How to live if you are a loser. Why am I a failure in life?

Many people assign the characteristic “loser” to themselves, and willingly.

A difficult relationship with villainous fate is a convenient way to justify one’s laziness, insecurity, low self-esteem, sloppiness and other unpleasant traits.

The stigma of a loser gives you the right to spit at the ceiling, philosophize about the meaninglessness of life, be sad about unfulfilled dreams and completely indulge in hopeless pessimism.

You can also blame others for your failures - those who succeed without difficulty, unlike you. Great, isn't it? So there are almost no problems with “making a diagnosis”. What to do if you are a loser?

Losers - who are they?

A loser is a person who is unable to succeed in life in the capacity in which he desires.. He cannot achieve his goals, implement long-standing goals.

Or maybe he no longer has goals, and his goals are forgotten - after all, in order to achieve something, you need to make efforts, spend time, energy...

AND we're talking about not only about professional success and career ups. Sometimes a girl who has not known family happiness by the age of thirty considers herself a failure. All her friends have been married for a long time, babysitting babies, waiting for their spouses to return from work, but she is still alone.

Common situation? But here's the problem: at the same time, deeply married ladies they envy the lonely wolves taking selfies in Bali in the arms of tanned aborigines.

Awareness of one’s own failure depends on internal attitudes and goals. There are people who are dissatisfied with any life and are confident that the grass is always greener on the other side. You can develop a loser complex in childhood, with the help of a parent.

If mom and dad demand from a child beyond his abilities, scold him for bad grades and always compare him with the successful Vasya from the next door, low self-esteem will ruin the child’s life for a long time.

How to recognize a loser in yourself (and what to do about it)?

When starting to fight an “illness,” you should definitely look for its symptoms within yourself. What is characteristic of typical losers?

1) Feel sorry for yourself all the time.

2) Constantly grumble and see negativity even in beautiful things.

3) Blame others for your own failures.

4) Total pessimism, confidence that everything will be bad - no matter what the options are.

5) Love of excuses: such a person always has a dozen or two excuses for why he still hasn’t passed his license, hasn’t quit his terrible job, or refuses promising dates.

6) Problems with time management: he wastes time, being more interested in social networks, toys and funny pictures than in real life and his responsibilities.

7) Painful perception of criticism, fear of someone else’s negative opinion and at the same time – reluctance to change.

8) Mediocre attitude towards your work. The losers are sure that the “evil boss” has a grudge against him, but at the same time he works as hard as he can and does not value his profession.

10) Imposing labels on yourself and setting limitations: “I don’t have the ability to do this,” “I’m not good at this kind of work,” “I’ll never learn to meet people, it’s not my thing,” “I have a weak will, poor metabolism and wide bones.” "

11) Fatalism, a feeling of doom, giving up at any opportunity. So fate decided - why change anything?

To solve the problem of your own failures, you need to look at the situation and yourself with open eyes. Recognize that being a failure is your own choice, your fear of change and your reluctance to expend valuable energy and effort.

You yourself inspired this strategy, chose this life path, and you can change it if you want.

How to stop being a loser? Way to success

Raising self-esteem, selecting new guidelines and changing character is a difficult but real task. Some people benefit from auto-training, others from a visit to a psychologist.

Also, you should clearly outline your goals(preferably in a notebook) and realize the values ​​that motivate you.

Time management skills and positive thinking– buy useful books and start educating yourself.

Learn to value your time, plan your day and don’t waste it on trifles: say a firm “No” to computer games and communication on forums - real life awaits you!

For example, you are unhappy with your weight and blame it on your lack of personal life. Instead of complaining and feeling sorry for yourself, grit your teeth and sign up for the gym.

Training will strengthen not only muscles, but also, and the influx of endorphins will set you up for positivity.

If you haven't had a salary increase in 10 years, think about why? How unfair are your bosses to you, and how irreplaceable, creative, experienced and hardworking are you?

If something doesn’t work out and minus for minus doesn’t give a plus, try to increase your professionalism.

Go to an internship or seminar, sign up for personal growth training, add new competencies to yourself, and finally learn English.

And if after all this your boss doesn’t raise the rate, feel free to quit - any company dreams of such valuable personnel!

You're lonely? Are you having trouble? You feel bad? Are you out of money? No exit? Don't you know what to do? Congratulations! You're a loser!

And the point here is not at all that you were unlucky or something didn’t work out for you. It's about your way of thinking.

