What is needed to open an insurance agency. Opening an insurance company as a business

There is some confusion between the concepts of "Insurance Company", "Insurance Agency" and "Insurance Broker". Let's understand the difference. There are also three ways to open an insurance business - opening an insurance company, opening an insurance broker or an insurance agency.
Let's look at each option in more detail and look at the differences.

How to open a company

An insurance company is a legal entity that provides paid services to ensure compensation for damage, which means that the insurance company collects an insurance premium (insurance fee) and from these funds provides insurance compensation to the injured party. The insurance company's profit comes from collecting policy fees minus payments made and other expenses.

How to open insurance company? To open you will need:

  • Opening a legal entity: LLC, OJSC, CJSC.
  • The company must have a minimum authorized capital of 120,000,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license for insurance activities.
  • Obtaining licenses for certain types of insurance, for example, compulsory motor liability insurance.
  • Addition OKVED: 65.1 “Insurance services”.
  • Rent of premises of 500-600 sq.m.
  • Hiring a general director and chief accountant.
  • Hiring and training of personnel for the insurance department and for the benefits department.

For many who want to run a small business, for example, only auto insurance, these conditions are too complex and the risks are high. What other options are there?

How to open a brokerage company

An insurance broker is a person who provides paid services to select an insurance company and the best insurance product for his client. The insurance broker's profit comes from paying for services client.

To open an insurance broker you will need:

  • Opening an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • The company must have a bank deposit of 3,000,000 rubles or a bank guarantee.
  • Prepare a set of documents for opening an insurance broker (the cost of legal services for collecting documents is on average 120,000 rubles).
  • Pay (30,000 rubles) and obtain a license to act as an insurance broker.
  • Pass the check of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Comply with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and pass all inspections in the future in order to maintain the license.

The main difference is that it is the client (and not the insurance company) who pays for the work of the insurance broker. For example, your client chose a CASCO policy from the Rosgosstrakh insurance company worth 100,000 rubles. As a result, the client must pay 100,000 rubles for the policy itself and 25,000 rubles for your services above the cost of the policy.

How to open an agency

Is it possible to open an insurance business easier than opening an insurance company or insurance broker? How to avoid all the difficulties associated with the first two options?

An insurance agency is a legal or individual, which provides services for selecting an insurance company and the best insurance product for its client. The insurance agency's profit comes from paying for services insurance company.

To open an insurance agency you need:

  • You can work as an individual. You can open an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • You don’t need to have a deposit of 3,000,000 rubles, a bank guarantee or a multi-million dollar authorized capital.
  • No special documents are required. An individual’s passport, SNILS, and documents for an individual entrepreneur/LLC are sufficient (if the individual entrepreneur or LLC is open).
  • Pass an interview with insurance companies, because... Insurance companies don't take everyone. Answer tricky questions. Show that you are an insurance specialist and have experience in the insurance business. This is perhaps the most difficult point.
  • Pass checks at the security service of insurance companies.
  • Get an agency agreement.
  • Organize the work of the marketing and sales department.

How to open a branch of an insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance and other types? To do this you need to open an insurance agency! Practice shows that the easiest way to do this is to work under a franchising scheme!

How to open a franchise?

As practice shows, you cannot, relying on chance, open an insurance company or an insurance agency, or a branch of an insurance broker, in order to start making money in this business. A successful insurance business is a very technological process. If you run into all the pitfalls, you can easily go bankrupt in 2-3 months.

Therefore, opening a company selling MTPL and other types of insurance under a franchise is an affordable way to open when you use a ready-made insurance business from a company with a long history. You can open an insurance office within 20-30 days.

Contact Gosavtopolis to open an insurance company! “Gosavtopolis” means a return on investment in 2-4 months!

Experience in starting an insurance business

How to open a car insurance broker? Where and how to obtain MTPL and other types of insurance policies? How to open a representative office or branch of an insurance company? How to find clients? Where is the best place to open an insurance company office? How to pass security checks to enter into a contract? How to pass an interview with management so that the company agrees to provide policies? How to get a higher commission? The Gosavtopolis franchise contains the necessary business models and business processes on how to become an insurance broker or insurance agent for car insurance and other types of insurance minimal investment! A total of 100+ questions answered.

