Is there life inside the earth? What is at the center of the Earth? Internal structure of the planet

Some time ago, the theory of the hollow Earth appeared on the Internet in videos and various articles. It says that inside the earth there is space, a second sun, and maybe even life.

In this article we will take a closer look at whether this is true.

First, we suggest you watch the video to understand what we are talking about:

1. At the very beginning of the video, various places are shown supposedly “underground”.

Indeed, there are various caves, tunnels, etc. But this does not at all prove the emptiness of the Earth.

This is the same thing if you prove this theory based on the fact that there are mines that extract coal, and therefore form a void under the Earth, and this is proof that the Earth is hollow. Brad, isn't it?

By the way, these photographs are from the film “In the Cave of Crystals”, if you are interested, “Google” it has nothing to do with this theory.

2.The government and the church know the truth and are hiding it.

And as soon as the heads of the rulers contain all the truth that needs to be hidden from the population - the hollow Earth, UFOs, the end of the world, etc. Probably, the government itself no longer knows what it has to hide.

In fact, it is not economically beneficial for anyone to hide such a truth. This is the same as hiding how much two and two are.

3. Gravity.

If the Earth were hollow, then its weight would be very small and would hardly be able to keep the moon in its orbit, unless of course it is also hollow.

4. Relatively thin layer.

For 4.5 billion years, large asteroids fell on our planet; if it were hollow, they would certainly pierce right through the earth’s crust. And this necessarily created an “entrance to another dimension” that could not be hidden.

5. Volcanoes.

As everyone knows, volcanic lava is magma. In this theory, instead of magma there is emptiness, or there is very little of it, because Our planet is still relatively small in size.

6. Inner sun.

Let's assume this is true. Then due to what forces of nature it is kept in the middle?

7. Only military satellites fly over the pole.

As you know, satellites transmit television, Internet, and cellular signals. Why should satellites fly over the poles, where the population tends to zero due to extreme cold? What signals will they transmit?

8.Google maps hides a portal to another dimension with a black dot.

Open Google map and see that there are no black dots there. Just snow. What else could be at the poles?

9. Portal in Antarctica and old photos of holes.

Installation of a portal in Antarctica.

Low-quality photoshop, it even looks crooked and unnatural.

In the case of the Antarctic video, this is low-quality editing, and the old photos are photoshopped.

You can find out what the Earth actually looks like from space by watching the video, which, by the way, is much more interesting and enticing than various pseudoscientific nonsense:

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Scientists first detected the signals on October 30, 1999, using advanced Earth satellites. Although the transmissions are carried out in the form of a complex mathematical code, scientists have no problems deciphering the messages, the same source said. But he categorically refused to reveal the essence of the message of the “underground inhabitants.” However, he added that experts cannot determine the exact location of the underground civilization. It is clear from the radiogram that its authors are well aware of both our past and our present.

"The theory that the Earth may be hollow inside appeared in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century. I declare that the Earth is hollow and inhabited inside. It contains many solid spheres, concentric, lying one inside the other, and is open at the pole from 12 to 16 degrees,” Clive Simms wrote to members of the US Congress on April 10, 1818.

Simms' main idea was that the Earth's crust is no more than a thousand miles thick. It is “inhabited” and can be accessed through large openings at the North and South Poles.

Simms attempted to prove his theory by leading an expedition to the northern hole with the intention of claiming the interior of the Earth as US property. But he was never able to raise the necessary funds for his expedition and died in 1829.

However, the idea of ​​a hollow Earth proved surprisingly tenacious even after Simms' death. Leonhard Juler, for example, proposed the concept of a small "sun" several hundred miles in diameter, floating in the center of the earth and supplying the interior inhabitants with much-needed heat and light.

"Geologist and writer Sergei Obruchev in Sannikov Land also expressed the idea of ​​​​the possible existence of an oasis in the Arctic, where there could be an entrance to Plutonia - underworld another of his books. The idea of ​​a hollow Earth also made the English astronomer Edmund Halley think. Trying to explain the movements of the magnetic poles of our planet, he suggested that several spherical shells, inserted into one another, rotate inside it. "

Even the mathematician Leonhard Euler spoke about the existence of one shell with holes at the North and South Poles. This structure of the Earth, in his opinion, ensures its stability.

Benevolent "theros" and evil "deros"

An ardent supporter of the theory of the hollow Earth was the famous Helena Blavatsky, who argued that the interior of the Earth is the kingdom of the Secret Masters - benevolent sages who possess enormous occult powers and control the destinies of mankind.

In the early forties of the 20th century, a certain Richard Shaver published a series of astonishing stories about his adventures in a vast network of underground caves, the total area of ​​which exceeds the area of ​​​​all continents on the surface.

Shaver explained that his contact with the mysterious underground inhabitants began when he heard strange voices speaking to him while he was working as a welder on an assembly line. Later beautiful girl from the inner Earth led him to one of the entrances to the “underworld”.

