Isinbaev's achievements. Queen of the Pole

Bright and world-famous athlete Elena Gadzhievna Isinbayeva conquers the top of sports podiums in high pole vault. A woman often notices that she, in the literal sense of the word, was born with a pole in her hands, because she got into this sport as soon as she was five.

Elena is grateful to her parents, because they not only brought her to the big sport, but also because they helped her to survive the bitterness of defeat and the fact that she was expelled from the school with the stigma of professional unsuitability. Isinbayeva argues that sports heights can only be achieved if you have a reliable rear in the form of parents, spouse and children.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Isinbayeva

For sports and for victories, you should know such body parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Elena Isinbayeva - a question that every fan of this famous athlete asked himself at least once.

The future champion Elena Isinbayeva was born in 1982, she was already thirty-five. The zodiac celestial circle hastened to give the girl the sign of Gemini, which is characterized by intelligence, high level intelligence, giftedness, endurance, duality of nature. At the same time, the eastern horoscope indicates that the champion received the sign of a devoted, observant, resourceful, fair and friendly Dog.

There is a lot of controversy over what nationality Elena Gadzhievna has, since her patronymic and surname are Eastern. It is worth clarifying that in her family there were not only Russians, but also Dagestanis, and even Tabasarans. According to her father, she just belongs to this strange nation, their noun has 52 cases.

Elena Isinbayeva: photos in her youth and now are identical, because sports make her skin toned, which contributes to natural beauty. The growth was 174 centimeters, and weighs only 55 kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Elena Isinbayeva

The biography and personal life of Elena Isinbayeva do not constitute a special secret, since the girl believes that the abundance of information excludes the occurrence of ridiculous rumors and gossip.

The baby was born in Volgograd, she was plastic and artistic. She admired the gymnasts, so she was taken to this section along with her younger sister for a year, so that it would be easier for the little ones to take them to the section. When the girl turned sixteen, the coach advised her to try herself in such a discipline as pole vaulting. Parents supported their daughter in everything, although they had nothing to do with sports.

Her father, Gadzhi Isinbaev, is a plumber, and her beloved mother, Natalya Isinbaeva, is a stoker in a local boiler house, who soon became an ordinary housewife.

The younger sister - Inessa Goleva - was born in 1983, but changed her commitment to gymnastics, becoming a circus performer, having married her colleague. Currently, Inna is married, has two children, and works as a fitness trainer.

Lena did not study in the most ordinary high school, but the prestigious Volgograd Lyceum, where one could learn the profession of an engineer. She graduated from the Olympic Reserve School and the Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

The most interesting thing is that Isinbayeva served in the Russian army and even achieved the rank of major, so legal grounds is a military instructor.

The woman has lived in Monaco since 2008, participating in Olympic Games and world Grand Prix, as well as setting a huge number of records. It is worth clarifying that the main record of five meters and nine centimeters was set at the Pole Stars tournament held in Donetsk. Currently, the number of records has reached thirty-six.

Lena only in 2011 managed to start winning again after the failures in Doha and Berlin. At the same time, Isinbayeva is actively involved in helping orphans and the disabled, involving them in sports by organizing a charitable foundation for Elena Isinbayeva.

Lena's personal life was not too active and scandalous, and now she has successfully married. Isinbayeva was in love with Ukrainian DJ Artem Khmelenko, and then her future husband appeared in her life. The fact is that the athlete did not train much, devoted herself to love relationships, losing competitions, and the guy just cheated on her.

Family and children of Elena Isinbayeva

The family and children of Elena Isinbayeva occupy a huge place in the life of a gymnast, as they are her reliable rear. At the same time, the family of the gymnast was complete, very friendly and happy, and also international. In it, everyone supported and helped each other in difficult times.

In order for the children to develop in the right direction, their mother and father spared neither time nor money from their meager salaries.

The gymnast is a loving mother, she is raising a little daughter. At the same time, information constantly appears that Elena Isinbayeva is pregnant with her second child.

By the way, in the middle of this summer, many noticed that Elena's tummy was rounded, so they demanded comments, which, however, no one was going to give.

Daughter of Elena Isinbayeva - Eva Petinova

Elena Isinbayeva's daughter, Eva Petinova, was born in 2014 before her parents got married, so her dad had to prove his paternity. The baby was born in one of maternity hospitals French Monaco.

The little daughter is an active lady, her mother, despite her busyness and sports career, breastfed for a long time. At the same time, as soon as Evochka turned a couple of years old, she began to stay at home with her grandmother, waiting for her mother from training camps and competitions.

Eva is involved in gymnastics and running, so she recently took part in the race, which included the kids of the stars of this industry. This action took place at the Cup named after her famous mother.

