Black gemstones list. Black stones: and their unique properties, meaning for various zodiac signs

Classification of precious stones. Varieties of precious stones by color. How to identify a real stone among the many fakes, imitations and hacks?

Today, jewelry specialists have a much more difficult time than their predecessors. If a few decades ago a genuine gemstone could be easily distinguished from a fake, even visually, then in the world of modern technology and progress it is almost impossible to do this by eye.

In addition to the well-known hacks made of glass, imitators of expensive stones from cheaper minerals, a new product has appeared on the jewelry market today - stone grown in laboratory conditions. Such a creation of human hands visually looks no worse than a mineral created by nature over many decades, but it costs several times less. How to distinguish a genuine one a natural stone from fake or unnatural stone? What precious minerals even exist?

What stones, gems and minerals are classified as precious stones: classification of precious stones

  • It will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand complex classifications precious stones. The fact is that today there are quite a lot of them: Sobolevsky, Kluge, Kievlenko, Gurich, Bauer-Fersman, etc.
  • In order not to dwell specifically on each of the classifications, we will try to create one, generalizing one, excluding facing stones from it:
  • The first category of stones is precious stones (the most expensive, valuable stones). This category of minerals includes diamond (brilliant), ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, etc.
  • The second category of stones is semi-precious stones (more common, but no less valuable). A similar category of minerals includes: amethyst, aquamarine, almadine, apatite, garnet, rock crystal, opal, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, chrysolite, etc.
  • The third category is jewelry and semi-precious stones. These include: agate, turquoise, amber, cat's eye, moonstone, lapis lazuli, malachite, jasper, tiger's eye.
  • Some classifications group stones into similar categories, however, they also divide minerals into classes. The class indicates the strength of the stone, its high cost and beauty.

Black gems: name, description, photo

There are so many minerals in nature that stand out for their black color. Some of them are so rare that it is almost impossible to find any information about them. In many cases, the name “black” stone can be considered relative, since in fact the mineral has a lighter or non-uniform color. Here are the most common black stones in jewelry:


Black diamond or carbonado

Black Diamond is the greatest rarity and value in jewelry. However, it is worth noting that it never reaches the level of jewelry, since its cutting and processing is very complex - it can only be done using the same stone. In the annals of jewelry there are only a handful of such stones, the most expensive of which was estimated at 1.7 million dollars. The other two became known as "Black Star of Africa" ​​and "Korloff Noir".

True black sapphire does not exist in nature. Almost all black sapphires are the work of scientists. They are obtained by processing blue sapphires. The few black sapphires that are of natural origin can hardly be called black, since their color is closer to the color of the sky at night. The most famous black sapphire is the Black Star of Queensland, worth $100 million.

This type of pearl is also difficult to consider truly black, since its darkness is softened by the mother of pearl of the pearl. However, the cost of such a curiosity remains quite high to this day. The rarest specimens of black pearls are collected in Tahiti in the corresponding museum.

This type of opal is considered one of the most expensive and valuable rocks. Most often, this mineral is found in deposits located in the least developed countries world, which causes numerous human losses during its extraction.

Black spinel is one of the most inexpensive types of black gemstones. Its cheapness is easily explained by the fragility of the stone and the complexity of its processing. Most often, spinel is used in needlework or jewelry in the form of cabochons.

Semiprecious stones

Black quartz or morion is the only representative of semi-precious stones of black color. This mineral is most often used in jewelry today. Externally, it has an opaque or barely transparent surface.

Jewelry and ornamental stones

In fact, black agate does not exist in nature. Only dark coal-colored minerals can be found. A rich black color can only be achieved through technological processing of this stone.

Other representatives of black jewelry and ornamental stones are: black onyx, obsidian, black jasper or jet, hematite, argillite and hypersthene.

White gemstones: name, description, photo

Naturally white or transparent minerals are considered the most expensive and valuable stones in jewelry. White gemstones include:

Diamond or diamond

It is a transparent diamond or an already cut part of it (diamond) that first comes to the mind of any person (especially women) when mentioning white precious stones. Indeed, this mineral is considered one of the most sought after. Its high cost is easily explained by the few deposits of this mineral in the ground. At the same time, only a small fraction of all mined diamonds are suitable for cutting.

