What does the Yera rune mean in fortune telling? What does the Yera Rune mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

Keys of meaning: harvest time, harvesting of fruits; one year, one cycle – 12 months; life cycle; harmony; prosperity and peace in the family; relief from pain; profitable capital investments; get what is rightfully yours; timely correction; what you send will come back to you. Abundance and prosperity.

Element – ​​earth, time.

Writing the Yera Rune. The top bracket is written first, then the bottom one. A point is placed, 45 degrees are measured from this point and the first line is drawn from top to bottom. Then a second line is laid down from the first point. The first staple is ready. Then, at the level of the second line, a point is placed a little lower, an angle of 45 degrees is measured, and a third line is drawn from bottom to top. A fourth line is drawn to the second point from bottom to top. The second staple is ready.

The motto of the Rune Yera: everything will happen, but in due time. The completion of one cycle gives rise to the development of the next stage. Finding what you need. Reward according to need and according to need, no more, no less.

The Yera rune is winter giving way to summer, and summer giving way to winter, a cyclical process of orderly movement that cannot be accelerated or slowed down - these are natural changes.

The meaning of the Yera rune is the end of the cycle and favorable outcomes of affairs. It carries a positive meaning that represents the harvest. In life, this is predicted by the successful completion of important matters. The Yera rune applies to any type of activity and to everything to which efforts have been made. But it is worth remembering that you should not expect quick results. For a positive conclusion to a case, it takes time, usually one year.

A strong personality can use this rune to strengthen his strength. Thus, sharing it with others, improving the state of your affairs.

The Yera rune is prosperity and stability, hope for success and a reminder that everything is constantly moving and changing. Small steps lead to big success. A bright future, an end to grief, problems dissolve. Under her influence, life works for a person. Fortune smiles on the fortuneteller. At some points, it will help you step over the abyss. A man goes to victory.

Yer is the solar sign of the rotation of the life cycles of all living things. It has a beneficial effect, but to get it, you first need to make an effort. By receiving worries, a person is rewarded with benefits for resolving them. Being drawn into this cycle, the individual lives in harmony.

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The meaning of the direct rune Yera

The meaning of the Yer rune presents the fortuneteller with a gift of fate. You need to accept him with dignity, because he deserves it. Efforts in business are rewarded. What he strived for, he achieved. Now it's time to reap the fruits of your actions. A gift, like a harvest, has no flaw, and there is no catch in this situation. IN in this case All that matters is how a person uses the gifts he receives, and to what extent he is ready for what is in his hands.

By receiving Yer in a reading, a person takes the path of self-knowledge. He will become acquainted with the highest “I”, hidden in the depths of the subconscious. By working with him, you can gain complete control over your life. Direct your actions in a “good direction”. The Universe will definitely notice this and respond.

The meaning of the inverted Yera rune

Haste is the enemy of creation. A person is overcome by doubts and worries about the results of his labors. In fact, they will be in vain. Due to lack of desire and support, things stand still. The harvest does not ripen. It's sad, but what can you do? Incorrect calculation, haste and desire for profit can play a cruel joke.

Yera in magic

The Yera rune in magic ensures the achievement of goals in a natural way, with a softer effect, but more effective.

IN runic magic The Yera rune is used:

  • The embodiment of desires. Help in achieving your goals.
  • Acquiring inner peace and harmony.
  • Use for meditation.
  • Help in acquiring inspiration and finding new developments.
  • Implementation of plans.
  • Helps you realize that patience and work are always rewarded.
  • Support during periods of waiting, self-development in these moments.
  • Help in planning your time, accurate timing.
  • Assistance in legal proceedings.
  • Strengthening the results of achievements from invested funds.
  • To achieve material well-being.

The essence of Yer's “work” is balance. You came with good, you will receive good in return. You came without anything, which means you won’t get anything. The work is based on the “boomerang” mechanism.

To activate runic magic to attract wealth, you need to draw its symbol green on a large denomination banknote. Money should be used for the ritual, only those that are in use. To attract growth in business and other matters, a runic sign is applied to something related to them. This could be a document folder, a tree, a piece of land, etc.

Yera in fortune telling

In any scenario where the Yera Rune appears, you should first of all pay attention to the other Runes surrounding it, since Yera indicates the connection between various phenomena and events. Only by the surrounding runes can one understand in which direction Yera is leading. If a person takes note and responds adequately to the information received, then everything will work out successfully. If he tries to prevent or ignores the warning received, then the situation may worsen or be drawn into the cycle of events.

