Calorie content of soups, beneficial and harmful properties. Calorie content of ready-made dishes How many calories are in water soup

On what only different countries do not prepare soups: with wine and champagne, with beer, with brine, with fruit and vegetable juices and even on blood mixed with vinegar. And what are the ingredients: hippopotamus meat, live bats, animal hooves, deer placenta, bird nests! And many of these first courses are considered beneficial to human health. But some nutritionists in last years They claim that their healing power is exaggerated, and fatty broths are even harmful to our gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits and harms of soups

On the one hand, soups are very nutritious, but still lower in calories than main courses (especially fried ones). These dishes supply the human body with the amount of energy it needs, stimulate metabolism, are quickly absorbed, and regulate arterial pressure. Cereal soups cooked in water improve intestinal health and remove harmful toxins. The first dish prepared from fresh vegetables By all rights, it can be called a dietary dish.

Proponents of separate nutrition, on the other hand, say that the liquid fraction dilutes the gastric juice and therefore worsens digestion. They also claim that meat broths poison our body with poisons that are formed during cooking and are supplied to animals with food (hormones, antibiotics, growth accelerators).

Who is right: a distant ancestor who threw a piece of fresh meat from a killed animal into a clay pot of water and warmed himself with broth in the winter cold, or a contemporary who bought a semi-finished meat product (or even ready-made canned soup) in the nearest supermarket? There is no exact answer yet, but there are recommendations from nutritionists to monitor the calorie content of all dishes and prepare them only from high-quality food products.

Calorie content of various soups

calorie content per 100g, kcal
Calorie content chicken soup 25
Calorie content chicken noodle soup 45
Calorie content pea soup 66
Calorie content bean soup 62
Calorie content mushroom soup 26
Calorie content vegetable soup 23
Calorie content meatball soup 49
Calorie content fish soup 28
Calorie content cheese soup 53
Calorie content rice soup 38
Calorie content buckwheat soup 66
Calorie content borscht 129
Calorie content milk soup 58
Calorie content noodles 38

In order to diversify the menu, you can include in it puree soups. They have a delicate consistency and have a positive effect on the human digestive system. Regular soups are also healthy, you can’t refuse them. Calorie content depends on the recipe and is calculated separately in each case.

Here is one of the most complete calorie tables for ready-made meals. All data is per 100 grams of product. First courses: borscht, broth, okroshka, rassolnik, beetroot soup, solyanka, fish soup, cabbage soup, pearl barley, rice, millet, potato, onion, kharcho, fruit, legume, bean, milk, mushroom, vegetable, meat, chicken, beetroot, with dumplings, with meatballs.

Calorie table for main first courses: soups, broths.

Here is one of the most complete calorie tables for ready-made meals.

