Cultural diplomacy. Ensemble "Heavenly Swallows"

Ensemble "Heavenly Swallows"

On November 14, 2015, the Russian State Library became the venue for the International youth cultural and educational event “PEACE FOR CHILDREN ON PLANET EARTH”. The action was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and is the starting point for the organization in May 2016 of the ceremonial meeting of the International Youth Symposium dedicated to International Day child protection.

The conference hall of the main library of Russia opened its doors to all participants of the action: students of the capital's universities and colleges, high school students of educational institutions, representatives of public and non-profit organizations both Russian and international. Among the invited guests one could notice prominent figures of science and culture, as well as representatives of legislative and executive authorities. All of them gathered to express their civic position regarding the armed conflicts and terrorist acts that have engulfed entire regions of the world.

By fateful coincidence, on the eve of the action calling for “an end to the arms race” and to “provide decent living conditions for the children of planet Earth,” several terrorist attacks occurred in France, killing more than 120 people. Photojournalist, journalist, writer Nikolai Sologubovsky, who opened the event, addressed this tragedy: “All citizens of Russia express their condolences to the dead Frenchmen and Frenchwomen. In their hour of sorrow, we mourn with France.” A minute of silence is announced and the whole hall stands up, paying tribute to those who died in Paris on the night of November 13-14.

Despite the emerging atmosphere of sadness and empathy, the event continues. Young girls dressed in bright red uniforms appear on the stage. They playfully beat out the rhythm of the march on the drums. This is the ensemble “Sky Swallows” of the College of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Their performance transforms the mood of those gathered into a wave of solemnity and unity, and when the drummers leave the hall to the sounds of applause, everyone present is ready to listen to the guests’ performances.

The main part of the audience are students of Russian universities and colleges. Many of them came here to hear the opinions of the older generation on issues that concern them, learn from experience and learn something new. That is why a lot has been said here about the UN, which this year celebrates 70 years since its founding, about its history and goals. And not only is it said, but also shown. Several videos clearly demonstrated the core values ​​of the UN Goals program sustainable development, including: conservation historical heritage, the beauty of nature, creating a world in which children and adults different countries and peoples can live together as good neighbors, where everyone has equal access to education and medicine, to clean water and food, where social equality has been created, poverty and the threat of military conflicts have been eliminated.

Participants and guests of the event

The symposium received many greetings and appeals from those who are ready to fight against terrorism and war for the sake of a happy and peaceful childhood, and therefore the future. The presenter reads one of them, from a deputy State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, social policy and veterans' affairs Mikhail Alekseevich Moiseev: “Our fathers and grandfathers, giving their lives for their Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, were confident that our country, having lost 27 million sons and daughters, had forever rid the world of such crimes against humanity. But before the end of the 20th century, more than 120 different wars were unleashed on earth, in which another 25 million people died. As we see, even in the first fifteen years of the 21st century, wars do not stop for a single day. Neither the first nor the second generation of heirs of the war have yet managed to realize the dreams of their fathers and grandfathers about peace on earth. Let’s try, through the efforts of three generations, uniting with the countries of all continents of the earth, in the coming years to solve this problem, to stop the wars on our Planet!”

Similar calls have been made more than once at this meeting, because it is precisely the problems of terrorism and the unleashing of civil wars became the red thread that ran through the speech of each speaker. They remembered Libya, where the armed conflict of 2011 claimed the lives of many women and children. Spectators in the hall remember how several years ago they sat in front of their TV screens at home and, with bated breath, watched the bloody war that was far away. Back then, few could have imagined that the pain of loss, the horror of bomb explosions and the fear of terrorist attacks would be so close to Russia. Film footage appears on the screen. Children, always smiling and cheerful, are enthusiastically drawing something, and only when the operator shows the viewer what exactly is depicted on the sheets of paper, it becomes clear that there is a war there. There are tanks, bombs, destroyed buildings and a city plowed up by shell explosions. There is a war in which children live, not knowing that somewhere there is another life, peaceful, calm. This short video conveys an important idea: “terrorism is a crime not only against humanity, but also against childhood.”

The head of the representative office of the Universal Peace organization, a Syrian citizen, spoke in his speech about the problems of terrorism in the Middle East and the need to resolve the current situation. And Elmira Emirovna Nadzhip, president of the international charitable foundation “Children of the East,” in her speech recalled the terrorist attack on Dubrovka and the hostage-taking at school No. 1 in Beslan. For just a short time, the participants of the action, together with her, seemed to have relived those terrible days for our country.

Speech by Elmira Emirovna Nadzhip

Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Lugansk Community in the Hero City of Moscow, Colonel Nikolai Ivanovich Ponomarev spoke with those gathered about the events still fresh in memory in Ukraine. He repeated the call: “Young, beautiful guys must defend the Great Victory, which is already 70 years old. Great Victory is in your hands Soviet people. Protect! The future is yours, the Victory of Russia is yours!” These words rang loudly in the hall, where young men and women listened attentively to the instructions of their elders. And when the colonel asked the audience, according to Russian military tradition, to shout three times “Hurray!”, there was no one who would not do this.

The event “Peace for Children on Planet Earth” was memorable to us not only for the political urgency of the theme and the emotionally charged speeches of the guests, but also for the talented performances of music and dance groups.

The “Madam Song” choir of the Gaidarovets cultural center performed a Russian folk song, which flowed softly and smoothly through the hall, calming and, at the same time, inspiringly affecting everyone. It is at such moments that you feel a connection with previous generations, the past of your country. In the world created by a drawn-out Russian folk song, there is no place for war. Love for each other and for the country reigns here, and the beauty of nature reigns.