Gosavtopolis contains a multi-hour training block for franchisee partners with dozens of documents and presentations. Thus, you will receive a franchise of a highly profitable insurance agency, as well as comprehensive training on how to open a car insurance company, how to become an insurance broker for car insurance and other types, and receive professional training for your employees.

Reduce risks and costs

We understand the risks and costs of starting a business. Therefore, it is simple and convenient for our partners to open the Gosavtopolis insurance agency with us, because the terms of our franchise do not impose strict requirements on the design and location of the office, on the number and level of competence of the staff. By agreement with us, you can start running your business without additional staff. As a result, opening an insurance company together with Gosavtopolis is a low-cost and simple process even for those who come into this business without experience!

You can open an insurance office during any franchise period if you started without an office. Your supervisor will provide recommendations on choosing and equipping a representative office. Together we will select and hire staff. And, of course, the staff will be trained and certified using proven methods. If you are thinking about how to open an insurance company (branch, representative office), find out the conditions for opening Gosavtopolis in your city:

Together with Gosavtopolis

Opening your own business with Gosavtopolis is easy! Why? We have a clear and streamlined business model on how to open an insurance office and earn 100-400 thousand rubles. per month (depending on population)! Correctly using their knowledge and experience, having accumulated internal resources and business connections, Gosavtopolis specialists prepare the necessary documentation for working with insurance companies in your city on the most favorable terms, which will be the key to the prosperity of your business for many years.

Are you deciding how to open a car insurance agency? Are you thinking about how to become an insurance broker for compulsory motor liability insurance and other types?

The Gosavtopolis network means income almost from the first day of launch! You will be able to run your independent business under the wing of a single strong brand!

The insurance business invariably attracts a large number of entrepreneurs who want to earn high income.

However, in order to open an insurance company, you need to be well versed in the nuances associated with this business. Only in this case is it possible to successfully carry out activities, gain trust from clients and achieve a high level of profitability.

Depending on various factors, such companies can provide different services. The provision of insurance services cannot be combined with other types of activities other than expertise and analytics related to this market. Generally speaking, there are 3 main categories of insurance services:

  • Personal.
  • Property.
  • Liability Insurance.

The first category includes accidents and illnesses, health insurance, and life insurance. In the second group there are different kinds services related to insurance of transport and cargo, as well as property from various natural Disasters. This also includes financial risks.

As for the last group, the object here is various kinds of property interests. This may be insurance of the carrier's liability, liability for improper fulfillment of obligations, professional liability of certain persons (in particular, a doctor or lawyer), etc.

Business prospects in Russia

In Russia, there are a number of peculiarities in the functioning of insurance companies. For example, the legislation of our country protects those companies whose owners are citizens of Russia. In this regard, if an organization has foreign investors, it has restrictions on the provision of certain types of insurance.

It is important to understand that companies can only carry out one type of activity - insurance. A combination with trading, manufacturing and banking activities is unacceptable.

On this moment Due to the crisis, the insurance market is in a state of stagnation. The greatest drop in the rate of development occurs in services such as insurance against illness, accidents and CASCO. At the same time, compulsory motor liability insurance rates are increasing, and investment life insurance is also being developed.

Therefore, in order to be successful, a new company should focus on maintaining a high level of profitability through effective organization processes and refusal to work with clients who bring high level losses.

A broadcast about the prospects for the development of life insurance in Russia is shown in the following video:

Documents and licenses required for registration

In order for such a company to start operating, it is necessary. This can be either an LLC, an OJSC, a CJSC or a so-called mutual insurance company.

Minimum size authorized capital for insurance organizations that do not have foreign investors, equal to 25 minimum wages(currently this is about 2.5 million rubles). In the case of life insurance, the amount increases to 3.5 million rubles. And when carrying out exclusive insurance, the authorized capital must be at least 5 million rubles.

