Tarot card High Priest (Hierophant) - meaning, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling. V

The High Priest sits on the throne, he is dressed in clothes and has those objects of worship that the deck compiler professes. Therefore, the image of the Priest often changes from deck to deck. This character has the power given to him by believers. This is not an alien element, but a keeper of tradition and moral principles. In Pythagorean terms, this is a “Spiritual Physician.”

This lasso shows us the need to observe tradition and spirituality. He, like the Emperor, strictly follows the rules and dogmas, which is why he may look too dry and harsh. But the Emperor is a symbol of the masculine earthly principle, which provides for pressing everyday problems. The Emperor is the embodiment of a spiritual essence. He gives instructions in the spiritual sphere and talks about finding the Highest meaning of life. The Hierophant is the link between our earthly dense personality and the Highest spiritual essence. He managed to raise his consciousness to the level of spiritual understanding of reality. This is the embodiment of human righteousness in the highest sense of the word. Now he is like an intermediary who conveys to people not his own, but some objective will of our creator. There is a higher meaning and purpose in everything - this is his teaching. And if you can see the meaning. This could not have happened without the energy that the fifth Arcanum conducts.

In ancient times, the Priest was called Pontifex, which means “bridge builder.” And his task was to establish contact between people and gods. Interpretation of God's law in terms of personal and social codes of conduct. The Hierophant reveals sacred knowledge to people, putting it in a form accessible to simple understanding.

The Hierophant reflects our desire to understand the deep essence of all phenomena and rise to that level of consciousness when we cease to feel the dichotomy between the conscious and the unconscious. Carl Jung called this desire to ascend into higher realms of spiritual life the “religious function.”

The Hierophant embodies our spiritual values, which sooner or later will be tested by life for strength and then it will become clear whether they can continue to serve as our support. The Hierophant is a symbol of our inner desire to establish harmony between the earthly and spiritual sides, and the goal is to become truly whole people.

The crown duplicates the triple structure of his wand and speaks of the power received from the divine, mental and physical worlds.

The columns behind the Hierophant are gray, this is a sign that having acquired knowledge it is necessary to listen to the call of your heart. You will not achieve success and live a gray life if you listen to others all the time. You need to be able to find answers and make decisions yourself. Best teacher- the one that is inside you.

The image of red roses and white lilies on the clothes of the students refers us to the symbolism of the Magician card, only there they were alive, and here in an ornament. The magician operates with real objects, and the Hierophant with symbols of things, penetrating into their essence, reason and exploring options for further development.

The Hierophant is all the “shoulds” and “musts” in our value system. That. What we received in the process of upbringing from the environment where we grew up and lived. These are traditional values ​​and ideas about the world recognized in our society. The Hierophant controls us through morality and conscience, because... symbolizes the laws established by God, government and society. A symbol of obedience to commandments and prohibitions. Everything you learn from the Hierophant has been time-tested over many generations. You are looking for the keys. Which will open the doors of the temple for you, and you will rise to a new stage of spiritual evolution. Begin new life They try by attending newfangled seminars, visiting training centers, and religious communities. But you yourself can act as your mentor.

The Hierophant is also related to the Arcana Priestess, she is coolness, night. Moon. He is warmth, day, Sun. Their fusion is a mystical marriage between the sun and the moon, heaven and earth.


Sun in Sagittarius: preacher, teacher, religious leader.

Straight position:

The HIGH PRIEST symbolizes the search for truth through revelation, the bridge between the Divine and the Human. The card means that you are bringing too much energy into the project, and it needs organization. This is a symbol of tolerance and condescension, the ability to learn and benefit from the experience of others. This is a person who is devoted to an idea and brings it to people.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: trust in God, excessive kindness and inappropriate generosity, impressionability, vulnerability, discomfort.

5. Priest (upright position)

General value:

A very sparse map. Does not promise money, sex, or everyday life. Map of contacts, relationships.

Means advice, good news. Can often talk about a friendly drinking session.


