What does palm oil do in the body? Palm oil

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If you look at the ingredients in foods purchased at a regular grocery store, you can see palm oil almost everywhere. It can be seen in condensed milk, candies, cookies, French fries, chocolate spread, chocolate, noodles instant cooking, chips, crackers, crackers. It seems that palm oil adds a special note and a certain taste to products. But is there any benefit from this?

Palm oil and coconut oil contain saturated fat. Saturated fats plant origin They are distinguished by their ability to be stored for a long time without changing their properties. Palm oil is used to prepare margarine, butter substitutes, and spreads, significantly extending the shelf life of these products and improving taste and color.

But that's the benefit palm oil, unfortunately, ends. The ability of fatty acids to increase cholesterol levels in the blood and provoke the development of atherosclerosis, vascular thrombosis, heart disease, and obesity makes palm oil an unacceptable product in the diet of a person of any age.

A high percentage of saturated fats is found, in addition to palm oil, in chicken fat, meat, eggs, dairy products, butter, cocoa butter and chocolate.

People striving for healthy image life, have long proclaimed soft margarine a healthy substitute for butter. But, when palm oil is added to margarine, this product becomes not only unsafe, but very harmful to our health. If you want to buy healthy margarine, read the labels: at least it should not contain palm oil.

To understand the “usefulness” of margarine, you need to remember: the composition of the ingredients in the product is always compiled in order of decreasing quantity. In a healthier margarine, vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, corn, safflower - will come first, and hydrogenated or hydrogenated fats will come last.

Yes, hydrogenated and hydrogenated fats are just as harmful to the human body as palm oil. Hydrogenation of liquid vegetable oils is carried out using hydrogen. During this production, a large number of trans isomers of fatty acids are formed in fats, and they are alien to the human body. These fatty acids glue blood cells together, form blood clots, and increase the amount of cholesterol in human blood. This leads to the formation of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, impotence and infertility due to hormonal deficiency in men, metabolic disorders, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, breast cancer, prostate cancer.

The products from which we eat the most trans isomers are processed cheeses, margarines - soft and hard, hamburgers, chips, crackers, French fries, ready-made puff pastry and confectionery products made from it. Trans isomers can be found in butter mixed with vegetable oil, in ice cream and condensed milk, and in chocolate.

Hydrogenated fats make products cheaper and are very beneficial to the manufacturer, but not to you and me - we have to pay with our health. During the experiment, they tried to dissolve the ingredients of the “fast” food in gasoline - even he left these substances unchanged. They, like plasticine, cover our blood vessels from the inside, leaving no chance for a healthy life.

Palm oil is cheap, but, unfortunately, not the healthiest oil. In addition to cheap food products, palm oil is used to make cheap cosmetics and creams. Remember that “paraffin” lipstick taste on your lips? Do you want this sticky mass in your arteries?

Palm oil in products enhances the taste of the product, making you eat it again and again. It is on this principle that enterprises are built fast food. After all, every child would prefer a hamburger with french fries to a plate of borscht.

People, having tried one product, seem to get hooked on the taste of ice cream or chocolate, hamburgers or chips with palm oil, which they remember and love, and this makes them buy this product again and again.

Many people will probably be surprised that palm oil is widely used in industry for lubricating rolling metallurgical equipment. Bon appetit?!!

Palm oil, introduced into dairy products to extend shelf life, makes them refractory. The temperature at which palm oil melts is much higher than the temperature human body. Once in our stomach, palm oil remains a plastic sticky mass that tends to cover everything around. Would you like a piece of plasticine for dinner?

Palm oil is a strong carcinogen. Developed countries have long abandoned the import of palm oil into countries for food use, and also limit products containing it for sale, making sure to mark its presence on the label.

Oils are valuable for their amount of linoleic acid. The higher this amount, the more expensive and healthier the variety of this vegetable oil. In vegetable oil of average quality and price, the content of linoleic acid reaches 70-75%. Palm oil contains linoleic acid - 5%.

And in palm oil useful to the body NO substances AT ALL. The most balanced types of oil for humans are corn and olive. It is better not to heat vegetable oil, but to season the finished dish with it.

The only advantage of palm oil for consumers is its price. But when it comes to health, it is better to forget about saving - as a result of the wrong food, serious illnesses can arise, and you will pay for this cheapness in full, but with your health. The harm of palm oil to human health has already been proven.

