What can you eat after shank prakshalan. Proper performance of kriya shank prakshalana

In the practices of hatha yoga, there are special methods for cleansing the body, known as Shatkarmas:

  • Neti- the process of washing and cleansing the nasal passages (there are various methods).
  • Nauli- very effective method strengthening the abdominal organs by massaging them in a special way.
  • Basti- a method of washing and toning the colon.
  • Kapalabhati- a technique for cleansing the anterior lobe of the brain, consisting of three simple techniques.
  • Trataka The practice of contemplating an object closely. It develops the power of concentration, and also awakens the spiritual forces hidden within each of us. Trataka strengthens the eyes and optic nerves.
  • Dhauti- a large selection of techniques for cleansing the digestive tract.

This system also includes cleansing the eyes, ears, teeth, tongue and scalp.

Dhauti techniques are described in the Gheranda Samhita: "Of all Dhauti, Varisara is the best. Whoever diligently performs it purifies his body and achieves a radiant divine body." Varisara Dhauti also known as Shank-Prakshalana. Vari (Skt. vaari) is water, sara (Skt. saara) - energy, substance.

Technically, it consists of drinking salted water, performing a series of special ones that push water through the digestive tract until it is evacuated through the anus, and following the instructions for a subsequent diet that ensures the formation of primordial microflora. Shank-Prakshalana improves the health of the whole organism.


We, residents of megacities, without having an elementary choice of high-quality and healthy products, are forced to eat improperly. It is obvious that the environmental factor, and various stresses that have already entered our daily life as a norm, indulge in the formation of poisons and all kinds of toxins in the organisms.

Slags accumulating in the intestines are favorable food for putrefactive bacteria that compete with the normal intestinal microflora, gradually displacing it. And, as a result, we have a deficiency of many vitamins and microelements produced by normal microflora, and allergic reactions of the body in response to aggressive foreign proteins of putrefactive microflora. Poisons absorbed in the large intestine enter the liver, and after a while it ceases to cope with them. The structure of bile is disturbed, stones appear in the gallbladder. If the gastrointestinal tract does not cope with its work, then the load begins to fall on other excretory systems. In the beginning, the respiratory system takes over the excess of toxins, and we feel it in the form of frequent colds, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Then comes the turn of the kidneys, as a result - a tendency to stone formation, pyelonephritis and even more serious diseases. The fourth may suffer from the excretory system of the skin. There is frequent furunculosis, pustular eruptions such as acne. The skin becomes rougher, easily vulnerable and amenable to irritation, up to skin itching. Internal intoxication is often the main cause of dermatitis, an inflammatory skin disease. The skin may show signs of aging prematurely.

Toxins accumulated in the body aggressively affect blood vessels, causing them to spasm, increase blood pressure, and even lead to acute disorders of the coronary (cardiac) and cerebral circulation, i.e. strokes and heart attacks. Toxins are mainly located in the intercellular space, but they can also penetrate into the cell itself, disrupting its genetic apparatus, which leads to earlier aging, and may be the cause of the transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell.

That's far from complete list diseases, the occurrence of which contributes to the decomposition of lingering fecal matter: gastric and duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic arthritis, cancerous tumors, anemia, chronic dysentery, kidney stones, neuritis, allergies, chronic infections of the genital organs and Bladder, chronic and acute appendicitis, hypertrophy of the spleen and liver, nervous and mental disorders, insomnia, sciatica, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Advaita master Swami Yoga Kamal repeatedly emphasized that the body consists of the consciousness of billions of cells and is a single holistic consciousness, forming different combinations of rajas, tamas and satva. The consistency and mismatch of the system depends on the quality of the integral energy. Mismatch, splitting of the integral cellular consciousness of the organism inevitably forms a disease. The unity of cellular consciousness is the integrity of energy and consciousness in the body. The growth of intoxication (poisons) - as a result of an imbalance in nutrition, pollution in the atmosphere, in breathing, psychological and informational stresses - create blocks that do not allow accumulating and increasing the energy level.

A consequence of cleansing the digestive tract is also the normal absorption of food, which makes the thin get better, and those who should part without regret without regret. extra pounds, to lose weight.

Shank-Prakshalana is also indispensable for getting rid of allergies, because. most allergens accumulate in the intestines and maintain a constant sensitization of the body (increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of irritants that cause an allergic reaction).

Shank-Prakshalana helps in healing the genitourinary system, both in men and women. The fact is that the large intestine is located next to the pelvic organs and its condition greatly affects their function. The toxins in the folds of the intestine are aggressive substances that irritate the mucosal receptors, causing a rush of blood to this area, which leads to stagnation, and stagnation contributes to inflammatory processes.

The cause of many diseases is the accumulation of toxic substances in the intestines that cause blood pollution, which affects the whole body. A complete cleansing of the digestive tract is also a cleansing of the blood, and therefore noticeably improves overall health. Eliminates most of the diseases associated with the digestive system. These include diseases such as diabetes, hyperacidity, chronic dysentery, constipation, as well as phenomena arising from blood intoxication. After cleansing, blood circulation is restored, and unpleasant symptoms can completely stop bothering a person. Especially if it complements cleansing with targeted treatment of diseased organs. Colds and many other diseases, both related to metabolism and not having, it would seem, nothing to do with it, are cured very easily and quickly.

Known practice of curing patients with diabetes in the initial degree by performing the Shank-Prakshalana procedure once every two days for two months. True, the treatment was accompanied by a proper diet (natural products with a high content of B vitamins), pranayama (the practice of controlling vital energy, prana, qi with the help of breathing exercises) and other yogic procedures.

How does Shank-Prakshalana work?

In the digestive tract, between the stomach and the anus, there is a certain amount of sphincters and valves (or pylorus) that open and close to control the movement of food during digestion. The simple exercises performed during Shank Prakshalana relax the muscles of these valves, create the necessary contraction and stretching of the intestinal walls, and allow salt water to reach the rectum unhindered.

The process of absorption of salt water attracts, through high osmotic activity (movement of matter across the body's semi-permeable membranes), some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines. Thus, the liquid part of the blood goes in the direction opposite to normal absorption, while clearing the microvilli of the small and large intestines. It is this mechanism that makes Shank-Prakshalana unique..

Not a single cleansing (except for hunger) frees the small intestine, on which our digestion and absorption depend. And only Shank-Prakshalana contributes to its complete purification. People who had regular bowel movements given the illusion that they allegedly had no deposits, during the performance of Shank-Prakshalana kriya, were surprised to find sesame seeds, poppy seeds eaten several months ago, or even a cherry stone among the removed "things".

In addition to what has been said, it is very important to know that this procedure also frees a person from the states experienced once, but still remaining in the emotional (etheric) body of a person. After all, slags and toxins are just the material carriers of these states. The more negative emotions in a person, the more toxins, and vice versa. Indeed, the Shank-Prakshalana method is not limited to a thorough cleaning of the physical body only. Often, in the process of its execution, we had to face with our own eyes the identification and removal of blocks both in the ethereal and in the mental areas of a human being. And there is no other simple cure or method (other than prolonged fasting) that can help the practitioner enter the process of prolonged fasting.