1. Work is not monetary: teaching, Sunday schools, church, etc. Doesn't mean any profit.

Good relationships within the team and with partners. Dating, non-business connections.

Receiving information about work, advice. Passing an interview (but not an exam)

2. Good health does not mean, but a person is strong in spirit. Often found in pensioners (“iron old men”)

3. Friendship. Platonic love. Family (not in the sense of marriage, but parents, children and other close relatives). In combination with love cards - respect, spiritual connection between partners.

Relationships of goodwill, mercy, leniency.

Rarely can mean a church marriage (in combination with marriage cards)

4. A friendly, sociable, talkative person. Capable of creative pursuits. Writer, philosopher, artist, poet, esthete. Benevolent moralist. Can be religious to the point of hypocrisy. Likes to give advice. Can be a bore and a talker (will talk to anyone).

5. Focus on spiritual ideals. Talk, make contact. Think about friendships. Show kindness. Arrange a friendly meeting.

Go to church. (sends everyone to Nikolai the saint)

6. The answer is “yes” to spiritual questions, the answer is “no” to material questions.

5. Priest (reversed position)

General value:

A slide towards earthly ideals and aspirations.


1. Betrayal, double-dealing, and violation of obligations are possible. Cunning, hypocrisy towards you; hooking up. It doesn’t concern finances yet, but their turn will come.

False, incorrect advice, especially when looking for a job. Making decisions for a person (“they married me without me”). Intrigues in the team.

2. Neither this nor that. Most likely, health is normal, but the questioner is too worried (suspicious), which is the cause of the disorder.

3. Lie. Advice to stop talking and get down to business (not only in spiritual, but also in physical relationships). Please note that the partner is not an ideal image from the imagination, but a real living person)

4. Cunning, hypocrisy, desire to appear different from what one is. Envy, hidden ill will.

5. Warning: be careful in relationships, beware of lies, slander, gossip.

6. Confidentiality of information. Imprecise question. It is impossible to give an answer. There may be money received through unseemly means (not very clean)

General value:

The priest personifies the world of faith and deepest trust, based on the steadfastness of chosen values. In ancient times, he was considered one of the three guardian angels in the Tarot, providing a favorable outcome to any matter. This has a deep meaning, because trust in general and our trust in ourselves in particular serve as the basis for faith in life, in the future. In addition, this card symbolizes the path of ethics and virtue, that is, those moral principles that determine our life plans.


This card means that we are concerned about the meaning of all our activities as a whole, starting from the very subject of our activities and ending with issues of life support, success, reward and recognition. A priest is a search for deep meaning, a “super task”, a true calling. Along with this, the card can also indicate specific situations in which our moral character, our morality, are subjected to all sorts of tests, which until now have not allowed us to participate in any dark machinations.


The search for the meaning of life, a “strength test” of our spiritual principles and our value system. At the same time, the objective side of our lives in this case almost not interested. On the contrary, the Priest personifies our purely subjective experience, our own symbol of faith, which cannot be verified “objectively” in any way, and yet it does not lose any of its value for us. In addition, this card symbolizes a significant increase in our ability of moral judgment, the one that allows us to distinguish good from evil, as well as any deep experiences, including religious ones, that have a great influence on the rest of our lives

Personal relationships:

A period of ever-increasing growth of trust and attraction of partners to each other, when the ideal of a partner becomes more and more exalted, and the partnership itself changes for the better under the influence of the system of moral values ​​and personal virtues of each. At the event level, this card can mean the intention or desire to get married.

