Where to skip school alone. We learn how to skip classes at a university without any problems without a good reason

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining. And we, like complete fools, rush to work. And this is instead of a trip to nature with friends and barbecue. It's a shame! This injustice in life must be corrected. So, do your best to come up with a manageable excuse and skip work. Here are some ready-made methods.

1. Get sick. Early in the morning, call work, having previously put a clothespin on your nose, and moan into the phone: “Oh, I can’t, I’m sad, woeful! My death has come imminently! I’ll rest for a day today, and tomorrow, if not to the cemetery, then Definitely get to work!" Any leader, if he is not a complete sadist, will allow you to rest for a day or two. This is much more profitable for him than sending you on sick leave for a couple of weeks. If you don't have enough artistry to portray a dying person, you can invent a terrible stomach disorder. Then you will simply limit yourself to a short call: describe your problem in a nutshell and end the conversation under the pretext of urgent matters in the restroom area. You can go another way. For several days, complain about feeling disgusting, and then “go to the doctor.” Then you will say that you did not get an appointment or that the doctor did not find anything for you except terrible overwork.

2. Invent a lonely grandmother suffering from a myriad of illnesses. Then you can go away to bring the old lady medicine, take her to the hospital, give her an injection, give an enema, and just sit at the bedside of your “dying” relative. Just don’t even think about asking to attend her funeral - your grandmother will come in handy more than once.

3. Call work and say that your clueless spouse has taken both sets of keys from the house and you cannot leave the apartment. The same series of excuses includes leaking sewerage, damaged water supply and other faults that require your presence in the apartment. Report the misfortunes that have occurred with regret, lament the disruption at work, and calmly stay at home.

4. Induce your relative or friend to deceive. Let him fake a call from the police. He will call you at work, officially ask you to come to the phone and allegedly inform you that your apartment was robbed and you need to come urgently to make a list of lost things. If you fight in hysterics and scream that you stole 37 items acquired through back-breaking labor (a deck of cards and an opener), in addition to time off, you will also receive financial assistance. In addition to “policeman,” the options “flooded neighbor” and “gas worker” are well received.

5. Call work and report that there is a bomb in the office. Only now, if your deception is revealed, you will lose not only your job, but also a huge amount of money that you will have to pay in the form of a fine.

6. Call the SES to combat rats, cockroaches, bedbugs, cabbage butterflies and other living creatures. These pests can be brought from home and dispersed throughout the office. Then you will not be the initiator of calling the stainers, and you will not be suspected of anything.

7. If you get there by car, say that you broke down in the middle of a deserted highway and waited half a day for a tow truck. Somewhere towards the end of the working day, call work and express your desire to come. In 9 cases out of 10 you will be dissuaded. You can make up an accident. But then you will have to travel on foot for some time while the car is supposedly being repaired. But it will be possible to ask for time off early under the pretext of trips to a car service center.

8. Obtain a plan for your institution’s communications system and, under cover of darkness, chew through a cable or dig a hole in the sewer. Everyone will be sent home. Just be careful: wear galoshes and gloves - the cables are live. It’s also good to wear an orange jacket - if you are noticed doing your dirty work, they will take you for a repairman.

9. Be rude to your boss and fail a responsible area of ​​work. You will sit at home as much as your heart desires and do personal business, search new job, For example.

10. Earn by exemplary behavior. Go to work on weekends, work in the evenings, complete tasks well. You will be appreciated, respected, indulged in your whims and, perhaps, even given a library day. It’s just a pity that this method is not suitable for those who are already wondering which of the previous 9 to use.

How not to go to school? How to get out of school? How to skip school?

    I had simple excuses for my parents: my stomach hurts, my head hurts, I feel bad. Well, most often I didn’t go to school myself (when my parents worked), and then I did it myself or asked older girlfriends to write me a note supposedly from my mother.

    Provocative question =). Alternatively, heat the thermometer, rub your cheeks and lie under the blanket. At the very least, your appearance and the readings of the thermometer can cause slight excitement among your parents.

    Any normal parent would not allow their child to skip school. Unless there is a good reason (a trip to the doctor, for example, or a trip to a funeral)

    You can just pretend that you are going to school. But before reaching 10 steps to school, go to the park. True, your absence will be noticed and your parents will be told.

