How brownies appear. Do you need a brownie in your house or is it better without one? Angry and harmful brownie

From the other world, they are carefully hidden from human eyes, and accordingly, their appearance has a deep meaning.

The reasons for the appearance depend on the methods of the brownie's arrival. If he slams the door, he will be dead; if he groans or groans pitifully, he will be in trouble; if he rattles pots, he should be afraid of a fire.

Why does the brownie come

Russian people have always treated brownies with great respect. They were considered the owners of the house, who loved cleanliness, protected the inhabitants of the home and moved with people to a new place of residence.

Since ancient times, there has been a rule: if a brownie appears, he wants to warn about something, so you need to ask him the question: “For better or for worse?” The creature will certainly give an answer.

Sometimes the brownie comes just like that. This often happens when new residents move into the house. He appears not only to meet them, but also to show that he also lives here. And this also applies to pets. Cats and dogs clearly see brownies and sometimes play with them. But if the creature does not love them, there will be no peace for him. Therefore, beloved members of the household sometimes run away: they go out for a walk and never return.

Sometimes representatives of the other world appear to show concern for household members. This usually happens after a long absence of people. The brownie gets bored and shows that he managed to protect and preserve their home.

Why does the brownie come at night?

Most often, the arrival of brownies is felt at night. According to ancient beliefs, if a person sees a brownie or talks to an otherworldly creature, he may forever lose the ability to speak or go crazy. That's why these creatures come in dreams. A person can feel them, hear them, but will not be able to open their eyes and utter at least one word. And questions are asked mentally. The brownie can read minds and answers questions in a clear (usually male) voice.

There are many answers to the question of why a brownie comes at night and begins to strangle him:

  • the brownie survives a person from the house;
  • plays with the owner;
  • warns about something important;
  • predicts a quick move.
  • Cases of attacks by brownies on guests staying overnight are common. Most likely, strangers treat their owners badly, and the brownie is trying to make sure that these people no longer disturb his property.

    Brownies are very mischievous and love to play. They hide household items and then quietly drop them in unusual places.

    Brownies often warn their owners about damage. They feel people with negative thoughts at a distance and therefore try in every possible way to prevent them. For example, troubles happen to a person who comes: everything falls out of his hands, clothes may accidentally tear or he may get a headache.

    Sometimes brownies come during big periods church holidays to enjoy a delicious treat. This is where the tradition of feeding the mystical protector came from. To do this, sweets and milk are left on the table overnight with words inviting them to try the treat.

    In the old days, there were rituals associated with the brownie. They asked him about the future, asked him to help with business, and celebrated his birthday. It is not recommended to practice with rituals, since an incorrectly performed ritual can only anger the creature.

    One can only guess what the brownie comes to. Even if a person does not immediately understand what the creature from the subtle world needs from him, the answer will come in the coming days. with the household member himself or his loved ones, or maybe he will hear news about someone he knows.

    We do not know the world in which we live and those who live next to us. The invisible subtle world is inhabited different creatures. The idea of ​​entities invisibly present next to a person has long lived in the popular consciousness. People have always divided these creatures into good and evil, they were wary of some, they tried to come into contact with others, to enlist their support and help. Most elemental spirits are creatures astral world, and one of them with whom man has retained the ability to communicate to this day is the brownies. The word “brownie” itself appeared in Rus' in the 17th century. However, the idea of ​​the spirit of the courtyard and house, similar in some manifestations to the house spirit, is found in records dating back to the 15th century. And we should start talking about these creatures with the fact that they still exist, regardless of whether we believe in them or not. They live next to us, in almost every village house, in every city apartment, near the TV and computer.
    The invisible residents of their houses in Rus' have always been spoken of with reverence and respect. Not only did they not allow themselves to swear by their name, but they were even afraid to say it out loud, so as not to offend their invisible neighbor. They called him respectfully: “master”, “grandfather”, “breadwinner”, “neighbor”, “himself”.
    Let's assume that the brownies are reality, and that these are guests from a parallel world. Then a lot of questions immediately arise. Do they accidentally end up in our world or are they consciously drawn to human habitation? What attracts them to some houses and repels them from others? What keeps them in our world: don’t they want to leave on their own or can’t get out? So who is he, this mysterious “grandfather”?

    The brownie is a spirit that is neither light nor black, he is like an ordinary person, he has both good and bad. Brownies are mercantile creatures. They settle with us because it benefits them. They receive shelter and food and pay a person for this by helping him in all matters. Very often, such an entity lives in families that trace their origins back to the distant past. Therefore, brownies most often take root in families that they choose for themselves, and live in them until the clan goes extinct.

