What is included in accident insurance. Accident and illness insurance

Accident insurance is the main means of supporting the insured person and/or his loved ones in the event of certain circumstances occurring. It is issued on a voluntary basis, taking into account the level of income and exposure professional risks. Types of policies – collective, individual, family, children, sports and tourism. Accident insurance will be discussed in the article.


Individual insurance

Individual policies can be issued in the following forms:

  1. Full insurance– it applies to all periods of professional and privacy person during the validity of the contract.
  2. Partial insurance– the guarantee of payment of compensation is given only for a certain period (for example, during a tourist trip abroad).
  3. – issued as an addition to package and combined policies if they do not provide protection for the required risks.

Individual accident insurance is the most popular type of packages voluntarily issued by the insurance company.

Group (collective) – insurance of workers against accidents at work

Corporate or collective insurance of employees is within the area of ​​social responsibility of the organization. It is usually drawn up only large companies that provide their employees and are interested in maintaining a certain level of prestige. Also, the presence of such policies is necessary if the professional field of activity of employees is associated with significant risks.

Almost all modern hazardous industries issue collective accident protection policies for their employees.

Group insurance guarantees financial support to the employee and his family in the event of temporary or complete loss of ability to work. Tariffs for collective policies are always lower than for individual ones.


This type of policy applies to all family members at once. Its presence guarantees you and your loved ones the maximum level of safety and payment of monetary compensation in the event of an insured event in full. The main ones are death, serious injuries and disfigurement. An unlimited number of relatives aged 1-70 years can be insured under one policy.

Family accident insurance is one policy for the whole family.

Children's – life and health insurance of the child

Child insurance is necessary for your children, regardless of their age, and for you personally. It guarantees full compensation for the costs of restoring the health of a child who has suffered as a result of an accident. At the time of concluding the contract, he must be between 1 and 17 years old.

Insurance coverage under a children's policy is valid 24 hours a day or during a stay in a preschool educational institution or school.

Child protection includes dislocations, fractures, injuries internal organs and soft tissues, poisoning, burns and other consequences of an accident, including death. The policy can be issued for any period - for a year for permanent protection or for 10 days during a trip to the camp.

Sports – how to insure a person against accidents in sports

A voluntary insurance policy against accidents is also necessary for every professional athlete, since it will save time, money and effort when an insured event occurs (and since this area belongs to areas of increased injury risk, it will definitely occur sooner or later). It covers all types of injuries, disability, and death as a result of sports activities. Validity period – from 1 day to a year.

Taking out a policy for one year is the most economical offer for athletes. Insurance can also be provided for any other period - for example, during sports training.

Personal travel insurance in case of death

Most package tours abroad already include insurance, but it would be better to check this point.

Features of voluntary accident insurance contracts

To obtain insurance against accidents, you will need to contact the insurance company with your passport and write an application. Be sure to check the information about the restrictions on the policy - it may apply to the age, state of health of the applicant, and the list of insured events. Validity periods may also vary:

  • while at work;
  • around the clock;
  • while at school or children's sections.

The duration of the policy is from one day. Most often, insurance is issued for one year, but this does not mean that you cannot choose any other option.

Insureds who plan to enter into a contract for a million dollar amount may be required by the insurance company to present additional documents except your passport. This mainly concerns corporate clients.

The effective date of the policy is specified in the contract, usually the insurance begins to operate on the next day after payment of premiums. The contribution for a voluntary policy is 0.12-10% and is determined individually taking into account the set of risks. E

If, as a result of an accident, several events specified in the contract occur at once, payments will be made for each separately.

All insured events covered by the contract must be clearly stated. The main options, as we wrote above, are temporary incapacity, disability and death. Compensation can be provided in the following forms:

  • in cash or by bank transfer as the full insured amount, its part (the amount is specified in the contract);
  • insurance benefit;
  • pension;
  • daily remuneration.

The form of payments is also prescribed in the contract and takes into account the nature of the consequences of the injury. So, in the event of death, compensation is provided one-time, and in the event of disability, additional compensation is provided.



From accidents is the main way of protection in case of complete or temporary loss of performance or death. Insurance is taken out in the insurance company, it can be individual, group, children's, sports, tourist, family. The cost of the policy depends on the width of coverage.

Every person can become a victim of unforeseen situations - both at work and in a comfortable, seemingly 100% safe home environment. An accident or an “unplanned” illness, in addition to physical harm, also entails significant material damage. The question arises about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from such circumstances and reduce the burden on your budget?