Elena Isinbayeva's husband - Nikita Petinov

Elena Isinbayeva's husband, Nikita Petinov, had an affair with an athletics star around 2010, while young people did not think of him as something serious. However, soon information appeared on the Internet that Nikita Petinov and Elena Isinbayeva had a wedding, but this happened only four years after they went through correspondence on social networks.

By the way, Petinov is quite a promising athlete who performs in the field of javelin throwing. The guy is about eight years younger than his chosen one, but insanely happy with her.

Young people entered into marriage in French Monaco, after their little daughter was born.

Elena Isinbayeva in Maxim magazine

Elena Isinbaeva never appeared in Maxim magazine, although she herself would not mind being placed on the cover or pages of this publication. By the way, the gymnast is one of the most beautiful Russian women.

Naked Elena Isinbaeva often appears in photos and videos on the Internet, however, these are not real materials. The gymnast responsibly declares that she has never filmed in the nude for any sites, and such pictures are a talented fake.

By the way, the star of Russian athletics often appears in pictures on the Internet in a swimsuit. The fact is that training and performances take place only in this “working” closed-type clothing. At the same time, a woman recently appeared in a thin white T-shirt without a bra at the airport.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Isinbayeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Isinbayeva are confirmed in the official mode, so you can fully trust the information presented on them. On Wikipedia, it’s really possible to clarify for yourself data on her sports, personal and family life, records, as well as about his wife and beloved daughter.

About one hundred and ninety thousand fans signed up for the official Instagram profile. At the same time, Elena constantly indulges them with high-quality photographs and videos from her personal and sports archive. She rejoices at every comment of her fans, communicates with them and even wishes good morning and good night. Article found

Elena Isinbayeva was again in the spotlight. And again, interest in her person is not associated with sports victories. At first, the champion shocked the tolerant public, stating that guests and participants in the Sochi Olympics in 2014 “should treat us and our laws with respect and not promote the ideas of non-traditional orientation on the streets.” Particularly zealous foreign media immediately dubbed the famous athlete a homophobe. And Lena, instead of explaining her position, began to make excuses: they misunderstood her because of poor English.

And now a new scandal is already at a press conference in his native Volgograd. Lena spoke about the last World Championship, where she took the "gold", confirmed her desire to take a break, again filled the fog about the upcoming wedding and maternity leave. And then she made it clear that she does not connect her future with Volgograd at all.

In Volgograd, I will have many obligations, but I want to live in Monaco. I will come here to visit the coach. There is no base in Volgograd not only for athletics, but also for other sports. Volgograd is a city of victories, but all this needs to be developed, as, for example, in Kazan. There, do what you want, do any sport. And what to do here, in the city, when we have just a poor Volgograd? Terrible, the old city has become. Degraded.

Lena spoke about many things, but these words were remembered. There was a discussion on blogs and social networks. Someone supports the athlete, they say, well done, boldly expressed what she thought, opposed the authorities, now they will pay attention to Volgograd and life will magically get better. And yet, some sediment from these words remains. It turns out that a million Volgograd residents, including Isinbayeva's parents, and her sister, and the coach Evgeny Trofimov, who made her a champion, remain to live in a poor, degenerate city, because they have no choice ...

OPINION OF THE COACH Yevgeny Trofimov - "Komsomolskaya Pravda": "Lena was misunderstood again"

Evgeny TROFIMOV, coach of Elena Isinbayeva

She had no disdain for the city. This is the city of her youth, this is the city that raised her to the pinnacle of fame. Best years passed here. But she, as a person of the world, can live in Moscow, in Monaco she has a rented apartment, in Volgograd she has an apartment. She can live here and there. And at a press conference, she spoke about bad roads, little attention is paid to the development of the city, but this is actually the case. Only in Lately positive movement begins. And she leaves not because everything is very bad here, but because there is a need to change the situation. She had the only desire - to draw attention to the fact that our city is southern, it should be green, well-maintained. She said what others are afraid to say. But that's not why she's leaving. She loves her city. And the most important thing is that she does not leave, she will live here and come here. Maybe she was textually not so accurate, and her words were already turned upside down. In addition, she has a charitable foundation in Volgograd. She stays here. but will sometimes go there. She doesn't run away.


“I didn’t insult my hometown”


Elena Isinbayeva in exclusive interview"KP" expressed its indignation at the way her statements are being interpreted lately. Almost every word of her trying to build a universal sensation.

I have not given exclusive interviews for five years and now I have decided that I will not give them in the future. I'm tired of the fact that my words are constantly distorted, - says Isinbayeva. - What is now being quoted about Volgograd was not said in an exclusive interview, but yesterday at a press conference at Dynamo. You were there?

- Lena, the press conference was held in Volgograd, and I am in Moscow.

