Energy inspection of communal heating boiler houses. Energy inspection of the boiler room

As is known, combustion of materials occurs in the obligatory presence of oxygen or air (which contains oxygen). As a rule, natural gas is used as fuel (approximately 65% ​​of boilers in Russia operate on gas), low-sulfur fuel oil (diesel oil), high-sulfur fuel oil (20%) or coal (10%)). In an ideal process, the fuel burns completely. The completeness of fuel combustion can be judged by the products that are produced during the combustion process and thrown into the chimney. Gas analyzers are used to analyze the composition of the emitted mixture.

Inside the boiler, fuel is mixed with air in a certain proportion, forming a combustible mixture. It is known that ideal combustion occurs when there is 0.4 (zero point four) parts of air per 1 (one) volume fraction of fuel. If there is not enough air, the fuel will not burn completely; if there is too much air, there is an excessive consumption of fuel consumed by the combustion unit to heat the excess air, while excess oxygen is formed in the exhaust gases. Both of these reduce the efficiency of the boiler, that is, to achieve the required temperature of the coolant (water or steam) at the outlet, more fuel has to be consumed. Therefore, gas analyzers, despite the fact that they are expensive, pay for themselves quite quickly, since with proper combustion, the fuel savings are noticeable in monetary terms. In addition, in Russia, for setting up one boiler with the issuance of a regime card*, companies involved in setting up charge from 20,000 rubles. and higher. For example, a gas analyzer in a standard kit costs approximately 33,000 rubles. The adjusters will recoup the cost of purchasing the device in two site visits.

Portable gas analyzers are designed as follows. Inside the device there is a pump (pump) that pumps the sample through sensors, each of which is tuned to a specific element (gas) located in the mixture of exhaust gases and interesting from the point of view of analyzing the correct combustion. For example, when the fuel does not burn out (that is, when there is a lack of air in the fuel-air ratio), carbon monoxide CO (carbon monoxide) is formed in the exhaust gases (in the pipe), and when burning fuel oil and coal, sulfur dioxide SO2 is also formed. An excess of air in the combustible fuel-air mixture can be judged by the high concentration of oxygen (O2) in the exhaust gases. In addition, the exhaust gases contain nitrogen oxide NO, the concentration of which also depends on the correct combustion. There are environmental GOST standards for the NO value (as well as for the SO2 value), which all boilers must comply with. Thus, another function of the gas analyzer is to control emissions of the above toxic gases into the atmosphere, and therefore control air pollution. In addition, the Special Inspectorate for Analytical Control (former nature committees - ecologists) require boiler owners to have either a gas analyzer that measures NO (if gas is burning) and SO2 (if fuel oil or coal is burning), or a corresponding document (regime card) about setting up the boiler. Their absence sometimes results in a fine.

In addition to the pump, gas analyzers have a sampling probe, which is placed into the gas duct through an opening in this gas duct, which is usually found on all boilers. The end of the probe is located at the point of exhaust gas sampling - approximately in the middle of the diameter of the flue. Since flue ducts come in different diameters, probes therefore come in different lengths. At the sampling point on the probe there is a thermocouple for measuring another important parameter - the temperature of the exhaust gases. The lower this temperature, the more heat the combustible fuel-air mixture transfers to the pipe with water, the higher the combustion efficiency.

Fuel-air ratio on boilers Russian production and on some foreign boilers it is adjusted manually; the air supply valve is adjusted using special valves. On modern imported boilers, the air supply valve is controlled by software using a computer. This adjustment (manual or computer) actually consists of tuning (adjusting) the boiler. When adjusting the fuel-air ratio, the concentrations of O2 and CO in the exhaust gases and their temperature measured by gas analyzers are minimized.

Often in Russia, imported boilers with computer-controlled fuel-air ratio are not adjusted at all, although, if you follow the recommendations of the developers, these boilers should be adjusted for exhaust gases using a gas analyzer. In Russia, many manufacturers also mess around by adjusting their boilers “by eye” according to the color of the burner flame, however, this method is inaccurate.

Electrochemical sensors (cells) installed on gas analyzers have a certain service life, independent of the intensity of use of the device. English cells have a service life of 2.5–3 years. Replacement of sensors, as well as periodic (once a year) verification of devices are carried out at service centers.

In addition to adjusting the combustion process, a common task during an energy audit of a boiler room is to determine heat loss from the boiler wall through the lining. It's about, naturally, about rather old, Soviet-made boilers. These heat losses are calculated based on the measured temperature and the determination of hot and cold areas of the wall. It is most convenient to use thermal imagers for such measurements. If the wall or its sections are very hot (the maximum value of heat loss, in theory, should be regulated in the boiler passport, however, it is not always indicated, therefore, experienced installers determine overheating themselves), you can suggest replacing or improving (updating) the lining, most likely a crack has formed inside it, and part of the thermal energy escapes through the wall into the surrounding air, which, of course, reduces the efficiency.

