Drawings of the king. Purpose and functions of the drawer in a moonshine still

In a moonshine still, the drawer is intended to purify alcohol vapors from harmful impurities and increase the strength of the finished product. Many modern moonshine stills are sold equipped with a reinforcing column, the element of which is the drawer. If the device does not include such a device, but the design of the device allows it, then it is recommended to supplement it with a drawer. Drawers come in various configurations. In our online store, drawers are presented in a fairly large assortment. This will allow you to obtain moonshine with a much higher strength and significantly reduce foreign odors and harmful impurities.

The principle of operation of the drawer

The drawer is a metal tube, which at one end is attached vertically to the distillation cube, and at the other - with a reflux condenser (before the cooler), then with a refrigerator for the final condensation of alcohol vapor. Fastening is done using a threaded or, more often, clamp connection.

To improve heat and mass transfer, the drawer is pre-filled with a regular Panchenkov wire nozzle (RPN), woven from copper or steel wire and rolled into a roll. This device was invented and patented by the Tupolev Design Bureau back in 1981 and was used for better purification of crude oil during the production of aviation fuel. Subsequently, the nozzle showed itself very well in household moonshine stills with a drawer. It is characterized by a high degree of purification, simplicity and ease of use.

When the mash is heated, alcohol vapor rises and rushes into the drawer. Volatile fusel oils and other impurities also get there. In contact with the walls of the drawer and the filler, they give off some of the heat. As a result, fusel oils and other impurities with a high boiling point condense and flow back into the cube in the form of phlegm (liquid), and lighter alcohol vapors, purified from some of the harmful impurities, continue to move to the cooler, where they condense and enter the container in the form of moonshine.

Thus, the use of a drawer in combination with an on-load tap-changer, although it reduces the production speed, as well as the volume of the finished product, but allows you to increase the strength and obtain higher-quality moonshine, which requires a minimum of manipulations to clean it.

Design features of the drawer and their influence

The design features of the drawer, such as material of manufacture, diameter and height, directly affect not only its final price, but also the quality of the product. Let us consider in more detail the design features of the drawer.

Material for making the drawer.

Traditionally, drawers are made of stainless steel for Food Industry or made of copper. Experienced moonshiners noticed that when working with grain or fruit mashes that are prone to the formation of sulfur dioxide, a copper drawer helps clean moonshine better than a steel drawer. This is due to the ability of the material to interact with sulfur dioxide, depositing it on the walls of the drawer.

When processing sugar mash, no significant advantages of copper over steel were identified; the same situation is with moonshine stills with liquid extraction.

Inner diameter of the drawer.

The optimal diameter of the device is considered to be 38 and 51 millimeters (1.5 and 2 inches). Such a drawer does not unnecessarily delay the moonshine process, and does a good job of cleaning and rectifying.

The larger the diameter, the more material will be required to make the body tube, and the more large quantity filler will be required to be placed inside it. And often it is the internal fillers that are the part that can significantly increase the cost of the device.

Tsar height.

The height of the drawer - it determines how high-quality the product will be, what its strength and degree of purification will be. The longer the tube, the longer the vapor will travel from the distillation cube, and the more “extra” will be eliminated in the process.

A fifteen-centimeter drawer makes moonshine 20 times purer. With a device length of 45 centimeters or more, the moonshine will be purified 60 times, and the result of distillation will be pure drinking alcohol with a strength of up to 96 degrees.

Which king should you choose?

Today you can buy different types of drawers on the market. However, in our opinion, the best option is a 45-centimeter steel drawer with a clamp connection, the set of which already includes Panchenkov mesh made of stainless steel or copper. It has optimal characteristics and a low price.

If you are still in doubt and don’t know whether the drawer will fit your moonshine still, just call us or leave an order for a call back. Our employees will advise you on all issues.

A drawer for a moonshine still is the dream of any person who wants to regularly receive pure rectified alcohol. Today there is a wide range of equipment, but not all moonshiners can afford to buy a drawer, limiting themselves to cheaper steamers. Then the best solution would be to make the device yourself. Let's find out how to do this and save a considerable amount of money.