Occupies a special place in modern life. This exotic product is less popular than butter and vegetable oil, but it is the subject of heated discussions. Palm oil contains a huge amount of tocopherols, ubiquinone, and carotenoids, which are quite strong antioxidants, and this is very beneficial for the human body. Many companies use palm oil for cosmetic purposes, but it can also be used in food. Tocopherols allow you to increase muscle volume, and if they are insufficient, sexual function may suffer. Provitamin A is of great importance for the functioning of the visual pigment of the retina; it also ensures the activity of the visual analyzer.

Palm oil: harm and benefits for our body

Scientists and doctors have been engaged in lively debate for several years about the effects of palm oil - is it beneficial or harmful? This product cannot be called unambiguous, so it is necessary to take a closer look at its properties. The cost of palm oil is relatively low, and its exceptional technological and nutritional properties give it special importance, and therefore the demand for this type of product is increasing markedly. The shelf life of products increases significantly if palm oil is added to them. Beautiful color makes familiar products more attractive and appetizing.

Palm oil comes from plants that have not yet been genetically modified, making it the only one hundred percent natural product. This adds to his even greater popularity modern society. Palm oil is sold in unrefined and refined forms, there is a third type produced in Latin America, it is a hybrid of African and American palms.

It seems that the benefits of palm oil are obvious, but there are other aspects to this product. It is usually blamed for containing huge amounts of acids. This oil is often compared to lard, but it does not contain anterogens. Palm oil contains mainly unsaturated fatty acids that are easily digestible. The harm of palm oil is associated with the high amount of it contains, which increases cholesterol in the blood, which can cause atherosclerosis, obesity, vascular thrombosis, and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Palm oil: harm and benefit according to nutritionists

Nutritionists are convinced that palm oil, the harms and benefits of which have not yet been fully determined, is rather harmful. To increase the shelf life of dairy products, this component is added to them, because of this they become refractory. The temperature at which these products begin to melt is noticeably higher than the temperature of the human body; if such food ends up in the stomach, then it becomes just a sticky mass trying to seal everything around. Oils are usually valued for their high content and their usefulness, and the price depends on this. Palm oil does not contain any such acid that is beneficial for the body.

Palm oil: harm and benefit

Those people who are concerned about their health switch to soft margarine, but this product will not be safe if it contains palm oil. When choosing margarine, you must carefully study the composition. There should be no palm oil in it. It is a fairly strong carcinogen. IN developed countries This type of oil has long been abandoned, and products containing it must have a label indicating this. Thus, this oil is, of course, cheap, but there are no health benefits from it.

Palm oil began to be widely used in Food Industry relatively recently, but debate about whether it is harmful or beneficial has not subsided since then. TV screens often talk about him harmful properties, the media unanimously claim that it is the main cause of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

But what is the situation really like and is palm oil really so harmful or does it also have properties beneficial to human health? Let's look at this issue in detail.

How is palm oil made?

According to WWF (World Wildlife Fund), palm oil is found in more than 50% of food products. It is produced from the soft part of the oil palm fruit - this is what distinguishes it from flaxseed or sunflower oil which are obtained from plant seeds. The product made from oil palm seeds is called palm kernel (it resembles coconut in its structural composition and properties).

The oil palm grows in Malaysia, Indonesia and African countries. Such localization of plantations, low labor costs and relatively cheap transportation significantly reduce production costs. finished products. In addition, one hectare of oil palm plantation can produce eight times more finished product than sunflower.

Raw butter is a very thick orange or red liquid with a pleasant, nutty taste and odor reminiscent of dairy cream. chemical composition It is largely duplicated by the usual creamy one.

Areas of use

Depending on the fraction (melting point), the product is used in various fields:

  1. Stearin – solid with a melting point of approximately 47-52 degrees, looks like margarine;
  2. Actually, oil is a semi-liquid product that melts at 40-43 degrees Celsius;
  3. Palm Olein – oily liquid with a melting point of about 18-21 degrees Celsius, it looks like a cosmetic hand cream.

Use in the food industry

The use of palm oil in the food industry began after American scientists studied the composition of the product in 1985. They also examined its properties in detail - up to this point it had been used exclusively for technical purposes.

