Where to relax in France with children. France: Best holiday destinations with children

Holidays in France with children will not cause much difficulty if you prepare and plan everything in advance. This rule must also be followed when adults travel. But even if they can withstand some inconveniences, quickly change the route or come to terms with dietary habits, then a trip to France with a child should be spared from various surprises. Let's look at some of the features that accompany such a trip to the north of this European country, to Brittany.

The first thing you need to decide on when considering various tours to France with children is the method of moving. Traveling by train, bus or your own car can be quite tiring. For example, passenger transport is capable of covering the distance from Moscow to Paris (2,900 kilometers) in about 30 hours. Taking into account overnight stops and rest, this route can take about two days. By using an airplane, this time can be reduced to four hours, which will be less tiring. However, even in this case, you should worry about what to do with your child during the flight. All holidays in France with children should take into account their interests, so interesting activities, games and entertainment should be provided.

To finish talking about transport, it should be noted that it is best to rent a car right at the airport after arrival for further trips, and not to be mistaken with its capacity, taking into account not only passengers, but also luggage. We also emphasize that traveling to France with a child in July-August, when the holiday period is in full swing, can cause additional difficulties. At this time, all the country's roads are overloaded with a huge number of travelers, and access to various attractions and places of entertainment will be somewhat limited for the same reason.

In Brittany you can stay not only in a classic hotel, but also in a house of appropriate size. Let's list what you might need on such a trip: toys for children, medical insurance, a special excursion program. In addition to the famous Asterix and EuroDisney, an aquarium, a zoo and a local amusement park are worth visiting in this region. Tours to France with children do not pose any difficulties if they are well planned. In this civilized country, you can spend such a vacation without unnecessary fears associated with the peculiarities of the cuisine or the insufficient qualifications of various service personnel.

The task was this: to take the child for a walk... and at the same time to take a walk ourselves. We decided to go along the route called "To France with children". The route is listed on the tour operator's website. We thought he was funny. The only thing is that when they saw that they had gnawed off 1 day for May, they were upset... We won’t really see Paris...

So. "Day of arrival - day of departure, one day"

Day 1 (Luxembourg - Reims - Paris): flight from Moscow to Luxembourg. Sightseeing tour of Luxembourg - the capital of the Grand Duchy. Transfer to Paris (approx. 375 km). On the way, visit the city of Reims - the capital of the Champagne region, visiting the world famous Reims Cathedral, the site of the coronation of French kings. Arrival in Paris, hotel accommodation.

We flew from Vnukovo. Charter. airplane Tu 204 "Caucasian" Mineralnye Vody". We took off without incident. On the way (3.5 hours) I chatted with my neighbors, because my wife and child were across the aisle. When landing, I thought that the plane seemed somehow flimsy. But nothing. They didn’t fall apart.

We met the guide. We reached the center of Luxembourg. There we were shown the whole center quickly and clearly in 40 minutes, given a break after another 40 minutes and onto the bus.

First impression of Luxembourg- there in the evening it smells like coffee and vanilla... So cool... Everything is so cute...

On the bus they said that the ride was long and we were going through Belgium, because... the road through Metz is closed. Accordingly, Reims is on the way back. Estimated time of arrival is 23.00 local time. We looked out the window, looked and fell asleep. Family. They didn’t even get off the bus at the food stop. The driver was surprised and locked us in it. We woke up already in Paris... at 12 o'clock in the morning - at the same time and a night bus review :)
Paris is beautiful at night, it's crazy!

Arrived at the hotel at 24.00. Our hotel was called Montmartre Mercury. We went up to the room with copies of Degas’s paintings, took apart the beds and fell asleep.

“See Paris and... nothing”

Day 2 (Paris - Disneyland): bus sightseeing tour of Paris with a visit to the Fragonard Perfumery Museum. Additional package* - a trip to the amusement park - "Euro Disneyland", country cartoon characters, the mysterious world of fairy tales, where a festive atmosphere always reigns.