Transparent spinel

Unlike its black counterpart, white spinel is a fairly expensive stone with a high strength. The impeccable purity and the fact that this mineral contains no impurities makes it even more valuable. White spinel is most often used in luxury jewelry.

Colorless topaz

With the naked eye, this mineral can easily be confused with a diamond. However, upon closer inspection, differences can be detected. In jewelry, it is customary to frame colorless topaz in noble white metals - gold, platinum.

Goshenite or colorless beryl

Goshenite is also very similar in appearance to diamond, but its shine can rather be called more chilling and restrained.


White pearls have always managed to captivate the fair sex with their warmth and tenderness. Oddly enough, in nature, pearls rarely have a round shape (such representatives are highly valued) - more often they are oblong and uneven. Pearls also have one more feature - their lifespan. If ordinary minerals will delight the eye with their beauty forever, then a pearl can “go out” at any moment. The lifespan of this mineral does not exceed 300 years.

Achroite or white tourmaline

This type of rock is very rare, since its deposits are located in only one point on the map. Achroite is quite rare in the form of jewelry. This kind of pleasure can only be ordered from a few jewelry workshops in the world.

Semi-precious white stones include: white agate, rock crystal and white opal.

Jewelry and ornamental stones can boast of the presence in their list of such white minerals as milky coral, white jasper, moonstone, and white-green jade.

Blue gems: name, description, photo

Blue or cornflower blue sapphire

Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish these two types of mineral by eye. Blue sapphire is valued somewhat lower than cornflower blue sapphire, but it is still considered a precious stone. As for the cornflower blue sapphire, in ancient times it was used only for inlaying royal outfits and jewelry.


Topaz is most often found in blue, but in nature it also comes in other colors - yellow, green, orange, etc. Topaz is not an overly expensive mineral. Most often it is framed in white precious metals - platinum, white gold. Such metals seem to emphasize its gentle radiance.

Already from the very name of the mineral its origin and associations associated with it become clear. The marine color of this stone helps jewelers create masterpieces. blue color. Aquamarine lovers should pay attention to the fact that this mineral is quite fragile - exposure to chemicals, mechanical damage and heat treatment negatively affect its condition.

This color of stone is extremely rare, which determines its rather high price. Framed, it can only be found in exclusive creations by jewelers, which are often kept in private collections and cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Semi-precious blue stones include: zircon, chalcedony.
Turquoise, apatite, bezoar, and amazonite are considered ornamental blue stones.

Blue gems: name, description, photo



Lapis lazuli is a gemstone that is most often set in yellow gold. This mineral is believed to have strong healing and protective properties.

To semi-precious stones of blue color can be attributed to turquoise, the color range of which includes dozens of shades of blue, green and light blue.

Red gemstones: name, description, photo

Perhaps every person, when mentioning red gemstones, immediately thinks of ruby. This stunningly beautiful mineral is very widely used in jewelry. It is framed in various kinds of precious metals - gold, platinum, silver. A piece of jewelry inlaid with ruby ​​can be quite expensive - everything will depend on the metal, as well as the number and size of minerals. Since ancient times, rubies have been credited with many magical and healing qualities. This stone has always been associated with love, passion and desire.

Semi-precious red stones include garnet, zircon, carnelian, and coral.

Garnet, carbuncle or pyrope

In the myths of various ancient states there were very frequent references to this mineral. It was believed that pomegranate was able to heal many ailments and block the effects of poison and poison.

As for ornamental stones, the most famous representative of them in red color is jasper.

Pink gemstones: name, description, photo

Until recently, this soft pink gemstone was not classified as a separate subgroup - it was simply considered one of the varieties of amethyst. However, thanks to the works of the American Kunz (by whose name it was named), this mineral, based on its composition, different from amethyst, was nevertheless recognized as a completely different stone.

In the early 90s, kunzite attracted the attention of the entire public. He owed such popularity to the Kennedy family. The fact is that the American president, on the eve of his tragic death, purchased Jacqueline a ring inlaid with kunzite. But John was never destined to give the gift to his beloved wife - he was shot dead a month before the celebration.

