Ideas for a last call flash mob. Getting ready for prom: learning to dance the waltz Prom movement


Organizing a prom is a very labor-intensive and difficult process, because it will be necessary to gather so many young people in one place. It is important to take into account a lot of key points: the number of graduates, the number of accompanying adults, the preferences of the heroes of the occasion, the budget of the event and much more. And for graduation to be successful and memorable, it is extremely important not to forget anything. And for this you can, for example, keep a special notebook in which important details will be written down. By the way, it is worth noting that you need to start planning your graduation long before the expected date, because there are a huge number of schools in the city, each of which graduates a large number of eleventh graders. If you don’t take care of everything in advance, you’ll have to be content with what’s left (although there are many cafes and restaurants in every city, not all of them will meet the basic requirements).

Graduation venue.

In general, each graduation consists of an official part - the presentation of certificates (a concert in honor of graduation is possible) and an unofficial part - a buffet table and a disco. Here it is important to immediately think about where which part will take place. Usually the official part is held in the school itself, for example, in the assembly hall or, if there is none, then in the cafeteria or gym. Many organizers decide to hold both parts at school. The advantage of this solution is that you do not have to take students to a restaurant or cafe. But there is also a minus: everything will fall entirely on the shoulders of the organizers. They will have to purchase food, deliver it to the venue, find cooks and a place for cooking. In addition, you will need music (and high-quality music requires special equipment) and a DJ. Of course, in in this case You can save money, but you will need to spend a lot of effort. If the unofficial part is held in a cafe or restaurant, then all the worries will fall on the shoulders of the establishment’s employees. You can rent a motor ship, but before making such a decision you need to make sure that the ship meets all safety requirements and has sufficient space. Important! When choosing a graduation venue, there are some things to consider. So, first you need to find out what the capacity of the room is. But we must not forget that prom is fun, so you must provide a place for dancing.

Delivery of graduates to the banquet venue.

If you decide to hold the official part in one place and the banquet in another, then you need to think about how to get everyone to the cafe or restaurant. It would be advisable to transport everyone together, for example by renting a minibus. Then no one will fall behind or get lost.

Decoration of the room.

To make your graduation memorable, you need to decorate the room. This can be done using balloons, garlands, and posters. It would be great if someone made a collage of school photos of graduates. In general, everything should be beautiful and original.

Arrangement of tables.

Usually at the graduation, in addition to the graduates themselves, there are also accompanying people (teachers, parents). In order not to embarrass or embarrass young people, it is better to divide the tables into two zones: for students and for adults. This way, the heroes of the occasion will be able to communicate more relaxed, but at the same time they will be in the field of view in case of force majeure situations. Desks for students can be connected so that everyone has the opportunity to have common conversations (after all, perhaps such an opportunity will not arise again). You can divide the tables into groups by class, or you can place each table separately so that groups of graduates with similar interests can sit at it. But in any case, there should be free space between the tables so that you can easily get to your place from the dance floor. In addition, everyone should be comfortable, so you shouldn’t seat 20 people at one small table.


After preparing for the holiday and the official part, all students will probably get hungry, so it is necessary to provide for this. But since, in addition to the meal, there will be a lot of interesting things at the holiday and there will simply be no time to eat a lot, then one hot dish will be enough (it is necessary, since graduates will drink alcohol, and it is better absorbed with hot dishes) and one salad. Since the graduation will take place in the hot season, the dishes should not be too fatty and heavy; it is better to include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In addition, it is necessary to provide as many different snacks as possible so that the heroes of the occasion have the opportunity to have a snack without stopping from dancing. As snacks, you can offer sliced ​​sausages and cheese, sandwiches, sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, and canapés. It is best to create one menu for everyone to avoid confusion when serving dishes. But it is necessary to take into account the wishes and preferences of students. Perhaps the most the best option there will be a so-called buffet. Then everyone will have the opportunity to put on their plate what they want and in the required quantity. You can take the remaining food with you by placing it in containers. And you definitely need to stock up big amount drinks: mineral water, juices, lemonades (active dancing provokes thirst).


No matter what adults think about alcohol, you can’t do without it at prom. After all, all graduates consider themselves adults. But there should not be permissiveness! Therefore, it will be enough to put wine and champagne on the tables; you should refuse stronger drinks. As for the quantity, it is better to proceed from the calculation of 2 bottles (champagne and wine) for 3-4 people.

