be healthy!

How to understand which vitamins your body lacks

Closer to the sunny season, many people are wondering: do they need vitamins in the summer? Is there a need for synthetic vitamins if there are a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and berries around, which contain quite a lot of nutrients? Most doctors believe that there is no particular need for taking additional multivitamin complexes if you diversify your diet well with fresh foods, and you can also take sunbathing under the sun, enriching the body with vitamin D. However, can the sun in summer replace vitamin D completely?

In fact, even with a fair abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, the human body cannot obtain all the substances it needs in sufficient quantities from food alone. As a result, a person is saturated with some nutrients, but at the same time begins to experience a deficiency of other substances.

Body needs: what vitamins does a person need in summer?

A person needs a full range of useful substances every day, including 42 vitamins and microelements, of which only three nutrients can be produced in the body independently. The remaining vitamins must be obtained from food and multivitamin complexes. However, in different time year, a person begins to need certain nutrients more.

It is important to take into account the degree of digestibility of the elements. They can be absorbed only when a person does not have digestive problems.

A person does not receive a daily dose of vitamins even in the summer - on average, he consumes only half of the nutrients of the daily requirement. This threatens a person with the development of diseases, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, decreased immunity, and disruption of the functioning of organs and systems.

There is an opinion that in the summer you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in order to “stock up on vitamins for the winter.” However, vitamins are compounds that are quickly eliminated and for the most part they are not able to be stored “in reserve” in the body, which is why their daily intake is so important.

What vitamins does the body need most in summer?

The most necessary vitamins in summer these are vitamins A, E, C, D and B.

Unlike all other elements, vitamin D is produced under the skin itself in the summer, so with regular walks in the fresh air you can forget about its deficiency. Regular exposure to the sun will naturally strengthen bones and teeth, improve the condition of hair and nails.

To get your daily dose of vitamin D, you don't have to take off all your clothes and sunbathe on the beach for hours. A half-hour walk in the sun with an open face and arms is enough for a person to receive the necessary dose of vitamin D.

Do not forget that vitamin D is formed under the skin only in direct sunlight, so you should not expect a miracle when sitting near a window filled with sunlight or using sunscreen for the skin - the element will not be produced.

Especially needs this nutrient Small child, because a sufficient supply of calciferol will protect him from rickets, strengthen his immunity, bones and teeth.

Is it necessary to give vitamin D in the summer? There is no clear answer to this question. If the baby is healthy and regularly spends a lot of time in the sun, consumes a lot of foods with vitamin D, and develops normally, then he does not need additional vitamin intake. However, if you cannot go for walks with your child often or he has skeletal problems or develops rickets, then the doctor may prescribe a preventive or therapeutic course of taking vitamin D medications even in the warm season.

Is vitamin D given to infants in the summer? The need for additional nutrient intake in infancy depends on the type of feeding of the baby.

  • If your baby eats exclusively breast milk, and his mother eats well and is often in the fresh air, then the child will receive all the necessary substances from milk.
  • If the child is bottle-fed and is fed formula, then he also does not have to be given additional calciferol, since all formulas already contain it. Walking in the sun will, if necessary, make up for the lack of an element.
  • With a mixed diet (using ready-made formula and regular “adult” food), additional intake of calciferol is recommended, but only if prescribed by a doctor.

The dosage of the element as a preventive measure is 1-3 drops, depending on the age and weight of the baby, therefore the doctor should determine the norm for a particular child.

Vitamin C is supplied in summer large quantities with food, since freshly picked fruits and berries contain much more of it than products that have been stored for a long time (therefore, fruits that lie on store shelves in winter are much less rich in this substance).

A person can easily get almost a daily dose of folic acid by eating asparagus, strawberries, fresh herbs, melon and tomatoes in the summer. Folic acid prevents the development of anemia, which is especially important in the summer, when most people give up meat in order to lose weight, cleanse the body and not burden the stomach in the heat.

More often in the summer, there is a lack of retinol - vitamin A. Large quantities of the nutrient are found in granular caviar, liver, butter - products that are avoided in the heat.

You can easily become deficient in vitamin E and worsen the condition of skin suffering from the exhausting sun if you neglect vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, liver and cereals.

