GOST on the color of water pipes. GOST “labeling of pipelines”




Resolution of the Committee on Standards, Measures and measuring instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 7, 1969 No. 168, the introduction date is set

1. This standard applies to identification paint, warning signs and marking panels of pipelines (including connecting parts, fittings, fittings and insulation) at designed, newly constructed, reconstructed and existing industrial enterprises inside buildings, at external installations and communications located on overpasses and in underground channels in order to quickly determine the contents of pipelines and facilitate the management of production processes, as well as ensure occupational safety.

The standard does not apply to identification painting of pipelines and ducts with electrical wiring.

2. The following ten enlarged groups of substances transported through pipelines are established:

3) air;

4) flammable gases (including liquefied gases);

5) non-flammable gases (including liquefied gases);

6) acids;

7) alkalis;

8) flammable liquids;

9) non-flammable liquids;

10) other substances.

3. Identification coloring and digital designation of enlarged groups of pipelines must correspond to those indicated in the table

1. 4. The characteristics of the colors of the identification paint must correspond to those specified in the application

1. 5. Fire pipelines, regardless of their contents (water, foam, steam for fire extinguishing, etc.), sprinkler and deluge systems in areas of shut-off and control valves and in places of connection of hoses and other fire extinguishing devices must be painted in red color (signal).

If it is necessary to indicate the contents of fire-fighting pipelines, additional marking is allowed by means of marking panels painted in the appropriate distinctive colors.

Table 1

Transported substance Samples and names of identification colors
Digital group designation Name
1 Water Green
2 Steam Red
3 Air Blue
4 Flammable gases Yellow
5 Non-flammable gases Yellow
6 Acids Orange
7 Alkalis Violet
8 Flammable liquids Brown
9 Non-flammable liquids Brown
9 Other substances Grey

6. Identification painting of pipelines should be carried out continuously over the entire surface of communications or in separate sections.

The method of performing identification painting should be selected depending on the location of pipelines, their length, diameter, the number of lines located together, safety requirements and industrial sanitation, lighting conditions and visibility of pipelines for operating personnel and the overall architectural design.

It is recommended to paint pipelines in sections in workshops with a large number and length of communications, as well as in cases where, due to working conditions, due to increased requirements for color rendering and the nature of the architectural design of the interior, a concentration of bright colors is undesirable.

Identification painting over the entire surface of pipelines is recommended for short lengths and relatively large number communications, if it does not worsen working conditions in the workshops.

In outdoor installations, it is recommended to use identification paint over the entire surface only in cases where this does not cause deterioration in operating conditions due to the impact of solar radiation on communications.

7. When applying identification paint in sections to pipelines located inside industrial premises, it is recommended to paint the remaining surface of communications in the color of walls, partitions, ceilings and other interior elements against which the pipelines are located. In this case, it is not allowed to paint pipelines between sections with the identification color adopted to designate other enlarged groups of substances.

8. When applying identification paint in sections to pipelines located outside buildings, it is recommended to paint the remaining surface of communications in colors that help reduce the thermal impact of solar radiation on pipelines.

9. When laying communications in non-passable channels and when laying communications without channels, areas of identification painting on pipelines should be applied within the chambers and inspection wells.

10. Areas of identification painting should be applied taking into account local conditions at the most critical points of communications (at branches, at joints, flanges, at points of sampling and instrumentation, at places where pipelines pass through walls, partitions, ceilings, at inputs and outputs from industrial buildings etc.) at least every 10 m inside production premises and in outdoor installations and every 30-60 m on external main routes.

11. The width of the identification painting areas should be taken depending on the outer diameter of the pipelines (including insulation):

  • for pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm - at least four diameters;
  • for pipes with a diameter of over 300 mm - at least two diameters.

With a larger number of parallel communications, it is recommended that the areas of identification paint on all pipelines be of the same width and applied at the same intervals.

For large pipeline diameters, areas of identification painting may be applied in the form of stripes with a height of at least 1/4 of the pipeline circumference.