It is important to understand that you need to register exactly where you will carry out your activities. In order to work, you must prepare the following documents:

  • Document on registration of a legal entity.
  • indicating all types of insurance in types of activities.
  • Business plan.
  • Developed insurance rules.
  • Tariff calculations.
  • Confirmation of the founder’s qualifications (professional education and work experience are assessed).
  • Document confirming payment of the state fee for the license.

After preparing these documents, the enterprise will be able to obtain a license, the period for obtaining which varies within from six months to a year. After this, it will be entered into the Unified State Register insurance organizations.

Choosing an office location

For a new company, it is very important to inspire the trust of clients, so special attention must be paid to how the office looks, as well as to the personnel who will represent the company. The first requirement is that the office must be located in the city center in a place with good transport accessibility.

To open, it is highly desirable to have both a head office and several branches (it makes sense to open only in fairly large cities).

The area of ​​the main office should be not less than 500 square meters , and branches - 150 square meters. A space this size should be large enough to accommodate both employees and clients.

In addition, the selected office must have parking available. A sign is required for customer convenience. Finally, the renovation must be done with high quality, so the main cost items when opening will be the cost of renting and preparing the premises for work.

Required equipment and personnel

Equipment and furniture in the office are designed to emphasize the status of the company and contribute to the formation of a positive opinion about it among the client. So, it is necessary to purchase modern, high-quality furniture. The office and its branches must have a uniform design that will correspond to the company brand.

The following equipment items will be required:

  • The standard set for preparing each workplace is a computer, telephone, printer, scanner, fax.
  • Phone line.
  • Access to the Internet.
  • Household appliances that are necessary to maintain normal work of employees (microwave ovens, refrigerator, kettle, etc.).

As for workers, they must be highly qualified, so the best option would be to turn to the services of recruitment agencies that can lure good personnel from existing company to the opening company. To attract insurance agents It is important not only to provide good remuneration, but also a social package and other additional privileges.

It will also require the presence of specialists such as lawyers, managers, administrators and accountants. According to statistics, to ensure a stable position in the market, a total of about 100 employees(the bulk of which will be insurance agents) for the first 1.5-2 years of existence.

Search for clients

Promotion should be carried out depending on the services that the company will provide. In particular, to search for clients for voluntary health insurance the best option is to directly contact the offices of fairly large companies that want to make working conditions for employees more attractive.

In order to stand out among them, at first you will have to sacrifice a certain level of profit by offering fairly low prices.

Another option to attract customers is not to reduce the price, but to expand the range of services provided and what is included in the price when purchasing a certain type of insurance. One of the beneficial forms is the implementation of a cross-selling scheme for services.

Opportunity to open a franchise

In some cases, a much more profitable option for doing business is not to open your own company, but to work under a franchising scheme. This allows you to use the experience of an organization that has been in the market for a long time.

In addition, given the crisis trends in the economy, working on behalf of a well-known company allows you to attract clients much faster and achieve payback. Of course, there are also disadvantages to this scheme of work: the franchisee will lose a fairly significant part of their own profit. Also, the size of the initial investment increases due to the need to pay a lump sum contribution.

However, if you look at it in general, franchises in the field of insurance services are sold much cheaper than in other areas: The minimum lump sum contribution is 150 thousand rubles. At the same time, the franchisee gets access to ongoing consulting, marketing materials, instructions for organizing business processes, etc.

Estimated project costs

Opening such a company is one of the most expensive business ideas. Depending on the list of insurance services provided, costs will vary significantly: in particular, this is related to the size of the authorized capital.

So, among the expenses we can highlight:

  • From 100 thousand rubles per month to pay rent for the premises.
  • Repair of rented premises - from 250 thousand rubles.
  • Authorized capital in the amount of 5 million rubles.
  • Expenses for advertising events – from 150 thousand rubles per month.
  • The cost of preparing documents and registering a company is about 300-400 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of necessary equipment and furniture - about 1 million rubles.
  • Salary to employees is 2-3 million rubles (depending on the size of the office and the number of branches).