A guest from Syria expressed his love for Russia with his song. Kamal Ballan, the author of the song, played the Arabic lute, and two girls, Darina and Yasmina Ismail, performed the “Hymn to Moscow”:

The real pearl of the meeting was the performance, which touched everyone to the core. The collective of children with hearing impairments “Angels of Hope” presented the song as the very hope for a better future.

"Angels of Hope"

In addition to musical numbers, the conference hall of the Russian State Library also saw lively dancing - young members of the Sirin ensemble showed a mischievous “Quadrille”.

And then children aged 5-6 appeared on the stage. They danced, and the audience in the hall applauded with a smile, supporting the young artists. All those gathered, looking at the carefree and happy kids, were glad that they came to the action, because without words it was clear: children are the ones for whom life is worth living. They are the future of Humanity, the fate of states is in their hands. Therefore, undoubtedly, they must be protected from the horrors of war and terrorism, given the opportunity to learn, develop, and live in a world where everyone has a home, equal access to food and clean water, and the opportunity to develop.

The appeal of the youth community of different countries to the leaders of states, which was read out in the hall, said: “Dear Leaders of states, countries and territories, we ask you to rise up and unite in the fight for peace on our common Planet in the name of the future of our children!”

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The weekly newspaper “Son of the Fatherland” No. 5 for 1992 published the article “UFO over the Kremlin?” with photographs of an object in the form of a blurry polyhedron, directed from top to bottom, leaving behind a noticeable trace in the photo against the background of the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin.
The appearance of the object interested many because of its unusualness and mystery. Enthusiasts of non-traditional research methods joined the work on its study. Their efforts were rewarded with unexpected results that expanded our knowledge of the world around us. Let's do it for the readers small excursion into the history of the subject.

The variety of mysterious objects is great. They are of natural and technical, terrestrial and cosmic origin.
Natural sources, for example, include:
energy forms in the form of a cloud or other forms flowing with a certain cyclicity from the top of the cone of a quartz crystal. These properties of crystals have often been and are used in engineering devices on small and large scales;
thought forms that are photographed with special equipment created in the laboratory of the Moscow scientist A.F. Okhatrina. It has been established that when interlocutors talk, a person’s thought is separated from his head in the form of a cloud (lepton field), torus, rope, thread, etc. (see “Moskovsky Komsomolets” dated March 31, 1992). Thought forms can have various sources birth.
Energy channels of information appear everywhere in the nature around us. This laboratory also established that invisible threads of energy-information exchange are established between close people, sometimes located thousands of kilometers from each other. Similar energy-information connections (channels) exist in nature between the flora and fauna, many large and small objects, including between planets, galaxies, etc. Such energy information channels can have a technical purpose at the earthly and cosmic levels.
On Earth there are active zones a special order of energy-information exchange with objects located on Earth and in outer space.
Such active zones often coincide with the locations of former and existing ancient cities of the world. At least two hundred such large special zones have been identified on earth.
It is known that there were previously several highly developed civilizations on Earth. They left behind them on the ground (mostly in the dungeons) engineering, architectural, religious and other structures of various purposes and sizes, amazing the imagination modern man. By their execution, the small and large contours of pyramids and cities are only an insignificant, visible part of the remains of great creations.
Previous civilizations were different high level of its development. They had different technologies, different energy sources than us, as well as water, land, air and space transport.
Flying machines are mentioned in the myths and legends of many peoples of the world. So, for example, Apollo and Prometheus flew in chariots to the Hyperboreans beyond the Urals (Ob) and into the Himalayas. We flew and high priests major empires of the world, including the Scythians.
The ancient Indian legend Mahabharata talks about the flying cities of the asuras, one of which was shot down about 100 km west of the existing Samarkand. This legend lists types of weapons about which we do not even have a vague idea. Myths and legends are our real history, which has been repeatedly confirmed in general and in detail by scientific tests of Indian and other researchers.
There is reason to believe that humanity appeared on Earth, migrating from other planets and worlds in much the same way as we, earthlings, are going to explore the Moon, Mars, and plan to create laboratories there and settlements under their surface. There, in the planet's crust, there is reliable protection from cosmic radiation, meteor showers, and significant temperature changes...
At one time, people landed on Earth, like our cosmonauts, “knowledgeable, highly qualified...” They built a lot in the bowels of the Earth, and as the Earth’s atmosphere formed, ground-based construction also increased. Underground structures were necessary in case of terrestrial or cosmic disasters, as a result of which almost everything that is on the surface of the earth is destroyed. At the same time, almost all dungeons were preserved, saving people.
There is an assumption that many objects and entire complexes of ancient dungeons of past civilizations continue to be in working order. They are supported by our distant older brothers in mind through periodic sending of “technical aircraft” to Earth.
Upon closer examination, the UFO captured in the photograph appears to us as an engineering and energy object (phantom) in the form of a double-sided pyramid with a hexagonal perimeter (see figure), arriving from the surrounding outer space. This object carries a powerful source of energy with a long operating time. The dimensions of the object in height and in diameter are within 1.5 x 2 m. The flight control system is automatic, according to the program.
This object supposedly went to a depth of several hundred meters.
From consultations with specialists in other fields, it turned out that such energy systems are sent according to a program from deep space to various, strictly defined points of the Earth with a period of 100 years. Around these points, as a rule, centers (centers) of culture, language, science, worldview, spirituality, etc. are formed.
“Son of the Fatherland”, No. 22, May 1992

Our Earth and everyone living on it have moved into a new millennium. What awaits the people of the planet in the near future? What events, global and local, could happen at the turn of the millennium?

Will there be a worldwide catastrophe, as predicted and predicted by many “prophets” of the present and past periods? Will there be a new one? ice age in the history of the Earth? Natural and man-made local disasters can be observed, but global ones will be discussed later.