In love

Family well-being. Peace and harmony in relationships. Possible marriage. Higher powers support the choice of a partner. It may also indicate a possible pregnancy. In terms of courtship, there will be hope for reciprocity. It can develop into a strong union. The rune foreshadows a profitable marriage.

In a negative scenario, it may be necessary to abandon a painful relationship or move to a new level in order to give a new impetus that can revitalize the relationship. But basically, Runa Yera says that you need to be able to part with the past. The main thing is to find a convenient and suitable moment.

In health

The end of suffering and illness has come, the difficult period will soon end. Taking care of your health will bring maximum benefits. Now is the best time to see a doctor. The prescribed treatment will lead to a speedy recovery. Expenses on expensive medicines will not be in vain. The best time to visit health complexes and resorts.

Rune advice: do not spare effort, time and money on your health. The treatment will be successful. Health costs will be justified. You will be able to pay for your recovery.

In progress

Hard work will bring great success. It all depends on how much effort was put in. We can safely say that careerists will receive a promotion. An employee “out of habit” will be pleasantly surprised by a bonus or praise from his superiors. There has come a time in business when the chances of success have increased to their maximum. The invested resources, energy and love will return a hundredfold. good time to open your own business.

Rune advice: work, make an effort and everything will work out.

In a negative scenario, the Yera rune indicates that insufficient effort was made to resolve the issue. But with the correct grouping of forces and timely awareness of your mistake, you can still correct the situation.


Your current position is the fruit of long and hard work. Yera says that life in work and harmony with others begins to bear fruit. This is the “good” time. If we continue in the same spirit, then in the future, a person will reap more than one “harvest.” The moment has come when you can get maximum benefit in everyday affairs. A good time to clarify relationships with others. Openness and honesty in communication will be rewarded with understanding. The only caveat is that the requirements are reasonable. As much as you put in, that's what you took out. No more, no less. Don't try to get everything at once.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation or entangled in a personal relationship that has lost its attractiveness, then now you have enough strength to sort it all out and, if necessary, leave it in the past. A person regains his lost balance.

Rune advice: live and enjoy life, enjoy the work done and the path traveled.

In a negative scenario. It’s worth gathering your strength and analyzing what went wrong, what moments and situations led you to this predicament. It might be worth giving up something. And what exactly the neighboring runes will show, or remove a clarifying rune.


The rune indicates that this is a constantly moving and developing, practical person. He moves through life easily, does not waste extra time on dreams and belief in fairy tales. He tends to accept right decisions, after much thought, direct your energy in the right direction. He reaches the top only through personal efforts, without counting on outside support or lucky breaks.

Doing it every day, step by step, leads to success. You can “start it up” with half a turn, the main thing is that the idea is interesting, and then the result will be stunning. He is an excellent ally in business and a responsible partner. A person knows how to set priorities correctly, has not only a specific goal, but also ways to realize his plans. Such a person always seeks stability and strives for independence.

In a negative scenario, he only spins around in search of solutions to problems. Obsession with the problem drives him into a cage. This does not allow you to relax and puts you in tension. A person is “drawn” into this cycle, which can last for days and years.

Basic personality qualities: the ability to listen to one’s inner voice, awareness of oneself as independent from others, the ability to act in accordance with internal needs.

The Yera rune is a sign of any completed development cycle that has passed 12 months.

Be restrained and be patient. You cannot harvest the harvest and receive rewards ahead of time. Make the most of the opportunities provided. While waiting, don’t stand still, work hard on your own development, or on another project. The Yera rune can also be called the rune of justice, since any efforts are rewarded to the extent that they were shown.

Enclosed in the Rune Yera complex process: preparing the soil, sowing seeds, waiting for the result and accepting this result. The ability to accept what is rewarded for work, even the smallest, without condemning this gift. A small reward can only indicate that little effort was made, little patience was shown, and there was idleness while waiting.

The main task when the Yera Rune appears is to see the result and accept the reward. In most cases, due to the large volume of problems, various affairs and serious situations, a person does not see that he has already done some work, and that something has already been completed, even if it may be an internal development that is not visible to others. For the work done, it is worth receiving a reward. Quite often a person can return to the same thing, thereby creating a cycle, unable to understand what is required of him. In this case, in order to break, or rather end, this cycle, a certain supply of internal strength and a reserve of personal energy are required.