Yelena Isinbayeva: Volgograd slowly and gradually degraded

Then I will tell you. Volgograd I in no way offended. I didn't even have that in my mind! This is my native, beloved city, but my soul hurts for this city. I sincerely want it to become better, more comfortable for life. And what I said was normal criticism, which, as I hoped, the city authorities would heed. I talked about the need to repair roads in Volgograd, build new schools and kindergartens. Create normal conditions for people. After all, it's not the case that every second resident wants to leave here! I have many friends, I expressed not only my opinion, but the opinion of any Volgograd citizen. I want conclusions to be drawn, to be listened to.

- You said - it is worth buying a foreign car, and it immediately "comes kirdyk".

And indeed it is! Perhaps in some places I used too harsh expressions on emotions. But only because I root for my city. I just assumed that the journalists would soften them. But the essence of this does not change: come to Volgograd by car and try to drive along our roads and not hurt yourself.

- Did you say that your conditions for training leave much to be desired?

Yes. Leave much to be desired. The fact that this summer clouds of midges flew around the city, and during the preparation for the World Championship I had to go to the arena all the time, I already told in an interview with your newspaper at the Russian Championship. In general, accusing me of a lack of patriotism in relation to Volgograd is unfair and strange! As you know, parallel offset is widely practiced in Russia. But no matter how much the coach and I received offers to play simultaneously for someone else, besides Volgograd, they always refused. Only once I changed this rule: at the Olympics in London, I agreed to represent Dagestan on a par with Volgograd. But, sorry, this is my father's homeland...

- Are you really going to leave for Monaco forever?

Another twist. All these years I lived in two houses: Volgograd and Monaco. I trained in Volgograd. From time to time, my coach Evgeny Vasilyevich Trofimov traveled with me to Monaco. And in the future we are going to do the same. Nothing will change in my life! It's just that maybe now I'll spend more time in Monaco, because I won't have training now. You see, and all this magically turned into a “final emigration to Monaco”!


Here is what Elena Isinbaeva said at a press conference in the Dynamo society, August 21, Volgograd:

- Where do you plan to be based: live and work?

Well… I think in Monaco. And I will definitely come to Volgograd. Evgeny Vasilievich ( coach - Approx. ed.) to visit, the family too. In Volgograd I will have many obligations, but I want to live in Monaco, in Moscow. And Volgograd is like a Motherland and it is always a pleasure to come here.

- What needs to be done so that people like you do not leave here?

We need the interaction of the authorities, so that they listen to us, so that they listen to us, here we need to create conditions, we need to create bases. Necessarily. Not only in athletics, but also in other sports. Here's how it is now: the city of Volgograd is the city of Victories. Victories are associated with victory in sports, studies, somewhere else. It is necessary to develop, as in Kazan. It would be possible to live in Kazan with pleasure, do what you want there, do any sport. What to do here in the city? When we just have a poor city? Beggar, terrible, the old city has become. He just slowly and slowly degraded. The roads are terrible - you are tormented to fix the car. Foreign car - everything, kirdyk car. It is necessary to create normal conditions for life, then people will return. They will be happy to go to work and honestly give all the best for 8 - 10 hours a day, despite the fact that they were late at work. Teachers will be happy to teach if their salary is high. Coaches will be happy to train if the salary is decent. Doctors will treat if there is a salary. I understand that this is a problem not only in our region. But in our city there are simply no living conditions. All athletes are looking for where it is convenient and good. I trained at a base in Italy. Everything is primitively simple there, but everything is there: a fenced area, an arena, a stadium, a restaurant, a canteen, rooms for living, a rehabilitation center - all this occupies an area of ​​several thousand square meters. What, we don't have space? Eat. Only nobody needs it. And no one hears us. They waved at us. And it's time to collect what has been sown, and there is a shish with oil. There is nothing. They didn’t sow anything .. and only I stand for the Volgograd region. All the rest have a reset. Why don't I have a reset? Yes, because I never aspired to earn more money. I always believed, I was sure that our city, our region would appreciate my services. But never nothing.

Elena Gadzhievna Isinbayeva is an outstanding Russian athlete, European, World and Olympic champion in athletics. Her sports specialization is pole vaulting. During her participation in competitions, she set a total of 28 world records both indoors and outdoors. Isinbayeva's record for outdoor stadiums (5.06 m), set in August 2009, has not yet been surpassed by anyone.

Childhood years of the future champion

The biography of Elena Isinbayeva began on June 3, 1982. On this day in Volgograd, in the working-class family of Gadzhi Gafanovich and Natalya Petrovna Isinbaev, daughter Elena was born. Elena's father is a native of Dagestan, Tabasaran by nationality; mother is Russian. A year later, another girl, Inessa, appeared in the family.