Well, we went around Paris by bus. But somehow my heart didn’t skip a beat... Well, the Eiffel Tower, well, Notre-Dame de Paris... I read the guidebook before - and I already recognized something. I really liked the windows and balconies of French houses. I thought that if I ever build for myself, everything will be exactly like this... A lot of flowers... Spring in full. Tulips, lilacs, apple trees, some trees in large purple flowers…. Crowds of tourists scurry back and forth... The cathedrals and houses are of a warm yellowish color... This is the kind of local stone from which almost all of old Paris was built. We saw a lot from the bus windows :) And most importantly, we stood in a lot of traffic jams, which, as they say, are not uncommon in the French capital.

So we came running and running Fragonard. It’s hard to call it a museum :) Such a marketing ploy when a person, in order to sell his product (perfume in in this case), makes a small exposition so that later in the store those who come on a tour can buy a bag of goods. And it’s good for a travel agency - you don’t have to pay money for an excursion, and it’s also good to sell goods to a museum store.

Then there was the next “run-run”. We were taken to Disneyland. We just got to the parade of heroes. I kept thinking when I start to admire it. No way. The child also did not show much enthusiasm. While we ran through a couple of attractions (took a ride on the steamboat Mark Twain and in the trolley through the Big Thunder Mine(?) It turned out that restaurants are crazy expensive and the toad is choking, and fast food stalls are already closed. They bit the bit and ran on.

I really liked how the queues for the attractions were organized... Time passes almost unnoticed. We ran until 20 and a penny, until we were told that that was it, “there will be no more cinema,” although we were promised that the park would be open until 21.30. And we trudged to our home hotel... First to the RER, where we grabbed a panini in a cafe that was closing. First and last time I saw a man in France who tried to talk to us in Russian. He turned out to be a Russian of some sort :) It was harder with the others. People a priori believe that it is impossible not to know French and fall into a stupor when trying to speak to them in Russian or broken English.

The road was nothing special to remember. I left my people in the room and went to Clichy Boulevard for a walk... And I saw police officers on roller skates :))). And then a crowd of thousands of 7 roller skaters descending from the Sacre Coeur IMHO... Then there were queues at various nightclubs... Couples in convertibles with French rap blaring, slowly rolling along the sidewalk... Moulin Rouge... Sex shops and other all sorts of things. I thought that we were lucky to “live in such areas.”

“I’ve already seen this somewhere”

Day 3 (Paris - Loire castles - Angers): travel through the Loire Valley visiting the most popular castles: Amboise Castle, built in the 15th-16th centuries, where Leonardo Da Vinci lived and was buried during the Renaissance (internal inspection), Chenonceau Castle - the most beautiful and unusual of the castles, with a magnificent gallery across the Cher River (internal inspection), and Chambord Castle, surrounded by the longest wall in France - a masterpiece of the Renaissance, which has seen many monarchs in its time (external inspection). Transfer to Angers, the capital of the Western Loire, one of the most beautiful cities in France. Hotel accommodation.

Oh yeah. And again the bus :) And again the castles (remember the Czech Republic and Germany).

At first Chambord. With internal staircase designed by Leonardo. We didn’t go inside to look at the stairs. There is no time, and somehow there is no need. I imagined a king in this castle. The castle is truly royal.

Chenonceau. On private property. I've already seen this somewhere. Wide entrance alley. White shops. On the right is the greenhouse. Damn Yasnaya Polyana. Only there everything is more countly. And here is the royal one. Diane Poitiers, Kate de Medici and other queens and favorites in sadness. I saw a labyrinth of living bushes. Again, there was no time to go in. Also with Poitiers Park. That's where I'd like to take pictures! Such a panorama could be made. Everything inside is well maintained. Basket with live lilies of the valley. Basket with real apples.

Amboise. One feels that the fortress was what it needed. Leonardo Da Vinci is buried here. The castle inside is so-so. But there were some discoveries. I discovered the inscription “Vovan” on one of the windows inside the castle. “In a public Parisian toilet there are inscriptions in Russian” (c) Vysotsky.

Angers(r). Former capital Duchy of Anjou. Town of 137,000. Pleasant. It takes 1.5 hours to get around the center. An absolutely majestic castle with a super park located inside the former fortress moat. We walked around Angers in the evening. We bought wine in Spar and went to our room to drink.