Script and program.

The prom program is a very important part of the organization. The script should be rich and interesting. So, you can provide all kinds of competitions, riddles about school, puzzles and team games(naturally, taking into account the age of the students). Since the teachers have already become a little boring to the graduates (there is no escape from this fact), they are definitely not suitable for the role of presenter. It is best to hire someone from outside. And this separate question. The function of the presenter at the graduation is to cheer up the people, make the graduates move, communicate, and have fun. And it is best to choose a younger candidate for this role, since it will be more pleasant and interesting for young people than if the holiday is hosted by an older lady or man. The prom program should be thought out in such a way that active competitions or dances alternate with calmer and more intellectual ones. As much time as possible should be devoted to dancing, as young people love it very much.

The highlight of the program.

In order for the graduation to remain in the memory of students for the rest of their lives, it is necessary to come up with some kind of feature, the highlight of the program. It would be great if graduates were shown a film about their school life from the very first days. You can make such a masterpiece from individual photos or videos in the form of a presentation with captions. All graduates will definitely like this film, because it will be so pleasant and funny to remember everything that happened during the entire period of school life. You can also come up with a lot of other interesting ideas. For example, at the end of the celebration you can arrange fireworks in honor of the graduates. Students can also launch balloons or lanterns into the sky. And before the launch, you can write your wishes on pieces of paper and tie them to the balls. And an obligatory tradition that everyone has long loved is meeting the dawn. This symbolizes for graduates the beginning of a new adult, interesting and rich life.

Photo and video.

Of course, if the holiday is a success, it will certainly remain in the memory of the graduates for many years. But probably everyone who went to school sometimes wants to refresh their memories and look at everything from the outside. So it’s worth ordering a photographer and videographer who will film everything that happens, from the official part with the presentation of certificates to the dancing and fun at the unofficial part of the celebration. Yes, it will probably cost a lot of money, but you can always find a cheaper option or some workarounds (perhaps the parent of one of the students is a professional photographer).

Dangers and pitfalls.

For students, graduation is a celebration and fun, but for teachers and parents it is another reason to worry. After all, every class probably has its own ringleaders and hooligans who can provoke others to some not entirely thoughtful and adequate actions. So it is extremely important to keep the situation under control throughout the event. What does it mean? The first and decisive point is alcohol. Even if there isn’t a lot of it on the tables, the particularly cunning graduates will still think about this moment in advance and decide to bring a certain amount of strong drinks with them. This needs to be monitored. Of course, it won’t be possible to search all the students at the entrance to the cafe, but it will still be necessary to confiscate at least some of them. Parents should help accomplish all this. After all, the student’s mother or father may well ask their child to show his bag and ask him to kindly give back the alcohol, if any. But still, part of the “contraband” will end up inside the restaurant. To prevent this part from being consumed, students must be kept under supervision. It would be a good idea to warn waiters and other cafe or restaurant workers about everything. Another important point: probably every graduate at some point, for some reason, will want to go out into open space and fresh air, that is, onto the street. But since the responsibility for all students lies on the shoulders of the accompanying persons, they must ensure that the boys and girls do not get into unpleasant situations. So you should immediately determine the maximum movement distances. It is possible (and even necessary) to hire security for the duration of the celebration, who will monitor all movements, stop attempts to “escape” from the holiday and identify strangers who may be trying to get to the prom. But it is important not to go too far, because total control will simply ruin the mood of the heroes of the occasion.
It only remains to add that prom is a very important holiday. But it will remain in the memory of graduates and leave a lot of positive impressions only if everything is planned in advance and maximum time and effort is devoted to preparation and organization. After all, such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime, so it’s worth giving one hundred percent for the sake of the graduates.

Traffic will be limited on several streets in the center of the capital on June 21, 23 and 24 due to graduation ceremonies. This was reported by the press service of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption. .

On June 21 from 15:00 to 18:00 and on June 22 from 09:30 to 12:30, traffic will be difficult in the passage of Devichye Pole from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane. The ceilings will be installed during the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces. At this time, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will also partially change. Instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha Street and Devichye Pole Drive, they will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya.

On June 23, from 15:00 to 07:00 on June 24, traffic in Rybny Lane will be limited. From 20:00 to 23:59 it will be impossible to drive along Ilyinka Street from Birzhevaya to Red Square.