The width of the strips must correspond to the dimensions established for pipelines of a given diameter.

12. To indicate the most hazardous properties of transported substances, warning colored rings should be applied to pipelines.

The colors of the identification paint for the warning rings must correspond to those indicated in the table. 2.

13. In cases where a substance simultaneously has several dangerous properties, designated by different colors, rings of several colors should be applied to the pipelines at the same time.

On vacuum pipelines, in addition to the distinctive coloring, it is necessary to bear the inscription “vacuum”.

14. According to the degree of danger to human life and health or the operation of the enterprise, substances transported through pipelines should be divided into three groups, designated by the corresponding number of warning rings in accordance with Table 3.

15. The characteristics of signal colors must correspond to those specified in Appendix 2.

16. The width of the warning rings and the distance between them should be taken depending on the outer diameter of the pipelines in accordance with the drawing. 1 and table 4.

17. If there are a large number of parallel communications, warning rings on all pipelines should be of the same width and applied at the same intervals.

Table 2


1. When applying rings yellow according to the identification coloring of gas and acid pipelines, the rings must have black edges with a width of at least 10 mm.

2. When applying green rings to match the identification color of water pipelines, the rings must have white edges with a width of at least 10 mm.

18. Gas outlet lines and exhaust into the atmosphere, depending on their contents, must have an identification color established for the symbol of enlarged groups, with winding transverse rings of the corresponding signal color.

19. To designate pipelines with contents that are particularly dangerous to the health and life of people or the operation of an enterprise, as well as if it is necessary to specify the type of hazard, warning signs must be used in addition to colored warning rings.

20. Warning signs must indicate the following substances: toxic, flammable, explosive, radioactive, as well as other dangerous contents of pipelines (for example, substances that pose a splash hazard, etc.).

21. Warning signs must be in the shape of a triangle. Images must be black on a yellow background.

Table 3

Group Number of warning rings Transported substance Pressure in kgf/cm2 Temperature in °C
1 One Superheated steam Up to 22 From 250 to 350
Hot water, saturated steam From 16 to 80 St. 120
Superheated and saturated steam, hot water From 1 to 16 From 120 to 250
Flammable (including liquefied and active gases, flammable and combustible liquids) Up to 25 From minus 70 to 250
Up to 64 From minus 70 to 350
2 Two Superheated steam Up to 39 From 350 to 450
Hot water, saturated steam From 80 to 184 St. 120
Products with toxic properties (except for highly toxic substances and fuming acids) Up to 16 From minus 70 to 350
Flammable (including liquefied) active gases, flammable and combustible liquids From 25 to 64 From 250 to 350 and from minus 70 to 0
Non-flammable liquids and liquids, inert gases From 64 to 100 From 340 to 450 and from minus 70 to 0
3 Three Superheated steam No matter the pressure From 450 to 660
Hot water, saturated steam St. 184 St. 120
Potently toxic substances (STS) and fuming acids No matter the pressure From minus 70 to 700
Other products with toxic properties St. 16 From minus 70 to 700
Flammable (including liquefied) and active gases, flammable and combustible liquids No matter the pressure From 350 to 700
Non-flammable liquids and vapors, inert gases No matter the pressure From 450 to 700

Note. For substances that are hazardous due to properties or a combination of properties that are not included in this table, hazard groups must be established in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities.

Table 4

22. The illustration of warning signs must be taken in accordance with Drawing 2 and Table 5

Toxic substances

Highly flammable substances

Radioactive substances


Caustic and corrosive substances

Harmful and allergic substances


Other hazards

Table 5

Options a, mm
1 56
2 52
3 74
4 105
5 148

23. In cases where the influence of aggressive flowing substances may cause a change in the shade of distinctive colors, pipelines must be marked with marking panels.

24. Marking plates must be used to additionally indicate the type of substances and their parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) required by operating conditions. Lettering or numerical inscriptions must be applied to marking plates on pipelines or on the surface of structures to which pipelines are attached.

