Where is Fateeva now? Natalya Fateeva: interesting facts from the life of the actress

For all the misfortunes, the People's Artist blames Vladimir Basov's first wife, from whom she once took him away

In October, actress Roza MAKAGONOVA could celebrate her 90th birthday. Now her name will mean very little to anyone, but in the 50s and 60s it thundered throughout Soviet Union. Elegant, charming and talented Rosa began acting while still studying at VGIK. She played a schoolgirl in the film Far from Moscow, and later a student in the children's comedy Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character. But she became truly famous after her roles in the films of her first husband -famous director and actor Vladimir BASOV -“School of Courage” and “An Extraordinary Summer”. Makagonova's stellar career was suddenly interrupted by a serious illness and betrayal by Basov, who exchanged her for the beautiful Natalya FATEEVA.

Roza Ivanovna has been my favorite actress since childhood, she admits Alexander Pankratov-Cherny. - When I became a director and in 1979, at the age of 30, launched my first film, “Grown Son,” I certainly wanted to Makagonova I took off. At that time she was slightly over 50, and I was surprised why such a wonderful artist had not worked on the screen for more than 15 years and everyone had practically forgotten her.

Remembering Rosa Ivanovna, Pankratov-Cherny immediately went to the acting department of the film studio and asked if she was alive.

They answered me: “She’s alive, but there’s no contact with her,” Alexander continues. - As a result, when she was found, it turned out that Makagonova had gained a little weight, but still had not changed much. “Why are you torturing me? - she breathed heavily. “They called, but you still won’t film.” To bring down her sad mood, I immediately blurted out: “That’s it, you’ve been approved for the role of the main character’s mother.” Her face instantly lit up with a happy smile, and tears of gratitude sparkled in her eyes. I myself almost burst into tears, not yet knowing that I would have to fight to defend Rosa Ivanovna’s candidacy before the artistic council. But she did not disappoint: she came to the set several hours before filming, showed the deepest respect for the partners, for me, and for the other members of the group.

PANKRATOV-CHERNY often raises a toast to the memory of his favorite actress

Timofey Lebeshev, the operator of “Adult Son,” although he had known Makagonova for a long time before, was constantly delighted with her acting and modest behavior. The actress traveled to the set and then home by metro, refusing to use a personal car. She just kept saying: “Why waste gasoline on me?”

After the release of the film, Makagonova began to be invited to creative evenings, recalls Pankratov-Cherny. - She thanked: “Sasha, I again had a meeting with the audience, they applauded loudly!” And one day she made an appointment in GUM near the fountain and, handing over a large bouquet of flowers, shared her joy: “I was approved in the cinema again. I will play Pulcheria Ivanovna in a film based on Gogol.” I took her to a restaurant and offered her some wine to celebrate her success. Rosa Ivanovna burst into tears and, remembering past years, could not believe that now she had begun a second life in her profession.


Death on takeoff

Rose realized from childhood that she wanted to be an artist. In her native Saratov, she, wearing the only light weekend dress, enthusiastically recited poetry at school evenings. And she didn’t pay attention to the fact that the assembly hall was frozen through, and the few spectators were wrapped in coats and scarves. There was a war going on, and there was nothing to heat the building. Having received a matriculation certificate and persuaded a girlfriend Zhenya Lyukhina To keep her company, Makagonova went to Moscow, where she immediately entered VGIK.

The big-eared, big-nosed student who was studying to be a director instantly fell in love with freshman Rosa. Volodya Basov. At first, Rose was terribly embarrassed by her awkward boyfriend, but she could not resist his pressure. And soon she agreed to become his wife.


“All this happened before my eyes,” says our heroine’s classmate, actress Nina Agapova. “I watched with delight how Rosa and Volodya were overwhelmed with feelings, and I was glad that they were full of hope. The wedding was not particularly celebrated; no one had any money. They just signed. In addition, Makagonova was haunted by a terrible disease: an open form of tuberculosis - the result of a cold and hungry childhood. The illness made itself felt every now and then.