Question: “For what can you receive a gift from the Yera Rune?” Answer: “For invention, for patience, for effort, for sacrifice, for consciousness.”

A layout in the form of the Yera Rune can help you review the events of a period of 12 months, that is, one year of life, put everything in its place and put things in order. If the alignment is done, for example, in July, then everything that happened before July is the past, but it is worth considering that the past is always connected with the present and the future. The layout uses 12 runes. The runes are laid out from the bottom bracket from bottom to top. On the top bracket from top to bottom. That is, there are three runes on each side of the bracket. Each one Rune corresponds to one month.

The Jera rune (other names: Jara, Ger, among the Icelanders - Ar) is the rune of the cyclic cycle or annual circle. A symbol of completing something and getting results. The Yera rune is unique - it is the only one of all runic symbols that consists of two separate elements that do not touch each other. In addition, it is worth noting that the inverted Yera rune will look the same as the straight one, therefore, this rune can only have one meaning. You will find a description, photo and meaning of the Yera rune in our article.

The meaning of the rune Yera

Photo of the Hyera rune

The Yera rune embodies the idea of ​​the self-sufficiency of an object. This means that the highest deity is always able to create all the conditions for the existence of an object (person), but only if the person is in close connection with this deity. That is, here we are talking about the principle of harmony in development. And if a person, as it seems to him, is in great trouble, then in fact, this can only be a way for a person to acquire the necessary skill.

The Yera rune can provide a person with the following important skills:

  • realize oneself as an integral and independent being;
  • listen to your own internal rhythms;
  • ignore external imposed messages;
  • act based on your internal needs.

Yera is the rune of luck, fortune and God's participation. By drawing it on amulets or clothes, you attract the attention of higher deities. You should turn to this rune in situations where your life has become unbearably difficult due to situations and obligations imposed on you from the outside.

The Yera rune is, first of all, a new and extremely important stage in life. And it needs to be viewed from this position. The rune symbolizes the act of a person meeting with himself, with his inner self. It is important to remember that the meaning of the Yera rune is always much deeper and more multifaceted than it might seem at first glance.

The use of runes in fortune telling and magical rituals

If you have a serious and responsible business ahead of you, draw the Yera rune - it will ensure a positive outcome of any undertaking. However, we should not forget that the rune will not be able to help if the person himself does not make an effort to achieve a particular goal. Yera is a rune that can also be used for protection. For example, to eliminate possible obstacles and protect yourself from possible losses.

In fortune telling, the meaning of the Yera rune can be revealed as follows:

  • successful completion of cases;
  • receiving the fruits of the started enterprise;
  • new acquaintances;
  • litigation;
  • problems with the law.

Fortune telling about the situation

The appearance of the Yera rune is a good sign

The appearance of the rune in the layout indicates that the time has come for good beginnings. After all, Hyera symbolizes a young sprout that has just poked out of the ground and is reaching for the sunlight. And this sprout hatched only because someone plowed and fertilized the soil, and planted grain in it (that is, gave an impetus). This point should always be remembered. If you conscientiously care for the plant (carefully think through and carry out your duties and affairs), you will ultimately get a good harvest (high income).

Rune Yera and health

In general, the Yera rune has a beneficial effect on the human health and body, setting the correct and suitable rhythms for it. The rune creates exactly the conditions in which the body will feel its best.

The Yera rune also promotes the harmonious development of the fetus in the womb. It will help adults choose the right daily routine, give up bad habits and listen to the needs of their own body.

Rune Yera and material wealth

The rune guards the intangible benefits of the fortuneteller

The monetary aspect of the rune manifests itself in the cleansing of relationships from negative connections and events. Thus, the symbol is able to warn a person from unwanted situations. For example, when a person risks losing something more than money, something that he can never and under no circumstances replace with material goods (health, love, life, and so on).

It is important to note that the Yera rune subordinates any business and financial activity to the irrational aspect. This means that when concluding certain transactions, it is important for a person, first of all, to take into account his own interests, desires and aspirations. Success will come only to those people who manage to feel, “catch by the tail” and curb their internal rhythms.

Rune Warnings

The Yera rune carries a warning against rash actions.

During fortune telling, the Yera rune always warns a person: stop, look around, and don’t rush things! The rune always brings a stable, although not very large, income. It’s the same with health: you can feel improvements in your body only as a result of regular and daily care for it.