25. Inscriptions on pipeline panels must be written in a clear, clearly legible font and should not contain unnecessary data, little-used terms and unclear abbreviations. It is recommended to use the font for inscriptions in accordance with GOST 10807-78.

It is allowed to designate the type of substance using numbers in accordance with Appendix 3. Designating the type of substance using chemical formulas is not allowed.

26. The direction of flow of substances transported through pipelines must be indicated by the sharp end of markings or arrows applied directly to the pipelines. The shape and size of the arrows must correspond to the shape and size of the markings.

27. Marking panels must be of four types: 1-to indicate flow moving in both directions; 2nd, in the left direction; 3rd same, in the right direction; 4-to indicate the place of collection of the transported substance.

28. The dimensions of camouflage shields must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 3 and in table. 6.

Table 6

Size options a, mm b, mm Height of letters h, mm
one line two lines
1 26 74 19 -
2 52 148 32 19
3 74 210 50 25
4 105 297 63 32
5 148 420 90 50

29. Size options for marking panels, inscriptions and warning signs should be used preferentially:

  • 1-in laboratories;
  • 2 and 3 - in production premises;
  • 4 and 5 - on external installations and external main routes.

30. When attaching them to pipelines, warning signs should be placed together with marking panels.

31. The height of markings on pipelines should be taken depending on the outer diameter of the pipeline in accordance with the drawing. 4 and table. 7.

Table 7

Size options Outer diameter D, mm Height of letters h, mm
one line two lines
1 up to 30 19 -
2 From 81 to 160 32 19
3 From 161 to 220 50 25
4 From 221 to 300 63 32
5 St. 300 90 50

The color of markings and arrows indicating the direction of flow applied to pipelines and marking panels should be white or black, taking into account the greatest contrast with the main color of the pipelines.

The color of the inscriptions when applied against the background of the identification paint is:

  • white - on a green, red and brown background;
  • black-on blue, yellow, orange,
  • purple and gray background.

32. The size of marking panels, inscriptions and warning signs should be selected depending on the distance from which they should be perceived by personnel associated with the operation of pipelines in accordance with the drawings. 5 and table. 8.

33. Paint and varnish coatings for identification painting, marking panels and warning signs must be carried out in accordance with the current standards for paint and varnish materials and coatings, depending on the material of the pipelines or the insulation protecting them and operating conditions, as well as the cost of paint and varnish coatings and the technology for their application.

34. Paint and varnish materials used for identification painting, marking shields and warning signs must meet the requirements of the relevant standards, as well as technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

35. When preparing surfaces for painting, applying and drying paint and varnish coatings, safety regulations and fire safety measures provided for by current fire safety standards and regulations must be observed.

Advertisement in the prescribed manner.

It is recommended to paint fire-fighting pipelines and equipment with red enamel in accordance with technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

37. Identification colors and signal colors may be accepted in accordance with the following standards of the color standards card file:

  • green No. 343-344;
  • red No. 10-11;
  • blue No. 423-424;
  • yellow No. 205-206;
  • orange No. 101-102;
  • purple No. 505-506;
  • brown No. 647-648;
  • gray No. 894-895.

Required shades of purple and brown colors in accordance with the samples in the table. 1 can be obtained by adding white paint.

38. Identification painting of pipelines and color finishing of marking panels and warning signs should be renewed periodically, taking into account the clear visibility of colors, images and inscriptions. The coloring should be even, without drips, wrinkles, stains and should not peel off.

39. Marking boards, inscriptions and warning signs should be located, taking into account local conditions, at the most critical points of communications (at branches, at joints, at sampling points, at valves, gate valves, gate valves, control devices, at places where pipelines pass through walls , partitions, ceilings, at inputs and outputs from industrial buildings, etc.). Labels, warning signs and labels on pipelines should be located in well-lit areas or illuminated to ensure clear visibility without the light sources obscuring the images or labels or blinding personnel when observing them.

