Elizabeth: the meaning of the name, character and fate. What does the name Elizaveta mean for a girl: complete description Is there anything in Lisa’s character in her behavior?

The history of the name Elizabeth is closely connected with biblical events. According to the Holy Scriptures, the mother of John the Baptist bore this name. Therefore, it is one of the most widespread and revered in the Christian world. Elizabeth's main character traits are her easy-going nature, responsiveness, and sensitivity. But at the same time, she can also exhibit negative qualities, causing the hostility of others. The owners of the name assign the main role in their lives to family and marriage.

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    Origin of the name Elizabeth

    The name Elizabeth comes from the Hebrew Elisheba, which means “God’s help,” “honoring God.” The purely religious meaning of the name Elizabeth is “my God-oath.” It is mentioned several times in the Bible. Elizabeth was the name of the wife of the high priest Aaron and the pious mother of John the Baptist. In Orthodoxy, Saint Elizabeth the Righteous (of Palestine), the wonderworker Elizabeth of Constantinople and the martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova are especially revered.

      Elizabeth is one of the most common names often given to girls around the world. In the onomasticon of different countries it has acquired a modified sound. Full name- Elizabeth, Eliza (Great Britain), Elsa, Ilse (Germany), Isabella (France), Isabel (Spain), Elzbieta (Czech Republic), Eliza (USA), Elzira (Kyrgyzstan). Short form - Lisette, Alice, Bess, Betty, Betsy, Libby, Lily, Babette, Fox.

      In Russian regions, common folk forms are sometimes used to name girls: Lizaveta, Olisava, Elisava. The name Elizaveta has many affectionate derivatives - Lisa, Lizonka, Lizunchik, Lizochka, Lizok, Lizunya, Lizusha, Lizuta, Lizavetka, Vetka, Veta.

      The name is included in the calendar as one of the biblical names. According to the church calendar, Elizabeth's name day is celebrated on March 7, May 7, June 20, September 5, September 12, September 18, October 21, October 31, November 4, November 14, November 20, December 31.

      Lisa's character

      Elizabeth's character is intertwined with positive and negative qualities. Many people are attracted by Lisa’s charm, easy-going nature, sense of humor, and responsiveness. She knows how to be a loyal friend and is ready to come to the rescue in difficult times.

      At the same time, the selfishness, pride, and lust for power of the owner of the name cause rejection among others. She often makes illusory plans, is indifferent to the opinions of others, and behaves inconsistently.

      The characteristics of the name are closely related to the date of birth of the child. A person’s behavior is largely determined by his zodiac sign and the time of birth. The owner of the name will be endowed different features character depending on the time of year in which she was born:

      • Winter is a reserved, extraordinary woman.
      • Spring is a good-natured, but overly touchy and suspicious person.
      • Summer is a cheerful, trusting, simple-minded girl.
      • Autumn is a sociable and friendly lady.


      Little Lisa is a real robber. She is restless and nimble. He shows leadership qualities early and becomes the main leader of the children's company. The desire to command others takes root in Lisa throughout her life. Over the years, power and selfishness become more and more obvious and cause hostility from other people. Elizabeth is not inclined to sort things out in a raised voice; she does not tolerate swearing and loud screams.

      The girl is curious about everything that surrounds her. She is interested in trying herself in different types creativity. She readily enrolls in clubs and sections. Her eccentric nature does not allow her to diligently engage in one thing, so Lisa’s fuse does not last long. Peers are attracted to Lisa's sociability, but her tendency to act rashly often leads to quarrels and conflicts.

      The girl always tries to be the center of attention and has a hard time experiencing loneliness. If she feels like no one needs her, she becomes closed and gloomy. Parents should be sensitive to their daughter’s behavior and try to direct it in the right direction. Surrounded by care and love, Lisa demonstrates best qualities of his character - kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness.

      Academic success largely depends on the attitude of teachers. When receiving incentives, Lisa tries to show her abilities as much as possible. She can achieve high results in the sciences, especially in the field of exact knowledge.

      Lisa is looking for professional use of her abilities in different directions. Sociability helps her realize herself in the social sphere. Lisa successfully practices medicine, pedagogy, and psychology. Musical abilities and artistry open the way for a girl to the world of the big stage. Perseverance and scrupulousness are used in monotonous work.

According to Mendelev

A good name, bright, beautiful and reliable, especially in its diminutive form.

Elizabeth is a pleasant and sweet woman who does not pretend to become a strong personality, to rule, to command, etc. Her element is daily worries, family, children, and then grandchildren. It happens that Elizabeth is petty, shallow, absorbed in her own troubles and affairs, for example, difficult relationships with relatives. She is a good housewife, friendly and hospitable, but you should not expect deep feelings and violent passions from her. Elizabeth's family is an ideal home, where all mental and physical ailments are treated, where the soul rests and gains strength.

