State between Spain and France. Country Andorra: geography, area, population, economy, form of government

Country name comes from the Basque andurrial - “wasteland”.

Capital of the Principality of Andorra. Andorra la Vella.

Area of ​​the Principality of Andorra. 468 km2.

Population of the Principality of Andorra. 70,000 people (

Andorra GDP. $3.249 mlr. (

Location of the Principality of Andorra. The state is located in western Europe in the Eastern Pyrenees. In the north and east it borders, in the west and south - with. It has no access to the sea.

Administrative divisions of the Principality of Andorra. 7 communities (districts) with some administrative and financial independence.

Form of government of the Principality of Andorra A. Parliamentary principality.

Head of State of the Principality of Andorra. Co-princes since 1278 are the Bishop of Urgell (Spain) and the President of France.

Supreme legislative body of the Principality of Andorra. The unicameral General Council (the oldest after parliament, has been in force since 1419), term of office is 4 years.

Major cities of the Principality of Andorra. Doesn't have it.

Official language of the Principality of Andorra. Catalan.

Religion of the Principality of Andorra. 91% are Catholics, 9% are atheists.

Ethnic composition of the Principality of Andorra. 60% are Catalans, 30% are Spanish, 5% are native Andorrans, 4% are French.

Currency of the Principality of Andorra. Euro = 100 cents.

Principality of Andorra. Subtropical, mountainous. The average annual temperature is + 9°C. Precipitation is 1000-2000 mm per year. The country is entirely located in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Flora of the Principality of Andorra. The vegetation cover is dominated by oak, beech, chestnut, pine, and spruce. In the mountains - . There are small valleys.

Fauna of the Principality of Andorra. The fauna is very poor, represented by roe deer, rodents, and birds.

Rivers of the Principality of Andorra. Valira, Valira del Norte.

Sights of the Principality of Andorra. Two functioning Roman arched bridges of the 2nd century, the ruins of an Arab fortress of the 8th century, the castle of the Counts of Foix (12th century), the “House of the Valleys” - the seat of government.

Useful information for tourists

Andorra is a duty-free zone, that is, in fact, a huge duty free. Three avenues crossing the cities of Andorra la Vella and Escaldes - av. Princip Benlloch, av. Meritxell and av. Carlemany is a magnificent commercial center that any European capital can envy. The choice is unlimited: clothing, shoes, sporting goods and ski equipment, watches, jewelry, perfumes, household and radio equipment. All this can be purchased at very reasonable prices and with a guarantee of quality.

During rush hour, the wait for a taxi can last up to an hour and a half, so it is better to rent a car. It will cost from $40. You must have a driver's license and card.

With how many countries? This question is not as idle as it seems. This country is large, approximately equal in area to Ukraine. And who are her neighbors? And where, strictly speaking, is a state like France located? To say that in Western Europe would be correct. But this answer is incomplete. After all, France still has so-called overseas territories, which previously were nothing more than colonies. And if you take into account these countries and islands, then the number of neighbors will increase.

The answer to the question of who France borders with depends on whether we take into account the maritime cordons of this power or only the land ones. Indeed, in the first case, Great Britain is included in the number of neighbors. Paris and London are connected by an underground road and rail tunnel across the English Channel. And this already allows us to call France and its old rival Great Britain close neighbors. Who else does this country border with? Read about this in our article.

Geographical location

In terms of territory, France is the largest state in Western Europe. Its area is 551.5 thousand square meters. km. France is usually divided into " central part”, the one that is located in the Old World, that is, in Western Europe, and the “overseas territories”. The first includes a large one lying near the coast of the country in the Mediterranean Sea. But even without taking into account its and overseas territories, mainland “central” (or “old”) France still leads in area among Western European states. Its territory on the continent is 545,630 square kilometers. A quick glance at the map gives us an idea that France is bordered by three countries: Germany and Italy on the east side, and Spain on the southwest. But this opinion is wrong.

Consider the "dwarfs"!

Next to giant countries such as Germany and Spain (which are not much smaller than France in territory), there are also very small states. This is primarily Switzerland. Unlike France, it is not a member of the European Union; it maintains its own currency. But Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Agreement. In the northeast, in close proximity to France, is Belgium. This country is part of the EU, the Schengen Agreement, and the distribution area monetary unit Euro. In the east, France borders Germany. But squeezed between them is one dwarf state - Luxembourg. Not far from the Franco-Italian border there is another principality of miniature size - Monaco. The Principality is an enclave because it is surrounded on all sides by France. However, Monaco has its own private access to the sea. In the southwest, another “dwarf” is wedged between France and Spain. This is Andorra. The Principality is interesting in that its co-rulers are equally (according to the medieval treaty of paréage) the Republic of France and the King of Spain. Andorra is not part of the Schengen area. Therefore, to come to this Pyrenees principality, which has no airports, theoretically you need a multiple-entry visa.