Morganite or pink beryl

Morganite (in Russia sparrowite) is a rather rare mineral. Most often it is used to decorate products in the company of diamonds.

Rubellite or pink tourmaline

Rubellite is a fairly inexpensive, but no less beautiful gemstone. Its resemblance to a ruby ​​played into the hands of scammers in ancient times. It was this mineral that was used to counterfeit more expensive rubies.

Semi-precious pink stones include quartz, agate, and corundum.
As for ornamental stones, nature often colors jasper, coral, rhodochrosite and rhodonite pink.

Green gemstones: name, description, photo

Naturally, the most famous green gemstone is the emerald. Few people know that in its original form this mineral can hardly be called beautiful - only after high-quality cutting can one recognize it as the king of green stones. Emeralds are most often framed in yellow metals. In white version they can only be found in company with white gold and platinum. The price of emeralds is sometimes simply fabulous - from $300 per carat.

Demantoid or green garnet

The high refractive index of the sun's rays of the demantoid raises it to the level of the most regal stone - diamond. Most often, green garnet is confused with emerald, although its color, unlike the latter, is closer to the color of grass. For one carat of this gemstone you will have to pay from $100 to $1000.

Green sapphire Burgundy tourmaline

Semi-precious garnet can also have a beautiful burgundy color.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake, from glass in jewelry?

It will not be difficult for a high-class jeweler or appraiser to identify the authenticity of a stone using special tools and devices. As for the inexperienced layman, it will be very difficult for him to distinguish a real stone from a fake. In such cases, professionals recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Natural stone, as a rule, is much stronger than glass or plastic fakes. If you run a sharp object over it, there should be no mark left on it. In this case, a scratch may form on the fake. But this method is relevant only when you need to distinguish hack work from a real stone - if the product contains a precious stone instead top level Since a natural but less expensive mineral is involved, there is no point in conducting such an experiment.
  2. Natural stones have a cool touch. If you put a stone on your tongue or apply it to your cheek, it will remain cold for a long time. If the product uses glass or plastic, the stone will heat up quite quickly.
  3. Natural stones grown in the depths of the earth are rarely large, but artificial minerals created in laboratories can reach more impressive sizes.
  4. The color of natural stone is rarely very rich and bright. At the same time, creating hackwork of any color and shade is quite simple.
  5. You should not expect that a natural stone will cost a penny - the price per carat of a precious mineral can reach thousands and hundreds of dollars.
  6. When purchasing a product with natural stones, you can ask the seller to provide a certificate of authenticity of the stones.

In fact, all precious minerals have completely different chemical and physical properties. Therefore, the identification of each of them must be approached individually.

Gems: Video

How to distinguish a precious stone from a natural one: Video

Black stone is very often found in jewelry. However, not everyone knows that it can be precious and semi-precious. What night-colored stones exist, you can find them out in this article.

What does black stone mean?

Each color means something, therefore, when purchasing this or that decoration, it is better to know what meaning the shade you like carries. Most cultures have assigned negative emotions to black stone. Typically, night-colored jewelry meant worry, sadness, and anxiety. Of course, in modern world all wrong. Black color, including in the wardrobe, signifies a person’s desire for conservatism and minimalism. Most often, jewelry with such stones is not chosen to draw attention to the shape; rather, they are worn to emphasize the content of the accessory.

What types of black gemstones are there?

Black stones are very popular among today's fashionistas. The main reason is not only the large number of gems. All precious stones have a unique appearance. There are different types of black crystals, the most popular are:

  • sapphire;
  • diamond;
  • pearl;
  • spinel;
  • agate;
  • jasper;
  • opal;
  • jet;
  • morion;
  • obsidian.


The most expensive diamond is considered to be weighing 490 carats; the crystal was valued at $1,700,000.


Black stone - precious pearls - has been loved by everyone from time immemorial. In Rus', such jewelry was worn by clergy and princes. In the Middle Ages, Europeans valued black pearls on a par with diamonds. This durable organic compound has always been opaque in color. However, black pearls are rare. The cost of even a small ball is estimated at thousands of dollars. A museum is still open on the island of Tahiti today, where the most valuable specimens of black stone are presented. There you can admire the ancient night-colored pearls.