Still not enough time

Day 4 (Angers - Puy du Fou): walking tour of Angers. Optional package*: trip with a visit to the Puy du Fou (approx. 65 km), a famous theme park with amusement rides and historical performances in which spectators are transported back to the times of the gladiators ancient Rome, brave Vikings and Musketeers of Richelieu, can walk around the medieval town and become a participant in the siege of a medieval castle. In the evening return to Angers.

In the morning we were taken to the place where my family and I walked yesterday :), we were put on a bus and taken to Puy do Fou. At the entrance, everyone was given a card with the show schedule... And away we go :) Game by station - that's what they called it in the pioneer camp. :))) A crowd that runs from one stage to another and manages to sit down, watch, empathize and enjoy it is something. :) Moreover, in the Colosseum for gladiator fights the capacity of the arena was 7 thousand, and in the Resilier Theater 5 thousand. In addition to all sorts of shows, this is just an opportunity to be in nature, see stylized villages, the work of craftsmen in them, run under the fountains, etc. I liked it more than Disney... But as always there wasn’t enough time. We should have arrived a couple of hours earlier, or left a couple of hours later. It's better to arrive early and leave later :)

The day ended with a bottle of 2004 red Burgundy. :) Experts will now say: “Bullshit”! And for me it’s “Will do”!

"A mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod"

Day 5 (Angers - Paris - Aquaboulevard): Free time. Return to Paris (approx. 240 km). Add. package* - evening visit to Aquaboulevard.

Oh yeah. Free time began at 6 am on May 1st. I went to take pictures. I was surprised to find a plump 12-year-old teenager at the first intersection, taking a nap at a table with lilies of the valley. Seeing me, he perked up: “Bon Jour, monsieur...” and began to babble something. The answer he received was: “I don’t speak French!” in the language of Pushkin and Lermontov. The boy fell into a stupor, and all that came out was “Ah!” Then I filmed for a long time... I walked back along the other side of the street. A young lady of about 30... To her tirade I answer: “Sorry, madam. Non parle vu Francais.” In response - a smile from ear to ear and again in pure French 5 sentences. I switch to English. I'm telling you the same thing. And in addition, I am sending something about the difficulty of living in France without knowing the language. The smile again and the phrase about the French “tradition”. Already in Russian I say that I “don’t need this” and “orevoir”... After 200 meters at SPAR, a group of 4 people aged 10-20 years begins to move towards me. Preemptively, I tell them: “Sorry, guys! I don’t speek French” and without slowing down I pass this patch... They tried to tell me something in French, but I don’t understand a damn thing about it :).

Then there was the road to Paris. Stop at Chartres. A very beautiful cathedral. May Day demonstration of workers with slogans of the need to “go left.” They are the ones who sympathize with the socialists.

We checked into the same hotel as before. On the floor with Toulouse-Lautrec. We moved in and quickly took the metro to Aquaboulevard. What is this? This is something like the Transvaal. I had never been to such a water park before - so there was nothing to compare it with. The water is highly chlorinated. That's the only thing that irritated me. Place for good family vacation. A swimming pool with all sorts of waves, jets, etc., a paddling pool, a bunch of slides, all sorts of jacuzzi, etc.

"We cross it out!"

Day 6 (Paris): free time. In the evening, a boat trip on the Seine (10 euros for adults, 5 euros for children under 12 years old).

This day has become a shame for us in May. Why it was stolen - because the price of the trip did not decrease, and the trip was one day shorter. We knew about this. For a long time they tried to understand which day would not be in the program, and three days before departure it finally became clear. It turned out how much the wife paid for the trip later. :) Well, God bless them. But in principle, this day was not enough for complete happiness.

"Smiling Angel"

Day 7 (Paris - Metz): transfer to the city of Metz (approx. 330 km) - the capital of the Lorraine department, a small town that has absorbed two completely different cultures: French and German. Hotel accommodation. Walking tour of the city of Metz.

The morning started traditionally with a photo shoot... I went to cut a circle according to Montmartre. The main desire was to look at Sacre Coeur. Wish
came true. I can only say one thing: if anyone is in Paris in that area early in the morning, go up to the observation deck at Sacre Coeur and you won’t regret it.