Accident and illness insurance allows you to provide additional financial support to the victim or his family members. Such insurance becomes especially relevant if someone close to you becomes disabled or dies altogether as a result of unforeseen circumstances. Payments from the insurance company's fund in accordance with the purchased policy will help the person or his relatives partially reimburse unexpected expenses and not be left without the funds necessary for subsistence.

The essence of insurance programs against accidents

Accident insurance (hereinafter referred to as AC) is one of the types of insurance of subjects designed to provide compensation for damage received as a result of their loss of health, as well as the ability to perform work duties. This type of insurance differs from medical insurance - both compulsory and voluntary.

A standard health insurance policy ensures the provision of medical care to a person on the territory of medical organizations provided for by the policy. Accident insurance provides financial compensation, i.e. payment of funds either to the victim himself or to his relatives.

Insurance against accidents can be provided in several forms and types. The main forms of personal liability insurance include:

  • individual - in this case the policyholder (which can be both an individual and legal entity) purchases a policy in order to insure himself or another entity. At the same time, he pays contributions to the company’s insurance fund independently;
  • group - provides insurance for a group of people (often employees), for whom the policy is issued, and insurance premiums are paid from the budget of the organization in which they work. In this case, several options for the policy validity are possible - within 24 hours a day or during working hours established by the labor regulations.

In terms of types, insurance is:

  • mandatory - applies to such categories of the population as employees military units, law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, courts. If an insured event occurs, financial compensation is accrued to the insured from funds accumulated by the Fund social insurance Russian Federation. The nature of payments may differ for different categories population and be one-time or periodic (once a month, for example). The amount of compensation is also determined by the category of citizens and the region of coverage;
  • voluntary - in this case, an individual or legal entity enters into an insurance contract based on personal motives, and not by force of law. At the same time, each subject retains the opportunity to independently choose a specialized organization for cooperation, determine the amount, as well as a list of risks that he wishes to insure.

The cost of an individual NS insurance policy depends on the list of risks, the amount of the insured amount, gender, and age of the insured subject. With group insurance, the tariff is influenced by the selected combination of risks, the duration of the policy (number of hours per day), the average sum insured, the duration of the contract, and the qualifications of the employee.

The duration of the contract can vary - from several days to several years. The first option is optimal for those who intend to protect themselves while performing a specific task, business trip, etc. The most common validity period of the document is one year, after which it can be extended or the relationship with this organization can be terminated.

What is included and what is not included in the list of insured events?

Accident insurance provides for insured risks, which can be roughly classified into four groups: injury, disability, loss of ability to work, and death. But not all situations that lead to these consequences can be classified as insured events.

Insured events are considered:

  • injury to the insured person as a result of an accident;
  • poisoning that occurred as a result of unintentionally taking low-quality medicine, eating spoiled food (except for toxic infections), staying in an area exposed to chemicals (in industrial or domestic conditions);
  • infection with tick-borne encephalitis, as well as polio;
  • cases of pathological pregnancy and childbirth, as a result of which the pelvic organs of women are removed;
  • fractures and dislocations, burns, injuries to organs, their removal as a result of improper medical procedures during the liquidation of the consequences of an insured event;
  • entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • death of the insured from the events listed above (except for colds), including within a year from the moment they occurred.

Insured events do not include:

  • the insured is injured when performing actions that are classified as criminal by law enforcement agencies or courts;
  • damage sustained while driving vehicle under the influence of drugs, alcohol, psychotropic substances or as a result of the transfer of control to someone who was in such a state;
  • deliberately harming oneself or causing trauma while attempting to commit suicide;
  • death from the causes listed above;
  • consequences of medical procedures and manipulations that were not aimed at eliminating the insured event;
  • injuries and death during military operations, riots, nuclear and other explosions.

Accident insurance provides compensation only when events of the first group occur. If the circumstances do not fall within the group of insured events, financial assistance will not be provided. In the event of the death of the insured person, the right to receive funds passes to his relatives or heirs.