When Lena was 5 years old, her parents and her sister brought her to a sports school, and for a long time the girl was engaged in gymnastics with coach Alexander Lisovoy. According to Elena herself, she wanted to do rhythmic gymnastics more, but her parents simply did not have time to take her sisters to different sections.

Lena has been doing gymnastics for 10 years, however, at the age of fifteen, the future Olympic champion was considered unpromising. The reason was her relatively high growth 1.74 m, which was a significant disadvantage for gymnastics. It seemed that serious achievements in sports were not worth even dreaming of.

At first glance, everything was logical and correct. The surviving photographs of Lena in a swimsuit during gymnastics competitions show a very slender, athletic, but completely non-gymnastic figure. It was an irrefutable fact.

The coach and the fortunate circumstances helped. Just at that time, such a sports discipline for women as pole vaulting received official recognition. This sport quickly became an Olympic sport and there was a problem of urgent training of highly qualified athletes. This was good news. Such qualities of gymnasts as good coordination of movements turned out to be in demand, Strong arms, courage, and high growth in this case did not limit their capabilities in any way.

At this time, coach Alexander Lisovoy considered that Lena could have a great sports future in pole vaulting and recommended her to the athletics coach, Evgeny Trofimov, who specialized in this discipline. Subsequently, Isinbayeva repeatedly said that it was the first coach who, with this decision, opened the way for her to big-time sports and was very grateful to him for that. The transformation of a gymnast into a jumper happened quickly and painlessly.

The beginning of a sports career

Already the first months of classes confirmed the correctness of the coaching choice, and six months later, in 1998, the first serious success followed. Elena won the World Youth Games in Moscow, and with a very good result for that time of 4.00 m.

Over the next two years, the young athlete achieved a number of successes in youth competitions, and in 2000 she became the world junior champion. Her results grew, in 2001, at competitions in Berlin, Elena set another world record for athletes of her age, equal to 4.46 m. ​​This record lasted for several years.

In 2000, at the Sydney Olympics, women's pole vault was included in the Olympic program for the first time. Unfortunately, here Isinbayeva suffered the first serious setback. Lack of necessary experience of participation in large international tournaments affected. In qualifying, Elena could not take the initial height, did not make it to the final, and was forced to leave the competition with a zero result.

Study and education

Despite a very tough training and competition schedule, the athlete is known as a well-educated person with a broad outlook and diverse interests. Playing sports did not prevent her from successfully completing several educational institutions.

Here is their list:

  • engineering and technical lyceum (1989 - 1997);
  • school of the Olympic reserve (1998 - 2000);
  • Volgogradskaya state academy physical culture (2002 - 2005);

In addition, in 2009, already a well-known athlete and champion of the Olympic Games, Elena Isinbayeva studied at the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University, and in 2010 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis in Volgograd, receiving the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Highest sports achievements

Since 2001, Elena's sports results have been constantly improving, prizes and victories in adult competitions have appeared. In 2002, in the European Championship, she took second place with a score of 4.55 m. She was only 20 years old and it became clear that outstanding achievements awaited the athlete in the near future.

The day of July 13, 2003 became significant for Isinbayeva. At competitions in the UK, she set her first world record. In the future, she set another 27 world records, more than any other woman in this type of athletics, while scoring many bright victories in the most prestigious competitions.

Very soon, they began to compare her with Sergei Bubka, the famous pole vaulter who set 35 world records in his sports career. Elena even got the nickname "Bubka in a skirt", so their sports fates were similar.

List of the most significant sporting achievements in short biography Elena Isinbayeva:

  • July 13, 2003 - the first world record in an open stadium (4.82 m);
  • February 15, 2004 - first indoor world record (4.81 m);
  • August 24, 2004 - "gold" at the Olympic Games in Athens with a world record (4.91 m);
  • July 22, 2005 - for the first time the bar was overcome at a height of 5.00 m;
  • August 18, 2008 - "gold" at the Beijing Olympics with a world record (5.05 m);
  • August 22, 2009 - the last world record in an open stadium (5.06);
  • February 23, 2012 - last indoor world record (5.01);
  • August 13, 2013 - victory at the World Championships in Moscow (4.89).

It so happened that the victory in Moscow turned out to be the last official performance in international competitions for the two-time Olympic champion. Despite the fact that the results shown by Elena in recent starts were far from record-breaking, she planned to return to the sector for jumping and take part in the 2016 Olympics.

Ban Russian athletes-athletes to participate in the 2016 Olympics because of a doping scandal put an end to these plans, although the reputation of Isinbayeva herself has always been impeccable. On August 19, 2016, an outstanding Russian athlete announced her retirement from sports.

For 15 years in big-time sports, Isinbayeva set 28 world records, 15 of them in open stadiums and 13 indoors. Isinbayeva's last record at an open stadium is valid and has not been beaten by anyone to date. She is the first pole vaulter in history to clear a height of 5 meters.

