The magic of taking revenge on an enemy using a photograph. How to punish an offender with magic: effective conspiracies against enemies

In my article you can read how to cause damage at home in order to punish the enemy yourself. I won’t say that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am a supporter of inflicting magical damage on a person. Adequate practicing magicians do such rituals not on a whim, but in moments of extreme necessity. If it is not possible to solve the problem in any other way, there is only one thing left - to send it to the enemy severe damage.
  1. Using the example of the first ritual of self-healing at home, which allows you to deprive a person of the main source of income, take away good luck and luck. More precisely, to influence magically so that on the physical plane a person changes his status to a loser, a beggar, etc. Under certain conditions (if, for example, work is the only source of income), such a witchcraft ritual can cause damage to lack of money.
  2. The second ritual that I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about today is an example of how to do damage yourself at home using a photo of an enemy. Not a bad option when you need to punish an offender or a boor.
  3. And finally, the third example of a powerful ritual of black magic allows you to cause damage to death while working in a place of Power.

Not simple enough make damage from a distance using a photo bad person. Practicing magicians always work comprehensively. And when we're talking about It is about an independent way to damage a person, then the complex of witchcraft rituals necessarily includes breaking defenses and weakening one’s enemy. This can be done, among other things, with the help of Runes or Warlock rituals.

How to damage land from a personal grave at home

The strong ritual of damaging a person with grave soil is also interesting because, in addition to dismissal from work, you can achieve the removal of a person from home. For example, your husband’s (or wife’s) relatives have entered your family and consider themselves full members of your family. With all the ensuing consequences. Self-witchcraft will help you get rid of them. Here's some advice for you how to make damage yourself- remove enemies from home, fire them from work, ruin things for a competitor. This is done through cemetery land.

In addition to the burial ground, to independently inflict damage on the enemy, you will need:

  • a piece of black cloth
  • table knife
  • church candle

This is independent damage per person in the following way: in the church they light a funeral candle for the enemy, after which they go to the cemetery, and take a handful of earth from the personal grave of the offender or competitor. An interesting point: this way you can curse several evil people at once. In this case, soil is collected from as many graves as there are enemies in your home or at work.

Place the grave soil in a piece of black natural material. If you want more than one person make a strong damage yourself at home, then take scraps of fabric according to the number of ill-wishers. And from each personalized grave, pour the earth into a separate patch. Leave a memorial on the graves, gifts for the owner, all according to the rules of witchcraft using the cemetery.

At home, place a bundle of earth on the table, in your left hand take the knife that you constantly use in everyday life, stab the earth with it, and read the plot 9 times to bring a curse on the enemy:

“You, Mother of Cheese Earth, fed (the name of the deceased), you covered him with your cover. Cover, Mother Earth, and the slave (name of the enemy) alive. He should not be in my house at my table, on my beds, on my sheets. Mother of Cheese Earth, tear it up and crush it, drive it out of your mind, consume it with your womb. Just as they don’t move their hands, they don’t move their heads, they don’t move their legs, so you, the slave (name), are left to lie there, wither and die, if you don’t leave this house, you won’t disappear from my sight. I curse you, I knock you out, I cut you out, I knock you out, I turn you away from my house. So be it."

Read a strong conspiracy 9 times in order to independently damage a person whom you, not without reason, consider to be your enemy, cross the ground with a knife 3 times. After which you need to take the piece of earth in your right hand and, starting from the door, walk around the house or apartment, counterclockwise, scattering the earth around the perimeter, with your left hand behind your right shoulder.
When you're done, to enhance the impact, and to damage a person at home, light a church candle, and recite funeral prayers for those whom you want to throw out of your home or work. Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, ask you to pay attention to this nuance: if you want to fire an enemy from work, pour the earth not at home, but in the office. Of course, without witnesses, and of course never tell anyone about it (including don’t discuss it with anyone, even after a while). Place a memorial in the flap that contained the soil from the cemetery and leave it in the church on the memorial table. At the same time, in your own words, remember the life of your hated enemy for the repose. Next, read how to make your own damage from a photo of your enemy, who is very annoying and ruins the life of you and your family.