To continue, salt water acts as a lubricant, softening the stool. Let's consider this analogy. If there is a burnt crust, stains or a layer of fat inside the pan, you first fill it with hot water for a while. This softens the hardened crust and can be easily removed over time. Salt water acts in the same way in the intestines, cleansing and freeing it from traffic jams.

When the body leaves such a large amount of waste, a huge amount of energy is released and additional detoxification mechanisms are activated, i.e. release from poisons. Organs and systems use this emerging energy to restore their function, and we can feel it in the form of an improvement in overall well-being, an increase in vitality. One of the striking visual effects is the clean whites of the eyes. As obviously visible mucous membranes, they signal the purity of the rest of the internal environments of the body. Another visible sign of health is the skin. It also changes significantly for the better, becoming softer and more tender, clear of pustules, pigmentation and even warts. After Shank-Prakshalana, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored: digestion improves, the act of defecation is facilitated and normal stool regularity is established.

We do not in any way exclude the concept of "responsibility" of the individual for his life, mental state, mental and physical health. At the very least, it is unwise to put up with their violations. Therefore, we offer assistance in the implementation of Shank-Prakshalana.

Differences from alternative methods

The most common methods of bowel cleansing are laxatives and enemas, including hydrocolonotherapy (by the way, very useful for prolonged fasting) - for all of them, Shank-Prakshalana is an active method: in addition to washing the intestines, you use the physiological aspect: stimulate the muscle tissues of the torso and smooth muscles, and also massage the internal organs. This practice increases blood flow to the abdominal organs, including the organs of the endocrine system. The total healing effect of Shank-Prakshalana is significantly higher than that of passive methods of bowel lavage.

Any enemas, including hydrocolonotherapy, act only in the large intestine, laxatives do not cleanse the colon effectively enough. Therefore, with these methods, the gastrointestinal tract is left without proper treatment.

The action of laxatives is based on the artificial stimulation of nerve endings in the intestines, resulting in increased peristalsis (wave-like contractions of the intestines), quickly pushing the stool through the intestines to remove them from the body. Although this cleanses the intestines, at the same time, with regular use, it leads to a gradual weakening of the nervous reflexes. Those. laxatives bring short-term benefits, but over time can lead to harmful consequences for the body - in particular, atrophy of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are constantly taking any laxatives, we advise you to start doing Shank-Prakshalana to ease this addiction.

The frequency of performing Shank-Prakshalana

Shank-Prakshalana is done as needed. Its average frequency as a prophylactic is four times a year (when the seasons change). But maybe more often. There is a special method of rejuvenation, according to which, for 1 to 3 weeks, in addition to other procedures, Shank-Prakshalana is performed daily.

Sri Dhirendra Brahmachari, the mentor of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, director of the Yoga Therapy Institute in Delhi, advised to do this routine every 15 days. But this, probably, can only be done by zealous enthusiasts. Shank-Prakshalana is a wonderful procedure, and everyone who practices it regularly is convinced of this. In order to master it, you can safely practice it once every two weeks and you will succeed. Persons suffering from constipation can do Shank Prakshalana every week, but with only six glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is carried out in about an hour and a half. This is one of the best bowel re-education. This does not stretch the walls of the large intestine. It can also be used instead of enemas - twice a week at the initial stage, and then once every two weeks. There are many variations and applications of this kriya. The frequency depends on what task you need to work on at the moment.


Shank-Prakshalana is contraindicated in gastric ulcers in the acute stage, and other acute diseases of the digestive system. The same applies to persons suffering from acute lesions of the digestive tract: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, tuberculosis and intestinal cancer. However, cases of curing these diseases by Shank-Prakshalana are also described.

The procedure is not recommended during menstruation, at high temperature or pressure, is prohibited in case of heart attacks. It is also prohibited during pregnancy. After a three-day fast, it can be done no earlier than a week after the full output, after a week of fasting - no earlier than a month.

Shank Prakshalana is an ideal and easy to learn method that is very effective. The process of cleansing affects the entire large intestine, thus shank prakshalana removes all food debris from the esophagus, starting from the stomach and ending with the anus.
During the practice of Shank Prakshalana, water enters through the mouth into the stomach, and from there it is sent special exercises through the esophagus, passing through the entire intestine. Shank Prakshalana continues for so long until the water leaves the body as clear as it entered. Shank Prakshalana is a safe procedure and is recommended for everyone, provided that everything is done accurately.

24-hour seminar "Cleansing the body and harmonizing subtle bodies" with the implementation of the yogic practice of Shank Prakshalana