As a result, we can say that the Yera rune promises a person success and benefits in his daily affairs and concerns. She will fairly and deservedly reward you for your efforts. The rune will always help you sort out relationships that you thought had long ago reached a dead end. The Yera rune also helps to achieve stability and impeccability in everything: in work, business and daily worldly concerns.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

The Jera rune is the twelfth sign in the magical Germanic alphabet. The name of the symbol is formed from two words that are translated as “summer” and “year”. Not surprisingly, the core revolves around cyclicality. The symbol also indicates productivity, productivity, getting what you want as a result of effort and effort.

Rune Yera: meaning

This is a sign of abundance and reward. The energy of the sign promises the fortuneteller an increase in capital and receipt of dividends from financial investments. It indicates that the plans will definitely come true, the dream will come true, the task will be completed. In any case, success awaits a person: he will be able to implement all his planned actions. Honesty, justice and decency are the qualities that characterize the individual making the alignment. Now he needs to think about the details of his goal, think everything over and not rush things, says the dropped Yera rune. An inverted letter of the magical alphabet does not change its meaning: it is irreversible.

If a symbol appears to a person at the very beginning of fortune telling, it warns of a karmic problem. You may now be reaping the rewards of your past bad actions. But there is no need to worry. “There is a time for everything” is the main motto magic sign. He promises that the moment will soon come when all the puzzles of the mosaic will come together, and you will be able to reap the desired harvest.

Rune power

The rune is very powerful. The flow of energy emanating from the magical sign gives a person determination and desire. If he wants to achieve his goal in the near future, he should place images of the Yera rune at the head of the bed. The power of the symbol will have its maximum influence on the individual's aura at the moment when all his emotional channels are most receptive - during night sleep. Top tip, which gives a sign, tense up a little more. Yes, the result has already been achieved, but you can achieve more if you do not stop at this stage. You will receive laurels after you have squeezed out all your efforts. Believe me, you won't regret it.

The symbol portends positive changes and stable stability. In the negative aspect, the sign indicates useless running in circles: repetition of events, constant problems due to the lessons of the past that have not been fully learned. Often Yera is interpreted this way if it falls at the very beginning of the layout.

Fortune telling for a person

During a reading for a specific person, the Yera rune promises a confrontation with the result of its actions. A person will soon find himself in a situation where he will be overtaken by the “echo” of actions and relationships left overboard the ship. It is not necessary that the fruits to be reaped will be negative. Vice versa. Most likely, past circumstances became the starting point for positive changes and rosy events. The rune is beneficial, therefore its meaning in most cases is interpreted as the beginning of a new stage in life - a more successful and encouraging one.

When fortune telling for a specific person, you need to pay attention to the location of the symbol. When it comes across at the very beginning of the layout, it indicates a slowdown in the process; at the end - about action. In the latter case, it can even warn that events are moving too quickly, when a person does not have time to adapt to certain circumstances. You should stop and take a little breath.

Rune Yera in relationships

When fortune telling about a family, the symbol indicates the achievement of a material goal. This could be saving the required amount for a desired large purchase: an apartment or a car. At the same time, financial stability is achieved through effort and diligence. The sign is associated with hard work, so its main meaning is obtaining profits as a result of activity and energy. The Yera rune in love is a positive symbol. If the fortuneteller has not yet tied the knot with his other half, then the sign promises him what he wants. The efforts will be successful: soon the partner will agree to share joys and hardships.

If a woman is telling fortunes, then the fallen rune promises her motherhood. The nearby signs of Sol and Perto foretell a very easy pregnancy and a successful delivery of the child. The symbol is also often associated with recovery: if someone in the family was sick, then in the near future he will be able to get back on his feet. It's good if it falls out first. acceleration of events and rapid approach to the intended goal.

Career breakdown

The Yera rune retains its significance even in the scenario, it indicates the legality of the decisions you have made. It can symbolize legal issues: their outcome can also be called appropriate, although this does not mean that everything will end positively for you personally. In any case, you can hope for an honest and fair outcome of events.

Now your main weapon is the ability to foresee the situation and calculate your moves. Such an arsenal guarantees complete invulnerability in business. If you add to this your dexterity, ability to adapt and analyze, then we can say that you are completely protected. Wonderful, promising prospects have opened up before you. However, the oracle warns: do not relax. It’s too early to rest on your laurels. And remember: for a positive ending, alone is not enough. Insight is also required, as well as intuition, based on deep life experience.