How to damage a photo at home

Purpose magical damage sent to a person, miscellaneous. Every magical ritual done for a specific purpose. To get a result, the goal must be. So, in black there is a category of rituals of damage, which are done with the aim of punishing the offender. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you an example of how you can make damage at home from a photo a person who offended you or interfered with something.

This is an independent conspiracy of damage to fire. To do, on the waning moon. All you need is a photo of the enemy. You can make this black damage from a photograph at home by lighting a fire in the stove. You can light a fire in an open place. If neither one nor the other is possible, try reading into a candle flame, visualizing the torment of a bad person (but usually this works worse, weaker).

According to reviews, those who did it on their own, a good, working ritual to make a strong damage to a certain person. I, magician Sergei Artgrom, know that many practicing magicians do it, and reviews of it as a very effective ritual that always works great. Read a strong black magic plot to punish evil people, it is necessary 47 times, looking into the flame, with very bright and clear visualization. In the end it turns out severe damage from photographs at home. The purpose of the magical ritual is to punish the offender, to teach a lesson bad people, or make your sworn enemy suffer.

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. In the middle of the Kalmyk steppe stands a dry elm. They sit on that dry elm for seven years and forty minutes. Everyone sits, sits, and waits for the slave (name of the victim). Oh, you slave (name)! You walk around like a jester, you laugh at a sage. You go to the Kalmyk steppe under the dry elm. There they wait for you for seven years and forty minutes. Go to them along the road, bow at their feet. Ask for it, hopeless rudeness: “Oh, you, seven years and forty mentions! Give me, slave (name), a well-deserved reward: bitter grief, but dashingly one-eyed. So that I, slave (name), do not live, but howl, do not sleep, but piss under myself.” To all my words there is a key, a lock and a tongue. I sealed it, Doc (my name). I should help people, but slave (name) should die like a dog. Alatyr".

Reading at home, the text of the spell for damage based on the photo of the enemy, 47 times, burn this photo. During the entire ritual, imagine the torment of the one for whom you decided to cast a spell using the powers of black magic. The brighter the visualization, the stronger the result. Visualize correctly, excluding emotions, but completely concentrating on the result. A photograph of a certain person can be replaced with a personal item of the enemy.

In general, having the beginnings of magical power, you can do it at home different types damage to people you don’t like.

A real magician can at home spoil death, if there is an objective need for this. Although, it is worth noting that killing an enemy with magic is literally a difficult task, and few are able to cope with it. So-called powerful spells for the quick death of a certain person usually result in troubles and illnesses for the victim.

How to severely damage an enemy’s illness at home

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, gave two examples of how you can cause damage yourself at home. As you understand, in the practices of black magic there are a huge number of rituals performed. Black corruption, called "Rotten", is done by a magician in the forest on the waning moon. The goal is to make the enemy decompose alive, get sick, and die through an incurable disease. A very powerful curse that causes a significant blow to health, and when the offender is haunted by a serious illness, he has no time for business, love, or gossip and intrigue.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

This is a real curse on the enemy, which is quite possible to inflict on your own, having basic magical knowledge. What is needed for this ritual: to spoil a man - a live rooster, to spoil a woman - a chicken.

In addition, to make bad people ill at a distance, take:

  1. skein of natural coarse thread
  2. big needle
  3. axe
  4. photo of the victim

Not every day is suitable for this witchcraft ritual. What days are good?

  • Kasyanov day (February 29),
  • Good Friday,
  • the night before Trinity,
  • The Third Savior,
  • the night before the winter solstice,
  • and every third Thursday of the month.

And here is a homemade method on how to spoil the people you have chosen.

In the evening, while it is still dark, you need to take a live sacrificial bird, as well as everything necessary for the ritual, and move towards the forest. Find a place suitable for the ceremony, so that the stump there is strong and not rotten. You will cut off the bird's head on this stump. Having secluded yourself, read the words of the black conspiracy of a curse on a bad person over the bird:

“Just as God’s bird will endure everything, so the slave (name) will endure, take and die a cruel death. The holy day will pass, and so will the damage to the slave (name). Amen".