The newlyweds were provided with a separate room in the VGIK dormitory. But life together turned out to be not as romantic as they imagined. Basov was terribly jealous of his wife for every post and was afraid to leave her without control even for a second.

When Vladimir had the opportunity to make films on his own, he used it in literally every one of his films, which he quickly released one after another.

82-year-old Natalya Nikolaevna moves with the help of crutches

Initially, Basov worked in tandem with a classmate and close friend Mstislav Korchagin and was forced to seek the co-director’s consent for Rosa’s participation in their films. They say that Korchagin was not delighted that Vladimir was so actively promoting his wife on the screen, and expressed this to his face. Although I didn’t make any complaints about her acting. Rose didn’t like Mstislav either, to put it mildly.

In 1953, immediately after the release of the joint film “The Freeloader,” Basov and Korchagin began filming the story Arkady Gaidar"School". The film was called “School of Courage.” Filming took place in Leningrad, and on the day when everything was finished, friends strongly celebrated this event and immediately rushed to the airport to fly to Moscow.

The remains of film director Mstislav KORCHAGIN, who died in a terrible plane crash, were buried at the Vvedensky cemetery in Moscow.

When they arrived at the ramp, the flight attendant refused to let them on the plane, recalled the St. Petersburg film director Vitaly Melnikov. “How can this be, we urgently need to take the film to the capital,” Basov and Korchagin pressed for pity. “Well, perhaps you’re more sober,” the flight attendant said to Korchagin, “fly.” Mstislav took the material and, smiling, sat down in an easy chair. During takeoff, the plane crashed right in front of Basov, who remained at the airport. The death of his friend was a heavy loss for him. Volodya began to drink, saying: “This is just in case. If you drink, you might survive.”

Unspent love

Makagonova continued to be tormented by an illness, from which specialists from the Moscow Institute of Tuberculosis tried to save her. Out of despair, the actress sobbed into her pillow, although the doctors reassured her that there was a chance for a cure. Frequent and long trips on film expeditions aggravated the disease.

She didn’t tell us, her colleagues, anything about her illness, she worried everything inside,” the actress inhales. Tatyana Konyukhova. - Even married to Basov, she, in fact, remained a lonely person. They were unable to have children, and then Rose never became a mother. Together with Makagonova, I starred in her last joint film with her first husband - “An Extraordinary Summer”. She was touching, like a sunbeam, and shocked with her graceful figure, like porcelain figurine. She was not considered a beauty, but everyone noticed Rozochka’s naivety and tenderness - both her partners and then the audience on the screen.

Leonid KHARITONOV and Roza MAKAGONOVA were screen stars of the first magnitude in the 50s (still from the film “Son”)

And suddenly a rumor spread in acting circles that Basov had left Rosa for another. The actress became an insidious homewrecker Natalya Fateeva, fascinated by which the director not only began filming her in his films, but also soon took her to the registry office.

Natasha Fateeva was of extraordinary beauty, what can you do about it, - the actress sighs Nina Krachkovskaya, sister-in-law of the famous Natalia Krachkovskaya. “It was I who brought Fateeva to VGIK after we met her in her native Ukraine. Natasha studied theater in Kharkov, worked on the radio, and acted in films. But she succumbed to my persuasion to move to Moscow. Who knew that it would be Fateeva who would break up the family of Basov and Makagonova? Rosette, of course, was simpler than her rival. More homely, modest. It is no wonder that after the divorce her career began to decline.

However, after a few years, Rosa was able to find new happiness and married an architect, with whom she lived for seven years.

I don’t remember his name anymore,” says Alexander Pankratov-Cherny. - But on the set, Rosa Ivanovna made tactful comments to the set designer, adding that her second husband has a related profession and she now understands it a little. Makagonova lived the life of both her first and second spouses and their professions.