Preparing for Shank Prakshalana
First you need to prepare water - heat and add sea (or unrefined table) salt with a concentration of 5-6 grams per 1 liter of water (1 teaspoon with top), which will make the content slightly lower than in saline. Water must be salted because otherwise it will be absorbed through the mucous membrane and excreted from the body in the usual way (in the form of urine). You can reduce the salt content of the solution if you find it too salty.
Auspicious moment for Shank Prakshalana
The most favorable moment for Shank Prakshalana is in the morning, the stomach should be empty, i.e. on an empty stomach (tea, coffee, juices, etc. - excluded). It should be borne in mind that the duration of Shank Prakshalana is, in time, more than an hour, from these considerations best time is the morning, and better at the weekend. On the day when you do Shank Prakshalana asanas and sharp exercises are contraindicated, the same applies to the next day.
We give the sequence of performing Shank Prakshalana (the exercises necessary for the passage of salt water through the esophagus are described below).
1. Drink a glass of warm salt water (its temperature should be pleasant).
2. Immediately perform the exercises.
3. Drink another glass and perform a set of exercises again.
4. Continue step 3 until you have drunk 6 glasses of water and completed six sets of exercises.
5. After completing the sixth approach, you must go to the toilet.
Usually, the first evacuation is carried out almost immediately, and, after normal bowel movements, softer ones follow, and then liquid ones (possibly yellowish). If this does not happen, then immediately or no later than 5 minutes, you must repeat the set of exercises, and then return to the toilet.
If the result is still negative, which is unlikely, but possible, then gastric lavage should be performed with an enema - half a liter of warm unsalted water. Having done the enema, it is better to lie down and relax for a few minutes). As soon as the evacuation mechanism is brought back to normal, i.e. when the first bowel movements appear, the next ones will be called automatically.
One helpful advice: after each visit to the toilet, it is advisable to use not toilet paper, but water, then thoroughly wipe the anus and lubricate it with vegetable (olive, castor, etc.) oil to avoid irritation caused by salt.
After the first bowel movement, you must:
drink a glass of salt water again;
perform the indicated exercises;
return to the toilet, where a bowel movement should occur.
Repeat these steps until the water comes out as clean as it came in. With different contamination of the intestines, this will happen after drinking 10-14 glasses of our solution, more - in very rare cases.
When the water comes out clean enough, in your opinion, then Shank Prakshalana can be completed. After stopping Shank Prakshalana, you may want to go to the toilet a few more times during the next hour - this is the only remaining inconvenience.
Now it is advisable to drink one to three glasses of warm unsalted water and do a gastric lavage (vamana dhauti) in order to close the pylorus in the stomach. This can be done by tickling the back surface of the upper palate and tongue with three fingers. This will completely empty the stomach.
In case of failure
After you have drunk about four glasses of salt water and there is a feeling that the stomach is completely full - this can cause nausea - it means that the first sphincter has not opened for the normal passage of fluid into the intestines, but this is fixable: you just need to do two or three cycles of exercises , - an indicator of correctness will be the complete disappearance of nausea - this indicates that the passage into the stomach has become normal. After starting the evacuation mechanism, there should be no more difficulties, and you can safely continue with the Shank Prakshalana.
Sometimes it happens that a gas plug appears in the intestine, which interferes with the normal operation of the evacuation mechanism. Then it’s just enough to press on the stomach with your hands or do the exercises sarvangasana (stand on the shoulder blades) or halasana (the “plow” position, which can be done in a simplified version - without completely straightening the body and without touching the floor with your feet, perform about one minute) along with four other positions from the complex.
In the most difficult case, this is when the liquid does not come out. Here you need to make a choice: perform gastric lavage (vamana dhauti), emptying it in this way. This can be done by massaging the root of the tongue with three fingers of the right hand. Relief comes immediately, and if nothing is done, then the water will come out naturally in the form of urine.
After completing Shank Prakshalana, one should relax and avoid feeling hungry.
First meal
After Shank Prakshalana, the following recommendations should be followed:
Eat no earlier than half an hour, and no later than an hour after the completion of bowel cleansing - Shank Prakshalana.
It is strictly forbidden to leave the digestive system empty for more than an hour!
The first meal should be made from rice cooked in water, peeled, but not boiled (rice grains should melt in your mouth). Lightly salted tomato juice can be used as a seasoning for rice. Do not use pepper or any spicy seasonings. It is also allowed to add well-cooked lentils or carrots to rice. In addition, you need to eat 40 grams of butter, which can be dissolved in rice (it is better to melt it separately in a water bath) or consumed unmelted from a spoon. You can also replace rice with boiled wheat, oats or flour products (pasta, noodles, spaghetti, etc.) seasoned with grated cheese.
Attention! Rice cannot be cooked with milk. In the next 24 hours, it is forbidden to consume milk and kefir. Also, during the following days, it is contraindicated sour food and drinks, fruits and raw vegetables. Bread is allowed to be eaten during the second meal. You can also eat hard and semi-hard cheeses, but white cheese and fermented cheeses (brie, camembert) are not recommended. A day after Shank Prakshalana, you can return to your usual regimen, however, avoiding any excesses in meat.
The use of salt water during the Shank Prakshalana will exchange some of the liquid to the esophagus - this is the main part of the bowel cleansing, so after the bowel cleansing is completed, the feeling of thirst is natural. You should not drink any liquid, even pure water, before the first meal, because. you will maintain the evacuation mechanism, i.e. go to the toilet. But during the first meal and after it, you can drink water or weak infusions: linden-mint infusion, mineral water(slightly carbonated or still). But the use of alcohol is strictly prohibited during the day after Shank Prakshalana!
What may appear in the bowel movements 24 to 36 hours after the completion of a bowel cleansing should not surprise you. The stool will be golden yellow and odorless, like that of a nursing baby.
Shank Prakshalana should be performed at least twice a year, and its average frequency is four times (when the seasons change). For those who wish to engage in purification thoroughly, Shank Prakshalana can be performed monthly.
Shank Prakshalana is not really unpleasant, although there are more pleasant entertainments. The most difficult stage is drinking warm salt water. For people with a refined taste, it is proposed to prepare a drink from a weak decoction of leeks or other vegetables.
For those who suffer from constipation, they can perform Shank Prakshalana every week, but limited to 6 glasses of water. Then the whole cycle can be completed in about half an hour. This is the best "hardening" for the intestines, because. the walls of the colon are not stretched.
Beneficial effects
One of the first results is the removal of impurities - deposits that have eaten into the lining of the colon.
The beneficial effects of Shank Prakshalana will not appear the next day and will not be evident, but it will manifest itself through fresh breath, the disappearance of a rash on the face, on the body. When switching to a low-toxic diet (without excess meat), unpleasant bodily odors will disappear, which are quite strong, the complexion is refreshed and improved. Also, bowel cleansing is also tonic for the body, and also stimulates the liver (which is noticeable by the color of the excrement).
Scientific fact:
"Lonovala's doctors have successfully cured early diabetic patients by performing the Shank Prakshalana procedure once every two days for two months (although the treatment was accompanied by a proper diet, pranayama and other yogic procedures)."
Colds and many other diseases, both related to metabolism and not having, it would seem, nothing to do with it, are cured very simply and quickly.
The most important consequence of Shank Prakshalana is getting rid of allergic diseases.
As a result of the cleansing of the esophagus, normal digestion of food appears, which makes the thin get better, and those who need to part with extra pounds to lose weight.
There are few contraindications ... Those who suffer from stomach ulcers are advised to refrain from performing Shank Prakshalana and first heal the ulcer, and then get rid of the peptic ulcer by cleansing the intestines. The same prescriptions apply to those who have diseases of the digestive tract in an acute form: acute colitis (chronic colitis can be greatly alleviated by the use of Shank Prakshalana, if not done during an exacerbation), dysentery, diarrhea, acute appendicitis and cancer.
These are, perhaps, all contraindications, but they are not final. We know of one case of dysentery, which was cured by Shank Prakshalana, while the patient had previously been treated by classical methods without getting relief.
Shank Prakshalana is also very effective at the final stage of the treatment of oxyurosis. When evacuation is carried out, the worms, along with their eggs, are brought out. But there are so many of them that one or another egg can escape destruction.
To conduct water through the esophagus to the very exit, it is enough to do the exercises given here. Each movement from the complex must be repeated four times in each direction alternately at a fairly intense pace, i.e. the whole series should take about one minute, but it can be faster.
First exercise.
Starting position: standing, the distance between the feet is about 30 cm, the hands are gathered into the castle - the fingers are intertwined and the palms are open up. The back is straight, breathing is free. Having fixed the upper body, lean first to the left, then, without stopping, straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat these tilts in both directions four times, i.e. you only need to do 8 slopes.
The exercise takes about 10 seconds.
This movement helps to open the pylorus, and with each tilt, part of the water leaves it, moving into the duodenum and small intestine.
Second exercise.
Performing this exercise directs the flow of water through the small intestine. Starting position: standing, spread your legs, stretch your right hand horizontally forward, and bend your left so that the index and thumb touch the right collarbone. Perform torso twists, moving the outstretched arm as far back as possible, while looking at the fingertips. It is necessary to ensure that the lower body remains fixed, twisting should be done around the waist, and not the whole body. At the end of the turn, do not stop, return to the starting position and immediately reverse the twist. This is also a double exercise. Performed four times in each direction. The duration of a series of twists is approximately 10 seconds.
Third exercise.