Accident insurance programs

The modern insurance market in the Russian Federation is represented by a wide variety of specialized companies that provide accident insurance. The TOP 5 reliable organizations, as well as some of their most profitable programs, are presented in the table below:

Insurance company
Program name
Program conditions
Policy cost
  • simplified online registration procedure with sending documentation to email the policyholder;
  • the opportunity to insure yourself or a close relative with a minimum set of insurance risks (trauma, disability of groups I, II, III, death from accidents) with an insured amount of 50 thousand rubles.
500 rubles
« Family protection- Universal"
  • the possibility of issuing one contract and policy for all family members (unlimited number of relatives aged 1 to 70 years);
  • insured risks include injury, disability and death from accidents;
  • the right to choose the amount of the insurance amount in the range from 30 thousand to 200 thousand rubles;
  • The policy is valid for 1 year 24/7 throughout Russia.
Depends on the insured amount and can be 1.5 thousand, 4.5 thousand and 6 thousand rubles
Zetta Insurance
"Express Help"
  • the opportunity to insure yourself, a relative, or a friend for one year. The age of the insured is from 1 to 65 years;
  • insured events include death, permanent disability, bodily injury, risk of hospitalization as a result of accidents;
  • quick registration procedure (you only need a passport);
  • insurance amount – without setting limits;
  • The policy is valid 24/7 all over the world.
Determined depending on the sum insured and amounts to 0.5% of its amount
Insurance group "Max"
“A year without worries”
  • the opportunity to insure yourself, family and friends for one year;
  • The policy can be purchased online. Its activation occurs a month after purchase;
  • insured risks include loss of working capacity, treatment as a result of the onset of NS;
  • the insurance amount ranges from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.
From 799 rub.
VTB Insurance
"Excellent Personal Protection"
  • the opportunity to insure both yourself and a group of up to 50 people aged 18 to 55 under one policy;
  • operates 24/7 worldwide;
  • insurance period – from one month to one year;
  • the insured amount can be up to 1 million rubles.
From 624 rub.

In conclusion

Accident insurance can become an additional guarantee that allows a citizen of the Russian Federation to increase the level of confidence in the future. Having compulsory medical insurance policy and receiving free medical care, with the help of a health insurance policy, you can additionally compensate for the costs that accompany expensive treatment that goes beyond the scope of the health insurance policy.

The main purpose of such insurance is to help overcome financial difficulties associated with partial or complete loss of ability to work. Companies engaged in this type of activity provide financial support to the client himself, as well as, if necessary, his immediate relatives.

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Types of insurance against illnesses and accidents

Insurance comes in two forms:

  1. On personal initiative.
  2. As part of a group expression of will.

In the first case, the Policyholder insures himself or another person on his own initiative, paying all premiums independently. And in the second cash paid by the organization and insured its employees. The contract may last a full day, or may be limited to the work schedule.

This type of relationship is resorted to by companies that are conscientiously socially responsible or organizations with an increased risk of injuries and dangers. The group nature of insurance provides powerful support to the employee in the event of an illness or accident, and allows the company to reduce the cost of payments.

It should be noted that collective rates are significantly lower than personal rates.

Insurance cases


  1. Receiving damage to health as a result of an accident - dislocations of joints, fractures of bones or skeletal apparatus, various types wounds, burns, etc.
  2. Poisoning with chemicals or plants (salmonellosis bacteria, dysentery and other types of toxic poisoning are not included).
  3. Tick-borne encephalitis or polio infection.
  4. Pregnancy outside the womb or childbirth of a pathological nature leading to loss of reproductive capacity in women.
  5. Fatal outcome from the above listed insured events, as well as from suffocation due to the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory system, excessive cooling or due to the onset of anaphylactic shock.

From the list you can see that insurance companies We have protected ourselves as much as possible from scammers, but there are still people who moderately cause injuries or other damage to themselves in order to receive payments.

In order to bring such people to clean water, if necessary, the organization has every right to conduct its own investigation of the situation, after which a verdict on insurance payment is made. Those who were in any type of intoxication at the time of the insured event will not receive the amount.

For whom is this type of insurance mandatory?

There are 2 types of accident insurance:

  1. Mandatory type.
  2. Voluntary.

Who is subject to compulsory insurance:

  • military;
  • law enforcement and court officials;
  • emergency workers and many other high-risk categories;

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, payments can be one-time or monthly as a benefit due to temporary disability or to help pay for funds intended for the rehabilitation of the insured.

Funds are contributed from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and the tariff depends on the category of the victim, his regional location and is established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Payments are made in connection with the loss of ability to work, temporary or full, as well as due to the death of the victim.

Voluntary insurance implies an independent choice of an insurance company, the amount of insurance, the duration of the contract and a list of risks that the client wants to cover. The conclusion of an agreement is made on the basis of an application, and not in accordance with a legal requirement.

Insurance period and tariff schedule


  1. 24-hour insurance.
  2. For the period of the working day and the time spent on transfer from home to work and back.
  3. Only for working hours.
  4. For a specific period of time (for example, during a workout).