All data is per 100 grams of product

First courses: soups and broths


Proteins, g

Fats, g

Carbohydrates, g

Calories, kcal

Hortex Ukrainian borscht

Fresh cabbage borscht with meat

Summer borscht

Siberian borscht

Siberian borscht with meatballs

Ukrainian borscht

Beef broth

Mushroom broth

chicken broth

Homemade strong chicken broth

Lean chicken broth

Vegetable broth

Fish broth

Meat okroshka with kvass

Okroshka with kefir



Solyanka Homemade

Vegetable-mushroom solyanka made from fresh cabbage

Vegetable solyanka made from sauerkraut

Fish solyanka

Solyanka meat

Hortex mushroom soup with boletus

Hortex winter soup

Hortex cauliflower soup with potatoes and dill

Hortex Italian soup

Hortex autumn soup

Hortex presidential soup

Hortex soup with champignons

Hortex sorrel soup

Pea soup

Mushroom soup

Soup from green peas

Leek soup with pasta

Tomato soup

Tomato soup with pasta

Tomato soup with rice

Celery soup

Green bean soup

Cauliflower soup

Spinach soup with potatoes

Potato soup

Potato soup with cereals

Potato soup with pasta

Lemon soup with rice

Onion soup

Milk soup with pasta

Milk soup with rice

Vegetable soup

Vegetable soup with beans

Pearl barley soup with mushrooms

Millet soup with meat

Rice soup with meat

Bean soup

Bean soup

Apple fruit soup

Kharcho soup with meat

Sorrel soup

Creamy rice soup

Soups are essentially decoctions of vegetables with or without meat. People began to cook various vegetable mixtures back in ancient times, seasoning dishes with various seasonings, roots and leaves of plants to enhance and improve the taste. No one will argue that the most delicious broth is obtained from meat broth, although the calorie content of soup with meat is much higher than that of vegetables. To prepare soups, it is customary to use various meats - pork, chicken, beef and even fish. In Rus', such decoctions were called “pottage” and they were considered, however, as now, the main dish of every home.

From year to year, culinary masters improved and developed new recipes for preparing this delicious dish. Therefore, today the number of recipes for making soup simply cannot be counted. Many women who watch their figure are interested in questions such as whether it is possible to lose weight on soups, what is the calorie content of puree soup. And those who are quite satisfied with their figure often search on the Internet for recipes and calorie content of noodle soup, or information about the calorie content of meatball soup.

Benefits of soups

Vegetable soups are very useful for humans, as you can get from them a large number of vitamins, and they have a good effect on the human digestive system. Vegetables fried in oil or fat play an important role when preparing soup. It is known that during the cooking process many vitamins are destroyed and evaporated. And short-term frying creates a crust on the product that holds them.

Soups with the addition of pasta and rice are very satisfying, and after them the feeling of fullness does not go away for a long time, which makes them doubly useful for humans. After all, the calorie content of most soups is low, and having eaten enough of them, you can minimize the consumption of high-calorie main courses and sweets.

The taste and color of the soup largely depends on the spices and seasonings added to it. When preparing this dish, cooking time plays a big role, which should not be exceeded. After all, if you cook the soup for too long, the products included in its composition will take the form of porridge, their taste will deteriorate, and most of the vitamins and other beneficial substances will be destroyed.

When serving soup, you can add sour cream or mayonnaise, regardless of how, what broth it is cooked in and with what. It's a matter of taste.

Considering all the beneficial properties of soup, nutritionists recommend including this dish in the daily diet for proper operation digestive system, getting enough energy and feeling good. A proper lunch is never complete without properly prepared soup as the first course!

Harm of soups

Oddly enough, the first course also has opponents who believe that it can cause harm.

Here are their main arguments:

  1. 70% of vitamins and biologically active substances are destroyed during cooking.
  2. The broth is almost instantly absorbed by the intestines. Undigested meat extracts, which the liver does not have time to process, cause harm to the body.
  1. When cooked, antibiotics and hormonal growth stimulants contained in meat are completely transferred into the broth.
  2. The harm of first courses is also due to increased fat content. Rich broth increases cholesterol in the blood, clogs blood vessels, overloads the liver, adds overweight and increases the risk of tumors. It is hardly possible to recommend such a soup for weight loss and health improvement.

It turns out that the harm of this dish to the body has quite tangible consequences?

How to cook properly

Should you include it in your diet? Definitely yes. You just need to cook it correctly.

To make a “safe” broth:

  • give preference to meat from young animals
  • Remove the skin from the bird before cooking
  • choose lean meats that contain minimal cholesterol
  • drain the first broth
  • use melt water whenever possible
  • It is better to stew vegetables until half cooked and put them in a dish at the very end of cooking.

Calories in chicken broth soup

The calorie content of chicken soup is low - 80 kcal per hundred grams of soup. And this is not surprising, given the fact that this dish is classified as dietary. Calorie content of soup chicken broth depends on how exactly it is prepared. For example, the calorie content of chicken soup with potatoes is not very high, even if you consider that potatoes are vegetables with a high starch content. And the calorie content of chicken noodle soup is higher, especially if the noodles are homemade. It should be noted that chicken soup with rice has the lowest calorie content. The calorie content of chicken broth soup also depends on what part of the chicken it is made from. For example, soup made from chicken breast will be considered the lowest in calories.