Today, vegetable fat is used to make products with a long shelf life: confectionery, curd desserts, processed cheese, condensed milk, waffles, cakes and creams. In addition, it has the ability to improve the taste and appearance of products and reduce their cost.

Often it is used to replace milk fat, which is especially important for people who suffer from intolerance to certain components of milk.

There is no ban on the use of palm oil in any country in the world, but in the Russian Federation some time ago a bill appeared banning the use of the unrefined substance in the food industry. The ban was not adopted, but most manufacturers already “dilute” it with other vegetable fats, and on the product packaging they indicate that it contains a “milk fat substitute.”

Palm oil is also found in baked goods and confectionery products, sweet spreads, chocolate, processed meats, chips and French fries - this list is very extensive. Much controversy has flared up around the use of the product in nutritious milk formulas for infants, although its harm when used in baby food has not been proven.

Chemical industry, cosmetology and medicine

The ability to heal minor skin damage, moisturizing and nourishing properties allow the oil to be used in the production of creams for aging skin, healing ointments, and medications that are used to treat a wide range of cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal pathologies, and ophthalmological problems.

Palm oil, in addition to the food and pharmaceutical industries, is used chemical industry in the production of soap, detergents, decorative and ordinary white candles, washing powders.

The effects of palm oil on the body

The benefits and harms of a product for humans depend on what type of product it is - red (raw), refined and technical. various properties and are used in various areas of production.

It is important to take into account that the harm of palm oil to human health is often not determined by its composition, but rather by the chemical processing of raw materials in pursuit of reducing the cost of finished products.

Red oil

It is a natural plant product that is rich in natural red-orange pigment. It undergoes minimal processing, which allows you to save many beneficial features:

  • it contains vitamins E and A, which allows it to effectively fight free radicals that provoke cancer;
  • red palm oil has a positive effect on skin condition, nourishes hair, supports immunity, and also improves visual acuity.

But there are also a number of negative points:

  • its use in large quantities may provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system or increase the risk of cancer;
  • Palm oil (in large quantities) can cause significant weight gain. Due to its high melting point (40 degrees), it is digested somewhat worse than other products and, as a rule, is not completely eliminated from the body. When consumed excessively, most of it settles in the form of waste.

Vegetable fat does not accumulate in the body in such volumes that any special measures for its removal are required. Simply increasing the amount of natural foods in your diet is enough.

Refined and deodorized

In the food industry, as a rule, refined oil is used. It is an order of magnitude cheaper than unprocessed and can be stored longer, which can significantly reduce the cost of finished products and extend their shelf life, but in addition, it is practically devoid of all beneficial properties and is dangerous for the human body:

  • Source large quantity saturated fats can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and worsen the condition of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • Another negative impact– improving the taste of products, it provokes obesity;
  • The harm of palm oil to human health is not limited to the likelihood of weight gain, because In addition, it is a carcinogenic product.

Olein is also used in the production of baby food, but not at all to reduce the cost of the finished product, as is commonly believed.

The source of palimitic acid, which is necessary for a child to fully develop and is contained in the required amount in mother's milk, cannot be cow's or goat's milk and vegetable fats, but palm olein can be brought closer to this substance. It is introduced into infant formula precisely with the aim of bringing the nutritional composition as close as possible to breast milk.


Hydrogenation is the process of adding carbon to make an oil solid. Any hydrogenated fat loses almost all of its beneficial properties and becomes an unhealthy product.

The product is hydrogenated for use in margarines and margarine mixtures. In this case, the harm of palm oil to human health is enormous, while hydrogenated products (including hydrogenated olive or vegetable oils) contain very few beneficial substances.


Industrial palm oil is used in the production of cosmetics, medicines, soaps, candles and washing powders. Its use in the food industry is unacceptable due to the fact that:

  • the changed acid-base composition makes olein completely unsuitable for adding to food;
  • it significantly impairs digestibility, deprives absolutely all beneficial properties and often provokes the formation of cholesterol plaques or even malignant neoplasms.

Most myths about palm oil are based on the erroneous claim that the product is banned in many developed countries. In fact, for example, in the USA, the volume of its use is growing year by year, and in the countries of Africa and the Asian region it is used daily by the majority of the population for cooking.

