Is the spider the dagger dangerous to humans? External structure of the spider-krestovik

Helicer Subtype (Chelicerata)

Helicer body consists of cephalothorax, from which six pairs of appendages extend: chelicera intended for fixing food pedipalps serving for touch, chewing food, and also as a copulatory organ and four pairs of walking legs. Representatives of the subtype are known from the Cambrian (terrestrial forms from the Devonian) and are combined in four classes: Horsetails, Crayfish, Sea Spiders and Arachnids.

The presence of skin lesions, nonspecific systemic symptoms, and a history of a spider bite is considered sufficient for the diagnosis of loxingo-cyclism. If there are necrotic skin lesions, the suspicion of a spider bite can be suspected, but this is a rare cause and patients should be instructed in this direction to avoid anxiety. There are several treatments for loxingocycling, such as corticosteroids, antidotes, antihistamines, among other options, although there is no evidence for its use.

The advantage of the antidote appears to be limited to use during the first 4 hours, although some studies suggest that they can go up to 48 hours. The Ministry of Health recommends using it in cases of extensive skin lesions, usually associated with glucocorticoids. One study reported the benefits of using dapsone, although this is usually not recommended. The dose of specific serum is pyramid, in cases without hemolysis, and 10 ampoules, in the case of concomitant hemolysis.

Spider-like class (Agachnida)

Arachnids - the most prosperous group of helicer animals, numbering 60,000 species. To her belong spiders, scorpions   and false scorpions, solpugs, haymakers, pincers   and other animals. The science that studies arachnids is called arachnology   (from the Greek arachne    - spider; That was the name, according to one of the myths, of the weaver, who was turned into a spider by an angry Athena).

There are only 13 reported deaths associated with this type of spider bite, being all previous. Spiders are moderately large in size with prominent chelicerae, which live mainly on rocks. The poison of these spiders contains neurotoxins, because the applications are large, their bites are often quite painful, but in most cases systemic symptoms do not occur. Systemic poisoning consists of neuromuscular and autonomic symptoms of the nervous system and may be accompanied by pulmonary edema.

Neuromuscular manifestations include local or distant paresthesias, local or generalized foci, mainly associated with cramps of the tongue and muscles. Non-specific symptoms may occur, such as vomiting, headache and fatigue, if an antidote is not used, late events include hypotension, coma and multiple organ dysfunction.

The representatives of arachnids are octopod land arthropods, in which the body is divided into cephalothorax   and abdomen , connected by a thin constriction or merged. The arachnids do not have antennae. The head of the head contains six pairs of limbs - chelicera, legs and four pairs of walking legs. On the abdomen no legs. Their respiratory organs are lungs   and trachea . Eyes have arachnids simple. Spider-like - dioecious animals.

If a spider bite is suspected, a bandage should be applied with immobilization, as in the case of snake bites. The antidote response is dramatic, and therefore research to evaluate its effectiveness is not considered ethical. These are the bites of the so-called armadadei spiders, whose venom has a neurotoxic effect, with the release of adrenaline and acetylcholine with manifestations of the sympathetic and parasympathetic central nervous system.

Bitten spiders of this type occur mainly in South America and Costa Rica, are nocturnal and solitary spiders sometimes enter homes, and this site takes an aggressive posture characteristic of thousands of events in Brazil. Bites cause immediate local pain with localized sweating, piloeration and erythema. The pain has proximal radiation, in most cases the symptoms are limited to straw, but a series of almost 500 cases describes tachycardia and anxiety. Systemic symptoms include nausea, vomiting and dizziness, salivation, visual changes and priapism.

The length of the body of various representatives of this class is from 0.1 mm to 17 cm. They are widely distributed around the globe. Most of them are terrestrial animals. Among mites and spiders there are secondary water forms.

External structure   and spiders lifestyle

Spider cross   (named for the cross-shaped pattern on the dorsal side of the body) can be found in the forest, garden, park, on the window frames of suburban and village houses. Most of the time, the spider is sitting in the center of its trapping web of sticky thread - cobwebs .

In most cases, it is necessary to apply only symptomatic treatment when using warm compresses, opioids and sedatives in accordance with the need and use of local anesthetics. Serum is indicated only in more severe cases with vegetative manifestations, which are used in about 2% of bites by this type of spider. Serum is used within 3 hours, and recovery is completed usually within 24 hours.

The table below shows the measures that must be taken for different types of spider bites. Table: treatment and treatment of spider bites. Insect, spider and scorpion bites in the emergency room, third edition, Manole.

The spider's body consists of two sections: a small elongated cephalothorax and a larger spherical abdomen. The abdomen is separated from the narrow cephalothorax. constriction . On the front end of the cephalothorax are four pairs of eyes on the top, and the bottom are hook-like hard jaws - chelicera . They spider grabs his victim. Inside there is a canal. According to him, the poison from the poisonous glands, located at the base of the chelicera, enters the body of the victim. Next to chelicerae are short, covered with sensitive hairs organs of touch - legs (pedipalps) . Four pairs walking legs   located on the sides of the cephalothorax. The body is covered with light, durable and rather elastic chitinous cuticle . Like crayfish, spiders periodically molt, dropping chitinous cover. At this time they grow.

