The current currency of Poland. What is the currency of Poland: euro or zloty? Should I take dollars to Poland?

The monetary unit of Poland has a very symbolic name, reflecting the essence of the time when the zloty was born. The name of the unit represented the gold minted coins that came to Poland from foreign countries. In the 14th century, Poland followed suit and began issuing a national unit in the form of gold ducats.

At first, the zloty reflected the essence of the material from which it was made. The name of the unit spread throughout the country and was preserved even at the moment when zlotys began to be exchanged for silver pennies.

Over time, the quality of the pennies dropped significantly, and the actual silver content dwindled. Therefore, restrictions were introduced, after which 1 zloty was equal to 30 groszy. At the end of the 15th century, “zloty” was the name of the national currency, where shape and metal no longer mattered.

The origins of the zloty

The first minting of zlotys in the form of silver coins was carried out in 1564, more widespread currency unit received during the reign of John the second Casimir (1663). At that time, one zloty was equal to 12 groschen. Moreover, out of a 6.7 gram coin, the silver part was only 3 grams.

The silver coin received its name from the name of its author – “tymf”. However, the tymph did not provide adequate stability and fell out of circulation in 1776.

At the same time, a monetary reform was carried out, thanks to which the state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth switched to a new unit of circulation - the Cologne foot. The silver content was more than 200 g.

For convenience, it was divided into 10 thalers, which in turn were divided into 8 zlotys. More developed system national currency led to the creation of a mint located in Warsaw.

The next stage in the historical course of the zloty is its minting in the Kingdom of Poland, which was part of Russian Empire. The following coins were in circulation:

  1. copper coins in denominations of 1 and 3 groschen;
  2. coins with a face value of 5.10 zlotys cast from a billon;
  3. silver coins;
  4. gold coins in denominations of 25 and 50 zlotys.

The Polish zloty underwent significant changes when the Kościuszko Uprising was organized. In 1794, the first paper money was issued for an amount exceeding 6 million zlotys.

The silver standard flourished in Poland and the economy was in a dynamic state. Therefore, in 1815, zlotys became the official monetary unit, which had a fixed exchange rate to the ruble.

Free Krakow and its national currency

From 1815 to 1846, Krakow bore the title of a free city, but after 1846 it was influenced by Austria and incorporated into it. This was accompanied by the release of new coins, both silver and gold. The new currency did not live up to expectations and quickly went out of circulation.

In the first years after the end of the First World War, Poland's economy had unfavorable prospects. In addition to national coins, monetary units of neighboring states were in circulation, which undermined the Polish economy.

In order to regulate the situation, zlotys were replaced by the Polish mark. The next stage in the development of the monetary unit was the Polish-Russian war for the right to own the territories of Ukraine. This led to a sharp increase in costs for which the national economy was not prepared.

After the armistice, Poland suffered a wave of inflation. The Polish mark rapidly increased, its ratio became equal to 100 groszy, although previously this value was within 30 groszy.

Beginning in 1924, the zloty was reintroduced into circulation, with the main monetary unit pegged to the dollar. However, this did not help reduce the rate of inflation, so in addition to zlotys, securities, which were also in circulation.

Series of coins and banknotes:

Reform period

Pilsudski's reforms had a huge impact on the development of the zloty, thanks to which the Bank of Poland was under close state control, and the external debt taken from America allowed the situation to stabilize for some time.

Beginning in 1925, the zloty began to depreciate again, but by the end of 1926 it had become a relatively stable currency. Until 1933, there was a heyday for the zloty, which was freely exchanged for foreign currency and gold. The only factor hindering the development of the country was the somewhat overvalued currency exchange rate.

The following commemorative coins were issued at this time:

  • 5 zloty coin, issued in 1930;
  • 10 zloty coin, issued in 1933;
  • silver coins in denominations of 2, 5, 10 zlotys, issued in 1932.