Paris in the morning resembles a big trash can. At least the places where I walked. There are a lot of garbage collection machines and street cleaners. Janitors in green uniforms. Their brooms are also green. I wanted to sit down in some cafe and drink coffee and a croissant for an hour, but... But. Traditionally there was no time.

At 9 we were already on the bus. For there was a big move to Metz. On the way, we waved at the turn to Disneyland, listened to the production of champagne and about the First World War with the Maginot Line, and rolled into Reims. Another cathedral. But what! In it, all but two French kings sat on the throne. And it also has a Chagall stained glass window. And the most important thing. I saw a smiling angel. Don't believe me? Go to Reims. Afterwards there was a purchase of champagne, cognac and other souvenirs. (Info: A bottle of Veuve Clicquot costs 25 euros. On the Moscow-Tula highway, an identical bottle costs 2850 rubles as of the day before yesterday.) (May 15, 2006)

Then we reached C&A. This is of course not an Armani boutique, but we are happy with everything there :) (by the way, a boutique is a shop (fr)). The child immediately grabbed a T-shirt with a picture from Ice Age 2. (In the sanatorium, where he was delivered the day before yesterday for ped. experiments, the T-shirt was appreciated by the local
population). In the end, tired but happy (the first time we managed to go to something other than a grocery store!) we made our way to the bus and spent half an hour waiting for the three careless assholes who were always late everywhere.

IN Metz arrived quickly. We settled down and looked around the area. Cathedral. A few more stained glass windows by Chagall. Chapel of the Templars. Roman temple. Mosel. Monument to Verlaine. Fast food, where we stopped, and the French could not really explain anything. Streets, alleys. A lot of people at tables on the streets. Just a super cute town. We went to the hotel, and we bought wine in Reims.

!Goodbye, our affectionate Bear...!

Day 8 (Metz - Luxembourg): transfer to Luxembourg (approx. 60 km). Flight to Moscow.

In the morning I went to shoot. There are so many other interesting things there. Just "Wow!" The Moselle in Metz is very beautiful.

I could hardly see the road to Luxembourg. There we were all allowed to go shopping. I left the people at C&A. He left with the camera. Because everything I shot on the first day, I miraculously lost.

The first time we managed to sit in a cafe. How immediately it was felt that it was not France. Because the waiter very quickly found mutual language. I accepted the order in a minute, first deciding on the language. :) He didn’t know Russian, we settled on English. The coffee was very good. I haven't had something like this in a while.

At the airport in Luxembourg local people organized a circus with horses. Ausweiss control passed through 1 booth. And God knows how they let us on the plane. Right down to “women and children go first.” Knowing the love of our Russian people to spit on the whole line and get through first, I was still upset... Our people are strange after all...


We decided for ourselves that for now we don’t want to go to France anymore. Just check the box to indicate your visit.
Update for today: But now for some reason I want to go to Paris... For more. Just walk around, stare, eat croissants, click the camera.