Before you make the equipment yourself, you need to decide on the length of the device. The frequency of purification of the resulting product depends on the size. For example, a drawer 15 cm long is capable of 20-fold purification of alcohol, and a 35-centimeter device produces a product with a 50-fold degree of purification. On sale you can also find 45-centimeter drawers with a 60-fold degree of alcohol purification.

It’s easy to guess that the higher the pipe, the better product she produces. This happens because in high chambers the separation of alcohol fractions occurs much more slowly than in low ones. Because of this, during the separation process, fewer unnecessary impurities get into the alcohol. As a result, we get excellent alcohol with a strength of at least 96%.

High drawer

As practice shows, good alcohol can be obtained even when using a 15-centimeter pipe. However, before pouring alcohol into the equipment, you need it. This universal absorbent is capable of absorbing significant amounts of fusel oils and other dangerous impurities. One more good option becomes preliminary . According to many moonshiners, alcohol purified by this method is sometimes better than alcohol purified in a 35-centimeter frame. However, do not forget that charcoal and egg white are unable to completely absorb impurities hazardous to human health. That is why a home-made pipe for purifying alcohol is considered the best option for obtaining high-quality alcohol.


Before you make strong purified alcohol, you need to understand the basic principle of its creation. The production of alcohol, as well as its purification, is impossible without reflux. It happens almost the same way, whether it is a steamer or a rectifier. The only difference is the size and performance of these two devices. The tsarga is much larger than the dry steamer, which is why it produces more alcohol. What is reflux and what is its essence? This is a process that is based on the condensation of vapors that differ in boiling point.

Moonshine reflux

Refluxation is only possible if there is a counterflow of vapor from the distillation tank and condensate that flows from the head of the drawer. The slower the condensate moves towards the vapor from the distillation cube, the better the reflux process will be. The condensate itself, or reflux, must always feed the vapor, otherwise the heat exchange between these two components will stop. As a result, the alcohol will not be separated from the steam, which will stop the production and purification of rectified alcohol.

In order to enrich phlegm with alcohol-containing vapors, manufacturers equip their distillers with dry steamers and condensers. In addition to them, most moonshine stills are equipped with all sorts of alcohol traps, which are designed to extract from the steam the remaining alcohol that cannot be condensed. Along with the effectiveness of these drawer elements, they often greatly increase the cost of the device. In addition, additional filters regularly become clogged with large particles. If this problem is not noticed in time, the drawer will begin to heat up very much, which in certain cases can lead to an explosion of the entire device. Therefore, we will consider the features of manufacturing a regular drawer without additional modules. Having learned how to use this device, in the future you can equip it with any alcohol traps and filters.


To make equipment for making alcohol, you will need to prepare certain materials and tools. We will need a piece of stainless steel pipe of any diameter with a height of 35 or 45 cm. The pipe will be the basis for self-made equipment. You also need to purchase an adapter for attaching the limiter, a sieve with holes minimum size and about 30 stainless steel washcloths. The manufacturing algorithm consists of the following stages:

  1. We take a metal pipe and attach a 1-inch adapter to its upper part;
  2. At the bottom of the pipe we install a 3.5-inch adapter;
  3. We attach the distiller to the upper part of the base;
  4. We measure 3.5 cm from the extreme bottom of the pipe and drill a hole with a diameter of 6 mm in it;
  5. We install the probe from a digital thermometer into the hole, and on top of the probe we pull the elastic band from the medical dropper;
  6. We insert washcloths into the pipe, and screw a sieve to the bottom of the drawer.

Making a tsar with your own hands

After you have made the device yourself, you need to test it. This can be done using any moonshine at your disposal. If you did everything correctly, you will see how much cleaner your alcohol has become. The result will be much better than after cleaning alcohol with a steamer.

And a little about secrets...

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Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On Administrative Responsibility legal entities(organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Point No. 1 states: “Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices* used for their production - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

The quality of the alcohol produced is one of the main issues for a self-respecting moonshiner. For this purpose, various technological tricks were introduced into the design of the moonshine still, one of which is the drawer.

This seemingly simple and unpretentious product significantly affects the quality of moonshine, not only improving its taste and increasing its strength, but also making it significantly less harmful to health.

