Love horoscope for the sign Libra for November. Love horoscope for the sign Libra for November Libra horoscope for November and December

In November 2020, Libra will discover new talents in themselves. This will help you realize your cherished dream. The main thing is not to stop halfway and believe in yourself.

Friends will support all your endeavors and give good advice. Thank them for their help with a pleasant surprise. Throw a party. Prepare a delicious dinner or order food to your home, and arrange for musical accompaniment. Having fun will improve your mood and leave good memories.

Libra Woman. Women of this zodiac sign will succeed in business thanks to talent and perseverance. They will achieve recognition and become successful. However, envious people will not be happy about this and will want to interfere with achieving the goal. The horoscope advises not to pay attention to colleagues and move on career ladder.

At the end of the month, your health will worsen. Problems will affect the stomach. Be careful about your meals, don’t skip breakfast, choose fresh and high-quality products. Avoid eating fatty, fried and overly peppery foods.

Libra man. Men of this zodiac sign will have to work on themselves. Discovering a new gift will make you want to achieve more. To do this you will have to work hard physically and mentally. The manager will appreciate the efforts and offer a promotion.

In terms of health, the month will be difficult. There may be a deterioration in the general condition of the body, which will occur due to gastrointestinal disease. At the first signs of illness, consult a gastroenterologist.

Love horoscope

November 2020 will bring Libra the joy of communicating with the opposite sex. The month will be filled with pleasant meetings and romantic dates.

Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will meet their fate. To save the relationship, do not rush to interrupt the candy-bouquet period. Tame your passion and enjoy dates at the cinema, cafe, bowling alley.

Those in a relationship long time, will begin to prepare for the wedding. Find time to pay attention to your loved one, otherwise the special event will be in jeopardy.

Business horoscope

November will be successful in business terms. The horoscope advises not to stop at achievements, but to conquer new goals.

Those who are looking for work will find a decent position. They will be invited to an interview, which will be successful due to good preparation and experience. In order to gain a foothold in the company, you will have to improve your skills and enroll in foreign language courses.

Employees will get a second wind, thanks to which they will work hard. Management will notice and reward such dedication.

Managers will have to spend a lot of time traveling on business. The trips will be difficult but productive. Don't be late for meetings to avoid difficulties during negotiations.

Financial horoscope

Despite their success at work, Libra will have to tighten their belts. They will pay off debts to stabilize the financial situation. By the end of the month there will be an opportunity to earn extra money. Don't miss it. Thanks to additional earnings, you will be able to save a certain amount for a large purchase.

Health horoscope

In November 2020, Libra should pay attention to the condition of their stomach. Go to healthy eating. Eat more dairy products, fruits, fish and vegetables. Replace sausage and frankfurters with natural meat, fatty sweets with marmalade, marshmallows and dried fruits. Giving up bad habits and playing sports will help restore your health. Start your day with exercise and a glass warm water With lemon juice and honey. This will help you cheer up and energize you for the whole day.

Pay attention to your family

Spend more time with your family. Gather the whole family around the big table and treat yourself to a delicious dinner. Talking about life will create a wonderful atmosphere. Take a photo as a souvenir so that a home event for no reason remains a pleasant memory for a lifetime.

We present the love horoscope - Libra for November 2018 (woman and man). This month will be a turning point for many representatives of the sign.

In November 2018, Libra simply must monitor their desires and behavior. Happiness directly depends on the desire to be with this person. You can throw yourself into the whirlpool of relationships, but you still shouldn’t forget about reason! The pleasure of a relationship will come suddenly, and the warmth from it can warm you up even on the coldest rainy afternoon.

There comes a moment of courage when the fear of love and relationships must be cast aside forever. In this case, the fast-paced romance will unexpectedly develop into something more. Perhaps several passionate days will develop into living together or end with the creation of a new unit of society. Light, frivolous relationships can change direction dramatically in the last month of autumn. The stars recommend that representatives of the sign not keep their feelings in check. Love always comes unexpectedly, and the moment will not always be right!