Calorie content of soup with meat broth

Interestingly, meat broth contains more nutrients compared to chicken broth. Opponents of first courses argue that meat broth does more harm than good. The harm of meat broth is that it dilutes gastric juice with liquid, which interferes with the digestion process. To make meat broth, people use bones or meat. During the cooking process, a harmful substance called carotene passes from the meat into the broth and greatly harms the human body. But many doctors are inclined to believe that if you consume meat broths and soups in moderation, they will not cause harm to the body. Calories in meat soup range from 90 to 120 kcal per hundred grams of finished product.

Recipes for the most delicious soups and their calorie content

Eggplant puree soup ideal for diet. Take 600 g of fresh eggplant, 1 onion, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic, fresh thyme, salt, and olive oil to taste in 500 ml of water. Cut the eggplants, thyme, garlic, mix it all, add vinegar and fry in olive oil in a frying pan until done. Separately, fry the crushed garlic and onion in oil in a saucepan, add the eggplants, cover with water and cook for 20 minutes, then grind in a blender. The calorie content of eggplant puree soup is 18 kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of noodle soup with chicken broth is 62 kcal per 100 grams.

Hearty chicken noodle soup It’s not suitable for dietary nutrition, but it’s quite suitable for recharging yourself with strength and energy. For 3 legs, take 3 potatoes, half a glass of noodles, an onion, a carrot, a bunch of fresh herbs, pepper, and salt to taste. Put the legs to cook, after the water boils, put the unpeeled, cleanly washed onion into the pan. After 30 minutes, take it out, put the carrots cut into small cubes into the pan, and 5 minutes after that - the potatoes. Cook for another 15 minutes, add vermicelli and cook for another 15 minutes. Add the spices, turn off the soup and let it sit for 10 minutes before serving. The calorie content of noodle and chicken soup is 132 kcal per 100 g.

Very tasty and healthy tomato meatball soup.
For 2.5 liters of meat broth you will need 500 g of tomatoes, 400 g onions, 300 g minced meat, a glass of 40% cream, 100 g of vermicelli, 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, a tablespoon of red pepper, 2 bay leaves, salt, herbs, spices to taste. Add bay leaf to the broth and put on fire, add spices, pepper and onions cut into quarters. Cook for 20 minutes. Take the minced meat, make small meatballs from it and put them in the pan. Add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, stir, add vermicelli. When the water boils, turn on low heat and cook for 10 minutes, stirring. Then add salt and pepper. When the soup is ready, add cream and fresh parsley. Serve the soup with hot white toast or crispy fresh bread. Calorie content of soup with meatballs and tomatoes is 55 kcal per 100 g.

Everyone who loves mushroom soup, will also appreciate this recipe. Take 4 potatoes, 1 onion, 100 g vermicelli, 60 g dried porcini mushrooms, carrots, spices and salt to taste. Soak the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes, then drain the water. Place a pot of water on a hot stove. Chop the onion, grate the carrots coarse grater and fry them together in olive oil. When the water in the pan boils, add mushrooms and fried onions and carrots. Place peeled and chopped potatoes there. After 15-20 minutes, add vermicelli, herbs, spices, salt to the pan, turn off the heat and leave for 10-15 minutes. The soup is served with sour cream and herbs. Calorie content of soup with noodles and mushrooms – 110 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of pea soup

The calorie content of pea soup depends on the method of its preparation. The main set of products for it looks like this:

  • water or broth;
  • peas;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • greens: parsley, dill, etc.;
  • meat products;
  • vegetable oil or butter.

If the amount of water, vegetables, peas and butter is taken to be the same for all varieties of soup, then its calorie content will depend only on the meat products added to it. And the meat can be very different: bacon, smoked sausages, sausages, smoked brisket, cracklings, lean beef, chicken breasts, pork ribs, etc. The fattier the meat, the higher the calorie content of the soup.

