Poop after the introduction of complementary foods. How does the baby's stool change after the introduction of complementary foods

How does the first feeding affect the child's stool, the norm and deviations, when should I see a doctor?

Six months - a feature of the period

Compared to how a baby is born, at half a year he already knows a lot. Knows his name, recognizes native people and those whom he often sees. He sits confidently, picks up toys, begins to babble in the Martian language and already spends much more energy. In this connection, his body requires more various nutrients.
Breast milk can still provide everything, but the digestive system is already fully formed and needs to be gradually prepared for food other than liquid. Before, it makes no sense to introduce complementary foods, since the baby has a protective reflex and he pushes out of his mouth everything that does not resemble mother's milk. Gradually, this function fades and you can enter the first complementary foods.

Signs that a baby is ready to feed

You can introduce complementary foods if:
  • The weight of the baby is not below normal.
  • Holds his head.
  • Well sits.
  • Attenuation of the expulsion reflex.
  • The child reacts to food with an increase in appetite, he sticks out his lower lip.
  • Shows interest in "adult" food or pretends not to want to eat.
  • The baby does not have enough milk alone.
  • He puts things in his mouth.
  • The baby can chew food and swallow it correctly.
  • If you bring a spoon to your baby's mouth, he reflexively opens it.
  • The first teeth are already in the mouth.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

To avoid many troubles, before giving your baby other food, you should listen to the following rules:
  • Do not feed your baby extra food until he starts to show interest in it.
  • You need to start feeding the baby when he does not complain about his health.
  • A new portion should be administered every 3-5 days.
  • Give food in the morning so that it is possible to draw conclusions and observe the reaction of the child's body.
  • Do not use complementary foods as the main food.
  • The volume of the first complementary foods should not exceed a quarter of a teaspoon, increase the amount over time.
  • The first meal should not be thick, warm.
Do not rush and introduce a large number of different foods into the baby's diet when he is not yet ready.

Complementary food menu

Usually the first meal of babies is vegetable puree. It is better to puree neutral vegetables, such as potatoes, zucchini. Gradually add cereals, meat, chicken eggs, fruit puree, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products to vegetables.

How does the baby's stool change after the introduction of complementary foods

When the baby is fed milk or formula, his stools are usually soft, unformed, yellow in color, sometimes a little darker. Different foods cause different reactions. First of all, the color of the stool changes, it becomes brown or with a greenish tint. The smell is sharper, more stable, you can hear it even through a diaper. The consistency is thicker, although at first there may be loose stools, while the digestive system is adjusted. Defecation occurs less frequently - once or twice a day, due to the fact that thick food is digested longer.

The effect of products on the stool

Some vegetables and fruits have their own color. After the baby eats, his stool color may change. At the same time, it will become thicker, a strong characteristic smell will appear. This is all normal and is a consequence of the introduction of complementary foods.

Disadvantages of early introduction of complementary foods

Doctors do not recommend introducing complementary foods early. It can negatively affect the health of the baby's digestive system and the general condition in general. If there are no teeth in the baby's mouth, he will not be able to chew food, and besides, reflexively push it out of his mouth. There is no benefit in introducing a new food early.

Feeding effects:

  • Disorders of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Refusal of the child to eat new foods
  • Local allergic reactions, skin rash with elements of inflammation

Why should a child be supplemented during the introduction of complementary foods

Breast milk or formula enters the baby's body as a liquid. Any complementary food has a thicker structure. The baby's body is accustomed to a certain volume of liquid, and so it should be supplemented with water, and even more so when consuming new, thicker food. So that water exchange and balance are not disturbed.

What changes in the stool are the norm, and which ones should alert?

After the introduction of complementary foods, any reaction is normal - a change in color, density, smell, pieces of undigested food, but close attention should be paid if:
  • Rash and itching appeared.
  • Vomit.
  • Loose stools have a disgusting smell.
  • The baby often cries, is naughty, refuses to eat.
  • Sleep and wakefulness is disturbed.
And in general, if the baby is hard to accept the introduction of complementary foods, then something is wrong and it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Problems with the stool after the introduction of complementary foods

Many mothers note that after the baby begins to eat other foods, the digestive organs are upset in the form of constipation or diarrhea. This is absolutely normal. After all, the digestive organs need time to adapt to new foods.