A large number of natural zones in Russia and the CIS, as is known, causes differences in climate between individual areas, so questions are often asked related to measurements in conditions of negative temperatures (below -5 o) or temperatures above +40 o C. For example, when performing work in open boilers in Ashgabat on July 5, 2004, the ambient air temperature on the sunny side exceeded +45 o C. During operation of the gas analyzer, some sensors failed, the device was turned off, moved to an air-conditioned room, after some time it was turned on again and taken to the measurement object . After short-term measurements (about 10 minutes) and storing the readings in memory, the device was turned off again and placed under the air conditioner. During the construction of a boiler house on the archipelago New Earth the situation was the same, only instead of a room with air conditioning there was a warm room, and instead of plus 45 there was minus 20.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the boiler room is the most important energy facility in the economy of an industrial enterprise or housing and communal services service. Its correct and meaningful use will help not only preserve physical and psychological health citizens, but also to prevent the very possibility of stopping the most important strategic lines of the enterprise.

*operation card is a form that is filled out when releasing or commissioning a boiler. It displays parameters measured using gas analyzers.

We offer comprehensive services for energy surveys. In our company you can order an inspection of a boiler room or other facility, receive qualified assistance from specialized specialists and complete all necessary documents. We offer the most favorable terms of cooperation and affordable prices for all types of services provided.

An energy audit of a boiler house is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law. Upon completion of the inspection, an energy passport is developed and filled out.

Service price - *from 20,000 rubles.

*To clarify the cost, please call!

We work throughout Moscow and the entire Moscow region, travel to other regions is possible.

Features of energy audit of boiler houses

Boiler rooms are rightfully considered one of the most complex objects of any organization or enterprise. Thanks to high level energy consumption, they also have the highest energy saving potential.

The energy audit procedure is aimed at solving a wide range of problems, the main one of which is optimizing energy consumption. Among other research objectives, the most significant are:

  • collecting information on current energy consumption indicators;
  • calculation of potential energy savings;
  • development of a personal program of energy-saving measures.

The procedure and methodology for conducting energy inspections at boiler houses is regulated by the provisions of Federal Law No. 261-FZ.

Stages of energy audit

Energy audit of boiler houses is a complex, comprehensive process. The verification procedure itself can be divided into four main stages:

  • documentary research;
  • instrumental and visual research;
  • analysis of collected information;
  • preparation of reporting documentation.

At the first stage it is studied project documentation and the results of previous examinations. Afterwards, a series of instrumental measurements is performed and a visual inspection of the object being tested is carried out. The data collected during the audit is systematized and analyzed.

The final part is the preparation and execution of documents. During any energy audit, at least two documents are developed: a technical report and an energy passport. At the same time, a separate passport is not provided for boiler houses. Information about the condition of boiler houses is entered into a number of relevant applications and subsections of the energy passport of an organization or enterprise.

Internet - Report

V.A. Kozhevnikov, MPEI (TU)

From the experience of examining heat supply systems in cities and regions of our country in recent years There is a growing trend in electricity consumption for the production and transmission of thermal energy and coolant. This trend is expressed in terms of growth in specific electricity consumption and electrical power. The accumulated material from energy surveys allows us to state the facts and requires an in-depth analysis of this situation, and in each specific case individually.

About electrical equipment of heat supply systems

Dynamics of growth of specific electricity consumption in recent years in

heat supply systems ranged from 5 to 8% per year. Thus, at many objects in different regions, it was noticed that over three years, 2005-2007, this increase ranged from 17 to 27%. Of course, the growth of the specific indicator is not unlimited, however, the very fact of growth in electricity consumption in heat supply systems is already alarming. This trend is accompanied by an increase in the consumption of electrical power, expressed by a decrease in the power factor of the consumer and in the power system.

Against the background of rising fuel prices and an increase in electricity tariffs by 2.5-3.0 times, planned by the Government of the Russian Federation in the next 4 years, it can be assumed that the share of costs for paying for primary resources in the structure of heat prices will increase in an increasing progression. This will affect not only heat tariffs, whose growth can reach 3.5-4.0 times, but also its purchasing power, and accordingly the revenue side of centralized heating supply structures (the consumer is forced to refuse the services of the DH system in whole or in part ), which entails adverse consequences.

There are quite a few reasons for the current situation, but some elements have common features. Among them:

– change or non-compliance with the normal operating conditions of the heat supply facilities themselves (for example, the lack of plans for preparing facilities for the non-heating period and economically feasible schemes for switching heating networks and sources),

– wear and tear of electrical receivers and electrical networks, poor quality maintenance,

– incorrect choice of electrical receivers and incorrect settings of automation,

– errors in accounting for electricity consumption and its distribution, both in the power system and at the electricity consumer,

– lack of normal metering of electrical power and loss of control over applications for electrical power,

– changes in the structure of thermal energy consumption, thermal and hydraulic loads of networks;

– violations in the management of electrical facilities of objects (lack of seasonal electrical diagrams switching, shutdown of compensating installations, imbalance of assemblies, changes and miscalculations in the configuration of power supply circuits),

– change in climatic conditions.