An insurance contract can be concluded for a period from one day to several years. For individual insurance, the most popular term is 1 year. In the Russian Federation, the practice of concluding this type of relationship for life is not yet sufficiently developed.

The period from which the insurance begins to be in force is indicated in the document; traditionally, this is the next day after payment of the premium - its amount ranges from 0.12 to 10% of the insurance amount.

The percentage depends on the list of risks. It is possible to include support in the list within 24 hours, anywhere on planet Earth, whether a person is at home, on a trip or in training.

In cases where an insured event occurs simultaneously in two categories, payments are made for each separately in full.

This is the first option for issuing a policy, but there is also a second, less expensive option - it is issued for a specific period and is most often initiated by companies seeking to reduce their financial liability to a minimum. Incidents that occur outside of the time limit or outside the insurance coverage area are not eligible for payment.

Tariff fee schedule

The amount insured is the main subject of the contract. The policyholder can determine it for himself individually, depending on his desires and means.

The tariff is set by the organization and it depends on the list of included risks - the more points, the larger the contribution. Usually it is no more than 10% of the insurance amount.

Factors influencing the amount of contribution:

  1. Client's professional activity– the more risky the work, the higher the tariff.
  2. Lifestyle and hobbies. For example, a person likes to travel to exotic countries or is interested in a dangerous extreme sporting activity, this also raises the stake.
  3. Age category of citizen– the percentage is higher for the elderly and children.
  4. Gender– in men after they reach 40 years of age, the risks increase.
  5. Depending on the state of the client’s health. For people with serious illnesses, the percentage is higher.
  6. History of insurance. It must be flawless. The more accurately the payment of contributions is made, the more likely providing a discount from the company, in addition to this, it looks at how much a person takes care of himself and does not get involved in risky activities.
  7. Number of people willing to insure themselves– rates are lower for package offers.
  8. Terms of cooperation– yours regular customers, upon expiration of the insurance period with subsequent repeated or extended conclusion of the contract. In such situations, organizations provide discounts as a percentage of the contribution amount.
  9. List of risks specified in the document– the more, the higher the cost of the policy.
  10. You can pay contributions using three schemes– one-time, annually, after a quarter or monthly.

Before concluding an agreement, you should carefully read the agreement, preferably in the presence of a legally competent person, and discuss all the nuances.

Registration of an insurance policy

It is best to contact a company that has been engaged in this activity for many years, which has an impressive base and a good reputation.

You can specify any amount not exceeding RUB 3,000,000. in foreign currency – rub., American dollars or the single European currency. Payments are made within 10 days from the date of delivery of the required package of documents in the event of an insured event.

You can draw up a contract by contacting the insurance company in person.

What to do for this:

  1. Provide a document confirming your identity.
  2. Write a statement to the insurance company.
  3. If necessary, provide documents that characterize the occupation, health status and lifestyle of the client and the persons included in the contract.
  4. Make a list of risks to be insured.
  5. Determine the amount of insurance.
  6. Calculate the insurance premium and its payment scheme.
  7. Pay.

If a person is in a high-risk area, then the organization has the right to request additional documents, the same applies when the insurance amount is several million.

The client must also meet some requirements:

  1. Be between 18 and 65 years of age.
  2. Do not have serious illnesses.
  3. Disability of groups I and II excludes the possibility of insurance.

We receive payments

To obtain insurance, the organization must provide the following documents:

  1. Policy.
  2. Passport or other identification document.
  3. A completed application form for the occurrence of an insured event.
  4. A reference base confirming the nature of the damage caused from the institution providing medical care or treating the victim.
  5. Form N-1 certificate in case of an incident at the workplace or another document confirming the circumstances of the situation.
  6. A document from the authorized official body in case of an accident establishing the fact of the accident and its nuances. If, as a result, the victim acquired a disability group, then it is necessary to provide copies of the outpatient treatment card, the medical history and documents proving the relationship between the occurrence of the insured event and the assignment of disability.

In cases where the client died as a result of NS, the following documents must be brought:

  1. Original or notarized copy of the death certificate.
  2. Identity card of the heir - beneficiary.
  3. An act containing information about the causes of death of the insured.
  4. Certificate of right to inheritance certified by a notary office.

The investigation into the circumstances of the death may require the opinion of medical experts.

After submitting a package of documents, payments must be made within 10 days.