Approach to a patient with suspected spider bites: a review. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of widow spider bites. Insect bites, spiders and scorpions. Can a big beard of eight millimeters create such horror in a person? This phobia begins with sad story: the one that killed the man Cagliari is only 45 years old. And, despite many doubts in this story, it is important to note that the spider-violin is not such a terrible creature as it might seem.

But since the meadows of all Italy are their favorite habitat, it goes without saying that this cannot be so dangerous. Otherwise, like poor Massimiliano Stara, he talked about it every day. However, it is useful to note that this is not the first death caused by a spider. What is a spider for a violin? This tiny aranid is only 8 millimeters wide, although it can reach about three centimeters by extending its paws. Larger specimens, however, are females. His name is associated with the presence of a certain place on the back, which reminds a bit of the shape of a violin.

On the lower end of the abdomen are three pairs. spider wart that produce webs is modified abdominal legs.

Build a network

The most beautiful, wheel-shaped tenetas (traps of the net) are built by the orb-web spiders from the family of crosses. First, the spider climbs into a high place, usually near an open space (path), and secretes a very light thread, which is picked up by the breeze and, incidentally hitting the next branch or other support, is woven around it. The spider moves along this thread to a new point, along the way strengthening the web with the additionally secreted secret. In a similar way, two or three more threads are made that make up the closed frame, inside which the network itself will be located. Then the thread-radii are joined, connecting in the center. After that, starting from the center, the spider moves to the periphery in a spiral. The spiral thread of the web is covered with droplets of sticky secret. From the network to the spider stretches a signal thread. The female is waiting for the signal thread to oscillate. Then the spider rushes to the prey, bites, the upper jaws injects poison and leaves, waiting.

From this sign it is possible to distinguish it from other similar and completely harmless spiders. Its peculiarity is to live in several dark places, so it is easier to find them in the groves of trees, next to stones or hidden places, mostly at night. Why don't you be afraid. You do not need to worry that the violin for spider bites is just so that it is very rare to hit a person. Indole, in fact, is definitely different from many other spiders - poisonous or not - that are particularly aggressive. Therefore, if he breaks through, this happens only because he is in a state of extreme danger.

The internal structure of the spider spider

In a spider, like in other crustaceans, the body cavity has a mixed nature - during development, it occurs when the primary and secondary body cavities join.

Digestive system. The cross spider cannot eat solid food. Catching a prey, such as an insect, with the help of a spider web, he kills it. poison   and lets in his body digestive juices . After some time, the contents of the caught insect is diluted, and the spider sucks it out. From the victim is only an empty chitinous shell. This type of digestion is called extraintestinal .

What happens after piercing a violin spider? Once a spider-violin is crammed, it is difficult to blame the pain. However, it is very likely that within a few hours the first signs will be heard: a part starts to swell and can lead to necrosis in some tissues affected by toxin, which contains arachnid. More rarely, an ulcer may appear on the affected area, called loxosteric, but mainly affects people who have allergic reactions.

Can you die for the bite of a violin spider? Of course, you can die, but this is a very rare fact. A bit like all other insects. In severe cases, in fact, it may require amputation of the affected limb and, much less often, toxin can lead to death. Overweight people are more at risk because greater likelihood   tissue necrosis. On the other hand, several deaths caused by spiders are reported in the scientific literature. Instead, the case of the woman Catanzaro, who was mentioned in recent days, was denied.

The digestive system of the spider consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine. In the midgut, long blind outgrowths increase its volume and suction surface. Undigested residues are expelled through the anus.

Respiratory system. The respiratory organs of a spider is the lungs and trachea. Lungs   or pulmonary bags   located below the abdomen, in front of it. These lungs evolved from the gills of distant ancestors of spiders that lived in the water. The spider-krestovik two pairs of unbranched trachea   - long tubes, having special spiral chitinous thickenings inside. They are located in the back of the abdomen.

Bran Island does not offer treatments that destroy spiders, but only those who expel them. A distributor is a quality repellent against them, which is shown in the picture. Everyone can buy and do it very easily, without harming him, as this is not poison. The price is most beneficial if you use the repellent yourself. If you want, our specialists can also do this, as the cost of the service depends on the size and location of the site, and the repair is charged separately, but the remaining amount remains with the client.

Are spiders dangerous and how do we treat them?

Prices for spraying in residential buildings are described below, not counting the value of the spider repellent. We offer and use harmless products that are approved for use in EU countries. Prices for plots over 100 m 2 Prices for subscription contracts. Spiders belong to the arachnid class. Those who live in our regions are absolutely safe for people and pets. Like insectivorous predators, they are more useful because they completely control the population of flies and their larvae.

Circulatory system   spiders unlocked . The heart has the appearance of a long tube located on the dorsal side of the abdomen. Blood vessels flow from the heart. Like the crustaceans, the hemolymph circulates in spiders.