It is likely that the person from whom Libra expected mutual feelings will never show himself, but an unexpected partner will appear on the horizon. Perhaps it is he who will bring with him true happiness and the necessary harmony. Don't let your guard down!

For family representatives of Libra, the time of change is coming. The monotony of married life will lead to relationship fatigue, so on cold November days it makes sense to have a light affair outside the home. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to meet a partner for more serious intentions. There is no need to rush, lay everything out carefully on the scales.

If separation cannot be avoided, then it is more favorable to inform your partner about your decision in the second half of November. This time is ideal for peacefully resolving material issues and maintaining fragile friendships. However, the first decade is better for restoring lost feelings. Any offense at this time will be perceived more calmly, and the likelihood of receiving forgiveness is much higher.

👩 Libra Woman

Women in November should be prepared for the ocean of tenderness, passion and love that rocks them on its waves. A stable relationship is more likely to develop into an unexpected but beneficial change. Light sympathies risk turning into passionate feelings. A long-forgotten fan, for example, will sing a serenade under your balcony! You should not immediately refuse him, punishing him for delay. This is exactly the man with whom true happiness is possible.

It would be a good idea for Libra women to take a closer look at their regular partner. His behavior may suddenly surprise you. The reason most likely lies in his past. New unknown facts can dramatically change a lady’s opinion.

New whirlwind romances and the renewal of old passions are predicted by the stars for free Libra girls. Don’t be afraid to ride the waves of love for pleasure and joyful everyday life.

Without memory, representatives of the sign who are in love, despite the abundance of emotions and desires to spend a lot of time with their beloved, surprises await them, it is possible that they are not always pleasant.

Free women will not stand aside; they will also definitely have sensual relationships. And again you should expect a partner with an unpredictable side! The stars strongly advise survivors of divorce not to lose heart. Just a few days can imperceptibly dramatically change the gray, sad everyday life.

Married Libras can relax and enjoy family life. Your partner is more faithful to you than ever, and is sure to prepare a sweet surprise!

👨 Libra Man

No less than women, Libra men will want warm feelings and sincere love. An irresistible desire to be happy will help improve relationships with former lovers or actively search for a new darling. Free representatives of the sign may not limit themselves in pleasures. However, you should not let your guard down: there are too many scammers around, especially if you are looking for love through social networks.

Don’t be surprised if one of the women suddenly admits their passionate feelings. Most likely, such a relationship will turn into an easy and short-lived romance.

Family Libras will have more reasons to spend time with their significant other this month. Even loud celebrations with family or friends will not stop them from feeling loved and needed. Such moments perfectly contribute to strengthening family ties and maintaining warm relations between spouses.

Dedicate the cold November evenings to self-development and gaining new knowledge. Thanks to hard work, many troubles will disappear.

Libra men, who have been tired by their partner with endless suspicions and scandals, will easily break the ties that burden them in order to open up to love again.

This was the Libra love horoscope for November 2018 for women and men. Add the astrological forecast to your bookmarks and tell your friends. 😉

For other zodiac signs

This month, love relationships will entirely depend on your desire to be together and behavior. Libra will be able to plunge headlong into love without losing their minds. Enjoying this wonderful feeling will come to you unexpectedly, and you will be able to feel happiness even on a cold, cloudy day.

Representatives of the sign who were afraid of love can plunge into this feeling headlong. The romance risks being unexpected and developing into cohabitation or even marriage. If you had a frivolous relationship, then in November they risk taking an unexpected turn. It is for this reason that representatives of this sign should not hold back their feelings: love can catch you at the most inopportune moment.

It is possible that you will be offered a relationship by a completely different person from whom you expected passionate feelings, and this option requires an unambiguous analysis. It is possible that your chance looms ahead or that you will find love in a completely different place than you thought.