    Conclusion: You need to be able to walk. But it is not advisable to do this (an unpleasant conversation with parents and the director is possible)

    Just don't go.

    You can explain to your parents that you don’t want to go today. After all, we were all children once and we know what it is. If a child does not want to go to school, he can simply skip school. Hanging around and doing bad things.

    For me, let my child be at home and warm. I'll come up with something for him to do.

    But of course, you need to instill a love for school from the very beginning, so that such questions do not arise.

    But now there are such teachers that it is not love for school that may appear from the first day))))

    In fact, there are quite a few ways a child can skip school. Sometimes it is enough to simply inform your parents about your unfinished homework and they themselves will come up with a reason for absenteeism, so that the child does not get bad grades and spoil his overall rating. You can also ask a friend to send you an SMS, supposedly from your parents, asking for some help, which you can then show to the teacher. But most in an efficient way shirking classes at school can be considered a sudden illness, which is quite easy to imitate by drinking cold water the day before so that the throat turns red and seems inflamed; complain of headache and general fatigue; finally warm up the thermometer to show parents that there is a high temperature...

    put the thermometer in a cup of tea for 10 seconds (make sure the temperature is no higher than 37.5)

    go to the clinic and take sick leave (you need to be able to convincingly lie about weakness, dizziness, nausea, then come up with it yourself)

    or stupidly skip classes (it’s better in the spring when it’s warm)

    The Ministry of Health warns you to rest during the holidays, if you often miss your studies, you may be kicked out of school)

    My classmate (who studied very well at school) was dying to attend music school. The problem was complicated by the fact that this individual’s mother worked there as a teacher. When she personally brought her son to school, the resourceful guy safely brought his mother to her class, turned around and stomped home. He got nothing for this. If you don’t want to, don’t go, you can miss a couple of days, on the eve of the holidays and the New Year there is no longer any intensive study.

    It’s better to honestly admit to your parents that you don’t want to go to school; you can miss 3 days without a certificate if your parents scribble a note.

    I usually wrote myself a certificate, supposedly from my parents. If the teacher called in the evening, I tried to answer the phone and say no, or give the phone to my older brother. There were no mobile phones then. Now it probably won’t work anymore.

    You can imagine that parents will say: what’s the best way to skip work? Nobody really captivates you and they won’t kill you to death, they’ll grumble a little, and they might punish you a little. Slowly - you'll like to skip. Okay, it’s fun, you can drink beer, then chat, and there, next to the gateway, there are guys who, having skipped school, are already in crime. And under the other gateway there are boys who are drug addicts. Both are waiting for you in their arms. And so, after several absences, you fall hopelessly behind, fall out of favor with both teachers and parents, school becomes hated, and only the guys from the gates respect you. Next - fork - or go downward, and ultimately become a loser in life (this is in best case scenario) or, making gigantic efforts, get out of this swamp. I am writing this because I was in this situation myself and chose the latter.

    As a child, I kept a thermometer near the battery. It’s just difficult to make sure it shows the right temperature. This method always gave results. But during absenteeism, you can miss a new topic and then nothing will be clear. So my advice is to not skip school!

There are situations in the lives of all schoolchildren when they don’t want to go to school. I would like to warn you that if a child skips classes, then this is a bad act. Regularly repeated absences are fraught with gaps in knowledge, and thus a bad habit of skipping school can be formed, which creates many problems as the child grows up. But still, there are 10 ways to skip school and in reality they all work.

Navigator by methods

1 way. Linger in the library.

Of the 5 ways to skip school, this one might work. Without coming to class with the excuse that you were in the school library preparing for the Olympics, you can effectively skip class. The main thing is to say that I was very carried away and did not notice when the bell rang. An option may also be to provide assistance to a librarian who has asked to post notices or move books.

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Method 2. Go to the ophthalmologist.

To test your vision at the ophthalmologist, special drops will be placed into your eyes, which will greatly dilate your pupils. After this, not only will you not be able to write, but you will also have difficulty getting into the door. Don’t forget about a doctor’s certificate, which you can then present to the teacher.

3 way. A note from relatives.