The processes taking place today on Earth and in Space have a huge impact on people's health and require an understanding of these events.

Modern human sciences (medicine, psychology, parapsychology, anthropology, archeology, astronomy and others) study the internal structure of a person, his organs and cells, and the biochemical processes occurring in the body.

Having risen in his research to the level of the Universe, having realized the laws of its construction and management, a person is surprised to discover that everything in the Universe is arranged according to the same principles, and without mastering them, it is impossible to fully understand the phenomenon of Man himself and the phenomenon of planet Earth. About the first phenomenon - information is given below, about the second - in subsequent chapters.

All people are conditionally divided into three categories: some believe only in “facts”, others try to penetrate with their gaze into the invisible world, the world still invisible to man. The third group is located somewhere at the junction of the first two.

The position of the author of the Project is simply simple: do not indiscriminately reject what we cannot yet see, “touch”, prove, or test experimentally. After all, with the most modern and accurate instruments it is not always possible to measure the degree of delight or grief, the height of the spirit or the level of mercy of the soul; it is impossible to see the thought. But regardless of our consciousness, all this exists: invisible, immeasurable, unprovable.

The same reasoning can be applied in relation to subtle energies with which the world is literally filled: not everyone is given the ability to see, sense, feel them. And these words are confirmed by the ancient hermetic sciences: “...everything in the world is energy. Matter and thought are only various types its manifestations."

Modern physics confirms the existence of subtle energies, modern archeology confirms the crystalline structure of the Earth, modern bioenergetics and parapsychology confirm that everything in the world is “living”: planets, the mineral and plant world, animals, man and his soul.

What I came to modern science today, has long been known to ancient scientists and thinkers. Having forgotten and not accepted their experience, it is difficult to expand consciousness to the size of the consciousness of the Universe.

The proposed Project makes an attempt to step over the boundary of the existing prejudice towards non-standard methods of understanding the world and man, a small particle of the vast thinking Universe.

Exploring the world from a new perspective, still try to find answers to many questions: why is humanity and our planet in such a deplorable state today? Why hasn't denying the invisible world beyond material perception made people healthier and happier? What has unspiritual technical progress brought to every person and planet Earth?

Many prophets, including John the Theologian in the “Revelation” of the Gospel, claim that with the change of centuries a global catastrophe or “end of the world” is expected. Indeed, today spiritual and physical condition Human health and the Earth's ecology are in a catastrophic state! Humanity has already crossed the brink of self-destruction. Indeed, it seems that the world is doomed, has “gone crazy” and prophecies are coming true!..

In fact, the situation today is somewhat different. Much of what will be said further will seem unrealistic and fantastic, some considerations and thoughts of the author of the Project will cause a negative attitude of a certain part of “prejudiced” thinkers, “materialists” will be indignant, “passive” ones will perceive the put forward as another attempt to influence the psyche... And therefore I conclude by predicting the negative reactions of the listed groups of thinkers with words from the biblical commandments: “... do not judge, and you will not be judged...”.

Even small children know that the Cosmos is permeated by invisible energies. There is also no doubt that these energies affect the Earth and all life on it: people’s health deteriorates during " magnetic storms", solar flares provoke an intensification of seismic events on Earth, sometimes ending in catastrophic earthquakes and loss of life (including the latest events in August 2016 in Italy), anomalous changes in the constant gravitational field and radiation belt of the Earth are also one of the causes of global and local natural, social, man-made, economic and political disasters.

And a sufficient amount of factual evidence of this has accumulated. Try to compile a chronological summary of events that have already occurred on Earth over at least several hundred years and link them with each other and cosmic factors. The “picture” turns out to be very curious, interesting, and in many cases quite tragic...

Our Solar System, rotating in the Zodiac belt, has entered a new “Home” - the House of Aquarius, and with this is associated the renewal of the Earth with new life-giving energies. The events that await the Earth are inextricably linked with this process, and are FAVORABLE events.

The era of Pisces, the era of ignorance, evil, violence and cruelty, ended, but it lasted a long time - about 5000 years (see. Old Testament and analyze the events of past centuries and today). The forces of Darkness are inexorably retreating, clinging to the past, in a fierce struggle yielding “inch by inch” their positions to the forces of “Light” - new positive cosmic energies that have begun to transform and regenerate our planet and the inhabitants living on it.

This is an uncompromising struggle, “for life and death,” and it will not end in one minute. Years, perhaps centuries, will pass, but the course of cosmic transformation is irreversible. The Earth will change, in a positive sense, will change in better side and the people living on it. Many are already participating in this process of transformation and rebirth today, without always realizing it. This new, bright and perfect era will determine our life and the life of the planet for the next 5-5.5 thousand years. What does this mean for people living on Earth today?

Since October 1990, the global spiritual and physical recovery of society and planet Earth began. After the next parade of planets, which took place in 1982, the Earth entered a new, next 26-thousand-year cycle of development. Just as there are four seasons or four weeks in each month, so the cosmic age is divided into 4 gradations: golden, silver, copper and iron ages. The earth has entered its last, golden age. Humanity lives today in a transitional period of cosmic changes, the period of “morning twilight” of the era of Good and Light.

Like everything new, the change of eras is accompanied by a painful withering away of old life values ​​and the emergence of a qualitatively improved, much more harmonious way of life. And this is not the “end of the world,” as noted in the view of some prophets, but a natural cosmic process. This is the end of the power of Darkness.

For the bearers of Darkness, evil and violence, who live only in the rhythm of taking, the “end of the world” really comes. They disintegrate, dissolve, dissipate in the vast spaces of the Cosmos.