If the baby has constipation, then do not panic. Doing an enema in a hurry is also not necessary. In the beginning, simply increase the amount of liquid you drink, including breast milk. If the problem recurs in a day, then you can go to the doctor and understand what to do in such cases. It is forbidden to use any drugs without permission.

Stomach upset

Diarrhea can be eliminated with complementary foods by frequent breastfeeding and replacing the products used with others. If the diarrhea is severe, then for a while, complementary foods should be postponed until digestion improves. It doesn't hurt to ask a doctor for help either. It is not recommended to use special drugs without the knowledge of a doctor.

allergic reactions

It is possible that during the introduction of complementary foods, the child will have an allergic reaction. Allergy is a disease that needs to be treated. Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, urgent help will be needed or not needed at all. To begin with, you should track which foods you are allergic to, and then eliminate them altogether from the diet, because the reaction may intensify over time. You may need antihistamines to remove the effects of the reaction, they will be advised by the doctor.
Various violations during the introduction of complementary foods are the norm. Naturally, the digestive system will react to food that the child has not eaten before. It is only necessary to hurry with treatment in case of an allergic reaction, in other cases you should wait a bit before drawing any conclusions.

When to ask for help?

It is worth resorting to medical help if symptoms of an allergic reaction are observed, food is not completely digested, the intestines cannot adjust - severe constipation or diarrhea. It is not advisable to eliminate violations on your own with the help of medications or enemas. First, it is better to consult with a specialist.
The first complementary foods are not always perceived by the child's body without problems, in addition, during this period the first teeth begin to erupt and one problem can strengthen another. However, you shouldn't worry too much about this. The first complementary foods are introduced very carefully, in small portions, in parallel with breastfeeding or mixtures, gradually increasing volumes and adding new foods.

In a child who is breastfed, yellow stools are considered normal, with a mushy consistency, it may be with a sour smell or lumps. Such a chair will be in a baby with a normally functioning intestine. When the child grows up a little and it is time to introduce complementary foods into the diet, the time for surprises begins for parents.

What is the best way to start feeding

For those babies whose stools are generally normal, it is better to start complementary foods with additions to the diet of fruits or vegetables. The same is true for children who have a tendency to constipation. With, with frequent stools, you need to start with cereals. Of course, we are talking about healthy children without any deviations from digestion.

At the beginning, no more than one new product can be given at a time. After the baby tries something new, you have to wait a few days - from three to seven. Only if the child has tolerated the new food well, it will be possible to continue to give him other foods.

Complementary foods are introduced in tiny portions, no more than two or three spoons at a time. A new dish should be served in the morning - if diarrhea begins, it will be easier to follow the child's condition, because this will happen in the daytime. After the introduction of complementary foods, the consistency of the stool, as well as its color, will change slightly.

As the introduction of food thicker than the child has received so far, he will need to provide additional fluids. Water or other liquid should be given to the child, focusing on his desires and needs.

How can the baby's stool change after complementary foods

After feeding broccoli, as well as a pear or other green fruits, the stool can turn green, which can seriously scare inexperienced mothers. But usually everything is much simpler - children's feces are the same color as the product was at the entrance. If you use products of a different color, you may get the same color, but with a slightly greenish tint. Such a change means that the intestines reacted absolutely normally to unfamiliar food.

After the introduction of complementary foods, the baby's feces can change both in color and in density. His coloration is more intense. The consistency becomes a little thicker. White lumps may appear - evidence that the food was introduced in too large an amount for the baby and was not completely digested. The child's stool may now be less frequent - all this provided that the product is normally absorbed and there are no problems with digestion.

You should be wary, and possibly consult a doctor, if the child's stool is watery, has an unpleasant fetid odor, and becomes more frequent.