In heat supply structures, there is often an opinion about the priority of the tasks of heat supply to consumers, which in some places has led to ignoring the growing problems in the electrical equipment of heat supply facilities and to the disbandment of qualified electrical personnel. This is facilitated by the imperfection of the regulatory framework of a whole range of problems and the stagnant understanding of the electricity consumption of heat supply facilities.

The most common measures to improve energy efficiency, which have become widespread in recent years, are energy savings by replacing lighting, installing variable frequency drive devices and automating technological processes. It should be noted that the share of lighting in the balance of electricity consumption is very small (up to 5%), VFD devices do not always justify themselves, and automation requires qualified maintenance. Therefore, more often we have to deal with a situation where personnel only monitor the timely shutdown of lighting, the VFD leaves the operating mode and the personnel switches to direct power supply to electric motors, the automated process control system does not use all the possibilities, the automated power supply system has not been put into operation or is in a formal form, about management there is no representation of loads and group switchings.

Paradoxically, in heat supply systems the potential for irrational use of electrical power can be estimated at a third of its total consumption, i.e. more than 30%, of which electric motors account for 22% (see technical and economic analysis below), lighting - up to 3% and higher, in power supply management - 7-10%.

The volume of electricity consumption by municipal heat supply systems (except for networks powered by thermal power plants of JSC-Energo), according to estimates of various institutes in the country, ranges from 61.5 to 70.0 billion kWh per year as of 07/01/2007. and continues to grow. By 2010 it will amount to 84.0 billion kWh. If we accept the indicated potential, corresponding to a third of the volume of electricity consumption, then it is estimated at 23.3 billion kWh in 2008. will exceed 25.2 billion kWh, and in 2010 will reach 28.0 billion kWh. For comparison, countries with a population of up to 10 million people have a total annual electricity consumption in the GDP balance of less than 25.0 billion kWh. Of course, Russia is a northern country with a cold climate, nevertheless, such figures are worth thinking about... It is clear that not all of the potential can be realized in practice, but reducing it by half is a realistically feasible task.

At the same time, it should be noted that the reduction in specific electricity and power consumption and the normalization of power supply are accompanied by a reduction in heat losses, expressed by fuel savings in boiler houses and at electricity generation sources. A set of organizational measures to improve the accounting of fuel consumption, electricity and heat supply can have a beneficial effect. Automated accounting systems undoubtedly contribute to monitoring the metering data of energy resources, loads and capacities in a complex of circuit solutions, but you should not miss out on the capabilities of automated process control systems.

OJSC VNIPIenergoprom is developing a fairly wide range of measures to reduce electricity consumption. Some methods require coordinated interaction between heat supply, electricity and city and district administrations.

Thus, the model of reactive power compensation (RPC) at a supply voltage of 0.4 kV for heat supply facilities using the example of an “energy grid” made it possible to estimate the consumption of the reactive component of electrical power in the range of 23.3-33.7%, which corresponds to the levels of normalization Cosφ in the borderline ranging from 0.945 to 1.0, comparable with the conclusions of other institutes and the results given below from the technical and economic analysis. Of course, uneconomical pumps make the greatest contribution to the reduction in power factor.

The implementation of the “energy grid” method for reactive power compensation in the power system is directly linked to tariff plan consumer area and implies the use of electrical inputs of boiler houses and central heating stations as a large-scale grid covering the entire city or region, usually under the control of one or a limited number of energy supply structures. But it is advisable to consider the tasks of reactive power compensation simultaneously with the tasks of releasing electrical power.

The prevailing methods of releasing power are replacing pumps and electric motors with energy-efficient ones, replacing lighting with energy-saving ones and installing automatic control valves, which is carried out at the final moment, and these measures themselves must be accompanied by an additional set of measures and procedures. Since modern facilities are equipped with metering devices, frequency converters and soft starters, process controllers, dispatch units, computerized automated process control systems and automated control systems, combustion automation, modern lighting equipment, etc., the electronic base of which requires high quality power supply, balanced phase load, equalized voltage and pure harmonics, it is advisable to retrofit reactive power compensators with electrical filters.

As an example, Figure 1 shows a Cosφ graph; readings were taken on a thermal station transformer on the 10 kV side. The reactive power compensation mode is not turned on, but technical measures and switching were carried out to eliminate the imbalance in the station network, up to which the Cosφ readings were in the yellow zone, in the range of 0.76÷0.86.