After this, chop off the bird's head. Let the blood drain, then rip open the bird's abdomen and put a photo of the enemy inside. Immediately after this, the torn abdomen needs to be stitched up.

Do this with the words of the conspiracy to independently inflict strong damage on the enemy:

“Not in the name of the father, not in the name of the son, not in the name of the holy spirit. Not amen. There is a domina - a meat grave, everyone goes around it, they don’t ask to stand. Only the slave (name of the enemy) will not pass by, wait and find him. So how long does he have to live, the slave (name) will rot. Just as the coffin goes into the ground, so will the slave (name) be damaged. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Reading the words strong conspiracy black magic, bury the bird in the ground, and immediately leave. Don't talk to anyone until dawn. Don't go to that place again, otherwise you'll end up in trouble. There is no need for ransom here. But the purchase is necessary for the Demon Enareus, the owner of the forest, according to the rules of dark witchcraft. I note that Enareus and him come with work to their domain. From Enareus there is always a response and help not only in magical rituals of revenge and destruction, but also when you cast a spell for a good deed.

How to remove damage from a person at home - Annealing with a black candle

The one who himself caused damage to punish the enemy should also know how the magical negativity is removed from a person. How to rid yourself or another person of witchcraft damage that destroys health, love, and business? I propose a method of getting rid of the evil eye and black negativity, such as Annealing with a black candle.

This is a ritual that has been tested many times by magicians and beginners. The magic spell is acceptable for independent use at home. Can be done without calling on the Forces. But with the call you get a strong demonic cleansing with a good classic fix. Cleaning damage caused to a person at home, in his presence. You can do it from a photo, for this you need a full-length image. Some practicing sorcerers perform annealing on themselves, although I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that it is quite inconvenient. So, what you will need for the ceremony: a black wax candle, a photo if necessary.

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into the future in order to protect themselves from danger or prepare for one or another important event. Nowadays, interest in magic does not fade, but on the contrary, it is growing rapidly. All this is due to the huge amount of information available. Today, everyone who wants to get acquainted with magic can, without any difficulty, look on the Internet, read the spell of interest and perform suitable ritual. But not everything is as simple as it might seem. People who treat magic out of curiosity or with ridicule can seriously harm themselves and their loved ones.

If you are seriously interested in black magic (to punish an enemy at home, or, for example, to take revenge on an offender), then read our article.


Today, many people are simply unable to forgive their offender. Every second person wants to harm him or cause unbearable pain. Having decided on revenge, he is ready to do anything to punish the culprit. Most often, black magic is used as punishment. It was indeed possible to punish the enemy at home. But almost no one thinks about what witchcraft can do in the hands of an incompetent person. Therefore, before resorting to services black magic, think: maybe you should forgive?

It’s another matter if a person interferes with your life, threatens you and your loved ones with violence, humiliates and insults you at every opportunity. This is where black magic comes to the rescue. Punishing an enemy at home is quite simple. The main thing is to believe in what is happening.

Revenge with needles and black thread

Carrying out this ritual will not only allow you to fully punish the offender, but also return all the negative energy to him. To do this, purchase a ball of black thread and two new sewing needles. It is important that one of them is thin and short, and the other is thick and long.

So, insert a small one into a large needle and wrap them with black thread at the intersection. Read the following plot:

“My needle is short, yours is long,

My deed is good, yours is evil,

I pierce the evil committed by you

and I return everything that was intended for me in a moment,

everything that was aimed at me, get it back

this moment and forever. Amen".

Insert the crossed needles into the offender’s doorway so that the small needle faces with its eye left side. Read the spell again, only to yourself. From this moment the magic will begin to work. After some time, you will notice how your enemy's life will begin to change for the worse. This is how it works, punishing the enemy is not so difficult. The main thing is to remember the rule: do not tell anyone about what you did, even close people.

Revenge with coins

Take a one-kopeck and a two-kopeck coin and give them the name of your offender. If you don't know his name, use the word "villain."

Stand at an intersection, throw a one-kopeck coin in front of you and say the following words:

“The name (name of the offender) is villainous!”