Character of the name "Elizabeth"

By temperament, Elizabeth is sanguine; It is unusual for her to restrain her emotions, but she calms down easily. She can be persistent, but up to a certain limit: when faced with the strong will of another person, she usually gives in. She is characterized by quick reaction, attention to minor circumstances, inability to single out the main one from many factors, she does not see the forest for the trees. As a rule, she chooses a typically female profession, is not afraid of small and monotonous work, and believes that the main criterion when choosing a profession is to have more time for home. Her intuition and sensitivity are noticeably reduced; it is difficult for her to overcome herself and do the right thing, but in a non-standard way. Elizabeth is very attached to the place, to the house, to familiar things, people and events; family feelings are strongly developed in her - sisters, brothers, nephews can always count on her attention and help. Elizabeth's intimate and family life is surprisingly smooth and calm.

Lisa is more fun and spontaneous, can be very charming, sociable and lively; gets along well with people, is kind and sympathetic. The “frail” sign is noteworthy, although not so pronounced. It must be remembered that over time she will: mature and turn into Elizabeth with all her advantages and disadvantages.

Nowadays, the name, despite its euphony, is quite rare.

The name is variegated in colors, but green and blue dominate in it.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Elizabeth is delicate and feminine, somewhat sentimental, and loves love in love. She has good intuition, which she tends to rely too much on, and, alas, is often deceived. Sex for Elizabeth is the art of enjoying life, bringing great joy. Her sexual behavior is not always stable; it largely depends on her mood and the experience of her partner. Elizabeth remembers a man with whom she manages to achieve complete mutual understanding for a long time, even after many years, and in moments of intimacy with her partner she can see before her the one with whom she experienced unique moments of supreme pleasure. She does not like rough caresses, pressure, impatience, sharp ups and downs, and how intimacy ends is also important to her: she feels wounded if her partner turns to the wall and falls asleep the next second after climax.

She easily meets a man’s desires; she can even take the initiative herself, seeing her partner’s indecisiveness. Elizabeth is not afraid of direct conversation about sex, unlike many other women, she does not feel shy when discussing some intimate details and calling a spade a spade. Outwardly, Elizabeth does not look sexy, but in the arms of a man she blossoms and opens up to his caresses. “Summer” Lisa is more restrained and more delicate than “winter” Lisa, who has freer views on sex. “Summer” Elizabeth should not marry a man, like her, who was born in the summer - this marriage will be difficult and most likely short-lived. “Autumn” men are more suitable for her, especially those born in November.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “God is my oath” (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of this name contains breadth and desire to achieve the goal. One problem is that it does not imply rest and relaxation, and therefore Lisa’s life plans often turn out to be mirages, unless, of course, she overcomes some of the negative aspects of her name.

As a child, Lisa usually grows up as a hardworking and diligent child, although even then some self-centeredness and self-will may begin to appear. The name does little to incline Lisa to think about the thoughts and actions of those around her, but it is able to attract the attention of its owner to herself. Moreover, this impact of the name is enhanced by its relative rarity today. It is possible that Liza will be dissatisfied with her somewhat old-fashioned name, which also evokes the well-known image of Karamzin’s poor Liza. However, the strong energy of the name will not allow her pride to become painful; rather, Elizabeth will simply begin to show quite strict demands on herself, trying to be better than she really is. It is possible that this will push her to some rash actions, but it is unlikely that these attempts to emphasize her extravagance and fashionability will go too far. Most likely, Lisa will have time to stop.

Another quality that the name Elizabeth suggests is logic and a penchant for analysis. It is difficult to call her an overly sensual woman; much more often, Lisa’s emotions are subordinate to reason. Often she is even too calculating and pragmatic, which, however, is often smoothed over by her calm sense of humor. It is unlikely that she will be attracted by ambitious dreams of a career, unless they are related to material well-being, but her balance and strength of character may allow her to occupy a leadership position or simply achieve significant success professionally. IN family life Lisa’s first priority, most likely, will also be not feelings, but prosperity, peace and tranquility. She is a good housewife, although she is often overly strict not only with herself, but also with her loved ones. Here, it is still useful for her to remember that a career and a quiet family life, of course, are not bad at all, but real happiness is impossible without fullness of feelings and without the ability to be distracted from business.

Secrets of communication: In case of any disputes or conflicts with Elizabeth, you should not try too actively to influence her emotions. She will be able to understand you much better if you are logical and calm. But when working under her supervision, do not forget that she is unlikely to think about rest for her employees. If you don’t take care of this yourself, you risk completely losing your free time.