Good afternoon

After Disneyland, you need to decide on the coast where you want to relax.
This is either the Côte d'Azur (Mediterranean Sea), stretches from Toulon to the Italian border, through Cannes, Nice, Monaco and Menton. It is located 900 km from Paris (1.5 hours by plane). Main resorts:
Saint-Tropez today is a luxury resort with luxurious private beaches and a port where you can rent a yacht. You can visit the 16th-century fortress and the Impressionist Museum Annonciade. And, of course, everything is provided here for daytime and nighttime entertainment. 870 km from Paris, 112 km from Nice, 100 km from Marseille.
Les Issambres - small Southern City located on the seafront between Saint Tropez and Saint Maxime.
Cannes is a city of luxury hotels that hosts the world famous film festival every year. In its port you can rent luxury yachts and boats, in the surrounding area, visit Grasse, the Fragonard perfume factory, historical Museum region and Saint-Paul-de-Vence - a place of rest and work for impressionist artists. The historical center of the city is very beautiful. In addition, for entertainment: discos and nightclubs, private beaches, gastronomic restaurants, bars.
Nice is a world famous resort city with ancient history, 25 km from the Italian border, with international airport. In the old town around the port you can visit the cathedrals of St. Reparata and St. Jacques, the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the former palace of the Dukes of Savoy (now the Palace of the Prefecture) and the castle they built in the 20th century, as well as the Chagall and Matisse museums, and Roman ruins. In the new city there is the famous Promenade des Anglais with palace hotels. For entertainment: casino, opera, theaters, cinemas, beach, all water and underwater sports - 993 km from Paris, 30 km from Cannes and Monaco, direct train 7 hours, direct plane 1.5 hours, city 30 minutes from the airport (by car).
Monaco and Monte Carlo - Belongs to the royal Grimaldi dynasty since 1297. Today it is a prestigious holiday destination, famous for its luxury hotels with private beaches, casinos, expensive restaurants and shops... In addition to the royal palace, several medieval houses have been preserved. You can visit the botanical garden, established in 1913 and famous for its exotic plants, and the anthropological museum. 950 km from Paris, 20 km from Nice.
And there is still the Atlantic coast of France:
The Atlantic coast of France is famous for its wide sandy beaches, but there is a problem with the ebb and flow of the tides: in some areas the sea can extend 1 km from the coast.
Biarritz is one of the most famous resorts on the Atlantic coast. The wide sandy beaches of Biarritz stretch from two rocky outcrops - Cape Saint-Martin and the Athalay plateau to the famous northern beach of Chambre d'Amour ("chamber of love").
Brittany - Brittany beaches are especially good in small coves hidden among the rocks. However, the water level in the sea here changes very noticeably. Therefore, vacationers swim mainly during high tide, and during low tide they mainly collect shells and crabs, which the sea, retreating, leaves on the shore. The tides are especially strong in the northern part of Brittany. The sand on the beaches of Brittany tends to be “dragging”.

Come for permanent residence in France with a child - it's very correct solution. Because it is in France that there is a high standard of living, it is here that you can provide the necessary level of care for your child, and the state will do everything to ensure that your child grows up healthy and prosperous.

In addition, there are great cultural opportunities here, opportunities for getting education at the very high level. If you decide move to France for permanent residence and take your child with you, then from the very beginning you are laying the foundation for his happier destiny.

But even from the first days of life, you can provide your child with significant cultural potential, because Paris, for example, offers a large number of possibilities of how you can spend time with your child so that it is interesting for both him and you. If you decide to buy an apartment in Paris and then you will have the opportunity to culturally enrich your child almost every day, and he will get great pleasure. So, let's talk about where to go with a child in France and which places are most popular among the French.

Libraries in Paris

The library is, of course, one of the most developing places for a child. But a note to those who are going to the library here is not at all an old building with an elderly librarian and dusty shelves, where it is unbearably boring. Here, as a rule, there are special tables for children so that the child can sit down and read a book, as well as various toys; the library often hosts competitions and much more. In any adult library there is always a children's room, so that a child can be left there for a while and he will have the opportunity to look through or read books on topics that interest him, and have an interesting time.

It’s not difficult to sign up for the library; you just need to come there with your passport or any other document. On the city hall's website you can find a list of all the libraries in Paris and choose the one that is closest to you geographically - or the one that best suits your wishes.

Game libraries in Paris

Not everyone in Russia knows what a toy library is. And this is a place where hundreds of toys are collected at once! And the railroad, and dozens of dolls, and cars, and soldiers, and a large number of construction sets, and, finally, high-tech toys that shoot, spin and twirl, and are capable of flying and swimming. All this will undoubtedly captivate your child, and you will spend absolutely symbolic money to take your child to this children's paradise, while many toys cost hundreds of euros. Your child will be able to use all this for free and choose new entertainment every time. You will be able to buy him just a couple of toys at home, you will not step on these toys everywhere and always, the toys will not be thrown away every week as they “wear out” - and at the same time no one will say that you are a bad parent, but most importantly, your son or daughter will be absolutely delighted. During their childhood, thousands of planes, steamships, dolls and construction sets will pass through their hands, and you won’t have to buy all of it. Agree, it’s even somewhat enviable - you probably didn’t have such a childhood. However, every parent will undoubtedly want to provide their child with toys and joy. So it's worth coming live in France for permanent residence, so that you can do all this without extra money and without extra effort.