    How to determine if there is a brownie in the house. First, if someone's presence is felt in the house when no one is there. When involuntary rustling or other sounds are heard in places where there is nothing to reproduce them. When objects often disappear and are then found in one place. When door locks often break. When pets look for a long time, as if into emptiness, as if into nowhere, their eyes move. Cats especially react to spirits. Usually they fall on their backs and play with their paws with someone who is clearly not visible. Sometimes, if you sit in one place in your house for a long time, with your peripheral vision you can notice that a shadow is moving around the house. All these are signs that a house spirit is present in your home.
    When communicating with us, such creatures of the astral world as the brownie can take on any form they want. A brownie living in the same house for a long time acquires specific appearance features that replicate the appearance of the head of the family or some deceased relative. But the most common description is this: a small, shaggy creature or a tall old man in a sheepskin coat, all covered with hair.

    Sometimes he can be seen as a mirror image of the person to whom he appeared, only dark and shaggy. According to the stories of peasants of the 19th-20th centuries, a brownie, in addition to a human form, appears as a snake, snake, toad, frog, as well as a mouse, rat, rooster, cow, pig, lamb, cat, dog, weasel, squirrel and even a bear (most common forms are snake, grass snake, rooster, cat, weasel). The brownie hare is also mentioned.

    The brownie treats holy symbols well, is not afraid of prayer, is not subject to the effects of banishing rites, even the crow of a cock, which all evil spirits are afraid of, is not afraid of him. All this means a complete absence of hostility from this force for a person. He manifests himself as a people-friendly owner of the house, but first of all he protects not only your home, but most of all the aura of the surrounding space. One of his jobs is to cleanse the house of negative energy that a person brings with him from the outside. But if the brownie is still young, has not gained strength, and there is a lot of work, he begins to weaken, and then the house falls into disrepair.
    Very often, a brownie can come to a house at will, and what attracts him there, first of all, is the character of the people. In a house where hard-working people live, the brownie is the same: he looks after the household, prevents a fire from happening, and invisibly wakes up the owners in times of danger. If the owners are lazy, then the brownie doesn’t really try to attract wealth and profit into the house. There is a good brownie in the house, the owners get along with him, then there will be wealth, happiness, peace here, and troubles will bypass such a house.

    Loves families where peace, love and harmony reign between people, where the house is kept clean and tidy. He likes to be mischievous and play pranks if he doesn’t like it. He is fiercely devoted to children and loves to play with them, often appearing to them in the form of a plush toy. He loves pets: grooms them, combs their fur, feeds them, gives them water... He especially loves horses. There are different opinions about cats: some say that he loves them - when moving to a new place, he saddles the cats, preferring gray cats; others say he doesn’t like him: he often kicks and throws him on the floor. When it comes to food, I especially crave a well-salted crust of bread. He will also not refuse milk, sweets, cookies and porridge. He likes to choose his own place of residence in the apartment, and once he has chosen it, he will never leave, be lenient. The well-wisher is also a big fan of playing with old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons and old coins.

    The brownie absolutely cannot live without people. Forgotten in an abandoned house or in the ashes, deprived of shelter and owners, the brownie cries bitterly, howls, screams... Without human society, the brownie grows fierce - becomes angry and aggressive. Alas, such brownies should be driven away or, if you have the strength, killed. It is impossible to accustom him to people again. First of all, you should remember well that the brownie cannot stand whistling and can sometimes leave the house almost immediately. Brownies are seriously irritated by tobacco smoke: this smoke then does not disappear anywhere, it settles on the furniture and accumulates in the corners of the apartment. The brownie will try to survive unpleasant guests with all his might: he begins to strangle them, put pressure on them. Also, you should never leave stabbing and cutting objects (forks, knives, scissors) and some foods (onions, garlic, pepper, salt) on the table overnight - all this greatly hinders the brownie’s fight against evil forces: even though he is considered the devil’s cousin , but still fights against dark forces, protecting the owners of the house.

    The character of the brownie is very clearly manifested in his great care for domestic animals, horses and cows. He feeds and treats them, but is sometimes capricious in choosing the color of the cattle. If a brownie has an unloved animal, he will torment it in every possible way and will certainly destroy it if the owner does not get rid of it in time. But, having received the cattle to his liking, he grooms it, gives it water, and braids the horses’ manes. Under no circumstances should these “braids” be unbraided.
    Although brownies are very friendly and sociable, they do not establish friendly relations with everyone, even within their own family. Therefore, when a new tenant appears, you need to ask the brownie not to offend him, to consider him his own, to take under the protection of a visiting relative, to take care of the newborn child, and not to frighten the animals. If you have such an invisible helper in your home, and you were able to make friends with him, then you are very lucky, because you will not only be able to get answers to your questions, but also enlist the support of your “little” friend. But until we turn to him for help, he does not seek to help us. And if you take him seriously, feed him, talk, then he can help to the best of his ability.