Any mother wants to quickly accustom her little one to new food, that is, she wants to start introducing complementary foods. Before that, of course, she always consults with a pediatrician, asking how many months you need to start giving your child a new food. And everything seems to be clear and seems so simple ... But problems began after the first introduction of new food. The stool after feeding has changed! No, it’s not observed, but something is still wrong, and that’s what you didn’t talk to the pediatrician about, but you should have. So if you want to start introducing something new to the baby, then first find out how the baby's stool can change after feeding in order to be ready for new changes in your baby's body. Some mothers start to panic, look for answers on the Internet and in various forums. To protect yourself from unnecessary nerves, so that breast milk does not disappear, because it is still useful to you, you need to prepare thoroughly for the introduction of complementary foods and do not forget to ask the doctor about the child's stool.

In infants, a healthy stool has a reddish tint and is mushy.

If you, for example, planned the first introduction of apple puree, then the stool can change dramatically. The stool after feeding this kind of food will become greenish in color or will be similar in color to applesauce. This is normal, it’s just that the baby’s stomach is still not so strong and he has not learned to digest new food.

After the introduction of complete complementary foods to the baby, that is, when you give more than one teaspoon, but replace one meal with a mixture or breast with some new food, the child’s stool will become a bit like an adult stool. It will thicken and begin to form into a bar. When this period comes, new ones begin, but this does not yet apply to our topic.

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How does the baby's stool change after feeding?

After you have accustomed the baby to new food and he likes it, you should not stop there.

For example, in the morning after waking up, give a full complementary meal, as well as at lunch and in the evening.

Between feedings, you can give a mixture or breast.

At night, too.

You will notice that the feces after such an intensive fruitful feeding will be already formed, more like an adult and not like the first stool of a baby after feeding.

It is necessary to look closely at the color of feces even now. So, if you see that the stool is strong and has the color of what the child ate (for example, red from beets, green from broccoli, and so on), then you should not worry, this is normal.

If a child's feces have become completely similar to adults, then you can be congratulated: bloating and screaming at night behind.

The introduction of new dishes into the diet of an infant requires adaptation of its digestive and immune systems. It is necessary to observe the gradual transition to normal nutrition in terms of the type and quantity of products. Signs of constipation in infants with the introduction of complementary foods mean an inattentive attitude to the diet and diet. It is necessary to help the baby by adjusting the diet. Preventive measures will help prevent stool retention.

Defecation of breastfed children is individual: from several times a day to 1 time per week. Breast milk provides the body of the baby with the necessary substances, which gives him the opportunity to fully develop.

After 6 months, mother's milk, milk formula for artificial babies are insufficient in terms of energy intensity and nutrients. Dietary changes are needed. The child needs more calories, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates.

After the start of complementary foods, defecation should be daily so that the feces do not harden and do not injure the walls of the intestines, rectum, anus.

With a long delay in stool (up to 3 days), due to the introduction of new dishes, intoxication of the body begins: skin rashes appear.

The main causes of constipation

Hirschsprung's disease can be a congenital cause of fecal retention in the intestine. A pathological change in the intestinal area does not allow feces to move towards the rectum. 1% of babies suffer from the disease. Diagnosed from birth.

Constipation in an infant can occur if he is inactive due to illness, has a physiologically immature intestine, weak abdominal muscles. Reception by a nursing mother, a baby of antibacterial agents violates the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads first to dysbacteriosis, and then to stool retention.

Non-food related causes of constipation include:

  • stressful situation (change of residence, unfamiliar environment);
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • increased dryness of the air in the apartment, on the street.

With parallel breastfeeding, maternal nutrition can provoke intestinal disorders. With the introduction of complementary foods, problems with defecation can occur with a lack of fluid, malnutrition. Symptoms of constipation appear after the first feeding.

fluid deficiency

A breastfed baby does not need additional fluids. New nutritional supplements and reduction of mother's milk without water compensation will make the stool thick. The baby must be taught to drink water at the same time as taking new foods.

The less he will receive milk from the breast, the more he should drink water, learn to quench his thirst. The use of bakery products must be washed down with water in sufficient quantities. When switching to solid food, the volume of liquid (dried fruit compote, water for babies) is minimal - 125 milliliters, maximum - 200 milliliters.

Inappropriate nutrition

Mistakes in complementary foods start with identifying foods for an infant's diet.

The baby receives meals rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • pork;
  • cream;
  • sour cream.

It is not advisable to introduce at first with potatoes, bananas, sea fish. A single serving should correspond to the volume of the stomach and intestines. An immature digestive tract will not be able to process the entire volume of food.