And in order to fully understand what a drawer for a moonshine still is and why it is needed, as well as what its design and principle of operation are and, more importantly, how to make such a device with your own hands at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the issue in more detail .

A drawbar for a moonshine still is one of the additional components necessary to improve the quality of the alcohol produced. Is mandatory integral part column-type devices along with a reflux condenser, but can also be used on simpler models.

The main purpose of the device is to purify alcohol-containing steam and phlegm from fusel oils and other impurities, as well as to increase the strength of the final product up to 97°, depending on the specific installation.

Design and principles of operation

The product looks like an ordinary pipe, which is mounted directly above the distillation cube. Typically, column-type units use one device, but there are exceptions, for example, in the Istomina double-distillation moonshine still with two drawers.

The internal cavity of the unit is filled with the so-called nozzle: SPN and RPN or plates, which significantly increase the usable area of ​​the device, and with it its efficiency.

The main part of the process of mass exchange between rising heated steam and flowing cooled reflux takes place in the drawer. It is the main stage of rectification, but without a reflux condenser and maintaining the correct temperature, full rectification cannot be achieved.

In quantitative terms, the degree of purification of the product depends on the height of the drawer for a moonshine still, and the width determines its throughput, that is, productivity.


There are a number of characteristics that have a key impact on the operation of the device: length, also known as height, width and type of filler.


It is a parameter that determines the degree of purification, that is, how well the mixture evaporated from the mash is separated into its constituent substances. The higher the product, the better the separation, which means that when cutting off the tails and selecting the heads, more harmful impurities will be eliminated from the final product. But the effectiveness of increasing the length of the drawer for a moonshine still is not unlimited and not proportional. First, as its height increases, the multiplicity grows rapidly:

  • nozzle part 15 cm – 20-fold degree of cleaning;
  • nozzle part 35 cm – 50-fold;
  • nozzle part 45 cm – 65-fold.

Did you know? Often mistakenly interpreted as a direct improvement in cleaning, the expansion factor actually quantifies the difference in the mass exchange process between steam and reflux at different nozzle heights.

Further, the progression decreases; after one meter of height, the increase becomes insignificant. Therefore, the optimal height of the nozzle part is about a meter, while the total height of one drawer should not exceed 150 cm, and the ratio between the height and the internal diameter should not be more than 30 times.


This parameter determines the performance of the device; it is directly proportional to the squared internal diameter. This means that increasing the diameter from 38 to 48 mm leads not to approximately 20%, but to a 50% increase in power. Therefore, when choosing a pipe, you need to take into account the wall thickness. So, if there are two options of 1 and 1.5 mm for a pipe with a total diameter of 52 mm, in the first case the withdrawal rate will be 1800, and in the second - 1750 ml per hour.


The degree of purification depends on its type, and it also determines the throughput of the drawer. The higher the density of the filler, the stronger the cleaning, but at the same time the distillation speed decreases. Not every product can use any filler. If it is narrow and high, the throughput is already low. The optimal size is a nozzle that is 12-14 times smaller than the internal diameter of the product.

Features of distillation

The first thing you need to know is that you won’t be able to make moonshine with a tsarga as quickly as with a regular moonshine still without it. At correct mode on a product, for example, having a height of 500 mm and an internal diameter of 38 mm, the body removal rate will be approximately 0.6-0.8 liters per hour.

The second important point is the temperature regime and adjustment of the heat source. If you drive faster than a particular system can allow, the mash will quickly clog the column and can travel further along the steam line, ruining the final product.

This often happens with a small height of the device - from 15 to 30 cm, but if you seriously overdo it with heating, it can happen at a height of 40-50 cm. In addition, you need to monitor the temperature all the time, otherwise there is almost no point in installing a drawer. It will be like a big dry steamer, with an efficiency of 20 percent of its capabilities.

Since this unit is most often part of a column-type unit, the material for its manufacture must match the material of the unit. If the drawer is made to modernize an existing moonshine still, the choice should be made taking into account the raw materials that are distilled in it. For grains and fruit washes, copper will be useful, binding sulfur compounds, which in large quantities are formed in them. If mainly sugar mash is distilled, then stainless steel will be quite sufficient.