Approximate calculation of profitability

To increase the level of profitability, it is necessary to monitor the trends and changes that exist in the insurance market. Only in this case can you competently develop a marketing plan and adjust the list of services provided and their prices.

The payback period for investments is quite long and amounts to from 3.5 to 5 years. To increase profits, it is advisable not to increase tariffs, but, on the contrary, to reduce them, provided that the range of services is expanded: in this case, customers will remain loyal to the company. In total, the profit can be from 4 to 9 million rubles per year.

Opening an insurance company is quite difficult due to the need to register large quantity documents, as well as serious investments. An entrepreneur wishing to work in this field must have relevant experience as an employee of such a company. This is necessary in order to understand what clients are looking for in a given market, and which market niches are less developed and therefore more profitable from the point of view of working in them.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

100,000 - 400,000 ₽

Insurance agent bonus:

Net profit:

50,000 - 150,000 ₽

Payback period:

Is it realistic to open your own insurance business and how much can you earn from it? We understand the basic concepts and formats, analyze the insurance market, and calculate investments.

Insurance market of the Russian Federation in last years is on the rise, this is especially noticeable against the backdrop of a series of crisis events that affect other areas of business in Russia. To enter this market, in our opinion, it is necessary to already have work experience and established clients in this area. Providing sufficient profitability, the insurance business will allow the entrepreneur to start own business with minimal investment.

Basic concepts of insurance business

Insurance is a method of compensation for losses suffered by an individual or legal entity through their distribution among system participants. Both in business and in ordinary life people periodically face risks of loss. These could be simple risks such as fire or accident. There may be more complex risks, such as liability for failure to perform a contract or the risk of unintentional harm. The occurrence of all these risks can cause serious financial damage to both legal entities and individuals. Insurance companies will help minimize losses from such risks.

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In short, insurance is a relationship between the insurer (the one who provides insurance services) and the policyholder (the one who insures his risks) to protect the interests of both individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of insured events, that is, certain events that may lead to financial losses of the policyholder, at the expense of funds formed from the insurance premiums they pay. The insurance premium is the amount periodically paid by the policyholder to the insurer in accordance with the insurance contract. It is also called gross premium or insurance premium.

Speaking in simple language, insurance companies collect premiums from policyholders, which for a certain period amount to much less than the insurance compensation paid by the insurer when certain losses of the policyholder occur. However, since the insurance company collects premiums from many insurers, some of whom do not actually have risks, this difference between the collected insurance premiums from all insurers and the paid insurance compensations constitutes the income of the insurance company. In this regard, the amount of insurance premiums is carefully calculated based on statistical data on the possibility of an insured event, the number of policyholders and the amount of possible compensation for damage.

This is the main difficulty for the insurance company. If the insurance premium is very high, then it will be unprofitable for insurers to insure, they will prefer to bear the risks of financial damage if losses occur themselves, and the insurance company will not receive income. On the other hand, if the total insurance payments are less than the amount of insurance compensation, the insurance company will go bankrupt.

Additionally, in addition to the amount of insurance compensation, the insurance premium must cover the company's operating costs, provide a certain amount of profit and take into account deductions for the creation of insurance reserves. To accurately calculate and balance insurance payments and insurance compensation, complex mathematical formulas and techniques are used that are developed by each insurance company.

Analysis of the Russian insurance market

In terms of its efficiency, the insurance market can be called one of the most profitable areas of business in Russia. For example, in 2017, insurance companies received more than 1,278 billion rubles in insurance premiums, which is 8.3% higher than the amounts collected in 2016. As you can see, for the current situation in the Russian economy, which is in crisis, such growth rates are very respectable.

On the other hand, in 2017, insurance companies paid 509.7 billion rubles in insurance payments. Compared to 2016, payments increased by only 0.77%. This dynamics characterizes the faster growth rate of income of insurance companies than expenses. It is easy to calculate that insurance companies pay out less than 40% of the collected funds. There are not many industries in the Russian Federation that provide more than 60 percent marginality (that is, the ratio of income and direct expenses).