Violation of the feeding schedule

There is a certain sequence of introducing new products into the child's diet. At six months, he should receive vegetable purees, at 7 months he should try cereals, vegetable oil, at 8 months - chopped fruits. Meat enters the table of the baby at 9 months, kefir - at 10 months, fish products - at 11 months.

This sequence in time is explained by the peculiarity of the development of the enzymatic system of the child's body. At 6 months, the body of not every baby will be able to absorb meat or fish, which will cause constipation.

food allergy

The introduction of certain food ingredients into the baby's diet causes stool retention due to an allergic reaction.

The child's body may not absorb well:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • vegetables, berries, red fruits.

Cow's milk is one of the most common causes of food allergies. It contains 25 antigens that can cause an increased immune response. Boiled milk partially loses allergenicity, with the exception of two proteins: casein and P-lactoglobulin.

Chicken protein contains a strong allergen - albumin, which provokes the production of immunoglobulin. The yolk has no such effect on the immune system. The reason for allergies to tomatoes, pomegranates, strawberries, red bell peppers, watermelon, cherries, grapes, red currants is the pigment lycopene, due to which the peel and pulp have a rich red color.

How to understand that a child has constipation - symptoms and signs

You can determine the delay in stool according to the condition of the child. An active, cheerful baby, with good appetite and sleep, does not experience discomfort in the abdomen. Attention should be drawn to anxiety and crying for no reason, sleep disturbances, aversion to food. When the urge to defecate began, the child strains, blushes, cries. The belly of the baby is tense.

Feces with constipation have characteristic signs: a fecal plug at the beginning of a bowel movement, a liquid substance at the end. In advanced cases, with a delay of more than 3 days, the feces come out solid, falling into pieces, with blood clots.

An indirect sign that constipation begins is a decrease in the number of urination. After six months, they should normally be at least 15 per day. A decrease in urine volume and thick stools are signs of a lack of fluid in the body.

How to help a baby

A baby, including a newborn, needs effective help to empty the intestines with constipation.

To activate peristalsis, you need to do certain manipulations:

  1. Massage the belly of the baby clockwise for several minutes.
  2. Then put on a hard surface with your back up and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Turn over, bend the legs at the knees and press to his chest.
  4. Rotate legs alternately, performing the “bike” exercise.

In cases where constipation is more than 2 days, infants are given medications in the form of a laxative, suppositories, and enemas are given. Relaxing drugs for young children should be prescribed by a doctor. Glycerin suppositories, enemas with warm boiled water will help to get out thick feces.

Correcting nutrition

Dietary modification includes three elements:

  • exclusion of products that cause constipation;
  • increase in the share of vegetables, fruits;
  • dietary compliance.

With a tendency to constipation, fatty, high-calorie, viscous products are removed from the menu of the infant:

  • milk 3.2%;
  • cottage cheese 18%;
  • kefir 3.2%;
  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • semolina;
  • fresh sweet pastries;
  • boiled carrots.

Instead of foods rich in fats, carbohydrates, the child is given skim milk, cottage cheese, kefir, dietary meats, fish, bran bread. Cauliflower puree, zucchini, prunes, apricots, pumpkins, which have a laxative effect on the intestines, are introduced into the diet. Oatmeal, buckwheat are rich in fiber, which prevents the stool from thickening. Vegetable oil is used as a laxative, adding it to ready-made dishes in a few drops.

The meal schedule helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. The child is given at certain hours laxative foods that help cleanse the intestines at the same time. The combination of products helps to improve the taste, adjust the excretory function: fruit additives are added to cereals, and vegetable additives to meat dishes.

Preventive measures

Constipation is the result of malnutrition. Due to impaired defecation, there will be problems with metabolism, stomach, intestines, which will be more difficult to correct with age.

To avoid constipation, complementary foods begin with minimal doses: from half a teaspoon. Daily volume increases by 10-15 grams.

For vegetable purees, zucchini and cauliflower are suitable at first. You should not prepare fruit puree from red-skinned apples, raspberries, red currants. Grated pears, green apples, apricots, plums are a suitable option at the initial stage of complementary feeding.