To create a node you will need the following materials:

  • Pipe. The material, its length and width are selected from the recommendations given earlier and must correspond to the parameters of the system.
  • A tube with a diameter of 6 mm for a hole for an electronic thermometer.
  • Connecting elements. In column units, either a coupling connection or a threaded connection is almost always used. Their diameters must correspond to the diameters of the connections on the units mating with them: the distillation cube and the reflux condenser or the second frame. If the product is mounted on an existing unit, everything depends on the upper plane of the distillation cube. If it is flat, it is better to use a coupling; if not, then weld a threaded pipe in the center.
  • Bottom plug. It is a ring with a mesh that prevents the nozzle from falling out of the product into the distillation cube. When using plates, it is either not needed, or only the ring is used. The diameter of the ring should be as small as possible so as not to narrow the hole, creating a bottleneck.

  • Filler. Selected according to the system parameters, each type has its own pros and cons, with a higher density of the nozzle better cleaning, but the speed of distillation of moonshine is reduced. An inexpensive “workhorse” is cut-up stainless steel dishwashing sponges, but you shouldn’t go for the cheapest ones. Most likely, they are not designed for long-term contact with an aggressive environment. A good nozzle will be expensive for the price, especially if it is made of copper.

It is not difficult to make a drawer; the most difficult option is when you choose to cut threads on the outer diameter of a pipe made of food-grade stainless steel. For the rest, you need to do the following:

  • In the upper part of the pipe, at approximately 4/5 of its length, a mark is made and a hole is drilled for the thermometer sleeve, after which a pipe with a diameter of 6 mm is mounted on the hole.
  • Selected connection elements with associated nodes are mounted on the pipe.
  • The product is filled with a nozzle.
  • A ring with a supporting mesh is mounted on the lower hole.

Did you know? To insulate the drawer of a moonshine still, it is best to use a modern polymer material polypropylene foam, one of the trade names of which is penoflex. He combines high level thermal insulation, almost equal to 0, and low weight, while only 5-7 mm of sheet thickness is sufficient.

Tsarga– one of the necessary elements in a distillation system operating on the principle of rectification. In addition, it can be used in conventional distillers to increase the strength and improve the purification of moonshine from fusel oils and other impurities. More importantly, it can be retrofitted with a ready-made simple moonshine still, consisting of a basic set of components: a still, hoses, a refrigerator and, possibly, a steamer.

In this case, the quality of the resulting product will increase significantly, because although the jug improves the quality of moonshine, it is incorrect to compare it with the tsarga.

From a technical and material point of view, the product is simple and inexpensive, but the filler if you use a nozzle rather than plates will cost a pretty penny.

Obtaining rectified alcohol is the cherished dream of every moonshiner. This is pure ethyl alcohol of 96% strength, purified from all foreign impurities. In order to prepare such high-quality alcohol, it is necessary to install a rectification frame on the moonshine still.

This is a tube of a certain length, made of stainless steel and filled with prismatic spiral-shaped nozzles. The main task of such a device is to separate moonshine vapors into separate fractions of different densities. A do-it-yourself drawer for a moonshine still, made according to all the rules, allows you to create factory-level equipment.

Why do you need a drawer for a moonshine still?

The length of a homemade rectification drawer must be clearly defined - it is the length that is responsible for the frequency of purification of the final product. Thus, a 15-centimeter pipe provides 20 times of cleaning, a 35-centimeter pipe - 50 times, and a 45-centimeter pipe - 60 times of cleaning. As you can see, the higher the distillation chamber, the slower the process of fraction separation occurs, accordingly, there are fewer foreign impurities and the higher the strength of the drink.

Even with a standard drawer height of 15-35 cm, you can get an excellent product, but before that you should definitely clean it with activated carbon or potassium permanganate.

For reference. How to clean moonshine with charcoal - take the preparation at the rate of 50-60 grams per 1 liter of drink, crush and pour. Leave for 5-7 days, shaking occasionally. After a week, you pass through the usual water filter and you get moonshine without fusel oils and foreign odors.

If you want to get 96% alcohol after the first distillation, you will need a 45 cm distillation frame. You can buy it, but it will be quite expensive. Average price 2600-4800 rub. And you can do it, although it is not so easy.