Modern Man lives in the time period of this Great Beginning - the beginning of the victory of the forces of Light over the forces of Darkness, the beginning of the Golden Age of humanity. Darkness always thickens before dawn, but the path of light cannot be changed. Night gives way to day, Darkness gives way to Light, but this time the Light will last long enough in the time dimensions of man on Earth.

But the Darkness is giving way, prolonging the agony, violently resisting, and thereby complicating the life of people on Earth during this transition period.

This struggle takes place at the level of gross and subtle energies, at the level of destructive and creative forces. In the subtle world, in the world of high vibrations, a world still invisible to humans, this struggle began more than half a century ago and has already been completed with the victory of the Forces of Light. She is doomed for destructive forces and on the dense earthly plane.

But the program of self-preservation and survival embedded in it is forced to work in extreme situations, as, for example, special forces officers, employees of special reconnaissance units, athletes in competitions, etc. constantly work. The agony and convulsions of the forces of Darkness are poisonous (see today's events - attacks and persecution of Russian athletes, including disabled athletes, events in Ukraine...), and this also has a particularly painful impact on earthly life. Pure and bright energies entering the Earth new era Aquarius is pushed out of negative energies from the earth's layers into the time stream.

During this collision, the Forces of Darkness are trying to recharge themselves as much as possible and take with them as many fellow travelers of the human race as possible. But the situation cannot be changed.

Powerful streams of new energies have already entered the atmosphere of the planet, permeate and cleanse space, filling the body wounded by destructive activities with healing powers

Earth, change the properties and qualities of materials, make changes to the visible and invisible structures of the human body. Everything around is changing, being rebuilt, changing properties. Foods, medicines, and herbs don't work the same way today as they used to. Changes occur in the minds of people, in their consciousness, in society as a whole. There is a convergence of the physical and subtle planes of Existence. As a result of the cosmic mutation, which began at the end of 1990, the human body, like his soul, will become “immortal.”

General mutation will occur at the cellular level. Changes will occur in the human body that will bring the body to a new state and allow it to switch to using the energies of the Cosmos. Everyone will only need to believe in the essence of the processes taking place, develop and begin to implement their own program of spiritual and physical improvement.

The Apostle Paul in his revelation to the Corinthians said: “I tell you a secret: we will not all die, but we will all be changed.” Today this thought of the apostle is becoming a reality. The revelation of the apostle was also confirmed by one of the extraordinary and inexplicable people of our time, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986): “If a person does not radically change, a mutation of brain cells does not occur, we will destroy ourselves.

A psychological revolution is possible now, not in a thousand years. Humanity has already traveled thousands of years, but remains savage. If we don't change now, we will remain savages not only now, but also in a thousand years. By changing ourselves, we will change the world...” And if they ask: “How will the transformation of one person have an impact on the whole world?”, you can only answer with his own words: “Change yourself, then you will see what happens.”

Environmental disasters and the buildup of weapons aimed at destruction cannot continue indefinitely. A civilization that only takes is doomed to self-destruction, and the physical body, filled only with emanations of evil, selfishness and lies, is already unable to resonate with new pure radiations, the energies of the Hierarchy of Light. Hence – suffering, illness and premature death.

And again, as in biblical times, the Higher Cosmic Forces come to the aid of man. The minds of those who have received new knowledge come to the rescue and are trying to convey it to the people of the Earth.

Signs of this are already visible everywhere today; they surround a person on all sides. Some are diagnosed with incomprehensible diseases, the origin of which medicine cannot yet explain. For others, all the “sores” become aggravated, but the illness does not proceed as usual. Someone feels an unusual malaise, loss of strength, irritation, anxiety, falls into depression... And someone has already gone through this, and they have a great mood and well-being. I want to do good deeds and something good for others. Someone suddenly began to develop disgust and aversion to animal food (meat, fish, eggs, etc.). For some, the need for physical food suddenly decreased sharply.

There are numerous predictions about the appearance in the near future of reports of miraculous healings of serious diseases - cancer, diabetes, leukemia, polyarthritis and many others. At first, these miracles will be “attributed” to the achievements and successes of modern medicine, but the healing process will become so widespread that these explanations will no longer seem reliable. And a person, whether he wants it or not, will have to look for answers to these questions in other areas of knowledge that is still inaccessible to man on earth.

And around the amazed Man there are already young people who, according to the above signs, are on the “border of transition” to a new stage of development and knowledge of the laws of the universe. It is in them that new forces suddenly begin to “awaken,” for which science has not yet found an exact definition. They begin to sense subtle "etheric" energies and try to interpret them.

As an example, let me remind you of the story of a child we cured of congenital, as it seemed at first, “incurable” Down’s disease, and who later discovered medical procedures unconventional methods Eastern medicine Universal thinking. And only for the purpose of protecting him from “ill-wishers” his real name is not revealed here, and he is called by a conventionally fictitious name, which he invented for himself. He chose the adult name “Nur” for himself, and when describing his childhood we called him the affectionate word “nurenok”.

Other researchers also note the emergence of a new generation of children and call them “Indigo”. And there are already many people like the given example of a child of the new generation among humanity. Take a closer look - won’t you see something unusual and new in the behavior, actions and appearance of those close to you, relatives and friends? And some of the signs that need to be looked for are noted above (remember about the child phenomena of E.V. Kolesov, who is running for deputies of the State Duma, and others).

And although the successes of modern medicine are impressive, the number of patients on Earth is growing, many diseases (AIDS, cancer, etc.) are considered incurable; New diseases arise, which are also classified as incurable. Each new generation of people is associated with an increase in the number of patients, and the mortality curve is steadily rising. A completely healthy person is quite a rare phenomenon today.

Modern medicine analyzes the effect, not the cause, of diseases. Most of the causes of diseases are actually located at the level of those very subtle structures that modern science, including medicine, is not yet willing to take into account.