After returning to the profession, Rosa Ivanovna played a singing teacher in “The Adventures of Electronics” (1979)

Of course, it was painful for her to fly down from top to bottom,” adds Nina Agapova. - In the 80s, Rosochka became very ill again. Then they just gave her an apartment on Leninsky Prospekt, next to the Gagarin monument, and to celebrate she got a cat. He was a huge and handsome man. She poured out all her unspent love for this animal. She even refused to go to the hospital because there was no one to leave her pet with. IN recent years We didn’t really communicate in her life, everyone has their own life, their own problems.

“I understood that Rosochka was gradually fading away,” the actress brushes away her tears. Inna Vykhodtseva, a friend of our heroine, - but she couldn’t do anything, although she tried. I went to the local film actor’s theater, where we both worked, and asked that they at least give her money. But they shrugged it off. They say that Makagonova herself refuses to write an application for financial assistance.

You know, I still communicate with Natasha Fateeva, and she still feels guilty before Rosa,” Vykhodtseva suddenly admitted. - “Apparently, Rose cursed me!” - Natasha told me not so long ago (the People's Artist, as you know, did not have a good relationship with any of her three children; now she is seriously ill, has difficulty moving and lives alone. - G. U.) And I think so. You just don’t need to do nasty things in your youth so that you don’t have to pay for them in old age.

Doesn’t the death of director Korchagin, who did not like Rosa Ivanovna, in a plane crash seem mystical to you?

“I’m sure that Rozochka has never even said a bad word about anyone in her entire life,” Inna Nikolaevna answered after a pause and immediately changed the subject. - Although not for long, she was happy in both her first and second marriages, and as an actress too. And as for that love triangle of Makagonov - Basov - Fateev... It’s all about Volodya. He has always been a big womanizer. Rose knew about all his hobbies, but she bravely endured and did no harm to her rivals, and never even sorted out her relationship with anyone.

In particular, Bari Alibasov provides support to Natalya Fateeva. He provided the actress with a car with a driver. A young man helps the darling of millions...

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Bari Alibasov saves Natalya Fateeva after a complex operation

Bari Alibasov // Photo: Facebook

Producer and showman Bari Alibasov supports the famous actress Natalya Fateeva, who recently underwent a complex operation. The star of Soviet films, 82-year-old Natalya Fateeva, has been suffering from arthrosis for many years. Three years ago in Israel, the actress underwent joint replacement surgery. But not everything went well, the joint did not heal, suppuration began, and Natalya Nikolaevna again found herself on the operating table. Natalya Fateeva was hospitalized with serious injury

Now the star of the films “Three Plus Two”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and many others is on the mend. True, the elderly woman moves exclusively on crutches and almost never leaves the house. It is difficult to imagine how she could have endured forced seclusion if not for the help of close friends.

In particular, Bari Alibasov provides support to Natalya Fateeva. He provided...

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82-year-old Natalya Fateeva today leaves the house only when necessary, since the Soviet cinema star can only move on crutches. Last year, the actress underwent a fourth operation in Israel on her hip joint, which she damaged during a fall several years ago. Despite the fact that Fateeva’s treatment cost a tidy sum of 200 thousand rubles, doctors said that the star of the film “Three Plus Two” would not be able to fully restore motor activity. This means she will need the help of a nurse. Here Bari Alibasov volunteered to help, who hired an assistant for the actress and provided a car with a driver.

When she needs some help, she talks about it. I remember the first time we carried her into the car after the operation. “And now she can walk on her own,” Bari said.

82-year-old Natalya Fateeva leaves the house today only when necessary Photo: Mila STRIZHtrue_kpru

The young man now helps Fateeva with shopping, goes with her on business and accompanies her on...