Black spinel

Unlike the others, spinel is the cheapest stone. Plus, the black mineral is very difficult to process. For jewelers, such a nugget is not very valuable. It is very difficult to obtain precise edges from spinel, so cabochons are most often made from it.

Black opal

The black stone, whose name is opal, is a noble mineral. The most expensive nuggets have a rainbow shimmer. The cost of opal directly depends on the amount of sparkle in the stone. It is mined everywhere, but most often it can be found in Asian countries.

What kinds of black semi-precious stones are there?

Black semi-precious stone is also very common. The main representative of these minerals is morion. People call it black quartz. The stone got its name because of its appearance. The nugget is an opaque crystal. In Rus' he was called a "gypsy". This black stone was believed to have some magical properties. Several centuries ago, morion was a mourning mineral. In the old days, a widower always had a ring with a morion. Today the stone is used in the production of costume jewelry. Unfortunately, little is known about this crystal until now.

Decorative stones

There are many ornamental and decorative black stones. The most favorite are:

  • agate;
  • onyx;
  • jet;
  • jasper;
  • obsidian;
  • hematite.

Charcoal black agate is a stone that is very common among jewelry lovers. In jewelry, a crystal with a uniform color is most often used. But no less interesting nuggets are dark stones with various colored patterns. In nature, such specimens are also found very often. The patterns and structure of the stones are individual and unique. It is simply impossible to find two identical agates.

Onyx is an opaque stone, often gray-black or black. Experts say that the mineral comes from volcanic rock. There are many legends around it, one of which says that this crystal is the petrified nail of Aphrodite. In fact, an onyx cut with alternating black and white stripes is similar to the structure and structure of a nail. Before buying a stone, you need to be careful, as there are many fakes. Most often they pass off as ordinary marble, which is similar to natural crystal.

Charcoal - jet - also belongs to the class of decorative black stones. It is also called petrified wood. The age of this organic mineral is estimated at millions of years. It is mined in areas of brown coal deposits. Processing jet is very difficult, since the stone is distinguished by its fragility. This decorative mineral is very plastic; under a certain temperature it can be given absolutely any shape. Black natural jet stone differs from others in its silky shine, which is why it is so valuable among those who like to sparkle with jewelry. It is a mistake to think that charcoal is black amber. In fact, a type of sunstone is stantienite. It has nothing to do with coal. Black amber was created by hardening pine resin. The stone is fragile and very expensive.

Probably the most unique and inimitable ornamental material is the mineral jasper. The stone is characterized by various shades on cuts. Each individual gem is something valuable. There is no copy of it in nature. This is why he is so loved by jewelers. If you come across a single-colored gem on the shelves, then know that it is unlikely to be jasper. Since this stone only comes with splashes of red, white or green. Many people mistakenly call the gem "black jasper", most often we're talking about about jet.

Cosmic obsidian is of volcanic origin. Its structure is amorphous. The stone was formed during the hardening of lava. Therefore, calling obsidian a crystal is incorrect. The stone is most often opaque; the gem has a dark background with unusual patterns. In various cultures, obsidian represented something divine. It’s not for nothing that the stone received such a name as “Fragments of Satan’s Claws.” Obsidian is also called "Tears of the Apaches."

Hematite is also a popular ornamental black stone. It usually has a red and black color. Otherwise, hematite is called a stone the color of dried blood or bloodstone. One of the main features of the gem is its unique ability to magnetize. Despite the fact that hematite is a very fragile stone, in the old days it was used to make various crafts, household items, etc.

Black stones in jewelry

Most often, black semi-precious stones are framed in silver frames. They also get along well with other alloys. The exception is the gem hematite. He does not accept expensive framing. The only metal with which hematite “lives peacefully” is silver. All jewelry made of semi-precious metals in a silver frame is inexpensive. The maximum price is from 5 to 7 thousand rubles per product.

Jewelry in gold frames is more expensive. Black gems such as opal and amber get along well with the noble metal. Precious stones are framed in platinum and gold of the highest standard. The cost of such products depends on the type of gem, type of metal and size. Of course, the type of mineral plays a determining role in the price of jewelry. Even heavy weight framing metal will not have a significant impact on the cost of the product.