The Hollow Earth, according to Shaver, is inhabited by two races: the benevolent "theros" and the evil and more numerous "deros". Both peoples are supposedly descendants of the Atlantean superrace, who left the surface thousands of years ago, when a sharp increase solar activity made her uninhabitable. Doomed to live in underground caves dug with the help of advanced technology, the theros managed to maintain a certain sense of discipline, while the deros completely indulged in vice. Some of them live in constant debauchery, enjoying the “sex rays” produced by the so-called “stimulation machines.” Others enjoy torture: luring women from the surface, raping them, and then, having lost interest in them, flaying them, roasting them and eating them. The deros derive great pleasure from causing trouble to the surface world with the help of sophisticated weapons, causing plane crashes and other crashes, or even causing the unfortunate victim's brain to boil in his own cranial fluid.

Immediately after the publication of Shaver's stories in Amazing Stories, the editorial telephone literally heated up: dozens of readers claimed that they had also been to the underworld. One woman, for example, said that while she was in an elevator in the basement of an office building in Paris, she mistakenly pressed the down button:

“The elevator suddenly fell below the basement, rushing through space as if a cable had snapped. After a rapid fall, apparently several hundred feet, the elevator stopped with an unexpected tilt... A loud, unpleasant sound from outside penetrated my terror-stricken brain. The elevator door was torn off with a crash, and I saw the most terrible beast in the world... He had a pale, grayish face. His short, twisted body was covered with thick, coarse hair. His eyes? Piglike, insensitive to emotion, sparkling with vicious lust. The creature was fat, almost swollen. Terrible scars were visible almost all over his body. He had no neck, so his head sat directly on his muscular shoulders.”

The narrator claimed that it was “deros”! She spent a month in a cage with other women, most of whom were in miserable physical condition, and was periodically raped by one or more of her captors. The poor people's lives were saved by the Theros, who drove away the kidnappers and returned the women to the surface.

Mysterious tunnels

In the 50s and 60s of the last century, trying to understand where UFOs were coming from to our planet, scientists again remembered the theory of the hollow Earth.

Due to the fact that it is difficult for humanity to imagine how representatives of other civilizations make long flights from other planetary systems, the temptation involuntarily arose to try to find the homeland of the aliens somewhere closer. If we assume that flying saucers emerge from a cavity inside the Earth, penetrating to the surface through hypothetical openings at the poles, then the problem of overcoming huge distances disappears by itself, as well as the need to allow intelligent life on other planets. Instead of millions or even hundreds of millions of miles, imaginary alien aircraft, having bases in the intra-earth cavity, must travel only a few thousand miles.

Enthusiasts also argued that intra-earth civilization was disturbed when humanity began to experience atomic bombs, and sent flying saucers to monitor how events were developing.

Modern Polish researcher Jan Paenk states that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. They are literally scorched into the earth's firmament, and their walls are a frozen molten rock - a kind of glass. Such tunnels have been discovered in Ecuador, South Australia, the USA, and New Zealand. Flying saucers fly along these underground communications from one end of the world to the other... Paenk even managed to find a miner in New Zealand who reported that while driving drifts, the miners came across two such tunnels, but someone gave the order to urgently concrete these holes .

The legendary city of Secret Masters

In early 1970, the Security Research Service environment at the US Commerce Committee provided the press with photographs of the North Pole taken from the ESSA-7 satellite. In one of the photographs, the North Pole was covered by a normal layer of clouds, while in another, a certain area was cleared of cloudiness and a huge black hole was discovered in the place where the pole itself should be.

Ufologist Ray Palmer, after publishing a photograph of a huge black hole at the North Pole, publicly announced the possible existence of an underground supercivilization, which can be reached through holes in the North and South Poles.

To support his version, he also cited the results of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd's expedition to the North and South Poles.

Byrd is known to have been a prominent aviation pioneer and polar explorer and led a program called Operation High Jump, which surveyed approximately 3.9 million square kilometers of Antarctic territory.

In January 1956, after completing his last expedition to Antarctica, the rear admiral reported that he had covered 3,700 kilometers while flying over the South Pole. Shortly before his death in 1957, Byrd called the circumpolar region "the enchanted continent in the sky, the land of eternal Mystery."

For supporters of the hollow Earth theory, Byrd's story was confirmation that the Earth has a shape at the poles that is somewhat reminiscent of a cheesecake - with depressions that go to an unimaginable depth in the bowels of the planet and connect there, forming a through hole from pole to pole.

However, from a geographic point of view, you cannot fly 3,700 kilometers over the South Pole and not see the surface of the ocean below you. Therefore, according to the logic of the Hollow Earth theory, Rear Admiral Byrd must have fallen into the monstrous funnel of the hole, and then into the Great Unknown of the earth's bowels. Presumably, during the flight he passed by a secret UFO base created by mysterious inhabitants the legendary city of Secret Masters. Apparently, Bird saw its reflection in the Antarctic sky.

...New Zealand planetary scientist David Stevenson recently caused a stir in the geological community by proposing to launch a probe not into space, but into the heart of our planet.

What is the essence of his proposal? It is necessary to dig a tunnel in earth's crust, pour 100 thousand tons of molten metal there, the mass of which, thanks to gravity itself, would constantly deepen this tunnel, taking with it a probe the size of a grapefruit.