Before determining how many calories are in pea soup, let’s take a constant amount of water – 3 liters, peas – 1.5 cups, potatoes – 3 pcs., butter – 50 ml. Then the most nutritious pea soup It will work with fatty varieties of pork - brisket, ham, smoked sausage, cracklings. And the leanest - no meat and no butter.

Calorie content of pea soup:

  • with fatty varieties of pork, depending on the fat content in it - from 80 to 100 kcal/100 g;
  • with lean pork - 60-70 kcal/100 g;
  • with beef, other types of dietary meat, sausages – 50-60 kcal/100 g;
  • With chicken breast or no meat at all - 40-45 kcal/100 g;
  • without meat and butter, only peas and vegetables - 25-30 kcal/100 g.

How to lose weight on soups

Soups have a significant volume, most of which is water. Therefore, after eating a portion of soup, a person feels full, while consuming a relatively small amount of calories. If the soup contains fiber-rich vegetables, it also helps ensure a feeling of fullness for a long time. The technique that allows you to lose weight with soups is based on these principles. It should be added that With a low calorie content, soups are quite rich in nutrients and biologically active substances, which allows them to be classified as dietary products.

Diets most often include soups made from vegetables in water, less often - in chicken broth. Puree soups – puree soups – have the most delicate and harmonious taste. The consistency of such soups allows them to be used not only in the diet for weight loss, but also in the diet of children, the elderly and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

On average, the calorie content of vegetable soups ranges from 28 to 45 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of puree soup made from cauliflower is approximately equal to 28-30 kcal. The energy value of cold tomato soup is the same.

The calorie content of puree soup with potatoes and spinach is 40 kcal.

The energy value of the famous onion soup is slightly higher - about 44 kcal.

A popular celery soup puree has a calorie content of only 37 kcal. Per 100 g of finished dish.

For those who want to lose weight on soups, a special 7-day diet has been developed.

Salty, spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods are completely excluded from the diet,

canned food, mayonnaise, sweets. For each day, a certain type of soup is prepared - one and a half liters. The soup should be eaten during the day in 5-6 doses. All soups are prepared with water.

Day 1 – dedicated to eating mushroom soup. The soup can be made from fresh or dried mushrooms. The calorie content of the soup is 26-30 kcal.

Day 2. On this day they eat borscht made from fresh vegetables, prepared without potatoes (32 kcal).

Day 4 – eat celery soup (37 kcal).

Day 5. The menu includes carrot soup (40-45 kcal).

Day 6. You can treat yourself to French onion soup (44 kcal).

Day 7. Prepare soup from cauliflower, green peas, carrots and herbs (30-35 kcal).

Before using the diet, you should consult your doctor.

The calorie content of soups can be very varied, as well as the number of recipes and their preparation.

Soups are essentially decoctions of vegetables with or without meat. People began to cook various vegetable mixtures back in ancient times, seasoning dishes with various seasonings, roots and leaves of plants to enhance and improve the taste. No one will argue that the most delicious broth is obtained from meat broth, although the calorie content of soup with meat is much higher than that of vegetables. To prepare soups, it is customary to use various meats - pork, chicken, beef and even fish. In Rus', such decoctions were called “pottage” and they were considered, however, as now, the main dish of every home.

From year to year, culinary masters improved and developed new recipes for preparing this delicious dish. Therefore, today the number of recipes for making soup simply cannot be counted. Many women who watch their figure are interested in questions such as whether it is possible to lose weight on soups, what is the calorie content of puree soup. And those who are quite satisfied with their figure often search on the Internet for recipes and calorie content of noodle soup, or information about the calorie content of meatball soup.

Is it possible to lose weight by eating soups?

If you know the calorie content of soup, then losing weight on soup will not be difficult. Any soup consists of water, a base of meat, poultry or fish on which the dish is cooked, as well as a mixture of vegetables. The calorie content of soups with meat will undoubtedly be higher than that of ordinary vegetable soups.

That is why, in order to lose weight on soups, they must be cooked without meat, exclusively with water. You can add various cereals, rice and pasta to soups. Seasonings and salt should be added to taste.