Most of all, in the summer, the body does not receive B vitamins, since they are found primarily in meat, fish, dairy products and legumes, which most people neglect when the heat comes. If there is a shortage of element a, the person’s nervous system may stop functioning properly.

Vitamins for children in the summer

The needs of a child's body can change significantly in the summer.

  1. The hot weather is approaching, the baby's sweating increases and at the same time the need to drink large amounts of liquid. Because of this, the baby quickly loses the minerals and vitamins accumulated by the body, especially if the child does not quench his thirst. clean water, and all kinds of carbonated drinks with big amount Sahara. The need for magnesium and iron also increases.
  2. Due to increased water-salt metabolism, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of sodium and potassium salts into the child’s body, because this will prevent dehydration.
  3. Often it is in the summer that children begin to grow actively, so the child needs large amounts of protein as building material for the body and increased doses of vitamins and minerals. The diet should always contain calcium-containing foods (fish, dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, cheese), fish). For the absorption of calcium, vitamins D (formed under the skin in summer) and K2 (found in greens), and phosphorus (to strengthen bones) are required.
  4. It is worth paying attention to the presence of phosphorus-containing products in the menu (grains, cheeses, peanuts, broccoli, seeds, legumes, garlic, fish), since in the summer the incidence of fractures in children increases.

Vitamins in summer during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman must replenish the need for vitamins both for herself and for the child, therefore most doctors advise continuing to take vitamin complexes even in the summer in order to avoid a deficiency of any substances.

Any person cannot eat enough food to satisfy his need for nutrients, especially during pregnancy.

What vitamins should you take during the summer season?

In summer, you should choose your vitamin complex carefully. It is better to drink those preparations that contain more antioxidants than nutrients.

It is necessary to give preference to products containing:

  1. many antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E and P;
  2. magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron;
  3. vitamins B6 and B12 (with a dosage of 1.5-3 mcg).

Multivitamin preparations, depending on the dosage in one tablet, can replenish different percentages of the daily norm of nutrients (from 50 to 100%). You should choose those drugs that contain lower dosages of elements.

You should also avoid medications that contain vitamin D to avoid overdose and unpleasant health consequences.

In addition to multivitamin complexes, the pharmacy sells a huge number of monovitamins. In the summer, it is advisable to give preference to these drugs, which will avoid an overdose of any beneficial substances. It is better to take monovitamins in separate courses, without mixing with each other. So, in a pharmacy, for a very affordable price, you can buy separately preparations of vitamin E, A (they can also be taken together, since they are better absorbed in this form), B12 and B6. You should choose an average dosage so as not to oversaturate the body with the element.

Vitamins A and E are often combined in one preparation, since together they are better absorbed and have best effect. The most popular drugs in this category are the following.

  • "Aevit". The drug is useful for improving vision, bone growth, improving the functioning of the reproductive system, rejuvenates the skin and increases its elasticity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the nervous system and blood supply. It is worth remembering that Aevit is first and foremost medicine, and it cannot be used as a prophylaxis for vitamin deficiency. Release form: capsules and solution for intramuscular administration.
  • "Vitaminel" The drug is an analogue of Aevita.

Preparations with B vitamins are found in a huge variety in pharmacies.

  • "Milgamma".
  • "Combilipen".
  • Vitaxon.
  • "Vitagamma".
  • "Binavit."
  • "Neurorubin."
  • "Neurobion".
  • "Compigam B".
  • "Trigamma".

Popular preparations with calcium:

  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed";
  • "Complivit Calcium D3";
  • "Vitrum Calcium" with vitamin D3.

Vitamin D preparations:

  • "Aquadetrim";
  • "Vinatol".

These are one of the most popular drugs that can be taken by both adults and children almost from birth.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for people throughout the year, since every day all its organs and systems require nutrients for proper operation. A properly thought-out rich and varied diet in combination with taking certain vitamin supplements will protect a person from health problems and keep him youthful and vigorous for many years. The main thing is not to self-medicate and choose medications not on your own, but only after consulting a doctor.

Seasonal vitamins are organic substances that support the body’s performance at different times of the year. In addition to this, the compounds normalize the psycho-emotional background, strengthen the immune system, prevent capillary fragility, improve digestion, stimulate metabolism, and reduce the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis.