This probe could make measurements and transmit information using acoustic waves. The principle that David Stevenson hopes to apply is the exact opposite of volcanic eruptions that throw molten lava onto the Earth's surface. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to bring Stevenson’s idea to life...

Incredible facts

The history of mankind remembers many strange theories about our planet. However one of the most durable There was a theory according to which there is emptiness inside the Earth.

To be more precise, it is not exactly emptiness, but a cavity, a piece of paradise that can be inhabited by animals and people. Probably the easiest way to believe in this theory is for those who want such a utopian place to exist somewhere on our planet...

Judging by the number of followers, many would like to escape from the routine of our lives to this very place to lead there a more enlightened life full of fantastic discoveries. However, modern scientific facts speak not in favor of the hollow earth theory.

Be that as it may, many people are still willing to believe in the existence of a world within our world. Although some ideas supporting the theory of the existence of an inhabited cavity inside our planet are clearly not from this world...

Hollow Earth theory

Holes on poles

In 1906, a writer named William Reed published his book "The Phantom of the Poles". In this book, the author shared your personal feelings regarding the evidence for the flat Earth theory, which he considered irrefutable.

In an interview with a newspaper, Mr. Reed said that this theory allows "the most in a natural way explain the flattening of the Earth at the poles".

Reed sincerely believed that the cavity ran straight through the poles. Reed also stated that "sunlight that passes through the hole... appears among icebergs and snow, illuminating them like real gem crystals".

Perhaps due to the poetry of this image, Reed’s ideas found many like-minded people. At least his books are still considered classical teaching among those who believe in the possibility of the existence of a cavity in the center of our planet.

Nine icebergs from the center of the Earth

One of the most extravagant theories presented to us by supporters of the idea of ​​a hollow Earth states that icebergs come to this world from the center of our planet. And while many struggled with this idea, as they say, to pull it over their heads, the same William Reed declared that it was absolutely sound.

Here's what he told The Sunday Times: "Icebergs form inside the Earth; then float away from the poles, moving in a circle, before floating outside in the ocean.".

It seems that today modern adherents of this theory would give a lot to to admire this grandiose action! If it were not for the conspiracy of scientists and the government, hiding from everyone the existence of another world inside the Earth...

Cellular cosmogony

By 1908, newspapers around the world had already made enough of the flat Earth theme. At the same time, the American herbalist and alchemist Dr. Cyrus Teed appeared in the field of view of readers, who spoke in such a way that scientists fooled people.

According to Teed, people did not live on the outer side of the planet at all. Actually, The structure of the earth was supposedly more like a cell(meaning a living organism), and we humans lived inside this cell.

The world inside a given cell is everything that surrounds us. There is absolutely nothing around our planetary cell. The sun, of course, is in the middle of the cell, at a distance of about 6,400 kilometers from us.

Three atmospheric environments surround our Sun, including one made of hydrogen. Thus, we cannot observe the fiery disk by itself. We see only a local accumulation of solar energies, which are located at a distance of about 1400 kilometers from us.

The center of the earth is inhabitable

The idea of ​​a hollow Earth was hotly debated until the 1900s. A newspaper article in 1884 announced that Americus Simms, the son of American army officer and hollow Earth proponent John Cleaves Simms Jr., was going to give a lecture on the theory.

His father published a small pamphlet in the early 1800s in which described in detail exactly how everything works there, inside the Earth. John Simms Jr. died in 1829, but his son not only continued his father’s work, but also advanced beyond it.

In that very lecture, Americus named the names of three people who allegedly had already visited the center of the Earth and met the people living there; they also discussed the language these people speak and the characteristics agriculture this inner world.

Because the globe is hollow...

While arrogant scientists spoke disdainfully about the hollow earth theory, about which there was a fuss in the newspapers, some religious people nurtured their belief in the possibility of the existence of a cavity inside our planet.

In one of the articles of 1893, one such interpreter of the theory stated that the Lord God does nothing in vain. And that, they say, it made little sense for the divine principle to create a continuous Earth.

In order for this deep thought to reach the readers, the author asked: "If the Earth were solid, and more solid towards its center, would the insides of animals on Earth would not be denser than their shell? What was the point of strengthening it with ribs, unless for the purpose of protection from enormous external pressure?

Solid Earth is too heavy for its orbit

Many of those who have spoken out in support of the hollow Earth theory have used as evidence for their arguments only one reasonable "scientific" conclusion, which challenged the possibility of a solid Earth orbiting the Sun.

For example, in 1905, the famous supporter of the hollow planet theory, George Ipson, in one of his lectures on the topic of an alternative structure of the Earth, argued that if the Earth were not hollow, then it would be impossible for it "maintain your position in celestial space".

Ipson also believed that the poles had huge holes through which sunlight passes through, illuminating the inner world. He believed that in order to get there, all you need to do is "go down by air transport under the strict control of the pilot and then you will get to the desired place".

What's at the center of the earth

Now the Northern Lights make sense

Some of the scientific theories that emerged in the early 1900s were logical enough to fool Hollow Earth believers. Take, for example, a theory that reveals the secret of the origin of the northern lights.