The growth rate of insurance premiums in the life insurance segment decreased slightly (53.7% in 2017, 66.3% in 2016), but in terms of premium growth, 2017 was a record year - almost 116 billion rubles. In fact, at present, life insurance is the main driver of the development of the insurance market.

Due to the long-term nature of life insurance, payments under these contracts have not yet entered the active phase, which ensures special profitability of the segment. It should be noted that the development of the life insurance segment mainly occurs through the banking channel and is focused on investment insurance, which is offered as an alternative to deposits. When receiving a loan, many banks include in the bank interest amount a certain amount, which is used to insure the client’s life, thereby the bank, by insuring the client’s life, reduces its risks of non-payment of the loan in the event of his death. Of course, the loan recipient pays for all this.

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There are also illegal ways to attract clients to voluntary life insurance, which are nevertheless actively used by insurance companies. For example, some insurance companies sell compulsory motor liability insurance policies only when purchasing a life insurance policy. This is illegal, but in the regions this technique is actively used by insurance companies.

The main areas of insurance in the Russian Federation are: life insurance, ground transport insurance, insurance of aviation and space risks, agricultural insurance, property insurance of legal entities, property insurance of citizens, voluntary liability insurance, Mandatory liability insurance of owners of dangerous objects, compulsory insurance carrier liability, compulsory motor third party liability insurance. As you can see, the insurance market is quite wide.

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Currently, there are 246 insurance companies operating in Russia. Largest number insurers are registered: in Moscow - 128, in St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tatarstan - 12 organizations each, Moscow region - 9, Samara region - 7, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – 6.

The number of insurance companies decreased by 30 in 2017. While in previous years most license revocations were due to failure to comply with regulator regulations and forced revocation of licenses, in 2017 21 companies voluntarily gave up their licenses.

Thus, the general trend in the insurance market is characterized by an increase in its volumes and profitability, but large companies gradually squeeze out their smaller competitors from the market or absorb them.

Types of insurance organizations: what business is realistic to open

There are three types of insurance business organization in Russia: insurance company, insurance broker and insurance agency. All these three types differ significantly from each other both in the financial model of the business and in the nature of the activity. Let's look at what their differences are.

An insurance company is a legal entity that provides services in the field of insurance and acts as an insurer. The insurance company assumes financial obligations to compensate for damage at the time of the insured event. An insurance company requires a license from the state insurance supervisory authority.

An insurance broker is an organization that provides services to the policyholder in choosing the best insurer and its specific insurance product, as well as assisting the policyholder in receiving insurance compensation. In essence, this is a consulting company in the insurance market, which receives remuneration not in the form of an insurance premium, like an insurance company, but in the form of a commission from the client himself. An insurance broker requires a license to operate. Additionally, the insurance broker assesses the insurer's risks, indicates which risks need to be insured, which company is best to do this with, and how to adjust the contract with the insurance company so that the policyholder is guaranteed to receive compensation in the event of an insured event.

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An insurance agent can be a legal entity or an individual who sells policies on behalf of an insurance company. Remuneration for the work of insurance agents is paid directly by the insurance company. An insurance agency does not require a license. Accordingly, all risks and financial responsibility to the policyholder are borne by the insurance company on whose behalf the insurance agent works.

The main documents regulating insurance activities in Russian Federation are laws, regulations, standards, guidelines and other documents, of which there are more than 50. Without a qualified lawyer, there is no point in trying to understand this large volume of documents. But if you want to get general idea on the legal support of insurance activities, start by studying the Law of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 1992 N 4015-1 (as amended on August 3, 2018) “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation.”

Let us dwell on the most important point regarding starting an insurance business.

In July 2018, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law on increasing requirements for insurance organizations. This law provides for a gradual increase in the minimum authorized capital of insurance companies to 300 million rubles (previously 120 million rubles), for those engaged in life insurance to 450 million rubles (previously it was 240 million rubles), for those companies engaged in reinsurance, that is, when one the insurer insures the risks of another, up to 600 million rubles (previously it was 480). The minimum authorized capital of insurance companies providing compulsory health insurance must be 120 million rubles. Thus, the minimum investment in creating an insurance company will be at least 150 million rubles.