Who does France border on the European continent?

Let's summarize. So, land borders make France a neighbor of seven European countries. These are Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Monaco on the eastern side and Spain and Andorra on the southwestern side. If we take into account maritime cordons, then Great Britain also falls into this list. It is separated from France by the English Channel, the smallest width of which (between Calais and Dover) is only thirty-two kilometers.

The longest border is with Spain. It runs along the Pyrenees from the Mediterranean Sea to the Bay of Biscay Atlantic Ocean. The length of this border is 623 kilometers. The border with Belgium is only 3 km shorter. This is followed by Switzerland (573), Italy (488), Germany (451 kilometers). The length of cordons with dwarf countries is small due to the miniature nature of the latter. Among the small but independent principalities, Luxembourg has the longest border with France - 73 kilometers. And the list is completed by Andorra (60 km) and Monaco (only a little over four kilometers).

Sea frontiers

From the west, France is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Consequently, the state has no close neighbors on the other side of the world. We have already found out who France borders on in the north. On the other side of the English Channel lies the United Kingdom of Great Britain. In the Mediterranean Sea, French Corsica is closely adjacent to Sardinia, which is located to the south. This island belongs to Italy. However, France also has land borders with this Apennine state. If you add up all the maritime cordons of the republic, you get a fairly respectable figure - five and a half thousand kilometers.

Overseas territories

France was a metropolis for a long time and owned colonies. Now these territories are called differently. But nevertheless, they significantly expand the list of countries with which France borders. Some of these territories are departments, meaning their residents are considered full French citizens. These are: Guadeloupe, Mayotte, Martinique Reunion and Guiana.

There are also overseas communities. As a rule, they are located on islands. These are French Polynesia, and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna. The territories owned by the Republic also include New Caledonia, an administrative-territorial entity with a special status.

The island of Saint Helena is owned by Great Britain. But the place of Napoleon's exile and the valley in which the emperor is buried belongs to France. The Republic also staked out Adelie Land in Antarctica. But this is contrary to UN rules, and claims to this territory are considered unfounded.

States bordering France "overseas"

Based on the above, the list of neighbors European state expanded. Even if we do not take into account the islands and Adélie Land, the extent land borders increases significantly. The longest is the cordon with Brazil - 730 kilometers. Suriname, which is adjacent to it in the west, has a common border with it of 510 km. The shortest cordon in the overseas territories is on the island of Saint Martin. Its length is a little over ten kilometers. But this border divides a tiny piece of land into two halves. The southern part - Sint Maarten - is part of the Netherlands Antilles.

Andorra is one of the dwarf states of Europe. Located on the southern slope of the eastern Pyrenees between France and Spain, in the Valira River basin. From the west, north and east, Andorra is surrounded by 65 high mountains, most of the time covered with snow. The most high point countries - Coma Pedrosa peak (2946 m), the lowest is Rio Runer (840 m).


State structure

Officially, Andorra is considered a principality, but in fact it is a republic. The co-rulers of the country are the President of France and the bishop of the Spanish city of La Seu de Urgell (a joint protectorate over Andorra was established back in 1278). Andorra is represented in the international arena by France.


Official language: Catalan, Spanish, French.

Many people speak English and Portuguese.


The majority are Catholics (99%).


International name: EUR

History of Andorra

Traditionally, the founding of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, although no evidence exists for this. In 1278, the so-called Act-Paréage was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell (Seu de Urgell), according to which they shared power in the valley. Subsequently, the rights of the Count of Foix passed to the king, and then to the emperor and president of France.

In 1419, the “Council of the Earth” (Consell de la Terra) was created, in fact the parliament of Andorra, later the General Council.

In 1866, the so-called. The “new reform” changes the previously existing feudal system of government.

At the beginning of the 20th century, highways were built to connect the country with Spain and France.

In 1933-34, unrest occurred in Andorra, primarily related to restrictions on voting rights. In July 1934, white emigrant Boris Skosyrev seized power in Andorra for 9 days, declaring himself king and proclaiming universal suffrage for men and freedom of the press. He was then overthrown by the Guardia Civil (Spanish Gendarmerie), summoned by the Bishop of Urgell.