The conditions in which a person lives and works are indicated by the Yera rune. The meaning of the symbol in a health scenario suggests that now is not the time to save on medicines. If you are not feeling well, spare no expense in purchasing the best medicines, hiring experienced doctors, or traveling abroad for treatment. And it's not just about finances. The sign portends: for successful therapy and speedy healing, you will need to spend all your energy, time, and make the most of existing connections. When a person's health is in critical condition, it is important to act.

Don't worry. If this rune appears in the scenario, you can be sure that everything will be resolved successfully. The symbol itself already indicates a good outcome of events. At the same time, the placement of Yera during fortune telling is very important. If it appears at the end of the layout, it means that your efforts will bear fruit very soon. When it lies at the beginning or closer to the middle, then get ready for the fact that you will have to work very carefully and for a long time on the way to the goal.

Other meanings

Intuition can also be characterized by this rune: Yera suggests that you do not often listen to your inner voice. Most likely, you are a person of analysis and deep logic. You will have to work on developing your intuition, but it is worth it. If fortune telling is aimed at the sphere of emotions, then the rune indicates endurance and calmness. Your inner experiences and feelings are always under control. Emotions do not affect the quality of the work performed, which is highly valued by partners and colleagues.

You know how to calculate a situation, see the result of your activities - this is your main advantage. The rune also warns that you have bad habits: selfishness and self-flagellation. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and don't do self-centered things. Now is the time to think about your role, purpose in life, about finding inner balance and spiritual harmony. If Yera fell next to the Nautiz and Hagalaz runes, pay attention to your activities. Perhaps you mistakenly chose the wrong professional path, and you have abilities that can be successfully applied in another field.

Magic power

From the rune you can make an effective talisman aimed at attracting good luck, successfully completing a task, and removing obstacles on the way to your goal. In addition, the energy of the symbol has a positive effect on the development of intellectual abilities, self-improvement, and reaching a higher mental level. A combination of different runes can bring the desired result and become a powerful talisman. Symbols placed in the right combinations help on the way to the goal.

The working runes Fehu, Raido and Yera, put together, are called the “money trap”. And that says it all. Such an amulet will become a financial magnet, attracting prosperity, prosperity, and material wealth to the home. To cure infertility, help in conception, safely carry and give birth to a baby, you need to make a talisman from Yera, Perto, Uruz, Inguz and Berkana. This combination effectively solves the problems of motherhood. Any combinations involving the Yera rune are very energy-intensive and effective.

Yer means harvest. The Yera rune is a symbol of cyclicality, fertility, and obtaining the results of labor. The sign has positive energy. The Yera rune will bring good luck in a relationship, but not right away and for a reason.

The runic sign “Yera” is a symbol of cyclicality, fertility, and obtaining the results of labor

The harvest cannot be obtained without effort. The Yera rune helps those who strive for a goal without sparing effort. Love also requires work.

The main meaning of the Yera rune

Yera is a rune with strong creative energy. It is associated with the cyclical nature of nature, the change of seasons. The main meaning of the sign is fertility, prosperity.

Rune specialists identify several more meanings of the symbol:

  1. Transition to a new stage of life.
  2. Dramatic changes.
  3. Reward for work.
  4. Fair resolution of the situation.

Yera is the rune of cyclicity. The seeds are sown in the ground in the spring, and the fruits are harvested only in the fall. Therefore, you can receive a reward and change your life only after a long journey and hard work.

Yera also points out that the time has come to make decisions and draw conclusions. The rune helps to keep up with the times and understand its flow.

Rune Yera in fortune telling

Runic fortune telling is as popular as fortune telling with Tarot cards. You can ask runes questions about the future, love, career and finances. They will help you understand the most confusing situation.

The Yera rune in fortune telling can appear in an upright or inverted position. The meaning of the sign depends on the position. And the interpretation is also influenced by neighboring runes. Symbols with a negative meaning can radically change the meaning of Yer.

Direct position of the Yer rune

Yer's symbol upright position has positive interpretations in fortune telling. Its main meaning does not change - it is fertility.

How the rune is interpreted in fortune telling for the future:

  • change for the better;
  • material remuneration for work;
  • new acquaintances;
  • conflict resolution.