If non-technical oil and edible oil are used in the production of products, then it will cause no more harm than any other.

There are many varieties of vegetable oils in the world. Palm oil also finds its application, used not only in industry and cosmetology, but also in nutrition.

Moreover, in the latter case, you can often hear that it is completely harmful to humans.

What kind of oil is this, why is it harmful and what exactly is the danger?


Palm oil is produced from the fruits of the oil palm tree

The composition, quality and degree of usefulness differ significantly depending on the type of product.
It is produced from the fruits of the oil palm, common in the tropics. The most natural is red palm oil, the harm or benefits of which are generally comparable to the properties of any vegetable oil produced by cold pressing. Also on the market is a refined product, which loses some of its properties during processing, and palm kernel oil, made from kernels.

What is palm oil made of? The properties of a given product are determined by its chemical composition. Essentially, it is a cocktail of various fatty acids, and very few vitamins and minerals.

The main substances are the following:

  • Myristic acid, which is not absorbed by the intestines and leaves the body with stool, therefore has no effect on health;
  • Palmitoleic acid, which helps produce nerve cells, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • Lauric acid, which fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses, improves mental performance and moisturizes the skin;
  • Vitamin E, which has a positive effect on nails, skin, hair, work thyroid gland, has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Vitamin A, which normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the immune system, is necessary for vision;
  • Phosphorus is important for brain function, cell regeneration, metabolism, heals skin, teeth, hair, bones;
  • Capric, caprylic, peanut, and stearic acid may be present.

So, the composition contains only two significant vitamins and one microelement. The main share is occupied by fatty acids - both saturated and unsaturated. The calorie content of the product is very high - 100 grams contain as much as 899 kcal.

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Is palm oil good for humans?

Palm oil – is it harmful or beneficial due to its presence in food? Let's first consider the positive properties of this substance. So, what are the benefits of natural natural oil? This is a powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the body's cells. It protects against the negative effects of toxins and oxidation, which prevents premature aging. Unsaturated fats in the composition are important for the health of the heart and blood vessels.

More specifically, the benefits for the body are expressed in the following:

  • Improves brain function, as unsaturated fatty acids stimulate mental activity;
  • Satisfying hunger. The high-calorie product quickly fills you up and suppresses your appetite;
  • Cleansing the body. Linoleic and oleic acids reduce cholesterol levels, thereby preventing heart and vascular diseases;
  • Giving strength. Due to triglycerides, cells are saturated with oxygen, energy is added, performance and mood increase;
  • Solving the problem of exhaustion of the body. It is easy to gain weight with this product, as it is high in calories;
  • Taking care of your vision. Vitamin A strengthens the retina of the eyes, prevents detachment, and prevents the development of cataracts;
  • Improved digestion. Bile secretion increases, which is why the liver is effectively cleansed of harmful deposits. As a result, the organs of the digestive tract are protected from the development of inflammation.

You will learn more about the benefits of palm oil from the video:

How is it dangerous for the body?

Is palm fruit product really harmful, or can the myth be easily dispelled? What health consequences might there be? The main problem lies in the processing of palm oil. For the convenience of manufacturers, the natural product undergoes so-called hydrogenation. Unsaturated fatty acids, about whose beneficial effects on our health so much has been said, are artificially enriched with hydrogen and, accordingly, turn into saturated ones, and state of aggregation the original substance changes from liquid to solid. And for the further production of food products, this, simply put, palm margarine is used.

Is palm oil harmful to humans?
Unfortunately, the answer is clear, confirmed by numerous studies and WHO findings, because:

  • Saturated fats negatively affect the walls of blood vessels, forming fatty deposits on them. In addition, cholesterol levels increase, the heart and the entire vascular system suffer. As a result, a stroke, heart attack, hypertension, or Alzheimer's disease may develop;
  • With regular consumption of food prepared using hardened palm oil, harm to human health will consist in the accumulation of toxins and wastes, due to which the walls of blood vessels will begin to narrow. In this condition, there is a high risk of blood clots and varicose veins;
  • It is already known that this product is very high in calories;
  • In addition, since hydrogenated palm oil is obtained artificially, some molecules in the substance acquire unnatural properties that are impossible in nature, and the result is the notorious “trans fats” that do not bring any benefit to our body, only harm. Eating trans fats significantly increases the risk of disruptions in the metabolic mechanism, leading to clogging of blood vessels, intestines, and liver. Body weight will gradually increase, leading to obesity.