What are the benefits of soups?

Any soup is an excellent source of strength and energy. The soup contains a lot of fiber, carbohydrates and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, etc.), vitamins (E, beta-carotene, group B).

In addition, in boiled vegetables during the preparation of soups, most of the beneficial properties, and they are much better absorbed and digested by the body. Yushka made from vegetable broth is also healthy and has great nutritional value, since vitamins and minerals from vegetables are washed out into the broth.

Regardless of the calorie content of soups, they are simply irreplaceable for the human body:

  • Improve appetite and digestion;
  • Restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Restore fluid balance in the body;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, many people try not only to lose weight with soups, but also include them in their ingredients. therapeutic diets. Well, the ability of soups to restore strength after long-term illnesses and warm up the body during the cold season is no secret to anyone.

How many calories are in soup?

Despite the fact that soups do not have a particularly high calorie content, it would not be superfluous to think about what, for example, the calorie content of cream soup or any other soup is. Actually, the calorie content of soup directly depends on the products from which it is prepared.

In general, among all food products, soups are one of the lowest calorie dishes. This is why many people try to lose weight with soups, and they succeed. However, often additional ingredients are added to a ready-made dish, which increase the calorie content of the soup. For example, high-fat sour cream or mayonnaise greatly increases the calorie content of a dish, so you should not get too carried away with them.

Below is the calorie content of soups prepared from various products:

  • Ukrainian borscht – 49 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Pea soup – 100 ml 66 kcal;
  • Mushroom soup – 100 ml 26 kcal;
  • Green pea soup – 100 ml 56 kcal;
  • Leek soup with pasta – 39 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Tomato soup – 100 ml 28 kcal;
  • Potato soup – per 100 ml 39 kcal;
  • Potato soup with cereals – 54 kcal per 100 ml;
  • The calorie content of noodle soup is 48 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Vegetable soup – 100 ml 43 kcal;
  • The calorie content of meatball soup is 75 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Soup puree calorie content on average - 48 kcal per 100 ml;
  • Ear - 46 kcal per 100 ml.

What are calories, what are they for and whether they need to be counted are questions that almost every person asks sooner or later.

A calorie is a unit of living energy that a person takes from any food. Theoretically, the unit that is needed to warm water.

And man is 80% water. That is, we take in calories and turn them into movement. A person's whole life is movement.

Why do you need to count calories?

Any product has its own calorie content. But each one deserves special attention. For example, fatty foods contain more calories.

They carry a lot energy value. But vegetables have the least calories. A person on a diet should consume more of them.

Calories are usually counted by people who are losing weight or those who maintain their weight at one stable level. Athletes often count calories to stay in shape.

To maintain normal vitality, a person needs per day a certain amount of calories.

This is an individual number for everyone. It can be determined by calculating using a special formula.

Here it is: the weight you are aiming for must be divided by 0.453 and then multiplied by 14. The result will be the desired number of calories that you should consume daily.

Also, depending on physical activity, the resulting number must be multiplied by 1.2 (for a sedentary lifestyle), 1.375 (this is for moderate activity), 1.5 (high activity) or 1.7 (very high activity).

The last coefficient is found only among athletes. The average person almost always has average activity.

For weight loss it is better to combine physical exercise with calorie counting. Then the desired result will come much faster.

If you eat more calories per day, it comes quickly excess weight, since unnecessary calories are not consumed, but are saved for future possible difficult times. This is how the human body works.

When calculating your daily diet, you must keep in mind that during heat treatment, foods usually lose up to 15% of their calorie content.

Let's take an example: for a girl with an ideal weight of 55 kg and tall physical activity You need 2000 kilocalories per day.

To successfully lose weight, you need to divide your meals into 5 or 6 small portions a day. If you really want to lose weight and a person reduces the number of calories needed to speed up the process, then it is better not to do this. It may be dangerous.

When the body lacks the usual, it begins to get angry in the literal sense. Fatigue accumulates and eventually breaks down.