Children's cafes in Paris

Of course, they exist not only in Paris, but also in other French cities. But especially in Paris. Do you think that if you have a child, then your whole life consists of diapers, toys, home and baby food? Never mind, you will be offered special "children's" cafes. This is both a cafe for children and a cafe for those with children. If your child is of a conscious age, then he will be taken to the same playroom, where nannies and animators will look after him, and you can sit quietly, drink coffee or wine, and enjoy chatting with friends. If the child is still small, then you can entrust him to professional nannies who will provide such simple but important procedures as rocking, feeding, changing diapers, and so on. And you, again, will be able to relax and recharge with positivity. Although taking care of the baby is, of course, the sacred responsibility of parents, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to throw off this burden for at least forty minutes, to feel like a free person who can afford a cafe, a movie, get-togethers with friends, and so on. This greatly helps to recharge with positivity and gain strength and optimism for the next stage of difficulties and troubles of parenting.

If your child is already old enough, he will also be offered a sweet treat or tasty healthy lunch, but at the same time you can calmly dine in the next room without children squealing, squeaking and running around. Thus, life in France- this is really caring about both children, so that they are interested and comfortable, and about parents, so that they remember that they are not only parents, but also just people. Who also need rest and calm communication.

Cinema for children in Paris

Yes, this is also provided! You can send your children to the cinema where they will be shown their favorite cartoons or movies that suit their developmental level. In this case, parents can be present with their children in the hall, or they can leave them with qualified teachers. In general, in France, a child is not raised in the spirit that he can call his mom or dad at any moment and they are obliged to rush to his call immediately, like an ambulance. On the contrary, the French child means that mom and dad have their own lives, that if they want to go to the cinema, go on a visit, or even just watch TV, then he has no right to not let them in with his groundless whims, crying, doing nothing. a justified call. His parents teach him that they are ready to do anything for him if necessary, but if he is left with a nanny, grandmother or teacher, then he needs to behave with dignity and calm, learn to find a common language with these people and not perceive his parents as servants or slaves, and to treat them with the utmost respect. In Europe, there are now strong trends in the so-called juvenile justice, when the interests of the child are put first, but it must be said that many French psychologists and teachers do not welcome this. If a child learns to respect his parents and puts himself below them, then he grows up to be a person capable of respect, and if he does not respect and puts himself above them, then he most often grows up to be an egoist. One can argue with this, but, at least in France, there are many opportunities to teach a child to entertain himself to a greater or lesser extent on his own, and this is not only not cruel, but also allows him to largely lay the right guidelines in his mind.

Attractions for you and your children

It's not true that an amusement park will only be interesting for children, it will be interesting for you too! Paris has hundreds of options for outdoor entertainment, from the Ferris wheel to fun carousels, zoos, dolphinariums and aquariums, swimming pools and anything else. If you go to such a park, you can calmly spend the whole day there, and neither you nor your children will say later that you were bored. This is truly a great opportunity to spend a weekend with the whole family, so it is not surprising that many French people go to the amusement park in the morning and return from there only in the evening. In general, representatives of the French nation, although they are rare homebodies, always try to get out somewhere with their family on the weekend.

If you are interested in specific places where you can relax in Paris, then, again, there are always special thematic maps. If you are going, then make sure to get them from the very beginning, because this will make it much easier for you to decide where and how to spend the weekend. At the same time, each time you can come up with and implement a new scenario, and this is interesting and useful for your child.

Playgrounds in France

For every child, not only mental development, but also physical development is very important. For this reason, you will have the opportunity to go with your child to the playground. There you can play a variety of games with the whole family, from golf to football. At the same time, the organization of children's fun at a high level, of course, is also here, you can count on the children being divided into teams and they will play with each other, honing the skills not only of the game itself, but also of teamwork and communication with each other. If you want to play together with your child, then there are family games that will be no less exciting for you. As always, a large selection in such things is exactly what you can count on if you are going. There are also “interest clubs” from childhood, so that you can teach your child, for example, swimming, volleyball and other sports. You can always consult with an instructor or teacher who will determine what your child is more inclined to do and what it is better for him to improve his skills so that he not only has fun, but also spends his time profitably. Well, outdoor recreation, naturally, can be considered one of the best options.