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Soviet cinema star Natalya Fateeva is seriously ill. The actress went to Israel for surgery, but the doctors there only worsened the situation; the actress now cannot move independently, but only with crutches. Support for 82-year-old Fateeva came from where no one expected. Strained relationships with family and lack of friends could affect all alone and the artist’s helplessness, but Fateeva’s old friend, producer Bari Alibasov, came to the rescue. He happily agreed to help his friend who found herself in a difficult situation, and pays for the actress to go to the doctor and other rehabilitation services. Also, Alibasov provides his car along with a driver, who acts as an assistant for the sick Natalia.

Despite difficult life circumstances and deteriorating health conditions, the famous artist remains cheerful and participates in many cultural and social events. Fateeva was recently spotted accompanied by a stranger, with whom...

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Musician Bari Alibasov saves Natalya Fateeva after she underwent a complex operation. Due to the difficult financial situation of the actress, the producer took patronage over her and is actively helping her.

In particular, Alibasov organized an operation in Israel for the actress of Soviet cinema. The fact is that Fateeva has been suffering from osteoarthritis for many years. Three years earlier, she had already undergone joint replacement surgery in a clinic in Israel. However, the consequences of the operation were not very favorable; the prosthesis did not take root. As a result, Fateeva recently had to undergo repeated surgery on the joint. After undergoing a surgical procedure, the actress finds it difficult to walk even with the help of crutches, and she practically does not leave the house. The producer organized a car with her own driver for Natalya so that she could leave the house and go shopping, and the young man helps her with this.

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The star of the film “Three Plus Two” Natalya Fateeva is seriously ill

Natalya Fateeva

Three years ago, the actress was finally tormented by arthrosis. Unable to endure the severe pain, Fateeva agreed to the operation. However, the Israeli surgeons were not up to the task, the prosthesis did not take root, and she found herself practically immobilized.

The capital's doctors corrected the situation as best they could. But now the 82-year-old artist is forced to move with a crutch. And since her relationship with her own children does not work out, she doesn’t really have to count on anyone’s support.

Natalya Fateeva

Help for Fateeva came from an unexpected direction: for some time now, Fateeva has been helped by her longtime acquaintance, music producer Bari Alibasov, who pays for her visits to the doctor and, if necessary, provides the actress with his car and driver, Express Newspaper reports.

Despite her serious illness, Fateeva leads an active social life....

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79-year-old Soviet cinema star Natalya FATEEVA was discharged from a private clinic, where she underwent surgery to replace a hip prosthesis. Returning home, Natalya Nikolaevna masters the walker and prepares for a trip to Israel for rehabilitation.

The life of People's Artist Natalya Fateeva was overshadowed by an injury: the woman slipped, fell and suffered a hip injury. Doctors usually do not advise older people to undergo surgery due to arthrosis, but Natalya Nikolaevna firmly decided that she would not walk with a cane. As a result, Fateeva has undergone several operations over the past two years and is now trying to take her first steps. At the same time, the actress is aware of all political and cultural news. Having learned from colleagues that her native Film Actor Theater was once again being reformed, the artist decided to express her position.

I am worried about what will happen to my dear Film Actor's Theater. For us, older actors, this, albeit small, money - seven thousand rubles that we received there, was support -...

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The legend of Soviet cinema, star of the films “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” Natalya Fateeva found herself in a hospital bed. The most beautiful Soviet actress was operated on in one of the capital's clinics.

Previously, “Interlocutor” contacted the actress’s son Vladimir Basov and close friend Mikhail Tsivin.

– Natalya Nikolaevna and I went to various festivals together. I knew that she was sick and had difficulty walking, but she really is an actress with a capital A - she never showed that it was difficult or painful for her,” says Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Stanislav Sadalsky. – I will say moreover, I have never seen Fateeva limping or walking leaning on a stick.

We managed to contact Fateeva’s grandson Evgeny Koroptsov. The 29-year-old young man, it turns out, doesn’t even know that his grandmother is in the hospital:

– No, I haven’t heard anything about her illness and I don’t want to talk about it. I have never communicated with Fateeva and do not intend to.

However, his...