Famous people with the name "Elizabeth"

Elizabeth Taylor

Whatever the modern Russian Liza may be, a woman with the same name appears completely different abroad. Especially in Hollywood. Elizabeth Taylor (born 1932), an American film star, won the love of audiences at the beginning of her career, in strict accordance with the saying: “You meet people by their clothes.” Neither the directors who exploited the external attractiveness of the beautiful Elizabeth, nor the audience at first even allowed the thought that this charming “doll” was capable of playing complex psychological and dramatic roles. However, Taylor managed to convince her to try her in an unusual role, and the success of such films with her participation as Butterfield 8, Cleopatra, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and many others, made new facets of her talent obvious to everyone, ultimately bringing her two Oscars.

In America, Elizabeth Taylor is affectionately called a “national treasure”, because she does not hesitate to flaunt not only her work, but also her personal life, giving very frank interviews to journalists. Those same ones are always happy to write about scandals associated with her, be it alcoholism, surgical operations she underwent, or juicy details of her intimate life...

It is not without reason that they say about Liz Taylor that she always lived the way she wanted - and her eight husbands are an eloquent example of this. Take, for example, one of the last marriages with a truck driver, who was fifteen years younger than the actress. Elizabeth, in love, arranged a wedding in Disneyland, renting a fabulous city for just two people and paying two million dollars for this pleasure. However, even that time, as usual, the marriage turned out to be surprisingly fragile - after only forty months it broke up.

Liz Taylor, like many rich people, has many quirks. So, she considers ordinary air almost poisonous, and therefore a special pipeline has been laid to her villa, through which the purest air from the mountains enters her house.

Eccentric, vain, amorous and romantic, Liz Taylor nevertheless has every right to be so. “On the screen, people see me completely different,” says the actress. “They admire my acting, cry and laugh. And the most important thing is this, and not when and with whom I go to bed.”

According to Higir

Of Hebrew origin, means: God's oath, vow to God (honoring God).

The first impression of Lisa is that she is a playful and restless creature, a kind of nimble and sweet little devil, whose obedience is calculated in minutes. She needs everything, she must know everything! In the class, Lisa is loved for her laughter and ability to make friends. Together with her friends, for company, Lisa will attend cutting and sewing, knitting clubs; the knowledge gained will be enough to dress her doll. However, in her adult life, Elizabeth also enjoys knitting. She really wants to seem better than she is, and this pushes her to extravagant actions, which she herself soon regrets. Selfish, impulsive. She also constantly feels that people treat her worse than she deserves, so she often gets into conflicts.

Family and marriage named "Elizabeth"

Gives preference to exact sciences, in women's team tries to lead, but with friends and family she is soft and responsive. For Elizabeth's mental well-being great value has peace in the family. For this she is ready to do anything. She is not annoyed by her husband's relatives, she calmly endures their frequent visits, and lives in peace with her neighbors. She is thrifty - out of fear that her husband will one day be unhappy that his favorite salad is not on the table. Work, friends, and entertainment are in the background for Elizabeth. In your youth you are unlucky in love, happiness comes with age, in remarriage. Somewhat fussy.

It will be very difficult for Elizabeth in a marriage with Valentin, Nikolai, Oleg. She will be lucky with Alexander, Sergei, Ivan, Matvey, Mikhail or Grigory.

Elizabeth - regal, majestic, overflowing with tenderness and kindness name. Girls are sociable, responsive, and faithful. Lisa is a wise wife, a wonderful housewife and mother.

From an early age, the little girl is constantly exposed to viral and colds. The presence of a weak immune system means that parents are not recommended to send their baby to a nursery. Mobile, restless, therefore increasing the risk of injury. Moreover, this tendency to injury will remain forever.

Lisa will inherit a tendency towards poor metabolism from her mother. Therefore, a representative of the fair sex will constantly have to monitor her figure, preventing the appearance of excess weight. Here, from childhood, it is worth teaching a child to eat properly, observing the regime and the volume of portions.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth

Many women, girls named Lisa, exhibit vestibular disorders. It is enough that they get sick in transport. At retirement age, vision decreases and venous dilation develops.

Lisa has an unstable central nervous system. The appearance of suspiciousness contributes to the development of neurasthenia and neuroses. A woman’s health directly depends on her success in life. If everything goes well, then your health is excellent. On an intuitive level, Lisa feels what needs to be done to maintain peace of mind.

What does a name mean for a girl, teenager

When naming their daughter Lisa, parents need to prepare for the fact that the baby will not be a quiet, calm child. From early childhood, leadership qualities are manifested in the character.

During school time, he will not be able to fully absorb information due to restlessness. Lisa will study poorly, since her concentration is completely absent. Teachers will need a lot of effort to make the girl interested in lessons.

Logic and a tendency to analyze are her credo; she easily masters the exact sciences.