Also on June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00, restrictions will be introduced on the far right lane of Mokhovaya Street. From 21:00 on June 23 until 01:00 on June 24, travel will be difficult in the far right lane of Krymsky Val opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

/ Wednesday, June 21, 2017 /

Topics: Movement restrictions Garden Ring road Prom

From June 21 to 24, in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation ceremonies, traffic will be limited on a number of streets in the center of the capital. This was reported on the website of the capital’s Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption.
. . . . . During the event, the route of buses 64 and 132 will partially change; instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha Street and Devichye Pole Passage, buses will travel along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street.
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Also, traffic will be difficult due to the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in celebratory events. . . . . . Motorists are asked to plan their routes in advance, taking into account the restrictions.

Moscow. In connection with the preparation and holding of graduation ceremonies in the capital, traffic will be limited, they reported. Interfax" in the press service of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow.

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“A number of restrictions are associated with holding school graduations in Gorky Park and Gostiny Dvor (with a formal part in the Kremlin Palace)”, - said the agency's interlocutor.

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In Moscow, car traffic will be limited due to graduation ceremonies for schoolchildren. TASS reported this on Wednesday, June 21.

. . . . . On June 24, Ilyinka will be blocked from Birzhevaya to Red Square from 20:00 to midnight.

The Moscow traffic police asks drivers to plan their route in advance and choose alternative routes.

According to Moscow government estimates, more than 50 thousand graduates will gather for graduation celebrations.

In Moscow, traffic will be limited in connection with the preparation and holding of school graduation ceremonies, NSN reports.

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Traffic restrictions will also be introduced during the preparation days for graduation ceremonies.

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Traffic on several capital streets will be limited due to the preparation and holding of graduation ceremonies.
. . . . . There they will prepare for graduation from the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. At this time, the routes of buses No. 64 and 132 will partially change: instead of Elansky, Plyushchikha streets and Devichey Pole passage, they will run along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street.
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On June 24, traffic will be difficult in the far right lane of Krymsky Val Street in the area opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

The Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of the City of Moscow reports temporary traffic restrictions Vehicle in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation ceremonies according to the following schedule:
On June 21 from 15:00 to 18:00 and June 22 from 09:30 to 12:30, traffic will be limited on the Devichye Pole passage in the area from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane in connection with preparations for the graduation of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of Russia. During the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change; instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha Street and Devichye Pole Passage, buses will travel along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street;
On June 23 from 15:00 to 07:00 on June 24, traffic in Rybny Lane will be limited;
On June 23, from 20:00 to 23:59, traffic will be limited on Ilyinka Street in the section from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square;
On June 23, from 20:00 to 05:00 on June 24, traffic restrictions will be introduced along Ilyinka Street in the section from Birzhevaya Square to Old Square.
City authorities draw the attention of motorists that the movement of vehicles will be difficult due to the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in the festive events:
On June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00, the far right lane of Mokhovaya Street will be occupied;
On June 23 from 21:00 to 01:00 on June 24, vehicle traffic will be difficult in the far right lane of Krymsky Val Street in the area opposite the entrance to the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture.

Temporary traffic restrictions will be in effect on a number of central streets of the capital on June 21, 23 and 24 in connection with the preparation and holding of the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. This was reported by the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption.

. . . . . Plyushchikha to Novokonyushenny Lane. “For the period of the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change; instead of Elanskogo St., Plyushchikha St. and Devichye Pole passage, buses will travel along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St.”, the department added.

. . . . . Ilyinka on the section from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square. In addition, on June 23 from 20:00 to 05:00 on June 24, traffic restrictions will be introduced on the street. Ilyinka on the section from Birzhevaya Square to Staraya Square.

In addition, in connection with the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in celebratory events, traffic restrictions will be in effect on June 23 from 15:00 to 20:00 on the far right lane of the street. Mokhovaya. And from 21:00 on June 23 to 01:00 on June 24, vehicle traffic will be difficult in the far right lane of the street. Krymsky Val on the site opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

The department urged car drivers to take these restrictions into account when planning routes.

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The streets will be closed to both personal and public transport. Therefore, the bus route will change in some areas.

According to the press service of the capital's regional security department, traffic will be limited in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation ceremonies.
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Some streets will be partially closed to transport graduates to celebratory events.
So, on Friday, June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00 Moscow time, the far right lane of Mokhovaya Street will be occupied. . . . . .