According to the statements of those who in those years unconditionally believed in the existence of a cavity in the center of our planet, the northern lights are nothing more than "reflected lights from the interior of the Earth".

The logic is simple: the interior of the planet is filled with crystals that reflect sunlight towards the cavity. Accordingly, the assumption that the lights of people living inside the Earth are also reflected back in such a way that we can see them in the sky also makes sense.

German theory

For many, it will not be news that there are numerous confirmations of Adolf Hitler's adherence (and many other German “figures” of World War II) Hollow Earth theory (the so-called Hollow Earth Doctrine).

Nowadays, another, no less crazy theory has appeared (you can find out a lot about it on the Internet). According to this theory, Hitler even escaped into this very cavity, where, in fact, he lives happily to this day.

The truth, most likely, is that the leader of the Third Reich simply did not downplay the significance of this theory. Like many other fantastic ideas. A 1954 article published by a Sydney newspaper reported that "Hitler accepted this theory, as well as fortune telling, astrology and the ability to locate enemy ships on a map using a pendulum."

In other words, the authors wanted to show that for Adolf, obsessed with mysticism, it was common to believe various theories, even the craziest ones. For true flat-Earthers, confusing the theory with fortune-telling diminished its significance.

The theory is still popular today

Even today, many people continue to believe unconditionally in the possibility of a hollow Earth. In this context it is interesting relatively recent story of Dallas Thompson, a so-called flat Earth researcher and former sports coach from Hawaii.

In 2002, Dallas appeared as a guest on the most popular radio talk show in North America at the time, Coast to Coast AM. In his interview, he reported that he had a near-death experience, as a result of which he gained knowledge of a flat Earth.

Thompson spoke about his plans to equip an expedition to a hole in one of the planet's poles in 2003. At the end of July 2002, the man published a book called "Cosmic Manuscript", in which he shared many of his theories with readers, and then... disappeared without a trace.

Any curious person who decides to find out what is at the center of the Earth will be upset. Because even academic science does not know what hides the inside of our planet. There are any number of versions about the structure of the Earth, but, alas, there are no facts to confirm them. There is confusion and vacillation.

That’s why some pundits are even inclined to believe that our planet is hollow and inhabited inside! The famous traveler, geologist, agreed to tell us how everything really is, head of the expedition “Russian Biogen” Alexander Borisovich GURVITS.

- Alexander Borisovich, so what is under our feet?

- It’s a paradox, but none of the living people can answer this question. Meanwhile, it is extremely important to penetrate into the true picture of the structure of our planet. After all, the solution will allow scientists to understand the laws natural phenomena flowing in the depths of the Earth. And knowledge of these laws will make it possible to predict natural disasters in advance, because tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis are just an echo of the planet’s deep processes.

Over the past 25 years, the rampant nature in one form or another has affected a good half of the world's inhabitants. The number of deaths from natural and technical disasters increases annually by 4.5%, victims - by 8.5%, and economic losses - by 11%.

The difficulty of predicting disasters lies in the fact that all attempts to penetrate deep into the Earth were unsuccessful: drilling stopped at a depth of 3 km, further advance became impossible due to emissions of ore gas. The deep drilling method made it possible to penetrate 12.3 km into the bowels of the Earth, despite the fact that there were still as much as 6,300 km left to the supposed center.

— What stopped you from drilling a well to the center of the Earth?

— Attempts to penetrate under the Earth’s mantle have been made more than once. The first two ultra-deep wells were drilled in the state of Louisiana in North America. Pragmatically fearing possible emergency situations, project managers equipped the well with meter-diameter casing pipes going to a depth of 1 km. And next to the drilling rig, a special concrete plant was erected, which in the event of an accident would supply a quick-hardening solution into the casing pipe.

Up to a depth of 9 km, drilling of the well proceeded as usual. But then problems arose: signs of internal pressure began to appear, and the drilling fluid was “contaminated” with hydrogen sulfide. The drillers began to joke that they had reached the underworld. And then, as if to confirm their words, molten sulfur fell from a depth of 9.6 km from the well. The explorers began to lose consciousness. Fortunately, automatic protection worked. The emergency shutters closed. And the concrete plant supplied a special solution to the casing pipe - the well was closed.

— Have our scientists tried to get to the underworld?

— All these experiments took place in the last century, and, of course, the USSR could not help but respond to the challenge. But domestic drillers also suffered the same sad fate. While drilling the Kumzha-9 well on the Pechora River in the Arkhangelsk region, despite the favorable forecast of geophysicists, a powerful fountain of gas, oil and drilling fluid unexpectedly erupted from a 7-kilometer depth from the wellhead. So much so that the drill simply flew into a zone of abnormally high reservoir pressure.

Pipes from the drilling rig scattered in different directions. A fire started - a torch 150 meters high ignited. It was impossible to get closer to the well. As a result, the torch was extinguished only with the help of underground nuclear explosions. After extinguishing the fire, a 76-meter rock appeared at the site of the drilling site: this clay drilling fluid froze and, under the influence of fire, turned into ceramics. It’s a pity that this monument was later demolished.


Oil products are still oozing from the griffins of well No. 9.

— Has no one ever managed to penetrate deeper into the bowels of the Earth than 7-8 kilometers?