In a love relationship

Arcanum Papa appears to be the bearer of a certain hyperidea, which in relationships can manifest itself in the desire to choose a partner in accordance with some ideas, contrary to individual compatibility and personal needs. Sometimes it can mean common views and beliefs, and in the vicinity of complex cards, a desire to remake and re-educate your partner. If the Pope falls on opposite sides of the Prophet, the inverted Wheel of Fortune or the Jester in the Gebo layout, then it is worth thinking about, since there is a tendency to save a partner from drunkenness and gambling addiction or to take patronage over him as over a small child. Since the Pope symbolizes moral values ​​and spiritual views, if positioned well, it can indicate strong support from a partner. Having a bad position, he becomes a kind of moralizer, trying to reason about how an ideal partner should behave. In addition, the Pope and the Devil can manifest themselves in hypocrisy and manipulation in relation to each other, as well as to to the outside world. If Pope and Abstinence drop out, there may be difficulties of a sexual nature in a relationship, since it will express the costs of upbringing, as well as the presence of internal prohibitions and taboos. However, in a favorable scenario, the Pope will point to the good moral principles of the family, the presence high values one of the partners, as well as the ability to work to improve relationships. The Pope next to the World will express generosity and versatility of character. His presence next to the Beloved will indicate a desire to get married in church.

V. The Hierophant in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card, the marriage is under threat; unrooted views and principles; fermentation of the mind.

With the “Magician” card - unconditional faith in yourself and your abilities; abilities from God.

With the “High Priestess” card - obedience.

With the “Empress” card - the birth of a child in a marriage.

With the "Emperor" card - strict adherence to the rules.

With the “Lovers” card - personal beliefs.

With the Chariot card - an attempt to find God.

With the “Strength” card - submission to moral laws.

With the “Hermit” card - a search for your own value system.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - views that change everything around.

With the “Justice” card there is a moral code.

With the Hanged Man card - outdated views and ossified dogmas.

With the “Death” card - a thorough revision of views.

With the “Moderation” card - reconciliation with yourself and with God; rubbing into each other in marriage.

With the “Devil” card - the kiss of Judas.

With the “Tower” card - a scam; destruction of faith.

With the “Star” card - a rite of purification; confession.

With the Moon card - sectarianism.

With the Sun card - a happy marriage.

With the “Judgment” card - faith that gives strength; views that reconcile us with the past.

With the “World” card - creating a family; reconciliation with other people's views; broadening your horizons.


With the Ace of Wands card there is a flash of inspiration.

With the Two of Wands card - lack of agreement.

With the Three of Wands card - wisdom in action.

With the Four of Wands card - a wedding.

With the Five of Wands card - a quarrel with a parent.

With the Six of Wands card - the search for meaning.

With the Seven of Wands card - temptations.

With the Eight of Wands card - a marriage contract.

With the Nine of Wands card - jealousy.

With the Ten of Wands card - losing faith.

With the “Page of Wands” card - news from parents.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - a spiritual impulse.

With the card “Queen of Wands” - adoption of rank.

With the “King of Wands” card - a spiritual mentor.

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Tarot Hierophant - the meaning of this lasso symbolizes the search for truth, the revelation that will come to you from above. The Priest card encourages tolerance, forbearance and the accumulation of experience.

In the article:

Tarot Hierophant - meaning

There are a total of 78 amazing door cards in the Tarot that open to us amazing world. The Priest, or, as he is also called, the High Priest, is a symbol of keeping the commandments and obedience to established rules. The lasso symbolizes a person who is interested in a certain outcome of the dispute, is impartial, is able to remain honest, this allows him to move on.

Tarot deck of the third millennium

Otherwise, his life will lose all meaning. First of all, the 5th lasso is closely related to issues of ethics, rules and meaning. In almost any fortune-telling, the appearance of the high priest card speaks of three important points: participation in a certain ritual, the process of accumulating knowledge and the issue of ethics.

In any scenario, when you need to receive, the High Priest will indicate a positive answer. The deepest meaning of the lasso is truth and inner religiosity. A person is ready to follow his mentor, teacher, in order to comprehend the deeper meaning. A person is not guided by cold calculation; he is ready to devote his entire life to searching for the unknown, even if he does not receive anything in return.

The High Priest Tarot says that every person has a conscience, an inner purity that helps fight evil. The card assures that you will be able to overcome all the barriers that prevent you from achieving a good goal.