He is on good terms with his peers. It may become good friend. This quality will go with her throughout life. There are obvious problems with discipline, since Lisa is not ready to obey school rules.

In her youth, the girl has many friends and admirers, as she makes a good impression on others. I like to pay attention to others, especially at the age of 12-15 years. I like a bright style of clothing, noisy parties, and company. Parents need to watch and observe their daughter from a young age. After all, the ability to rule and command can turn a girl into an intriguer.

Character of a woman

Lisa is an ambitious, capricious, domineering person who constantly throws the word “no” into her conversations. He rules easily, has a good understanding of people's characters, and quickly adapts to any circumstances. The main thing is that it is beneficial first of all for her.

When talking with her, it is worth remembering that the girl is very cunning, smart, and capable of manipulating a person. She’s not used to acting ahead; it’s important for her to create intrigue by using her next trick.

Hypocrisy is another trait of the fair sex. He doesn’t say what he really thinks, and he also doesn’t do what he really says. Doesn't give in to other people's influence. He knows his worth, has a lot of ambitions and plans for life. Having an analytical mindset helps to observe the situation, wait if necessary, and think several steps ahead about the outcome of events.

Lisa is an emotional lady who does not know how to control herself. For this reason, the wrong impression is created that the girl is balanced and pragmatic. The lady’s natural behavior is hot-tempered, aggressive, but also ready to quickly calm down if necessary. He has a good sense of humor and looks great. She does not know how to raise her voice or make a scandal, which allows others to create a pleasant impression of her person.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents want to know what character it will give to their child. This also affects future fate girls. One popular name is Elizabeth. It has Hebrew roots, but at the same time it is also in the Saints. It is believed that this is an ideal choice for those girls born in the summer. The meaning of the name Elizabeth will be discussed further.

General interpretation

What does the name Elizabeth mean? From the Hebrew language it is translated as “conjuring by God” or “my God has promised.” This name is popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. It ranks 7th-8th in popularity ratings every year. For every 1000 girls, this name is chosen for 34-38 newborns.

Other word forms of this name are Lisa, Lizonka, Lizunka, Lizochka, Lizochek. English equivalents are Elizabeth, Elisaveta, Elisaveta.

The name Lisa has a special influence on the girl’s fate. The meaning of the name and the fate of its bearer should be considered parents before choosing it. Such a girl will behave truly “royally.” Her main quality is authority. This girl will strive to command. She is trying to take a leadership position. Girls with this name have a sharp mind and rational thinking.

If Elizabeth's first marriage breaks up, she will not worry about it. She will marry a second time without regrets about the past.

Considering what the name Elizabeth means, it is worth noting that it is in the Saints. She celebrates her name day twice a year. The first time this event occurs is May 1 (April 18, old style). This day is dedicated to the Venerable Elizabeth the Wonderworker. She led a monastic life, was a sister in a monastery and taught to beware of evil tongues, lies and deceit. The Venerable Elizabeth cast out demons and healed the sick with prayers.

The second time the name day is celebrated on September 18 (September 5). The patroness of this day is the holy righteous Elizabeth, the pious mother who gave birth to St. John the Baptist. She was also a sister of St. Anna, parents Holy Virgin. Saint Elizabeth died in the desert. Here she hid with John from the army of King Herod.

This name corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo, and the planet is Proserpina. The color of the name is lilac and the tree is lilac. The talisman stone of this name is amethyst.


The name Elizabeth gives its owner a special character. The meaning of a girl's name is ambiguous. On the one hand, she is capricious, it is better not to piss her off. But, on the other hand, her perseverance allows her to achieve her goals. This girl is categorical in her judgments. Elizabeth's favorite word is “no.”

This is a powerful nature that strives to create its own small kingdom around itself. Therefore, it is difficult for many to communicate with such girls. Elizabeth may be dissatisfied with the lack of submission on the part of those around her. Because of this, she can change her life in one moment. This can apply to both professional and personal life. But Lisa is usually not mistaken in this decision.

Considering the features of the name Elizabeth, the meaning of the name and the fate of its owner, it is worth noting that its true love she doesn't find it right away. Having gone through many fans, she finds her beloved at an older age. Lisa remains faithful to her husband even after his death.

As a child, she is curious and loves to play outdoor games. She is funny and restless. But he can also sit quietly, listening to a fairy tale, looking at the color pictures in the book. At school they love this girl for her ability to make friends, as well as her cheerful character. Lisa will study well only if the teacher can interest her in her subject.

Together with her friends, she will enroll in different clubs. It could be anything, for example, dancing, handicrafts, sports, etc. But the girl is not really interested in anything for a long time. He can do everything, but little by little.