Water moves further through the small intestine, thanks to this exercise. Starting position: one of the cobra variants is performed, while the big toes should touch the floor and the hips should be raised above the floor. Feet are placed at a distance of about 30 cm (this is important !!!). After assuming this position, begin to turn your head, shoulders and torso until you can see the heel of the opposite leg (when turning to the right, you need to look at the left heel). Twisting is performed without stopping, i.e. returning to the starting position and turning to the other side. This type of twist must also be performed around the waist and the lower body must be kept parallel to the floor. Only downward bends are possible. Repeat this double exercise 4 times. The total duration is 10…15 seconds.
Fourth exercise.
The water that has reached the end of the small intestines should be passed through the large intestine with the fourth and final exercise. It is the most difficult in the complex, although it is available to anyone, except for those who have diseases of the legs and meniscus.
Starting position: squat down, place your feet at a distance of 30 cm from each other, place your heels at the outer part of the thighs, and not under the buttocks, put your hands on your knees, which are separated by the same 30 cm. Next, turn your torso and lower your left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately direct the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press one side of the abdomen and press on the large intestines. Look back to increase the twisting of the body and apply better pressure on the stomach.
For the previous exercises, it didn’t matter in which direction to start the movement, but for this position it is important! Pressure must be applied first on the right side of the abdomen to press on the ascending colon.
The exercise is performed 4 times in each direction. The total duration is 15 seconds.
If this exercise seems difficult to you, then, instead, it is allowed to perform a “lazy” plow for one minute, after which lie down and relax for one minute.
Summary of doing Shank Prakshalana
Drink a glass of warm water, salted at the rate of a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
Complete the full set of exercises.
Drink a second glass of water and do a set of exercises.
Continue like this until you have drunk six glasses.
Go to the toilet and wait for the first evacuation to take place. If it did not happen within 5 minutes, then repeat the set of exercises without drinking more water. If there is no result, then make a small enema to increase peristalsis.
Drink a glass of water again, do your exercises, and go to the toilet.
Continue alternating water - exercise - toilet until you achieve a satisfactory result. Yogis continue the procedure until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body.
To complete the procedure and remove water from the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to do vamana dhauti: drink two glasses of warm unsalted water and empty the stomach. At the same time, the liver, spleen, gallbladder are cleansed and the evacuation mechanism is turned off. If you do not do vamana dhauti, you will run to the toilet several more times within an hour.
Rest at least half an hour before eating, but never leave your stomach empty for more than an hour.
Do not drink water until after the first meal.

  • Shank prakshalana is a powerful cleansing procedure of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a complex healing effect on the entire human body. This procedure is done by drinking a saline water solution. After each glass of water, simple exercises are performed (or rather, there are only 4 of them).

    Shankha (Skt. shankha) - means "mollusk shell" (the mollusk washes its shell, sucking in and pushing water out with muscle effort), prakshalana (Skt. prakshalana) - complete washing, cleansing.

    What does Prakshalana give?

    Here is just a partial list of the beneficial effects that Shank Prakshalana has:


    • improves digestion and absorption of nutrients into the blood;
    • regular quality defecation is established;
    • rejuvenating effect on the whole body;
    • skin condition improves, rash, acne and pustules disappear;
    • immunity is strengthened;
    • the whites of the eyes become clear.

    The quality of life:

    • less fatigue, higher efficiency;
    • clear thinking;
    • normalizes metabolism and the process of assimilation of food;
    • unpleasant odors from the body disappear;
    • fresh breath.

    Subtle points:

    • psychological, emotional and mental blocks are removed;
    • increases the ability to concentrate, which is beneficial for the practice of meditation;
    • lightness and purity in the body, clarity in the mind;
    • increases energy potential and immunity from negative influences;
    • satisfaction with life, optimism, self-confidence.

    Prakshalana is done either as needed or as planned. If you have never done Prakshalana by your age, then, probably, such a need has already matured. As for routine cleaning, it is enough to do Prakshalana 1-2 times a year, more often it is not worth it. Since any cleaning is stress for the body. Yes, and it is better to clog the body less than to once again expose it to cleansing. We do Shank Prakshalana in spring and autumn, at the change of seasons, after which we enter into a long conscious abstinence from food.

    1-2 days before Prakshalana it is necessary to refrain from protein foods (meat, fish, eggs). The fact that you need to exclude alcohol, nicotine and caffeine is not even worth talking about - this is an axiom of all wellness procedures. If you drink alcohol and smoke, there is no point in “torturing” your body with cleansing, if you later load it with alcohol and cigarette smoke again. The ideal diet is to sit for two days on raw vegetables and cereals. If it is very difficult, you can add boiled vegetables. This will facilitate the cleansing process.

    The procedure itself will take no more than 1.5-2 hours (for the first time due to inexperience, perhaps longer). However, we would advise you to set aside one whole day for Prakshalana. It is better not to plan any active events or meetings - let it be a day of complete relaxation. Stay at home, alone with yourself or with loved ones. Read a book, take a break. Perhaps, after the procedure, weakness will appear, you will want to lie down - all these are normal phenomena.

    Prakshalana is best done on an empty stomach. The optimal time to perform the procedure is in the morning after waking up, at 6-7 in the morning, so that by noon it will be finished. Before starting Prakshalana, it’s good to do your usual morning hygiene routine and then proceed.

    Prakshalana should be performed in a secluded and safe place where no one will disturb you. The ideal option is at home. Of course, you must have unlimited access to the toilet. In the toilet, you need to prepare in advance fresh water for washing (I strongly do not recommend toilet paper), cream or oil and a towel, so that after each bowel movement you wash yourself and lubricate the anal sphincter with cream or oil. Otherwise, the saline solution may irritate the area.

    Salt solution preparation.

    For the solution, it is better to use boiled water that has cooled to body temperature. Salt is needed the most common - without iodine and other additives. Sea, Himalayan, pink, with truffle oil and other exotics are better to keep for a more suitable occasion. Buy the most common salt for 10 rubles - this is what you need.

    So, we have water and we have salt, now it is important to mix them correctly. Common mistake beginners - add more salt to the solution than necessary, which ultimately leads to dehydration and headaches.

    It is necessary to follow the rule - 1 teaspoon of salt with a slide per liter of water. No more and no less!!!

    When the solution is ready, you can proceed!

    Step by step instructions for Prakshalana exercises.