    Why feed the spirit? When giving, we must decide to whom and for what we give treats, addressing with the following words: “Brownie Father, take it for yourself as a treat, for our consolation, so that evil people do not come to us, so that sleep does not wander, so that the children are calm, and evil winds went around the house! In this simple poetic form, we see how we can appeal to the spirit and what instructions to give, clearly regulating the “relations of the parties”: attention and food for you, and for us: and here we describe something we want in return, an agreement-program comes out.

    The place for treating the brownie should be determined independently, usually this is the kitchen or an area near the attic. This may be where involuntary strange sounds are heard, or a hard-to-reach place, but near a constant accumulation of energy, where people often hang out, communicate or have meals. That's why it's usually the kitchen.

    In the place where you have determined or chosen that the spirit is present, treats can be given on a saucer, preferably at the beginning of each month, for the new month. Some food with festive table, definitely from the big deck saints. Give us good food: honey and milk, a festive loaf. You can give sweets and cookies. Avoid vodka, meat, food of passion, which has an unharmonious effect on spirits in general, and especially on those who live near you, making them capricious, obsessive, aggressive, arrogant, animal-hating, and simply ill-mannered. Once every six months the brownie can be given porridge.

    But when placing food, be sure to say that it is for him. The custom of “appeasing” a brownie has existed for a very long time. Most often, bread, milk or porridge were used as an offering, while uttering appropriate phrases expressing good intentions and asking to take a particular house under the patronage. The brownie, like all not very bright creatures of the astral world, does not like sunlight and therefore lives in secluded places in the home, where it is dark, warm, dry and no one will disturb him.

    Does the brownie really eat this food? Of course not, he absorbs the Life emanating from the food offered to him. Also, a huge role is played by the fact that a person - a higher spiritual entity - presents him with food-energy, the act of transfer means that the spirit is given energy for something, believe me, he knows about it and appreciates your gift.

    It is better to give the food that you gave to the brownie to the animals.

    In addition to feeding, one should mention the brownie in prayers and praises in order to send him Zhiva - the most valuable thing he can receive. When there is order and order in the house, say: “This is how you create house father, we love you, and you create harmony in the house and strengthen order, and protect wealth.” Remember: by turning your attention to his existence, you give to Zhiva, thereby doing good to him.

    Communication practice: the brownie itself is not a sociable creature, but there are many cases where it was the first to speak to a person. His voice is not very intelligible - quiet and rustling - but you can make out some words. Most often, brownies speak at night, when they want to predict something to their owners. Hear the voice - don't be afraid. If you get scared, the brownie will be offended and will never speak to you again. It’s better to pull yourself together and ask him about everything in detail. There are many rules and conventions for communicating with brownies. For example:

    · - The brownie cries - expect trouble, laughs - fortunately;

    · - It happens that in the middle of the night a brownie will lay a hand on a sleeping person’s chest or begin to choke him so that he cannot breathe. There is nothing to be afraid of - a brownie will never strangle you to death. And when you wake up from a heaviness in your chest, you should ask: “For worse or for better?” If it's good, the brownie will stroke it with his palm. If worse comes to worst, he will hit you, pinch you, or pull your hair. True, there were cases when he answered directly;

    · - The brownie senses the approach of damage in advance. If, for example, an unkind person with dark thoughts comes to visit you, bringing with him a heap of blackness and envy, then the brownie begins to worry. If the owner of the apartment does not hear the brownie’s whispers, then the latter will do anything to attract attention. An unkind guest may have a mug escape from his hands and break, spilling something on the tablecloth. Sometimes the dishes break at the hands of the owner - this is also a warning;

    · - To make friends with a brownie, it is customary to give him a treat: on the first day of every month, in a place inaccessible to your pets, ideally - under a radiator or on the refrigerator, away from human eyes, place a plate with a treat. Brownie porridge is removed the next day and often fed to street animals, and sweets are kept until the next first day. It is also customary to treat well-wishers with wine (do not offer vodka) and a loaf of bread every time at family holidays. In this case one must say: " Master-father, sir brownie, love me and perhaps accept my treat"Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of brownie;

    · - If a brownie begins to play pranks without a purpose, he must be reprimanded: " Such a grown-up grandfather is the one who plays pranks. Ay-ay-ay!";

    · - If the brownie dislikes your cat or dog, then be sure that your pet will not last long in the house - the brownie will be harassed by the indecent animal;

    · - Please note that sometimes your furry pet suddenly falls over on her back and starts waving her paws in the air. It is the brownie who tickles her. Sometimes a cat, while licking itself, will perk up, stare into space and look, as if following someone with its gaze. This invisible traveler is the brownie;

    · - He helps to find missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: " Master-father, help, tell me where this and that lies...". Or: stand in the corner of the room and turn to the brownie: " Brownie, brownie, play and give it back"Search each room separately;

    · - Brownies don’t go into the bathroom at all. And in rural areas, completely different creatures live in bathhouses - banniki. Due to constant communication with blackness, the banniki become evil and dangerous. You sit in the bathhouse a little longer than necessary, and instead of pleasant freshness you feel empty and powerless;