To create a company carrying out intermediary activities as an insurance broker, the company will have to provide a bank guarantee in the amount of at least 3 million rubles or documents confirming its own funds in a similar amount.

The law comes into force on January 1, 2019. But you should not try to open an insurance company earlier than this period with a smaller authorized capital, since from the moment this law comes into force, all participants in the insurance market will be required to increase their authorized capital. The requirements for increasing the authorized capital will come into force gradually over several years.

Thus, speaking about the insurance business, we can reasonably exclude organizations such as an insurance company from the list of companies possible for opening a business, since the requirements for opening one are very high and will become more stringent. We can only talk about a company operating as an insurance broker or insurance agent.

Insurance broker vs insurance agent – ​​which is more profitable?

There are about 70 insurance brokers in Russia. This is a very small number of companies for a country with a population of more than 140 million people.

As we wrote above, an insurance broker helps the insurer choose and receive Better conditions in the insurance market for its insurance product. However, he also pays for the services of an insurance broker. Of course, the policyholder saves his own time on studying the entire market and the many offers on it, as well as searching for a truly reliable insurance company.

The remuneration for the services of an insurance broker is about 20% of the cost of the policy. This is quite a significant amount; the client is not always ready to make such expenses. In addition, the value bank guarantee or the insurance broker's own funds must be at least 3 million rubles.

Additionally, the existing requirement to use the new chart of accounts requires software costing about 1.2 million rubles, and another approximately 400 thousand rubles per year is required for its maintenance. And this is in addition to the costs of employee salaries, office maintenance and other business expenses. This situation leads to the fact that the number of insurance brokers decreases every year - many players in this market refuse licenses.

Of course, there are a number of companies that call themselves insurance brokers, but no more than 5% of them have a license for brokerage activities, that is, only these 5% operate legally.

As for insurance agencies, there are practically no requirements for their work; their activities are regulated by the insurance companies on whose behalf they work. You can register a limited liability company and operate as individual entrepreneur. No requirements for authorized capital or special forms accounting. The only difficulty is the need to pass an interview with the insurance company for which you want to be an agent. It is necessary to demonstrate both knowledge of the insurance market and an established client base. Of course, preference is given to agents who already have experience working in insurance companies.

So, we conclude that currently in the Russian Federation, organizing the activities of an insurance broker is a very costly and complex matter. If we are talking about a small business, then it is necessary to open an insurance agency.

Insurance agency income and expenses

The activity of an insurance agency is working with people. Essentially, an insurance agency is a company that employs several insurance agents.

As we wrote above, opening an insurance agency is a business for professionals. It is suitable for those who have already worked for some time as an insurance agent on the company's staff. And if you are such a professional, then business will be up to you. It is advisable to start opening an insurance agency with one person. This makes it easier to see the insurance business and its prospects from the inside without much investment.

At the first stage, to open such a business, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur. At first, you can do without an office altogether. All you need is a computer, a printer with a scanner and workplace. That is, the minimum investment to open such a business will be about 50 thousand rubles.

The main OKVED code should be 66.29.9 “Other auxiliary activities in the field of insurance, except for compulsory social insurance.”

If you already have sufficient work experience and know the business, then you can open a company with three or four insurance agents. The cost of opening a company with three working insurance agents will be about 150 thousand rubles. Office requirements in this case, minimal, so you can choose a small ready-made room, preferably with furniture and not in need of renovation. There are enough such premises on the commercial real estate market in any region.

Of course, such an insurance agency will not immediately break even, like any business. But the salary of an insurance agent, as a rule, consists mainly of the bonus part, the salary part is minimal. Therefore, for an agency of three people, you need to set aside a small revolving fund to pay the rent of the premises, a small salary wages employees and others operating expenses, for example, payment for communications and office supplies. Thus, to open a small insurance agency you will need about 400 thousand rubles.