Another point worthy of serious attention: transformer substations of heating supply facilities at 6 and 10 kV, as a rule, have an overestimated installed capacity, which is often evidenced by their load factors - 5-20%, the capacities of which are capable of taking on loads and being used with greater benefit for the needs of cities and settlements. But additional loading of transformers at the expense of sub-subscribers is prohibited, which makes these objects a burden of operation. This situation has developed in heat supply systems throughout the country and can be “untied” in various ways, from replacing transformers with modern ones with lower installed capacity and power redistribution schemes, to the adoption of regulations that allow the maintenance of sub-subscribers and regulating forms of calculations and accounting for electricity and power consumption .

Let's take a look at the problem of growth in specific electricity costs and electrical power consumption of centralized heating systems from the other side. Tracing the trends of the last decade, we can say that this result was caused by excessive centralization of heat supply systems and frequent rejection of the principles of development of decentralized systems, or rather, their incorrect interpretation and determination of the principles of development, combination and interaction of both systems. At the same time, this stage was accompanied by the transfer of heat consumption from the networks powered by the thermal power plant of JSC-Energo to the networks of centralized heat supply structures of the municipal energy sector, to which sources from industrial enterprises were also added. The redistribution of financial flows and electricity sector reforms led to a redistribution of loads and capacities, which in most cases created serious problems:

the operating modes of industrial heat supply sources do not correspond to the heat consumption modes of municipal energy, and as a result, this has led to violations of temperature schedules, overheating or underheating, and an imbalance of hydraulic and thermal networks;

the heat generated at the thermal power plant does not find its consumer, and as a result, must be discharged; the imbalance in the production of electricity and heat at the thermal power plant has led to excessive consumption of fuel and an increase in specific costs for electricity generation, to a decrease in efficiency and quality indicators of generation resources, to an increase in tariffs as for electricity and heat from thermal power plants;

the increase in the volume of thermal energy consumption in district heating systems required the construction of new boiler houses and an increase in the productivity of existing facilities, and as a result, this led to an increase in fuel and electricity consumption for heat production;

refusal to decentralize heat supply systems, even partial, led to the enlargement of heating networks and an increase in heat and coolant losses in them;

changes in heating network diagrams (as a rule, the networks of utility companies are not connected to the networks of the thermal power plants of JSC-Energo) and the connection of new heat sources led to the redistribution of loads and the enlargement of networks, which required an increase in pumping power for coolant circulation, which means an increase in electricity consumption for production and transmission heat.

The above diagram of changes in the composition of boiler houses in the country clearly reflects the described situation. If we take into account that municipal boiler houses produce 1.3 billion Gcal of heat per year, and thermal power plants - 1.5 billion Gcal, then we should also take into account that up to 40% of heat from thermal power plants is subject to discharge (in some cases, up to 60%) of the generated volume, which is 0.5-0.6 billion Gcal, or 38.5-46.2% of the heat generated by municipal boiler houses. We believe that in a country that has a stable growth in the consumption of electricity and electrical power, heat losses and heat discharges, which have not found application, will increase...

In addition, disharmony in the production indicators of heat supply systems during the heating and non-heating periods has increased, which is expressed in the high difference in the same specific indicators of fuel and electricity consumption. In summer, the thermal power of the boiler units involved is sometimes 30 times or more higher than the design power sufficient to provide the heat load, i.e. the boiler is operating in an unacceptable mode, which indicates that its installed capacity is too high or that there are no boilers in the boiler room circuit to ensure summer heat consumption. Moreover, automated burners with a wide control range are not always able to provide the proper heating output. This leads to heat losses at the source, expressed in inflated costs for own needs or low efficiency of units, and in heating networks. At the same time, for the generation and transport of heat to summer period Much more electrical power is used than in winter, in terms of specific gravity: specific electricity costs increase by 3-6 times, mostly consumed for coolant circulation and cooling. Existing resource accounting and reporting systems at heat supply enterprises make it possible to reflect quite acceptable indicators of specific fuel consumption for the generation and supply of heat to consumers, but they overlook the analysis of the electrical component.

These conclusions were drawn from an analysis of the specific energy consumption and consumed electrical power of heat supply systems, the growth of which indicates a serious decrease in the energy efficiency of centralized heat supply systems. The lack of a real picture of the energy supply systems, the inconsistency and lack of information about the correspondence of the available capacities to the actual loads, under the hour, does not allow optimizing these same systems on the ground, and city and district administrations and managers at various levels to accept right decisions and favorable plans for the development of both heating and electricity systems.

The cost of fuel and energy resources is transferred to the cost of services and consumer products and is reflected in their quality. The production itself in our country is quite energy-intensive, and in a number of industries it is several times higher than the energy intensity of similar products in other countries, which reduces its investment attractiveness and competitiveness, and hence the influx of money into a city or region.