Imagine a line in the reception area of ​​some organization. People who arrived and lined up in the morning are patiently and obediently waiting for their turn. They are angry, sleepy, tired. And then a well-dressed man comes in, walks down the corridor, not paying attention to the queue, enters the office and leaves for ten minutes, without explaining anything. He decided on his own affairs, but the crowd begins to be indignant and indignant, continuing to quietly follow the line and endure the heat and inconvenience. Why didn't they repeat his example or stop the impudent man? Because they are losers, unlike that determined and apparently successful person.

What to do if you are a loser, and what are the signs of being a loser? This question interests many. Well, let's look at it in more detail.

Signs of a loser (aka a weakling, a loser, a loser, a schmuck.)

1. Everyone is to blame for your problems, but not you. Well-paid jobs are hired only through connections. My wife left because I was a whore. They weren't allowed into the nightclub - the security guard was scum. Gopniks robbed me - my parents raised me wrong. They kicked me out of the institute - only nerds study there or for bribes. The whole world is to blame for your troubles, but not you.

2. You always rely on circumstances, never calculating the situation or planning anything. In this case, you cannot foresee the problem. It rolls over you like a snowball, and periods of stability are mixed with incredible difficulties. This is where the comparison with the white and black stripes of life comes from. If everything is exactly like that, black and white, you are a loser.

3. You don't take care of yourself. You can’t even realize your shortcomings, let alone eliminate them. Criticism addressed to you is perceived as sharp and extremely painful. If you're fat, instead of going to the gym, you'll blame the opposite sex for not being appreciated for who you are. Instead of entering some normal society, you will claim that there are only rednecks around, no one understands you.

4. You know how to organize the whole world, but you cannot restore order at home and in your life.

5. You're out of luck. It's all to blame because you were born at the wrong time, in the wrong place. You got the wrong parents who raised you wrong.

6. You worry about what others will think of you if you say something wrong.

7. You don’t have enough time to improve your life and change something in it. On computer games and watching TV, you can find time for a beer with friends, but there is sorely not enough time to do something.

8. You don’t receive new information not because you don’t have the opportunity to get it, but because you simply don’t want to do it. Once you were trained to do some work, and you do it, fearing to retreat from it into the unknown for new knowledge.

9. You are envious. You develop hatred towards more successful people, you constantly try to reproach them for something, and reassure yourself with far-fetched arguments that they received all this undeservedly.

10. You constantly complain about life, everything is wrong with you and everything is wrong. You begin to come up with many reasons for your failures.

How to stop being a loser?

The recipe is simple, like everything effective and efficient. Stop being lazy and making excuses. Work on yourself: educate yourself, sign up for a gym, read books and sign up for self-development seminars. All this, in addition to giving you the necessary knowledge to move forward in life, will significantly increase your self-esteem. You must be confident in yourself and that you are right, no matter what. If you ever have a failure, it is temporary, start working on it and soon you will improve the situation. Remember, if you are confident in yourself, others will not doubt your capabilities and abilities.

In conclusion, know that there are indeed people who are unlucky: they have a congenital disease, they were in a car accident, they were beaten on the street until they became disabled. And then, they try to benefit from their shortcomings and lead a full life. You're not like that, so stop whining and making excuses. The words “failure”, “defeat”, “weakling” should be completely absent from your vocabulary. Avoid failures yourself and do not label others with these labels. If you see these shortcomings in others, then you yourself suffer from them. You yourself must decide who you are in this life, the decision is yours.

author: Igor Kruglov, for the site

Why am I such a loser? Life didn't go well

Everything in life didn’t stick together. Whatever he took on, everything slipped out of his hands. The women with whom he linked his fate enjoyed all the material benefits that he gave them, but considered him an incompetent nonentity. And then they left, “skinned like a stick.” Actually, he never chose women himself; rather, he submitted to their choice.

After another failure in his personal life, each time he had to start all over again. But it was hard to start, because there were also problems with earning money. As soon as he found another job, something unpleasant always happened, which prompted him to look for a new one. Then the boss will begin to mock him, so that work becomes unbearable. Then urgent matters arise that distract him from his main work, and management is forced to fire him. The company he joined suddenly collapses. Then, out of hopeless bad luck, he will start drinking, and who needs an employee with bad habits?

I'm a loser in life

He understood: “I’m a failure in life. What should I do?”It seemed to him that he was unable to change anything in his life.