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As reports, on June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 - during preparations for the graduation of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces - traffic will be limited on the Devichye Pole passage from Plyushchikha to Novokonyushenny Lane. . . . . . The same mode of operation of public transport will be introduced on June 22 from 09:30 to . . . . .

Changes in traffic will occur on June 21 for buses traveling on routes No. 64 and 132. The reason is the holding of graduation ceremonies in the capital.

. . . . . Preparations for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces will take place at this site.

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Column column “ VM” Ekaterina Roshchina

Five minutes to adults

The twentieth of June is the most glorious time of the year. Poplar fluff, the foliage is still so young and joyful, the nights are short, the days are long. The sky is blue and high. Emerald grass. White and pink porridge is blooming - such a small clover. And, most importantly, almost the whole summer is still ahead. And not only summer, but all life. Even if you didn’t graduate from school yesterday, and not the day before. Doesn't matter. But how could it be otherwise, when there is such a sky, and bird trills at night, and the dawn begins immediately after the sun finally sets behind the black strip of forest...

This is the time of graduation in schools. It's time to jump from one level to another, higher. Yesterday's schoolchildren are already big, but still children. After the magical prom, they will wake up different. More serious, perhaps. Full of strength and plans for the future.

It's amazing how differently they feel their “ high school graduation " status. There are those who are already quite adults. Someone, for example, is getting married. She already has a boyfriend whom she proudly calls “ my " and makes plans to fly with “his” somewhere to the Costa Brava. Five minutes to the wife, mother, and the eyes behind the thickly painted eyelashes are completely feminine, not girlish. And her yesterday’s big-eared deskmate dreams of rushing off to a pioneer camp after all these Unified State Examinations and admissions. There are no pioneers there now, but it’s still fun. Volleyball, lightning and morning lineup. And competitions. And in terms of age, this guy is still “ passes” to the pioneer camp. And in the fall it may already go to conscript service(Further...).

Not a single formal event is complete without a waltz. It is danced at proms, weddings, and social events. Waltz is rightly called the king of all dances. Simple in structure, but such a beautiful and graceful dance everyone should be able to dance. However, if you don’t have time for classes in special schools and money for individual lessons with a teacher, you can learn to dance the waltz right at home. Just a few lessons with the video “Learning to Waltz” and dancing the waltz will not be difficult.

Video lesson “Teaching the waltz”

In the rhythm of a waltz

All movements in the waltz are performed to the unique 3/4 rhythm of this dance. That is, all movements are performed strictly in a one-two-three count. Before you start learning movements, it is important to learn to distinguish this rhythm and hear it in music. Next, you should learn the graceful sliding technique of the waltz, which distinguishes it from other dances. To do this, it is important to stand so that your body weight falls exactly in the center of your body, between your legs.

Basic movements and elements of the waltz:

  1. Partners rotate in a waltz in a square, counterclockwise.
  2. All movements in the dance are performed under counting.
  3. On each side of the square in the dance there is one large step and two small ones.
  4. Relative to each other, the partners rotate clockwise.
  5. The main movements in the dance are right turns and spinning. A turn in a waltz consists of two half-turns. The first half of the turn is performed with the right foot. We take a step forward and at the same time turn the body to the right clockwise. After this, continuing to turn, we take a step forward with our left foot and stand on our toes. Next, we place the right foot next to the left and lower both to the full foot. The second part of the half-turn is performed with the left foot. To do this, you need to step diagonally back and to the left. In this case, the entire body weight falls on left leg. After this, the right foot is placed behind the heel of the second foot. At the end - a half-twist on the fingers. This is the basic movement in the waltz and this basic knowledge is enough for the classical waltz.
  1. However, those who want to add solemnity and variety to the dance can add several other movements to the waltz. The partner takes the lady's right hand with his right hand and lifts it above his head. In this position, the partner rotates under her. The gentleman's free hand is behind his back at this time. At home he turns to the standard waltz count of one-two-three.
  2. Another interesting waltz figure that deserves the attention of a novice dancer: the gentleman puts one hand behind his back, and the partner holds the hem of the dress with her hand. Starting with the right foot and counting, the partners take a step towards each other and raise their arms. After that, they move towards each other to the same rhythm, but from the left foot.
  3. The previous movement can also be performed in a different way: with a change of places. The lady and her partner approach each other, change places at the turn and go their separate ways. After this beautiful movement, they stand in pairs and do the main element of the waltz - spinning in a circle.
  4. They end the dance with a beautiful bow to the audience.