How to make a king with your own hands

First, let's define what a tsar is. This is a structural unit that allows you to clean moonshine as much as possible from all foreign impurities and fusel oils. If a drawer is installed on a household moonshine still, the output will be perfectly pure alcohol, which is usually obtained in a factory.

The key process in the distillation of moonshine is distillation, which is literally translated from Lat. means the flow of drops. During the heat exchange of alcohol-containing vapors and condensate (drops, reflux) occurring in the drawer, moonshine is purified 10-15 times better, which allows you to obtain an absolutely pure product.

First, let's figure out what the tsarga is and what structural elements are included in it.

Next, study the structure of the device according to the diagram in order to understand the principle of operation and the main elements. Distillation begins from the moment when water boils in the distillation cube and alcohol-containing vapors begin to rise through the pipe.

  • 1,2 - connecting threaded units;
  • 3 - fixation of the nozzle;
  • 4 - stainless steel pipe;
  • 5 - thermal insulation (foam rubber, polyethylene foam)
  • 6 - chaotic nozzle with contact elements;
  • 7 - regular nozzle with contact elements.

A distillation column is usually assembled from several frames. Their volume is completely filled with contact elements, which ensures heat exchange between different fractions - liquid in the form of flowing condensate and steam rising to the top. In order for the layer of condensate (reflux) to be sufficient, the nozzle must be developed and fill the entire space.

How does the reflux process occur?

The production and purification of alcohol is possible only if there is a counterflow of steam from the distillation cube and flowing condensate from the head of the column.

Alcohol is removed from the liquid phase!

If the steam is not fed by reflux, heat exchange will become impossible and the process of rectification - separation of alcohol from steam - will not occur. In order for the phlegm to be saturated with alcohol-containing steam, it is necessary to install a reflux condenser. After it comes a condenser - the hollow part of the tube where the liquid is cooled to a certain temperature. Air vents, so-called, should be installed along with the reflux condenser. alcohol traps that extract substandard alcohol from steam and remove excess gas outside.

Since the alcohol is taken from the liquid (condensate), a small refrigerator must be installed to cool it sufficiently.

The main difference between a rectification chamber and a column is that the reflux process is gradual and very slow. At this time, constant heat exchange between liquid and steam occurs, which allows for better separation of fractions and, as a result, a purer final product.

Necessary materials

  • a piece of stainless pipe 15.35 or 45 cm long - the basis of the drawer for the moonshine still;
  • adapter with thread for fixing the limiter;
  • a sieve with minimal holes to prevent the filler from spilling out;
  • 35-40 metal scourers made of stainless steel.

To check whether the washcloth is actually made of stainless steel, take a regular magnet. If you are attracted to a washcloth, buy it. No - look further.

Making filler

Let us repeat, spirals from steel wool can be used as such material. You can also purchase miniature glass balls or ceramic filling in a specialized store. Both materials are completely inert and do not have any effect on the finished product.

Cut the washcloth into 2 equal parts and carefully separate the springs. Twist them into small rings to make 3-5 turns.

Be sure to sift the resulting springs so that unnecessary debris does not get into the reflux condenser.

The ideal filler is “Rolled Sulzer”, which is made from two strips of corrugated fine mesh. When laying the roll into the drawer, the direction of the strips alternates from right to left and from left to right, resulting in a regular nozzle with contact elements.

How to assemble a king

  1. Take a 35 inch pipe, an adapter for 35 inches on the bottom (female) and an inch on top (male);
  2. Screw the distiller onto the “male” from above.
  3. Measure 35 cm from the bottom of the pipe and drill a 6 mm hole in the pipe - this will be a sleeve for the thermometer. Insert the probe from a digital thermometer here, which will allow you to control the temperature. Be sure to cover the thermocouple sleeve with a rubber band from the dropper so that the connection is airtight.
  4. Fill the pipe with previously prepared springs, glass balls or ceramic filling. You compact it tightly, but don’t push it with anything. It is enough to tap the pipe on the table.
  5. Screw the sieve onto the bottom and secure it with an adapter.

How to assemble simplest option do-it-yourself kings - video

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