The energy value of products can be found in the video.

You can reduce your diet by 500 calories, but no more. Without food, all metabolic processes are disrupted and instead of losing weight, a person gains weight even from light foods.

You need to lose weight with a calm approach and gradually, because a sudden loss of kilograms will also lead to problems in the body.

In order not to feel discomfort, you need to choose lean meat, light dairy dishes, and also eat vegetables and fruits.

The key to successful weight loss:

  • breakfast should be porridge;
  • you need to drink more water;
  • give preference to protein products;
  • don't forget about your favorite food. If it is high-calorie, that is, in the most minimal quantities;
  • motivation is of utmost importance. You must have a goal.

Table of caloric content of main products

The product's name
Dairy products
Milk 2.5% 52
Milk 3.2% 58
Kefir zerovka 30
One percent kefir 40
Kefir 3.2 56
Cottage cheese 101
Unsweetened yogurt 51
Sweet yoghurt 70
Sour cream 15% 160
Sour cream 35% 337
Condensed milk in a jar 320
Powdered milk 476
Meat and meat products
Chicken meat 167
mutton 203
veal 90
beef 187
pork 480
Pork tongue 208
Beef tongue 163
turkey 197
duck 346
rabbit 199
horsemeat 143
Beef liver 98
Pork liver 108
Chicken liver 166
chick 156
Egg 157
Quail egg 168
Fish and fish products
squid 75
shrimps 83
crabs 69
salmon 219
pink salmon 147
sturgeon 164
tuna 96
acne 330
pike 82
chum salmon 138
Cod liver 613
cod 75
Red caviar 250
Black caviar 236
Mushrooms and products made from them
white 25
dried 210
honey mushrooms 20
Mushrooms with sour cream 230
fried 163
Boiled mushrooms 25
Marinated champignons 110
little mice 19
boletus 19
Fruits and berries
apples 45
bananas 90
orange 45
strawberry 38
raspberries 45
peach 45
apricot 47
cherries 53
currant 43
lemon 30
kiwi 59
avocado 100
a pineapple 44
plum 44
mandarin 41
pears 42
melons 45
watermelon 40
cherry 25
grapefruits 30
blackberry 32
blueberry 44
potato 60
cabbage 23
carrot 33
onion 43
cucumbers 15
tomatoes 20
garlic 60
beet 40
Bulgarian pepper 19
pumpkin 20
zucchini 24
broccoli 34
radish 16
cauliflower 18
eggplant 25
dill 30
parsley 23
spinach 16
sorrel 17
salad 11
green onions 18
Porridge and beans
buckwheat 346
oatmeal 374
semolina 340
pearl barley 342
wheat 352
barley 343
Corn 369
rice 337
soybean 395
beans 328
peas 280
lentils 310
barley 315
Bread and bakery
bagels 336
loaf 264
Armenian lavash 236
Rye flatbread 376
White bread crackers 331
Bread brick, molded 200
Borodino bread 201
baguette 283
Milk bun 313
Bran bun 157
Fin Crisp crispbread 285

Calorie table for ready-made first courses

Name of the first dish Number of kilocalories per 100 grams
Chicken bouillon 1
Beef broth 4
Pork broth 5
Classic borscht 36
ear 46
Vegetable soup 43
solyanka 106
pickle 42
Okroshka with kefir 47
Pea soup 66
Mushroom soup 26
gazpacho 28
Potato soup 39
Onion soup 44
Green borscht 40
cabbage soup 35
Fish broth 2
lagman 93