Throw a two-kopeck coin in front of you and say:

"Paid double."

Turn to the left and go home.

What other conspiracies and rituals are hidden in black magic? You can also punish an enemy at home using a photo. We'll talk about this below.

Revenge on the offender using a photo

Wait until midnight, take chalk and draw a circle around you. Mark the cardinal directions. Place two red candles on the table. Place a photo of the enemy in the center of the circle. Then light the candles. Loudly call upon the spirits of all four elements. Then read the following plot, carefully peering at the photograph:

“I conjure you (name of the enemy) so that you disintegrate the way the trace elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth disintegrate in Chaos. So that your thoughts (name of the enemy), like the rays of the pale Moon, are directed towards suffering and torment. So that you create your pain in your own imagination and follow this pain as if across hot stones. And may the spirit of evil hover over you (enemy’s name), like Water over the Earth.”

After reading the spell, thank the elemental spirits, erase the circle counterclockwise, and leave the candles to burn out until the end. The spell will take effect as soon as the candles burn out.

Many people are interested in the question of whether black magic is effective. It is quite possible to punish an enemy using a photograph if you really hate your enemy with all your heart.

Spell on nail and hammer

Can black magic at home resist the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies? In this case, punishing the enemy will not be difficult. So, take a hammer, a long nail and a flat stone. At night, with the curtains closed, light a candle. Place the point of a nail in the center of the pebble and hit the head with a hammer 3 times. Say the following words:

“Iron versus stone, sharp versus dull,

He who stands against him who lies down, strength in iron, weakness in stone,

To order one, to fall at the feet of another,

Everything is in my hands and my power.”

Do not hit the hammer too hard, otherwise you may break the stone. There should be a noticeable imprint of the nail on it. Throw the enchanted stone to your ill-wisher, and keep the nail at home. This item can serve as a talisman of superiority and power. The nail can also be used to take revenge on other enemies.

Witchcraft using holy water

What else can black magic do? You can punish the enemy (who offends you) in the following way. Take a mirror, holy water, a Bible, a clear glass. Lock the curtains and doors. Place the mirror on the table, pour holy water into a glass and place it on the Bible. It is important that Holy Scripture be reflected in a mirror.

There should be complete silence in the room. Light between the Bible and the mirror. When all conditions are met, sit in a chair, close your eyes and concentrate. Focus on the person who makes you angry. Feel the reflection of your revenge. After this, open your eyes and peer through the water into the mirror, while thinking only about the offender. Say the following words:

“Whoever exists and walks with good intentions will remain with them, and whoever holds evil, hatred in his heart and lives with a black soul, let him take back his evil; whoever walks with evil thoughts will choke on them.”

After performing the ritual, pour water under the threshold of the offender. After some time, you will see how his life will be destroyed and take on a darker and darker color. Soon you will notice how his mood will deteriorate, and everything planned will collapse.

What other conspiracies and rituals for revenge on the enemy does black magic have in its “arsenal”?

Punish the enemy for novice magicians using a photo and a black candle

Take a photo of the offender (it is better if it is no more than a year old). In the top left, paint three dots. Burn the lower right corner a little with a black candle. Next, the choice is yours.

If you want your enemy to get sick internal organs, then pierce the photo with a pin.

If you want the offender to catch a dangerous disease, pierce the image with a black needle.

If you want your enemy to writhe in pain, hit the photo with your fist.

If you want your ill-wisher to become an alcoholic or drug addict, burn the image with a cigarette.

To cloud the enemy's consciousness, you should fill the photo with red paint.

If you want the offender to receive a fracture or dislocation, then nail the image to the board.

It should be noted that when performing this ritual, one should experience enormous negativity (hatred, anger, disgust) towards the person.

After performing one of the actions, read the following words:

"Pine boards, hard bed,

This is what awaits you, unfortunate (name of the ill-wisher).

If you come to bow to me and fall at my feet,

Then it will be easier for you

In the meantime, you’ll be tormenting yourself.”