As she gets older, the girl begins to plan her future. She imagines herself as a doctor, a traveler, a movie star, etc. She also imagines a wonderful wedding with an amazingly handsome groom, as well as an ideal family life. This girl knows how to look after her interests and is persistent. But if he encounters serious resistance, he retreats.

Positive and negative character traits

The name Lisa endows its owner with both positive and negative character traits. The meaning of the name allows you to predict how a girl will behave in a given situation. Her positive personality traits include her curiosity and cheerful nature. This is a charming girl who is liked by others. At the same time, she is mobile and energetic.

Elizabeth always strives to achieve her goals. This is a person with an active lifestyle. This is a smart girl at a young age. She has developed logical thinking. This child is inclined towards exact sciences.

As she gets older, the girl strives to expand her circle of friends. And for this she has a special talent. Lisas are good at finding common language with new people. In communication, they do not lack a healthy sense of humor, which pleases the interlocutor, making him more open in communication.

It is also worth noting several more positive aspects of the meaning of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth endows its owner with generosity. She is ready to give her last. But with an unfair division, this girl will not miss hers.

Negative character traits are excessive, unhealthy pride and selfishness. This is also a very touchy nature. This girl can commit impulsive, rash actions. At the same time, she needs the attention of others. She tries with all her might to be in the center of events. Elizabeth attracts attention to herself with all her might, needing approval and praise.

This girl is used to being first, she doesn't like to lose. She almost never takes into account the wishes of those around her. Lisa doesn't like to obey rules. This could get her into trouble at school. In adolescence, she develops an inferiority complex, since this girl has very high demands on herself. She wants to be the best. At the same time, Lisa does not always take into account her own capabilities.

Childhood and adolescence

Considering the meaning of the name Elizabeth, the character and fate of its owner, it is worth noting that in childhood she has special features. In early childhood, a girl is overwhelmed with emotions, as well as unpredictable and not always positive situations. The reason for this is its specific, irrepressible character.

The baby will have a combination of many incompatible features. So, she will be emotional, friendly, quick-tempered and hardworking. At the same time, the girl will be capricious, but friendly, confident in her irresistibility. The girl will also show planning, but at the same time unpredictability.

It is impossible to guess what this child's next action will be. Studying the secrets, the meaning of the name Elizabeth, the character of this girl, it is worth noting her curiosity. This child is open to the world and loves to communicate with both peers and older people. She will support any topic even at an early age.

The parents of such a girl will have many reasons to worry. She doesn't sit still and loves adventure. But they all usually end well. This girl's aggression and capriciousness do not arise without reason. Parents can understand what caused their daughter’s behavior and find a way out of the situation.

As a teenager, Lisa has an unpredictable, but positive character. She is hardworking, purposeful and energetic. Lisa is systematic, active and friendly. She is distinguished by her cheerfulness and excellent organizational skills. This is a leader by nature. Her disadvantage in adolescence is her temper. Because of this, the girl may quarrel with her friends. But she is always ready to admit her guilt if she really turned out to be wrong.

Elizabeth often rushes to her judgments and conclusions. This leads to wrong decisions and mistakes. But at the same time, a teenage girl has a strong character. She stops at nothing to achieve her goal. But at the same time, she does not neglect moral principles.

Lisa shows interest in studying only if the subject involves demonstrating mental abilities. She can't stand boredom. Lisa loves exact sciences, subjects in which she can express herself and her uniqueness. More often than not, Elizabeth studies well. In this she is helped by endurance, diligence and a responsible attitude.

Personal life

The character traits of the girl who was named Elizabeth, the meaning of this name should be considered in detail. This girl's got it going good relationship:

  • with Andrey;
  • Vadim;
  • Alexander;
  • Gregory;
  • Ivan;
  • Mikhail;
  • Lyubomir;
  • Seraphim;
  • Yaroslav.

But relationships with Victor, Leonid, Valentin, Stanislav and Leo will be difficult.

The name Elizabeth endows its owner with amorousness. But she knows how to subordinate emotions to reason. In family life, peace and prosperity always come first for her. Feelings are secondary for her. She can even turn a blind eye to her husband’s infidelity if the family does not lose anything materially.

The ability to communicate with people leads her to marriage at an early age. This girl always has a lot of fans. Usually her first marriage is unsuccessful. Having gained experience, Lisa will be more judicious in choosing a partner. The second marriage will be successful. Elizabeth will always be able to understand her beloved man. She will also be able to find the right form of communication with him. Only with her man, whom Lisa completely trusts, will she be able to enjoy intimacy.

This girl copes with household chores cheerfully and easily. She loves guests and goes with her husband to their mutual friends. Entertainment comes second to her. Family is most important. This is a devoted, faithful wife and loving mother. She loves children very much.