Having earrings or a ring with a black gemstone in your arsenal is a luxury item. Not everyone has such jewelry. But owners of such products should know how to wear them correctly. For example, it is better for a mature lady to wear jewelry with precious stones framed in gold, while a young girl, in order to emphasize her refined taste, will suit jewelry made from decorative gems. A black stone is perfect for a respectable man, especially if he occupies an important position.

What do astrologers say?

Each stone carries certain information, and black gems are no exception. It is believed that these minerals can relieve diseases and negative energy. Astrologers advise regularly washing minerals, washing away all the bad things from them. Black colored stones are said to calm the mind and soul. It is recommended to wear jewelry with such gems for people suffering from emotional and psychological disorders. Black stones are best suited for strong zodiac signs. They will help Leos, Scorpios and Aries to properly distribute energy and curb their feelings. For representatives of Libra, a black stone (precious) will give them confidence and courage in making decisions.

Since ancient times, precious or semi-precious stones have been distinguished by their black color and unusual appearance. They attracted special attention from people with different financial capabilities and social status. Exactly dark color testifies to the sophistication of products made from these minerals, their sophistication and the aristocracy of the person who uses them.

The owner of black precious stones gains greater activity, self-confidence, becomes bold and relaxed. These minerals can support a weak person and restrain an overly strong person. . A person’s thoughts, emotions and behavior become more balanced, vanity moves away from him, after which he is imbued with thoughts about Eternity.


Jewelers certainly love black., but it is not used very often. And the point is not only that a black stone is not suitable for every person, but rather that the resulting things can hardly be called decoration. It may turn out strictly, solemnly, it may turn out stylish, but as a rule, there is no talk of decoration and a festive mood. In a word, unique things.

For men

It is best to purchase it as a gift to a representative of the stronger half of humanity. Especially if a man leads, likes to command people, and be responsible for them. Black stones will always help him in everything.

For women

Any woman with a leadership nature and maximum internal energy is perfect for jewelry made from this stone. . They will be able to emphasize a woman’s self-confidence and her refined taste. Most often, jewelry made from these minerals is given to wealthy businesswomen.

If a woman is not entirely confident in herself, is suspicious and modest, then she is not recommended to wear jewelry with a black stone every day. Maximum benefit can be obtained by wearing 1-2 times a month.

Black sea stones

Well, we’ll talk about this a little later in another article. There really is a lot there.

Black minerals

Nature has sent people several versions of these black minerals, which differ in their appearance, shapes, shades, and location of the deposit.


Translated from Greek it means “nail”. Pure onyx is very rare to find. Most often, this black chalcedony with a shiny tint has transverse stripes in the form of a yellow, white or red braid. It is a stone of leaders and a symbol of struggle and peace. Having accumulated positive energy, this stone removes negative energy and gives its power to the owner. The most valuable types of this mineral are found in India, the USA and Brazil.

This brilliant, rather rare, expensive and unusual stone, which has been loved since ancient times, brings happiness to family life, reflects and enhances the qualities of its owner and is appreciated by jewelry lovers. In order not to aggravate character flaws, it is better to wear this stone periodically. Large deposits of this mineral have been discovered in Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Tajikistan.

Tourmaline or schorl?

This gemstone is called black tourmaline or sherlite. Sherl is able to neutralize accumulated negativity, strengthen memory and clarify the thoughts of its owner. Large deposits have been discovered in some African countries, the USA, India, Australia and Russia.

Volcanic glass

Called black obsidian, this natural mineral resulting from the cooling of lava is suitable only for strong personalities. Since ancient times, axes, spears and knives have been made from it. Deposits have been discovered all over the world (in Mexico, Japan, Ethiopia, Turkey, Russia).

Natural pearls

A very rare stone from which quite expensive jewelry is made. Its usual color is, of course, white, but black pearls are rare.

Stone in products

Semi-precious and less common ones include agates and jades. No less widely used are ornamental jet black obsidian.

The most sophisticated and demanding person will be amazed by jewelry made from black stones. They are so beautiful, luxurious, sophisticated and magical that they enchant and attract the attention of any person who has encountered them at least once. For several hundred and thousands of years no one has been able to find the key to this mysterious feature of products made from this stone.