The effect of the damage will continue until you change your attitude towards the offender. Basically, the spell is active from six months to three years. You can damage the enemy repeatedly, but you should remember that each subsequent ritual of black magic deprives you of your humanity and soul.

Dangerous black magic

It is also possible to punish the enemy on Easter. The ritual should only be performed when a person truly deserves to be tortured. If you are simply doing this out of envy or revenge, then expect the trouble to return tenfold. So, go to church on Easter. Buy a candle there and break it in thirteen places. At the same time, think about the enemy. Quietly, but not whispering, say the following words:

“Wait away! Get dry! Die!

Then light the candle on both sides and roll it into a ring, as if closing the existence of the ill-wisher. At the same time say:

“I close the life of the enemy (name).”

Throw a candle under the funeral table and leave without looking back. After that, go to the intersection, throw coins on the road and leave a bottle of vodka there.

Remember: everything you do can turn against you. Therefore, think carefully before doing harm to other people.

Every person encounters abusers at least once in their life. They often become enemies, envious people and ill-wishers, or criminals from whose actions either the person himself or his loved ones suffered. Unfortunately, evil and vile people do not always get what they deserve - justice in our cruel world loses its strength and value. How to annoy the offender for his meanness if law enforcement agencies or other authorities are inactive and refuse to help? Black and white magic offers his solution to this problem - to use a conspiracy at a distance.

Conspiracies used to punish the offender are considered strong rituals and most of them belong to the arsenal of black magic. And the stronger the ritual, the more dangerous consequences it can turn into. The purpose of such conspiracies is to harm a person who has brought a lot of negativity into your life and has deeply offended you in some way. At the same time, it is very important to do such a ritual without harm to yourself.

Some rituals are also aimed at blocking the enemy's powers or turning his own witchcraft against him (in case he uses magic to cause damage to you and your loved ones). It is unlikely that the use of such conspiracies will end in the death of the offender, but he will be sick, tormented and suffer greatly and for a long time.

For the performer himself, long-distance conspiracies used to punish enemies will be safe only if their use is justified. The magic of retribution can only be used when you are the injured party. If the anger on the part of the enemy was provoked by your actions or deeds, then the end result may be very disastrous for you - the conspiracy will backfire, and all the evil that you wanted to direct at the “enemy” will fall on you, often in multiplied quantities.

Before using the magic of retribution, you definitely need to think about everything and ask yourself: are you really a victim in the current situation? By deciding to punish an innocent person through a conspiracy, you risk turning the forces of justice against yourself. Remember that the word in some cases can bring more destruction than physical violence.

Conspiracies to punish the offender

Prayer of retribution to the wind

The conditions under which the plot below should be read are clear sunny weather, the presence of wind, an open window or vent, complete loneliness. The text needs to be rewritten to white sheet paper and learn by heart from this piece of paper. When pronouncing magic words, the performer must visualize, imagining the atrocities of his enemy.

The plot goes like this:

“Lord my God, everything is in Your hands and in Your power. Everything is subordinate to You and controlled by You. You created everything and turned it to Yourself. The sun does not rise without You, the earth does not live without You. The wind does not blow in the desert, the stars do not light up above the horizon if You do not wish it. A person is not born, and the soul does not leave the body. I am Your creation, O Lord my God. Your unreasonable child, but wanting to know You through the manifestations of the world. I am Your small reflection! I am a part of Yours and in You. I walk under Your protection and patronage. Lord my God, restore justice, return grievances to everyone who is due!”

A conspiracy-whisper in the back of the offender

If you know your offender by sight and often encounter him, at your next meeting, wait for him to pass by you and whisper a conspiracy behind his back:

“Go, arrow, with tears and pain, untrodden paths, through the blood, not into the eye, not into the eyebrow, but straight into the heart. Stab and pinch, hit and tear. Exterminate him, punish him, my offender (name of offender) . Key, lock, so be it!”

A black way to take revenge on the enemy for meanness

Attention! This spell is very powerful and dangerous, so use it only in the most extreme cases! This ritual can have very bad consequences for you.

The ritual is performed on those days of the month that are divisible by 6, i.e. 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. Time of day - strictly at 3 am. You need to prepare: a white sheet of paper, a church wax candle, a pen with red paste, a sterile needle, holy water.