Museums for children and adults

Museums in France are another reason why you should. Usually a museum is associated with something boring, with some ancient shards and exhibits that cannot be touched with your hands. But this does not apply when we are talking about museums in France! Because there is an extremely expanded concept of “museum”, so everyone can choose exactly what suits them best.

Along with the usual museums of paintings (albeit also interesting), there is, for example, a science museum for children, where in a form accessible to the child they will be told about many things that they did not know. The child was tormented by constant “why is the sky blue?”, “why is the grass green”? There is no escape from this, but give him to specialists in such a museum for an hour or two - and they will explain everything to him in the most accessible form for him, but without losing the scientific nature of the explanations. And your child will learn very early about atoms and molecules, about the laws of gravity, but not from boring lectures, but from visual experiments and models, so that the exceptional ability of the child’s mind to remember will not be lost in vain!

The Museum of Evolution is able to show how life developed on earth. You, just like your child, will be extremely interested in looking with your own eyes at the huge fossil mammoth bones, as well as at models and stuffed dinosaurs, reptiles, snakes and crocodiles, whales and dolphins, animals and birds, in order to understand how great the diversity of life is on the ground. Not a single child, and not a single adult, will remain indifferent after seeing all this splendor! This is not only interesting, but also extremely useful. Again, a preschooler learns about the animal world not from some dubious sources, but from illustrative examples and explanations of guides.

Finally, the museum of musical instruments will be of interest to those interested in music. And again - the whole set: from a primitive primitive pipe to the most modern concert settings. And all this wealth can not only be seen, but also touched, and sounds can be extracted from the instruments, which will be interesting to everyone.

There are also interesting and exotic museums, such as the Sewerage Museum in Paris. And in the Principality of Monaco there is a museum of the water world, which is a giant aquarium with hundreds of sea ​​creatures. Naturally, you should go there. Even if you haven't decided yetbuy an apartment in Monaco, but you can definitely visit this wonderful place. There you will get a lot of impressions that you will remember forever.

How to come to France with a child

If you want to come to France or come to Monaco for permanent residence, then you will need to prepare a fairly large number of documents. A visa is required for a child or several children in the same way as for adults. This is not so easy to do. However, everything can be simplified if you decide not to do such things yourself, but entrust everything to professionals, for example from the company Cofrance. This will ensure that you can travel to France without any problems and that both you and your children will live here in accordance with all the rules.

Another thing that is important not to forget is medical insurance policy in France. This policy allows you to receive medical care every time you need it. And if you are traveling with a child, then naturally the likelihood of needing such assistance increases significantly. If you take care of this in advance, then we can say with confidence that you will do the maximum for yourself and your child.

The Mediterranean coast of France is so multifaceted that everyone will find something they love and even like: sandy and pebble beaches, cozy chateaus and luxury hotels, vineyards and mountain serpentines, medieval castles and modern architecture.

Holidays in the south of France with children are very comfortable: children's menu There are many restaurants, children's playgrounds are located on almost every corner. There are convenient passages for strollers, many gently sloping beaches and fairly calm seas. However, besides the sea and beaches, there is plenty of entertainment to keep you busy. So, a list of “important” things to do.

1. See a Tibetan bear and a family of giraffes from the car window
in the Safari Park of Sigean (Réserve Africaine de Sigean)

Safari Park "Sizhan" consists of two zones. The first zone can only be viewed by car, where from the window you can see roe deer, lions, bears, giraffes, rhinoceroses and other inhabitants in their natural habitat. Just remember, stopping and rolling down your windows is prohibited! The second part involves walking around the zoo. Flamingos, elephants, kangaroos, zebras, crocodiles and other inhabitants also live in fairly spacious conditions.

2. Overcome the storm on an interactive ship
at the Mare Nostrum Aquarium

Mare Nostrum features a variety of fish and other marine life, interesting exhibits, panoramic aquariums. Together with your children, you can feel like captains of a ship caught in a storm, or explorers of the depths of the sea on a bathyscaphe. And your child, like my daughter, will be able to “pet” stingrays.

3. Walk along the trails of the Amazon forests
at the Montpellier Zoo (Parc zoologique de Montpellier)

The vast territory of the Montpellier Zoo houses more than 50 species of animals: white rhinoceroses, lions, bears, giraffes, lemurs and many others. But the main adventure awaits you in the Amazon pavilion.