Table 8

The lowest illumination at critical communication points when marking boards, inscriptions and warning signs are located in them is recommended to be 150 lux with fluorescent lamps and 50 lux with incandescent lamps.

40. In all production premises where there are pipelines, communications identification schemes with a decoding of the distinctive colors, warning signs and digital designations adopted for marking pipelines must be posted in places that are easily accessible for viewing.







GOST 14202-69




Resolution of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 7, 1969 No. 168 established the introduction date

from 01.01.71

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

1. This standard applies to identification paint, warning signs and marking panels of pipelines (including connecting parts, fittings, fittings and insulation) at designed, newly constructed, reconstructed and existing industrial enterprises inside buildings, at external installations and communications located on overpasses and in underground channels in order to quickly determine the contents of pipelines and facilitate the management of production processes, as well as ensure occupational safety.

The standard does not apply to identification painting of pipelines and ducts with electrical wiring.

2. The following ten enlarged groups of substances transported through pipelines are established:

3) air;

4) flammable gases (including liquefied gases);

5) non-flammable gases (including liquefied gases);

6) acids;

7) alkalis;

8) flammable liquids;

9) non-flammable liquids;

10) other substances.

3. Identification coloring and digital designation of enlarged groups of pipelines must correspond to those indicated in the table. 1.

4. The characteristics of the colors of the identification paint must correspond to those specified in Appendix 1.

5. Fire-fighting pipelines, regardless of their contents (water, foam, steam for fire extinguishing, etc.), sprinkler and deluge systems in areas of shut-off and control valves and in places of connection of hoses and other fire extinguishing devices must be painted red (signal).

If it is necessary to indicate the contents of fire-fighting pipelines, additional marking is allowed by means of marking panels painted in the appropriate distinctive colors.

Table 1

Transported substance

Samples and names of identification colors

Digital group designation


Flammable gases

Non-flammable gases



Flammable liquids


Non-flammable liquids


Other substances

6. Identification painting of pipelines should be carried out continuously over the entire surface of communications or in separate sections.

The method of performing identification painting should be selected depending on the location of pipelines, their length, diameter, the number of lines located together, safety requirements and industrial sanitation, lighting conditions and visibility of pipelines for operating personnel and the overall architectural design.

It is recommended to paint pipelines in sections in workshops with a large number and length of communications, as well as in cases where, due to working conditions, due to increased requirements for color rendering and the nature of the architectural design of the interior, a concentration of bright colors is undesirable.

Identification painting over the entire surface of pipelines is recommended for short lengths and a relatively small number of communications, if it does not worsen the working conditions in the workshops.

In outdoor installations, it is recommended to use identification paint over the entire surface only in cases where this does not cause deterioration in operating conditions due to the impact of solar radiation on communications.

7. When applying identification paint in sections to pipelines located inside industrial premises, it is recommended to paint the remaining surface of communications in the color of walls, partitions, ceilings and other interior elements against which the pipelines are located. In this case, it is not allowed to paint pipelines between sections with the identification color adopted to designate other enlarged groups of substances.

8. When applying identification paint in sections to pipelines located outside buildings, it is recommended to paint the remaining surface of communications in colors that help reduce the thermal impact of solar radiation on pipelines.

9. When laying communications in non-passable channels and when laying communications without channels, areas of identification painting on pipelines should be applied within the chambers and inspection wells.

10. Areas of identification painting must be applied taking into account local conditions at the most critical points of communications (on branches, near places connections, flanges, at sampling and instrumentation points, in places where pipelines pass through walls, partitions, ceilings, at inputs and outputs from industrial buildings, etc.) at least every 10 m inside production premises and in outdoor installations and every 30-60 m on external highways.

11. The width of the identification painting areas should be taken depending on the outer diameter of the pipelines (including insulation):

for pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm - at least four diameters;

for pipes with a diameter of over 300 mm - at least two diameters.