To begin, light a candle, take a sheet of paper and write on it with red ink in as much detail as possible, in the smallest details the method of punishment that you consider necessary for the offender. Avoid ambiguity and understatement.

Then take a needle and heat it over the flame of a candle - it is advisable that it turns black. Puncture your ring finger and use the blood to cross out the inscription on the sheet of paper. Next, say the spell three times, mentally addressing the enemy:

“Written in blood, sealed in blood. I will correct your life with dark power. I will bring bitterness and tears into it. You cannot hide from my judgment. So be it!”

Burn the paper in the flame of a candle, collect the resulting ashes, sprinkle it with holy water and throw it into the wind. The offender will be “conquered” literally in 3 days.

Waking up in the morning, without washing and on an empty stomach, the performer must light a candle, take a photo or write his full name. offender on a white sheet of paper. If this is a robber, you can simply write the word “thief” on the piece of paper. Next, you need to spit on a photograph or a piece of paper with initials with all your hatred and then say:

“Burn for you, (name of offender) , in my saliva, like devils on fire, until you fall at my feet and repent!”

A photograph or piece of paper should be placed on a saucer and set on fire from a candle flame, wait until it burns out and ash forms. This saucer of ashes should be left at the crossroads, also throwing in a ransom in the form of any 3 coins. The stronger the offense inflicted, the more powerful the punishment will be.

Sometimes we conflict with other people. Most often, conflicts occur on domestic grounds, but in some cases a quarrel can develop into hatred. Wanting revenge, a person resorts to damage - that is, to deliberately worsening the life of an opponent without his direct participation.

Many people associate black magic with negativity and aggression, some are very afraid of it. But such rituals do not always bring harm to the inducing person. Most often, a person who has used black magic does not suffer in any way from his actions. Moreover, he gets excellent results. An enemy who has been damaged will be quickly punished for his “sins.”

Simple options for damage can easily deal with an enemy who has insulted you or done something mean to you. In this case, you will cope with the offender and remain in the black.

So, how to properly create damage using only a photograph? With the help of magic, you can punish an enemy using a photograph quickly and easily. In this article we will study the main methods of causing damage, as well as the consequences of black rituals.

Consequences of damage.

First, it’s worth understanding why we cause damage. To begin with, the consequences for different people can be completely different.

The consequences of a dark ritual for the person in respect of whom it is performed can be:

  • An unreasonable change in the attitude of those around him, family members, friends, or a loved one;
  • The appearance of problems with sleep, insomnia, nightmares;
  • Constant fear, tension;
  • Failure in any area of ​​life, for example, at school, work, sports, and so on;
  • The emergence of financial difficulties or troubles with work (dismissal, demotion).

These “symptoms” can greatly ruin the life of any person. That is why damage is considered the simplest and most insidious method of punishing an offender.

When wondering how to punish a person using magic, you don’t have to worry about the fact that you yourself will suffer from your own evil intentions. This happens extremely rarely, and most often due to improper damage.

Why exactly from a photograph?

Photographs of a person store a lot of data about him. If the eyes and oval of the face are clearly visible in the photo, then it will be even easier to carry out the conspiracy. After all, as they say, the eyes are the mirror of the soul of any person, which means that when exposed to a photograph you can easily cause damage.

Witches who have been dealing with damage for many years now notice that it is much easier and more effective to damage a photo than a piece of clothing. Even in real life, by directly influencing a person, it is impossible to achieve such a result.

With the help of photographs you can perform many rituals, but almost all of them do not require large expenses and are very simple.

How to damage a photograph?

So, if you are interested in the magic of punishing a person from a photograph, first of all you should decide on its type. Damage can be applied to:

  • Death;
  • Loneliness;
  • Madness;
  • Impotence or celibacy;
  • Health;
  • Ugliness.

Let's start with the classic death ritual. Such a ritual is easy, but the consequences for the victim can be quite severe. It should be carried out only as a last resort, when the enemy promises you big troubles.