    · - Old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him and put it in secret place. No one should touch the box or its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued together, or taken ready-made and decorated with all sorts of shiny pieces of paper and rain. Give the brownie some money. Usually this is five kopecks in one coin. It is placed in a hard-to-reach place in the house, often left between cracks in the floor. At this time they say: " Brownie grandfather! Here's some money for boots and sunflower seeds. I give it from my heart, I give it to you!";

    · - When was it built? new home, they always put a coin in the underground, or even four (in the corners) for the brownie;

    · If a family moved from an old house to a new one, it was considered a sacred duty to call the brownie to the new place. When leaving your old apartment, say on the threshold: " My master, come with me!"or at night the owner must invite him, giving him a treat - a loaf of bread with salt and a cup of milk. They say: " Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you". They carry the brownie in a bag, where he is politely asked to climb. The material embodiment of the brownie becomes a coal or an awl, which should be put in the bag. Without an invitation, the brownie will not go with you. And he will remain lonely and abandoned. And with your brownie, well-being in the new place will be yours guaranteed. He can real life appear in the form of a cat, so when moving to a new place of residence, this animal is the first to be let in, saying: " Here, master, is a shaggy beast for a rich home.". If there is a stove in the house, you should bow to it 9 times, then bring the cat to the stove with the words: " Here's to you, owner, a shaggy beast for a rich home". Then make a pie. Knead the dough: 800 g of flour, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 200 g of butter, 2 pinches of salt. Bake a loaf. Do not touch the product for three days. After the specified period, set the table in the evening for the whole family, put an extra utensil and a glass. The eldest in the house pours wine, cuts one half of the bun, divides it among everyone, and places the second along with the glass on the table with the words: “ Father brownie, love me, protect and take care of my property, accept my treat and drink from a full cup of wine"If after 24 hours the wine is drunk, then top it up again, saying the same words; if not, then ask the brownie 9 times in your own words to accept the treat. Perform the ritual every first day of the month;

    · If, for example, one of the children built a house to live separately from their parents, then you can ask the brownie from the parental house for one of his children. Yes, the brownie also has such, as well as his wife - “domanya”. But both her and the children, unlike the brownie himself, are never seen or heard.

    · - If you, having bought a house in a new building, moved there from your parents (or in other cases when it is not possible to take the brownie with you), you can attract the brownie in the following way: at midnight (if you wear a cross, hang it on your back) place it on table a glass of milk and a loaf of bread and say three times: " My master, come to my home, be always with me, this is your home. Breadwinner-father, come to my new house to eat bread and drink milk, and we won’t know sorrow and grief."Leave the treat on the table for 3 days, and then, as a sign of love and respect, finish the bread and drink the milk left on the table. A completely natural question - does a brownie live with you - you can easily resolve it by paying attention to how subtly the situation has changed in the house, how light and cozy it has become, how the melancholy gradually passes. After that, thank him by placing a treat. There is another way: on the new moon, when you start having dinner, put two saucers with a treat - pour a little milk into one and place it under the stove or. at the stove oven with the words: " Eat and drink, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me"In the second saucer, put a little of what you have on the table. When you start placing, you need to say: " Eat and eat, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me"... if you speak sincerely, then the brownie will certainly appear and drive out all kinds of evil spirits and remain with you;

    · - It is very important to greet and say goodbye to the brownie, respectfully calling him “master.” Sometimes the brownie may even reveal his name to you - a sign of boundless trust on his part;

    · - Method of reconciliation with the brownie: bread and salt are placed on the place you have chosen for the brownie and a cup of milk is placed with the words: " Neighbor-homebody, the slave comes to you, carries his head low; do not torment him in vain, but make friends with him, make friends with him, and do an easy service. Here's a warm place for you and a small treat". After a day, remove the treat;

    · - Domovoy has and special holidays. One of them is February 7, the day of Ephraim the Syrian. On this day they left him food (porridge on a rack) with a request to take care of the livestock. Never forget about the brownie's name day, which falls on the night of February 10-11. If you don’t give him a treat on this day, he will be offended and will not help you for a whole year. To avoid this, you can perform the following ritual: take a clean white tablecloth and lay it on the table in the evening, preferably in the kitchen, because that’s where the brownie usually lives. Place a treat on the tablecloth: a glass of water, a bun or a slice of fresh white bread, a salt shaker and a saucer with sugar. Agree with your family that no one enters the kitchen until the morning, otherwise they may scare away the guest. Then go to the table and, looking at the right corner of the kitchen, say three times: “Uncle-brownie, master-father! Bread and salt for you, and for me (my name) in this house there is happiness, health, harmony and love.” Then leave without looking back. Everything you need you will find out in a dream. Why in a dream? A brownie is a spirit; it can penetrate a dream and tell its owners its name. And if you later need his help, repeat his name to yourself three times, and he knows what he needs to do next. But you can disturb him only in cases of extreme necessity, and not out of simple curiosity.