Pros and cons of insurance

Collective insurance


  1. The quantity is decreasing statements of claim or they are paid for by insurance.
  2. Allows you to cover losses for an employee who is temporarily disabled or has completely lost this ability.
  3. Covers part of the compensation in the event of the death of an employee (payments are made to the heir - the beneficiary).
  4. Helps improve the quality of medical care.
  5. Due to the improvement in the quality of health of employees, their productivity increases.
  6. Adds prestige to the company.
  7. Good tax benefits.
  8. Financial responsibility is transferred to the insurance company.


  1. It is difficult to select a specific category of persons to be insured. We have to insure everyone, which increases expenses.
  2. Many people have superstitions about this type of insurance. Insurance is not relevant for single people in the event of their death - they have no interest in the beneficiaries.

Individual insurance


  1. Providing financial assistance in difficult life situations.
  2. Covering expenses spent on treatment or rehabilitation.
  3. In case of temporary or permanent disability, regular payments are made. This allows you to adapt during the first difficult times.
  4. Increasing the credit limit.
  5. Financial compensation in the event of the death of the insured.


  1. The need for regular contributions.
  2. In controversial cases, it is necessary to collect documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event.
  3. The investigation may take longer than expected.
  4. High tariffs for children and elderly people.

We know that an accident can suddenly cause harm to a person’s health. This will prevent him from working and deprive him of his income. Accident insurance allows you to compensate for the financial losses that any person may suddenly face.

1. What is an accident

And first, let's clearly define what we intend to protect ourselves from. Insurance companies often describe an accident as follows:

Accident- this is a short-term, sudden, unintentional external event that occurred against the will of the insured and/or beneficiary, and is not a consequence of a disease - which resulted in bodily injury or death.

It immediately follows from the definition that the disease is not an accident. NS is a very fleeting external event that a person could not foresee, and which caused damage to his health or led to death.

A classic example of an accident is the moment in the film “The Diamond Arm” when Semyon Semyonich falls onto the sidewalk after slipping on a watermelon rind. He didn’t want this, everything happened suddenly, and very quickly:

A second before the sudden fall

The result is a broken arm, disability for several weeks, and lost income during this time. It is precisely this income that we can return to the family with the help of accident insurance.

2. What is NS insurance

A personal injury insurance policy is a contract with an insurance company under which a person pays a premium and the insurance company is obligated to make a large payout upon the occurrence of insured events specified in the policy.

And here the question arises: why do people need such a policy?

An accident insurance policy is designed to protect a person and his loved ones from sudden and sometimes very large losses. After all, an injury will prevent a person from working, which means it will deprive him of income for some time.

And if the injury is very severe, the person may become disabled and lose the opportunity to earn money for the rest of his life. Finally, fatal events are also possible - when as a result of an accident a person dies.

As a result, due to events that we cannot control, the family may suffer very large losses. This is where an accident insurance policy comes to our aid, protecting the family from such damage.

If a person is injured as a result of an accident, then, according to the contract, the insurance company makes a large payment to the person. This payment compensates a person for suddenly lost income and provides funds for restoring health. Thus, accident insurance ensures the financial security of the family.

3. Types of policies

Accident insurance policies can be divided into two groups: classic and extended insurance. What's the difference?

In classic accident insurance, the cause of damage to life and health is always an accident – ​​and only that. If we talk about extended accident insurance, then in such policies a person is protected both from accidents and from fatal diseases.

At the same time, very often insurance companies make the risk of “death by accident” any reason” is mandatory in those policies that can protect against deadly diseases. And since death for any reason is much more likely than death as a result of an accident, contracts with extended protection are already noticeably more expensive.

The main types of accident insurance policies are presented in the table:

Now let's take a closer look at specific policies that you can use to protect your financial interests from the consequences of an accident.

3.1 “Boxed” accident insurance policy

What is a boxed product? This is a product/service that can be used right out of the box. IN real life Such policies are opened as follows.

The insurance agent takes the policy form, indicates the client’s personal information, and ticks the required box insurance amount from several predefined options. The selected level of insurance protection determines the cost of such a policy.

What is important to understand here?

When opening such a policy, a potential client does not go through the procedure of determining the risk inherent in the life of this particular person. In the professional language of insurers, such an analysis is called “underwriting.”

Before issuing such a policy, the insurance company does not ask the future client questions about his profession, state of health, or presence of dangerous hobbies. This contract provides for a single insurance rate for all potential clients.

However, it is clear that the likelihood of injury in a mature 69-year-old person is much higher than in a young 30-year-old person in the prime of his life. Because in an older person the reaction is no longer the same, the bones are more fragile, the eyes can see worse. And for these reasons, the likelihood of an accident in the lives of older people is higher than that of young people.