For example, he threatens with violence or tries to really harm you mentally and physically. In this case, you need to carry out the damage as quickly as possible, preventing the enemy’s malicious intentions.

To carry out the black ritual we will need:

  1. A photograph of your enemy;
  2. The grave of a man with the same name as his enemy.

So, you should take the photo and go to the cemetery. There, find a recent burial; the name must match the name of the one you are casting the spell on. Now bury the photo card in the mound of burial soil. It is better to do this not with your hands, but with some improvised object. Please note that items used in the ceremony are strictly prohibited from being removed from the cemetery.

Now you need to perform a ritual that cleanses you and protects you from the consequences of using black magic. You will need a few coins and a bottle of holy water. Leave the water container outside the gate and take the coins with you. After the ritual, you need to throw some money into the graveyard, saying:


Turn around and start moving towards the entrance to the cemetery. After you move a long distance from the grave, stepping over the cemetery gate with your right foot, throw the remaining coins to the ground with the word:

“I paid off.”

Take your bottle of holy water and thoroughly rinse your hands and face, as well as the back of your head and neck. It wouldn’t hurt to read a protective prayer.

Thus, you will cleanse yourself of possible consequences such actions.

Now let's look at another version of the ritual, most often used to take revenge on influential individuals who are constantly on the move.

Conspiracy to close roads.

There is a ritual that literally will not allow the victim to leave his hometown.

One by one, trips and flights will be canceled, thus, problems may arise with the business of the cursed person, and he will also lose a significant part of his money.

If you want to take revenge on the enemy by closing his roads, then all you need is a photograph and black thread. Prepare for the conspiracy in advance; it is important that there is no one else in the room for the ceremony except you. Curtain the windows tightly and light a candle.

Take the black threads and weave them into a rope. The rope should be thin and neat, sufficient for tying a photograph of length. Now tie four knots, casting a spell over the photo:

“I knit, I cause confusion - the roads are confused, connected, criss-cross tied. It’s like you’re standing at a crossroads, and you look around, but you’re confused, you’re spinning, you’re spinning in place, so I’m tying you up, I’m tying up the paths - all the roads are twisted, and if you move somewhere, you’re so exhausted. There was a stake on four roads, the devil was walking around, so you’re spinning around like that devil, but you can’t move
you'll take off."

Then tie both ends of the rope with the words:

“Bound, twisted, thrown around in a circle.”

You leave this rope for the crossroads, or as a cushion for the victim.
This plot is read at each of the four corners. Now burn the photograph and threads. Dispose of ashes by burying them or scattering them. The curse “on the roads” has been successfully cast.

After a couple of days, it will be noticeable that the victim cannot leave the city or country. All roads and paths will be blocked for at least several months until the effects of the corruption weaken.

Other methods of causing damage using photographs.

An old and proven method of damaging photos is considered to be conspiracies invented by Muslims. Indeed, Muslim magic that punishes enemies is popular even among other religions. But this process is more complex and requires special training.

There are methods of separation spells using photos; they are a simple ritual performed using a couple of publicly available tools (for example, a candle) and a printed photograph.

In fact, performing a black magic ritual is not difficult. Moreover, it is absolutely safe for the conductor and does not carry with it any negative consequences. But it is not always possible to quickly remove such a curse.

It happens that you don’t like a person, and you perform a dark ritual, and then he changes abruptly, begins to treat you kindly and your attitude towards him also changes. In this case, the cause of behavior can be either a magical effect or a subconscious instinct of self-preservation.

You should only resort to particularly severe methods of influence, for example, damage to death, when you are really threatened or taken revenge. In small and frivolous situations, for example, being offended by a friend or hearing a barb from a colleague, you should not rush to cause damage. Perhaps the situation will resolve itself.

In the event that you cannot do without black magic, ensure your own safety: wash your hands with holy water, pray after the ritual. Thus, you will protect yourself from unnecessary negative consequences, and also punish the enemy.

In the life of every person, events occur that deeply affect his inner feelings. Resentment, anger, disappointment, betrayal - all this can become the reason that a person decides to take revenge.