In a situation where the student is sure that the parents will not agree to write a note asking for an exemption from classes, you can ask an older brother, sister or friend to do this on behalf of the mother. This method is suitable only when the student has already skipped school and does not understand what to do next and how to justify himself to the teacher. It is important to remember that the teacher is always able to clarify whether the note is truly true by calling the parents or saving the piece of paper until the parent meeting with the mission to determine the authorship.

4 way. SMS with a call from lessons from relatives.

Received on mobile phone An SMS message with a request to send a child home due to an emergency at home, for example, “grandmother is sick” or “a plumber is coming,” often finds understanding among teachers.

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5 way. Visiting the section.

If a student goes to a sports section, art or music school, and also if he receives additional education at school foreign languages, then you can easily take time off from lessons due to the need to prepare for a competition or competition, attend an unplanned lesson or training.

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6 way. Pretend to be “sick.”

You need to get up for school a little later than usual. Next, you will have to tell your parents that you are sick and behave in the same way as a sick person behaves. It is important to move slowly. After sleep, you should not comb your hair. If you are simulating a cold or flu, you can sneeze or cough, and also say that you are dizzy. When simulating stomach pain, you should hold your stomach and complain about the pain. There should be no appetite at breakfast, because sick people lose it.

7 way. Miss the bus.

If a child gets to school on his own by bus, then he may simply be late for it. You will have to go to the stop too slowly so as not to make it before departure. You can also simply hide until the bus leaves, and then return home. If your parents are still at home or suddenly return from work at lunchtime, you will need to hide from them so that they do not notice that you are missing school.

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8 way. Hide your backpack.

It is important to hide your own backpack at school, and when the lesson starts, you need to start loudly indignant and shout that notebooks and textbooks have disappeared along with the backpack, and there are guesses where it was hidden. Then you will have to go in search of a backpack and return only at the end of the lesson. Don’t forget that you will have to get the backpack a little dirty to make it more plausible that it was at the stadium or in the cleaner’s back room.

9 way. Rub your foot with laundry soap.

You can also skip classes with the help of an ordinary piece of laundry soap. They need to rub their feet and feel free to go to class. The whole point is that when the trouser leg rubs against the leg, the effect of damage will be too natural. Already during the break, you can safely go to the medical center with complaints of bruises and painful sensations in the leg.

10th way. The need to go to the military registration and enlistment office.

This method will only work for high school boys who have the right to miss school due to being called to the military registration and enlistment office. To avoid getting into a difficult situation, it is important to find out in advance whether there will actually be summonses from this institution in the coming days.

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Today you rarely meet a child who would like to go to school. Even those who really love to study sooner or later simply do not want to get up in the morning and go outside in the rain or snow. What to do in this case? This question plagues many schoolchildren. Next, we’ll take a closer look at 10 ways to avoid going to school.

Navigator by methods

1. Method.

You need to prepare for a walk in advance and think through everything carefully. One option may be routine medical examinations or vaccinations. Quite often they are called from the clinic to undergo a medical examination or other planned procedures. Therefore, you need to warn the teacher in advance that tomorrow you need to go to the clinic and that’s it. You also need to warn parents that the school has told you to undergo a medical examination or get vaccinated. After this, you can rest quietly for a day or two.

2. Method.

Of course, it’s not nice to lie, so this method should be used only as a last resort. You can say that one of your relatives has died and you need to go to the funeral tomorrow. At the same time, you should not slander living people. It is better to choose a neutral object to ease your conscience. But it is better not to deceive in such a cruel way and use it only as a last resort.

There are 100 ways not to go to school that every modern student should know, but we will consider only the most popular ones.

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3. Method.

You can suddenly get sick in the morning. The first symptoms of the disease should be feeling unwell, headache, weakness and, as usual, fever. To increase the temperature on a thermometer to the desired degree, you can use the following methods:

— You can carefully heat the thermometer on the battery. In this case, you cannot lean it against a metal surface, you need to hold it above it. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 39 degrees. Otherwise, an ambulance will be called.

- You can also heat the thermometer from any other warm device. It could be a regular computer that has been heating up for some time. Other warm devices in the apartment are also suitable. Therefore, it is worth trying and experimenting in advance.