Modern history details

In 1944 These include socialist banknotes that did not catch on and were quickly replaced by post-war coins. In 1974, Poland issues a series of new coins, which began to quickly depreciate, the country is again engulfed by a wave of inflation.

exchange rate against the ruble, dollar, where you can change

Before traveling to any country, it is prudent to provide for the moment without which existence abroad is impossible. Each state has its own currency, and for the most part, all monetary manipulations are possible only with money issued by the country you are traveling to.

What is the currency of Poland? Where can I exchange money? Where should you not do this? Which Polish money exchange rate in relation to the ruble and the dollar? We will try to reveal all this in the article.

What currency is used in Poland?

WITH XV century, a new payment unit was introduced in Poland - the zloty, or gold ducat. There have been various changes appearance coins, their value in relation to the penny, varied different meaning. At first, a ratio of 1:30 was adopted. That is, 1 zloty was equal to 30 groszy, which in turn was half a kopeck.

In 1924, it was decided to equate the zloty to 100 groszy. This designation is still in effect today.

Thus, Polish money– these are zlotys. In order to be solvent in the Polish state, you need to exchange your country's money for zlotys.

Interesting moments in the formation of the Polish currency

IN XIX century Warsaw was conquered by the emperor Russian state Alexander I. Were taken into circulation and money in Poland. Issues about the ratio of zlotys to rubles were resolved. As a result, zlotys began to be minted with the image of the Russian coat of arms and the profile of Alexander I.

During the uprising in Poland, the rebels, influencing the government, issued their own currency: the zloty chervonets. This monetary equivalent began to exist in 1931. But the rebel motets were in full circulation for only six months. After the suppression of the uprising, a decree was issued on the confiscation and recoining of all zloty chervonets. True, the withdrawal from circulation dragged on for almost 9 years.

Today, Poland plans to switch to the euro in the coming years. After joining the European Union, the Polish state set this transition as its main goal, but the economic state of the country has not allowed this to be done since 2004.

Where can you change money in Poland?

Unlike Russia, in Poland money is exchanged not in banks, but in separately located exchange offices called “Kantor”. You can find them at train stations and in central places of cities.

It is also important that the exchange rate is set by the offices themselves. It is not fixed and may depend on the days of the week and the city. So, for example, in Warsaw the exchange rate is not reduced on weekdays, but on weekends it is set lower than usual. In Wroclaw at train stations, the exchange rate is stable and does not depend on time or days of the week.

Before making an exchange, it is better to compare prices at the nearest currency exchange offices.

What currency is best to take with you to Poland?

Carrying rubles with you is definitely not profitable. The exchange rate for them is low. It is more practical to go to Poland with dollars or euros. The exchange rate for them is stable and high. By exchanging currency in your country for the dollar, you can win significantly more than exchanging rubles for zlotys in Poland.

By having an understanding of the money used in Poland, you can avoid many mistakes that ruin your holiday. Forewarned is forearmed.

The main monetary unit of Poland is the zloty. One zloty is equal to 16 rubles and is divided into 100 groschen. Currently, bills in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 zlotys, as well as smaller coins, are used in Poland.

History of Polish currency

The emergence of the zloty and the reforms of Stanislav Poniatowski

During the Middle Ages in Poland the following were common:

  • Krakow grosz is a small silver coin;
  • Kopa is a Czech coin equal to 60 Krakow groschen;
  • Polish mark, for which they gave 210 grams of silver;
  • Krakow hryvnia, which replaced the Polish mark in the 14th century.

Later, all these coins were replaced by the zloty.

Initially, “zloty” was the name given to all foreign gold coins, primarily ducats, which were widely circulated in the territory of the Polish Kingdom. The name “zloty” remained with the Polish currency even after the state began minting silver coins rather than gold.

The zloty became the official monetary unit in 1528, after the corresponding financial reform. When minting coins, the state faced a serious problem: there was not enough silver in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to provide the actual value of the new money. At the same time, the Polish kings and the Sejm stubbornly tried to resist inflation, artificially inflating the value of the zloty, despite the fact that the content of the precious metal in the coin was falling every year.