    If you want to make friends with your brownie, you don’t need any intermediaries, just try to find a common language with him, find out his habits, talk to him and be sure that he listens to you carefully. Your recognition is a great and joyful event for him. Well, if you don’t have a brownie, we recommend inviting him into the house. After all, where he lives there is more order, prosperity, and there is harmony in the family.

    If you can’t come to an agreement with the brownie, take a broom and say: “ I’m sweeping you out, you alien, harmful brownie, I’m kicking you out." - mark the floors, looking into every corner with a broom. And so every day, except Friday, all week. I want to warn you, it’s worth trying all the methods of influence on him indicated here. And scold, and scold, and caress, and only if nothing else it doesn’t work out, and he is really very angry, then kick him out, but remember, life is bad without a brownie.

    If things go missing in your apartment, and at night you hear noise, the sound of pouring water or falling objects, most likely you have a Brownie, and he is clearly dissatisfied with something. To make your stay at home comfortable, you need to take measures.

    Who is Brownie

    Brownie is the spirit of the hearth. Brownies have long lived in the huts of our ancestors. They kept order in the home and protected it from evil forces: no evil spirit appeared in the house where Domovoy settled, because this house already had an owner. Often they called him that - Master, and sometimes they affectionately called him Father.

    All this suggests that Domovoi can be classified as good spirits who help people and protect their homes from the influence of evil forces. However, sometimes Domovoy seems to lose his temper - he makes noise at night, steals things or even breaks dishes, giving the owners of the apartment fear and stories about the mysterious drummer. But folk wisdom says that Domovoy never gets angry for nothing - there is a reason for everything.

    Why Domovoi can be evil

    A brownie can be evil if the house has unfavorable feng shui. Yes, despite the fact that our ancestors, of course, did not know about such a practice, they also intuitively figured out the rules for comfortable living in harmony. First of all, Domovoy needs order. It is known that in a cluttered apartment filled with old things, the situation is energetically unfavorable. Along with last year's newspapers, last year's memories accumulate, not allowing anything new into the lives of the owners. Because of this, Domovoy is often indignant. It is enough to put things in order in the house, dismantle the balcony and thoroughly shake up the mezzanine, and the long-awaited cozy silence comes, and then the life of the apartment’s inhabitants changes for the better.

    But sometimes simple cleaning is not enough. If you have already cleared out the pantry, and at night you still hear footsteps in the kitchen, Brownie is still unhappy. This means that it was not the mess in the house that made him angry, but you yourself. In this case, Domovoi needs to be liked and made friends with him.

    How to appease the Brownie

    To make peace with the spirit of the house, you can do without complex conspiracies and difficult rituals. First, try loudly and clearly apologizing to Domovoy. It is better to do this in the kitchen, since that is where he usually settles. There is no special rule, but among general recommendations- a respectful address, for example Father Domovoy, and a request for forgiveness and a peaceful life.

    Next, you can leave an offering to the Brownie. Milk in a regular white or ceramic clay saucer is suitable as a treat. Place cookies or other sweets on the edge. Leave a small slice of black bread. Brownies do not disdain vodka; She is served in a simple glass, without patterns or images.

    Brownies love to relax during the day in secluded nooks, for example, where you keep a broom or store mops. Therefore, such places must be kept clean.

    If all the measures taken did not help, there is another possibility. Since the Brownie is making noise, he may not be angry with you at all. Sometimes Brownies fight with powerful negative energy, aimed at the shelter under which they live. In comfortable conditions, Domovoy is always an assistant and protector. So be sure to have protective talismans in your apartment to help your Brownie win and stay in your apartment. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    25.08.2015 00:40

    It is believed that the house in which the brownie lives is protected from evil people, damage and evil eye. Since ancient times this creature has settled...

    There is an opinion that the brownie is a cousin of the devil himself. Despite this, you should not drive him out of the house under any circumstances! The fact is that from ancient times people endowed brownies with good everyday qualities. The brownie, according to folklore, is the spirit of order in the house, the guardian of the hearth and the keeper of traditions. It is generally accepted that they drive out dark forces, help their owners in their affairs, etc. A good brownie is one with whom the residents have close contact.

    There is a brownie in the house. What to do?

    At all times, people tried to appease the brownies in order to attract them to their side. To do this, the owner of the house needs to make a certain sacrifice to the brownie. It is believed that the spirits of houses love rye bread, therefore, a crust of this bread left on the table on the night from Sunday to Monday can act as a “victim”. It is recommended to sprinkle the humpback with salt. It is generally accepted that the brownie is waiting for a special invitation to a meal, so mentally or out loud he must be called to the table.

    In order for the brownie to be favorable to the owners, it is recommended to do for him unusual gift. Since these spirits love to play with old beads, jewelry and coins, you need to put some of your jewelry in a shiny box (or box) without a lid, put it in a secret place and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him.