Calorie table for ready-made main courses

Porridge on the water Number of kilocalories per 100 grams
rice 78
buckwheat 90
oatmeal 88
semolina 80
barley 322
corn 325
Wheat 90
pearl barley 106
rye 343
Porridge with milk
rice 97
buckwheat 328
oatmeal 102
semolina 98
corn 120
wheat 135
pearl barley 109
Mashed potatoes with milk and butter 85
pasta 103
Fried potatoes 154
French fries 303
Egg dishes
fried eggs 243
omelette 184
Boiled chicken egg 160
Ready-made vegetable dishes
cabbage rolls 95
Stuffed pepper 176
Vegetable stew 129
satay 59
Grilled vegetables 41
Eggplant caviar 90
Zucchini caviar 97
Zucchini pancakes 81
potato pancakes 130
Stewed cabbage 46
Fish and seafood
Lightly salted trout 227
Lightly salted salmon 240
Salted herring 200
Dried roach 235
Herring in oil 301
Smoked mackerel 150
Sprats 563
Canned cod liver 613
Sardines with oil 249
Baked salmon 101
Boiled squid 110
Boiled shrimp 95
Fried flounder 75
Fish cutlets 259
Fish pate 151
Rolls and sushi
Philadelphia 142
California 176
Roll with salmon 116
With eel 110
With cucumber 80
Alaska 90
Sushi with shrimp 60
With caviar 39
With salmon 38
With squid 22
With eel 51
With scallop 24
With an omelette 50
Tomato and cucumber salad with butter 89
Sauerkraut 27
the vinaigrette 76
Salad crab sticks, corn 102
Greek 188
Olivie 197
mimosa 292
Caesar 301
Meat dishes
Boiled doctor's sausage 257
Cooked amateur sausage 301
ham 270
Pork shish kebab 324
Beef shish kebab 180
Grilled chicken 166
salo 797
Meat in French 304
Pork chop 305
Pork cutlet 340
aspic 330
Escalope 366
Beef Goulash 148
Roast veal 192
Semi-smoked sausage 420
Cooked-smoked sausage 507
Lamb kebab 235
Turkey kebab 122
Milk sausages 266
Hunter's sausages 296
boiled pork 510
Canned beef stew 220
Liver pate 301
Smoked pork belly 514
Goose pate 241
Foie gras 462
Meat pate 275
dolma 233

Calorie table for ready-made snacks

Herring under a fur coat 183
Ham sandwich 258
A cheese sandwich 321
Sandwich with red caviar 337
Sandwich with boiled pork 258
Sandwich with black caviar 80
Boiled beets with mayonnaise 130
Jellied fish 47
julienne 132
Liver cake 307
Marinated mushrooms 110
Pickled cucumbers 100
Pickled tomatoes 13
Spicy appetizer with garlic 557
Chicken saltison 239
Salmon carpaccio 230
chips 510
Dried squid 286
Smoked chicken wings 290
forshmak 358
hummus 166
Sandwich with tongue and horseradish 260
White bread croutons 331
Rye crackers 336
Roasted salted peanuts 598
popcorn 375
Risotto with mushrooms 118
jamon 241

Calorie table for ready-made dairy and flour dishes

Dairy dishes

Russian cheese 371
Dutch cheese 361
Processed cheese 226
Baked milk 84
feta cheese 260
Pancakes with milk 170
Tea with milk 38
Coffee with milk 160
Milk jelly 43
Milkshake 112
Milk cake 306
Spoiled milk 60
Cottage cheese casserole 197
Panna cotta 118
Creme brulee ice cream 134
Milk soup 58
Gogol-mogol 187
Homemade cheese 113
pancakes 193
Custard 215
Lazy dumplings 254
Cheese pie 339
Milk dessert 78
syrniki 275
vanilla ice cream 207
ayran 27
Glazed curd cheeses 334
Curd mass with raisins 334
cappuccino 45
Adyghe cheese 240
Cheese balls 361