Of course, you can get by with a much smaller amount, but in such a business it is advisable to have a small reserve of finances to ensure the operation of the company, which is necessary for the development of regular customers and development of business processes. The minimum investment amount, in our opinion, can be 100 thousand rubles.

The insurance business is successful when the insurance agents are professionals. The average insurance agent premium is about 10-30% of the policy cost, depending on the type of insurance product. As a business owner, you keep a portion of what the insurance agent makes and that is your business's income.

Most often you will have to sell insurance products in the following areas:

    OSAGO and CASCO;

    life and health insurance;

    property insurance for individuals and legal entities;

    business insurance.

If you have three qualified insurance agents, your company’s profit will be about 50-70 thousand rubles per month per initial stage. Then everything depends on how successful the sales will be. In case of successful sales, your company’s profit can increase, with the specified number of employees, up to 100 - 150 thousand rubles. If things go well, the staff of agents can be expanded to 10-15 people.

As a rule, the payback period for investments when opening an insurance agency is from 3 months to six months.

Marketing and promotion of an insurance agency

First of all, you need to understand your potential client. Study his motives, income, determine what insurance products the client needs in the first place.

The basis for success in the insurance business is personal contact with the client. Therefore, the personal qualities of insurance agents come first. Communication skills, excellent knowledge of insurance products, personable appearance agents are the basis of success. The basics of sales technology, working with objections and knowledge of the basics of psychology are mandatory for an insurance agent.

It is necessary to make a good and understandable website with the products of your insurance agency. Promotion in in social networks can also significantly increase the number of your clients.

More than 80% of information about the agency should be of an image nature and aimed at creating a positive view of your agency from the point of view of buyers of insurance services.

Franchise insurance agency

Purchasing an insurance agency franchise allows you to reduce the risks of starting a business. You receive the right to work on behalf of a well-known brand, a certain flow of clients sent directly by the franchise owner, a set of training courses for agents and business process regulations. In some cases, you will be provided with legal and accounting support for your business.

The cost of purchasing such a franchise is from 50 thousand rubles. The required investments in opening an insurance agency under a franchise range from 120 thousand rubles. Royalty starts from the amount of 8 thousand rubles.

Additionally, the franchise owner can provide the following services:

If you are on this site, then most likely you have questions about the insurance business, for example: “How to open a branch of an insurance company for auto insurance (MTPL, CASCO) and other types? How to open an insurance agency from scratch? How to open an insurance broker and work with different insurance companies? If so, congratulations! Next we will figure out how to do this.

Insurance company or insurance agency?

First you need to decide on the terminology. It is important to understand that an “insurance company” is understood as a market entity conducting its activities in concluding insurance contracts, as well as on organizing the process of payments under policies. In addition, the insurers themselves, for example, Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh, RESO and others, in accordance with the law, are required to have a minimum authorized capital for carrying out activities in the amount of 120 million rubles.

Therefore, if you want to do business in auto insurance (MTPL, CASCO) and other products, then most likely you are interested not in how to open the entire insurance company itself, but in how to open a representative office, branch, office of an insurance company on the basis of an agency agreement about cooperation, that is, to organize an insurance agency or an insurance broker business.

Open an insurance agency or insurance broker yourself

1 way
How to open a business on your own? The owner of an insurance business (agency or broker) is an entrepreneur who, himself or with the involvement of staff, is engaged in consulting individuals and organizations, helping to choose best option insurance and receives a commission from the companies for this. In other words, this activity is essentially a form of small business that, in our experience, does not require an initial investment. So, how to open an insurance agency or broker yourself?

The simplest algorithm to open an insurance company (agency or broker):

  1. Decide how many companies you will represent,
  2. Choose the right companies to cooperate with,
  3. Take a set of constituent documents,
  4. Come to the company
  5. Carefully and correctly fill out the candidate application form,
  6. Pass an interview, proving your usefulness to the company,
  7. Fill out the application for admission,
  8. Pass checks by the security and internal control service,
  9. Select promising products
  10. Sign an agency agreement,
  11. Get the necessary policies,
  12. Establish a stable flow of clients, engage in their attraction,
  13. Consult interested people, draw up contracts,
  14. Organize financial flows, hand over money on time,
  15. Receive your reward for each policy.