But in a “boxed” policy, the insurance rate for young and mature people will be the same. Due to what?

It is obvious that in such contracts the insurer will calculate the insurance tariff in such a way as not to be at a loss when insuring any category of clients. And as a result, the cost of accident insurance in such a policy is quite high.

And it cannot be made lower, because in in this case There is no thorough analysis of a potential client before issuing an accident insurance policy. This means that it is impossible to accurately calculate the cost of insurance taking into account the risks inherent in the life of a particular person.

But you can open such a policy very quickly, and its relatively high price is a payment for speed and convenience at the stage of opening a contract.

An example of a “boxed” product would be an accident insurance policy “”. This policy provides the client with only 12 insurance options:

To issue a policy, you need to tick the selected insurance option. For example, a risk package: death, disability, and bodily injury from accidents with protection of 1,500,000 rubles in such a policy will cost 18,160 rubles per year.

The client then signs the policy and pays the premium. The policy begins to operate three days after payment of the premium.

The “Option” policy is valid for a year, and if during this time an accident occurs to a person, it will be paid in accordance with the contract. If everything is fine in a person’s life, then the contract expires. And in order to be protected again, a person needs to take out a new “Option” policy and pay the next annual premium.

Please note, this is important: this policy can protect against death, disability and bodily injury - only if these events occurred as a result accident.

For example, if a person with such a policy dies as a result of a heart attack, then the insurance company will not make any payment, since the illness is not an accident.

The main properties of the policy are presented in the table:

3.2 Insurance policy against accidents with risk level analysis

Let's consider a more functional policy. When opening such a contract, the insurance company asks the person a series of questions that allow it to assess the risk of insuring a new client. These are questions about a person’s age, his state of health, the nature of his professional duties, his hobbies.

When calculating the cost of the policy, the insurance company will take into account the answers of the future client. And since the insurance risk is assessed before issuing the policy, as a result the insurer can offer its client more favorable financial conditions compared to a “box” product.

An example of a policy with a risk assessment is the ““ policy. This contract is also open for a period of only one year.

This is already a much more flexible product than “Option”. If in “Option” there are only a few preset amounts of insurance coverage, then in “Risk Control” insurance coverage can be chosen arbitrarily.

Further, in the “Option” accident insurance policy, the client is required to include at least three risks: death, disability and personal injury. However, in the “Risk Control” program, only “death by NS” is a mandatory element. And if desired, the client can add protection against disability under NS and injury under NS to his policy.

Risk assessment and freedom to choose options have a positive effect on the price of insurance. For example, by excluding from the policy the expensive, but not fatal risk of injury, we can provide a person with fairly high insurance protection for critical risks: death and disability under the National Insurance Fund.

For example, with a budget of 18,240 rubles per year, we can protect a person from death and disability under the National Tax Service in the amount of 5,700,000 rubles. This is already 3.8 times more than in the “Option” policy with the same budget, which we discussed above.

You can download the draft accident insurance policy “Risk Control”.

3.3 Extended insurance against accidents

Extended emergency insurance implies insurance against events resulting from an accident, as well as against fatal diseases.

In these contracts, insurance companies often make the risk of "death by accident" mandatory. any reason,” which increases the cost of such policies. An example of such a contract is the “” policy.

A mandatory element of this policy is the risk of death from any cause. Additionally, a person can add protection against accidental death and disability, as well as protection against fatal diseases, to the policy.

If a person is diagnosed fatal disease- then the person will receive a payment under the policy. The everyday meaning is very simple - in such cases, the family urgently needs a large sum to pay for the necessary therapy or surgery. And probably this will help defeat the disease in the bud and maintain health to a loved one.

Also, if desired, a person can add to his policy the risk of injury as a result of an accident, and hospitalization as a result of an accident. In fact, the policy is a constructor where a person adds additional risks of his own choice to the main risk, forming an optimal contract.

The ABC of Protection policy can be opened for a period from 1 year to 30 years. If the policy is open for several years, then after its opening the annual premium will be constant for the entire duration of the policy - despite the fact that the person gets older and the risk of his death increases. Therefore, the longer the policy, the higher the annual premium will be while maintaining the same level of protection.

The main properties of the contract are presented in the table:

3.3 Comparison of insurance options

So, we have reviewed a boxed insurance policy against accidents, an insurance policy against accidents with an analysis of the risk level, as well as an extended insurance policy against accidents and fatal diseases.

A more practical option would be a policy where the cost of the contract depends on the age, state of health, and profession of the person. Before issuing such a policy, the advisor must ask you such questions.