Often one wants to take revenge on a criminal who harmed a family and went unpunished, since the word “justice” in modern world easily bought for money. For example, a person who was infinitely trusted began to steal and caused significant damage.

But how can we ensure that the offender suffers his punishment within a short time, since few people agree to wait for God’s judgment to take place? Help can be found in black magic.

Distinctive features of dark magical rituals, the purpose of which is to harm, destroy, harm the enemy. And the stronger the desire to punish, the more dangerous the ritual can be for the magician. After all, black art can be used in a ritual to kill a person, and not simply to punish evil and injustice against the person who ordered the ritual. Therefore, it is important to work in such a way that there is no rollback.

There may not be a rollback if the actions are justified, and the person himself is far from white and fluffy, that is, there really is guilt behind him. In this case, higher powers can save the performer from returning.

Rollback methods

A magical ritual can have negative consequences, even if the ritual was aimed at a person who committed a bad deed. Depending on the ritual and the message that was sent to higher powers, there may be the following consequences of a rollback:

  • loss of one's own health:
  • collapse of opposing life values;
  • destruction of a love union;
  • inability to find common language with children, that is, the complete destruction of the parental bond.

Of course, the action will have an effect, but you will also have to pay for it. To prevent this from happening, you need to think more positively during the ceremony. For example, return to him everything that came back from him. Under no circumstances should you use witchcraft if you already have a mania to punish everyone. This will completely deprive the life force and destroy both the personality and the ability to reason.

Orthodox ways of punishing an offender

Orthodoxy speaks of forgiveness. If a person is a believer, you can come to the temple and read the “Our Father” to the saints. In religion, punishment can only come from God, only he can be the judge. You can light a candle for the health of your enemy, pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Matryona, light a candle at the “Self-Arming” icon.

You can turn to black magic only when all methods have already been exhausted.

This spell has enormous power, but it is worth describing in detail how to punish the offender with magic so that the result is really high in destruction. This ritual can be compared in power to damage.

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Photo of the enemy;
  2. 7 drops of dry red wine;
  3. 5 church candles;
  4. 3 needles;
  5. Your own urine.

We put the photo on a glass with drops of wine in it, place and light candles around it. While pouring urine, we read:

“I call on all dark forces to help, come, drink all the blood from my enemy (name), as if it were wine in a glass. So that only dirt remains in it, so that the heart stops beating, so that it dries up the same way wine dries up in three days.”

Then we hold all the needles over the candle flame, dip them into the glass and pierce the heart and eye of the enemy’s photograph. The third needle needs to be stuck into the threshold of your offender.

Most often, a person begins to get very sick on the fourth day, and if there was no strong defense, then death is possible.

Conspiracy against the boss

Black magic will also help to punish the boss for an offense, for example, for depriving him of money or setting him up. The ritual is easy to perform at home.

You will need:

  • matchbox;
  • 2 new spark plugs;
  • black thread;
  • photo of the enemy.

You cannot use photographs that depict a group of people, then you need to cut out the part where only the director is captured, at least his face.

At midnight, light the candles, take the photo in your left hand, and wrap it with a thread with your right hand with the following words:

“I, God’s servant (name), with the power of my will and thoughts, with my iron word, influence the Servant of God (name of boss or colleague), so that he can no longer do harm to me. I will weave a black web with a thread, and I will forever bind the evil moving away from the enemy. Amen".

Conspiracy without a photo

It happens that it is not always possible to get a photo. Magic will help. You can use the following conspiracy. You will need a clean sheet, a needle, a church candle, water from the temple and a pen with red paste. We write your name on the sheet and list all the evil that was brought to you.

Heat the needle over the flame until it turns black. We pierce our finger and cross out with our blood everything that is written on the sheet with the words:

“Written in red, crossed out in red. I ask the dark forces to accept this gift and correct the negativity in my life, punish the offender. So be it!”

After this, we burn the leaf and scatter the ashes.

We have looked at how black magic can help punish the enemy at home. These are not all the conspiracies that can be used to punish an offender; there are also more powerful methods that come from warlocks from ancient times. But before you turn to black forces for help, ask yourself: are you willing to accept the payment they may ask?

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