Below is a description of the human structure as it is presented in the ancient teachings of the East, Tibet, China, etc. Since many sources of knowledge on this issue are somewhat contradictory, the terminology does not always coincide, a simplified scheme is considered, in general outline not contradicting ancient knowledge. According to the teachings of the ancients, man consists of seven main bodies:

1. PHYSICAL, dense or manifested body, about which Man knows a lot, because this body is visible.

2. ETHERIC body, or etheric double. It consists of thin matter, invisible to most, protrudes beyond the physical body by 3-5 cm and penetrates it. Perceives and transmits to the physical body cosmic, or vital energy, otherwise called PRANA. Redistributes energy between the physical, astral and mental bodies.

3. ASTRAL body. It consists of more subtle invisible energy (matter), coincides with the contours of the physical and permeates it. This is the body of desires, feelings and emotions.

4. MENTAL body. It consists of even finer invisible matter, coincides with the contours of the physical body and permeates it. This is the body of thought.

Body of the SOUL. This is an invisible stable energy structure, consisting of three parts, and constituting the personal essence of a person. Man calls it SOUL.

Without going into the subtleties and some discrepancies in various teachings, we will highlight the main thing from the above - a person has a complex multi-level structure. The same conclusion applies to the structure of the Universe, to everything - from small to great in Nature and Space, including our planet Earth - the only inhabited planet of the Great Cosmos known today.

Each of the subtle bodies of a person emits vibrations, i.e. waves of a certain length that create energy fields. The total radiation of short waves from all bodies forms an AURA, or a halo-shaped glow around the head and body, which is seen by clairvoyants. The total radiation of long waves forms a BIOFIELD ENERGY STRUCTURE human body. The boundaries of these fields can range from several centimeters to hundreds and thousands of kilometers, depending on the state of each of the subtle bodies.

From a person's aura, one can obtain information about his health, emotional state and the quality of his thoughts. In this regard, the best results are usually obtained by Tibetan lamas who lead an ascetic lifestyle, are not subject to bad habits, constantly meditate, and easily and consciously perform astral travel.

Most a prominent representative Such people today are the writer Labsang Rampa, who published the story of “his” amazing life. The 13 books he published in many languages ​​of the world (including Russian) are read in one breath, as they are written in simple, fascinating, human language and give everyone answers to numerous questions, although not always indisputable. And even though he is not actually a Tibetan lama, the real Tibetan lamas that I have met speak very highly of him and know his works well.

In principle, after appropriate training, everyone can achieve certain successes in clairvoyance, telepathy and other areas of science, which today is called parapsychology - the science of man.

Biofield structures are indicators of energy processes occurring in subtle bodies; from them one can judge the quantity and quality of energy released or received. These structures react more quickly to energy disturbances occurring in a person.

Disorders of the subtle bodies lead to various diseases.

A few instructive and entertaining biographies, given below, will help you understand the information that we managed to collect bit by bit from modern and more ancient sources and publications, will help you understand what will be the main thing in subsequent sections of the Project (to some, the mention of these people may seem like outdated examples, but the author of the Project does not may agree with these views, and he has reasons for this).

Analysis of the selected sources allows us to formulate some conclusions and considerations on the issues discussed. Certain parts of this knowledge were obtained directly from the “space library”, and therefore are the newest, sometimes original and never previously published.

In the memoirs of N.K. Roerich and E.I. Roerich comes across a phrase from the mythical hero of the Chinese religion Lao Tzu [7]: “Above all is he who knows that he knows nothing.” This idea is close to the saying of the ancient Russian thinker Plato: “Today it seemed to me that I knew nothing - a good sign, probably tomorrow I will learn something wonderful.” The meaning of both statements is obvious: “question any truth, and the highest truth will reveal itself to you.”

I would like to start the first story by mentioning the name of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). An amazing woman who managed to write two thousand pages in neat handwriting within six months and publish a work that reached her contemporaries as “The Secret Doctrine of Blavatsky.” In this work, with reference to thousands of primary sources written in the most difficult languages ​​to translate and comprehend, she gives an interpretation of all religions ever created

humanity throughout its history. Without deep knowledge in the field English language, and even more so, higher mathematics, she writes this book in English, and in it she provides multi-page mathematical calculations explaining the structure of the Universe and the universe. “Reading” all this information from the “noosphere”, she was unable to explain until the end of her life (and no one has been able to explain until now) where and how this “gift of God” came to her? And throughout her adult life, this “great” woman, according to Mahatma Gandhi and Helena Roerich, was subjected to persecution and persecution, and only “blasphemous” words were written about her in the press.

At the age of 60, this “mystery woman” died at her desk, leaving her descendants with extraordinary works about India and the countries of the East, “The Secret Doctrine” and many other wonderful works that only today have become available to the general reader and numerous admirers of her work and talent.

Today we can name dozens of other names who have a similar “divine gift”, among which I would like to name Leonardo da Vinci, the sorcerer A.P. Naumkin, author of "Kalagia", D.P. Maxin, the author of "Love and the Heart of Infinity. Cosmic Signs of Good and Evil" [And], the world famous geographer Yuri Nikolaevich Golubchikov, who published his version of catastrophes in the history of the Earth and Man (M., Publishing House " White City, 2009), professor from Moscow State University Vladimir Tikhonovich Zhukov, who recently left this mortal world, many others who perceive through “cosmic rays” the information of the Mind of the Cosmos and decipher it for the people of Earth.

On the edge of the possible, and even closer to science fiction, the story associated with the prospects for the development of modern engineering biophysics and molecular biology is perceived. Leafing through files of old newspapers, pay attention to S. Smirnov’s article “Test Tube Man.” It raised the question of the possibility of influencing pathological changes in the human body associated with disorders of psychophysical coordination.