Autumn is a difficult period for the nervous system, since during the short daylight hours the pineal gland does not have time to synthesize a sufficient number of hormones responsible for a good mood and healthy sleep. Along with this, the emotional state worsens due to changes in electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere and a decrease in solar activity. Under the influence of these factors, depression, drowsiness, loss of strength, depression, and headaches occur.

Vitamins that are preferable to take in the fall

In autumn, the number of immunoglobulins in the blood decreases (due to seasonal biorhythms), resulting in an increased susceptibility of the body to infections. To improve the physiological state (mental, immunological) in the off-season, it is advisable to take substances with antioxidant and neuroprotective activity.

What vitamins are best to take in the fall?

  1. . Powerful antioxidant, immunomodulator, anti-stress factor.

Natural sources of nutrients are rose hips, sauerkraut, parsley, cranberries.

To improve the immune and emotional status, take at least 1500 milligrams of the substance per day (distributed into 5 equal doses).

Remember, in the autumn, along with vitamin foods, it is important to additionally consume ascorbic acid in dietary supplements.

  1. . Stimulates the production of sex hormones, increases the body's antioxidant defense, reduces the permeability of the capillary wall (prevents the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the cell).

Food sources – eggs, cabbage, pumpkin seed oil.

The daily norm is 15 milligrams.

  1. . Accelerates the regeneration of the skin (during chapping, peeling), improves the condition of arteries and venules (preventing exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies), normalizes sleep, inhibits the destruction of nervous tissue, and increases the body's immune status.

To maintain the nervous system, it is important to consume 1 – 1.5 milligrams of the substance per day.

  1. . Participates in the metabolism of the “joy” hormone (serotonin), relieves nervous excitement, increases cell resistance to pathogenic agents, and improves sleep.

Pyridoxine is found in autumn vegetables (cabbage), wheat sprouts, and egg yolks.

In the off-season, the need for the substance increases to 4 milligrams per day.

  1. . Improves the conduction of nerve impulses to the brain, reduces the intensity of the release of excitatory neurotransmitters (glutamate), and increases natural antiviral immunity.

Cyanocobalamin is found in seafood (oysters, crabs, shellfish), eggs, hard cheese, butter, .

For proper brain function, it is important to receive 0.003 milligrams of vitamin B12 per day.

TOP 3 best complexes for autumn

  1. "Centrum" (Wyeth-Lederle, USA). Multicomponent drug to strengthen the nervous and immune systems. The complex includes: vitamins (B12, B9, H, B6, B1, D3, K1, E, C, A), minerals (, , tin).

The supplement is taken once a day (preferably after breakfast), 1 capsule.

  1. “Vitamins to support the nervous system” (Now Foods, USA). An organic drug aimed at stabilizing the psycho-emotional background. The complex contains (, taurine, theanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid), vitamins (B12, B9, B6, B5, B1), minerals (magnesium, zinc, manganese), plant extracts (St. John's wort, basil, valerian).

The composition is taken 1 capsule twice a day.

  1. "Nortia" (Vizion, Russia). Phytocomposition for normalizing mental balance, increasing the immune status of the body and improving coronary circulation. The composition includes 3 plant extracts (St. John's wort, astragalus, hawthorn), 3 vitamins (B1, B6, B12) and 2 minerals (magnesium, iodine).

The complex is taken 2 times a day, 1 lozenge.

To “prepare” the body for winter, it is advisable to drink autumn vitamins immediately after the end of summer. The duration of therapy is 1 – 1.5 months.

Vitamins that are preferable to take in winter

Considering that the body uses 80% of vitamin reserves to warm the body, with the onset of cold weather the resources of antiviral defense are depleted. As a result, the body’s resistance to infections decreases, chronic pathologies (especially otolaryngological and respiratory-bronchial) worsen, appearance skin, immunodeficiency conditions develop. To prevent these disorders, winter period It is important to support the immune system.

List of nutrients for the “cold” season:

  1. Vitamin C. An essential substance for strengthening the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections. With its deficiency, the synthesis of protective antibodies decreases, the risk of developing connective tissue inflammation increases, the intensity of cell damage by free radicals increases, and the recovery time after illness increases.

IN winter time ascorbic acid is obtained from food ( sauerkraut, rosehip, cranberry) and organic complexes (“Ascorutina”, “Ester-C American Health”).

The daily requirement for the nutrient is 2000 milligrams.