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Paparazzi photographed actress Natalya Fateeva on a walk with a friend. She walked with the help of crutches, but looked great. Blue jeans, fashionable boots. And you can’t tell that she is already 82 years old. But now she is fighting for her life.

As journalists found out, 82-year-old Natalya Fateeva is being helped by the producer of the Na-Na group, Bari Alibasov. He provided her with a driver and a car to go to rehab.

The vigilant neighbors of the legend of the Soviet screen began to increasingly see her in the company of a young boy who drives her to her house, helps her into the entrance, and carries heavy bags. He is Natalia Fateeva's assistant.

IN lately Natalya Fateeva underwent two operations in Israel - she had two hip joints replaced. And now she walks on crutches, but is full of cheerfulness: when a neighbor complained that she had lost her cat, she, a cat lover, immediately gave her some advice.

Fateeva has long suffered from arthrosis, a bone disease. Several years...

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Israeli doctors will save Inna Churikova

People's Artist, following the example of her colleagues, goes to the Promised Land to heal the heart

Evgeny PETROSYAN, Alla PUGACHEVA, Philip KIRKOROV, Natalya FATEEVA, Andrey SOKOLOV... The list of celebrity names trying to improve their health in Israel can be continued indefinitely. This year they were joined by the prima of the Lenkom Theater and the outstanding film actress Inna CHURIKOVA. Express Newspaper decided to find out why our eminent compatriots are so eager to receive treatment in Israel.

Those who can afford to pay at least a couple of thousand euros only for the most necessary procedures come to the Promised Land. It is no coincidence that former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, when asked by journalists about the high cost, answered: “Our country is for everyone, but not for everyone.” That’s why, first of all, Russian businessmen, politicians and artists often come here to visit holy places and at the same time improve their health. One of their most popular clinics is “Khorev” in...

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I am 64 years old. The first operation on the hip joint was performed at the Vreden Institute in St. Petersburg in 2001, a Swiss endoprosthesis was installed. A metal-to-metal friction pair, with a liner in a cup made of high molecular weight polyethylene. At that time, these were paid operations, that is, you chose for yourself what to install: our endoprosthesis or an imported one. My daughter borrowed a significant amount and had an operation.

14 years have passed. I constantly take control photographs and am very afraid of the word revision. For me this is like death. Now there is a question about surgery on the second leg, by the way, it has not been taken off the agenda since 2001, but I really don’t want to do it, since I don’t have such terrible pain as with my right leg. She was sick during the day and especially at night. So I had no choice.

14 years without pain have flown by quickly and now I am shocked that at some point there will be a revision or two, and another operation or two. Although the diagnosis is already stage 3/4 coxarthrosis, and...

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On Friday, July 25, the star of the comedy “Three Plus Two” was taken to Moscow City Hospital No. 31. A 79-year-old People's Artist of the Russian Federation was admitted to a medical facility with a hip injury, which she received during a fall.

Natalya Fateeva went to doctors with exactly the same problem last fall, and then a special plate was installed for the elderly Soviet actress. The rehabilitation of the elderly patient took several months, after which, according to media reports, she had to walk with a cane.

Having fallen unsuccessfully last week, Fateeva was afraid that the implant in the hip joint could be deformed, but, fortunately, this did not happen.

“This is Natalya Nikolaevna’s fourth operation. The surgical intervention was planned and went well,” the clinic’s medical workers reported, adding that they would soon transfer the celebrity from intensive care to a regular ward.

For reference:
Natalya Fateeva was born in Kharkov in 1934. She made her debut on the big screen at the age of 22...

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Russian theater and film actress Natalya Fateeva wrote her will on the eve of a major operation. The 79-year-old screen star has problems with her joints.

Some time ago, Natalya Fateeva seriously injured her leg. The artist was in severe pain and was forced to walk with a stick.

Fateeva did not decide for a long time to undergo a complex operation, but the other day she went to one of the Moscow clinics. Everything went well, the doctors replaced her joint. Now the artist is undergoing rehabilitation within the walls of the hospital, Express Newspaper writes.