In practice, of course, there are many additional questions and pitfalls. In other words, unfortunately, it is not enough to just say to yourself “I want to open an insurance agency for auto insurance and other types” and sign a couple of contracts with insurers. This will not add more money to your pocket. It is important to understand that your own representative office of insurance companies (your own insurance agency) is a serious business that requires both, and the introduction of technology, etc. After all, a business can bring in a lot of money if correct approach to organizing business processes and internal organizational and financial structures.

Open an insurance company through franchising

Method 2.
We are often asked: “How to open an insurance broker for MTPL, CASCO and other types as quickly and easily as possible? How to open an insurance company with minimal investment? There is a solution!

Insurance business franchising is a type of cooperation in which the owner of a highly profitable business (franchisor) transfers information to his new partner (franchisee) about how this business works, helps organize all business processes, provides clients, and also allows him to use his brand. In other words, you get a ready-made working business and start earning money instead of wasting time, nerves and effort on “reinventing the wheel” by organizing a business yourself. If you don’t want to figure out how to organize a broker’s business on your own, but want to start earning money as soon as possible, then .

Yes, purchasing a business model and training costs money, but, as practice shows, in the time saved (6 months - 1 year), franchisees manage to earn more than they invested in its purchase. After all, it is known that time is money. At least this is true if the insurance business whose franchise you are buying is proven and highly profitable.

It is worth noting that, as a rule, only truly highly profitable and proven agencies and brokers provide franchisees with clients. Therefore, when choosing a franchisor, it is important to pay attention to this nuance.

If you want to open an agency or broker, fill out the form below!
Find out the conditions and cost of a ready-made insurance business with 10 years of experience:

Working on an insurance company business plan

3 way
It is no secret that many (especially beginning) entrepreneurs believe that opening an insurance company can be done according to some kind of business plan. There are a huge number of different business plans for insurance companies (insurance agencies, insurance brokers) on the Internet. Who has sufficient experience in business, understands how far any even practically ideal business plans are from the harsh reality of competition in the real market. There is even a saying: “Not a single business plan can withstand a collision with reality,” so offering another “fantasy” on the topic “How good it could be if it were true” in the form of a business plan for an insurance company - we are on our We will not be on the site, however, we will dwell on the main key points of the business model of any successful insurance broker or agency, so that you, dear visitor of the site, have a correct understanding.

Some advantages of the insurance business:

  1. Additional income to the salary at the main place of work,
  2. Start your own insurance business - from scratch and with minimal investment,
  3. Flexible work schedule instead of a rigid schedule,
  4. The ability to independently choose the dates and duration of vacations,
  5. Become a leader, delegate, hire staff,
  6. And so on…

Thus, the insurance industry opens many doors and gives many choices. For some, this is an opportunity to earn additional income. For others, this is a chance to start their business from scratch. How about you? It's up to you to decide.

Why is your own agency or broker a business with minimal investment?

  1. No need to buy goods/equipment for trading,
  2. No need to rent an office/pay rent,
  3. There is no need to hire highly paid employees/specialists,
  4. No need to purchase raw materials/technology,
  5. No need to buy production equipment.

Do you know how many billions agents and brokers earned in 2014? Watch the video!

Do you like this business idea? Do you want to try opening an office of an insurance company or are you still in doubt? It is known that the most The best way to understand is check! And the safest thing is to check for free! You will become familiar with the specifics of this business. And you’ll even understand how to open an insurance company office!

Take our course - from professionals with 10 years experience in insurance. You will receive valuable advice and experience from professional insurance business owners with 10 years of management experience. And you will be able to complete practical tasks for maximum results.
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The material was prepared based on articles and
publications of the head coach of the training center
insurance agents "Insurance Spetsnaz"
Yuzefovich Konstantin

Publications on the topic