During the Second World War, small units of Spanish and French troops. After the war, the country “opens itself to the world” and becomes quite popular ski resort In addition, the liberal tax system allows you to open many inexpensive stores by European standards.

In 1982, the first government of the Principality was created, and in 1993 a constitution was adopted, abolishing the remnants of feudalism (although the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell remain nominal co-rulers), the country joins the UN.

Traditionally, the founding of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, although no evidence exists for this. In 1278, the so-called Act-Paréage was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell (Seu de Urgell), according to which they shared power in the valley. Subsequently, the rights of the Count of Foix passed to the king, and then to the emperor and president of France....

Popular attractions

Tourism in Andorra

Where to stay

Andorra attracts tourists from all over the world with its ski resorts. As a rule, hotels in this country are small three and four-star hotels, which, in turn, are divided into three conventional subtypes.

Thus, the first group includes hotels located in the largest cities of the country and belonging to large international hotel chains. Such hotels correspond to 4 and 5 stars and are located at the same distance from the most important ski resorts, to which there is a free shuttle every day. Depending on the level of the hotel, you will be offered additional services - swimming pool, sauna, gym, spa services, sports grounds (as a rule, you need to pay extra for these services).

For those who prefer home comfort and reasonable prices, accommodation is offered in the small mountain villages of Andorra, where you can stay in a three-star hotel or rent an apartment. The cost of living here is an order of magnitude lower than in large cities; transfer to the ski lifts by ski-bus takes about 10-15 minutes.

For those who prefer a luxurious holiday, there are hotels located in close proximity to the ski lifts. Rooms in this hotel should be booked in advance.

Well, for extreme sports enthusiasts, accommodation is offered in igloo houses, which are entirely built of snow and ice. Additional services include dog sledding and snowmobiling.

It is worth considering that the most common languages ​​in Andorra are Spanish and French; not all staff speak English. Buffet meals in most hotels are included in the price of your stay, but you need to pay extra for drinks. There are playgrounds for children, and it is possible to use the services of a nanny.

Andorra is a dwarf state in Europe, sandwiched between France and Spain. This word means “wasteland” and Charlemagne gave this area independence in 790. Thus, the Principality of Andorra is one of the oldest states in Europe.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

Historically, it was formed in a convenient place of the pass, on the way “from the Franks to the Moors”; merchants usually always stopped there to rest. At first, this was greatly facilitated by the huge folding knives of the local Catalans, with which they very skillfully fenced in order to demonstrate to the merchants how well they could protect them if something happened.

For centuries, a tale has been passed down by impressed traders about the dexterity with which the hot Catalan boys who inhabit Andorra throw their weapons: Ha ha ha, blockhead, you threw the knife... Blockhead? Just try and shake your head.
However, these passions are a thing of the distant past. Nowadays, a beautiful and not fussy life awaits the tourist. The state, although dwarf, is very rich; now trade has enormous benefits and is carried out mainly in luxury goods. In addition, ski tourism and rock climbing are also very developed in this climbers' paradise. The best alpine skis and suits for skiers are reminiscent of cyborg body armor, glasses with rangefinders and built-in routers, strength and lightness. At the same time, it is easy to find antique items for souvenirs.

Andorra is part of Europe, and in Europe, telephone communication is already more than just communication. Now correct telephone services have appeared in Russia. St. Petersburg hotlines will provide any Russian with a lot of necessary information, be it for business or for life.

Every year, the small Principality of Andorra, located in the Pyrenees, is visited by more than 10 million tourists. This is a phenomenal figure for a country whose population is about 85 thousand people. Andorra is famous for its ski resorts Pas de la Casa, Soldeu-El Tarter, Encamp, Escaldes, Canillo and Arinsal. However, Andorra is not only high-quality ski slopes, but also beautiful nature, Roman buildings and medieval churches.

Geography of Andorra

The Principality of Andorra, whose history began about 1,200 years ago, is located in the eastern part of the Pyrenees Mountains. Andorra borders France to the north and east, and Spain to the south and west. The total area of ​​this unique country is 468 square meters. km. Most of Andorra's territory is mountains, but there are also cozy narrow valleys. The highest mountain in Andorra is Coma Pedrosa (2946 m).


The capital of Andorra is the small city of Andorra la Vella, whose population is now about 25 thousand people. Scientists have proven that Andorra la Vella was founded in the first half of the 9th century.