Before undergoing surgery, Fateeva visited a notary.

“I wrote everything down, who will get what...” admitted the actress.

Fateeva is known among her colleagues and even relatives as a closed person with a strong character, so she did not voice the details of her will. However, it is known that she practically does not see her adult children - son Vladimir from director Vladimir Basov and daughter Natalya from the cosmonaut...

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Natalya Fateeva is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's and Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Natalya’s most popular works are roles in the films “Three Plus Two”, “Children of Don Quixote”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins”.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Fateeva was born in Kharkov on December 23, 1934. Her father was a military man, and her mother was the head of a fashion studio. According to Natalya, her mother was very economical, and her father was distinguished by creative abilities - he played the piano and sang well.

As a child, Natalya also tried her hand at music, but soon switched to athletics. A little later, Fateeva became interested in theater, although she was not accepted into the school drama club. The parents also did not welcome their daughter’s acting and convinced her that she should not be distracted from her studies, with which Natalya, however, had no problems.

After graduating from school in 1952, Fateeva, as planned, submitted documents to the Kharkov Theater Institute. After some time, employees of a local amateur film studio noticed a pretty student with a well-delivered speech and invited her to be an announcer. But soon after that she was expelled from the institute. Natalya, however, did not despair and went to Moscow to conquer. Without much difficulty, she entered the famous VGIK, starting life from scratch.

Acting career

Fateeva first appeared on the screens in 1956, in the melodrama “There is such a guy” - an adaptation of A. Andreev’s novel “Wide Current”, and soon she played with Vladimir Basov in “An Incident at Mine Eight” and Nikolai Dostal in “The Case of the Motleys” "

Immediately after graduating from VGIK, Fateeva worked for a year at the Film Actor Studio Theater, and then moved to the Theater. Ermolova, where she got several main roles at once.

The young actress received her first leading role in a movie in 1961 - director Vladimir Basov (at that time her husband) invited her to star in the drama “Battle on the Way,” which takes place on a large tractor factory. Fateeva's partner on the set was Mikhail Ulyanov. At the same time, Natalya became the host of the first KVN games - Alexander Maslyakov permanently replaced her in this post only in 1964.

Two years later, Fateeva played a role that made her famous throughout the Soviet Union. In the light summer comedy “Three Plus Two” by Genrikh Oganesyan, the actress appeared in the role of trainer Zoya, who, together with her friend, went on a “wild” vacation to the Black Sea. The remaining roles in the film were performed by the actress's friend and rival Natalya Kustinskaya, as well as Andrei Mironov, Evgeny Zharikov and Gennady Nilov.

In 1965, Fateeva starred with Evgeniy Karelov in the ironic comedy “Children of Don Quixote” with Anatoly Papanov and Vladimir Korenev. In 1971, “Gentlemen of Fortune” was released - a comedy by Alexander Sery, based on the script by Georgy Danelia, about the antics of a criminal gang led by a good-natured kindergarten manager. In this incredibly popular film, Natalya played the daughter of archaeological professor Maltsev, who meets a gang at the dacha. The main roles were assigned to Evgeny Leonov, Georgy Vitsin, Savely Kramarov and Radner Muratov.

In 1976, Natalya appeared as the head teacher of a school in Vladimir Menshov’s youth comedy “The Prank,” in which Dmitry Kharatyan made his debut. Three years later, the actress appeared in the famous 5-episode film by Stanislav Govorukhin “The meeting place cannot be changed,” in which she played one of the witnesses in the case of Larisa Gruzdeva. In mid-1980, Fateeva became People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Natalya’s most popular roles in the next decade were roles in the films “Investigation” (dir. Mikhail Ryk), “From Evening to Noon” (dir. Konstantin Khudyakov), “From the Life of the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department” (dir. Stepan Puchinyan). The actress also appeared as the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya in Emil Loteanu’s mini-series “Anna Pavlova” and played in Alla Surikova’s popular comedy-western “The Man from Boulevard Capuchin” with Oleg Tabakov and Andrei Mironov in the lead roles.