Four times participating in the Olympic Games, Isinbayeva won two gold and one bronze medals. In addition, she won seven world championships (three times in open stadiums and four times indoors), was the owner of the World Cup, and also became the European champion twice.

Personal life

Elena Isinbaeva is married, her husband Nikita Petinov is also an athlete, an athlete. His sporting discipline is javelin throwing. The wedding took place at the end of 2014. There are two children in the family. On June 28, 2014, daughter Eva was born, and on February 14, 2018, the second child was born - son Dobrynya. Interestingly, the boy Dobrynya Nikitich is the full namesake of the epic hero.

For several years, Elena lived in Monte Carlo (Principality of Monaco), while remaining a citizen Russian Federation, then returned to Russia.

Elena's sister Inessa is married. Unfortunately, her mother is no longer alive, she passed away in 2017.

Many fans of an outstanding athlete are interested in what kind of hobby Elena Isinbayeva has. Elena gave several different answers to this question. Here and ballroom dancing, drawings with colored pencils, participation in model shoots. She takes modeling shoots quite seriously, publishes photos on the Instagram network (Instagor). In addition, she has her own official website on the Internet.

Social activity

The athlete has always taken an active social position, even when she was directly involved in the active competitive process. For example, in 2010 she was the ambassador of the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore, and in early 2012, in the presidential elections in Russia, she was officially registered as confidant V. V. Putin.

After the end of her sports career, in August 2016, Isinbayeva was elected for a period of 8 years to the Athletes' Commission (IOC), and then a member of the IOC.

Confessing Orthodoxy, Elena is on the board of the Resurrection Charitable Foundation. Elena is an athletics instructor for CSKA and holds the military rank of major.

Most significant awards

Sports achievements and social merits of the outstanding athlete were marked by state awards and recognition of the sports community.

State awards of an outstanding Russian athlete:

  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree;
  • Order of Honor;
  • Medal of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland"

Today Elena Isinbayeva does a lot for the development of sports facilities in Volgograd, another area of ​​her activity is holding street sports festivals.

The sports path of Elena Isinbayeva was by no means strewn with roses alone. There were failures, and insulting defeats, and cruel disappointments. But the champion never gave up. "I'm not giving up, I'm moving on." This phrase, said in an interview, was her motto throughout her life.

There is no more significant athlete in the current century than Yelena Isinbayeva. Her career is the envy of many - a two-time Olympic champion, a seven-time world champion, a record holder of everything and everything.

Isinbayeva Elena Gadzhievna

Born on 06/03/1982


  • Olympic champion 2004, 2008.
  • Bronze medalist at the 2012 Olympics.
  • World Champion 2005, 2007, 2013.
  • Bronze medalist at the 2003 World Championship.
  • World Indoor Champion 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012.
  • European Champion 2006.
  • Silver medalist at the 2002 European Championship.
  • European Indoor Champion 2005.
  • The current world record holder in the pole vault is 5.06 m.

Change of profile, first successes

Probably, this is a sign from above that they decided to expel Elena from the gymnastics section due to her lack of prospects. By that time, Isinbayeva was already fifteen years old - the defining age in this sport. Lena waved over 170 cm, which meant one thing - she was not destined to reach a serious gymnastic level.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped - this is about Isinbayeva. Her coach, realizing that one could not become a gymnastics star with such parameters, decided to show his student to the pole vault specialist Evgeny Trofimov. He agreed and began working with a new ward.

Yevgeny Vasilyevich quickly realized what kind of talent fell into his hands, and began to polish it. In turn, Isinbayeva quickly imbued a new type of activity for herself and soon began to please her mentor. Literally six months after the start of jumping training, Elena wins the World Youth Games in Moscow with a score of 4 meters.

From that moment, Isinbayeva begins to collect an impressive collection of victories. First, she submits to the world championship among youths, then she becomes a triumphant world championship among juniors, simultaneously setting records in the respective age groups.

By the age of eighteen, Elena gets into the adult Russian team and goes to the Olympics in Sydney. True, the first Olympic pancake comes out lumpy - Isinbayeva could not overcome the qualification barrier. But this failure does not stop the young athlete - Elena continues to win starts at the junior level and improve her own records.

Athletics Queen

Isinbayeva achieves the greatest progress in 2002-2003. At the age of twenty, she becomes the second in the adult European Championship, flying over 4.5 m. After that, her results grow from start to start, and a year later Isinbayeva becomes the owner of the world record - 4.82 m.

From now on, Lena is the favorite of any competition, but forecasts are forecasts, and competitions put everything in its place. So, being in great shape, she failed to win the 2003 World Cup - only bronze. However, it’s too early to get upset, because in a year there will be the Olympic Games.