However, how harmful palm oil is is determined by the amount of its consumption. There is no danger when using the product in small portions.
There is also refined deodorized palm oil - is it harmful to the body? Essentially, this type of product is similar to the red variety. The hot pressing method is used for its production, after which it loses its taste and smell. There are no additional negative aspects, but the value is reduced due to the loss of some useful substances.

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What's harmful about baby formula?

For bottle-fed infants, a high-quality formula plays a huge role. To bring its composition closer to natural human breast milk, manufacturers use a variety of oils, including those made from palm fruits. Is palm oil harmful in baby formula? Discussions about this are still ongoing. Let us examine in more detail whether the content of this product in infant formula is dangerous.
For children, the benefit of palm oil is the presence of vitamins A and E, as well as important palmitic acid. They strengthen nerve and brain tissue, bones, teeth, and improve vision. It is also an excellent source of energy. Why is palm oil dangerous in baby formula? Unfortunately, the necessary and beneficial substances contained in the milk of a nursing mother and those obtained in food production still have some differences.

Harm to the child’s body from palm olein is expressed in the high probability of the following pathological processes:

  • Constipation;
  • Stomach colic;
  • Food allergies;
  • Leaching calcium from the body;
  • Frequent regurgitation.

You will learn the opinion of pediatricians about palm oil in baby food from the video:

Is goat milk good for children? Read more details

Why is it harmful to women's health?

For the development of the fetus, this product is useful due to the presence of vitamins A and E and the same healing fatty acids - of course, if we are talking about a natural product that has not been processed. Is the content of palm margarine in products consumed by women during pregnancy harmful? And here everything has to do with the presence of saturated fats. Palm oil in products for expectant mothers is as dangerous as it is for other people. Due to the complex digestion of the product, the load on the intestines increases. The negative impact also extends to blood vessels and the heart. However, the mother’s body takes the brunt of the impact, and the development of the fetus itself does not have a strong impact.

Product Use

Palm oil, among many other vegetable fats, has an affordable price. Moreover, thanks to its properties, the use of the product is very extensive. It is used in the food industry, cosmetology, and medicine. The resulting goods end up being much more profitable for producers and cheaper for consumers.

In the food industry

Despite the data scientific research that hydrogenated palm oil is harmful in food, the practice of using this and similar fats in food production became widespread in the 20th century. This is due to the ability of hardened vegetable fats to extend the shelf life of products.

The areas of application are as follows:

  • For the production of dairy products such as sour cream, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, condensed milk, margarine, butter. More precisely, for cheaper substitutes for natural dairy products;
  • For deep frying to prepare chips, chicken wings, French fries;
  • For confectionery products, such as cookies, icing, cupcakes, sweets, biscuits, creams;
  • For the production of baby food.

In chocolate, the benefits and harms of palm fat are identical to those in other products: benefits to the manufacturer, harm to the body of the sweet tooth. Do not overuse chocolate with a substitute. Its composition is unnatural, so problems with the cardiovascular system and obesity may occur. Besides, it simply doesn't taste good.

In cosmetology

Harm or benefit in cosmetics from a product made from palm fruits? This ingredient is added to moisturizers and other cosmetics. It promotes the healing of cracks and wounds on the skin. Palm oil is also a good skin moisturizer that nourishes it perfectly. That is why very often palm oil in cosmetology is found in moisturizing creams.
In addition, this substance is used for hair, since the vitamin E content has a beneficial effect on it. Palm oil for the face has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes, softens the skin, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Let's sum it up

So, what information about palm oil is more reliable, about the dangers or benefits of the product? It is recommended to eat red oil, which retains the natural benefits of plant materials and does not contain artificial trans fats; the main thing is not to abuse it, and then no harm will occur. Unfortunately, in our latitudes this product is quite rare on sale.

And when discussing whether palm oil is dangerous for humans, it is important to clarify that any artificially saturated fatty acids, not only those obtained from the notorious tropical palm, cause undoubted and proven harm to health.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers do not indicate vegetable fats on the packaging of their products. To determine their availability, you should pay attention to the shelf life and price. In addition, attentive buyers will certainly be wary of the wording on the packaging: “curd product”, “creamy-vegetable spread”, “substitute ...” and the like.
You can also check the quality of purchased products at home. For example, cheese should not stick and crumble, natural butter should quickly melt in the palm and leave a film on the surface, sour cream should not thicken in the refrigerator.