The meaning of the card can be compared with the institution of the Catholic Church, since it puts in the first place adherence to a certain tradition, where there is someone who knows how to act in any situation, someone who has unlimited authority. At the same time, the High Priest encourages the pursuit of knowledge and constant learning.

If you identify the lasso with a certain person, then this is a person whom you trust very much, and set him up as an example to others. It is likely that he plays a significant role in your destiny; thanks to him, you were able to achieve a lot. In addition, the High Priest can talk about giving up material things, everyday routine, money, sex. A person is ready to devote his life to working for an idea.

High Priest Tarot - reversed position

Tarot deck of legends or tarot favoli

In the reverse position, the Hierophant has an interpretation completely opposite to its classical meaning. Such a person can be considered as an unprincipled, unethical experimenter who is ready to give up education, fight with authorities, and show his individuality and originality.

You can consider the card both positive and negative. In a positive interpretation, the High Priest personifies an oppositionist who fights against a corrupt society that does not understand him. A person is ready to rebel, to fight reality, routine. But at the same time, his path will be quite difficult, since society will deny him in every possible way and try to stifle his point of view.

Sometimes the Pope in an inverted position can talk about homosexuality. If we turn to ancient traditional interpretations, in an inverted position with a negative meaning, the Hierophant is regarded as a symbol of shame. This is stigma, malice, slander, fraud. Such freedom of action and recklessness can harm the person himself. He is viewed as irresponsible and unreliable.

On at the moment a person does not have the opportunity to get an education, start a family, or get the desired job. It is also possible that there is some kind of false teaching, the presence of a false prophet.

Work and finance

High Priest in angel tarot decks, dark angel tarot, mythological tarot

A person who is identified with the Hierophant is ready to make important decisions, take responsible steps, and strive for honest deals. This is a professional in his field who devotes a lot of time to improving his skills. The Hierophant is the personification of the standard system of the educational institution.

The individual will be able to achieve good success in working in the field of education in schools, higher education educational institutions, religious institutions. The Hierophant is calm, capable of transmitting knowledge and persuading. The card suggests that a person can become an excellent psychotherapist and scientific supervisor. He will find his calling: such a person will hold a high position in a large organization that is based on clearly established foundations.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say that you will receive large monetary profits in the near future. In most cases, the card indicates that you will work for an idea, for the sake of new connections, new acquaintances, and the transfer of your skills.

The appearance of the High Priest in the scenario suggests that material wealth is not the main thing at the moment. A person still needs to work under someone else; he cannot open a business on his own.

Hierophant Tarot - meaning in relationships

At the moment, you have harmony in your relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues. Feelings become more elevated, you begin to appreciate and trust each other. In a relationship between a man and a woman, the appearance of the High Priest card indicates that the couple has decided to get married.

A person who is identified with the Hierophat card dreams throughout his life of meeting a person with whom he would not only be in perfect harmony, but also who would absolutely correspond to all his idealized ideas.

Sometimes, if the lasso is surrounded by negative cards, this indicates that the partner is trying to re-educate, remake his other half. The presence of the Wheel of Fortune in the layout will indicate that the partner is prone to drunkenness or gambling addiction, and you will have to keep an eye on him. Relationships can be overshadowed by the fact that the Pope will always read morals and tell what an ideal partner should be like.

High priest in health readings

The High Priest subordinates everything to his convictions. This applies to nutrition, exercise, even sex. Such a person loves to do yoga, it is possible that he is a vegetarian and adheres to a strict fast.

Arcanum the High Priest insists that a person needs to reconsider this attitude towards life, since these rules healthy eating may not suit him at all. It is also likely that you need to take up another sport. Otherwise, if you continue to persist and follow the wrong path, you can cause great damage to your health.

If the layout was made to search for an indicator of the disease, then the lasso warns about problems with the joints, the appearance of various infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets, diseases of the throat, ears, and sometimes kidney diseases.