- Well, why? The most instructive example for geologists, geophysicists and even biologists was the example of an ultra-deep well on the Kola Peninsula near the village of Nikel. The so-called SGS-3 set a hitherto unsurpassed world drilling record to a depth of 12.3 km. The location for the mine was chosen by a special institute of geophysics, and at SGS-3 itself Soviet years 520 people worked. (Today there are about 50 of them left.)

According to preliminary data, the miners had to bring to the surface samples consisting of basalt, and the deeper, the denser the mineral should have been.

Taking into account the weather conditions of the Arctic, a closed cover in the form of a bell tower 102 meters high was built over the drilling rig. All working areas of the drilling rig were automated and mechanized in the best possible way, and telephone and radio communications were established between all departments. And the “bell tower” was equipped with microphones.

Up to 7 km drilling proceeded as usual. The only “but” was the increase in temperature. The surprises began at a depth of 7.5 km. The temperature in the bottom, where the drill was in direct contact with the basalt, increased to 100 degrees, and the density of the samples raised to the surface decreased by 20%. This most definitely indicated approaching the voids. After analyzing the samples, geochemists discovered hydrogen and helium in them, and biologists discovered unknown bacteria. Since the bacteria were dead, they were called aerophobic, that is, afraid of air.

Suddenly the drill jammed tightly. Immediately we began sinking the second shaft. And at a depth of 8 km the temperature had already risen to 120 degrees. The basalt became porous, the number of bacteria increased and... another accident. But no one dared to stop drilling, because the issue was about the prestige of the state. Instead of ordinary steel pipes, they began to use new ones made of high-strength steel, the drill was made of molybdenum, the diamond grains were replaced with the artificial material elbor, which was superior to diamond in fire resistance, strength and hardness.

Finally, the seventh well bore reached a depth of 12,240 meters.

And then the inexplicable happened. At night, when only the engineer on duty, a mechanic and an electrician were nearby, the drill jammed again. The machine fell silent, and the ensuing silence was broken by a strange noise from the well. Something very quickly climbed up the trunk from the depths of the Earth to the surface.

Suddenly there was a slight bang and... something flew out of the casing. Each of the three witnesses to this event saw something different: a shadow, a cat and a bat. At the same time, the incomprehensible creature swore loudly, rose in a spiral to the top of the drilling bell tower, and then, gliding back down, darted into the well.

— Maybe people just dreamed something because they were overworked?

“Everything could have been attributed to hallucinations if not for the microphones that recorded the incident from beginning to end. This extraordinary event was reported on Mayak radio, and a small article describing the incident appeared in the Trud newspaper. And note, all this happened in the USSR in the 1980s! By the way, everyone can listen to this “recording of the underworld” - it is posted on a special English-language website on the Internet.

- Unfortunately... nothing. The mining team was disbanded, and all registration records were sent to Gokhran. Until 1992, they still tried to continue drilling at SGS-3, but it was not possible to go beyond the 12,262 m mark.

- But why are all explorers of the depths of the earth haunted by failures, where does the root of evil lie?

— In all cases of ultra-deep drilling, the miners acted competently and professionally. The error lay in the initially controversial hypothesis about the structure of the earth's interior. After all, in fact, the scientific and instrumental study of the structure of the Earth began only at the beginning of the 20th century - with the development of the science of seismology and with the invention of the seismograph, which records vibrations of the earth's surface.

American scientists G. F. Reid and H. Reid hastened to put this new technology into practice. And as a result of long observations and numerous experiments, they came to the conclusion that light rocks lie on the surface of the Earth, and heavy rocks in the depths.

- Looks logical.

— Yes, this scientific interpretation of the structure of the upper layers of the globe really pleased geologists, mineralogists and petrographers. And the fact that rock samples were delivered to Reid’s laboratories from mines only 300 meters deep did not bother anyone. No one looked deeper then anyway.

— Did everyone really agree with the Americans’ statement and none of the scientists even tried to challenge it?

— Of course, there were such scientists. One of them is the world-famous academician Vladimir Obruchev. He developed the theory of the hollow earth. But by that time the Reid-Reid concept was firmly established in geology. So Obruchev was able to talk about the hypothesis only on the pages of his novel “Plutonia,” which, by the way, was very popular in the USSR. So, according to Obruchev, the Earth is not a homogeneous body, but a hollow ball, inside of which a dwarf floats in weightlessness - little sun, which is hundreds of thousands of times more dense than basalt!

- Yes, but we all know from our school geography course that the Earth’s core consists of iron and nickel, which create a magnetic field around the planet...

- Yes, this is still taught in school today. However, university professors add that in the core there are also nuclear reactions, which in theory should destroy the magnetic field. It turns out that the Earth is a cooling and calming ball, and periodic volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are the last convulsions of the planet.

- So Obruchev was wrong?

- Just the opposite. He was close to solving the mystery of the Earth's core like no one else! However, we must admit that the hollow Earth theory is not new. In the 17th century, it was already voiced by Edmund Halley, who argued that our planet consists of three spheres nested within one another, which could well be inhabited. And in the 18th century, the greatest mathematician of all times, Leonhard Euler, solving the equations of celestial mechanics, calculated that the Earth is hollow.