Excretory system   represented by two long tubes - malpighian vessels . With one end the malpighian vessels blindly end in the body of the spider, the other opens into the posterior part of the intestine. Through the walls of the malpighian vessels, metabolic products are removed, which are then expelled. In the intestine is the absorption of water. Thus, spiders save water, so they can live in dry places.

The only inconvenience that spiders can cause is panic attack in people with arachnophobia and sometimes disrupting the normal function of anxiety and other electronic systems in homes and commercial places. Networks that are intricate are quite visual inconveniences, although many people love these formations on the walls and even use them in movies, videos, etc. as they say - "the question of personal choice."

The drug is extremely good, but due to the specificity of spider-like organisms, it cannot be guaranteed exactly how long it will work, but in 90% of the treatment the duration is about 2-3 months. covers the entire active season of the spiders, which is all summer, because then they catch most of the insects. The product we are considering is completely safe for people, animals and nature. It is odorless and colorless and is not carcinogenic, so without any risk to health, you can visit the treated areas immediately after treatment.

Nervous system   The spider consists of a cephalic knot and numerous nerves extending from it.

Reproduction.   Fertilization in spiders is internal. Mating crosses occurs at the end of the summer. The male transfers spermatozoa into the female's sexual opening with the help of special outgrowths located on the front legs. Spiders have poor eyesight, with 8 simple eyes they see poorly. The male needs to be very careful that the female does not take him for prey. Immediately after mating, the spider is hastily removed, since the behavior of the female can change dramatically, and sluggish males are often killed and eaten.

If you want to save money, you can order a spider repellent and deliver it to you. Working with him is extremely simple and safe, and the price will be much more acceptable for you, because you do not hire our specialist to visit you on the spot. If you still think you want our company to treat spiders, we will ask you to help with our work in order to clean all rooms that are highly susceptible to disinfection from spiders. This will increase the effect of processing several times and help us improve the spray.

Although it is not necessary, after spraying it will be good that the rooms remain closed for at least 30 minutes, after which they can be ventilated for about 10 minutes before being used again. Open areas are processed only where it is impossible to wash the used preparations.

The female lays several hundred eggs in the fall. cocoon   from the web. Hides it under the bark, under the stones. By winter, dying. In the spring, spiders crawl out of the cocoon, go up the branches and with wind gusts fly away on the cobwebs, settle. The complex behavior of the spider: the construction of trapping networks, flight devices, dwellings - this instincts i.e. characteristic of each type of behavior that is inherited.

Mistletoe in Christmas decoration can not be missed. He has many legends, myths and legends. It has an interesting lifestyle and breeding. It heals and poisons, is used in modern medicine and treatment. Mistletoe brings happiness, courage and love. But only the one who is given mistletoe, and not the one who buys it himself. Mistletoe is also absent in the classic floral word, in which it means "together we have found happiness." Under a sprig of mistletoe, you can absolutely kiss with someone kissing. But be careful - it's just Christmas.

According to one legend, mistletoe was once a tree from which Joseph carved a cradle for Jesus, thirty-three years later the tree defeated the Romans, and a cross was made from his tribe on which Jesus crucified. The tree sank with shame in small bushes that are forced to live from other trees. But it includes all those who pass under it.

Spider-like - mostly terrestrial arthropods. They breathe with the help of the lungs or trachea. Their body is divided into the cephalothorax and abdomen, or it is merged. Externally, arachnids can be distinguished from other arthropods by the following features: they have no antennae, two pairs oral organs   and four pairs of walking legs. The complex behavior of spiders (building traps, cocoons) is based on instincts.

Currently, more than a hundred species of spiders of this subspecies inhabit our country. All species can be traced to the common distinguishing characteristic. These representatives of the fauna belong to the class of arachnids. This species is represented by a huge number of specimens having characteristic common features and at the same time differing in mass and size, as well as the degree of threat to humans.

Many of us ran across the web in the summer. But not everyone knows that this trapping net   spider cross. As a rule, this spider is sitting in the center of its web. His torso with a sharp transverse constriction in the middle - the so-called "waist", which separates the cephalothorax from the back.

Spider Crostovik - distinctive features

This spider is distinguished from other typical representatives of arachnids by the unusual color of the abdomen. This is the presence of a cross that is not visible to the naked eye. It is formed not by continuous stripes, but by a congestion in a certain place of black and brown spots turning into a pattern. Due to which, he got his name.

The body of the spider consists of two parts, the line of division between the cephalothorax and the main body of the abdomen is clearly visible. The organ responsible for the absorption of food is located on the top of the head, there is also a pair of legs that help the spider to carry out the process of absorbing food.

Features of the structure of the spider

The external structure of the spider spider is not too different from other spiders. As in most representatives of the fauna, the size of females significantly exceeds the size of the body of males.

At krestovik female, as a rule, has a body size, without taking into account the length of the legs, up to 25 centimeters in length. Males grow two times smaller and, as a rule, have a body length not exceeding 10 centimeters.

On both sides of the abdomen are the legs. There are four pairs in total. These legs are responsible for the movement and touch of objects, thanks to a lot of   microscopic hairs covering each limb. Also on the head is a pair of eyes, allowing the spider to see the environment.

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