    The scheme is simple: after each drunk glass of salt water, we perform a series of four simple exercises, as described below. The purpose of these exercises is to promote the rapid passage of water through the digestive tract. While doing the exercises, we alternately open the sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract (Gastrointestinal Tract) so that the water does not linger anywhere and can freely pass to the exit.

    So, we drink the first glass and perform a series of four simple exercises:

    1. We get up straight. The legs are located together, or at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Close your hands above your head. We make lateral tilts of the body to the right and left, bending the body at the waist. We make sure that the heels, pelvis, shoulders and arms are in the same line, do not twist the body forward. Without stopping in the tilt position, we straighten up and dynamically lean to the other side. When performing the exercise, the pelvis should not deviate in any direction - the lower body is fixed to the waist, and we bend precisely in the waist area. Attention should be directed to the stretching walls of the abdomen and the ongoing processes in the stomach area. We perform the exercise 8-12 times in each direction.
    2. We stand straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart. We stretch forward with the right hand, and bend the left so that the thumb and forefinger touch the right collarbone. We perform turns of the body, for which we take the outstretched right arm as far back as possible. The body should be free, the back is straight, the chin is raised. We look at the fingers of the palm that is laid back. The lower part of the body should remain motionless, rotation is carried out not with the whole body, but only around the waist. At the end of the turn, we do not stop, we return to the starting position, change hands and perform a turn in the other direction. Breathing is natural. We collect all attention on the sensations in the intestinal area. The exercise is performed 8-12 times in each direction.
    3. We move to the prone position and do the third exercise - smooth twists from the “cobra” position. We perform a variant of this asana with the knees raised from the ground. Toes are on the ground, the distance between the feet is about 30 cm (mandatory). In this position, we turn the head, torso and shoulders until we see the heel of the leg opposite to the rotation (when turning to the right, we look at the heel of the left leg and vice versa). We do not fix the movement on the turn, but return to the starting position and turn in the opposite direction. Each turn is carried out in the waist area, the lower part of the body should remain parallel to the ground. The body will bend down when the abdomen is relaxed, and the back is completely relaxed. We keep the navel as close to the ground as possible. We focus our attention on the processes taking place inside, we try to carry out breathing synchronously with the movements of the body. We repeat the exercise in each direction 8-12 times.
    4. And the last exercise is sitting twists. We squat down, put our hands on our knees. We tilt the left knee to the ground, turning the body to the right side, twisting as much as possible. Keep the right knee vertical. We return to the starting position. We do the same, only now we tilt the right knee to the ground and turn the body to the left. With the palms, we push in turn the right then the left thigh to the opposite side in such a way as to cling to it with only one half of the abdomen, and therefore the intestines. We also turn our head in the direction of twisting to increase pressure on the stomach. With all movements, the body should be relaxed. We make sure that the spine is straight and the chin is raised. The stomach needs to be relaxed, we breathe freely, do not forget to focus our attention on internal processes. We do 8-12 twists to the left and right sides. It is necessary to know that in the first four exercises it was not at all important which side to start performing them in, but for this exercise, you must first stretch and pressure on the right side of the abdomen, with the aim push water through the ascending canal of the large intestine.

    The whole series takes from 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the speed of execution.

    Watch a detailed video of Shank Prakshalana exercises.

    The classic suggestion is to continue alternating between drinking water and moving until you have drunk 6 glasses of salt water and completed six sets of exercises. In our practice, it was noticed that the number of glasses individually and directly depends on the size of the intestines - for some, natural evacuation occurs after the 4th glass, and someone will need to drink 7 or 8. Gradually, as water is consumed, the pressure in the body will increase . Try to maintain this pressure by focusing all your attention only on the practice, ignoring the urge to pause, then the water will quickly come out. As a rule, it is at 5-8 glasses that a crisis moment occurs (this is also individual), and you will need maximum concentration and endurance.

    After completing the sixth (on average) cycle, you need to go to the toilet. Under no circumstances should you strain; just sit on the toilet for a few minutes. It doesn't matter if the intestines worked or not. If the first evacuation does not occur within 5 minutes, then repeat the set of exercises without drinking more water. However, it happens that a gas plug or massive accumulations of feces interfere with normal cleansing. If there is no result after 6-8 glasses, without drinking water yet, do several more cycles of exercises in a row (again, we draw your attention to the fact that the amount of water in each situation is individual). Then drink another glass and again do several complexes. If there is no stool after this, you can take a short pause: lie on the floor and massage your stomach in a clockwise direction. You can also do a few more times a series of exercises without drinking water. If this does not help, then you need to do a small enema - this will start the process. Once the anal sphincter is first activated, there are usually no more problems and subsequent evacuations occur automatically.

    Continue alternating water - exercise - toilet until you achieve a satisfactory result. Yogis continue the procedure until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. The first time you have a bowel movement, your stool will likely be hard. Continue to drink salt water and do asanas, and gradually a mixture of hard stools with water will begin to come out. As you continue to drink and perform asanas, the output will be more and more water and less and less solid fraction of the stool, by the end of the practice, only yellow or brown liquid will come out of the intestines. Continue practicing until the output is completely pure water- a sure sign that the intestines are completely clean. Now you need to drink two more (last) glasses of water, perform asanas again and visit the toilet so that the entire gastrointestinal tract is in the best and purest condition.
    Before completely clear water starts to come out, someone needs to drink 10 glasses, and someone more. Some require more liquid to get a result in Shank-Prakshalan, others need less. Never compare yourself to anyone else, each practice has its own characteristics. Don't worry if you personally have a bowel contraction or if it takes longer to complete the practice than others. Some complete it quite quickly, while others take about four to six hours.

    How to complete Prakshalana?

    As soon as the water at the outlet has become transparent, we stop drinking the solution - it's time to finish! Usually, at the final stage, the water is clear, but has a clear yellowish tint caused by the active release of bile from the gallbladder.

    Many people recommend doing the next moment in order to close the gastrointestinal sphincters opened by Prakshalana. To do this, we drink some fresh water (one glass is enough) and pressing with two fingers on the base of the tongue, we cause a gag reflex. A slight urge to vomit is enough to tell the body to close the sphincters. We skip this point - everything closes by itself. How important this moment is, we cannot say for sure, but the body works itself, and all sphincters close on their own.

    Most likely, after the procedure is completed, you will still have to visit the toilet a couple of times.

    Within an hour after the completion of Prakshalana, you need to eat. The classic first meal after this procedure is well-cooked rice without salt and spices with the addition of a tablespoon of butter (or even better ghee). The rice will absorb the salt left in the digestive tract, and the oil will help lubricate it.

    Since we are raw foodists, we do not eat boiled rice and butter. Our first meal during the first hour after Prakshalana is carrot-pumpkin cake with herbs (parsley, cilantro, spinach, arugula, any leaf lettuce - whatever) without salt and spices with olive oil first cold pressing.

    After this hour 3-4 nothing should be eaten. You can drink plain water if you are thirsty. In the evening of the same day, you can resume eating, but it is very important to follow the right diet.