    Old Believers claim that brownies hate dirt and disorder in the house. There is an opinion that in such houses and apartments the spirits begin to make noise at night, get rowdy and frighten the owners. The fact is that the brownie is a true “gourmet” in everyday affairs. If something does not suit him, he can leave the house. Everything would be fine, but the residents of the abandoned house are in for trouble: the money in this family will not stay, the men will start drinking, and the wives will start debauchery.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to love your brownie, not offend or anger. There is no need to leave sharp objects (forks, knives, needles), as well as onions, garlic, salt and pepper, on the table overnight. The brownie doesn't like these things, so their presence in an open place can make him angry. And in general, a cozy and kind atmosphere should reign in the house, since the brownie is still a good spirit.

    Sometimes brownies can play around, climbing on the beds of their owners while they sleep. If at night there is a feeling of heaviness on the body, then it is believed that the brownie climbed onto his person. In this case, it is recommended to put thyme under the pillow. You can read the Lord's Prayer. While reading the prayer, you need to baptize not only yourself, but also the brownie.

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    In ancient times in Rus' it was believed that in every house there is a brownie - a spirit that helps in the household, protects property, looks after livestock, and protects the house from troubles. He usually lived next to the stove. The family tried to appease him in order to receive help from him. There are opinions that brownies are ancestral spirits. Everyone approaches these beliefs differently. But some people still strive to attract a brownie into their home.


    To attract a brownie to your house, in the evening or at midnight (or on the waxing moon), light a candle, pour milk into a saucer, and put a piece of bread in another and call the brownie. Promise to treat him well and ask him for the same. It is better to do this in a room where no one is sleeping, then go out and close it until the morning.

    It is believed that most brownies are kind and will help if you establish contact with them. Leave gifts, for example, candy, cookies, milk with sugar. They can be placed under the radiator, on the refrigerator, in a corner, etc. Contact the brownie, ask him to accept the treat, take care of the house and not harm its inhabitants, attract and. The next day, pour the drink outside or into the sink. You can save the sweets until next time. You can treat a brownie once a month, as well as on family holidays. If you have a souvenir or figurine in the form of a brownie, you can leave gifts next to it. It is believed that the brownie loves gifts. Try leaving him a box without a lid with nice buttons, beads or coins.

    If you decide to attract a brownie, keep it clean. It is believed that brownies love order in the house, but they do not like unclean owners. There is also an opinion that they do not like tobacco smoke. Previously, there was even Brownie Day, when they tried to keep the house clean and not so that the keeper of the house could have a good rest and be favorable to the owners. There are opinions that there is a brownie in every home or, and its character depends on the atmosphere in the home and in the family. He helps kind and homely owners, finds lost things, protects the house from theft and fire. Unfriendly guests do not stay in such a house and feel uncomfortable. But most likely, brownies are still not in all dwellings.

    There are various beliefs associated with the brownie. It is believed that he has no gender, although according to tradition he is addressed as “Grandfather”, “Father”, “Master”, etc. Try to contact him verbally, say hello in the morning and say goodbye when leaving for work, while asking him to look after the house. A brownie can live under the ceiling or near a radiator, in any other place. Sometimes he likes to play with animals; it is believed that, for example, cats can even see him and follow him with their eyes.

    If you are moving and want to take the brownie with you, on the threshold say something like: “My master, come with me.” In the evening, invite him to climb into a bag or bag that you will take with you to your new apartment.

    The brownie is the mythical “master”, the patron of the house, monitoring the well-being of the family. It is believed that he used to live in every hut. Now residents of apartment buildings are interested in whether there is a protective spirit in their homes. It's easy to check.

    You will need

    • - a candle from the church;
    • - milk;
    • - honey;
    • - gingerbread;
    • - candies;
    • - a broom or shoe.


    According to legend, the brownie lives behind the stove (in the modern version, behind the stove). If he is not comfortable there, he can choose a cozy dark corner. This is where the habit of sweeping crumbs behind the stove came from - to treat the owner of the house.

    In order to understand whether you have a brownie, listen to the night rustles in your apartment. Perhaps you are so accustomed to them that you don’t notice how something is cracking, knocking, or rattling in the kitchen or hallway. If your household members or animals are also resting at this time, most likely the spirit of the house is in charge there.

    Those living in a private house can, according to ancestral beliefs, see a brownie on Christmas, Easter or Maundy Thursday. To do this, you will need a church candle, with which you will first celebrate the entire service. Go up to the attic with a lit candle, and the brownie will appear to you, if that is his desire.

    You can also detect a brownie by following the traces of its “life activity”. It is known that he is a gourmand, preferring honey, milk, gingerbread, and candy. Leave a treat for the brownie behind the stove or in a dark corner, and if the next morning you find that the sweets are gone, it means the owner of the house has accepted your gift. Do not be afraid that your pets will profit from the treat - the brownie will not get angry, he loves animals and plays with them.