4. Find out how HARIBO gummy bears are made
at the Museum of Candy (Musée du Bonbon)

This museum is very popular with children. Still would! After all, there are many interactive exhibits here, and you can also seal your own bears in the packaging. You definitely won’t leave the company store empty-handed.

5. Feed the rabbits

at the Minifarm (Le Petit Paradis)

My daughter gets great pleasure from visiting such mini-farms, where you can visit rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, ducklings, pet them and feed them. There are also sheep, horses, donkeys, pigs, and cows on the farm. Children can ride a pony, explore the lake on a boat with their parents, jump on trampolines, play mini golf or simply have a picnic in nature.

6. Feel the charm of France,

settled in a small chateau

For at least 2-3 days, it’s worth getting away from the sea and the tourist bustle and settling in a cozy chateau or an old house among vineyards and fields with grazing horses. Here you will plunge into the atmosphere of the 18-19 centuries, you will live and have breakfast in a museum setting, you will be able to chase chickens and geese around the yard and take a long walk along the seemingly endless vineyards. We were very impressed by visiting a small castle, and my daughter kept repeating that she was a princess. Even the behavior has changed better side:). As they say – noblesse oblige! (literal translation - “noble origin obliges.”, ed.).

There are many offers for renting rooms in ancient houses and entire castles in France; they can be found on hotel booking sites.

7. Pet the lemurs

at Kid's Island (Marineland)

If you have never seen a show of dolphins, killer whales and sea lions, then you will have to fork out for the entrance to Marineland Park; in fact, there is nothing else to do there. We found the show not as spectacular compared to Loroparque in Tenerife. But the child clearly liked the Kid’s Island amusement farm. Goats, cows, horses, donkeys, large playground and obstacle course, pony rides, steam locomotive, boats. In addition, you can visit the lemurs and, if you’re lucky, pet them.
You can spend the whole day at the Aquasplash aquapark: there are many attractions, including for children over 3 years old, sun loungers and a cafe, but during the season there are quite a lot of people.

8. Spend the whole day

in the Principality of Monaco

It’s worth spending a whole day on a trip to the prince’s estate, because in addition to the famous Oceanographic Museum, there are beautiful gardens (Japanese and exotic) where you can relax pleasantly in the shade of trees; small zoo, various museums. Along the promenade near the pool in the La Condamin area there are many children's attractions (crawlers, climbing frames and even go-karts). You decide for yourself whether it is worth visiting the collection of antique cars of Prince Rainier III, since even the streets of the principality are filled with very interesting exhibits.
Sights of Monaco – on the website http://www.visitmonaco.com.

9. See exotic birds and plants

in Phoenix Park (Phoenix Parc Floral de Nice)

In the Phoenix Park, near Nice, you can spend several hours walking around large territory botanical garden. In addition to various plants, animals and fish from all over the world, including exotic ones, there are places to relax near fountains, miniature waterfalls, and on the lake shore. While we were resting, the child chased ducks and chickens along the paths. A very pleasant place to visit with children.

10. Catch candy and panama hats

at the finishes of stages of the Tour de France

Almost every year in July, some stage of the Tour de France multi-day cycling race takes place in the south of France. If you are lucky enough to be nearby at this time, be sure to visit one of the finish lines.
In addition to meeting the finalists of the cycling stage, here you can get a souvenir of the event. For several hours before arrival, spectators are given candy, panama hats, all sorts of keychains, pencils, and flags. The passage of an advertising caravan of decorated cars with large sculptures is more reminiscent of a carnival. To our surprise, our daughter was delighted with catching the gifts, she tried to catch them herself and kept asking if anyone else was coming. So, the Tour de France turned out to be a fun holiday for the whole family.
Details and plans for the bike race – http://www.letour.fr.

And that's not all interesting places in the south of France. There are also ancient buildings of Nîmes and Arles, the Pont du Gard aqueduct, the medieval fortresses of Carcosonne and Gruissan, museums of Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso, flea markets with all sorts of things, the jazz festival in Nice and so on. You can talk for a long time, but it’s better to see all the splendor of France with your own eyes. Bienvenue en France!

Larisa Melnik

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