The current situation in heat supply structures today encourages an uncontrollable increase in fuel and electricity consumption, both in quantitative and specific terms. Judge for yourself, the picture of events is as follows: the higher the dependence of centralized heat supply systems on boiler sources of municipal energy, the more heat they generate and distribute, the more electricity and electrical power is spent on heat production, the more heat is released from the thermal power plant, the higher the fuel costs, the higher the tariffs... This trend is aggravated by the increase in gas consumption and the decrease in the possibility of using other resources. In turn, the same electricity and fuel, etc., are spent on gas supply.

Agree, in the examples given, many activities require coordinated interaction between heat supply and electricity supply structures. Increasing the proportion of discharge






Express examination.

Purpose and objectives of the survey;

1.14. Technical basis conducting energy audits in district heating systems are:

Design and executive documentation for boiler houses, heating networks, pumping substations on heating networks and heating points;

Operational documentation (operational charts developed for each boiler based on the results of operational testing of these boilers, approved temperature schedules for heat load regulation, piezometric schedules, information on heat load by type of heat consumption);

Statistical information for the year preceding the year of the energy survey (production and supply of thermal energy during the year, fuel costs, coolant and make-up water consumption, available pressure at the nodes of heating networks, temperature of the outside air and coolant in the supply and return pipelines of heating networks at the boiler house terminals, soil temperature at a depth corresponding to the location of the axis of heating network pipelines, etc.);

Results of conducting and processing the results of tests of heating networks to determine heat losses by heat transfer through the thermal insulation of pipelines, as well as their main hydraulic characteristics;

Information on the designs of pipelines of heating networks according to the types of their installation and the types of insulating materials used, as well as on the service life of individual sections of heating networks;

Information on equipping the heat supply system with metering devices for supplied and consumed thermal energy and coolant;

Materials for the development of energy characteristics of heating networks (heat supply systems);

Information on the frequency and nature of damage to heating networks and equipment.

1.15. The technical basis for conducting energy surveys in power supply systems are:

Design and as-built documentation for overhead and cable electrical networks, substations and other structures;

Operational documentation;

Statistical information for the year preceding the year of the energy survey (balance electrical energy; the amount of losses by element; reactive energy compensation; indicators of the quality of electrical energy);

Information on types of installation and types of conductor materials, as well as on the service life of individual sections of electrical networks;

Information on equipping the power supply system with metering devices for supplied and consumed electrical energy;

Information on the frequency and nature of damage to electrical networks and equipment.

1.16. The technical program and methodology must be agreed upon with the state energy supervision authority before the start of the energy survey.

1.17. Based on the results of the survey, a technical report is compiled with conclusions and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the energy supply system.

1.18. A technical report on the energy survey, conclusions and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the surveyed centralized heating system or part of it (heating boiler houses; heating networks) are presented to the surveyed organization.

Within ten days after signing the report on the survey, energy passports are transferred to the state energy supervision body at the location of the surveyed energy organization (Appendices 3, 4, 5 to this Methodology).

Approximate form of fuel and energy balance

Components of energy balance Designation Meaning Determination method
Heat of burned fuel Q B×7
Heat losses in boilers DQ K (100-h br)B×7×10 -2
Thermal energy consumption for own needs in the boiler room Q ch Based on reporting data and energy survey results
Heat energy losses through insulation of pipelines and network heaters DQ from Based on reference data for specific losses and radiation area
Thermal energy consumption in the preparation of softened water for feeding the heating network Qxbo According to the “Methodology for calculating heat consumption for technological needs of water treatment plants” RD 153-34.1-37.530-98
Supply of thermal energy Q otp According to reported data
Imbalance (unaccounted losses, error in accounting parameters) H b Q-DQ K - Q ch ​​- DQ from - Q xbo -Q otp

Registration of the results of energy inspection of communal heating boiler houses

2.6.1. Based on the results of the energy survey, the organization that conducted it draws up a technical report, the content of which depends on the type of energy survey performed.

2.6.2. When conducting an initial energy survey, the technical report must reflect:

- the purpose and objectives of the energy survey, its type;

- energy audit program;

- brief description main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler room, conditions of fuel and water supply, operating modes of the boiler room;

- assessment of the state of technical accounting, reporting, standardization and analysis of fuel consumption indicators;

- results of assessment of energy saving potential, reasons for identified violations in the use of fuel and energy resources, available reserves;

- increased energy costs due to non-compliance with equipment performance indicators. normative level;

- implementation of measures to realize reserves of thermal efficiency of equipment;

- energy efficiency of the elements of the boiler house technological scheme - boiler equipment, chemical, electrical, fuel and transport, buildings and structures;

- fuel and energy balance;

- energy losses due to non-optimal thermal circuits and operating modes of units;

2.6.3. Depending on the type of energy survey, the content of the technical report varies. The fuel and energy balance is compiled based on the results of each type of energy survey.

2.6.4. The energy passport is drawn up during the pre-launch (pre-operational) energy inspection and is updated during the initial and other types of inspections. The form of the energy passport of the inspected enterprise or boiler house is given in Appendix 3.