If there are a larger number of parallel utilities, it is recommended that the areas of identification paint on all pipelines be of the same width and applied at the same intervals.

For large pipeline diameters, areas of identification painting may be applied in the form of stripes with a height of at least 1/4 of the pipeline circumference.

The width of the strips must correspond to the dimensions established for pipelines of a given diameter.

To identify pipelines by the type of medium transported through them, in accordance with GOST 14202-69, color marking of pipelines is used. Pipelines are painted entirely, including fittings, fittings and connecting parts. The pressure taps and those going to the instrumentation sensors are also painted.

To more accurately identify the purpose of the pipeline, digital markings are additionally applied to it. Markings are applied to so-called marking plates, which, in addition, may contain additional information about the direction of flow of the medium, its temperature, etc.

Digital designation

Name of transported substance




hot (water supply)

hot (heating)



other types of water

waste, waste

low pressure (up to 2 kgf/cm 2)




wet (juicy)



other types of steam






pneumatic transport


other types of air


Flammable gases




hydrogen and gases containing it

hydrocarbons and their derivatives

carbon monoxide and gases containing it

other types of flammable gases

waste flammable gases

Non-flammable gases

nitrogen and gases containing it

chlorine and gases containing it

carbon dioxide and gases containing it

inert gases

sulfur dioxide and gases containing it

other types of non-flammable gases

waste non-combustible gases


inorganic acids and their solutions

organic acids and their solutions

acid salt solutions

other acid reaction liquids

waste acids and acidic effluents (at pH<6,5)





lime water

inorganic alkalis and their solutions

organic alkalis and their solutions

other alkaline liquids

waste alkalis and alkaline waste (pH>8.5)

Flammable liquids

lubricating oils

other organic flammable liquids

explosive liquids

other flammable liquids

flammable waste

Non-flammable liquids

liquid food products

aqueous solutions (neutral)

other solutions (neutral)

aqueous suspensions

other suspensions


other non-flammable liquids

non-flammable waste (neutral)

Other substances

powdery materials

granular bulk materials

mixtures of solid materials with air

water pulps

pulps of other liquids

waste solid materials

The pipeline serial number can also be applied to the pipeline in accordance with the piping diagram. It is necessary to distinguish between the pipeline serial number and the media type identifier.

You can find more information in the section.

Protective painting of pipelines is the main way to prevent corrosion and aggressive environmental influences on the pipe material. The main task of protective painting is to prevent contact of the pipeline with the environment throughout the entire range of operating parameters of the pipeline.

A completely different, but no less important function is performed by a mandatory element - identification painting of pipelines. It is designed to quickly identify the substance transported through the pipeline and the degree of its danger.

Regulatory documentation for identification painting of pipelines

In every industry there is a regulation regulating the issues of identification painting of pipelines, however, all these documents either refer to or repeat the requirements of the main standard for identifying pipelines in the Russian Federation -.

This unification of markings makes it possible to unambiguously determine the contents of a pipeline at any facility - from a small modular boiler house to a nuclear power plant and an oil refinery.

Exceptions to which the requirements do not apply include medical gas pipelines, ship and aviation pipelines.

Basic requirements for identification painting of pipelines

Identification painting of pipelines involves color identification depending on the transported medium, as well as the application of warning rings that determine the degree of danger of the pipeline contents.

There are ten large groups of substances, each of which has a specific color (Table 1):

Table 1 — Pipeline identification colors
Transported substanceSamples and names of identification colors
Digital group designationName
1 WaterGreen
2 SteamRed
3 AirBlue
Flammable gases
Non-flammable gases
6 AcidsOrange
7 AlkalisViolet
Flammable liquids
Non-flammable liquids
10 Other substancesGrey

Identification and protective painting are often combined—a coating of the color that characterizes the transported medium is applied to the pipeline.

However, in many cases this is not possible, for example:

  • - the protective coating required in specific conditions has a color different from that required by;
  • - a heat-insulating structure is mounted on the pipeline;
  • - the pipeline already has a factory protective coating;
  • - the pipeline is made of non-ferrous metal and its painting is not required.