Tarot Hierophant in combination with other cards

Marseille Tarot deck

In order to get the most comprehensive answer to the question, you need to pay attention not only to the meaning of each individual card, but also to their combinations. The meaning of the Tarot Priest card paired with the major arcana:

  • Jester - probable cancellation of the wedding, a revolution in the value system;
  • Magician - faith only in one’s own abilities, the person is very gifted;
  • High Priestess - adherence to the rules;
  • Empress - the birth of a long-awaited child in marriage;
  • Emperor - blind adherence to laws;
  • Lovers - creating your own value system;
  • The Chariot - the search for the meaning of life;
  • Strength - obedience to established rules;
  • Hermit - search for truth, truth;
  • Wheel of Fortune - something will make you radically change your views;
  • Justice - the person next to you has high moral values;
  • The Hanged Man is a rigid person, a conservative, unable to change his views;
  • Death - changed to its principles;
  • Moderation - cohabitation, an attempt to improve relationships;
  • The devil is betrayal;
  • Tower - parting;
  • Star - confession;
  • Moon - aggression, blind following of someone's rules;
  • The sun is happiness in marriage;
  • Court - accumulation of energy;
  • Peace - creating a happy family.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - creative success;
  • Two - absence of peace;
  • Three - make a decision after weighing everything;
  • Four - marriage;
  • Five - quarrel with relatives;
  • Six - the desire to find the truth;
  • Seven - tests;
  • Eight - marriage of convenience;
  • Nine - anger;
  • Ten - loss of faith;
  • Page - news from relatives;
  • Knight - spiritual wanderings;
  • Queen - religious rank;
  • The king is an authoritarian person, a mentor.

Tarot Priest - combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - abundance, material and spiritual wealth in marriage;
  • Two - profitable cooperation;
  • Three - reconciliation with a lover;
  • Four - disappointment in love;
  • Five - good news;
  • Six - meeting with a former lover;
  • Seven - illusions;
  • Eight - oversaturation of feelings;
  • Nine - someone will try to undermine your authority;
  • Ten - prudence;
  • Page - success;
  • Knight - test of strength;
  • The Queen is the ideal companion next to you;
  • King - success in business, inspiration.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - receiving a reward;
  • Two - marriage of convenience;
  • Three - one of the partners may refuse the wedding;
  • Four - death of a relative;
  • Five - you will be insulted by a person who is older than you;
  • Six - a good trip;
  • Seven - the appearance of a mistress;
  • Eight - ruin;
  • Nine - compassion;
  • Ten - it's time to become more mature;
  • Page - luck;
  • Knight - hatred, aggression;
  • Queen - loneliness, betrayal;
  • King - Intelligence can also be a heavy burden.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - happiness;
  • Two - divorce;
  • Three - receiving a gift;
  • Four is a great inheritance;
  • Five - cohabitation;
  • Six - evaluate your partner, maybe he is not right for you;
  • Seven - do not trust business partners;
  • Eight - a young lover;
  • Nine - close connection, help;
  • Ten - the birth of a boy;
  • The page is a rich admirer;
  • Knight - big win;
  • Queen - marriage of convenience;
  • King - success in business.

Interpretation of the tarot priest (hierophant) in an upright position

Good advice, trust, success. Love, sympathy, mercy. Marriage court hearings, entering into an alliance of any kind. All this will be super successful for you. But beware of becoming dependent on anyone.

  • marriage union, good advice, mercy, generosity, kindness, community (including possible marriage)
  • creative efforts, search for truth, understanding and inspiration, penchant for religion
  • the ability to go your own way if you believe it is the right one

Tarot card Priest (Hierophant) has double interpretation. The first means the advice and guidance of a professional - teacher, lawyer, spiritual mentor, etc., and the Questioner either seeks advice or gives it himself as a specialist. The second interpretation is traditionalism and obedience in Human life, compliance with moral and social agreements, which will lead to the fulfillment of all desires.