For family representatives of the sign, the time will come for changes in relationships. Representatives of this sign may feel bored and monotonous family life, which will make them look at an interesting option on the side. At this time, you can afford not only flirting, but also deeper relationships, provided that your partner really likes you.

To break up with a loved one, it is better to choose the second half of November. At this time, you can not only resolve all issues peacefully, but also remain good friends. If you want to mend damaged relationships, the first half of the month is suitable for this. Even if you are really guilty, you will most likely be understood and forgiven.

Libra Woman: Love Horoscope for November 2020

November can be a month of love, passion and infatuation for you. Permanent relationships risk taking a new and unexpected turn, and sympathies turn out to be very serious. For example, a person whom you have given up on for a long time may suddenly confess your love to you. Try not to make a hasty decision and not to reject a devoted man: perhaps he will turn out to be the option you have been looking for for a long time.

A regular man may behave completely unexpectedly and completely differently than you thought. To find out what made him change his attitude, try to find information about this person. It is possible that it will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things that will change your opinion.

Free women will be able to spin new novel. For some women, an old crush can unexpectedly develop into a romantic relationship. Libra will feel on the wave of love if they are not shy about self-expression and choose a style that suits their soul.

Representatives of the sign in love may feel on the wave of love, warmth and romanticism of the relationship, but your loved one may surprise you with unexpected news. Family Libras will want harmony, love, tenderness, and spend more time alone with a loved one. However, an unexpected trouble or some business can interfere with this.

Libra Man: Love Horoscope for November 2020

Representatives of the sign will want love, tenderness, attention and warmth. Perhaps this is what will make them come to terms with former women or encourage you to search for new likes. Free men will be able to afford a lot of entertainment and love. However, relationships are unlikely to be cloudless, and dating is unlikely to be pleasant: beware of fraud, especially if you meet on online dating sites.

Some men will be surprised by an unexpected declaration of love. Perhaps there is a woman who has feelings for you for a long time, but you are unlikely to accept her confession and agree to a relationship. But in the personal life of free Libra, an unexpected turn may await, which will force them to change their views on life and their own environment.

Married Libras will be able to devote more time to their significant other. Home holidays, guests, communication with pleasant people will make them feel loved. Try to take advantage of these minutes to improve family relations. You will learn a lot of new things that will force you to take the initiative in business and love.

Throughout the month, Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, is located in your sign, which gives you self-confidence. On the other hand, Venus continues its retrograde period until November 16, 2018, and this can bring unresolved problems from the past back into your personal life. You may feel like your better half doesn't take you seriously or isn't sincere with you.

No matter how events develop, the stars advise not to rush to conclusions and, especially, not to make drastic decisions. When in doubt, you should listen to the opinions of friends and family. Try to relax and soon you will see how circumstances become clearer and change for the better.

Mars, the planet of attraction and passion, remains in the Libra house of love until November 16, 2018, which awakens interest in romantic adventures and makes you more active in amorous affairs. Temptations are many, and under the influence of Mars, you can easily succumb to short-term passions, regardless of whether you are married or single. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but there is a chance that your intentions will be misunderstood. Use the time to bring order to your personal life, rather than complicate it.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for November 2018

Expansion of opportunities in the professional sphere comes through communication, travel, and continued education. Jupiter, the planet of great happiness, on November 8, 2018, moves to the house of communications of Libra, where it will remain for thirteen months, until December 2019. Lots of movement expected interesting meetings and events. It will be easy for you to establish useful connections, negotiate, speak in public, and conclude profitable deals. All this will allow you to move up the career ladder, moreover, you will be able to attract significant material income.

Although there are many favorable chances, you cannot do without difficulties. Mercury has been moving in the opposite direction since November 17, 2018, so old problems may return or you will have to work on previously made mistakes.

In terms of finances, the times are quite contradictory. The Sun transits through the Libra house of money, which indicates increased financial flows. At the same time, the position of Uranus in the eighth house indicates a tendency to take risks associated with large sums of money due to the desire to earn more.