2.6.5. Activities that increase the efficiency of energy resource use should be developed for all types of energy audits. Grade environmental safety, volume of financing and economic efficiency of activities is carried out according to industry methods and standards in force at the time of the survey.



1. Rules for conducting energy inspections of organizations, Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia 03.25.98; M.: 1998.

2. Rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant, Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia 09.12.95; M.: MPEI, 1995.

3. Recommendations for organizing the accounting of thermal energy and coolants at enterprises, institutions and organizations of housing and communal services and the public sector, Gosstroy of Russia 10/11/99; M.: ANO "SPRINT", 1999.

4. Methodology for determining the amounts of thermal energy and coolant in water systems for municipal heating, Gosstroy of Russia 06.05.00; M.: “Print Center”, 2000.

5. Rules technical operation communal heating boiler houses, Ministry of Construction of Russia 11.11.92; M.: NPO OBT, 1992.

6 Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants, Ministry of Energy 03.24.03; M.: Energoservis, 1992.

7. Standard instructions for the technical operation of heating networks of municipal heat supply systems, Gosstroy of Russia 12/13/00; M.: 000 "Soprotek-11", 2001.

8. Guidelines to determine the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises. Committee of the Russian Federation on Municipal Economy 02.22.94; M.: CITY AKH, 1994

9. SNiP 2.04.14-88. Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. M.: Gosstroy USSR, 1989.

10. SNiP 2.04.07-86* Heat networks, M.: Ministry of Construction of Russia, 1996.

11. SP 41-101-95. Design of heating points, M.: Ministry of Construction of Russia, 1997.

12. Guidelines for testing water heating networks for the design temperature of the coolant (MU 34-70-150-86), M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987.

13. Guidelines for testing network pumps, M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1982.

14. Guidelines for testing thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines of thermal power plants (MU 34-70-184-87), M: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1988.

15. Guidelines for determining heat losses in water heating networks (RD 34.09.255-97), M: SPO ORGRES, 1998.

16. Guidelines for testing water heating networks for hydraulic losses (RD 34.20.519-97), M.: SPO ORGRES, 1998.

18. Rules for accounting of electrical energy, M.: Glavgosenergonadzor of Russia, JSC Energoservice, 1997.

19. Standard instructions for metering electricity during its production, transmission and distribution (RD 34.09.101-94) - Rules for metering electric energy, M: Glavgosenergonadzor of Russia, JSC Energoservice, 1997.

20. Guidelines for determining the measurement error of active electricity during its production and distribution (RD 34.11.325-90), M: SPO ORGRES, 1991.

21. Instructions for the design of urban electrical networks (RD 34.20.185-94 with the addition of section 2), M.: Energoatomizdat, 1995.

22. Methodological recommendations for determining electrical energy losses in urban electrical networks with a voltage of 10(6)-0.4 kV. Basic organizational and technical measures to reduce electrical energy losses; M.: ANO "S.Print", 2001.

23. Instructional material on reactive power compensation and the quality of electrical energy, Glavgosenergonadzor 05.14.91; M.: Glavgosenergonadzor, 1991.

24. GOST 13109-97 “Electric energy. Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Standards for the quality of electrical energy in general purpose power supply systems"; Publishing house of standards, 1998.

25. Collection of normative and methodological documents on measurements, commercial and technical accounting of electrical energy and power; M: Publishing house NTsENAS, 1998.

27. Instructions for reducing the technological consumption of electrical energy for transmission through electrical networks of power systems and energy associations; M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1987.

28. Guidelines for conducting energy and resource audits in housing and communal services, Gosstroy of Russia 04/18/01.

29. Energy audit of industrial and municipal enterprises. Study guide. B.P. Varnavsky, A.I. Kolesnikov, M.N. Fedorov; M.: ASEM Publishing House, 1999.


Instruments used for energy surveys must meet the following requirements:

Providing the ability to carry out measurements without inserting into the system being examined and stopping the operating equipment;

Compactness, lightness, reliability, transportability;

Convenience and ease of use;

Versatility, reliability, accuracy and protection from external influences;

Ensuring the registration of measured indicators offline with the transfer of collected information in a form convenient for computer processing.