It's no secret that the birth of a person "from a test tube" has long left the experimental stage. On the planet, more than a dozen people already live among us, born in exactly this way (see the recent program by A. Malakhov “Birth of children after 50 years” - August 2016). In essence, a completely new approach to volumetric, holographic perception of genes is proposed. P. Goryaev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, and a small group of his volunteer assistants from among modern youth: mathematicians,

biochemists and biophysicists - put forward the idea that “simple”, already known genes, form a complex dynamic system - a library of “holograms”. Holographic, volumetric supergenes have the property of storing spatial information about an object, even if some part of the object no longer exists in nature.

If we accept this idea as a working hypothesis, the sensation of pain in those organs that, after surgical intervention, have not physically existed for a long time, will become understandable. New approaches in the field of genetics will make it possible to restore “old” holograms of chromosomal material.

This, in turn, opens the way to the treatment of even such diseases that are practically incurable today, such as cancer and AIDS. In the case of cancer, you just need to restore the genes that are spatial limiters for the growth of tumor cells. In the case of AIDS, a DNA molecule changed under the influence of a virus is introduced into the chromosomes of a person’s protective cells, and, as a result, a person becomes a carrier of the virus. P. Garyaev and his colleagues propose a fundamentally new approach - the introduction of artificial holographic supergenes into the human genetic apparatus, correcting its work. And it turns out that there is already a self-taught researcher who managed to practically implement these ideas.

A practicing scientist from China, Jiang Kan Zhen, who left his homeland during the Cultural Revolution and settled in Khabarovsk, creates amazing things: he crosses chicken with duck, goat with rabbit, wheat with corn. And he does all this at a distance, without physical contact of the above pairs of animals and plants.

From the point of view of the ideas of P. Garyaev, this is the process of introducing holographic programs of one biosystem into the genetic apparatus of another with the help of “biofields” of paired objects of study. It should be emphasized that these researchers were not yet familiar with each other. Tracing the fate of this discovery and the person who made it, we note that apart from twenty years of persecution and persecution, this brought nothing more to the author.

And only now begins the process of understanding why it is so voluntary long time people tried to refuse. It would be nice to just refuse. But the author was subjected to ridicule, ostracism in the press and even threats of physical destruction. With all this, the author was deprived of the basic conditions of human existence. The principle was in force: “This cannot happen, because this should not happen… And the person is not “ours”…”. But the “miracle” did happen when Dr. Jiang managed to grow multi-stem corn after remotely irradiating it with wheat using an installation of his own invention, which he called “BIO-MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION.” There was a sensation when after

remote contact chicken eggs chicks born with a duck had a “flattened” beak, an enlarged membrane between the second and third toes, and a closed ear opening, like a waterfowl.” It was successful when a “goat rabbit” was obtained, where in the experiment the goat was used as a source of bioinformation influencing the process birth of rabbits."

Were any scientists interested in this surprising “discovery”? Yes, but only people who are dishonest in their plans and actions. And academic science seems to have put “blinders” on its eyes: there are no instructions from above, and all this is somehow incomprehensible and inexplicable... And “subversives” are equipped, “competent” commissions are sent, and as a result - a prohibitive resolution: “no and be This shouldn't happen..." And this was, and this is!.. They did not see or did not want to see the opening prospects: raising unprecedented animals and birds, the latest diagnostic methods, solving the “food problem”, etc., etc.

Yes only one application of possibilities practical use These ideas could fill the next few pages. And behind all this are the extremely modest wishes of the researcher himself: “... as long as they don’t interfere with my work...”.

I am glad that I can end this story on a positive note. As the author of the Project learned, Dr. Jiang Kan Zhen, having refused several official invitations to return to China to continue the research he had begun there, finally received a small laboratory and experimental site in Russia for his extraordinary experiments.

The fourth story returns a person to the world of medicine. It is associated with the name of Evgenia Ivanovna Badigina, who in 1935 managed to discover the unusual properties of carnelian stone. The technique she developed and the simple design of the device allowed her to cure over two thousand patients, whose treatment “official medicine” practically refused. We will not list the stories of her persecution and persecution by the Ministry of Health and “those in power.” This is described in detail in a previously published publication by the author of this Project.

And the spiral of stories “unwinds”, “dreams” alternate with reality, and now a story about physics appears on the stage, but not “official” physics, but overthrown physics, thrown into the void by classical laws, and the void itself, as we understand it, It turns out that it does not exist in nature. And this is connected with the name of the physicist, Leningrad scientist I.L. Gerlovin, who created the "Unified Theory" Fundamental Field(ETFP)"

Having rejected the classical ideas of vacuum as an emptiness in which there is nothing, back in the 50s he put forward a hypothesis about the materiality and substance of the vacuum. Assuming that particles and antiparticles, electrons and positrons, protons and antiprotons and all other smaller opposite pairs do not disappear, but create a new elementary particle of vacuum, he calculated that every centimeter of outer space contains 10 39 degrees of such merged particles.

With this assumption, a new completely material structure of outer space is created, carrying in its volume a practically inexhaustible source of energy. The use of this theory easily explains the seeming paradoxes of the modern universe: the birth from the void of paired particles: positrons and electrons, which form the basis of the nascent Universe, the quantum properties of light and the laws of motion of electrons in the “electron cloud”, and the laws of the propagation of light - this is not yet fully understood phenomenon ; and the physical essence of the limitations of the theory of relativity on the speed of light, and much, much more, which is quite difficult to squeeze into the artificially created framework of the theory of relativity and quantum theory.