Sometimes she may feel sad that she may not have achieved what she wanted. Childhood dreams pop up in her memory. But in fact, this girl is doing well. She has a wonderful husband and children who love her. She has even more than she dreamed of as a child.

Elizabeth as a mother

Considering the meaning of the name Elizabeth, it is worth noting that she will be a good mother. Perhaps she is not able to devote herself completely, completely, to children. But in any case, they will not need her care and attention. Elizabeth needs personal freedom. But she will not leave her kids without care and attention. She showers them with motherly love, giving them the utmost attention she can give.

This is a kind and cheerful mother who generously showers her children with her care. She is active and economical. With such a mother, children do not get bored. They have fun together. At the same time, a woman named Lisa always finds a balance between entertainment and education. She develops in children the most important personality traits. She will teach them responsibility, independence, commitment. Her kids will definitely become hardworking and purposeful people.

But her husband must also take an active part in raising their children. If she notices that her husband does not take care of the kids, Lisa will leave him. She will not be able to live with a man who is not able to pay due attention to his children.

Talents, work

The meaning of the name Lisa is also worth considering for the professional field of activity of this girl. She is not serious enough about choosing her future profession. This girl lives for today. Her plans for life are often just an illusion.

At the same time, Lisa is naturally endowed with a strong character. Therefore, she can achieve success in almost any field of activity. But parents should teach the girl from childhood to achieve everything through her own work. The sphere of activity of the parents largely determines Lisa’s future vocation. Often this girl is musically gifted. She can devote her life to art, become a singing teacher, a church choir director, etc.

The girl has a contradictory attitude towards money. She can either spend it thoughtlessly or hoard it too much. More often, the meaning of the name Lisa endows its owner with prudence and pragmatism. But this character trait is smoothed out by this girl’s sense of humor. Thanks to him, she finds a way out of many situations.

These people are observant and know how to conduct a thorough analysis of what they see. But their imagination is usually not as strong as their mind. Therefore, it is difficult for such a girl to come up with something new. More often they use existing developments. Elizabeths often pass off someone else’s know-how as their own idea.

For this girl’s activities to be fruitful, she needs to know what result her work will bring, what exactly her reward will be. She is not used to engaging in activities that cannot but bring profit in the future.

Lisa performs well in professions where communication skills are needed. She can also realize herself in the electronics industry and be a teacher.


What other features does the name Elizabeth mean? In infancy, this child takes a long time to get used to the house. Lisa is whiny, but she practically doesn’t get sick until she’s a year old. Only during the period of teething can a respiratory infection be contracted. A child with this name has a predisposition to these diseases.

Lisa suffered from chickenpox at a young age. She is also susceptible to viral diseases. This girl should not be sent to a nursery, as her immunity is weak. Some girls with this name have a predisposition to rheumatism and heart disease. Even at a young age, she may have a heart murmur.

Diathesis often appears from chocolate and citrus fruits. Before the age of one year, a baby can get rubella. There may also be difficulties in passing gases, so you need to take appropriate medications as prescribed by your doctor. Liz has predominantly blood type 3. Their wounds and abrasions take a long time to heal.

Since these girls are in poor health, they must adhere to a certain daily routine.

Considering the meaning of the name Elizabeth, it is worth noting that metabolism is inherited from her mother. It is important to monitor the girl’s nutrition. Otherwise, gastritis may develop. The nervous system is unstable. Neurosis may develop, and depression may occur. There are often disorders of the vestibular apparatus. Such a girl (especially at a young age) gets sick in any type of transport.

In adulthood, he may suffer from pancreatic diseases. The first birth can be difficult. The second time everything goes smoothly. In old age, her vision declines and varicose veins develop.

The influence of the season

The character of a girl named Elizabeth also depends on the time of year in which she was born. If a girl was born in the summer months, she will be the life of the party. With her friends she will be serious and reserved. She will look for a life partner with an extraordinary character. This must be a creative person, sympathetic and kind.

A girl named Lisa, born in spring, is very kind, but at the same time vulnerable. She will be sincere, but touchy. Because of this character trait, spring Elizabeth has few friends. The husband of such a girl must be patient and devoted.

Lisa, who was born in winter, has a great sense of humor. This helps her endure all the hardships and adversities with ease. Winter Lisas are sociable and good-natured. They are reserved and serious. They value honesty and patience in their spouse, as well as self-irony.

If Lisa was born in autumn, she will become a reliable, practical person. She will have a strong-willed character. Relatives and close people can always rely on her. These girls treat many people with distrust. This also applies to fans. A man must try to win the trust and love of this girl.


If parents want to name their child Elizabeth, they will make the right choice. This is a beautiful, sophisticated name, which is endowed with euphony and nobility. The fate of a girl with this name will be happy, although not without certain difficulties. Lisa will be able to overcome them with her characteristic sense of humor. Lisa's character, although it has some negative traits, but it also has advantages.