For several centuries, the officially declared value of the zloty was equal to 30 silver groschen, but in fact XVIII century one coin could not cost more than 12 groschen.

A further deterioration of the situation could lead to the complete collapse of the Polish economic system. However, a man who realized the need for change finally came to power. In 1766, on the initiative of King Stanisław Poniatowski, a monetary reform was carried out. As a result of this reform, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth switched to the Cologne foot, which contained 233 grams of silver and was divided into 80 zlotys.

Zloty after the divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

IN late XVIII century there were three divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, during which this state ceased to exist. In the part of Poland that ceded to Prussia, the zloty was replaced by the mark. And on those lands that, after redistribution, turned out to be Russian territory, the zloty was in circulation on a par with the ruble. St. Petersburg did not liquidate the Polish currency, since in a number of cases it turned out to be more convenient and reliable than the Russian ruble. The zloty remained the official currency in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland, but with some reservations. Firstly, each coin had to have a Russian coat of arms or a portrait of Alexander I. Secondly, Russian government established a low value of the zloty: for one zloty they gave only 15 silver kopecks.

In 1828, the Polish Bank was allowed to print paper money. Banknotes were not something new for the Poles. At the end of the 18th century, during the uprising of Tadeusz Kościuszko, the Warsaw Mint was already producing paper notes, but after the victory over the rebels, all newly printed money was destroyed.

Literally three years later, a new uprising for independence took place in Poland, during which the issuance of Polish money began without images of the symbols of the Russian Empire. Like the last time, after the suppression of the uprising, these banknotes were destroyed. Since then, the zloty began to be gradually replaced by the ruble. By 1856, only the ruble was in circulation in Poland.

Monetary system of independent Poland

After the First World War, the Polish authorities removed all foreign currency from circulation in order to replace it with Polish money. At first, such a monetary unit as the Polish mark was created, but it was soon replaced by the same zloty, pegged to the dollar exchange rate. In 1925, due to the numerous debt obligations of the Polish government, the country experienced inflation.

The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland, Jozef Pilsudski, tried to rectify the situation. For some time he managed to stabilize the Polish currency, but the economic crisis entered a new stage and caused another inflation.

In 1939, when Poland was occupied by German troops, new “occupation” money with Nazi symbols began to be issued. By that time, silver had already ceased to be used for minting coins, and the new zlotys were made of iron and zinc.

In 1945 Poland became socialist. Here they began to issue new money with appropriate symbols. Throughout the Soviet era, Polish money gradually depreciated. Therefore, from 1950 to the early 1990s, several reforms were carried out in the country, the main purpose of which was to introduce new banknotes of higher denominations into circulation.

The most serious crisis financial system Poland experienced the fall of the Soviet regime. But by 1995 the national currency had stabilized. All further reforms were aimed exclusively at reducing the denomination of banknotes.

Zloty or Euro?

Despite the fact that the state is part of the eurozone, the question of what kind of money should be in circulation in Poland has not yet been resolved.

On the one hand, Poland has not yet fulfilled the conditions necessary for transition to the euro: maintaining a low level of inflation for two years and avoiding a large budget deficit. On the other hand, the Poles themselves are in no hurry to switch to new money. According to surveys, 75% of the population believes that the national currency should remain the zloty, and the introduction of the euro will cause financial instability. The current President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, and the majority of Sejm deputies share the same opinion.

To date, discussion of the issue of transition to the euro has been postponed for 10-20 years. Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki motivates this decision by saying that the transition to the euro will be safe for Poland only if the country manages to increase its economic and productive power.

National currency of Poland- Polish zloty PLN. One Polish zloty consists of 100 grosz. You can pay in Poland only national currency.

Each banknote has a specific symbol to help people with low vision recognize its meaning. The banknotes depict former reigning kings of Poland.