- Animals have a higher body temperature than humans, so they can also heat up the thermometer. At the same time, you need to be as careful as possible with the artificial version so as not to accidentally break it. Animals can heat the thermometer up to 38 degrees.

— Thermometers can be heated with hot drinks, such as tea. Therefore, take a warm drink and raise the temperature.

— A variety of lighting devices, such as a table lamp, are suitable for heating. You just need to hold the thermometer in front of her for a few minutes.

— If you rub your armpits with garlic, you can raise the temperature to 38 degrees. But this method will lead to uncomfortable and even painful sensations.

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— If you turn the mercury thermometer down and lightly hit it with the back of your hand, you can move the mercury column a few degrees.

Every student should know effective ways to avoid going to school, so let’s look at the following six.

4. Method.

You can also try to feign poisoning. You don't need to do anything to do this. Just pretend to make several frequent trips to the toilet, and also say that your stomach hurts a lot and you feel nauseous. After this, your parents will definitely leave you at home. You can skip one or two days this way. Therefore, it’s worth a try if you really don’t want to go to school.

5. Method.

You can skip the first and second of September if you really don’t want to say goodbye to the summer holidays. The teacher just needs to say that they were on vacation and could not arrive on time. This option does not require a certificate, so it’s worth a try if your parents allow it. But you can come up with a different story for them.

6. Method.

After the first lesson, you can tell the teacher that your mother called and asked you to come home urgently. You can come up with any stories here. For example, that you need to pick up your sick sister from kindergarten or take the keys to your mother. There can be many excuses, so let’s use our imagination.

There are a lot of ways to avoid going to school, but it’s enough to know only the best of them to give yourself an unplanned day off.

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7. Method.

You can go to school, but return a few minutes later and tell your parents any story. For example, that the school has been closed for quarantine or that only girls or boys are undergoing medical examinations, repair work is underway, or the heating has been turned off. There can be many excuses, you only need to choose one.

8. Method.

This method is only suitable if parents go to work faster in the morning. Mom just needs to put her apartment keys in her bag in the evening. And in the morning, when she goes to work, call her and say that you can’t find the keys. You need to call when mom can no longer return home.

There are many ways to avoid going to school, but we only need a few of the most effective ones to achieve our goal.

9. Method.

You can just oversleep, of course, if your parents leave home early for work and can’t wake you up in time. At school, you don’t have to say anything at all, and you can simply tell your parents that the alarm clock is broken or they forgot to set it. A simple and effective excuse for not going to school.

10. Method.

You can say that you are stuck in an elevator. This excuse is suitable for both teachers and parents. In the second case, if the parents cannot verify this fact. You will tell the teachers that the rescue team took a long time to travel. The same can be said to parents.

These are all 10 ways not to go to school, which will definitely be useful to every student.

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This is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks for a child. After all, when adults are at home, there will be increased control over you, you will not be able to jump up all sick and sit down at the computer to play GTA 5 or the new Warhammer 40,000, since such behavior does not correspond to the patient. But ways to skip school from Sovetbati come to your aid.

If you have your own room, consider yourself lucky, half the work is already done, you will only be sick in it when mom or dad comes in. Use the following methods

Keep quiet and ask for tea more often, become invisible, this is how a sick person behaves. Eat less, don't watch TV and don't try to sit down computer games, since at a high temperature the head hurts a lot and obviously there should be no time for that.

Another reason not to sit in front of the computer and TV - you may be forced to do homework, which you learn from your classmates, mom or dad comes into the room and says “yeah, you play games, that means you’re healthy, come on, buddy, do your homework, otherwise you’ll fly out of school.”

To return to school and attend classes without receiving an N in the journal for the missed period, in most cases you will have to go to the clinic for a certificate. These are the harsh demands federal laws 2017. However, in some cases you don’t have to do this, and get away with a note from your parents, read how many days can you stay away from school without a certificate? in law.

How to fake a school certificate? What will it be like?

Don't try to fake a school certificate or buy it from pseudo-companies, it will definitely be checked and at best you will be brought to administrative responsibility, at worst to criminal liability. And then you definitely won’t have to go to school anymore, “they will come for you in a wonderful lattice carriage.”

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