This is a famous name that many parents like. But at the same time it is quite rare. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid that there will be several more Elizabeths in your daughter’s class. This beautiful name goes well with many middle names. It brings happiness to its owner when she can gain experience.

Short form of the name Elizabeth. Lisa, Lizochka, Lizonka, Lizunya, Lizavetka, Elizavetka, Veta, Lilya, Betsy, Eliza, Ellie, Alice, Bess, Lizzie, Lisetta, Lisela, Liesel, Lisa, Liss, Ela, Beth.
Synonyms for the name Elizabeth. Elisaveta, Elisaveta, Lizaveta, Lisaveta, Alisava, Olisavya, Elisava, Elizabeth, Elish, Elasaj, Isabel, Isabel, Alzhbeta, Elzbeta, Elishka, Ilse, Elisheva.
Origin of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth is Russian, Jewish, English, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin and literally means “my God is an oath,” “honoring God,” “conjuring God.” In Hebrew this name sounds like Elisheva.

In Western Europe there is also the name Isabella (Isabel, Isabel), which is a form of the medieval Provençal name Elizabeth (Isabeu). These names were considered royal and were common among the highest circles of society.

Eliza, Lisa, Louise, Veta are short forms of the name Elizabeth and its analogues in various languages. But in lately these names have become independent and are also used as independent names.

The name Elizabeth is widespread in the world, and in addition to European forms that have become independent names, it also has Asian variants. So the name Elzira is a Kyrgyz name that appeared from the name Elizabeth.

Capricious and domineering, categorical and narcissistic, Elizabeth often feels underestimated, so she often gets into conflicts and does crazy things. These are powerful women who dream of building a small kingdom around themselves. Elizabeth is stubborn, envious, boastful, she is constantly tormented by doubts, she always has a lot of problems and tries to tell absolutely all her relatives and friends about it. Nevertheless, with people dear to Lisa, she shows herself to be a kind and sympathetic woman.

She is an introvert, reserved and does not always say what she really thinks. Elizabeth knows how to adapt to the people around her. She is curious and balanced, she always brings the things she starts to a victorious end, and her interests will come first for this woman. She perceives her own failures very painfully.

Lisa's conflict negatively affects her relationships with colleagues. Elizabeth loves to weave intrigues and spread gossip; in dealing with women she prefers to be a leader. In general, professional activity is not the most important area of ​​​​life for Lisa. The ideal profession for Elizabeth is a radio and television reporter; these women are always interested in the latest developments in the field of radio electronics. However, secretly from everyone, Lisa dreams of being scouts or investigators.

The most important thing in Elizabeth's life is her family. Lisa is a wonderful housewife, thrifty and thrifty. She is an excellent cook and often pampers her husband with various culinary delights. Elizabeth treats the visits of her husband’s friends and relatives calmly, and she also communicates calmly with her neighbors.

IN family relationships looking for calm and peace. The first years of Lisa's married life may be characterized by tension in her relationship with her husband, but later all problems disappear. In her youth, Elizabeth had many admirers; as a rule, she became happy only in her second marriage. Having met her lover and become his wife, Lizaveta will be faithful to him even when she is widowed.

Elizabeth loves to lure into her network a shy man who doesn’t even know where he’s ended up. She dreams of throwing herself into the arms of a loved one, but hides her desire, which is why she may look cold. Elizabeth always looks for the best, including a partner. Outwardly, Lisa looks like a charming but cunning coquette; she loves to dress brightly.

Elizabeth gets along with new people very easily. When communicating with others, she shows herself to be capricious and narcissistic; only close friends know her as a kind and balanced woman. Elizabeth has a very developed intuition, which she successfully uses to choose friends. Lisa loves noisy companies and entertainment, however, when choosing between friends and family, she always chooses family.

Sound. Elizabeth is a rather long name, consisting of five syllables. Majesty - main characteristic, which is isolated from him. Almost always they also note the beauty (91%), mystery (86%) and strength (84%) of the sound of the name. Some also hear a certain femininity in him (82%). The names that are closest in phonosemantic profile are Veronica, Diana and Ekaterina.

Elizabeth's name day

Elizabeth celebrates her name day on January 4, March 7, May 7, June 18, June 20, July 4, July 18, September 5, September 12, September 18, October 21, October 31, November 4, November 5, November 14, November 17 , November 20, November 25, December 31.