Minerals of this color are used to create not only individual and exclusive jewelry, but also various sets. Particularly popular are rings and rings with massive black gems or neat miniature stones inserted into them. Everything will depend on the desire of the woman or man, their taste and the appropriateness of such jewelry in their image.

Earrings with black stones are suitable for middle-aged and older women. You can also find jewelry that will appeal to young girls and even little girls. Pendants made from this stone, which can be used in combination with other accessories, will look ideal on any woman.

A black stone in a brooch can become the main highlight in any woman’s look, since only ladies with excellent taste can wear such an accessory.

The same applies to men's cufflinks. This small and inconspicuous wardrobe detail can tell a lot more about a person than his documents or himself.

Semi-precious and precious stones of black color have long attracted attention with their unusual appearance. Among the most famous minerals are opals, sapphires and onyxes. Jewelers highly value brilliant black sapphire with an asterism effect. This is the name for the appearance of a star image on a stone when it is illuminated. Tourmaline and fine spinel can sometimes have a raven color.

Semi-precious jade and black agate are much less common. Diamonds lead in popularity and exclusivity among dark-colored minerals. Natural black pearls are considered very rare, and therefore jewelry with them is highly valued. When choosing, you need to beware of fakes with artificial or painted pearls. Ornamental coal-black obsidian is widely used.

Stones that give strength

Dark colors symbolize aristocracy, sophistication, sophistication and adherence to tradition. These properties are also present in black stones. They contain the entire color spectrum, so these gems combine the magical and healing properties inherent in stones of other shades.

Black precious minerals are the source of earthly power, the embodiment of its energy. Stones make their owner active, courageous, persistent and self-confident. They support the weak person and restrain the too strong.

A black stone brings balance to thoughts, emotions and the whole life. It is often used in meditation and spiritual rituals, since the black color helps to reject vanity and become imbued with thoughts of the High. Black It is called noble and is highly valued by jewelry lovers. This transparent, shiny mineral brings happiness in love and family life. Brings inspiration to an artist or poet. The stone tends to reflect and enhance all the qualities of its owner. But wearing the stone constantly is not recommended, so as not to aggravate character flaws.

Tourmaline black color was called “sherl”. It was considered the stone of witches and magicians because of its ability to repel the strongest magical effects. The precious mineral has a positive effect on human consciousness, strengthens memory and clarifies thoughts. During meditation, the stone affects the base chakra and forms a neutral aura. It neutralizes all negativity directed at its owner.

Volcanic glass black color is called obsidian. The mineral is a carrier of the strongest magical energy, so it is recommended only for strong personalities, skeptics and cynics to wear it. A stone can have a depressing effect on a weak-willed person. Obsidian helps develop intuition and the gift of prediction. Items made from this mysterious stone are often used in spiritualistic séances.

Your name onyx derived from the Greek "onyx", which means "nail". This shiny black chalcedony is most often decorated with transverse stripes - a kind of braid of white, brown, red or yellow flowers. Pure onyx is much less common. The stone is capable of reflecting negative energy and accumulate positive. In moments of great physical or mental stress, onyx will share its strength with its owner.

Who needs black minerals?

A precious black mineral will appeal to a respectable man who holds an important position or is in charge. big amount of people. To a strong man you can wear black stones quite often. For suspicious or overly modest individuals, it is recommended to wear them several times a month.

Black stones have the ability to get rid of negative or excess energy and illnesses. Therefore, they need to be washed regularly under running water and give them rest in a dark place. The effect of black minerals on the human psyche and nervous system is especially noticeable. They have the ability to stop the storm reigning in the soul, calm the mind and feelings. Therefore, a black stone is recommended to be worn by those who experience difficulties of an emotional or psychological nature.
Astrologers advise representatives of strong zodiac signs to wear precious jewelry with black stones. They will help Aries, Scorpio and Leo to curb their feelings, distribute energy and direct it in the right direction. It is useful for Libra to have a black mineral for greater determination and courage. It is advisable for Cancers and Aquarius to wear transparent dark stones, which will feed them with strength in difficult times.