The runic sign “Yera” in an upright position foreshadows a quick resolution of the conflict

If Yer falls, it means you can’t force events, everything has its time. The invested efforts, material or physical resources will definitely be compensated.

The runic symbol warns that one should not relax. You need to keep moving towards your goal, even if your strength is running out. The perseverance demonstrated will not go unrewarded.

Reversed rune

What goes around comes around. Yera in an upright position promises a reward, good will return in kind. An inverted rune says that the time has come to pay for previous mistakes.

How is an inverted rune interpreted in layouts:

  1. Retribution.
  2. Problems in your personal life, in relationships with friends.
  3. Financial losses.
  4. Litigation.
  5. Loss of spirit, lack of self-confidence.

The inverted position of the sign does not negate its subordination to cyclicity. Troubles don't last forever. Behind the black stripe there will definitely be white, red or green, depending on your mood.

A reversed rune can also indicate that the chosen one life path not true. It will not lead to the desired goal. You need to reconsider your attitude towards life, look for new friends.

Yera in matters of love

If in a fortune-telling for love Eira falls in an upright position, there is hope for sincerity and mutual feelings, strong relationships. But this is Eira, so nothing will come just like that. You need to invest energy, time, and talent into relationships.

If there is no one in mind today, but you want a relationship, the sign advises you to take care of yourself. We need to work a little on our shortcomings, develop best qualities, learn to understand others. When the changes become visible, there will definitely be someone who will appreciate them.

Unrequited love will cease to be unrequited. Eira guarantees this. You can't give up on your feelings. Unobtrusive attention, help in difficult times, simple conversations will turn the situation into a romantic direction. This will not happen today, and not tomorrow. It takes a lot of patience, but isn't love worth it?

Family relationships and the love of spouses also require constant work and nourishment. Yera reminds us of this truth. Rune in love situation may mean the birth of a long-awaited child.

The runic sign “Yera” in a love scenario can mean the birth of a long-awaited child

Reversed rune and love

The Yera rune in the reverse position does not promise bright prospects in relationships. At least in the near future.

The inverted rune Yera has the following meaning in matters of love:

  1. The chosen one will not respond to the feeling.
  2. The end of a relationship, the breaking of old ties.
  3. No relationship prospects.
  4. The time has come to answer for past sins (destroying someone else's happiness).
  5. Difficulties in your current relationship that will lead to major life changes.

An inverted symbol advises you to reconsider your attitude towards opposite sex, change established views. Very often, stereotypes prevent you from building relationships.

Yera in the reverse position should not be scary. This is a reason to think, an incentive to act.

Yera - love talisman

Runes are very often used as talismans that help in various life situations. Symbols are applied to metal, wood, bone, simply drawn on paper, or tattooed on the body.

The Yera runic sign works best on a silver or gold medium. These metals traditionally symbolize wealth and prosperity. Their energy will enhance the energy of the rune.

Yera is a talisman of patience. Can it be used in love affairs? The answer is yes. What does the power of the Yera talisman give:

  1. Harmony of soul and body.
  2. The ability to endure and work hard.
  3. Life force.
  4. The ability to enjoy small things.
  5. The concept of the value of time.
  6. Material wealth.
  7. Good luck in business.

If properly charged and configured, the talisman will help you achieve success in your relationship. The energy of the Yera rune is calm and does not carry destruction, so you can use the talisman often.

A talisman with the runic sign “Yera” will help you achieve success in relationships

Runic formulas in love matters

The Yer rune can be inscribed in runic formula, combining with other signs. Symbols in combination complement each other and give new meanings.

In rune formulas, the Gebo rune is often used to help in love matters. It symbolizes partnership, the unity of opposites. Yera in the love formula will be responsible for a happy outcome.

The following combinations help in love:

  1. Kano, Yera, Otala. Helps to attract the attention of the person you are interested in and build relationships.
  2. Nautiz, Kano, Geb, Otal, Vunyo, Yera. Accelerates marriage.
  3. Fehu, Yer, Fehu. Traditionally used to attract wealth, but if the formula is specified correctly, it will help in a critical love matter.

Runic formulas can be applied to a sheet of paper, a photo of a lover or a joint photo, or an amulet. Combinations are applied to the amulet if they are planned to be reused or used in rituals.

After applying the symbols to the medium, the formula must be properly charged. Indicate why the combination was created and how it should work. You cannot tell anyone about the creation of a magical attribute.