1 Three-phase active energy meters.

2. Portable electrical analyzers.


1. Ultrasonic flow meter.

2. Electronic data acquisition device.

3. Ultrasonic thickness gauge.

4. Electronic flue gas analyzers.

5. Infrared thermometer, portable thermal imaging system.

6. Thermal anemometer.

7. Instruments for measuring temperature and air humidity.

8. Contact digital thermometer for measuring temperatures using contact temperature sensors.

9. Acoustic ultrasonic flaw detector (leak detector).

10. Acoustic portable leak detector.

11. Tachometer.

12. Lux meter.

13. Autonomous measuring recorder of liquid and gas pressure.


Surveyed enterprise





Fuel mode

The body that established the fuel regime___________________________________________


name, permit number, date of issue

Volume of permitted fuel use:

gas - _____ thousand m. cube

coal - _____ thousand tons

fuel oil - _____ thousand tons


Reserve fuel


name, storage capacity

Technological reservation for gas_______________________ thousand m. cube

Main brands of fuel burned and main suppliers _______________________


Brief description reasons for the operation of main equipment on non-design fuels _______________________________________________________________________________


Dynamics and structure of standard fuel consumption at the time of drawing up the passport and for the 2 previous years by fuel type:

Average cost of fuel by type at the time of drawing up the passport and for the 2 previous years

Indicators of specific fuel consumption at the time of drawing up the passport and for the 2 previous years (tu.t./Gk al)


Heat balance (Gcal)


Surveyed enterprise


organizational and legal form and name


address, telephone, fax, e-mail


last name, first name, patronymic signature date



10.06.2003 № 202


In order to further implement the subprogram “Reform and modernization of the housing and communal services Russian Federation"The federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2001 No. 797, and the development of the methodological base - energy and resource conservation, I order:

2. To recommend that heads of housing and communal services management bodies of administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal administrations, municipal energy enterprises, when organizing energy surveys of public energy supply systems, developing specific programs for their implementation, be guided by the Methodological Recommendations and standard programs approved by this order.

3. To the Department of Utilities Energy and Urban Economy of the Gosstroy of Russia (Yu.V. Serkovsky) during the All-Russian competition for the best organization, enterprise in the sphere of housing and communal services in terms of operating efficiency in new economic conditions in 2003, take into account the results of energy surveys of public energy supply systems.

4. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the adviser to the chairman of the State Construction Committee of Russia L.V. Ginsburg.

Chairman N.P. Koshman

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. ENERGY INSPECTIONS OF PUBLIC HEATING BOILER STATIONS 2.1. Primary, regular, extraordinary examinations and express examinations 2.2. Determination of energy saving potential 2.3. Assessment of the state of technical accounting and reporting, standardization and analysis of fuel consumption indicators 2.4. Analysis of the condition of the equipment, the operating efficiency of the elements of the technological scheme. Approximate form of the fuel and energy balance 2.5. Development of measures to implement the identified energy saving potential 2.6. Registration of the results of the energy inspection of communal heating boiler houses 3. ENERGY INSPECTIONS OF HEATING NETWORKS AND HEATING STATIONS 3.1. Composition of indicators for assessing the efficiency of functioning of heating networks and heating points 3.2. Composition and main stages of work during energy surveys of heating networks and heating points 4. ENERGY INSPECTIONS OF ELECTRICAL NETWORKS 4.1. Primary, regular, extraordinary examinations and express examinations 4.2. Development of measures to implement the identified energy saving potential APPENDIX 1 LIST OF REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS RECOMMENDED FOR USE WHEN CONDUCTING ENERGY INSPECTIONS OF PUBLIC ENERGY SUPPLY SYSTEMS APPENDIX 2 LIST OF MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS RECOMMENDED FOR USE WHEN CONDUCTING ENERGY INSPECTIONS APPENDIX 3 ENERGY PASSPORT OF THERMAL POWER ENTERPRISE (BOILER PLANTS) APPENDIX 4 ENERGY PASSPORT OF THERMAL POWER ENTERPRISE (HEATING NETWORKS) APPENDIX 5 ENERGY PASSPORT OF THE ELECTRIC POWER ENTERPRISE


1.1. Methodical recommendations and standard programs for energy inspections of public energy supply systems (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations) were developed with the aim of improving the regulatory and methodological support of work on the implementation of the Main Directions and Mechanism of Energy and Resource Saving in the Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by the decision of the Government Commission for Reform of the Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation ( protocol dated March 20, 1998 No. 3).

1.3. These Recommendations cover heating boiler houses and heating networks of centralized municipal heat supply systems* (hereinafter referred to as heat supply systems) and electrical networks and network structures of municipal power supply systems.**

1.4. Assessment of the efficiency of thermal energy production by heating communal boiler houses, transmission and distribution of thermal and electrical energy between consumers, carried out as a result of energy surveys, provides for:

- determination of actual values ​​of performance indicators of boiler houses, heat and electrical networks;

- comparison of actual values ​​of performance indicators with their standard (calculated) values;

- identification and analysis of the reasons for the discrepancy between the actual values ​​of indicators and their standard (calculated) values;

- development of proposals to eliminate identified deficiencies.


*municipal heat supply system - a set of heat sources and (or) heating networks of a city (district, quarter) or other united by a common production process settlement operated by a heat and power organization of the housing and communal services complex, which has received the appropriate special permits (licenses) in the prescribed manner.

**public power supply system - a set of electrical networks and structures united by a common production process, as well as sources of electrical energy, operated by an electrical power organization of the housing and communal services complex, which has received the appropriate special permits (licenses) in the prescribed manner.