What remains is an insurance policy from NS with an analysis of the risk level, or an extended policy from NS. The second option protects against death from any cause, and, if desired, from deadly diseases.

Which one to choose?

Imagine that you built a house and surrounded it with a fence on only three sides:

Will this make your home safe? Only partially. To ensure complete security, you need to close the entire perimeter.

Let's return to the goal we are trying to achieve with accident insurance. We understand that NS can harm a person’s ability to work, which means it will take away a person’s ability to work and deprive him of income.

The loss of this income will affect the family's financial situation. And the purpose of the policy is to return income to the family that may be lost as a result of an accident.

But think about it - death, as the maximum harm to the working capacity of a working family member, will also cause the greatest financial damage to this family. Should the breadwinner be protected from death? Absolutely yes.

The problem is that death does not only come from an accident. It may be a consequence of a heart attack, for example. But it will cause the same enormous damage to the financial interests of the family as death under the National Tax Code.

And if we strive to fully protect our family from financial problems, then as part of the policy we definitely need protection from death for any reason. This means that financial security will be given to loved ones only by an extended insurance policy.

Download a PDF overview of available life insurance solutions -
to make an informed choice:

And, it would seem, the choice is clear, and the article is close to completion. However, a key question remains open - the answer to which leads to unexpected conclusions.

4. What level of protection do you need?

It makes no sense to build a half-meter-high fence around your house. Such a fence is easy to step over, so it will not be able to protect against enemies.

If we are talking about financial protection of the family, then its level must be adequate to the threat. In a critical case, when the breadwinner dies, the family must have enough money to survive and achieve its most important life goals.

Based on this formulation of the problem, it is easy to calculate the amount of death protection you need:

  • Remaining loan amount,
  • An annuity to provide for a family for a long time,
  • Funds for higher education children -

For express assessment needed by the person level of life insurance, you can use an amount equal to 10 of his annual income. In other words, we can approximately assume that life insurance for the breadwinner in the amount of 120 of his salaries will provide the family with the necessary level of financial security.

If a 35-year-old man earns 2,000 USD per month, then he needs protection against death for any reason in the amount of:

10 * 12 * 2000 = 240.000 USD

A few words about the policy term. If a person has small children, then the breadwinner needs protection until the youngest child’s 25th birthday. It is likely that by this age the child will be able to live independently.

At the same time, if required period insurance is decades, it is wise to use. It will cost a little more than term insurance, but at the same time it is guaranteed to create an inheritance equal to the amount of insurance protection.

However, since Russian companies do not offer life insurance, in this article we will analyze term insurance.

The “ABC of Protection” policy for 25 years, with coverage of 240,000 USD - for a 35-year-old man it will cost 3,697.49 USD per year, you can download the project. However, for our client it will be very expensive, because the contribution will be more than 15% of his annual income.

What to do? If you reduce the contribution to 500 USD per year that is feasible for a person, then the level of protection will drop significantly. And there will be so little insurance that the family will not be protected. This is a “fence” half a meter high.

And if our 35-year-old man uses Unilife, then for a policy with protection of 240,000 USD against death from any cause for 25 years, the annual premium will be 488.40 USD per year. You can download the draft contract. This contract will fully ensure the financial security of the family.

However, there is an important fact to note here. Term and Unilife insurance, while protecting a person from death for any reason, does not insure against an accident. In other words, in case of injuries or hospitalization as a result of an accident, this policy does not provide payments.

What happens: does the article on accident insurance lead the reader to the conclusion about the advisability of using a life insurance policy in which No insurance from NS?

5. Risk transfer and retention

Let me briefly describe the logic behind this article. An accident leads to loss of income because it deprives a person of working and earning money.

The death of the breadwinner causes the greatest financial damage to a family. Therefore, when creating protection, the family first of all needs to be protected from this risk. Unfortunately, death occurs not only from accidents, but also from illness. And in order to fully protect the family, it is necessary to protect the family from the death of the breadwinner any reason.

However, we will not be able to use Russian policies to protect the breadwinner from death for any reason. Because due to high tariffs, the contribution for the required level of protection becomes unaffordable for the family.

This means that the only way to ensure an adequate level of financial security for a family is to use life insurance to protect the breadwinner.

However, foreign contracts do not protect against personal injury, hospitalization, and disability due to accident and illness. Why? Because it is difficult for foreign companies that do not have offices in Russia to administer insurance payments for these risks.

It is much easier for them to verify the death of the insured person. Therefore, in foreign companies you can insure death, but not other consequences of an accident.