    As a result of Prakshalana, the entire intestinal microflora is washed out. The formation of a new microflora depends on the diet that you will adhere to in the first days after Prokshalana. Therefore, we follow approximately the same diet as in preparation for Prakshalana:

    Eliminate protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes), alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and tea, confectionery, bread, sugar and all products that cause fermentation - THIS IS NOT EVEN DISCUSSED !!!

    Some advise after Proxalana to use a course of preparations containing lactic acid and bifidobacteria for 2-4 weeks. WE DO NOT DO THIS AND categorically AGAINST THIS PROCEDURE, as we believe that the intestines should recover themselves. The body can do a lot, even things that are hard to imagine. If he is allowed to work on his own, then the immune system will be stronger, and the body will restore itself faster and better than if it is helped by additional means. All the more medicinal.

    After Prakshalana, it is not recommended to go into fasting, as the intestinal flora is disturbed and needs to be restored. And also because salt can remain on the walls, which, in hunger, can corrode the intestinal walls - everything is logical. BUT... It is also very important to enter into conscious abstinence from food (that is, fasting) with a clean intestine, because there is no intoxication of the body by absorption of stagnant food through the intestinal walls. Therefore, after this procedure, we drink freshly squeezed juices WITHOUT PULP (it can be diluted with water) for 2-3 days. As soon as the intestines begin to work in the usual mode for us, we go into a conscious abstinence from food (popularly called "starvation"). Approximately this recovery occurs within 2-3 days. During this time, juices clean the intestines from salt, preparing the body for hunger. With a clean intestine, fasting is easy - you don’t even remember about food! There are no pain and dizziness, which happens only as a result of a contaminated intestine.


    Shank Prakshalana (Skt. Shankha) - "mollusk shell", (Skt. Prakshalana) - "washing," is an Indian method of cleansing with a water-salt solution practiced by yogis. The procedure has become widespread under the name "Shell Gesture". The method was put into practice by the founder and president of the Yoga Institute, Shri Yogender. He is the author of books on yoga theory and a practicing yogi.

    According to the theory of Sri Yogender, during the procedure, not only the body is cleansed, but also the internal channels through which the energy flow circulates. It is impossible to put the energy channels in order without cleansing the body, since it should feel relief after the procedure. The name of the practice was due to the analogy with the mollusk, which washes its shell with sea water and pushes it out with the effort of the muscles. The essence of the technique is to cleanse the body in a natural way. The procedure is quite simple, but guarantees complete cleansing of all parts of the intestine.

    The effectiveness of the technique is achieved through exercises that are performed in combination with the use of salt water. The practice of Shank Prakshalana involves doing exercises until the water is clear at the exit from the body. Shank Prakshalana is carried out at home and does not require special expenses, while it effectively cleanses the body, removes toxins and toxins from the intestines and is recommended to everyone if the instructions of the method are followed correctly. Shank Prakshalana is one of the most popular and effective practices of Hatha Yoga. It is important to observe exact directions to the implementation of the procedure, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve an effective result.

    Features of Shank Prakshalana

    The technique is quite simple, but it has its own characteristics. The essence of the procedure is to use a large number salt water. Due to salt, all accumulations that come out with water are washed out. Salt water cleansing is carried out through exercises that help open the sphincters that connect the intestines. Exercises are a mandatory part of the methodology. Without their implementation, the procedure does not make any sense: the valves will not open, salt water will be excreted from the body along with urine. The Shank Prakshalana technique stimulates the functioning of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and together with salt water and feces, toxins, food debris and solid deposits come out.

    The procedure will not be effective if the cleansing of the body at home is carried out with fresh water. Fresh water is absorbed into the walls of the intestines and excreted from the body with urine, so cleansing by the Shank Prakshalana method is carried out with salt water. But there will be no effect from salt water cleansing if you do not use enough salt or do not exercise.

    A complete bowel cleansing is performed on an empty stomach and will take up to 2 hours. It is important to follow the algorithm of actions so that the technique is not in vain.

    The procedure is very simple and anyone can do it, even those who have never done yoga before. The technique does not require physical training, and its positive effect is achieved through the correct salt concentration and exercise intensity.

    Indications for the use of the technique

    Shank Prakshalana is a complete cleansing of all parts of the intestines. The procedure is used as a method of cleansing the body of accumulations and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Bowel cleansing according to the Shank Prakshalana method is used for:

    • ulcer;
    • liver diseases;
    • cancerous tumors;
    • dysentery;
    • diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder;
    • skin diseases;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • chronic and acute appendicitis;
    • nervous disorders and diseases of the central nervous system;
    • helminthic invasion;
    • stagnation of feces in the rectum.

    About cleansing the intestines with beets

    Colon cleansing is a necessary procedure to maintain the health of the whole organism. Deposits in the gastrointestinal tract create optimal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that disrupt the natural microflora of the intestine, impede natural peristalsis and contribute to intoxication of the body. Cleansing with salt water at home loosens stool and stimulates bowel movements. Together with salt water, the intestinal walls absorb the minerals contained in the salt. An excess of toxic accumulations provokes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, and the salt solution soothes the receptors and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

    Salt water cleansing procedure

    Purification of the body by the Shank Prakshalana method should be done after preliminary preparation. Recommended in 3 days before the procedure stick to a diet and eat exclusively protein foods plant origin . Salt water cleansing will be more effective if there are no stone feces in the path of salt water, so Drink plenty of water before the procedure.

    Cleaning needs to be done on an empty stomach. If you have breakfast in the morning, the stomach will digest food, and the abundant amount of salt water that gets into it will be stressful for the body. You need to do Shank Prakshalana on a day off. The procedure itself will take a little over an hour, but a laxative effect will be observed from the salt solution during the day. To begin with, the procedure can be done 1 time with an interval of six months.

    The high concentration of salt contained in the solution can contribute to the disruption of the natural intestinal microflora, so you can not often cleanse this method.

    How to prepare a solution for Shank Prakshalana?

    Used for cleansing 3-5 liters of salt solution. To prepare the solution, you can use kitchen or sea salt. Salt is needed as much as it can not be absorbed into the intestinal mucosa. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a solution in which there is as much salt as in blood plasma. To calculate the concentration, you can use the algorithm 9 grams per 1 liter. Based on this, for the preparation of salt water you need to take 1 teaspoon per 1 liter.

    It is important not to overdo it with the salt concentration and not make the solution too salty. But there will also be no positive effect from unsalted water, so it is better to put as much salt as the method implies.

    Need to dilute the salt warm water. To do the cleansing procedure at home, you need only a warm solution. Using cold water, you can stress the intestines, and then the procedure will not give a positive effect. The water must be above room temperature. It is not necessary to make it hot, it is enough to bring it to a temperature above body temperature.

    How to perform the procedure

    The procedure must be done in stages. There is a certain algorithm for carrying out the technique. He determines the order of actions, alternating between the use of saline and exercise.