In these cases, the standard allows protective painting to be carried out not along the entire length of the pipeline, but in sections.

With this method, using different colors is much more effective. They are easier and faster to apply to the pipeline, and the durability and presentability of such markings are much higher.

The width of colored sections for pipelines with a diameter (including thermal insulation) up to 300 mm must be at least four diameters, and for pipelines with a diameter of more than 300 mm - at least two diameters. On pipelines of large diameters, painting may be applied in the form of strips with a height of at least ¼ of the circumference of the pipeline.

The intervals for applying identification painting to pipelines should be no more than 10 meters indoors, as well as in outdoor installations, and no more than 60 meters on external main pipelines.

Elements of identification painting must be applied at the passage of pipelines through walls and ceilings, in places where shut-off valves are installed, on inputs and outputs in buildings and installations.

More details on the requirements for identification painting of pipelines can be found in.

It is also mandatory to apply warning rings that carry information about the degree of danger of the environment in the pipeline. The color and number of rings are given in tables 2-3, and the application diagram is in drawing 1.

Table 2 - Warning ring colors
Samples of signal colorsName of signal colorsProperty of the transported substance
RedFlammability, fire and explosion hazard
YellowDanger or harmfulness (poisonous, toxic, ability to cause suffocation, thermal or chemical burns, radioactivity, high pressure or deep vacuum, etc.)
GreenSecurity or neutrality
Table 3 - Number of warning rings
GroupNumber of warning ringsTransported substancePressure in kgf/cm²Temperature in °C
1 OneSuperheated steamUp to 22From 250 to 350
Hot water, saturated steamFrom 16 to 80St. 120
Superheated and saturated steam, hot waterFrom 1 to 16From 120 to 250
Up to 25From minus 70 to 250
Up to 64From minus 70 to 350
2 TwoSuperheated steamUp to 39From 350 to 450
Hot water, saturated steamFrom 80 to 184St. 120
Products with toxic properties (except for highly toxic substances and fuming acids)Up to 16From minus 70 to 350
Flammable (including liquefied and active gases, flammable and combustible liquids)From 25 to 64From 250 to 350 and from minus 70 to 0
Non-flammable liquids and vapors, inert gasesFrom 64 to 100From 340 to 450 and from minus 70 to 0
3 ThreeSuperheated steamNo matter the pressureFrom 450 to 660
Hot water, saturated steamSt. 184St. 120
Potently toxic substances (STS) and fuming acidsNo matter the pressureFrom minus 70 to 700
Other products with toxic propertiesSt. 16From minus 70 to 700
Flammable (including liquefied and active gases, flammable and combustible liquids)No matter the pressureFrom 350 to 750
Non-flammable liquids and vapors, inert gasesNo matter the pressureFrom 450 to 700

If it is necessary to apply yellow rings to gas (yellow) or acid (orange) pipes, their readability will be difficult. For this case, it is necessary to make a black border on the warning rings with a width of at least 10 mm.

A similar requirement applies in the case of applying green rings to a pipeline with water (also green) - white borders with a width of at least 10 mm are applied along the edges of the rings.

The work of applying colored warning rings to pipelines can be simplified; if necessary, they may already contain borders of the required color.

However, even more effective is the use of tapes that simultaneously have a background color corresponding to the group of the substance being transported and the necessary warning rings. In this case, the cost and speed of applying identification paint to pipelines is significantly reduced.

An example of pipeline marking with self-adhesive tapes

A mandatory element of identification painting is the placement of diagrams and posters indicating the relevant requirements in accessible places of the premises or site of the enterprise.

To specify the substances transported through pipelines and their parameters, it is necessary to use markings or shields in accordance with the requirements. The signs must contain the name of the substance, the direction of its movement, as well as the corresponding danger signs. The color, shape, size and font of the inscription must comply with the requirements of the above standard.