    If, after an unsuccessful search, you realize that the brownie has ignored your apartment, do not be discouraged - you can find him for yourself in another place. Go to a village where there are houses abandoned by their inhabitants. Choose the hut that is cleanest and most attractive to you. A brownie will probably live in this, maintaining order while awaiting the arrival of the owners. Place a treat on the floor and invite the brownie to come live with you.

    Enter this house after a while. If a spirit throws an object at you (that is, an object unexpectedly falls on you) or howls, it means that it does not intend to live with you. And if he knocks on the wall, offer a broom or shoe. Say out loud: “Brownie, get in the sleigh, come with us.” The house spirit will accept your invitation and you can bring it into your apartment.

    The brownie, according to Slavic mythology, is a small creature that lives in every house and takes a fairly active part in the affairs of its inhabitants. Usually the brownie is invisible, so his attitude towards the owners of the house must be judged by indirect signs.

    The existence of brownies could be considered fiction, but the huge number of stories from people who happened to see him or encountered his pranks makes us take this phenomenon very seriously. Analyzing the facts related to the activities of brownies, we can conclude that these creatures live in a world close, but still slightly different from ours. That is why people see brownies only in exceptional cases - for example, while dozing or immediately after waking up, when consciousness still remains slightly altered and a person can perceive elements of another reality.

    As a rule, the brownie is very friendly towards people, but in some cases the residents of an apartment or house may feel his dissatisfaction. This is manifested in various tricks of the brownie - small things can disappear somewhere or change their location, sometimes strange knocks and creaks are heard. Sometimes the brownie leans on a sleeping person, it may even seem that he is strangling him. But this is not so - a brownie never does evil. And if something is not going well in your relationship with him, you need to find out the reason for this.

    What can cause a brownie's dissatisfaction? One of possible reasons- dirt in the house. The brownie does not like sloppy owners; a dirty, unkempt house irritates him. Sometimes it is enough for the owners to restore order so that the brownie calms down and no longer bothers them.

    Another reason that can make a brownie angry is domestic quarrels. If the owners constantly swear, the brownie tries to demonstrate their dissatisfaction to them. The way out of the situation is quite obvious - it is enough to establish peace in the family, and the brownie will stop bothering the owners with his tricks.

    There is a belief that a brownie can be appeased by making him some kind of offerings. This is not entirely true - if the house is dirty and there are constant quarrels, no gifts will help. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the brownie's dissatisfaction, everything else is secondary. As for gifts and treats, they should be offered to the brownie as a sign of attention, and not in order to achieve something from him. The brownie feels well how he is treated, it is impossible to deceive him.

    Sometimes he starts acting out for no apparent reason - maybe he's just bored. In this case, you can put a deck of cards on the cabinet and say: “Brownie, here are the cards for you, play.” After this, the brownie usually calms down. If this does not happen, then there is some more serious reason his discontent and it must be sought.

    When moving to a new place of residence, you should take the brownie with you. good vehicle for him there will be an old felt boot or a bag fastened with a zipper. The brownie is invited to ride with the owners, and a felt boot or bag is placed on the floor. After some time, the felt boots should be tied with a clean rag, and the bag should be closed and transported to a new place.

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    The brownie is a supernatural entity that lives in almost every home. Such a spirit can really scare the owner, warning him about something or simply disliking him. Frightening rustles and sounds may actually be made by a brownie. To understand what this means and whether you should worry, you need to read the material about the brownie.

    The deceased head of the clan can become a brownie. After death, he guards the house and keeps order. Also, the souls of unbaptized children, suicides and the dead who have not been inveterate by a priest and people who died a violent death or from accidents become brownies. The brownie settles in the house of his own free will. Most often, he chooses those homes where order is maintained and the family lives in harmony with each other. Also, the owner of the house can bring the brownie from his old home to a new one.

    How to find out if there is a brownie in the house

    • At midnight, tie a rope to the boot on your left foot. Pull your shoe around the apartment or house behind you. You can't look back. If there is a heaviness, as if someone had sat on a shoe, then there is a brownie in the house.
    • At midnight, put a treat on the table. Turn away from the table, put your feet together and close your eyes. Don't turn around, even if you hear rustling noises. Say: “Come for refreshments and fellowship.” The brownie will show itself through rustling and creaking. Having heard this, agree on what kind of treat he will help you understand your life situation. If the answer is “yes,” your right hand will itch, “no,” your left hand will itch. Ask three questions that can be answered yes or no. After communication, in the morning, bury the treat under a tree (except aspen).
    • Before you go to bed, write on a piece of paper “I am the real master of the house.” Place it on the kitchen table and place a glass filled with water on top. Everything else, except the glass with the piece of paper, needs to be removed from the table. Go to bed. If you hear extraneous sounds or footsteps at night, then this is an angry brownie. How strong your spirit at home is will be shown by its anger. If he gets to you and starts pinching or choking you, you need to ask him to make peace. Agree that you will feed him, and he will help you. If you hear the voice of a spirit in response, even if the words are poorly distinguishable, then this is either a very old brownie or too strong.