1.5. Based on the materials of energy surveys, the following is carried out:

- assessment of the rationality of fuel, thermal and electrical energy consumption:

- analysis of the reasons for the identified irrational use of fuel, thermal and electrical energy;

- development of proposals and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the energy supply system.

1.6. Energy surveys of organizations are divided according to timing and volume into the following:




Express examination.

1.7. Primary (full) surveys are carried out to assess the energy efficiency of the energy supply system during operation while simultaneously identifying the compliance of the installation and commissioning work performed with the projects, as well as the energy efficiency indicators provided for by the regulatory and technical documents for completed boiler houses, heating and electrical networks, or after their reconstruction and modernization.

1.8. Primary (full) surveys to assess the energy efficiency of the energy supply system are carried out after the start of operation, within a timeframe agreed with the State Energy Supervision Authority.

1.9. Regular (full) surveys are carried out to assess changes in the energy efficiency of systems, reduce energy costs, as well as verify the completeness and correctness of the implementation of previously developed recommendations and measures within the time frame established by the administration of the organization in agreement with the State Energy Supervision authorities, determined by current legislation.

1.10. Extraordinary surveys are carried out on the initiative of the administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipality or at the request of the State Energy Supervision Authority of the relevant region, if the consumption of energy resources has increased sharply, in particular, the costs of electricity for transporting coolant, losses of thermal energy and coolant, losses of electrical energy, etc. have increased.

1.11. Express surveys are carried out on individual indicators of the functioning of energy supply systems, types of energy resources or equipment, as a rule, without portable instrumentation.

1.12. An energy survey of a specific energy supply system is carried out according to a technical program and methodology developed on the basis of these Recommendations.

The technical program and methods are developed by the organization conducting the survey, taking into account the features of the technological schemes of the surveyed power supply systems and their equipment.

When developing a technical program and in the process of conducting an energy survey, the results of previously conducted operational testing, adjustment work, scheduled tests, development of energy characteristics (system performance indicators), as well as information from industry statistical reporting should be used.

1.13. The technical program must contain:

Type of energy survey;

Purpose and objectives of the survey;

Duration of the examination;

List of equipment (facilities) subject to inspection;

Composition of the design, executive and operational documentation required for the examination;

Characteristics that will be determined during the survey;

The estimated period of operation of the heat supply system, according to which the specified characteristics are to be determined;

List of regulatory and technical documents that form the basis for conducting an energy survey;

List of measuring instruments and technical devices used during the survey (recommended list - Appendix 2);

List of persons responsible for conducting the energy survey - representatives of the organization operating the energy supply system being surveyed and the organization conducting the survey;

List of documentation compiled based on the results of the energy survey.

1.14. The technical basis for conducting energy surveys in district heating systems are.

An energy audit of a boiler house allows you to identify sources of unjustified costs and losses during the production of thermal energy, as well as determine the magnitude of energy saving potential and formulate methods for its rational implementation. During the energy audit of a boiler house, reliable performance indicators of its devices and equipment are determined using modern instruments.

Comparison of the obtained data with existing standards allows you to identify and eliminate the causes of non-compliance through the development and implementation of a set of energy-saving measures.

Main stages of a boiler house energy audit

  1. An energy inspection of a boiler house begins with the collection of documentary information, including technical parameters, equipment used, cost and tariffs for realized energy, monthly indicators of monetary and fuel energy costs, quantitative and qualitative parameters of supplied and reserve fuel, as well as energy generated and spent for own needs. In addition, documentary information provided for the last three years may contain technical reporting, simplified schemes for supplying consumers and energy accounting. At the same stage, energy measurement points are determined.
  2. At the stage of visual and instrumental inspection of heat exchangers, deaerators, process pipelines and other boiler room equipment, the lack of information regarding the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the energy resources used is filled, and the efficiency of energy consumption is also assessed. In the process of inspecting a boiler room, digital and ultrasonic stationary and mobile devices are used, allowing the required types of measurements to be made as accurately as possible.
  3. The next stage involves the calculation of indicators reflecting the operating mode of the boiler room, based on the data obtained during measurements. In addition, all documentary information is processed, and the results of a visual and instrumental survey are analyzed to assess the economic efficiency of energy consumption.
  4. The final stage of the energy audit involves the development of recommendations and a plan of energy-saving measures aimed at rational energy consumption, increasing energy efficiency and minimizing energy costs. Based on the results of the inspection, a report and an “energy passport” of the boiler house are drawn up.

Our advantages

The high quality of our energy audit activities is ensured by the presence of:

  • modern instruments necessary for conducting energy surveys;
  • full-time certified specialists;
  • democratic pricing policy;
  • documented guaranteed deadlines;
  • an individual approach that takes into account the specifics of each specific enterprise.

Publications on the topic