Why am I such a loser? Why am I such a failure?

These questions are often asked by people with a failure scenario that develops if they have an undeveloped or improperly developed skin vector.

Man with skin vector has a high degree of adaptability to what is happening. He is able to adapt to any conditions, even the most unfavorable ones. His values ​​- benefit and benefit - allow him to extract dividends from any situation.

There are two scenarios for the unfavorable development of the skin vector in childhood: beating and verbal humiliation. The skinner has very delicate and sensitive skin. It is his erogenous zone. Therefore, any rough touch, and even more so physical punishment, is prohibitive for him. But the ability to adapt leads to the fact that he learns to enjoy physical pain. Any person strives to avoid suffering and receive pleasure, and the skin develops a mechanism for secreting special substances - opiates, which relieve pain. This is how masochism arises, when physical pain begins to be perceived as pleasure.

The second way of unfavorable development of the skin vector is verbal sadism, humiliation of the child, emphasizing his inferiority, inability to act, to achieve in life. It is very important to motivate a skinned child to be the first, to support ambition and the desire to compete. These are his values, and if they are not nurtured, much less suppressed, he will develop the scenario “I am a failure in life.” And then, as an adult, he will unconsciously look for situations in which he will also experience humiliation, helplessness, and inability.

I'm a loser

Why am I a failure in life? Underdevelopment and stress

In the case of physical abuse, the child loses his sense of security and safety and is forced to become an adult too early. His skin properties do not have time to mature, and he begins to exhibit archetypal properties inherent in the skin of the times of the ancient pack. Since the species role of the ancient skinman was to create and preserve food reserves for the flock, and at any cost, even at the cost of stealing food, the beaten skinchild begins to steal. And the more they beat him for it, the more he does it. He cannot do anything about his desire, because it is stronger than him. A thief grows out of a broken skinner.

In the case of verbal humiliation, the skin child grows into a loser. In this case, the desire for a state of humiliation and failure can manifest itself permanently or during times of stress (depending on the degree of suppression in childhood) to which the skin person is exposed, for example, when he takes on too much responsibility that is not typical for him. Yes, leader large corporation possessing a skin vector may experience too much overload, because such an organization must still be headed by a person with a urethral vector, a natural leader who has quite the potential for this. Such a leather worker goes to relieve stress in role-playing games.

You are the queen, I am a loser. One way to avoid being a loser

In the West, company executives with the skin vector, under stress and with childhood mental trauma, are frequent visitors to the offices of dominants who verbally or physically humiliate them (depending on what suppression scenario was used in childhood - beating or verbal sadism). This is a good way to avoid the urge to get involved in unfavorable situations in real life. The humiliation played out in a role-playing game is less disturbing.

You're a queen, I'm a loser

However, this recipe is only good for Western society, which has a skin mentality, in which mental flexibility allows one to adapt even to humiliation for the sake of benefit and benefit. With the Russian urethral mentality, this method of getting rid of the scenario of failure is unacceptable. The urethral man is an alpha male who will not allow a woman to dominate him. Mentally we carry these attitudes within us, and we will never accept humiliation for the sake of the cause. Let it be worse for us, but we will remain ourselves.

That is why skin workers with a scenario of failure in Russia have a particularly deplorable situation, considering that here, due to the influence of the urethral mentality, skin care is generally underdeveloped, because these measures are counter-intuitive, opposite. A leather worker with a scenario for failure in our country is most often a drunkard, a degenerate person, without social status.

What should I do if I'm a loser in life?

There is only one thing left - to know yourself, your psyche. Awareness of the roots of existing conditions removes the tendency to choose any negative scenarios in life. You yourself will not notice how you will begin to choose more favorable living conditions for yourself. This seems like a miracle, but it is only the result of a deep awareness of your vectors, your innate properties and your potential in life.

Absolutely all people can consider themselves losers. Some people call themselves a loser only at certain moments in life, while others constantly consider themselves a loser. To understand the reasons why you are a failure in life, you need to give a definition on the psychological help website.

A loser is a person who has not achieved the level of success that he set for himself. If a person wanted to have a business, but was never able to create one, then he will consider himself a failure. Moreover, this person can be absolutely happy in love, have wonderful children, be healthy and beautiful.

In other words, a loser is not necessarily a homeless, unshaven and unclean person. Loser is more likely social concept, which is based on whether a person has achieved his goals. If a person dreamed about something and worked on something, as a result of which he achieved success, he is considered successful. And if a person was unable to realize his goals, then he considers himself a failure.