The Tarot card Priest (Hierophant) indicates a person who is spiritually mature, wise, and authoritative. It may portend the comprehension of a certain truth, the acquisition of new knowledge, understanding. Priest (Hierophant) means mercy, good light, sometimes learning, the pursuit of knowledge. Good intentions and social harmony, true faith. Depending on other cards, it may foreshadow a marriage relationship, strong friendship, or a return to old traditions. This is a symbol of tolerance and forbearance, the transfer of one’s knowledge to others, as well as the active use of other people’s experience and knowledge, teaches trust and strength. This is a person who knows how to learn from other people's mistakes. He is devoted to any idea and serves it with inspiration, bringing its positive results to people. The Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot can also indicate the spiritual influence of a certain person, a teacher, and that you will be given important advice.

Interpretation of the tarot priest (hierophant) in an inverted position

Stinginess, hypocrisy, weakness. Bad advice. Don't let people take advantage of your kindness, it will weaken you. Serious problems in relationships.

  • complacency, weakness, unconventionality, deceptive advice
  • extreme conservatism, excessive kindness and conciliation, enslavement, capitulation, weakness
  • need for social recognition and approval, need to agree, loss of personal authority

In the inverted position, the Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot testifies to dissent, which forces the Questioner to resort to unconventional methods to solve pressing problems, because generally accepted, proven paths will not lead to success. The card also warns against unreliable and harmful advice.

The Tarot card Priest (Hierophant) warns of possible bad advice, lies and weakness. A symbol of slander, shame, dubious advice that brings harm to you and others. As well as false facts, mainly related to material matters. Perhaps this is excessive freedom of behavior, ignoring the rules of good manners, a false outlook on life, unnecessary kindness towards people unworthy of it (kindness and stupidity are not the same thing). In a family scenario, it can mean laziness and daydreaming. If in the upright position the Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot is an upcoming marriage, then in the inverted position the intended marriage will not take place. On a psychological level, it speaks of excessive kindness and generosity, when kindness is annoying, and generosity reaches the point of stupidity. Excessive impressionability and vulnerability, inconvenience and discomfort - all this is a manifestation of the inverted Tarot card Priest (Hierophant). Also, in this position, this card indicates that circumstances are beyond your control.

Description of the map

A male figure sitting on a throne. Dressed in the robe of a clergyman; on the head there is a crown, in the left hand he usually holds a scepter. The attire of the Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot varies from deck to deck. His scepter represents the symbol of the faith that the deck compiler professes; the crown and robe are also identified as the vestments of a priest of a particular religion. The free hand of the Priest (Hierophant) is raised in blessing. Two (or three) lesser priests stand or sit at his feet, paying him respects or petitioning him. In some decks on the card the Priest (Hierophant) has a very young, even somewhat feminine face, in others he is old and has a thick beard.

In almost all decks, this figure, like the Nun (Priestess, Pope), is located between two columns.

Inner meaning. Given for understanding straight position cards

This card represents a person who has the power to advance or destroy you. You must decide whether further advancement is worth worshiping this person. Perhaps you seek to decide vital issues for others in order to strengthen your own power over people. You risk exchanging real authority for faith in your own infallibility.

Whatever your supreme deity is, it is obvious that he does not come down from heaven often enough to speak to his people. Most religions have individuals whose job it is to convey the divine will to the believers. The more organized a religion is, the higher the authority of its Priest.

The Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot can symbolize any organized philosophical or educational organization, religious or secular, having similar power over the minds of its followers. In all such organized philosophies there is a person or group of persons who claim that only they know the truth and you will either obey their word or be damned.

This is where you have to make a decision. It is at this stage of your spiritual development that you are given the opportunity to learn the final sacrament - to know the Will of God in relation to you. And again the Priest (Hierophant) - Guardian of the gate; to pass them, you need to become one. Will you decide for yourself what your path to salvation is, or will you allow another authority - even the authority of the Tarot - to think for you? What you decide now will affect the rest of your spiritual development.