Isinbayeva approached them in excellent condition, all summer improving her records, which, of course, were world records. In Athens, Elena was waiting for a long-awaited triumph, but it was very difficult for her. Isinbayeva was literally one step away from defeat, having missed attempts at 4.7 and 4.75 m. There was no point in repeating the third attempt - our other jumper Svetlana Feofanova took the same height. Isinbayeva came only for gold, so she decided to take a chance. She ordered 4.8 m and coped with this height. And already in the rank of Olympic champion, she went to break the world record - from now on it is equal to 4.91 m.

Elena Isinbayeva - Olympic champion in 2004

After this performance, Isinbayeva became a world sports star. Experts analyzed her technique in detail, and correspondents from all over the world did not give up trying to interview her. Elena rightly bathed in the rays of glory - she liked the star role.

However, a busy extra-sports life did not interfere with her main activities. The next year, 2005, went down in history. Isinbayeva continued to increase the bar of the world record and became the first woman to jump 5 meters. And less than a month after the historic event, she finally won the adult world championship, adding another 1 cm to her highest achievement.

Isinbayeva was nicknamed "Bubka in a skirt" - like Sergei, Elena became a person who changed her sport. Moreover, Isinbayeva became the queen of athletics, which in turn is considered the queen of sports. Of course, such a status involuntarily changes a person - many begin to have symptoms of star disease.

This spleen did not bypass Isinbayeva, who scandalously broke up with her coach and switched to another specialist - Vitaly Petrov. Records had to be forgotten for several years; Developing new technology is hard work. Nevertheless, the victories came one after another: the World Championship, the European Championship - Isinbayeva was not equal.

By the summer of 2008, Elena again, as before the Athens Olympics, came up in perfect condition. A few weeks before Beijing, she updated the record, and at the main start of the four years she increased it by another 1 cm - 5.05 m. This was the peak of Isinbayeva's career - absolutely well-deserved praises rained down on her from all sides.

Yelena Isinbayeva - Olympic champion in 2008 with a world record of 5.05 m

From heaven to earth

It’s hard to be at the top, but at the height where Isinbayeva climbed, it’s doubly hard. Despite the fact that Elena's popularity has reached an incredible mark, and the number of her fans around the world has moved into the millions, Isinbayeva is gaining a lot of ill-wishers.

Of course, winners and great people in themselves irritate many - the success of others is hard to accept; but Elena herself adds fuel to the fire - with her behavior in the sector, when she does not notice anyone around, as well as uncompromising statements in the media. In fact, Isinbaeva stood apart from everyone - by her results, waywardness, luxurious life (by that time she had settled in Monaco).

But all this has a place to be and is perceived positively when there is a result. For the time being, while Isinbayeva was invincible, no one paid attention to such things, but as soon as Lena failed at the 2009 World Cup, the tone of statements regarding her person changed.

Of course, her failure at the world forum was shocking, Isinbayeva's level was so high, and there was no doubt in the nervous system of our athlete. However, she let Elena down - otherwise Isinbayeva would not have been able to update her highest achievement literally in a week at the Golden League stage.

The emotional background is a big deal, especially at this level. Perhaps Elena herself relaxed too much, believing in her own indestructibility, perhaps she was unsettled by the turmoil in her personal life. But, most likely, Isinbayeva was overtaken by retribution for the arrogance that appeared.

It got to the point that in 2010 she completely took a break in her career - this was prompted by her failure at the World Indoor Championships. Apparently, then something changed in Elena's mind, and she decides to turn her sports life around by returning to her first coach.


Evgeny Trofimov is a wise coach and person; no one in his place would agree to enter the same river twice. But he believed in Isinbayeva at a time when many turned away from her. Each defeat of Elena caused delight among her rivals, and even among some members of the press.

Of course, Isinbayeva repented - otherwise Trofimov would not have accepted Elena back. The tone of Isinbayeva's statements in various interviews has also changed. It became obvious that she herself understood everything - there was no trace of her former pride. Now it remained to return the result, and with this things were much more difficult.

Despite the vigorous start of the 2011 season, Isinbayeva remains without a medal at the World Championships. As Evgeny Vasilyevich would later say, Elena lost her former equipment. There was a year left for her return - Olympic London loomed on the horizon.

By that time, Elena was still able to recover from a series of setbacks and set an indoor world record in the winter. For the Olympics, as well as four and eight years ago, she came up as a favorite. But this time not unconditional, but hidden. Alas, Isinbayeva could not reach the third Olympic gold, having won a bronze medal.

Despite only third place, Elena was glad - she returned to the elite after a series of failures, and a positive attitude from the public returned to her. Most importantly, she was understood and forgiven in Russia; it was enough to admit their mistakes, which Isinbayeva did.