Success is mainly associated with social status, amount of money, material goods. Although, of course, each person has his own concept of success. For some it is important to marry a rich man, and for others it is to rise in career ladder to the level of director of the company. The person who achieves the goal becomes successful, otherwise he considers himself a failure.

Other variations of unluckiness can be noted:

  1. When a person achieves his goals, but does not get pleasure from them, he sets new goals for himself and now begins to achieve them.
  2. When a person has achieved success once, received the desired result, after which he wants to achieve it again, but it no longer works out.

It is obvious that anyone who considers himself such can become a loser. Some people live quite prosperously, but still consider themselves losers. And there are people who have truly achieved nothing in their lives, which is why they can rightly be considered failures.

When a person tries, tries, but nothing works, he either continues to fight or gives up. When a person stops setting goals for himself and achieving them, he becomes “just a man” who is content with what he has and goes to death. You shouldn’t have an unambiguously negative attitude towards “just a person,” since he can be happy with what he already has. After all, success is not a goal that you need to set for yourself, but a process that should bring happiness. If a person is happy with what he has, then he will feel successful.

Why am I a loser?

If you are wondering why am I a loser, first understand if you really are one. By what criteria can you recognize a loser in life?

  • A loser constantly finds excuses for his failures and inaction.
  • A loser is jealous of other people who have achieved the success they desire.
  • A loser constantly finds faults in others in order to reassure himself and understand that they are not so lucky.
  • A loser is prone to irritability and grumbling.
  • He is constantly dissatisfied with himself.
  • The loser feels guilty before his loved ones for not being able to provide them with everything they need.
  • The loser experiences fear of life passing him by.
  • A loser constantly remembers the past and tries to change it.
  • He is prone to depression and anxiety.
  • He often becomes a misanthrope.

The Loser is constantly fighting for his survival. His whole life is like a tireless pursuit of goals that he never achieves.

More and more often, people are faced with this pattern: they set goals for themselves, begin to achieve them, but after some time the ardor and enthusiasm subside, which is why the process of achieving what they want also stops. There are people who simply want to achieve something. But there are also those who achieve their goals, but at some stage their movement stops.

Why don't people follow through? Why can't a person achieve what he wants? There are many factors that can make a person stop. And one of those factors is the idea that you are a failure.

The loser complex is formed in childhood, although adults can also develop it under the influence of the surrounding society. If you start doing something, and your environment says that you won’t succeed, that it’s better not to waste your time, or that what you are going to do is difficult, so you don’t even need to try, then you get used to the fact that the work begins, but is not completed. Your environment doesn't believe in you. Those people with whom you constantly communicate and whose opinions you trust would never themselves achieve the goal that you set for yourself. So they project their own thoughts onto you, persuading you to abandon what you have planned. It seems to them that if they can’t, then you definitely can’t. And if you believe them, you end up feeling like a failure who is truly unable to follow through.

You can get rid of this complex if you understand the following:

  1. The people around you are failures themselves. What they tell you is their own fears, thoughts, unwillingness to fight and achieve their happiness. If you believe losers who don't achieve their goals, you will soon become a loser yourself. And if in childhood a person cannot yet protect himself from the influence of his loser parents, then in adulthood he has every opportunity to refuse the influence of those people who themselves have not achieved anything. Why would you trust losers? Look at the lives of those you listen to. Are they lucky, successful, happy? If not, then don't listen to their talk.
  2. People around you know how to envy. Even your parents, friends and loved ones may be jealous of your willingness, desires and strength. Feeling weak, they want to make you the same. It is quite rare for people to be happy for the success that others achieve. Therefore, you need to understand that even your close people can envy you and unknowingly make you lose your power.
  3. The people around you are already accustomed to seeing themselves and others as losers. Sometimes people are blind not in the literal sense of the word, but in a figurative sense. Accustomed to the fact that nothing works out for them, these people think that others live exactly the same way. And if at least once you failed to achieve your goal, then they will constantly refer to your negative experience, proving that you are also a failure. People are sometimes rigid in their thoughts and views. Even if you succeed 10 times, but fail 1 time, they will remind you of this failure, completely ignoring your successes. You should understand this psychology of people.