  1. . Supports bone mineralization, prevents the risk of fractures (from falls).

The daily norm is 1700 – 2000 milligrams.

  1. Vitamin P. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of cell membranes to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, enhances the pharmacological properties of ascorbic acid.

Daily portion – 50 – 60 milligrams.

  1. Vitamin B1. A natural “antidepressant” that improves the psycho-emotional background. In addition, the nutrient is involved in the synthesis of hormones thyroid gland and carbohydrate metabolism.

The vitamin is found in legumes, cereals, bran, nuts, and seeds.

To prevent immune and neurological disorders in the spring months, consume at least 1.5 milligrams of thiamine per day.

  1. Vitamin B2. Accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes and skin, increases visual acuity, stimulates the production of hemoglobin.

The vitamin is found in cottage cheese, cereals (,), nuts (almonds, pine), greens (parsley, spinach).

The daily norm is 1.8 milligrams.

  1. Vitamin B4. Participates in the synthesis of acetylcholine (the most important neurotransmitter), prevents fatty infiltration of the liver, dissolves exogenous cholesterol, enhances bile secretion, improves metabolism, and normalizes blood viscosity.

Food sources – fatty (homemade), chicken yolks, nuts, seeds. To prevent mental and digestive disorders, consume at least 400 milligrams per day.

  1. Vitamin B6. Improves lipid and protein metabolism, participates in the “building” of pituitary hormones, stimulates the synthesis of polyunsaturated fats, and prevents the development of neuralgia.

In spring, it is important to consume 5–7 milligrams of pyridoxine per day.

  1. . Restores the myelin sheaths of neurons (together with choline), improves lipid, energy and cholesterol metabolism, intestinal motility, and accelerates the elimination of toxic substances.

Vitamin B8 requirements range from 500 to 1,500 milligrams per day.

Contained in egg yolk (soft-boiled), nuts, rice bran, wheat sprouts, dates.

  1. Vitamin E. Accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the body, improves blood supply to all organs, the functioning of the reproductive system (due to stimulation of estrogen), and skin condition.

Vitamin E is obtained from vegetable oils (cedar, flaxseed, pumpkin), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts), and cereals (oats, wheat, barley).

In the spring, the daily dose is increased to 30 milligrams.

  1. Vitamin A. Increases the activity of leukocytes (the body’s main “defenders” from viruses and bacteria), strengthens the mucous lining of the bronchopulmonary trunk, improves the appearance of the skin (including hair, teeth and gums), and enhances the production of protective immunoglobulins (antibodies).

Contained in butter, hard cheeses, yellow fruits and vegetables.

The daily norm is 5 milligrams of macroelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese).

"Complivit" is consumed orally after meals, 1 lozenge per day.

  1. “Rhythms of Health” (Siberian Health, Russia). Vitamin-mineral complex consisting of two phytoformulas (morning and evening). The drug has immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, tonic, neuroprotective and mild sedative effects. The morning formula includes vitamins (C, A, E, B12, B9, B10, B6, B5, B3, B2, B1) and plant extracts (Eleutherococcus, green tea, larch). The evening composition contains trace elements (selenium, iron, copper, chromium, iodine, manganese), harmonizing herbs (valerian, fucus, horsetail, skullcap), sika deer antler powder.

The supplement is taken twice a day, 1 capsule of each composition (after breakfast and dinner).

Vitamins that are preferable to take in summer

With the onset of hot days, the risk of contracting intestinal infestations increases many times over. Therefore, in the summer, to minimize the risk of food poisoning, it is important to strengthen the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, during this period you should take care of the health of blood vessels, since due to temperature fluctuations, the intensity of blood flow in the capillaries is constantly changing (to prevent heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis).

Vitamins for summer:

  1. Vitamin C. Increases the elasticity of the venous wall, neutralizes oxidative stress (arising in tissues due to heat), regulates sweating, and removes excess heat from the body.

Ascorbic acid is found in greens (parsley, spinach), rose hips, lemons, cranberries, and lingonberries.

The daily portion for summer is 1000 – 1500 milligrams.

  1. Vitamin A. Accelerates the regeneration of the gastric mucosa, improves digestion, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes (the ability to “kill” pathogenic flora), enhances the synthesis of the protective skin pigment (melanin), and prevents the development of peptic ulcers (stress etiology). Vitamin A is obtained from fresh vegetables, fruits and orange berries.