Although an independent story can be written about the URT (unified theory of relativity). The author of the Project will not do this, since there are two rather interesting and non-standard works on this topic, which I recommend that interested readers turn to. One of the works bears the intriguing title “Myths of the Theory of Relativity”, Vilnius, 1989. This book belongs to the pen of A. A. Denisov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor LPI named after. M. Kalinina, author over 200 scientific works and over 60 inventions in the field of theory and technology of control and theoretical cybernetics.

Characteristics of the planet:

  • Distance from the Sun: 149.6 million km
  • Planet diameter: 12,765 km
  • Day on the planet: 23h 56min 4s*
  • Year on the planet: 365 days 6h 9min 10s*
  • t° on the surface: global average +12°C (In Antarctica up to -85°C; in the Sahara Desert up to +70°C)
  • Atmosphere: 77% Nitrogen; 21% oxygen; 1% water vapor and other gases
  • Satellites: Moon

* period of rotation around its own axis (in Earth days)
**period of orbit around the Sun (in Earth days)

From the very beginning of the development of civilization, people were interested in the origin of the Sun, planets and stars. But the planet that is our common home, the Earth, is of most interest. Ideas about it have changed along with the development of science; the very concept of stars and planets, as we understand it now, was formed only a few centuries ago, which is negligible compared to the very age of the Earth.

Presentation: Planet Earth

The third planet from the Sun, which has become our home, has a satellite - the Moon, and is part of the group of terrestrial planets such as Mercury, Venus and Mars. Giant planets differ significantly from them in physical properties and structure. But even such a tiny planet in comparison with them, like the Earth, has an incredible mass in terms of comprehension - 5.97x1024 kilograms. It revolves around the star in an orbit at an average distance from the Sun of 149.0 million kilometers, rotating around its axis, which causes the change of days and nights. And the ecliptic of the orbit itself characterizes the seasons.

Our planet plays a unique role in the solar system, because Earth is the only planet that has life! The Earth was positioned in an extremely fortunate manner. It travels in orbit at a distance of almost 150,000,000 kilometers from the Sun, which means only one thing - It’s warm enough on Earth for water to remain in liquid form. Given hot temperatures, the water would simply evaporate, and in the cold it would turn into ice. Only on Earth is there an atmosphere in which humans and all living organisms can breathe.

The history of the origin of planet Earth

Starting from the Big Bang Theory and based on the study of radioactive elements and their isotopes, scientists have found out the approximate age of the earth's crust - it is about four and a half billion years, and the age of the Sun is about five billion years. Just like the entire galaxy, the Sun was formed as a result of gravitational compression of a cloud of interstellar dust, and after the star, the planets included in the Solar System were formed.

As for the formation of the Earth itself as a planet, its very birth and formation lasted hundreds of millions of years and took place in several phases. At the birth phase, obeying the laws of gravity, falling large number planetesimals and large cosmic bodies, which subsequently made up almost the entire modern mass of the earth. Under the influence of such bombardment, the planet's substance warmed up and then melted. Under the influence of gravity, heavy elements such as ferrum and nickel created the core, and lighter compounds formed the earth's mantle, crust with continents and oceans lying on its surface, and an atmosphere that was initially very different from the present one.

Internal structure of the Earth

Of the planets of its group, the Earth has the greatest mass and therefore has the greatest internal energy - gravitational and radiogenic, under the influence of which processes in the earth's crust still continue, as can be seen from volcanic and tectonic activity. Although igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks have already formed, forming the outlines of landscapes that are gradually changing under the influence of erosion.

Beneath the atmosphere of our planet there is a solid surface called earth's crust. It is divided into huge pieces (slabs) of solid rock, which can move and, when moving, touch and push each other. As a result of such movement, mountains and other features of the earth's surface appear.

The earth's crust has a thickness of 10 to 50 kilometers. The crust “floats” on the liquid earth’s mantle, the mass of which is 67% of the mass of the entire Earth and extends to a depth of 2890 kilometers!

The mantle is followed by an outer liquid core, which extends into the depths for another 2260 kilometers. This layer is also mobile and capable of emitting electric currents, which create the planet’s magnetic field!

At the very center of the Earth is the inner core. It is very hard and contains a lot of iron.

Atmosphere and surface of the Earth

Earth is the only one of all the planets solar system, has oceans - they cover more than seventy percent of its surface. Water initially found in the atmosphere in the form of steam played a large role in the formation of the planet - greenhouse effect raised the temperature on the surface by those tens of degrees necessary for the existence of water in the liquid phase, and in combination with solar radiation gave rise to photosynthesis of living matter - organic matter.

From space, the atmosphere appears as a blue border around the planet. This thinnest dome consists of 77% nitrogen, 20% oxygen. The rest is a mixture of various gases. Earth's atmosphere contains much more oxygen than any other planet. Oxygen is vital for animals and plants.

This unique phenomenon can be regarded as a miracle or considered an incredible coincidence of chance. It was the ocean that gave rise to the origin of life on the planet, and, as a consequence, the emergence of homo sapiens. Surprisingly, the oceans still hold many secrets. Developing, humanity continues to explore space. Entering low-Earth orbit has made it possible to gain a new understanding of many of the geoclimatic processes occurring on Earth, the mysteries of which are still to be further studied by more than one generation of people.

Earth's satellite - Moon

Planet Earth has its only satellite - the Moon. The first to describe the properties and characteristics of the Moon was the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, he described the mountains, craters and plains on the surface of the Moon, and in 1651 the astronomer Giovanni Riccioli wrote a map of the visible side of the lunar surface. In the 20th century, on February 3, 1966, the Luna-9 lander landed on the Moon for the first time, and a few years later, on July 21, 1969, a person set foot on the surface of the Moon for the first time.