Similar materials

IN last years Russian milkmen became concerned about the problem: every year more and more palm oil is imported into our country, and dairy products to which it is added already account for up to 30% of their industry. Palm oil greatly reduces the cost of production and extends the shelf life of the product, but it is harmful to health.

Recently, manufacturers of milk and products made from it have addressed proposal to V.V. Putin: force manufacturers to write “contains palm oil” on product packaging or completely ban its import into our country. However, it is very difficult to “force” those who have already warmed their hands on palm oil and turned into millionaires in six months to give up making huge profits. It is not for nothing that in countries that trade palm oil - Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India and Nigeria - they say: it is more profitable to have an oil palm plantation than an oil well.

Palm oil has a pleasant aroma and taste of milk cream, due to which it can significantly enhance the taste of the products to which it is added. In addition, it significantly extends the shelf life and reduces the cost of goods. It is clear that corporations that make large profits by selling and using the palm tree are trying to increase their business income every year. Therefore, today most of the dairy products sold in our stores have nothing to do with milk.

Palm oil mainly used as an alternative to milk fat. Most of it is found in margarines, butter, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurts, condensed milk and dry cream. In addition, in order to improve the taste and appearance product, extending its shelf life, palm oil is added to pastries, cakes, rolls, muffins, crackers, cookies, buns, chocolates, bars, glazes and to the chocolate itself. Palm oil is indispensable in the preparation of chips, French fries, fast food, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc.

Technical regulations of the Customs Union The use of pure palm oil in food products is officially prohibited in its territory. It is allowed to add only “milk fat substitute” to dairy products - palm oil, which is similar in performance to milk fat. However, it is not profitable for manufacturers to comply with this regulation, because palm oil costs 5 times less than milk fat. That's why those who buy an expensive vegetable fat substitute complain that they are sold regular palm oil instead!

In 2005 World Health Organization officially recommended reducing palm oil consumption to prevent an increase in the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Eating products containing palm oil is especially harmful for young children. It has been proven that frequent regurgitation, colic, and constipation in babies are a consequence of feeding infant formula that contains palm oil!

IN Lately increasingly advertise palm oil, describing its unique beneficial properties. And this is true, but only expensive red palm oil is useful, which is unprofitable to add to food. The commercial interests of manufacturers force them to look for a replacement, so they make their products with industrial palm oil, which is hazardous to health.

In countries European Union It is allowed to use palm oil with a peroxide value of no more than 0.5 units in food production, and in Russia the allowed value is 10. In the West, such oil is used as machine oil for lubricating equipment, but we eat it! In addition, according to GOST, palm oil must be transported in stainless steel canisters, and recently it turned out that the main importer of palm oil to Russia, LLC Food Ingredients of the EFKO group of companies, transported palm oil in oil product containers. Most often, this oil is stored in plastic tanks; for this reason, it may contain cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead and other heavy metals hazardous to health.

Palm oil obtained from the fruits of a special oil palm. It contains more than 50% saturated fatty acids and, like animal fat, tends to be deposited in the arteries and contribute to increased cholesterol. Palmitic acid, which is one of the main components of palm oil, promotes the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels and, if consumed in excess, leads to atherosclerosis, heart disease and can provoke cancer.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult these days to protect yourself from using such harmful palm oil. After all, it is almost impossible to detect its presence in a product. Manufacturers usually write “vegetable oil” or “vegetable fat” on labels instead of the words “palm oil,” which is perceived by us as a healthy product.

Nutritionist Arian Grumba x recommends: “To protect yourself from the harmful effects of palm oil, the main thing is to limit the consumption of industrially produced products and not eat anything that did not exist when your grandmother was alive!” This means try to consume natural milk and homemade products. Do not buy confectionery and dairy products with a long shelf life, especially try to limit children from consuming them. Never eat fast foods, chips, cheap rolls, cakes, pastries, curd cheeses, condensed milk, cheese and curd products, yoghurts, ice cream, chocolates and candy bars. Don't save money to the detriment of your health!

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