The daily requirement for the element is 3 – 5 milligrams.

  1. Vitamin E. Reduces the level of free radicals in the blood, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, maintains the integrity of cell membranes, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

The nutrient is found in grains vegetable oils, nuts, seeds.

For the body to function properly, it is important to consume at least 15 milligrams of the substance per day.

  1. Vitamin B6. Accelerates the removal of toxins from the digestive tract, increases the protective properties of the mucous lining of the stomach and intestines.
Natural sources – cereals (rice, buckwheat), garlic, sunflower seeds, nuts. The daily norm is 5 milligrams.

Remember that to get a beautiful, even tan (with minimal damage to health), consume foods with vitamin A for breakfast, and vitamin E for dinner. To achieve the opposite effect and maintain white skin, do the opposite: take food with tocopherol in the morning, in the evening – with retinol.

Considering that the summer season is “rich” in vitamin foods, in the heat it is advisable to obtain nutrients from food. The only exception is ascorbic acid, which is important to consume additionally, in the form of dietary supplements (due to the widespread decrease in the concentration of the vitamin in food).


Seasonal vitamins are essential substances that support the coordinated functioning of the body's functional systems (especially when the seasons change).

These compounds improve the emotional state, stimulate blood circulation, increase natural antiviral defense, normalize hematopoiesis, and accelerate the elimination of endogenous toxins.

Speciality: pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, allergist-immunologist.

Total experience: 7 years .

Education:2010, SibSMU, pediatric, pediatrics.

More than 3 years of experience as an infectious disease specialist.

He has a patent on the topic “Method for predicting the high risk of developing chronic pathology of the adeno-tonsillar system in frequently ill children.” And also the author of publications in Higher Attestation Commission magazines.

Many are sure that with the onset of warmer weather, you can stop taking vitamin complexes, since all useful microelements and substances can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, doctors say, vitamins should also be taken during the hot months. What useful microelements are needed most and what you should pay attention to - in the material AiF.ru.

Body needs

In order for the human body to function normally and without interruption, it requires 42 vitamins and microelements daily. At the same time, the body produces only 3 of them on its own! The rest of the doctors recommend replenishing from food and specially selected complexes.

Doctors assure that the physical balance of microelements, even with summer abundance, is still impossible to restore naturally. The deficiency of nutrients reaches 40%, which, naturally, immediately affects a person’s appearance, leads to a slowdown in metabolism and even to the development of various pathologies.

In addition, the vitamins contained in seasonal products immediately after entering the body begin to participate in metabolic processes - and do not stay for long.

Summer needs

In the hot season, as well as in the cold season, one of the main vitamins necessary for humans is ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E.

Despite the fact that “ascorbic acid” enters the body in greater volumes in summer than in winter, it is worth understanding that vitamin C is destroyed during storage. So the only option for “saturation” with such a substance is to eat fresh products, as they say, “from the garden.”

In the summer, there is often a lack of vitamins A and E. The first is included in foods that are often excluded in the summer - liver, caviar, butter. The second is found in cereals, vegetable oils, nuts, eggs, and liver. Refusal of them also leads to shortages. And this has an extremely negative impact on human skin, which is already seriously damaged by exposure to sunlight.

But summer time is an excellent period for saturating the body with vitamin D, which is produced due to exposure to sunlight and strengthens bones, teeth and nails. Naturally, when sunbathing, you should not be overzealous - you must use a cream to protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Vitamin D has the ability to accumulate in the body. But for this you need to follow a series of simple rules. First of all, you should swim no earlier than a few minutes after a tanning session - you need to give the vitamin time to “manifest.” Do not exhaust yourself with diets - vitamin D is produced under the influence of sunlight on subcutaneous fat.

Also in summer you can saturate your body folic acid. It is found in abundance in fresh greens, melon, strawberries and asparagus. Summer also allows you to compensate for the lack of iron, which is also abundant in fresh greens. This is relevant for those who decide to become vegetarians in July - August.

It is worth choosing the right preparations for the summer: the complex must include vitamins A, E, B6 and 12, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron. But taking vitamin D can be postponed until winter - it is also sufficiently produced thanks to sunlight.

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