The Yer rune in love brings good luck and gives hope for mutual feelings.

This symbol helps only patient and persistent people. Strong relationships require constant work. The rune can be used as a love talisman or used as part of a formula.


When we start talking about this symbol, the autumn season immediately appears before our eyes - the period of fertility and harvest. The Yera rune and its meaning is always a stage of completion, which brings with it certain fruits. This sign does not have a reverse position, but unlike many others, which also do not change their shape when drawn upside down, it is exclusively positive, and is even able to “soften” the impact of the negative runes of the alignment that fell nearby. But let's take a closer look.

Rune Yera - basic meaning and interpretation

As we have already mentioned, the main meaning of Yera is always the harvest and completion of some stage. Let's figure out why one is impossible without the other? What exactly is a “harvest”? These are ripe fruits that need to be harvested. But they simply cannot grow on their own, because harvesting is always preceded by a long period of cultivation and work. A person first plants seeds in the ground, having previously chosen the most suitable place for them, then he waters them, fertilizes them, takes care of the seedlings, protecting them from bad weather and pests, and only after some time does he receive the result in the form of fruits.

But what happens if he just plants the seeds and skips the subsequent steps? The harvest simply will not appear, i.e. he will have nothing left to collect. From this we can draw an important conclusion: the harvest is a reward for the efforts, for the work that has been done. Therefore, the Yera rune, meaning, description and its interpretation can be better understood by thinking about the proverb: you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Yera comes only to those who have worked hard enough to get results. This symbol does not like slackers and lazy people.

Now let's see why this is not only a harvest, but also the completion of something important. Everything is very simple here: harvesting is the final stage of growing something. After the farmer has collected the fruits, he will begin a new cycle - he will wait out the winter, and in the spring he will plow the field again, and then plant new seeds. At the harvesting stage, the previous period ends, this is its final phase, so it is quite logical that once the time comes to harvest, the long stage of cultivation has come to an end.

Now let's move on to a more “earthly” explanation. If the Yera rune falls, a certain reward for one’s efforts awaits the person. This can be both material and non-material well-being, for example, a promotion after a long job, a marriage proposal from a partner with whom a person spent a lot of time and with whom he built a relationship, the favor and patronage of some influential person. In a word, he tried his best, and now, finally, he sees the real result of these efforts.

You can determine what kind of “fruits” Yera brings you by looking at the adjacent symbols.

  • - Yera: The combination clearly speaks of monetary well-being
  • Berkana - Hyera: May symbolize an offensive desired pregnancy
  • - Yera: The combination speaks of the formation of strong, reliable relationships with a loved one or with a work partner

When reflecting on the meaning of the Yera rune, it is also important to understand that there is no need to rush things. It is impossible to harvest ahead of schedule, because for seeds to turn into fruits it takes a certain amount time, and this time cannot be reduced solely at one’s own request.

Yera can also act as an indicator of justice, because, as we said above, it represents the result for work, for labor, and not just a gift of fate that arrived for no reason. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that those who do nothing get nothing. So, for example, when unfavorable runes fall out, Yera, who is asked the reason for this situation, can directly say: you didn’t try enough, that’s why you get the same results!

Pay attention! The Yera rune does not have an inverted meaning, and in itself it is an exclusively positive symbol; in the final position of the alignment of negative signs, its loss may indicate that despite the streak of difficulties, the situation will still improve. But in order for the outcome to be positive, you will have to try, work, make every effort

What does the Yera rune mean in fortune telling for work and business?

The meaning of the Yera rune in work is in most cases a reward for the result and completion of the stage. So, for example, a person worked long and hard on a complex project, and finally, the work is finished and he receives a result for it: money, praise from his superiors, or a promotion. We look at the surrounding runes to see what exactly he will receive.

When asked about new job Yera can mean that a person has good prospects, he will definitely achieve what he wants if he makes an effort and shows himself in action. In matters of opening and developing a business, the rune conveys the same message: at first you will have to work hard, but the result will more than pay for this work.

  • - Yera: You should be wary. The combination indicates that the person is minding his own business.
  • (empty rune) - Yera: Such a proximity is a sign that the questioner is tempting his fate, so the results of such work can be completely unpredictable

What does the Yera rune mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

The meaning of the Yera rune in love is a favorable outcome of a situation, which is preceded by a difficult period. As you know, relationships will not build themselves; both lovers must work on them. If people really try, make every effort to ensure that their union is happy and reliable, then it will be so as a result.