The Moon always faces planet Earth with only one side. On this visible side of the Moon one can see flat "seas", chains of mountains and multiple craters of the most different sizes. The other side, invisible from Earth, has a large cluster of mountains and even more craters on the surface, and the light reflecting from the Moon, thanks to which at night we can see it in a pale lunar color, is weakly reflected rays from the Sun.

Planet Earth and its satellite the Moon are very different in many properties, while the ratio of stable oxygen isotopes of planet Earth and its satellite the Moon is the same. Radiometric studies have shown that the age of both celestial bodies is the same, approximately 4.5 billion years. These data suggest the origin of the Moon and the Earth from the same substance, which gives rise to several interesting hypotheses about the origin of the Moon: from the origin of the same protoplanetary cloud, the capture of the Moon by the Earth, and the formation of the Moon from a collision of the Earth with a large object.

Peace on planet Earth. Cool hour. Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about their home country, about the shape of planet Earth, to introduce them to the meaning of the words Peace, War, to introduce them to symbols of peace, to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, a responsible attitude towards preserving peace on Earth, to cultivate collectivism, to develop interest in learning , new knowledge, a sense of friendship, camaraderie, develop monologue speech, attention, memory, teach to listen to each other and understand. Progress 1. Organization. 2. Subject message. Today in our lesson we have not a fairy tale, but a true story. What is “truth”? That's right. This is reality. Let's imagine that we are not in a classroom, but in a clearing, in a forest, near the sea. What did you see? (I sunbathe in the country, I swim in the sea...) This is all our Motherland! What is the name of our Motherland? What is she like? The cheerful sun is pouring in golden streams Over the gardens and over the villages, Over the fields and meadows. Mushroom rains are falling here, Colored rainbows are shining, Here are simple plantains, the closest ones since childhood. What does the word “Motherland” mean to you? 3. Teamwork. Game “Collect proverbs”. There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours. Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland. The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her. How do you understand this? 4. Conversation about our planet.

Our country is big. There are other countries in the world where people live, with their own customs, speak different languages. And we all have a big house. Riddle: No beginning, no end, No back of the head, no face. Everyone, young and old, knows that our house is a huge ball. (Earth) What do you know about our planet? (It has the shape of a ball) What is the name of our planet? Earth. What is the name of the model of the Earth? Globe. What colors is our planet painted in? What does it mean blue? Brown or yellow? Green? “I hugged the globe” V. Orlov. I hugged the earth's globe. One over land and water. In my hands the continents quietly whisper to me: “Take care.” The forest and valley are green and they say to me: “Be kind to us.” Don’t trample us and don’t burn us, take care of us in winter and summer.” I hear everyone from both birds and fish: “We ask you, man, promise us and don’t lie, take care of us like an older brother.” I hugged the globe, and something happened to me. And suddenly I whispered: “I won’t lie, I will save you, my dear.” 5. Symbol of peace. (There is a knock) Who's knocking? Who came to us? Mystery:

This is a little bird, It lives in the cities. Give it crumbs. It coos and pecks. Who is this? This is a dove. (A dove flew in, a girl plays the role of a dove. She flew around the whole class, stopped in front of the guys, waving her hands.) 6. Dove’s story Tell us about yourself “Dove”. I'm a dove. I am a symbol of peace. What is a symbol? (Answers from the guys) World peace is my dream, Let people live like one family. Let there be no more wars and guns, Let doors be opened in houses everywhere. Love and trust are for me, And endless peace to the whole Earth! 7. Conversation about peace and war Guys, how do you understand the word “peace”? (Children's answers) Peace is friendly agreement between people. The world is silence, peace, tranquility. What is war? How do you understand this word? War is an armed struggle between states or peoples. War means shell explosions, tears of children, loss of loved ones. What do you children want to say to all the adults? Moms, dads, all adults! Listen to the voice of your children: Let there be no nuclear explosions forever, Block the path to war as soon as possible! We need peace on the blue planet. Both adults and children want it.

They want, waking up at dawn, not to remember, not to think about the war. We need peace to build cities, plant trees and work in the fields. All people of good will want it. We need peace forever! Forever! For friendship, for smiles and for meetings. We inherited the planet. We are bequeathed to protect this world and this amazing land. We will not let it become ashes and ash. To what is called earthly beauty. May the sky above the Earth be peaceful. May childhood always laugh loudly. 8. Song “Let there always be sunshine” (children sing a song) Words: Lev Oshanin Music: Arkady Ostrovsky 9. Symbol “Katyusha” There is also a symbol of peace - this is Katyusha. (We dress the doll) Katyusha. Fly, red petal, And to the West, to the East, And to the North, warm South, Tell me who is your best friend. Here is a green petal - a scarf from Australia. I’ll dress Katyusha up and show all the kids. But here is a pure blue light, familiar to everyone from an early age. But the yellow ray of the sun is friendly and powerful. Finally, here is the color black - I don’t want war. No! Let Katyushatalisman invite everyone to our holiday.

I want the globe to be a little mischievous, so that it laughs and doesn’t grieve, to be a multi-colored meadow! (L. Dudarchik) (Olympic rings appear) What are these rings called? What is this a symbol of? Yes, people-athletes from 5 continents compete. Olympic Games symbol of peace. 10. Decorating the globe (Parents drew our planet.) Take white sheets on which you will draw doves, flowers, butterflies, clouds,..., with which you will decorate the model of the Earth. 11. Creative work (After finishing, the guys glue their work on the drawing “Planet Earth.”) 12. Summing up. What do we choose? What are we voting for? I vote. I want people to go to bed calmly, to get up, So that songs about happiness do not stop in the morning, So that people all live In love and harmony... I vote for peace And for bright happiness. (Nina Matyushonok) 13. Children get up in a round dance. The song “So let's have a big round dance” sounds, lyrics by E. Zhigalkin, music by A. Hayt.

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