Get acquainted with the assortment.

When designing pipeline systems and their operation, it is important to have a good understanding of their characteristics, as well as the types of working fluid used. To do this, identification paint is applied to the structure, and the colors are strictly regulated by GOST “Marking of Pipelines”. We have collected the types of markings in tables that can be downloaded.

Read our article:

What is established by GOST 14202-69 “Pipelines of industrial enterprises Identification painting, warning signs and marking panels”

Each industry has many regulatory documents, and many enterprises have internal regulations that relate to the painting of industrial pipeline systems. All this documentation refers to or repeats the requirements set out in the main state standard of the Russian Federation, which regulates such identification. We are talking about GOST 14202-69. “Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification markings, warning signs and markings.”

This standard has a long history. It was adopted in the Soviet Union in 1969, and its provisions remain mandatory to this day at most facilities: from a modular boiler plant to an oil refinery or nuclear power plant. The only exceptions that are not covered by GOST “Painting of pipelines” are gas transportation systems for medical purposes, as well as ship and aviation pipelines. As the name suggests, this national standard establishes principles for applying identification paint, warning signs, and marking panels to pipes and other parts of industrial conveying systems. This is done so that even a non-specialist can immediately determine what substance is in a particular pipe, what its pressure is, and the operating temperature. In a critical situation, when every moment counts, correct marking will help you quickly make the right decision and prevent an accident, or.

In everyday work, color differentiation is also important. It facilitates operation, repair, and installation of pipelines. Since the safety of the entire enterprise, life, and health of people may depend on the correct application of colors on structures, the requirements of state standard 14202-69 are mandatory, and any violation can have dire consequences for the management of the organization.

Types of pipelines and their markings

At first glance, the GOST requirements for the identification painting of pipelines may seem simple, however, this is not so. The principles of marking certain structures depend on many factors, so for your convenience we have summarized them in several tables.

First of all, we are interested in the types of identification colors depending on the type of working fluid used:

Gases (flammable and non-flammable)



Liquids (flammable and non-flammable)


Other substances

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In addition to painting pipes in different colors, special warning rings are used. They illustrate which is used in the pipeline. If the pipes contain substances that have several hazard factors at once, then several rings of different colors can be used. The color of the rings is also regulated by GOST 14202-69:

With the number of rings used, everything is somewhat more complicated. It depends on the pressure and temperature of the working medium in the pipeline:

Number of warning rings

Transported substance

Pressure in kgf/cm2

Temperature in °C

Superheated steam

From 250 to 350

Hot water, saturated steam

Superheated and saturated steam, hot water

From 120 to 250

From minus 70 to 250

From minus 70 to 350

Superheated steam

From 350 to 450

Hot water, saturated steam

From 80 to 184

Products with toxic properties (except for highly toxic substances and fuming acids)

From minus 70 to 350

Flammable (including liquefied and active gases, flammable and combustible liquids)

From 250 to 350 and from minus 70 to 0

Non-flammable liquids and vapors, inert gases

From 64 to 100

From 340 to 450 and from minus 70 to 0

Superheated steam

No matter the pressure

From 450 to 660

Hot water, saturated steam

Potently toxic substances (STS) and fuming acids

No matter the pressure

From minus 70 to 700

Other products with toxic properties

From minus 70 to 700

Flammable (including liquefied and active gases, flammable and combustible liquids)

No matter the pressure

From 350 to 750

Non-flammable liquids and vapors, inert gases

No matter the pressure

From 450 to 700

If, then in addition to painting the pipes and rings, three types of warning signs are used:

  • Potent poisons.
  • Explosive compounds.
  • Radioactive substances.
  • Other hazardous substances that may cause harm if splashed.

  • This sign is used only to indicate explosives.

  • A warning that does not indicate a specific substance, but rather a general hazard that the system may pose.

Along with plates, marking shields are used. They not only indicate the type of substance inside, but also indicate the direction of its movement through the pipes.

Publications on the topic