Official language

The official language of Andorra is Catalan (it is also sometimes called Valencian). The Catalan language belongs to the Romance languages ​​with ancient roots, its formation dates back to the beginning of the Middle Ages. In addition, most Andorran residents also speak Spanish and French.


More than 97% of Andorran residents are Catholics. The head of the Church of Andorra is the Bishop of Urgell.

State structure

The Principality of Andorra is a parliamentary democracy. The co-rulers of this country are the President of France, as well as the Spanish Bishop of Urgell. However, their power is nominal, because they do not even have the right of veto in the local parliament.

The Parliament of Andorra is the General Council of the Valleys (it has one chamber), which consists of 28 deputies. This General Council was formed back in 1419. The country's constitution was adopted on March 14, 1993. Andorra is a member of the United Nations, and since 1991 it has had a trade agreement with the European Union.

Climate and weather

The climate in Andorra is temperate Mediterranean with warm summers and cold snowy winters. Precipitation occurs all year round. The average air temperature in Andorra is +9C. In the summer season (May-September) the air temperature during the day ranges from + 23 to +30 C, and at night from +5 to +19 C). During the ski season (November-April) the daytime temperature averages from -10 to +2C.

Rivers and lakes of Andorra

There are four rivers in Andorra and large number mountain lakes (the largest of them is Lake Zhuklar).


Historians claim that Andorra was granted independence back in the 9th century AD. "Emperor of the West", King of the Franks Charlemagne. Since 1278, Andorra has been under the joint protectorate of France and Spain. Throughout the Middle Ages and Modern times, Andorra remained outside the big European history. At this time, Andorra has only economic ties with France and Spain. Note that in the Middle Ages smuggling flourished in Andorra.

In 1607, the Head of the French State and the Spanish Bishop of Urgell became co-rulers of Andorra.

Since the 1950s, tourism has flourished in Andorra. In 1970, women received the right to vote in Andorra. In 1993, Andorrans adopted their first Constitution, and after that the country joined the UN.

Andorran culture

The ancient Romans had a great influence on Andorran culture. On at the moment There are about 50 Roman temples preserved in this country. In the Middle Ages, Spain had a great influence on the culture of Andorra (France to a lesser extent).

If we talk about Andorran writers, the most famous of them are Albert Salvado, Anthony Morell and Juan Pruga.

Andorra hosts several music festivals every year. The most popular of them are the International Jazz Festival (June) and the Ordino Classical Music Festival (September).

Andorran cuisine

The main food products of Andorran residents are meat, vegetables, pasta, and in some regions also fish. In winter, in the cities and villages of Andorra, they often eat escudella soup, made from meat (veal, chicken), potatoes and vegetables. In general, Andorran cuisine is very similar to Catalan cuisine, although it has some elements of French and Italian cuisine.

Among the traditional Andoran dishes are various sausages, “la parillada” (fried meat), Andorran veal carpaccio, Andorran trout, Pan con Tomate (toast on country bread with ripe tomatoes, garlic and olive oil), and onion salad with honey (sounds funny, but is actually very tasty).

In the north of Andorra, cheese is common (French influence is felt). In Andorra, many Catholic families still do not eat meat on Fridays.

Sights of Andorra

Despite the fact that tourists come to Andorra to ski, we will advise them to definitely see the sights of this country. The top five attractions in Andorra, in our opinion, include:

Cities and resorts

In addition to Andorra la Vella, the capital of Andorra, there are several other small towns in this state, among which the following should be mentioned: Pas de la Casa, Soldeu, and Escaldes.

Every city in Andorra is a high-class ski resort. In addition, there are entire resort areas in this country - Soldeu-El Tarter, Encamp, Canillo, Arinsal, La Massana, Ordino, and, of course, Cortinada. One of the above settlements are small towns, while others are just villages.


At the moment, in small Andorra there are more than 4,000 shops, which are visited annually by millions of tourists.

We advise tourists to pay attention to Andorran handicrafts - “musicature” (a special type of wood or metal carving with folk motifs) and handmade furniture (of course, it is difficult to pack in a suitcase).

In Andorra you can always find T-shirts, cups, postcards, refrigerator magnets, keychains, etc.

Office hours

In Andorra, on weekdays shops are open from 9.00 to 20.00, on Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00, and on Sunday from 9.00 to 19.00.

Bank opening hours:
Mon-Fri: - 09.00-13.00 and 15:00-17-00
Sat: – 09:00-12:00


Citizens of Ukraine who want to visit Andorra receive a visa at the Spanish consulate.


The main currency in circulation is the euro.

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