    1. Drink 1 glass salt water. Drink slowly and sip often, stimulating the bowels to contract. Perform the exercises according to the instructions.
    2. drink some more 1 glass salt water. Repeat a set of exercises.
    3. drink some more 1 glass salt water. Repeat exercises. After the third glass, there should be a desire to defecate.
    4. If there is no bowel movement after the third glass, continue drinking as many glasses of water as you can, alternating them with exercise. After 6 glasses stop the procedure and wait as long as you can until you feel the urge to have a bowel movement.
    5. After 1 emptying, continue with the steps. 1 glass = 1 set of exercises. Defecation should continue until the output is clear water.
    6. If defecation does not occur, you need to stop drinking water. Exercises repeat as much as necessary to stimulate peristalsis. After 1 bowel movement, you can continue to drink water and do exercises until clear water comes out.

    Symptoms and treatment of intestinal tumors

    The methodology in theory involves the use 5 liters of water. 6 glasses drunk before 1 emptying, the rest after it. In practice, it turns out that you can drink as much water as your body needs. Cleansing exhausts the body, so after the procedure, weakness, drowsiness and fatigue may be felt. Salt can cause irritation, so after emptying it is better not to use hygiene products, but to take a shower. If clean water comes out of the intestine after the procedure, you can no longer perform it.

    Shank Prakshalana also includes the Vamana Dhauti technique - gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink 3 cups salt solution in one gulp and empty the stomach, causing a gag reflex.

    Possible complications after the procedure

    Sometimes cleaning does not immediately give a positive result. If emptying has not occurred, and the feeling of fullness in the stomach creates discomfort, you can repeat the exercises. Complications can be caused by the formation of a gas plug, which interferes with the passage of the solution. In this case, you can do several exercises Hal - Sanu. If the procedure is carried out for the first time by a person who is not familiar with yoga, then it is better to take a laxative, in the case when you have drunk as much solution as required by the method, but defecation has not occurred.

    Contraindications to the use of the technique are in people suffering from chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis and indigestion. There are also contraindications for pregnancy and acute appendicitis.

    A set of exercises for Shank Prakshalana

    The exercises of the complex are not asanas and only stimulate the intestines to peristalsis, so the main thing is to relax and breathe properly. You should not experience discomfort from the exercise. It is important to follow the order of the exercise and the algorithm of actions and repeat them as many times as necessary to improve peristalsis.

    Shank Prakshalana exercises

    1. Exercise - Tadasana. The first exercise is performed in the “mountain pose”. To perform it, you need to take a standing position. Spread your legs at shoulder distance. Fix the feet parallel to the body. Straighten your arms at the elbows and raise them above your head. Cross the hands in the lock, with the back of the hand outward, and raise above the head. Stretch your legs, tighten the gluteal muscle. The abdomen should be tense. The chest should be slightly forward, but not stick out. The spine should be extended. It is necessary to rise on toes up, distributing body weight along the entire length. After lifting on toes, you need to inhale, as you exhale, lower. Breathe with your belly, not your diaphragm. Repeat approach 20 times.
    2. Exercise - Tiryaka-tadasana. To perform the exercise, you need to become in the “bend tree pose”. Legs should be spread shoulder-width apart. Fix the body with your feet. Stretch your arms up in the lock, the back of the palm outward. Tilt to the right, straighten up and tilt to the left - straighten up. It is necessary to make inclinations only with the body, the pelvis remains fixed. Exercises should be gentle but intense. Repeat 20 times.
    3. Exercise - Kati-chakrasana. Turns of the body are performed in a standing position. The back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. The right arm is extended forward, the left is bent at the elbow. The torso is turned to the right following the right arm extended in the hand, then to the left in the same position of the hands. You need to take your hands behind your back as much as you can. At the same time, the head should turn after the guiding hand. Repeat 20 times.
    4. Exercise - Tiryaka Bhujangasana. This exercise is performed in the “reversed cobra pose”. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on the floor. The legs should be spread apart, with the toes you need to fix them in limbo. Raise the torso on outstretched arms, put the hands parallel to the torso. Make movements of turning the head, trying to see the heel. In this case, you need to pull the side, and keep the stomach tense. Repeat turns 10 times in both directions.
    5. Exercise - Kick-karshanasana . This exercise is aimed at massaging the abdominal muscles. To perform the exercise, you need to squat down. Keep your feet on your toes, bring your knees forward. The spine must be straight. Hands should be placed on your knees. Make a turn to the right, pulling back the shoulder and head. Return to starting position. Make a left turn in the same way. Repeat turns 10 times in each direction.

    Nutrition after the technique

    After cleansing the intestines, you need to eat within half an hour. Cleansing is stressful for the body, so it is important not to leave the intestines empty. Not earlier than after 30 minutes and not later than 1 hour you need to make the first meal.

    Nutrition should be balanced and free of harmful products

    After the procedure, it is recommended to review your diet. If the cleansing was successful without complications, then the intestines were not too slagged, and the body was not stressed. If cleansing was difficult, it is better to exclude excess fats and carbohydrates from the diet. Nutrition after the procedure for 10 days should help to remove toxins that may not have been removed by saline and continue to accumulate in the body. Nutrition should be complex, so it is allowed to use:

    1. 1st day. Chicken, cereals, raw vegetables, broth without salt, durum wheat pasta.
    2. 2nd day. Dairy products, cereals, beef, stewed vegetables.
    3. 3rd day. Fruits, vegetables in any form, natural juices.
    4. 4th day. Seafood, meat, dairy products, cereals.

    After 4 days, you can follow the usual diet, but it is recommended to cook food exclusively by steaming, in the oven or boiling. The addition of salt to food should be kept to a minimum. After the procedure, it is important to restore the water balance, so it is important to drink as much water as possible.

    To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 4 times a year. Those who have difficulty with the technique for the first time are advised to review their diet and repeat the procedure in a month. If from the second time the technique did not give a positive result, and the cleansing did not come, and the distension of the stomach and intestines created discomfort, it is better to abandon this method of cleansing the intestines. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a specialist for the absence of contraindications.

    Many people who are serious about their health have thought about cleansing the body more than once. And here they can be helped quite quickly and effective method- Shank Prakshalana (). This technique dates back many centuries and is still relevant today. Nobody wants to use it, and bowel cleansing by Shank Prakshalana is incredibly seductive, which literally means “shell gesture”.

    Since the water resembles salty sea water, and the intestines are ornate like a shell. This is a truly gentle and natural remedy to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, which only speaks of its benefits compared to enemas, which clean only the rectum and, at best, part of the large intestine.

    Shank prakshalana - perfect bowel cleansing

    Shank prakshalana is not a complicated and rather highly effective method of cleansing the body at home. During the procedure, the colon is completely cleansed, the remaining pieces of food are removed from all digestive organs from the stomach to the back canal.

    The water you drink enters the stomach, and when using simple exercises, it begins to move throughout the body towards its lower outlet. The duration of such a process occurs until the liquid becomes as transparent at the exit as it entered.