Elena Isinbayeva - World Champion 2013

What happened in Moscow in August 2013! Elena wins the World Cup and becomes a national hero again. Moreover, she is on the same wavelength with ordinary people, celebrating her victory in various metropolitan clubs. Simplicity and sincerity add to her popularity - immediately after the competition, Isinbayeva announces that she plans to have a child, but does not exclude her return to sports for the sake of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

Fight for Rio 2016

With Elena's personal life, fortunately, everything worked out - she got married, gave birth to a girl. In parallel with household chores, Isinbayeva conducts important social and sports activities, as if trying on life after the end of her sports career in 2016.

Isinbayeva announces her intention to prepare for the Olympics a year and a half before it starts. Step by step, training after training - actually starting all over again, Elena finds the right technique and finds herself. But she was not destined to enter the Olympic sector again - the International Association of Athletics Federations completely removed the Russian team from participating in competitions.

It's all the fault of the doping scandals that have been recorded and continue to revolve around our athletes. Unfortunately, the principle of the presumption of innocence did not work here - the entire team suffered in full force, although Isinbayeva was beyond suspicion throughout her career.

Elena fought for her rights, submitted an individual application for the right to participate in the Olympic Games, but all in vain - the IOC and IAAF were adamant. The apotheosis of Isinbayeva's unfulfilled hopes was her speech in the Kremlin at a meeting of Russian Olympians with Vladimir Putin.

Nevertheless, Elena nevertheless went to Brazil to win in another - near-sport - plane. Isinbayeva was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee, recognizing her greatness and contribution to the popularization of sports.

There is no doubt that Isinbayeva will prove herself in the socio-political field, as in any other business, no matter what she does; after sports, everything else is trifles.

You can treat Isinbayeva in different ways: adore her or hate her, exalt her to the skies or try to develop the negative aspects of her biography. One thing is clear - to be indifferent to such a person as Yelena Isinbayeva will definitely not work, and this, whatever one may say, is an unconditional and absolutely deserved success.

A path paved with victories, the price for which is colossal work and constant overcoming of oneself. This is how you can describe the fate of the famous Russian athlete. Elena Isinbayeva - this name is known even to those who are not interested in sports, and her achievements are the pride of the whole country.

Isinbayeva Elena was born in Volgograd on June 3, 1982. The father of the future champion, Gadzhi Gafanovich, was a plumber, and her mother, Natalya Petrovna, worked in a boiler room. It was at the initiative of the mother, who dreamed of becoming a basketball player, that the girls (Lena and sister) began to seriously engage in sports.

Parents from early childhood took the sisters to a sports school. The girl, thanks to hard work, began to quickly achieve the desired results. Her first coach, Alexander Lisovoy, immediately recognized her talent. Isinbayeva herself admitted that Lisovoy became her second father.

For the first ten years, Elena devoted all her strength to gymnastics. When the young athlete was fifteen years old, she transferred to the Olympic reserve school. But soon after the transfer, young Isinbayeva was expelled as unpromising.

The situation was saved by Elena's coach. Lisova, who saw the performance of pole vaulters, decided that this would be a great chance for Isinbayeva to continue her sports career. The athlete's mentor turned to athletics coach Yevgeny Trofimov.

Six months later, thanks to the efforts of the coach, Isinbaev grew from a young athlete into a real champion.

Continuation of a sports career

The first serious test for Isinbayeva was the World Youth Games, held in Moscow in 1998, in which the girl took first place. And a year later, Isinbayeva set the first record in youth competitions, having made a jump with a mark of 4.10 m.

And two years later, Isinbayeva was able to exceed her own record by 0.3 meters. After this event, it was decided to include the athlete in the Olympic team. This decision opened the way to new heights, which the girl immediately set about conquering.

The main event of the summer of 2000 was the international Olympics in Sydney. It was on it that medals among female athletes were played for the first time. Yelena Isinbayeva, representing Russia, did not make it to the final. But this did not stop the athlete.

Just a year later, at the European Championship among juniors, Elena Isinbayeva again wins a gold medal and after the victory goes to the international festival in Berlin, where she sets a world record among the youth team - a long jump of 4.46 m. ​​In 2003, at the European Championship, Elena won gold, showing an excellent result of 4.65 m. In the same year, on July 14 in Gateshead (Britain), Isinbayeva set a record by performing a jump 4.82 m high.

At the 2004 Olympics, held in Athens, Isinbayeva managed to win her first Olympic award during a hard struggle. At first, the athlete almost lost, failing to take two heights in a row: first, 4.70 m, and after that, 4.75 m. But for the third time, the athlete, having conquered a height of 4.80 meters, continued the competition and managed to set a world record - 4.91 m.

But Elena's victories did not end there either: during the next stage of the Grand Prix, held in Monaco in 2008, Isinbayeva broke the world record - 5.04 meters.