— Which version seems the most interesting to you?

— Until experimentally verified results are obtained, it is impossible to talk about anything definitely. But, on the other hand, today it is already clear that modern fundamental theories raise more questions than answers. And yet, the most attractive is the theory of the German physicist and geologist Peter Pohl, who for many years tried to create a unified theory of the origin and development of the Earth.

His version looks like this. Initially, there was a certain energy-information sphere. A frame was formed around it, on which matter subsequently synthesized, magma appeared, and the planet acquired a body. The further development of the Earth followed the principle of a multilayer pie. First, the atmosphere and the earth's crust are formed, separated by emptiness. Next comes the inner mantle, followed by the outer one, then again the earth’s crust, where you and I live, and again the atmosphere.

The most interesting thing is that the inner layers may well contain mountains, rivers, forests, and mineral deposits. And there may be several of these layers themselves. So the legends about gnomes who went underground may well turn out to be reality. By the way, Pol’s version very organically incorporates many theories of the structure of the planet - both Western and domestic. Paul even suggested ideal locations for drilling entrances into the Earth's interior. In his opinion, they are located in the region of the North Pole, where the layer of magma is either very small or absent altogether.

— And yet, what is the verdict of scientists today: what does the Earth hide inside itself?

— Not so long ago—in the 1990s—a new direction appeared in physics—etherodynamics, which considers the ether as the next level of matter organization after elementary particles. Ether, as you know, was “abolished” by theoretical physicists at the beginning of the 20th century - and in vain. Because from the point of view of new science, ether is a real gas that can and should be studied, and much can be explained in this way.

According to the latest developments in ether dynamics, our planet is in constant energy-information exchange with the Universe. It has already been proven that light from stars flies to the Earth from all over space, which is converted by solar panels into electrical energy. Together with it, a stream of protons, or proton gas, which scientists call the ethereal wind, comes to our planet. Through faults in the earth's crust, through cracks in the lithosphere, it penetrates into the womb of the Earth, and it... grows!

Its weight, according to some sources, increases by 500 tons every second. Of course, due to this, the distance between the continents is also increasing. It has been proven that every year America moves two centimeters away from Europe. Therefore, fans of ether dynamics are convinced that the Earth is filled with dense ether inside and is hollow.

But closer to the surface, plasma is formed from dense ether - fragments of atoms that form the plasmasphere, which, in turn, creates minerals floating in the magma or mantle. Well, then - in full accordance with the school curriculum - there are the plates of the lithosphere, on which you and I live.

Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV

We have collected many messages, testimonies, legends, and beliefs that say that our Earth is hollow and there is a “living world” inside it. This has been proven by many authors, and we treat their arguments with the same attention with which we meet any other “heresy” or, on the contrary, the conclusions of scientific orthodoxy. However, we must admit that we are much less interested in evidence than in antiquity. this kind views on our planet, their recurrence in different periods of human development, and those phenomena with which ideas about the hollow Earth are associated.

Plato is considered the first theorist of the hollow Earth. This idea was also put forward by Leonard Euler, a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, who argued that the Earth is hollow and there is another sun inside it. The idea of ​​a hollow Earth was championed by the English Astronomer Royal Edmund Halley, who suggested that the leakage of the Earth's inner atmosphere was the cause of the northern lights.

Mystics of Tibet still believe that underground there are the legendary Shambhala and Agharti - “mystical centers of sacred tradition”, which are mentioned by F. Ossendovsky in the book “Beasts, and People, and Gods”. The traditional location of Agharti, where the keepers of the tradition live, is considered to be Tibet or the Himalayas. There are legends about underground passages that connect Agharti with outside world. Ossendovsky and N. Roerich wrote about the underground and aerial apparatus of the inhabitants of Agharti.

Nowadays, the Internet is “flooded” with videos in which some researchers categorically assert the existence of another biological species inside the Earth - reptilian humanoids!? In addition, it is hypothesized that the earthquakes that are increasingly occurring on our planet are artificial.

According to one version, there is another civilization on the planet besides us - its habitat is the depths of the Earth. Allegedly, the Earth is not a ball, but a sphere, hollow inside, which can be accessed through entrances located at the North and South Poles or through numerous tunnels, the network of which covers the entire Earth, including the ocean floor. The older and deeper the tunnels (there are tunnels that are millions of years old), the more perfect their design. Under Malta there are vertical, incredibly smooth tunnels lined with polished obsidian stone. NASA specialists allegedly discovered underground cities and a network of galleries in places such as Altai, the Urals, Tien Shan, Tibet, the Sahara, and South America. The tunnels are laid to Antarctica and connect to one of the main tunnels leading to the center of the Earth!?

This kind of information is questionable. At the same time, is it possible to consider authentic the photographs of the North Pole taken in 1968 by the American spacecraft ESSA-7, which show a huge black hole in the North Pole region? And what is the hole, like a giant funnel, going deep into Antarctica, which is located between the American base, the South Pole and Russian base"East" at approximately 84.4°S and 39°E?