After the collapse of the USSR, Natalya continued to actively act in films and receive leading roles, as in Vladimir Grammatikov’s comedy “Autumn Temptations” (1993). The actress also participated in the Art Center enterprise with Igor Yasulovich and Valentina Malyavina.

A very successful project in the early 2000s for Fateeva was the popular series of films “Secrets of Palace Coups. Russia, XVIII century”, in which she played Daria Menshikova, the wife of Peter I’s closest associate, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (played by Sergei Shakurov).

"Starfish Cavaliers" - trailer

After that, Natalya acted much less often. In 2004, the actress appeared in the detective story "Cavaliers" Starfish"(STS), in 2007 she played the mother of the founder of practical cosmonautics in the drama "Korolev", and in 2009 she starred in the thriller "Cheesecake" and one of the 18 stories in the film almanac "Moscow, I love you!" Latest on at the moment Natalia’s film work was a small role as an accountant in Valery Kharchenko’s mini-series “Leaves Flying on the Wind” (2013), which takes place in 1944. The film received many prestigious prizes at film festivals in Bulgaria and Ukraine, and Fateeva became a laureate of the Nika Award.

Natalya devoted a lot of time to dubbing foreign films - she has over 30 dubbing films to her credit, including “The Key” (1958), “Pharaoh” (1965) and “Tehran-43” (1980). Such popular actresses as Sophia Loren, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Barbara Brylska, Catherine Deneuve spoke in Fateeva’s voice.

Personal life of Natalia Fateeva

At the age of 19, student Fateeva first married the Ukrainian actor Leonid Tarabarinov. The marriage lasted about a year, after which Natalya moved to Moscow.

Natalya left her husband for pilot-cosmonaut Boris Egorov, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Natalya. And although the actress’s new chosen one was a charismatic man, a hero of the USSR and the life of the party, the marriage failed to become happy. In a huge 5-room apartment, parties were constantly held with Yegorov’s colleagues, which exhausted Natalya.

In 1970, after five years of marriage, the couple divorced - actress Natalya Kustinskaya, with whom Fateeva played in “Three Plus Two,” took her away from the pilot’s family. Later, he claimed that Natalia’s daughter was not his, but some Romanian singer with whom Fateeva starred.

After her divorce from Boris, Natalya married two more times, but both marriages were unhappy. Now Natalya practically does not communicate with her children and grandchildren.

Natalya Fateeva now

In 2018, 80-year-old director Valery Kharchenko was preparing a film based on Chekhov’s “A Boring Story.” The list of actors included Natalya Fateeva, Yuri Solomin and Vera Vasilyeva. However, Fateeva will be able to star in the film only when she finally recovers from her injury. The actress's hip prosthesis did not take root, and she had to undergo several serious surgeries.

Vladimir Basov was married to Rosa Makagonova. She was once an incredibly popular actress; her husband cast her in almost every film he made. However, Basov left his wife for the sake of the aspiring actress Natalya Fateeva.


“Natasha Fateeva was of extraordinary beauty, what can you do. Who knew that it was Fateeva who would break up the family of Basov and Makagonova? Rosochka, of course, was simpler than her rival. More homely, modest. It’s no wonder that after the divorce her career went into decline,” – said Natalya Krachkovskaya’s sister-in-law Nina.

However, after some time, the abandoned wife was able to find new happiness - she married an architect, with whom she lived for seven years. On April 18, 1995, Rosa Makagonova died of a heart attack. She was 67 years old.

“You know, I still communicate with Natasha Fateeva, and she still feels guilty before Rosa. “Apparently, Rosa cursed me!” Natasha told me not so long ago,” Eg.RU quotes Inna Vykhodtseva.