The ability to dance a waltz will definitely come in handy in life, be it an official event, graduation or wedding. A few hard workouts and everything will work out. Good luck!

No wonder he is considered the king of dances. He is always present at all events, various receptions and, of course, at the graduation party. But unlike the last century, when being able to dance a waltz was mandatory requirement to everyone, now not many girls and boys know this type dance. But everyone thinks about it at some point, since the time for prom is coming closer and closer, and there is simply no time to waste energy taking lessons from professionals. In this case, you can learn to dance the waltz yourself, at home.

First you need to look at the basic movements. Naturally, before you start learning to dance the waltz, you need someone who also wants to learn. Absolutely all movements occur on the count: one-two-three-time. This one is very important to remember because you need to maintain a good tempo when dancing. As for the rotation, if you look from the outside, it may seem somehow complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact the rotation occurs counterclockwise in a square. As for the steps, it is also worth noting a small nuance - for each corner of a simple square there are two small steps and one large one. This is very important to remember and keep in mind so as not to get confused.

I would also like to note, once again, that rotation in a waltz is one of the most important components. You always need to turn to the right side, and if you look from a purely mathematical point of view, then each turn consists of two half-turns, which are equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now let's look at the steps. To begin the turn, you need to take one step forward with your right foot. It is very important to make a clockwise turn to the right. Next, you should take a step with your left foot, but at the same time continue to carry out the already started turn, after which the left foot should be placed on half-toes. And finally, the right foot should be placed next to the left, after which both feet should be placed on the full foot. This is the first part of the square you will make. To complete the second part, you need to do almost the same thing, only in reverse. That is, first you need to take a step back with your left foot, and this step needs to be taken diagonally and transfer all the weight to your left leg. After this, the right leg is transferred behind the heel of the left. Next, a turn is performed on the half-toes, after which you need to start making a square again. At the same time, it is very important not to constantly forget to count “one-two-three-times”; without this, it will be very easy to get confused and lose the tempo, which is an equally important component of the waltz.

Graduation ceremonies for Moscow schoolchildren will be held on the night of June 23-24. Festive events will be organized in the Gorky Park of Culture and Leisure and Gostiny Dvor (the ceremonial part will take place in the Kremlin Palace). According to the capital's government estimates, more than 50 thousand graduates will gather to celebrate graduation. More than 20 thousand people will come to Gorky Park for the holiday.

In this regard, access to the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture will be completely closed at 12 o'clock on June 23 to carry out work on comprehensive security and anti-terrorism protection.

Graduates will be transported to the celebration sites on special transfer buses. To ensure order and security, private security organizations will be involved in their organization. Increased police presence will be on duty in schools and city playgrounds. The Moscow River will be patrolled by boats with rescuers on duty.

On June 23 and 24, fireworks displays will also be organized in Moscow in honor of graduates. They will be held on June 23 from 23 to 23.15 at the base of the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge and on June 24 from 00 to 00.20 in Gorky Park.

We remind you that bringing alcoholic beverages, weapons, metal objects (knives, sharpeners, gas canisters) and drinks in glass containers into the territory of graduation events is prohibited; all of the above items will be confiscated during inspection procedures.

Also, during the days leading up to the prom, traffic will be limited:

On June 21 from 15 to 18 hours and on June 22 from 9.30 to 12.30 traffic will be limited on the Devichye Pole passage in the area from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane in connection with preparations for the graduation of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. During the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change; instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha Street and Devichye Pole Passage, buses will travel along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street.

On June 23, from 3 pm to 7 am on June 24, traffic will be limited on Rybny Lane; June 23 from 20 to 23.59 - along Ilyinka Street from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square; June 23 from 20 to 5 am June 24 - along Ilyinka Street from Birzhevaya Square to Old Square.

Also, on June 23, from 3 to 8 p.m., due to the arrival and disembarkation of graduates, traffic will be difficult on Mokhovaya Street, where the far right lane will be occupied, and from 9 p.m. on June 23 to 1 a.m. on June 24, the far right lane on Krymsky Val will be occupied. opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

Up-to-date information about closures and traffic restrictions in connection with events mass events in Moscow is published on the website of the capital’s Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption

Publications on the topic