The term for introducing a full-fledged norm of the product into the child's diet is at least 2 weeks. To facilitate the task, it is necessary to draw up a menu for this period, in which you indicate when, how much and what the baby should receive. At the first signs of constipation, it is possible to determine which product has been violated with the introduction in order to change the diet.

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Your baby continues to grow. He gradually ceases to be a baby and begins his acquaintance with other types of food. And this is a very big change for him. The correct introduction of complementary foods determines whether this transition will be painful or easy and pleasant.

If the child does not poop after the introduction of complementary foods, then this is due to the immaturity of the digestive system of the baby. It must be understood that initially complementary foods are introduced in the most minimal quantities. The risk of problems with the stool will be less, the smaller the first portions of adult food in the baby. More of the new food can cause intestinal disturbances such as constipation, diarrhea, rashes, and allergic reactions. The younger the child, the more strictly and carefully it is necessary to adhere to this rule.

If there are problems with the stool, then a new product must be introduced at the end of the usual feeding for the baby. If, after the introduction of complementary foods, the child poops mucus, then complementary foods should be given at the beginning of feeding, only after you painlessly reach a fifty-gram serving. And until that time - only after breast milk to give the baby a spoonful of complementary foods. In this case, the new food must be mixed with the baby's favorite food. You introduce complementary foods into the feeding, which you later completely replace with an adult product.

Usually the intestines of the baby get used to a new product for ten days. Therefore, until he masters it, it is not recommended to introduce another product. In addition, in order to avoid problems with digestion, you can not combine several foods at once in complementary foods. If the child does not poop with the introduction of complementary foods, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and consult with him on the introduction of complementary foods. Constipation is primarily a sign that the child's body can not cope with the new food. Enzymatic activity has not reached a certain maturity, and a change in diet has led to an overload of digestion.

Children who are prone to such a reaction to a new product should change the mode of introduction of complementary foods. And it is necessary to enter it no earlier than six months and in the most minimal quantities.

You can try to start complementary foods with special canned foods, in the event that with the introduction of complementary foods the child began to poop badly, as they are more adapted to the baby's digestive system. And leave homemade complementary foods for a later date.

For the baby, abdominal massages will also be very useful. They are done four times a day, for ten minutes each. For natural stimulation of intestinal motility and strengthening the muscles of the abdominal wall, laying the child on the tummy is useful.

Diarrhea and constipation require assistance to the baby. And in order to do this, you need to find out the reason. Maybe you started complementary foods too early, offering your baby more of a new product than is required. You can't do it without consulting a doctor.

How often does the baby poop after the introduction of complementary foods? This question is very ambiguous. This is different for every baby. But at least once a day, bowel movements should be. Constipation is considered the case when the stool is delayed for two to three days. At the same time, the baby wants to go - he pushes, cries, blushes, twists his legs, but nothing works out for him. This means that he is experiencing pain in the abdomen. And if a rare bowel movement occurs, then the feces are small, very hard, it is also called "goat poop."

With constipation, exercises for the abdomen, for example, a bicycle, also help. How many times a child should poop after the introduction of complementary foods also depends on the age of the baby. The older the child, the less stool becomes. The child can be helped by offering him to poop while lying on his stomach, holding his legs bent at the knees near his stomach. Or flip it in this position on its side.

If all these measures were ineffective, then you should still consult a doctor. After all, constipation can be associated not only with complementary foods, there are digestive tract disorders that manifest themselves in a similar way and are not related to the body's reaction to new food.

Each baby reacts to complementary foods in its own way, and it happens that with the introduction of complementary foods, gases cause a lot of trouble for the baby. In this case, it is recommended to use a medical gas outlet tube, but only with strict observance of the rules for its use. If this happens constantly, then most likely you need to give up complementary foods for a while, and after a while try to start complementary foods with a new food.

When a baby switches to a new food, problems can arise not only for him, but also for his mother. Especially if there is plenty of breast milk. When there is a complete replacement of one feeding with adult food, a woman needs to master the pumping technique. If lactostasis has begun after the introduction of complementary foods, then milk will have to be expressed often. Freeing the milk ducts will require patience from you.

Each new stage in the life of a baby can be accompanied by certain difficulties. But the health and well-being of her baby depends on how seriously the mother takes each innovation.

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