Are there or have there been human or other beings beneath the surface of our planet, perhaps connected to significant depths? Many of the ancient civilizations were based on the idea that such creatures actually lived underground, being the guardians of treasures and greatest secrets, which only a sorcerer with a magical gift could force them to reveal.

Initiation into the secret meant that the candidate had to descend into a treasury located deep underground, and there would encounter underground inhabitants who were as monstrous as the most terrible creatures in H. Lovecraft's novel. Naturally, the meeting with such monsters was not in vain: people either went crazy or became prophets (sometimes both happened to them).

The creatures that inhabited the underground kingdoms, for example Tartarus or Hades, were presented as a mixture souls of the dead and elemental spirits, whose world had many points of contact with life on the earth’s surface. If you believe the ancient myths and legends at all, there once was quite intense communication between the lower and upper worlds, so that people could move from one to the other.

Here it would be appropriate, for example, to recall one ancient Irish legend, which claimed that once in ancient times between the miles ( ancient name Irish), on the one hand, and local people Tuatha de Danan, who allegedly possessed magical art, - on the other hand, there was a struggle for the right to own the country. In the end it was divided between them, and the victors, the Miletes, took the upper half for themselves, expelling more ancient people to a country that was underground. There the latter united with the dwarves and in this guise appear before all generations of the Irish.

In world folklore, descent into “underground storerooms”, as well as encounters with creatures from the bowels of the earth, are familiar subjects. Every time we look for evidence to support this, we come across the greatest and best-kept archaeological secret, namely, the existence of a vast, inexplicably extensive system of tunnels, partly artificial and partly natural, beneath the surface of a large part of our planet.

Everywhere in Britain and Ireland one encounters legends, stories and relics associated with the underground pathways that connect ancient sacred sites in every region of these countries. Baring-Gould's book Mountain Castles and Cave Buildings in Europe contains amazing information about the extensive structure of caves and tunnels under the surface of France and several other countries. IN troubled times Europeans sought refuge underground.

For what purpose were such shelters created? Their original mystical purpose was somehow connected with the conjuration of spirits or creatures that lived underground, in the so-called "lower world." Harold Bailey's book "Ancient England" (1919) contains information obtained from the first travelers through the great tunnels that pass under much of Africa, including the tunnel under the Kaoma River. The underground travelers said about this last one: “It is so long that the caravan took time from sunrise to noon to pass through it entirely.”

1976, July - a message arrived about an expedition financed by the military department and going to South America, to the Andes, with a dual purpose: on the one hand, to explore the mystery of the “technically impossible” ancient stone cities high in the mountains and, on the other, to study the vast network mysterious tunnels that are said to run under the entire Andes mountain range.

If we wanted to prove the existence of an animal world located under our own, it would not be difficult for us to point out the “entrances” to the underground kingdom, and at the same time we would not lack evidence of past contacts between people and underground inhabitants.

It was in order to confirm the ancient beliefs about the hollow Earth that William Reed wrote his book “Ghost Poles” in 1906. At the very beginning of the book, he stated: “I am sure that the Earth is not only hollow, but that all or almost all explorers have spent a lot of time behind the last line of the Earth, thereby looking into its interior.” Each of the poles, as Reed tried to prove, has a large hole into which all polar explorers are involuntarily drawn. Many of them, including Peary, Franklin, Nansen and Hull, penetrated quite deeply into the depths of the underworld, and Reed found much evidence of this in their notes, which, in his opinion, confirms the theory he put forward.

For example, take their reports about the warming of the atmosphere as we approach the poles, about polar areas covered with greenery and teeming with animals, about trees and vegetation floating far from their known areas of growth. These messages are compared by the author of the book with cases of incorrect behavior of the magnetic compass needle and with the facts of the northern lights observed in these areas (in his opinion, they were a reflection of light coming from the bowels of the earth). All these phenomena, Reed believed, prove the existence of the internal world of the Earth.

Authors of later times also, and with no less enthusiasm, tried to assure us of the truth of this version. Much has been written, in particular, about Admiral Byrd's strange air expedition to Antarctica, during which, on January 13, 1956, the radio announced that the expedition had penetrated an area located 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole. After the second flight, the admiral made a mysterious statement: “I would like,” he said, “to see the land beyond the (North) Pole. This land is the center of what is called the Great Unknown."

The editor of the American magazine "Flying Saucers" Raymond Palmer tried a lot to promote the theory of a hollow Earth, showing that its inner sphere is a much more likely source of mysterious glow and UFOs than space. The patriarch of “ufology,” Brinsley Lepoer Trench, relatively recently also became an adherent of this theory, as evidenced by his book “The Mystery of the Ages: UFOs from Underground.”

In it he painted a creepy picture, giving vent to a kind of artistic paranoia. The author has suggested that many of the phenomenal phenomena we encounter have their origin in the underworld, and hints at evidence he has that the underground inhabitants may already be busy preparing a military operation against the surface world.

There is much of general interest in the Hollow Earth theory, but in this age of satellites we cannot underestimate the power of military secrecy, and we have no doubt that much has been taken out of the official records of Admiral Byrd's expedition. Speaking seriously, phenomenalists are convinced that there is a certain relationship between the formation of cracks in the earth’s crust and the appearance of monsters, phantoms and all kinds of mysterious lights.

