Who carries the weight is interactive. All are free: Who should carry the burden in an era of equality

IN lately The topic of equality comes up in conversations more and more often. At the same time, Russia remains one of the few countries where, despite all the disputes, men move a woman’s chair, hold the door and help carry weights. One of these problems was solved by the online store “Perekrestok”, with which no one will have to carry heavy loads anymore. In a joint project with a supermarket, we asked three heroes what they think about the phenomenon of unkillable Russian gentlemanliness.

Anton Danilov

journalist, 25 years old

Once upon a time, men pulled up a chair for a woman because she couldn’t do it herself in a crinoline dress. Or they paid for her in a restaurant because the woman could not work. It seems to me that giving a coat or opening the door is help that puts the girl in a humiliating position, as if she herself is not able to do this. In addition, there is a danger of ending up in an awkward situation: you were not asked for help, but you stuck with it. You can’t say “come on, a woman shouldn’t carry heavy weights” - a woman herself is able to decide what she should and what she shouldn’t.

You should not take away packages from a woman if she is able to handle them herself. This proposal would not be an expression of gentlemanliness. Because in Russia the sexist attitude “women are the weaker sex, men are the strong” is still strong, and only for this reason the latter should take on all the physical work.

Helping is always a great idea. However, help should be offered to those who really need it. Carrying bags from the supermarket can be difficult for anyone. So what, make a person suffer just because he is a man?

If a girl offers to help you, it will not affect your masculinity at all. Empathy is more important gender stereotypes, but the load can and should be divided. I will help anyone, and gender has nothing to do with it.

Lena Smirnova

creative director, 32 years old

Etiquette rules are changing rapidly. Sometimes this causes difficulties in communication between women and men. Not giving flowers is bad. Gives - “what is he hinting at?” It seems to me that looking for double meaning in actions is a waste of time. Same with help.

I ask men for help in extreme cases. When it’s really hard or I just don’t have enough hands, I gladly accept it. If store employees offer help, I consider this a sign of good service. One day, my friend and I set up a pop-up store in another city. We, three huge suitcases and many bags of clothes were safely loaded onto the Moscow-Orel train, but when we got back we had to rely only on ourselves. We were late for the train and rushed around the station with our luggage. Even when, out of despair, we turned to men for help, they only smoked and pretended to be very busy.

Before I met my husband, I was a classic careerist and tried to do everything myself. Over time, I realized that feminism, like patriarchy, is extreme. There are certain roles determined by nature, but there is no need to exaggerate them. For example, my husband and I go on vacation with two suitcases, and we each carry our own, but my luggage is smaller and lighter.

I have my own business, my own interests and beliefs, I can be considered the “strong and independent” one. And yet I’m glad that there are men who will help me throw a heavy suitcase onto the luggage rack or open the door for me. I myself always offer help - to the elderly, women with children and simply to those who may need it.

Anatoly Slabospitsky

lawyer, 28 years old

A gentleman is not a beast of burden, but there is basic politeness. One way to explain to yourself why you should be a gentleman is to understand that it benefits you. Although the girls react funny to help: they are almost always surprised, and in their eyes one can read the thought “what’s the catch?” It's probably all out of habit.

[Wear] on oneself

Kar., Yarosl. About menstruation. SRGK 4, 44; YaOS 6, 78.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “[Wear] on oneself” is in other dictionaries:

    WEAR, wear, wear, imperfect, who what. 1. Same meanings as ch. carry in 1, 5 and 6 meanings, but with the difference that carry means movement in one step and in one direction, and carry a movement that is repeated and performed in different times, V… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    To move, to hold, to drag, to carry. Wed. put on... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. wear, move, hold on oneself, drag, carry, be pregnant, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    WEAR, wear, wear; worn; worn imperfect 1. whom (what). The same as carrying 1 (in 1 and 5 meanings), but denotes an action that is not performed at the same time, not in one step, or not in one direction. N. things in the carriage. N. in the arms of someone N. (also translated:... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    WEAR- A dream in which you carry a weapon with you speaks of the distrust you feel towards strangers. Carrying firewood and coal into the house means doing hard, but poorly paid work. Wearing a watch on your hand or on a chain in a dream means... ... Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

    wear- wear/, but/ sit; but/shenny; shen, a, o; nsv. see also worn, sewed, wearing, sock, worn someone what 1) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Verb., nsv., used. very often Morphology: I wear, you wear, he/she/it wears, we wear, you wear, they wear, wear, wear, wore, wore, wore, wore, wearer, wearable, wore, worn, wearing 1. If you are wearing something or someone... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    wear- WEAR1, unbearable, what. Putting something on yourself, decorating yourself with something, following fashion. Such frock coats were worn back in the thirties. I saw a woman wearing glasses, the kind old teachers wore before the war.... ... Big explanatory dictionary Russian verbs

    I wear it, I wear it; worn; worn shen, a, o; nsv. who what. 1. = Carry (1 2, 12 characters), but denotes a repeated action, performed in different directions or at different times. He always carries a briefcase with him. N. transfer to the hospital. This kind of work for me... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    What. Novg. Constantly have something. with you, carry with you. NOSE 6, 69 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    I nesov. trans. 1. Having picked it up or loaded it on yourself, move it somewhere (repeatedly, at different times and in different directions). 2. Move quickly, carry (repeatedly, at different times and in different directions). 3. decomposition Attribute someone or... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


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The most pleasant thoughts flash through at the mention of this word, because wherever you look, music is everywhere around us. It's not just seven notes that form different melodies that can be sung or played on an instrument. This is the stomping of feet on the sidewalk, and the sound of engines growling on the highways of cars, this is the chirping sparrow, taking away the largest crumbs of bread from stupid, inefficient pigeons, this is the patter of raindrops on the windowsill or roof. In general, all this is called music, which was remembered today in an interactive survey based on the TV show “100 to 1”, to which we are also trying to guess all 6 answers.

So, What adjectives should you fill out the table with? Music can be: classical, i.e. Bach, Mozart, Rachmaninov or some other composers who composed serious music for listeners. Hence the following associations: popular, danceable and, probably, funny - as varieties of musical genres. Loud music is an option for listening to tunes somewhere at concerts or stadiums. And simply beautiful music is a generalizing concept of all its styles and trends.

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