Famous people with the name Elizabeth

  • Lisa del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini ((1479 – 1542/1551) wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco Giocondo, possibly depicted in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, known as the Mona Lisa or Gioconda)
  • Eliza Radziwill ((1803 - 1834) Polish aristocrat, bride and first love of the German Emperor Wilhelm I)
  • Elizabeth Taylor ((born 1932) English-American film actress)
  • Elizabeth of Thuringia ((1207 – 1231) Christian ascetic, widely revered in Germany)
  • Lisbeth Palme ((born 1931) Swedish politician, wife of the late Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme)
  • Elizabeth Yaroslavna ((XI century) daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, wife of the Norwegian king Harald III Sigurdarson, Queen of Norway)
  • Elizaveta Petrovna ((1709 - 1762) Russian Empress, daughter of Peter I and Martha Skavronskaya (later Empress Catherine I))
  • Elizabeth I ((1533 - 1603) Queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII Tudor and Anne Boleyn)
  • Elizabeth II ((born 1926) Queen regnant of Great Britain)
  • Elizabeth of Valois, Elizabeth of France ((1545 - 1568) daughter of the French king Henry II and Catherine de' Medici, queen of Spain, third wife of King Philip II of Spain)
  • Elizabeth of Bavaria ((1837 - 1898) Austrian Empress, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I; was known in Austria under the diminutive name Sissi)
  • Elisa Bonaparte ((1777 - 1820) Grand Duchess of Tuscany, sister of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • Elizaveta Vorontsova ((1739 - 1792) Russian aristocrat, favorite of the Russian Emperor Peter III)
  • Elizaveta Tyomkina ((born 1775) daughter of the Russian Empress Catherine II and Prince Grigory Potemkin)
  • Liza Minnelli (American film actress and singer)
  • Lisa Marie Presley (American singer, daughter of Elvis Presley)
  • Elizaveta Khitrovo ((1783 - 1839) nee Golenishcheva-Kutuzova; daughter of commander M.I. Kutuzov, owner of a secular salon in St. Petersburg, friend of A.S. Pushkin)
  • Elizaveta Bykova ((1913 – 1989) chess player, world chess champion)
  • Elizaveta Dmitrieva ((1887 - 1928) married - Vasilyeva; Russian poetess, better known under the literary hoax pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriak)
  • Elizaveta Kulman ((1808 – 1825) poetess, translator, spoke 11 languages)
  • Elizaveta Lavrovskaya ((1845 – 1919) singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater)
  • Elizaveta Sadovskaya ((1872 - 1934) Russian Soviet theater actress)
  • Elizaveta Dvoretskaya (Russian writer (fantasy, historical novels))
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Russian theater and film actress, daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky)
  • Lisbeth McKay (American stage and film actress)
  • Elspeth Gibson (English fashion designer)
  • Bette Davis ((1908 - 1989) American film actress)
  • Bessie Smith ((1894 - 1937) African-American blues singer)
  • Betsy Blair ((1923 - 2009) American film actress)
  • Lizzy Caplan (American film actress)
  • Eliza Dushku (American film actress)
  • Elissa Down (Australian film director)
  • Elsie Ferguson ((1883 - 1961) American stage and film actress)
  • Elisabeth Röckel ((1793 - 1883) German opera singer (soprano); according to one version, Beethoven’s famous piano piece “Fur Elise” was dedicated to her)
  • Elsa Bernstein ((1866 - 1949) German writer and playwright)
  • Else Maidner ((1901 - 1987) German artist)
  • Ilse Werner ((1921 - 2005) German film actress and singer)
  • Bettina von Arnim ((1785 - 1859) German writer)
  • Elise Fugler (French writer)
  • Lisette Lanvin ((1913 - 2004) French film actress)
  • Elisabetta Sirani ((1638 - 1665) Italian artist)
  • Elsa Andersson, Elsa Andersson ((1897 - 1922) the first Swedish female pilot)
  • Elisabeth Dons ((1864 - 1942) Danish opera singer (mezzo-soprano))
  • Lisa Della Casa ((born 1919) Swiss opera singer (soprano))
  • Elisa (Italian pop singer)
  • Elizabeth Bathory, Erzsebet Bathory ((1560 - 1614) Hungarian aristocrat, countess, who went down in history as the most massive serial killer)
  • Elizaveta Chavdar ((1925 - 1989) Ukrainian Soviet opera singer (coloratura soprano))
  • Elizaveta Bryzgina (Ukrainian athlete)
  • Elisaveta (Elisaveta) Karamikhailova ((1897 - 1968) Bulgarian physicist)
  • Elzbieta Starostecka (Polish theater and film actress)
  • Eliza Orzeszko ((1841 - 1910) Polish writer)
  • Eliska Krasnogorskaya ((1847 - 1926) Czech writer, poet and playwright)
  • Lisa Lindgren (Swedish film actress)
  • Lisbeth Stuer-Lauridsen (Danish badminton player)
  • Lisbeth Haaland (Norwegian politician)

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