Loch Ness, by the way, is located on a geological fissure running through Scotland, and the monster from the Bolinas swamp in California lives precisely on the fault line running north of San Francisco (another monster lives in the same territory - the hairy Bigfoot ").

The Flying Saucer Review magazine has already published several articles that indicate the attractiveness of geological fault areas for UFOs. It seems to us important that this accumulation of phantoms around gorges and caves, these traditional gates to the underworld (maybe they are actually needed for passages in both directions). If we assume, as so many crazy people and great people have done before us, that the underground world has its own life, sometimes intersecting with the surface one, then a whole series of anomalous phenomena will immediately become much more understandable.

And for those who are too timid to admit the existence of a hollow Earth, we present the reasonable answer that William Reed gave to his own question: “What evidence do we have that the Earth is not hollow?” This is what he replied: “We have no evidence - neither direct nor indirect. On the contrary, everything indicates that the Earth is hollow.”

To say that living beings can live below the earth's surface is simply to break open doors. The mole is an underground dweller, like the worms on which it feeds. The question is what living creatures and how deep can sink below the surface of the Earth. And this depends on the conditions existing in various places the globe, at various depths.

For now, let’s leave aside the “darkness of low truths” and consider the legends associated with the underworld. They arose a long time ago and completely naturally. Of course, below the earth's surface there are many underground halls connected by long passages and corridors. Such natural voids in the bowels of the earth are usually called caves. Their formation is due to the fact that water, seeping from the surface (including along the planes of geological cracks and faults), erodes and dissolves some rocks - limestones, dolomites, gypsum - and slowly cuts, or rather, washes its way.

The longest cave studied to date is Mammoth Cave in Kentucky (America). It has (according to 1978 data) a system of halls, galleries and passages (taking into account only those mapped) with a total length of 181.44 miles (about 300 km). The deepest cave (more than 1300 meters) is located in the Pyrenees, near the border of France and Spain. The size of the underground halls can be judged by the fact that in Spain, near Malaga, a stalactite was found - a natural stone “icicle” hanging from the ceiling, up to 60 meters long, and in France a stalagmite is known - a sinter formation growing on the floor of a cave, - about 30 meters high.

Legends about giant monsters that lived in such caves are also not without historical basis. Many, especially predatory cave dwellers, were characterized by gigantism: cave lion and the cave bear were significantly larger than their terrestrial relatives. Now they are completely extinct, but our ancient ancestors could have met them and preserved dark memories not only in legends, but also in genetic memory.

So, a very small, inexperienced and trusting kitten is frightened by the smell of a dog, and a city dog, living quite happily, is horrified when it accidentally stumbles upon a wolf’s footprint during some out-of-town trips with its owners.

Nowadays, many living creatures live in caves, temporarily or permanently: people (in particular, cave explorers - speleologists), birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, fish, arthropods and others. The permanent underground inhabitants are characterized by a lack of pigmentation and almost complete loss of vision.

There is a special science about caves - speleology, which so far, more than any other, relies on the truly heroic enthusiasm of its workers. A speleologist must be a mountaineer, a scuba diver, a biologist, a geologist, and have a lot of absolutely necessary knowledge and personal qualities. Even today, exploring caves involves enormous risks. What can we say about the ancient enthusiasts who went into this underground world and did not always return back?

How the size and interior decoration of the underground palaces must have shocked the imagination of people who found themselves in these depths at the dawn of civilization! By the way, it should be recalled that caves were the first human habitation.

Artificial underground galleries and halls are most often associated with the extraction of minerals, and in particular building stone (for example, the famous Odessa catacombs). Since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs and ancient Greeks, underground corridors began to be laid, along which one could pass from one room to another or, having deceived the enemy besieging a castle or city, emerge from the ground in his deep rear and suddenly strike in the back.

Colliding somewhere in the Andes or Southeast Asia with grandiose temples, palaces, pyramids, built from giant blocks or carved into monolithic rocks, it is not without reason to assume the presence of quite extensive underground passages near them.

Ideas about gigantic riches hidden in caves are also not without foundation. Firstly, about treasures hidden by people. Of course, it is much safer to hide chests with looted or - much less often - earned treasures not in the attic, not in the wall of the house, which can burn down or be destroyed, and not even in the basement, where robbers can also get into, but in a secret place, known only to the owner underground room.

However the bowels of the earth There are also other natural treasures. After all, it is from underground that people have been extracting many minerals for almost three millennia. Punching with great difficulty a mine or adit, say, to a gold mine?

The beauty of the underground halls is truly amazing. The New Athos cave near Sukhumi is specially equipped for visiting by excursionists. And even though all her fabulous jewelry is formed by simple calcite, they are unforgettable.

Here it is necessary to recall that it is in the ground that most peoples of the world lower their dead, believing in their possible afterlife. Here are the origins of legends about the underground “realms of spirits,” including hell with its braziers and devils. After all, it was from under the ground that lava splashed out and hot ash flew, covering entire cities. Who, if not the devil, can manage such an “economy”?

J. Michell

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