And thus the Russian is faced with a choice:

  • either protect against death from any cause for a high amount in a foreign company, and at the same time do not have accident insurance, or
  • open a Russian policy that will protect you from death for any reason, from fatal diseases, and from all the consequences of an accident: injury, disability, hospitalization as a result of accidents.

Unfortunately, the second option is similar to building an elbow-high fence. Because in a Russian policy, with a premium available to a person, the level of insurance protection will be meager.

For example, if we protect our conditional client for 35 years with the “ABC of Protection” policy with an annual premium of 500 USD for all specified risks for 25 years, then the payment upon death for any reason will be 21,000 USD. Total! You can download the project.

This is less than 10% of the protection he needs. Of course, such a policy absolutely does not provide financial security for the family either in case of death or disability. The question is: why is it needed at all?

At the same time, by opening a foreign policy with the same budget, a person will fully protect his family in the event of his death. He will solve this problem completely, with the budget available to him.

In insurance, the terms transfer and retention of risk are used. Risk transfer is the transfer of risk to the insurance company. The company takes on the risk, and for this the person pays a premium to the insurer.

Risk retention is a situation where a person understands that financial losses are possible as a result of uncontrollable events. However, he deliberately leaves this risk on himself, without transferring it to the insurance company.

What is a reasonable strategy for dealing with risk?

The most severe risks, such as death, must be transferred to the insurance company. Less severe risks, for example, injury as a result of an accident, can be completely left to you. To do this, you can use “self-insurance.”

“Self-insurance” is the creation of your own to cover those possible losses that will not be very large. For example, having the necessary funds, the family will be able to pay the costs associated with injury or hospitalization.

And therefore, risks that you can cope with on your own: injury, hospitalization, temporary disability - you can easily leave on yourself by creating the necessary cash fund.

And from an everyday point of view, it is much easier for us to leave non-fatal risks on ourselves. There will be no need to pay for insurance, waste time collecting documents and receiving payment if the event does occur. We can easily pay for them at our own expense.

This means that there is no problem that foreign insurance companies, while providing high protection against death for any reason, do not protect Russians from accidents.

However, in addition to death, fatal risks also include fatal diseases and disability. What to do with them?

You can use it to protect against deadly diseases - it is available in many Russian companies. As for protection against disability, unfortunately, in the current Russian realities there is no complete protection against this risk.

You can protect yourself from disability only by accident. And then with an acceptable budget you will get enough high level protection.

However, disability can also occur due to illness. There are no solutions to protect against this risk. Foreign companies do not insure the risk of disability for Russians. And therefore, either we are only partially protected from this risk, or we inevitably leave it all to ourselves.

Thus, the strategy for protecting against fatal risks is as follows:

And in conclusion

This article is written about accident insurance - and the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch protection looks beautiful. However, diving deeper into the topic, we understand that the primary task of the family is to protect the breadwinner from death for any reason, and only then from accidents.

In addition, upon thoughtful reflection, it turns out that insuring most accidents is not really necessary. If the size of the probable losses is not very large, the family may well use self-insurance. Having created the necessary cash fund to cover possible losses, she calmly leaves the risk on herself.

At the same time, there are a number of fatal risks that must be transferred to insurance companies. This is the risk of death, disability and critical illness.

Unfortunately, there is currently no acceptable solution for protection against disability. You can only partially protect yourself from this risk, or you can leave it to yourself. To protect against critical illnesses, a solution is available from Best Doctors.

As for the risk of death for any reason, the optimal protection against this risk would be life insurance in foreign companies.

Vladimir Avdenin,
financial consultant

What is accident and illness insurance?

Accident and illness insurance is a voluntary type of personal insurance.

In case of temporary disability payment is made in the format “% of the insured amount for each day of incapacity for work.” At the same time, the insurance rules of most companies limit the maximum number of days of disability covered by the insurance policy. For example, in the RESO-Garantiya company this period is limited to 100 days.

In case of disability (permanent disability) The amount of payment depends on the assigned disability group. Group I - 100%, Group II - 75%, Group III - 50%.

Upon death the insured company pays the full amount of the insured amount. This amount is received by the Beneficiary specified in the insurance contract.

What are the grounds for refusing payment?

Of course, NS insurance has its own exclusions from insurance coverage when the insurer refuses to pay compensation. Such cases include:

accidents as a result of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs,

suicide or attempted suicide,

injuries received due to unlawful actions of the insured person,

intentional infliction of harm to health,

taking medications without a doctor's prescription,


participation in sports events, competitions, training.

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