Please note that the Priest (Hierophant) Tarot is not always a favorable card. Unlike the Nun (Priestess, Pope), who uses her wisdom and understanding to allow others to find the true path, the Priest (Hierophant) uses her power to increase her own influence over others. This card gives you the choice to explore the needs of your own soul or to adjust your self to the needs of others.


The good old Pope did not suit Waite, and he renamed him Hierophant. According to explanatory dictionary, Hierophant - a title given in the temples of antiquity to the highest adepts esoteric knowledge(lit. “one who explains sacred concepts”). I don’t know what the point was in such a renaming. Did Waite want to make the figure of the Hierophant freer, not so fixated on Catholicism? However, this had practically no effect on the figure. The way dad was drawn, that’s how dad remained. Moreover, the number of details indicating a connection between the Hierophant and the Supreme Leader of the Catholic Church increased significantly in Waite's map compared to Marseilles. And the papal throne, and the two keys of St. Peter, known as the keys of Paradise, and the papal crown (triple crown, otherwise called tiara). In a word, we don’t know what about the Hierophant, but Pamela Smith’s dad turned out to be very good.

And again there is a feeling of constraint, constriction, immobility of the drawing. The figure is static. The presence of two servants is not motivated in any way. And by the way, it is not disclosed in the description. In his text, Waite constantly compares the Pope and the Priestess, considering their similarities and differences. Perhaps this is why some tarot readers call the Hierophant nothing more than the High Priest.


  • Upbringing
  • Spiritual teacher
  • Confession
  • Tradition
  • Morality

Key Ideas

  • Social norms and rules
  • Social choice
  • Internal position adult-parent-child
  • Relationship with God

Meaning of the 5th Arcana of the Hierophant (High Priest)

Waite writes very vaguely about the meanings of the 5th Arcana of the Tarot. What can be extracted from his text connects the Supreme Priest with various kinds of just and sacred dogmas, with the law, primarily social and social hierarchy. And of course, Waite could not help but note that the High Priest, despite the fact that he is a spiritual person, seeks to expand his power far beyond the limits of purely religious aspects.

Today's interpretation of the Hierophant is associated with his role as a social teacher, which makes him not only and not so much a minister of cult. The priest monitors education and the implementation of social norms and laws. he marks the change social status person. For example, marriage, promotion.

The Hierophant is rather a positive card. He rarely talks about troubles. If we do not consider him as a literal mediator between man and God, then the High Priest plays the role of our conscience, authorized by the Higher Powers to judge and forgive us. The card also insists on compliance with all the rules, all norms accepted in this society.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Hierophant

The meaning of the Hierophant in relationships

The following meanings of the card in relationships can be distinguished:

  • Closedness and openness of relationships;
  • Relationship intensity;
  • Love, family, work relationships

Closedness and openness of relationships according to the Hierophant card

The High Priest is open card. Entrance is free, exit is ruble. It's easy to get in, but the map doesn't expect you to get out.

Hierophant means a rigid hierarchical system. You enter this system, occupy your cell and remain in it forever. Entrance to the sect. Or is it following the system - private, sergeant, lieutenant...

Hierophant is an open system. She is interested in increasing the number of her elements.

Relationship Intensity by High Priest

The High Priest means smooth and stable relationships. Each cricket knows its nest, everyone plays their assigned roles.

Relationship scenarios: love, family, relatives, work

The High Priest indicates a formal, official relationship. These are relationships arranged on an explicit or hidden hierarchy. It takes into account who communicates with whom, who has more social advantages.

For the Priest there is a coincidence of meanings “ good relationship" And " right relationship" If people belong to the same social and cultural stratum and adhere to the same rules of the game, then for them, right is also identical to good. If not, then what is right may be very different from what is good. Example: a European woman married to a Maasai African. What is correct, and therefore good, for a Maasai African woman causes shock and cognitive dissonance for a European woman.

Meanings of the Hierophant in combination with the Major Arcana

  • In combination with the card: Strong, lasting family relationships.
  • In combination with the card: A difficult choice between vice and virtue.
  • In combination with the card: Correct and timely actions and events.