Talismans with black gems

A precious black gem is the strongest amulet. Its action is aimed at physically protecting a person from diseases, injuries, and accidents. The energy of the stone is able to repel a hostile magical attack, protect against damage or the evil eye. Precious jewelry with black minerals or products made from them protect against any physical impact.

Jet, which is otherwise called “black amber,” has the ability to ward off danger from its active and courageous owner-traveler. It is useful for pregnant women to have it as a talisman. The stone helps to easily endure pregnancy and give birth healthy baby. Jet pacifies excessive excitement, desire for adventure and idle curiosity.

Onyx, used as a talisman, will promote career advancement, since it “loves” powerful and purposeful people. This semi-precious stone helps to gain the authority and love of the team, attract the attention of the audience, and control large crowds of people. Onyx protects against the machinations of rivals and increases the number of allies.

It is very useful to wear onyx for developing your own business and accumulating capital. The mineral enhances entrepreneurial abilities, activates business acumen and develops eloquence. Therefore, decoration with it is a wonderful gift for a businessman. The gem will attract luck and luck to his side. The stone eliminates excess energy, helping to avoid stress and conflicts.

Obsidian protects a person not only from external enemies, but also from internal demons. It is useful to wear for those who are prone to various vices. The stone cleanses from aggression, replaces laziness with activity, apathy with hard work. Any obsidian vessel charges water with positive energy, which protects it from evil magic and one’s own bad deeds.

Lithotherapists consider sherl one of the strongest talismans. The stone can protect you from mortal dangers along the way, warn against fatal mistakes and prevent accidents. The power of the earth is concentrated in schorl crystals, so the mineral is useful for weakened people to wear. It helps restore health, heals wounds and reduces pain.

Noble black spinel has a second name - picotite. It has a positive impact on the work of many internal organs. A beneficial effect of picotite on the condition of the skin, hair and overall appearance has been noticed. The gemstone will serve as a good talisman for a woman. He will take care of her beauty and attract the attention of men to her. The mineral activates creative impulses and promotes spiritual development.

Since ancient times, jewelry has captivated humanity. Precious and semi-precious stones are mainly used for this purpose. These categories include specimens that are quite rare in nature and have beautiful appearance and special properties. These factors explain their rather high cost. There are several classifications of stones. Most often, class distinctions or a simpler classification are used:

  1. Precious stones of the 1st grade.
  2. Second-rate gems.
  3. Semi-precious species.

In addition to being used in the jewelry industry, gems are used in ornamental arts, for the manufacture of special tools, and in optical and technical production.

First grade gemstones

Stones belonging to this category are usually measured in carats. Mainly used in gold and silver jewelry. Let's take a closer look at some of the representatives of this group.

One of the most famous and popular stones in the world. It is the hardest mineral. Widely used in jewelry making and electronics industries. Its shades are revealed most deeply after processing. A cut stone is called a diamond. The cost of rare specimens can reach tens of thousands of dollars per carat.

The value of a diamond is determined by its clarity. The more yellowish inclusions in a mineral, the lower its cost. Based on the presence of defects and impurities, this stone is divided into 8 groups.

Its magical properties include protection from various diseases and the evil eye. The owner of a diamond mined honestly will have good luck. It is believed that this mineral can only be worn by a person with strong and positive energy, it will multiply.

A green stone of sufficient hardness. Its quality is assessed, like most precious minerals, according to the following parameters:

  • transparency;
  • shade;
  • cut.

When purchasing emerald, it is better to use the services of specialists, since its production under artificial conditions is quite popular.

As a talisman, it is considered a talisman for sailors and fishermen, protecting against misfortunes. Medicinal properties: improves vision, relieves insomnia, improves memory. It is considered the strongest of beryls.


It has a fairly strong structure. A special feature of this mineral is the ability to change color depending on the lighting. Used in jewelry. Due to its color variability, it is considered a stone of amorousness and inconstancy.


There are minerals of various colors and transparent. The stone from the corundum group has sufficient hardness. The most valuable is the dark blue sapphire. It protects against heart disease and poisoning, and brings confidence and courage to the owner. Considered a symbol of virtue and friendship.


The most expensive and best specimens are considered to be stones of a rich, bright red color.