Appearance of the currency of Poland

Money in Poland

Cash money in Poland exist in paper bills and coins. Plastic cards in use (preferably debit): Visa, MasterCard, Cirrus and Maestro. Credit cards are accepted in many hotels and restaurants, car rental companies, etc. Traveler's checks are also accepted almost everywhere.

Answering the question, “ what money to take to Poland?", we can say that the easiest currencies accepted for exchange are € and $. In some supermarkets (TESCO) at special cash desks, which are marked with a EURO icon, you can pay in this currency.

How much money to take to Poland?

Answering the question, “ how much money to take to Poland?", we can say that prices in Poland remain quite low for travelers. Of course, if you are going to rent a car and rent a room in a luxury hotel, it will cost the same as in Western Europe.

Approximate prices in Poland:

  • Liter of gasoline - 1.35 €
  • Car rental per day (without driver) - 40 €
  • Travel by public transport - 1 €
  • Lunch in a cafe per person - 6 €
  • Coca-Cola 1 l - 1 €
  • Vodka 0.5 l - 5 €
  • Cigarettes - 3 €

Currency exchange in Poland

You can exchange currency in Poland at specialized exchange offices (called Kantor or Kantor wymiany walut), who work 7 days a week in big cities. Exchange offices in banks are rare, and besides, the exchange rate there is less favorable.

remember, that Kantors may refuse to exchange if there are any inscriptions or seals on the bills (for example, handwritten numbers).

You can also exchange money at the post office, which is open until 18:00 on weekdays.

Transfer money to Poland

Transferring money to Poland can be done via bank transfer and express money transfers such as Western Union (

Banks of Poland

Majority banks in Poland open from 08:30 to 13:00, central offices are open until 17:00, and also on Saturday, but only until 14:00.

Central Bank of Poland is the National Bank of Poland. Also in the country there are smaller national and international banks: Citibank, Bank Przemyslowo-Handlowy, Bank Slaski, ING Barings, Raiffeisen Bank, Millennium Bank, Nordea Bank, HSBC Bank.

Polish money is represented by paper bills and coins of various denominations. Despite the fact that Poland is a member of the European Union, the state did not change its currency to the euro, although in some places you can find price tags in euros. Foreigners can bring no more than 10 thousand euros per person into the country.

Historical reference

The modern Polish currency was introduced in 1924. Name of money: zloty and penny. The predecessor of the zloty was the Polish mark and kopa.

In the 11th century, one mark was equivalent to 210 grams of silver. In the 14th century, it was replaced by the Krakow hryvnia, which was equal to 198 g of silver. In the same century, the hryvnia was supplemented by the kopa, which was borrowed from the Czech Republic along with Prague groschen. The hryvnia was equal to 48 Polish groschen, and the copa - 60 groschen.

Zlotys appeared around the 15th century. At that time, this was the name given to foreign minted gold coins.

Immediately the zloty was equal to 12-14 silver groschen. Gradually, the amount of silver in groschens decreased; by the middle of the 15th century, the zloty was already equal to 30 groschens. The value of the latter continued to decline, but in 1496 the Polish Sejm approved the ratio of zloty to grosz – 1:30.

Today zlotys are paper bills in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200. Modern coins are pennies, in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50.

If princes and kings are depicted on paper banknotes, then the coat of arms of Poland is minted on the obverse side, and the denomination on the reverse side. Polish zlotys in denominations of 1, 2, 5 are also represented by coins.

What currency is better to take to Poland?

At the legislative level, the circulation of currencies other than the national one is prohibited in Poland. You can find price tags in euros, but you will only have to pay in zlotys. Only some places can accept euros, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

From the point of view of what money to take to Poland, the choice is simple: definitely zlotys or euros and dollars.

It is profitable to carry the latter only if you already have them. There is no point in making a double exchange. It is better then to immediately exchange the national currency for zlotys in your country.