The meaning of the Yera rune in a relationship when a couple has serious problems, suggests that you shouldn’t run to the registry office for a divorce: everything can still be worked out, if, of course, you don’t let everything take its course, but thoughtfully address the issue. Remember that Yera is always a chance for success, but not for random luck, but for a positive result from the efforts made.

If a lonely person asks the runes about love failures, the meaning of the Yera rune in his personal life may be the following: he is to blame for everything.

  • - Yera: A person needs to work on himself, cultivate the feminine in himself in order to achieve success with the opposite sex
  • - Yera: A person needs to work on himself, cultivate masculine qualities in himself in order to achieve success with the opposite sex

It happens that the symbol appears when a person, on a subconscious level, is simply afraid of relationships, and therefore does everything wrong when he meets a potential partner. It may seem to him that everything should go by itself, but in reality this does not happen: even if a spark flashed between people initially, in the absence of any action it simply fades away. You need to regularly add wood to the “fire of passion”, otherwise you will be left in the ashes.

What does Yera mean in health divination?

If we are talking about the meaning of the Yera rune in fortune telling on issues of health and well-being, then we need to consider two situations. If a person is already sick and asks about the further course of the disease, Yera will make him happy: the long, difficult period of recovery is coming to an end, and excellent health is just around the corner. This is a definitely positive outlook.

If the questioner does not feel any problems and is simply wondering whether they exist at all, the rune advises him not to waste money and time and undergo a full examination, visit a highly qualified doctor, since such a diagnosis will help to identify and quickly eliminate hidden signs of the disease. Here it is important to find a good specialist, and not just go to an appointment with an ordinary doctor in a regular clinic at your place of residence, since they may simply not notice something important, and therefore your health may deteriorate. Do not spare time, money, effort, because health is the most important thing!

How is Yera used in magic?

Very often this symbol is used by magicians to communicate with the forces of Nature: it teaches a person to live in harmony with natural cycles. The meaning of the Yera rune, associated with the cyclical nature of events and the harvest, helps esotericists successfully complete magical rituals and influences, and receive real tangible results from their magical operations. Often the symbol is used in family magic when it is necessary to influence in some way the relationship between two people. Yera is also widely used as part of many runic staves, including love spells.

What is an amulet with the Yera rune suitable for?

A photo of the Yera rune or a hand-drawn drawing of it can be used as a talisman that will allow all your endeavors to end successfully and fruitfully. Businessmen are recommended to take such an amulet with them to important negotiations and transactions on which the successful course of their business depends. But the main thing to remember: for those who simply want to receive a “gift” from fate, the rune will not work. This symbol, as we mentioned above, does not like lazy people and slackers, so only those who are ready to work for the desired result should use it as a talisman. You can also use an amulet with this rune in order to achieve justice in legal matters.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the Yera rune?

We can please fans of runic tattoos: the meaning of the Yera rune is always positive, moreover, this symbol does not have an inverted position, which means that its use as a tattoo is allowed. The main thing is to be ready not only to dream, but also to make your dreams come true through real actions, then Yera will help you “reap a rich harvest” in all areas of life. It doesn’t matter which part of the body to apply such a tattoo to.

Rune of the Day of Yer

As the Rune of the Day, the symbol informs that the seeds you planted have already sprouted - very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors. The main thing is not to leave things to chance, take an active part in those issues that concern you - then the result will certainly be positive.

Yera advises not to rely on chance and luck, but to work fruitfully on what you want to achieve. There will definitely be a result, and its “size” will be directly proportional to your work and efforts. But the main thing is don’t run ahead of the locomotive, don’t rush things: remember that everything has its time. The longer we wait for what we want, the greater the joy of finding it!

What questions should you ask yourself when meditating on the Yera rune?

A photo of the Yera rune or a hand-drawn symbol will help you look deeper into your soul and clarify important points. Take a closer look at it, drive away unnecessary thoughts and ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do I feel unity and harmony with nature?
  • Am I living in accordance with natural cycles?
  • Do I understand the importance of taking action to achieve what I want?
  • Do I know how to work, make efforts to get what I want?
  • Do I love what I do?
  • Am I willing to wait for the “fruits” of my labor to ripen?

The meaning of the Yera rune will tell you the true answers to these questions and help you find inner harmony.

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