This corundum is a hard but brittle mineral. When purchasing, you should be careful: artificial rubies are produced in very large quantities. As a talisman, it attracts happiness and love, strengthens the immune system.


This stone is formed in the shells of rivers and sea ​​mollusks. The larger the pearl, the higher its value. There are white and black colors.

The following representatives also belong to this group of minerals:

  • spinel;
  • euclase

Second grade precious stones


  1. Topaz. It comes in various shades: from yellow to blue. Has a solid structure. Currently, artificially colored topazes are widely used. Protects against the evil eye, helps with insomnia and fatigue.
  2. Aquamarine. The stone is transparent with a bluish-green tint. It is worth noting that the ability of this gem to form is extremely large crystals, makes it stand out in jewelry production. How an amulet protects family happiness and can warn the owner of danger by changing its color.
  3. Amethyst. Previously, this mineral was famous as a church stone. Now it is popular among jewelers. The most prized amethyst is the Deep Siberian shade (3/4 purple and 1/4 blue colors). Artificial production is widespread. Medicinal properties: helps with burns and nervous disorders, intoxication. Brings fame and wealth to its owner.
  4. Opal. One of the most famous jewelry stones. Its main advantage is the ability to create different rays under the influence of sunlight due to its structure. The color of the mineral varies from milky white to black, but invariably with an iridescent inner glow. Helps a person concentrate and protects against disasters.
  5. Tourmaline. The popularity of this mineral is primarily due to the variety of colors of its transparent varieties. Talisman of love and hope. Positively affects the body and mind. Black tourmaline is called the witches stone.
  6. Zircon. Transparent mineral. Increases intelligence and promotes the development of the owner’s mental abilities. It is almost impossible to buy this stone in its natural form on the modern jewelry market, since the artificial analogue is identical in properties and is easier to obtain the finished product.

Second-class precious stones also include:

  • pomegranate;
  • phenacite;
  • hyacinth;
  • almandine.

Semiprecious stones

The concept itself is relative. This group includes both low-grade precious stones and high-grade ornamental minerals. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  1. Beryllonite. Transparent colorless stone. Helps strong people achieve your goals.
  2. Benitoite. Has sapphire or purple. It helps the owner restore the immune system by drawing energy from space.
  3. Chrysolite. A stone with a yellowish or green tint. A magical gem, popular among astrologers. Protects the owner from nightmares and nervous disorders.
  4. Chrysoprase. Translucent green mineral. This is a talisman for young people who have not decided on a goal in life, and for creative individuals.
  5. Coral. Marine representative of precious stones. It is a calcareous mass of skeletons of invertebrate marine animals. Valued for making beads, earrings, and necklaces.
  6. Tsavorite. It is also called green pomegranate. Promotes normalization of blood pressure, calmness and tranquility.
  7. Ametrine. It is a mixture of amethyst and citrine. The color of the mineral is varied: from lilac to wine-yellow. Helps cleanse the blood and makes the owner more reasonable and friendly.
  8. Amber. It is fossilized tree resin. The transparent mineral containing insects and plant particles is especially valued. It is popular in making beads, bracelets and other jewelry. The stone helps protect homes from fires, brings good luck to travelers and is a talisman against evil spirits.

In nature, there are many more stones and minerals used to produce various souvenirs and decorations.

Most of them are currently produced artificially. The main representatives of semi-precious stones are the following ornamental stones:

  1. Malachite, jade, onyx.
  2. Obsidian, carnelian. Rhodonite.
  3. Chalcedony, citrine, rock crystal.
  4. Jasper, agate, apatite, turquoise.

The vast majority of gems are representatives of the silicon-quartz group.

Mineral deposits

Mining of precious and semi-precious stones is common in the following countries:

  1. India (diamonds).
  2. Sri Lanka (most precious stones except diamonds).
  3. Colombia (emeralds).
  4. Ukraine (topaz and beryl).
  5. Hungary (opal).
  6. USA (topaz, turquoise, garnet, tourmaline).

In Russia, the most famous deposits of minerals used in the jewelry industry are located in the Urals, in the Yamalo-Nenets District, in the Baikal region and in Norilsk.

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