Exchange offices where other currencies are exchanged are quite rare. In addition, you will lose a lot on the course.

All currency exchange options in Poland

The country is economically stable, so there are no sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate, only minor fluctuations are observed. But on holidays, weekends and at night the zloty can cost 20% more.

Private exchange offices (cantors) also carry out foreign exchange operations in Poland. No documents are required. Buying national currency from private individuals is dangerous and illegal.

The euros are most readily exchanged because they are the EU currency. At the bank you can buy zlotys for any currency. Cantors are limited to only the most popular currency exchanges.

There are exchange offices in all places that are most often visited by tourists, as well as at train stations and shopping centers.

They work from 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning until 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening. Offices are closed on holidays and weekends. There are some that operate 24/7. They increase the rate at night and on non-working days.

When changing money, pay attention to what zlotys look like. Wrinkled or torn banknotes may not be accepted.

The course at the offices is usually more profitable. Just before exchanging, always check what rate is indicated on the board (purchases or sales), and whether there are restrictions on the amount. In some exchange offices, small amounts may be exchanged at a less favorable rate.


If you urgently need a certain amount in Poland, your relatives or friends can transfer you euros or dollars. There are several options for how you can transfer money to Poland from another country. This can be an interbank transfer, using a specialized system that does not require a bank account, or through electronic payments.

The last two options are considered the simplest. The speed of money delivery is from several minutes to one day. If the transfer will be carried out using international systems (Western Union, MoneyGram and others), then detailed information Tariffs can be found on official websites.

To transfer money using electronic payment systems, the recipient must have a wallet in this system. You can even make transfers from your mobile phone.

About methods of international transfers Money and the use of electronic payment systems is described in more detail in the article ““.

It is worth considering that in all transfer options there are one-time or daily limits on the transfer amount. You can also clarify this information on the Internet resource.

Financial institutions in Poland

Now it is important that service at the bank is comfortable. There are two main convenience parameters:

  1. Possibility of opening an account for a foreigner.
  2. Availability of Internet banking.

Almost all Polish banks provide online banking services and work with foreigners. Only the conditions for opening accounts and cards differ.

It should be understood that in Polish financial institutions the concepts of account and card are separated.

For example, if you need to transfer money, you must indicate the account number. And the card is just a way to access the account. There may be several cards for one account or one for several accounts.

All Polish banks have offices in Warsaw. Their branches have also been opened in other cities of the country. The following financial institutions operate in Poland:

  • ING Bank Sląski,
  • Millennium,
  • Pekao Bank
  • PKO Bank,
  • Bank Zachodni WBK,
  • Alior Bank,
  • Raiffeisen Polbank,
  • Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas,
  • Idea Bank,
  • Credit Agricole Bank Polska,
  • Bank Handlowy (Citi), etc.

Banks offer more attractive conditions within Poland, while rates abroad are not as favorable.

ATMs and cashless payments

To avoid carrying large amounts of cash, many tourists prefer to take credit or debit cards with them. This is very convenient, but first you need to find out from your bank whether your card is serviced abroad. It is also worth understanding that Bank operations in another country will entail additional expenses.

When paying by card in a store or hotel, a double currency conversion occurs. The bank rate is usually used and an additional conversion fee is charged. At ATMs there is also a double conversion, the commission is about 3%. Polish ATMs issue zlotys, very rarely euros. any currency equivalent to more than 10 thousand euros per person, he will have to fill out a declaration. You can carry any amount on a bank card. Such rules have been in force in Poland for a long time; in 2019, nothing has changed in this regard.


Today in Poland zlotys and pennies are used. It will not be possible to pay in another currency.

A more favorable exchange rate is offered by offices that are located at every train station and in places where there are large concentrations of tourists.

At exchange offices you can convert common currencies: euros and dollars. Other banknotes can only be exchanged in banks.

When calculating by bank card Additional fees may apply and currency will be converted at the bank rate.

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