Is it really possible to change the environment now? Not necessary. It is important to simply see and understand why your environment is dragging you down, which is why you do not complete the task. If you have a loser complex, then only understanding that you can become lucky at any moment can help you achieve your goal.

Losers live in problems. Pay attention to how people often behave when difficulties arise in front of them. Some begin to look for those to blame for the troubles that have arisen, others look for interlocutors with whom they can discuss the problem several times, others begin to cry, suffer, and be offended. It is as if a person was walking along the road and a wall appeared in front of him. A person does not want to look left or right. But the wall can be as wide as the road! But the person does not want to go around the wall, but wants it to collapse, disappear, and make way for him. And his methods are: searching for those to blame for who erected this wall, insulting and showing hatred towards this wall, shedding tears (what if the wall melts?). It's funny, isn't it?

Losers live in problems. They discuss them, worry about them, and devote every day to thinking about them. Friends, when will we start solving problems?

Losers live in problems, and successful people live by goals. Successful people have troubles too. It is human nature to periodically encounter situations that cause certain difficulties in solving them. But some people begin to stop and live with these problems, while others try to set goals that they want to achieve while they solve these problems.

When going around a wall, you can go right, left, or start climbing it. Thus, the loser will stand in front of the wall and train himself to see it every day. A successful person will first decide: “What do I want to achieve when I get over this wall?”, and then choose how he will achieve his goal: “I’ll go right,” “I’ll go left,” or “I’ll climb over the wall.”

Losers live with problems, gradually getting used to their presence. What else can they do, since they don’t move, don’t do anything, but stand in one place? Successful people live by goals. If there are problems, they solve them. If there are no problems, then they simply realize the desires they dream of.

What if I'm a failure in life?

If you are tired of wasting your life on survival, then it is time to become a successful person. What does this mean? It's time not just to do something, but to act in such a way that your actions lead to the results you need. Errors and failures are possible. The main thing here is to change your behavior and actions in order to still achieve your goal.

People are divided into successful and unsuccessful. Of course, in reality, these are all relative concepts: a rich person cannot always be called successful, and a poor person cannot always be called a failure. Success lies in the extent to which a person has realized his potential in life. Was the person able to realize his desires? Does he feel happy? Does he have what he really needs? It is the presence of all these parameters that indicates a person’s level of success.

People are divided into those who are involved in their own lives and those who are involved in the lives of others. The first category of people is characterized by the fact that they see problems and shortcomings in themselves and their actions. The second is that people see problems and shortcomings in others, but not in themselves.

Naturally, the first category includes successful representatives, since they are engaged in self-improvement, the implementation of their plans and the creation happy life. The second category includes losers and sufferers, since they try to solve their life troubles at the expense of other people. They want those around them to become different and start doing what is convenient for the losers themselves. Of course, it is difficult to force an adult to do anything against his will, so this category of people does not achieve anything in their lives.

Successful people say, “What am I doing wrong?” and suffering people say, “Why is he/she/they doing wrong? What can I do to make them do things differently? In other words, successful people try to change themselves, their habits and behavior patterns in order to make their lives the way they want them to be. Losers try to find ways that will help them force others to be like that and do what is required of them.

Those who want to live happily at their expense see problems in other people. They don't see their shortcomings. And often their life is very boring, monotonous and uninteresting. That's why they seek happiness in other people's lives. After all, they cannot make their life beautiful.

And only the person who changes his own shortcomings and solves his problems can achieve success. After all, who else, besides himself, knows what can make him happy? Moreover, other people themselves want to live happily, and not make others happy, while suffering and humiliating themselves.

What to do to stop being a loser in life?

  1. Determine what would be successful for you. Set clear goals for yourself.
  2. Use your envy, self-dissatisfaction and aggression as motivation.
  3. Feel like a successful person who has sociability, high self-esteem, determination, optimism, and a positive attitude.
  4. Start taking action, not just planning and dreaming.
  5. Be prepared for difficulties. The main thing here is to overcome them, change yourself, and develop.

What else can help you become a successful person?

  1. The ability to take responsibility for your actions.
  2. Take failures as experience.
  3. Don't be afraid to take risks.
  4. Don't blame anyone for your failures.
  5. Take action to make what you want into the future.

A loser is not a characteristic of a person, but his status, which he acquires in the course of his life. Losers are people who never achieve their goals. And if you are slowly moving towards what you want, then everything is going well for you.