At the Beijing Games, the athlete managed to win a new gold medal, setting two successive records in a row: 4.95 meters and 5.05 meters. Isinbayeva also set two world records at an international competition held in Donetsk, performing jumps of 4.97, and after - 5.00 meters.

The successes and records set by the girl glorified the athlete all over the world. In the same year, during the competitions held in Zurich, Elena set another record, taking a height of 5.06 meters. But 2010 began with failures, and the failures that followed one after another forced the athlete to take a break.

Soon, Isinbayeva returned to sports and won the competition at the Russian Winter tournament, held in the winter of 2011. Another record was set by a Russian athlete in 2012 at the Stockholm Grand Prix - 5.01 m.

But the further sports life of Isinbayeva did not last long. On February 8, 2016, there was a major scandal due to the ban on Russian athletes from participating in international competitions, announced by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

Isinbayeva was not allowed to participate in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. This decision was taken by Isinbayeva as a personal insult. The athlete went to court to restore justice, but her claim was dismissed. Yelena Isinbayeva was never allowed to play.

Isinbaev over the years of competition and sports games was repeatedly awarded by both domestic and foreign sports organizations:

  • Order of Honor for great achievements contributing to the development of Russian sports in 2006;
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree in 2009;
  • repeatedly awarded the annual national sports award "Glory";
  • was recognized by the IAAF as the best female athlete of the year three times;
  • in 2006 and 2008, Isinbayeva received the Laureus Academy Award and was recognized as the "Athlete of the Year";
  • was awarded the Prince of Asturias Sports Award in 2009.

Personal life, family, children

In the period from 2006 to 2009, Isinbayeva met with a native Donetsk resident, Artem Khmelenko, who worked as a DJ. As the athlete admitted, their acquaintance was accidental, she met Artem during a training camp in Donetsk.

The novel remained a secret for a long time; Isinbayeva spoke openly about it only in 2008 at the Beijing Olympics. But the improvement of personal life had a catastrophic effect on the career of an athlete: failures haunted Elena one after another.

The novel ended when Elena found out about the betrayal of her boyfriend. After the break in relations, the athlete, giving an interview, said that she would no longer allow anyone to stand between her and her sports career.

But soon she began new novel. This time, the chosen one was the master of sports, who was part of the Russian team, javelin thrower Nikita Petinov. Young people met in social network and at first they just corresponded. But in 2011, their relationship moved into real life.

Immediately after the 2013 World Championships, held in Moscow, the athlete took a break to improve her personal life and start a family. On June 28, 2014, the couple had a daughter, Eva, and on December 12, 2014, the couple entered into an official marriage. In the winter of 2018, Elena Isinbayeva gave birth to her second child, a son, Dobrynya, named after the epic hero.

The life of an athlete Isinbayeva is filled with bright events and memories. The athlete herself willingly shares them with journalists and fans, remembering with pleasure the path she had to take for the sake of world fame and numerous victories.

  1. Isinbayeva's sports career began in a very unusual way. A young girl who came to the competition was asked about her attitude to the Ukrainian athlete Sergei Bubka. It turned out that the name of the athlete is unfamiliar to the girl. Ironically, when Yelena Isinbayeva started setting world records, her popular nickname was "Bubka in a skirt".
  2. 2004 was a significant year for Isinbayeva. Between her and another Russian athlete, Svetlana Feofanova, a real fight for medals unfolded. The Olympics, held in 2004 in Beijing, became decisive. After two unsuccessful jumps, Isinbayeva took a height of 4.80 m, and became the Olympic champion.
  3. Elena Isinbayeva has developed her own tactics of jumps: the first is considered a warm-up, the second is a victory, and the third is made in order to set a new record. The three poles that help to perform the jumps differ in color: the first is pink, the second is blue, and Elena uses a golden pole to set records.

Elena Isinbayeva now - latest news

The resumption of sports activities by Elena Isinbayeva caused a sea of ​​​​emotions and a lot of comments. Elena recently posted a photo from the gym on Instagram. The athlete herself admits that, despite the difficulties, the classes bring her great pleasure.

In the time after Isinbayeva left the sport, the athlete managed to get the status of a presidential confidant, join the Roskachestvo observer group, decorate the cover of a glossy magazine with her photo, take part in a culinary show, and most importantly, experience all the joys of motherhood.


Elena Isinbayeva amazes many with her willpower, diligence and success. Her achievements are the pride of the whole country. The record holder, who has survived ups and downs, but has never backed down from difficulties, is an example for novice athletes.

With her achievements, she has repeatedly proved that the main obstacle is the fear of failure. And the main task of the athlete, first of all, is the struggle with himself. Having overcome his weaknesses, a person can win any competition, no matter how difficult it may seem.

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