What items are needed to join the police? How to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: priority and contraindications for applicants

IN Lately, due to the growing popularity of work in government agencies and in law enforcement agencies in particular, the question of how to get a job in the police, what features and nuances should be taken into account is becoming increasingly relevant.

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Police vacancies

The police are a widely ramified structure that provides a large number of vacancies in a variety of areas. Thus, the most relevant are vacancies in law enforcement agencies, including the positions of investigators, detectives, district police officers and others.

For most police professions, a legal education is an important factor.

In addition, the police often require people from a variety of professions - economists, accountants, teachers, programmers, etc.

Requirements for employment in the police

Art. 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies...” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) establishes the scope of requirements for citizens of the Russian Federation entering service in the police:

The law establishes that every citizen has the right to employment in the police, regardless of gender, race, income, religion and other factors. That is, answering quite actual question

Restrictions on joining the police

Article 14 and Article 17 of the Law also establish restrictions under which a citizen does not have the right to obtain employment in the police:

  • The applicant is not a citizen of the Russian Federation (stateless person or has another citizenship)
  • The citizen has a residence permit or other document, according to which he has the right of permanent residence in another country
  • Has a criminal record (both outstanding, expunged or expunged). An exception is if at the time of employment the criminal act committed by the person, according to the law, ceased to be such
  • Appears in an open criminal case as a suspect or accused
  • The citizen is partially or completely incompetent
  • Providing false or forged information and documents during employment
  • Having a close relationship with a police officer, with whom, if employed, the citizen will have a certain official relationship (be a subordinate or manager of this person)
  • Refusal to obtain access to state or other secrets, if this procedure is mandatory when filling the selected vacancy

Documents required for employment in the police

For employment in the police, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • Application - a sample can be found at the stand in the personnel department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, to which the applicant applies
  • Questionnaire
  • , compiled according to general rules document flow (a sample can also be found at the corresponding stand)
  • A diploma confirming the education necessary to apply for the chosen position
  • Military ID
  • Declaration of income
  • Work book, if available

This is a basic list of documents required when joining the police.

Employment for certain positions may require additional documents required for a specific vacancy.

Procedure for employment in the police

Unlike employment in other government agencies, there are no competitions for filling vacancies for jobs in the police.

The exception is employment in the state civil service of the Russian Federation. These positions include vacancies in educational, scientific and research centers that are part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

When a citizen submits the above list of documents, the police authorities conduct the necessary checks to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements of the chosen position.

Also, during the inspection, a citizen undergoes several procedures:

  • Medical examination, during which it is determined whether health meets the requirements for the position held
  • Passing physical health tests
  • Passing a psychological and psychophysiological examination to determine whether a citizen meets the required moral qualities, the presence of the required level of emotional stability, etc.

Among other things, when conducting a psychophysiological examination, it is carried out to minimize possible risk factors. The fact is that, according to current legislation, a lie detector cannot provide 100% guarantees in its readings.


When applying for a job in the police, according to Article 24 of the Law, a citizen is required to undergo training, the period of which varies from 2 to 6 months. Based on the results of its passage, the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes one of the following decisions:

  • On concluding an agreement (contract) and accepting a vacant position
  • On termination of employment relations due to a citizen’s failure to meet the requirements of the position held

A probationary period is not established for persons holding managerial positions.

How to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the question is becoming more and more relevant under the influence of raising the prestige of service in the authorities.

This is facilitated not by practical clashes with law enforcement officers, but by films with heroically fighting protagonists in uniform against criminal gangs.

Be that as it may, the number of applicants is growing along with the interest of the younger generation, who have set themselves the task of how to become a prestigious university.

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Characteristics of applicants

What a girl needs to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs is excellent health and special human qualities in order to stand guard over law and order in the future. Law-abiding citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the country, regardless of gender, can become students up to 25 years of age.

To do this they have:

  • business qualities
  • good health in accordance with physical development requirements
  • knowledge of subjects to successfully pass exams

University specialists create a special group that, over a period of time, conducts a strict selection of applicants for training.

Admissions Committee Requirements

What exams are needed to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the chosen specialization. In order to be admitted to the tests, the future student will have to pass additional various tests.

You should come to the secretariat with a set of documents; they will undergo a thorough check for the accuracy of each autobiographical fact. The admissions committee will accept:

  • a well-executed application addressed to the head of the educational institution indicating your own details, contact information, faculty and specialty
  • photocopies of documents evidencing previously obtained education
  • school, work, confirmed by the signatures of the persons who wrote them, recorded by seal
  • passport
  • photographs – 5 pcs.
  • certificates of achievement in sports or knowledge of subjects

In order for an applicant to be admitted to the exams, he must receive confirmation of his suitability for the chosen profession:

  • psychological selection
  • medical report
  • control tests

Experts will not escape the facts of the use of drugs and psychotropic drugs. Based on special tests, a person’s suitability for special work is determined; the fate of many people will be entrusted to him. Only a positive conclusion from the medical commission provides grounds for admission to the examination.

Who gets benefits?

A certain group of young people has priority when entering a law enforcement university.