    How to do cleansing Shank Prakshalana: instructions

    To begin with, water is heated with pre-dissolved sea or ordinary salt, about a teaspoon with a top per liter of water, which gives a lower salt density than in a physiological solution.

    How much salt an aqueous solution should contain - just enough so that water cannot be absorbed by absorption through the mucous membrane and excreted in the form of urine. In times of excess salt in a water-salt solution, you need to reduce the concentration and bring it to an accessible taste.

    The order of purification is carried out in the following sequence (exercises that ensure the movement of water through the digestive canal will be detailed in detail separately):

    • Drink immediately a glass of saline at a moderate temperature;
    • Next, perform a series of prescribed movements;
    • Drink a glass of saline again and repeat the entire cycle of exercises;
    • Continue the indicated order in alternation with 1 glass of water and a set of exercises until 6 glasses of saline are empty, and six series of such movements are performed;
    • After the end of the second procedure, you will want to go to the toilet.

    Attention! If after the second glass of saline you do not want to go to the toilet - do not worry, continue to perform cycles (a glass of liquid - exercises) and soon the body will ask for emptying.

    There is a good alternative: a cleansing program. Going through it is much easier and more enjoyable.

    Usually the first exit of stools having a form occurs immediately, and then softer stools follow, and subsequently liquid with a yellowish tinge.

    If bowel movements did not occur, then it is necessary to repeat the exercise cycle and go to the toilet again.
    If the result remains unchanged, then it is necessary to resort to a half-liter rinsing in the form of standard products (pears or irrigators). And after the first bowel movements, the rest will happen automatically.

    Then follow these instructions after the first emptying:

    1. Repeat glass of saline solution;
    2. Do the cycle of exercises again;
    3. Go to the toilet and empty your bowels.

    How often to give such instructions - strictly follow them in the correct sequence until the water comes out in the same pure form in which it entered the body. Depending on the state of the intestines, this can happen after drinking 10-14 glasses of saline.

    When you are completely satisfied with the result of such a procedure, and the water comes out almost transparent, then such a process should be completed. At the end of the procedure, going to the toilet will be inevitable for the next hour, which is the only remaining inconvenience.

    Exercises during Shank Prakshalana

    The main goal of Shank prakshalana is the passage of salt water through the intestines with the help of the following exercises:

    1) Place your feet evenly shoulder-width apart and slowly pull your hands up, rising on your toes, and lower yourself with a sharp movement down on your heels so that the incoming water can “fall through”.

    3) Now we stretch our arms in front of us in a position parallel to the floor and make inclinations in different directions, where the twisting of the abdomen occurs with the help of the hands, and the pelvis and legs remain motionless.

    4) Then the hands must be placed behind the head, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back of the head or the cervical seventh vertebra, and the right palm should be on top. We continue to make inclinations, where the body of the body is already stretching up and you can feel the passage of water along the bottom of the intestine.

    5) We become in the “Upward facing dog” pose and continue twisting the abdomen in different directions so that it becomes possible to see the heel behind our back.

    6) We squat down and continue to stand on the floor, then we twist the body to the right, and the knee of the left leg should be directed to the foot of the right leg, standing firmly on the floor, while the left leg stands on the toe. The hands dynamically assist in bringing the knees inward. Then we do the same movements to the left side.

    7) You can also use this method of movement - with your hands we try to press the upper knee of the leg to the stomach in order to press it.

    Such a cycle of exercises should be carried out after each glass drunk and after visiting the toilet, act according to the scheme: Drink water - Do exercises - Visit the toilet.

    Eating after Shankha Prakshalana

    After the Shank Prakshalana, the following instructions should be followed. It is important to know .

    • There is no earlier than half an hour and no later than an hour after the end of the procedure.
    • Not allowed digestive system leave without food for more than one hour after the last emptying! And what you can eat after such a process is an important question!

    The first meal includes peeled and boiled rice in water, so that it must be boiled and with a delicate taste. Rice is allowed to slightly touch up a little salted tomato juice without the addition of pepper and other hot spices.

    Boiled lentils with carrots and about 40 grams of butter, which needs to be melted in a water bath or dissolved in rice, can be eaten solid. Boiled wheat, oatmeal, flour products (pasta, spaghetti, noodles seasoned with grated cheese in a small amount) can serve as a substitute for rice.

    It is very important to cook rice not in milk, but in water, and it is not allowed to drink milk drinks throughout the day. During the second day, the use of acidic foods and drinks is prohibited, bakery products and meat.

    The next meal can be supplemented with raw vegetables and fruits, various hard and semi-hard cheeses, with the exception of white and fermented (brie, camembert). After a day, nutrition begins as usual, only excesses in meat dishes should be avoided.

    Benefits of Shank Prakshalana cleansing

    In addition to the main direction of Shank Prakshalana - cleansing the intestines, the outer integument of the body from rashes and allergic reactions is subject to cleansing, vision and hearing are improved, the cause of bad breath is eliminated, sleep is also normalized, and the immune system is strengthened.

    Numerous reviews prove that after such a cleansing, the liver becomes much more active and the work of all organs of the digestive system improves. Nutrients are absorbed much better, but at first, food should be special and not in large quantities, or a diet should be followed so as not to harm the body.

    The use of Shank Prakshalana for helminthic diseases allows you to remove part of the worms. Complete cleansing is achieved by a repeated treatment procedure and with an increased volume of water passed through the body. It is advisable to repeat such procedures several times at weekly intervals.

    Lonavla doctors have been known to successfully treat low-grade diabetes by performing the Shank Prakshalana procedure every two days for two months. At the same time, a special diet was observed with the involvement of more natural products with a certain rhythm of the digestive organs.

    Contraindications for Shank Prakshalana

    Few contraindications have been noted with the Shank Prakshalana method. This applies to those who suffer from stomach ulcers, so they need to heal the ulcer first, after which a similar cleansing process can be used.

    The same applies to patients with intestinal diseases and disorders of the digestive tract, which occur in acute or chronic form:

    • Shigellosis - Dysentery;
    • Indigestion - diarrhea;
    • Colitis in acute or chronic form (much easier with a cleansing procedure not during an exacerbation);
    • Acute form of appendicitis;
    • Cancer disease.

    These contraindications do not appear to be definitive. The world is familiar with one famous case of dysentery, which was cured by Shank Prakshalana, and the standard course of treatment did not bring relief to the patient.

    Now that we have become familiar with Shank Prakshalana, many may think that washing the entire gastrointestinal tract with salt water can be done in just an hour and a half and forget about all diseases.

    But this is not entirely true, because this method of cleansing belongs to the ancient method of yogis and is used by those people who keep the intestines clean. Therefore, cleaning the body with this method is recommended in combination with the right "healthy" diet - these are raw vegetables and fruits.

    Keep your body clean with proper nutrition, and you don't have to resort to all sorts of procedures at all.

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