    Brownie in an apartment building

    In an apartment building, brownies are unlikely to live in all the apartments. But they can live in separate apartments. In an apartment, the spirit of the house usually chooses the kitchen, a corner near the stove or radiator as its habitat. He loves when the owners keep the apartment clean and live together. When a dangerous situation approaches, it will warn the owners.

    A real brownie in the house

    It lives near warm places in the house - stoves, radiators. Can live in closets and mezzanines. Inactive during the daytime. Doesn't like icons, avoids living opposite or next to them. Does not belong to the forces of evil, but is evil spirits. He tries to help the owners of the house, but he may dislike them, which is why he often causes mischief.

    Brownie in the house photo

    What does a brownie look like in a house?

    The spirit of the house looks like an old man or a fluffy ball. If something demonic appears in the image, then the brownie has an unpleasant character. Eyes yellow, hands cold. Can take on any form to communicate with the inhabitants of the house, turning into anything. Most often it turns into or inhabits a cat.

    Do you need a brownie in the house?

    There are two opinions here. The brownie is an otherworldly force, and it is undesirable for any otherworldly person to be neighbors with a person. It all also depends on how the spirit of the house relates to the owner of the home. If you are hostile, objects will disappear from the house, knocking will be heard, and the person will begin to feel unstable at home. But if you are friends with the brownie, he will save the house from fires and thefts and help the homeowner in difficult times.

    Brownie in the house signs

    1. If you have pets in the house, pay attention to their behavior. If they stare into space for a long time, suddenly become frightened, begin to act scared and run away, then these are clear signs of the presence of an otherworldly presence in the house.
    2. In the evenings, dishes rattle or distinct footsteps are heard, but no one is visible.
    3. Personal belongings disappear or lie in unusual places, as if someone had moved them.
    4. You or any member of your family often has prophetic dreams.
    5. Household appliances constantly break down, and light bulbs quickly burn out.

    What to do if there is a brownie in the house

    It is necessary to keep the house clean and not quarrel with family members. If you violated the previous rules, in order to appease the brownie, you need to perform a small ritual. Apologize loudly to the spirit of the house, then make an offering to it. Traditionally it is milk in a saucer and cookies. The offering must be left by the stove in the evening and fed to the animals in the morning.

    How to call a brownie into your home

    1. If you know that the brownie is not in the house, but you need him, you can call him. To do this, you need to go to an abandoned, but not too old house and leave a bag with a broom in it. When leaving the attributes, do not forget to invite the brownie to your place. After a while, take the bag and broom and go home.
    2. Place a mug of milk and a slice of bread or cookies on the table at midnight. Say: “Come to me, Brownie, be constantly next to me. We arrive at a new house, help yourself to milk. Help yourself, stay in the house with us.”

    How to make friends with a brownie in the house

    To make friends with the spirit of the house, you need to verbally agree with it. He will guard your home, and in return you will feed him. Milk and sweets are enough for feeding. Dishes should be without pictures or patterns. If the sweetness is candy, it should be freed from the candy wrapper.

    How to take a brownie to a new home

    Leave a broom and bag in the kitchen overnight. Invite the spirit of the house to your new place of residence by inviting it to hide in a bag. When you move, take the broom and bag with you and feed the brownie in your new home.

    Video of brownie in the house

    Where do brownies live in the house?

    1. Kitchen – Brownies love to eat, so they most often live in the kitchen.
    2. Radiators or stove - the spirit of the house prefers warmth, so it can live in an old house near the stove or in an apartment near the radiators.
    3. In the corner where there is a broom and mop. The brownie prefers cleanliness, so he will happily settle in with a broom and mop.

    Two brownies in the house, is this possible?

    This situation is possible when, when moving, the owners take their spirit home, and a brownie is already present in the new house. Usually, two brownies in one house do not get along well, they cause trouble and interfere with the life of the owners. In this case, one of them needs to be relocated to another place.

    How to see a brownie in the house

    The brownie can be seen by small children and clairvoyants. Animals also see or feel the presence of the otherworldly in the house. After a meeting with a brownie, an unprepared person may experience mental disorder. You need to call a brownie only when necessary. Start feeding him a few days in advance. At the next feeding, ask him to appear in front of you. He can incarnate into any creature you know or show his true face, which can even scare you.

    Photo of a real brownie in the house real photo

    A brownie can be either a pleasant neighbor or an unpleasant entity. Remember that you can almost always come to an agreement with him. Live together, do not disturb the spirit of the house in vain and remember that in difficult times it will suggest the right decision.

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