Given that:

  • psychological tests passed
  • no health problems
  • successful exams

If there is a large competitive selection in an educational institution, first of all they will enroll:

  • persons without parents, orphans
  • applicant from , with a single disabled parent
  • combatants
  • citizen who served in the Armed Forces
  • contract soldiers

When calculating the same number of exam points, the following children will be admitted to the University:
whose parents served in military units, died in battle or after being wounded
retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after a long (20 years) work in the authorities
dead police officers on duty

  • zone workers
  • graduates of secondary educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • police contract soldiers or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic

To reach the competitive selection period, you need to be well prepared.

What subjects will you prepare for?

Law enforcement agencies need multidisciplinary specialists; the subject that is included in the exam confirmed by the Unified State Exam depends on the choice of specialty. Students need to study at the chosen faculty for 5 years and pass the following exams:

  • , engineers are tested for knowledge of the Russian language
  • Forensic scientists will need to take history, a social studies subject.
  • defenders of information technology - mathematics, physics
  • psychologists – biology and prove knowledge of Russian, mathematics
  • financiers need to pass tests in the Russian language, mathematics, and social knowledge

Qualified applicants, based on a medical report, are given an examination form with a photograph of the subject and the seal of the educational institution. The exam should be taken strictly according to the schedule and specified time. If something prevented you from arriving on time, the delay must be justified with a very compelling reason, and 3 days before its arrival.

Expulsion occurs instantly and is not subject to appeal. This condition is also provided for when receiving an unsatisfactory grade for knowledge. Retaking is not allowed even in a simple civilian educational institution, as well as in such a responsible institution belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is possible to protest against the lower mark, with the help of an appeal filed on the same day.

List of contraindications

There are certain medical indicators, physical parameters of human merits that are not acceptable for an applicant to a higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The list of ineligibility includes the following key points:

  • short height below 161 cm
  • poor eyesight
  • presence of scoliosis confirmed by x-ray
  • heart diseases
  • flat feet
  • chronic skin
  • sinusitis formation
  • identified cholecystitis, stomach ulcer
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury
  • increased or decreased weight
  • all limbs must be present; any deficiency will result in refusal of admission to the exams
  • mental disorders
  • vascular diseases
  • hepatitis

An extensive list of contraindications proves that in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even in desk work conditions, employees must be absolutely healthy, both girls and boys. Anything can happen to an accountant auditing a company; he may need to be physically prepared when detecting thefts or demonstrate psychological fortitude in the face of tempting financial offers for concealing a criminal plan.

Very important information Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - on video:

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Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya is the largest Federal State educational institution higher professional education. The training of specialists at the University is carried out in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards in the following areas of training (specialties):

Faculty of training staff for operational units, specialty "Law Enforcement", qualification - lawyer; entrance examinations for Unified State Exam results: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of training police officers for public order units , specialty "Law Enforcement", qualification - lawyer, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training of employees for preliminary investigation bodies, specialty “Legal Support of National Security”, qualification – lawyer, Specializations: preliminary investigation by internal affairs bodies; inquiry by the internal affairs bodies. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of International Law, “Legal support of national security”, qualification – lawyer. Specializations: civil law; state-legal; international legal. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training. For those applying for civil law or international law specialization, it is necessary to pass an interview in English;

Faculty of training employees for economic security and anti-corruption departments , specialty "Economic Security", qualification - economist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: social studies, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of Performance Psychology , specialty “Psychology of professional activities”, qualification – psychologist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, biology. Additional tests: history, Russian language, Physical Culture. Prepares specialists for juvenile affairs units, in their specialty “Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior”, qualification - social teacher, entrance examination based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training specialists in the field of information security , specialty "Security" information technologies in the law enforcement field”, qualification – information security specialist. Specializations: information security technologies; computer forensics in crime investigation. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: computer science and information and communication technologies, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of Forensic Science , specialty “Forensic Expertise”, qualification – forensic expert. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Basic requirements for candidates: age up to 25 years, medical fitness for military service, permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region (possible temporary registration for a period of at least 5 years), availability of results passing the Unified State Exam according to the subjects required for each faculty and passing scores.

Privilege: Cadets receive free higher state education professional education, are provided with a high stipend of up to 24,000 thousand rubles, uniforms, free 2 meals a day, enjoy benefits for employees of internal affairs bodies, and have a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Upon completion of training, based on the results of the state final certification, a state diploma of appropriate education is issued and the special rank of “police lieutenant” is awarded. All graduates are provided with guaranteed employment in various professions. Opportunity for career growth. Employees receive stable wages from 45,000 to 80,000 thousand rubles, + year-end bonuses, as well as various incentives for excellence in service. Annual paid leave from 40 to 55 calendar days, free medical care for employees and members of their families. They have the right to receive a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises. Pension period begins after 20 years of service.

To work in internal affairs bodies, specialized education is required, which is obtained at the Higher School of Police.

Previously, these educational institutions were called Higher Police Schools.

There are such schools in dozens of cities across the country. After the police, you can immediately start working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or continue your education at a university.

If you intend to change your country of residence, then it makes sense to find out about it, and what rules exist for changing permanent residence, see below.

Former police schools have become full-fledged universities and institutes - such universities exist in Omsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Yekaterinburg.

People enter these universities on the basis of 11 grades: the conditions for admission, of course, are more strict than in ordinary police schools, but graduates receive a full-fledged higher legal education.

Such educational institutions They train investigators, criminologists, and highly qualified specialists in operational investigative activities.

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