Losers don't value their time at all. Any successful person will tell you that time is our most valuable resource. People who achieve success value time even more than money. What's your job? We read Twitter, visited a site like or, liked photos on Facebook and VKontakte.

But you make plans every year. Every year you promise yourself that “this year I will really work.” And everything is new. Your plans are not destined to come true. This is because you are not devoting the required amount of time to completing tasks. Learn to manage your time, learn to say “no” - this will be a good step towards success in any area of ​​your life.

2. You're not doing things that align with your goals.

It's not difficult to make decisions when you know what your values ​​are.

Roy Disney

Outsiders confuse busyness with productivity. They mistakenly believe that it directly depends on employment. That's why losers take on everything. They take part in anything. As a result, they scatter their efforts into nowhere. The only thing they don't focus their efforts on is their goals and their values.

Write down your goals and strategy for achieving them. This will help you determine where you really need to focus your efforts. “The more important you consider it, the more likely you will accomplish a task.”

3. You don't take responsibility.

Yes, your boss really is an asshole and you really hate your job. But this is not a reason to do everything mediocre. You are paid to be at work and to do your job well. We must strive for excellence regardless of the circumstances. This is called maturity and wisdom. Losers are quite happy with bad grades. And they don't think about becoming better. One of the main rules of life is that it returns the effort you put in.

4. You limit yourself

“I’m just bad with numbers”, “I’m really bad at languages”, “My brain is not capable of learning programming”, “I’m not tough enough to run my own business” - these are all phrases of losers. They limit themselves. Forget that you have a limited set of skills and abilities. Stop thinking that everyone around you is smarter than you. This is the wrong way. Put in more effort, give it your all. Then you will be successful.

5. You are a master of excuses.

They always look for logical reasons for their failures. They look for reasons why they shouldn't have done something. And yet they find them. Losers go overboard with what is called “being realistic.” They constantly find excuses for their inactivity. They could have just tried it instead. As soon as your brain starts looking for an excuse, you need to stop it and activate the mechanism that triggers the desire to do something.

6. You don't know how to communicate and treat people.

You can easily judge a person's character by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.

Johann Goethe

Losers have no social skills. “At least I’m being honest,” “I am who I am, deal with it,” these are the phrases that losers say. Unsuccessful people behave arrogantly without any reason to do so. Who likes show-offs? So don't be one! It's very easy to be nice and polite to someone you like. And you try to behave well with someone from whom you cannot get anything.

There is an excellent expression that The best way to check a person’s character is to look at his behavior in line and his attitude towards. Another good way get to know a person - look at his reaction when you ruin his thing.

7. You put everything off until later.

The funny thing is that losers call themselves the fashionable word “procrastinators.” And they are absolutely not ashamed of it. They don't understand the value of time at all. They are quite content to live in yesterday. Losers live as if they have another life left. But in reality, no one has the opportunity to pause life or rewind a little. Realize that you are dying from the moment you are born. Every day is a gift. You can do whatever you want, but keep in mind that tomorrow may not exist.

8. You don't act

Do it today. Tomorrow you will thank yourself for this.

Les Brown

This is too simple a rule for losers. Losers prefer to think rather than act. They speak beautifully, dream and plan beautifully. But unsuccessful people lack the impetus to take action. Stop dreaming - start doing!

9. You don't know how to deal with difficulties

There is one legend. It says that once upon a time there lived a shepherd who was small in stature and was not a warrior. He looked at the giant and said: “I will overcome you and cut off your head!” - and did it. The tests are only as difficult as you imagine and as your weakness allows. Losers don't understand this and quickly give up. They give up the moment the situation becomes uncomfortable.

There are no roses without thorns, no children without labor, and no rainbow without a thunderstorm. Trials not only bring us closer to our goals, but also make us into people we never dreamed of becoming. Don't be afraid of fears, fight them. This will open up new vistas for you. Yes, yes, we are talking about what is needed again. To find out your strength, you need to fight.

10. You are apathetic

You don't have an opinion and you can't make decisions. Unable to carry on intelligent conversations, unable to think openly if the topic is not from your area of ​​expertise. Losers think that everyone should think the same way as them. Unsuccessful people don't read or study after school. At most, they graduate from college because “that’s the way it should be.” Even if they don't reach the limit of their potential, they don't care. They are capable of getting bored in a world of joy and miracles.

The quietest killer is apathy. Find yourself a hobby, do it. Even if you don't get paid for it. For now. Use your talent and find a use for it.

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