It is no secret that Natalya Fateeva has a difficult relationship with any of her three children; now she is seriously ill, has difficulty moving and lives alone. “And I think so. You just don’t need to do nasty things in your youth so that you don’t have to pay for them in old age,” summed up Fateeva’s friend.

Let us remember that several years ago Natalya Fateeva slipped, fell and suffered a hip injury. Doctors usually do not advise older people to undergo surgery due to arthrosis, but the actress was determined: she would not walk with a stick. As a result, Fateeva underwent several operations and tried to take her first steps

Many actors who were once famous and popular now live out their lives in loneliness and poverty. The same fate befell Natalia Fateeva.

My parents did not welcome my passion for the stage, so they constantly reminded me that the main thing was my studies. Natalya had no problems with her, but she wasn’t accepted into the drama club because she was too tall.

But Natalya’s parents did make some concessions. They sent the girl to a music school. My father traded the piano for two pairs of boots. But something didn’t work out for the future actress with music.

Despite the prohibitions and excuses of her parents, Natalya decided in 1952 to enter the Kharkov Theater Institute. She succeeded the first time. She was the only one who got all A's on the entrance exams.

In the theater everything went like clockwork for her. She was even awarded a personal scholarship for her academic success. A talented student was invited to work as an announcer on local television. However, Fateeva was soon expelled from the university for unknown reasons. But she was not at a loss and went to Moscow, at VGIK.

1956 was a successful year for the girl - she made her debut at the film studio named after. Dovzhenko. The aspiring actress played in the film “There Is Such a Guy” and met Sergei Gerasimov, who accepted her into his course at VGIK, and immediately into the fourth.

At the same time, Natalya met the director Vladimir Basov. A year later, he invited her to play in his film “Incident at Mine Eight.” And a little later they got married.

After VGIK, Natalya went to work at the Theater-Studio of a Film Actor, and then got a job at the Ermolova Theater. There she got the main roles in the plays “Two Stubborn Men” and “Three Comrades”.

In 1959, Natalya became a mother and gave birth to son Vladimir. Unfortunately, the collapse of the marriage could not be avoided. The union broke up, according to Fateeva, because of the husband’s jealousy of his wife’s appearance and success. Well, the artist’s constant employment probably played not the least role.

The directors did not deprive Natalya Fateeva of attention. She was offered work in traditional Soviet films, which were of an average level. The weak dramaturgy was covered up by the actress’s outstanding appearance and talent.

Natalya understood this and agreed to play if it was acceptable for ethical reasons. And even in unremarkable films she tried to achieve accuracy in conveying the fate of her heroines. A striking example is the film “Our Mutual Friend” by Ivan Pyryev.

Constant filming forced Yermolova to give up work at the theater.

Fame fell on Natalia’s head after the film “Three Plus Two” was released in 1963. Director Genrikh Oganesyan invited her to play the role of Zoya the Tamer.

During filming, the actress began an affair with Andrey Mironov. As Natalya admits, he helped her survive the breakup with her husband. Andrei’s mother said that he suffered greatly when the relationship with Fateeva ended, and often described his feelings in letters to his mother.

Natalia never lacked attention from men. She refused numerous admirers. However, she herself did not escape falling in love. The astronaut captured her heart Boris Egorov.

They met at a friend's party. Natalya’s married status did not frighten her. Soon the man divorced and married Fateeva. In 1969 they gave birth to daughter Natasha. But this marriage of the actress turned out to be unstable. The spouses were completely different.

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Now the actress 82 years old, and she can barely move on her own. Her friend, producer Bari Alibasov, takes care of her. He pays for her treatment and provides his car when needed.

Things didn't work out very well with Natalya Fateeva's relatives good relationship because of her difficult nature. According to the actress herself, she worked too much, so she did not have time to communicate with her family.

It is a pity that, due to an incorrect alignment of values, people who were once loved by millions have to live alone in old age. It’s good that there are still true friends who support you in difficult times.

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