The New Moon on November 7, 2018 will take place in the Libra house of money, inspiring you to new beginnings. You must be patient when it comes to finances so you won't be disappointed with the results. Interesting ideas regarding making money will come to you, but you should not rush to put them into practice, since the influence of retrograde planets is now manifested. A more favorable period for this comes next month.

In addition, the stars advise you to be careful if you do business with foreign partners. Unpredictable factors and force majeure circumstances can disrupt your plans. There may also be unexpected expenses, such as large loan payments or the need to pay off debt.


Since Venus, the ruler of your sign, is in retrograde motion in the first half of the month, you may feel a lack of energy. After November 16, 2018, when Mars enters the health sector, you need to be more careful, since there is a risk of injury due to negligence, infections, and food poisoning. Try to organize your life so that you have more time for relaxation. Harmony in relationships and a calm atmosphere in the family will affect your well-being in the most positive way.

Don't spend too much trying to impress others. And avoid lending money to friends!

Should Libra expect attention from members of the opposite sex in November or take the initiative themselves? An accurate love horoscope for November 2017 for Libra will give clues to all questions of interest and help them find their happiness.

In the life of lonely representatives of the sign of Libra, in the last autumn month, a person may appear who will change many of their ideas about their future. During this period of time, free Libras are capable of falling in love at first sight and tormented in the unknown about the reciprocity of feelings. The fire of love in November 2017 may flare up quite unexpectedly for people born under this sign and bring them a lot of different experiences. An accurate love horoscope tells Libra that you should not torment yourself with doubts in this case, but rather honestly open up to your chosen one. Even if Libra’s feelings remain unrequited in November, it will be better than suppressed emotions and suffering.

Most married Libras will feel a desire to change something in their life. Everyday life. November will be a successful period for such changes. Libra will choose how to present their plans to their other half based on their beliefs and the habits of their spouse. In the last weeks of autumn, the organizational skills of representatives of this zodiac sign will help make this month unforgettable and deepen feelings in the family. The stars in November are supportive of all Libra's endeavors, so only personal preferences and common sense can limit their actions.

Love horoscope for Libra women for November 2017

A series of interesting acquaintances will have a beneficial effect on the mood and emotions of single Libra girls in November. However, not all new acquaintances during this period will be rewarded with reciprocal flirting or meeting in a romantic setting. The pickiness of girls born under the constellation Libra at the end of autumn will be based on past, not entirely pleasant experiences. This time, single Libra girls will not allow their fans to cross the designated boundaries. Love horoscope for November 2017, he recommends that girls under the patronage of this constellation listen more not to changeable feelings, but to the arguments of reason.

In November, the heads of married Libra women will be busy thinking about the events taking place in their family. Many of them will be determined to improve their relationship with their spouse. high level. The patronage of the stars in November will give married Libras such an opportunity. The main condition for a successful relationship with your spouse during this period will be communication and joint discussion of decisions made. Representatives of this zodiac sign should not take full responsibility for the changes that are taking place.

Love horoscope for Libra men for November 2017

The personal life of single Libra men can very quickly change its direction at the end of autumn. Usually men born under this constellation, who doubt themselves and those around them, may meet such a girl in November that the determination to conquer her will overshadow all other desires. The emotionality inherent in men in love can go off scale at some moments. During such periods, Libras should especially try to control themselves and their feelings. The love horoscope for Libra for November 2017 predicts the most favorable time for them this year for long-awaited events related to finding personal happiness.

For Libra men who are in a regular relationship or marriage, a new wave of love for their soulmate may come in the last weeks of autumn. The peak of emotions occurring this month will allow Libra men to significantly increase the level of their passion. November in the families of representatives of this zodiac sign will be rich in manifestations of tenderness, romance and love. The star forecast for November recommends Libra not to pay attention to manifestations of envy on the part of acquaintances, but to receive pleasure and joy from communicating with their other half.

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