Psychological state of the Hierophant and his feelings

The external manifestation is officialdom. Dress code, formal behavior. That is, an exclusively external manifestation. No one is interested in your emotional state, and there is absolutely no need to show it.

Internal manifestation - the card does not indicate any special emotional state. If you develop the semantic range from the official, then it is easy to arrive at solemn, pompous, representative, etc.

The card contains the idea of ​​​​changing emotional states (one of the options is Adult - Parent - Child). And the connection between external markers and emotional state. Example: I am in a certain mood and I wear certain clothes. I wear certain clothes that are supposed to make me feel a certain mood. Evening dress.

In fact, everything described is a special case of the meaning of the Hierophant card “education”.

Meanings of the Hierophant in combination with the suit of Wands

  • In combination with the card: Changes in your position will be favorable.
  • In combination with card: B present moment you shouldn't change your beliefs.
  • In combination with the card: Insistently following the rules can lead to conflict.

The importance of the Hierophant in health matters

The Hierophant Tarot card confirms that the chosen treatment is correct. She focuses on classical medicine and ignores alternative methods of treatment. As a treatment, the High Priest offers a system of reasonable restrictions, without fanaticism, without grueling fasts. Those that the patient is ready to accept and carry out. Separately, the High Priest says that treatment should be entrusted to a professional and not self-medication.

Hierophant meanings in combination with the suit of Cups

  • In combination with the card: You can trust your friends.
  • In combination with the card: Loneliness will help maintain internal integrity.
  • In combination with the card: Love is built on fidelity.

Hierophant in matters of business, work and money

The following meanings of the card in matters of work and money can be distinguished:

  • Stability, controllability of the situation;
  • A way to increase income;
  • General state of finances;
  • Positive and negative impact on income

Stability, controllability, controllability of the situation

5 Arcana in Tarot means a stable situation. Control and management on high level. Everything is subject to norms; there is not even a thought of not following them. There is nothing personal or subjective, but there are clearly defined service relationships, normative models of behavior, uniformity in the understanding and use of instructions. Control as a system property. A rigid hierarchy is the basis of stability.

The most important condition is to act exclusively within the legal framework. According to the established routine once and for all, observing the chain of command. The correct hierarchy in the organization is the key to the correct distribution of responsibility. Where is whose area of ​​competence, who is responsible for what - everything is clearly and unambiguously stated in the constituent documents.

There is also an indication in the High Priest of the use of church magic, for example, a ritual to consecrate an event, premises, or contract. You can even organize a company to provide such services.

General state of finances and trends of changes according to Hierophant

In matters of money, the Hierophant is interpreted as moderate wealth. A little more than average, but not outrageous. Good, solid things, without fanaticism.

Since the situation is stable, the trends are stable and positive.

Positive and negative impact of the Hierophant on income

A very positive card in terms of impact on income. As if invisible forces are blessing you, an angel has spread its wings over you. Do your business calmly, everything will go as it should; Whether career or social growth, although not rapid, is almost guaranteed.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with external rituals to the detriment of the content; this poses a certain danger for the Hierophant. Being close in its arcane nature to staves, the fifth Arcanum can manifest itself as the Lady of Staves. Hypocrisy and hardware games will become the basis of activity instead of real productive work.

Meanings of the Hierophant in combination with the suit of Swords

  • In combination with the card: Beliefs prevent you from acting.
  • In combination with the card: Faith will heal a broken heart.
  • In combination with the card: What you believe in will destroy you.

When making a choice, make it right.

Card of the Day - Warning

Think about how true what you are being taught is.

Meanings of the Hierophant in combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • In combination with the card: A favorable period of your life will begin suddenly.
  • In combination with the card: Your beliefs limit you.
  • In combination with the card: This person is trustworthy.

Questions to Ask When Drawing the Hierophant

  • What do you believe in?
  • Who do you believe?
  • What gods do you pray to?
  • Who and why do you consider your spiritual teacher?

Publications on the topic