Flour dishes

Buns for hot dogs 296
Toasts 258
bagels 357
Meat pies 219
Pies with potatoes 251
Fried pies with cabbage 230
cheesecakes 320
belyash 223
Pancakes with cabbage 147
Pancakes with cottage cheese and sour cream 640
Dumplings with potatoes 215
dumplings 224
chebureks 264
Dumplings with garlic 299
Dumplings, cottage cheese 198
Dumplings with cherries 182
Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms 184
Pizza Margherita 158
Pizza Four Cheese 196
Pizza with mushrooms and cheese 199
Pizza Caesar 199
Pizza with chicken and pineapples 121
Pizza with seafood 206
Lasagna with vegetables 334
Regular lasagna 460
Pasta Bolognese 208
Spaghetti with butter 345
Pancakes with mushrooms 218
Pancakes with honey 351
Pancakes with red caviar 325
Cabbage pie 157
biscuit 297
manna 218
croissant 406
kulebyaka 230
Nut cookies 270
Cherrypie 315
Charlotte with apples 197
Strudel with apples 239
donuts 330
Pie with meat 268
Homemade noodles 322
Pancakes with sour cream 311
gingerbread 335
Galette cookies 400
Oat cookies 437
Curd cookies 315
Bun with poppy seeds 310
Sweet straw 400
crackers 504
Chocolate cookies 216
Artek waffles 516
Raisin muffins 304
khachapuri 280
Meat pie 251
Fish pie 120
Sausages in dough 344

Calorie table for ready-made desserts

Whipped cream 257
Whipped cream with fruits 351
Whipped cream with chocolate 183
Vanilla ice cream 207
Chocolate ice cream 216
Ice cream popsicle 270
Chocolate sponge cake 569
Napoleon cake 247
Honey cake 478
Black Prince, cake 348
Drunk Cherry Cake 291
meringue 270
Kyiv cake 308
Fruit jelly 82
kozinaki 419
Lemon cake 219
Eclair cake 241
Potato cake 310
Chocolate pudding 142
halva 550
sherbet 466
cheesecake 321
honey 314
Strawberries and cream 93
Fruit salad 73
Chocolate bar "Mars" 298
Snickers chocolate bar 506
Twix chocolate bar 498
Chocolate bar "Bounty" 471
Milka milk chocolate 534
Dessert Tiramisu 300
Apple marshmallow 324
Chocolate cream 272
Candies "Squirrel" 358
Candies "Grilyazh" 523
Cups "Raffaello" 623
Ferrero Rocher sweets 580
Berry mousse 167
Homemade sweets 514

Calorie table for ready-made drinks and sauces


Water without gas 0
Sparkling water 0
Fanta 51
Coca Cola 49
Pepsi Cola 49
sprite 29
Mirinda 51
lemonade 123
kvass 37
jelly 97
Black tea 0
Green tea 0
Fruit tea 3
Black tea with sugar 28
Tea with sugar and lemon 29
Tea with honey 32
Instant coffee 1
Espresso coffee 136
Coffee with sugar 45
Coffee with sugar and milk 68
Cocoa with milk and sugar 379
Hot chocolate 568
Dried fruits compote 37
Apple decoction 8
Strawberry compote 42
Apple juice 102
Peach juice 56
Cherry juice 88
Pear juice 46
Fruit juice 52
Blackcurrant juice 89
Grapefruit juice 73
Beetroot juice 61
Pomegranate juice 54
Vegetable juice 71
Tomato juice 17
Carrot juice 66
Lemon juice 92
Orange juice 112
Fruit juice 41
Alcoholic drinks
vodka 224
Vodka with pepper 221
cognac 239
brandy 239
whiskey 330
gin 233
Gin and tonic 72
tequila 213
rum 224
Dry white wine 68
Semi-sweet white wine 82
Dry red wine 69
Red semi-sweet wine 75
Semi-dry white wine 64
White vermouth 139
Martini bianco 145
Marengo 149
Cahors 112
Beer is alive 58
Canned beer 47
Sparkling wine semi-sweet 106
Dry sparkling wine 86
Sparkling semi-dry 98
Cinzano 155
Baileys liqueur 291
Brut sparkling wine 64

Calorie table for sauces

adjika 59
ketchup 96
mayonnaise 627
Horseradish sauce 48
mustard 138
Milk sauce 143
Caesar sauce 539
Bechamel sauce 280
Tomato paste 99
Soy sauce 50
wasabi 241
Chili sauce 120
Curry sauce 310
Cheese sauce 318
Narsharab sauce 270

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