Angela is a short name. Compatibility of the name Angela, manifestation of love

Full name:

Similar names: Angela, Angel, Angel, Angela, Angel, Angel, Angela, Anelya, Anelya, Anelia, Angel, Ael

Church name: -

Meaning: angel, messenger

Meaning of the name Angela - interpretation

The female name Angela is a derivative of the male Angelus, the meaning of which, translated from Latin, is interpreted as “angel”, “God’s messenger”, “messenger”. Judging by the Orthodox calendar, our ancestors also used the masculine form of this name - Angelis or Angelius. Today in the Slavic countries, as well as throughout European territory, a female name is more common. IN different countries There are derivatives of the name Angela, which differ not only in sound and spelling, but also in stress (on the first or second syllable).

Name Angela in other languages

Astrology of the name Angela

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Angela is most often not the only, but the last child of her parents. Although she is distinguished by her intelligence and intelligence, she is not an excellent student - her emotionality, inconstancy and lack of patience prevent her from concentrating on her studies.

The main task of parents during this period is to gently and unobtrusively cultivate in their daughter endurance and the ability to concentrate her attention. When Angela grows up a little, she may well acquire a reputation as a brawler - touchy, not indifferent to the successes of others, very temperamental, she is capable of provoking conflicts herself.

Often in school age she may be influenced by a more relaxed and assertive friend. Little Anjala will obediently fulfill all her whims and instructions without exception.

Beautiful and charming, always brightly and stylishly dressed, Angela will never take advantage of her external advantages, because she has extremely developed self-esteem. The girl wants to be valued as a person.

Still prone to acting impulsively without thinking through the consequences. He may make a mess of things or say all sorts of things, which he will later bitterly regret.

The owner of this name has an inherent mystery that intrigues guys. She loves to stand out, spending her free time in the company of friends. Thanks to this, we can talk about the difference between her behavior and the others. When everyone is laughing at a joke, Angela will simply smile demonstratively.

The realities of adult life force Angela to slightly calm down her explosive temper. Any scandals have a bad effect not only on her career and family life, but they also have a negative impact on their appearance, which the woman is not at all happy with. He is a strong and sometimes selfish person.

But even as she matures, Angela never ceases to be in the world of her fantasies, and therefore reality (which does not coincide with dreams and daydreams) often disappoints her. A woman of mystery, a woman of mystery, she almost never opens the veil of her soul. Only a true reader of souls or a loved one can understand its essence.

The lady is very attractive to the stronger sex. Angela does not strive to stand out due to her external data. Values ​​wisdom and professionalism in people. He always prefers to get his way.

Angela's character

Angela is always and everywhere capable of showing attentiveness, sympathy and pity. A woman will never forget to congratulate her family and friends on their birthday or professional holiday.

She wants to achieve everything in life herself and uses her perseverance and rich creative abilities to achieve this. Hypocrisy is definitely not one of Angela’s character traits - she is sincere almost always and everywhere.

Outwardly she often looks cold and indifferent. She is filled with dreams and fantasies that are far from reality, which is an obstacle to normal relationships with others (mostly with men).

Angela is often condemned for being too proud. Sometimes this woman is overly straightforward, so she can inadvertently offend or offend someone. However, wise people will not hold a grudge against her for long.

Angela's fate

Having thrown away sentimentality and unnecessary emotions, Angela strives for the goal life goal. And most often she is alone on this path – if not physically, then spiritually. She has no friends - only friends. Angela attracts men, but only a few are able to understand her unclear desires. Perhaps this is why a woman with this name feels a slight tear, although, by and large, no major cataclysms occur in her life.

There is an opinion that the character of the owners of this name is greatly influenced by the patronymic. For example, Anatolyevna, Dmitrievna or Stanislavovna are distinguished by suspiciousness and impulsiveness. A girl with a middle name Igorevna, Antonovna or Semyonovna is energetic and restless. Bogdanovna or Konstantinovna is characterized by authority in relation to men, and Vladimirovna is stubborn.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Disorganization, indecision in actions and jealousy of other people's successes often harm Angela in her professional activities. But her remarkable intuition often helps her out. This romantic and sensual nature can achieve good results in a creative path in an acting or writing career, in the journalistic field or in the modeling business.

Angela loves money and knows how to earn it. Usually characterized as a zealous housewife. But excessive emotionality also manifests itself in relation to money - at one moment she can spend all her savings, and not necessarily on herself.

Marriage and family

Angela rarely manages to achieve complete idyll in marriage. It is ideal if you get a husband who is sensitive, ready to listen and withstand outbursts of emotions that a woman is forced to hide in public. With a callous and rude husband, closedness will appear in her character traits.

Angela has a hard time with infidelity - her husband’s betrayal can greatly undermine a woman’s health. Angela loves her children unconditionally and is responsible for their upbringing. She is a good housewife, but her household activities can greatly depend on her emotional impulses.

Sex and love

In men, Angela is no longer attracted to external data, but to intelligence, enlightenment and sincerity. She is very sensitive to falsehood and lies, and straightforwardness will not allow a woman to continue the relationship if she suspects ambiguity.

In sex, Angela is distinguished by the same passion as in life. She is extremely jealous, does not share the concepts of “love” and “intimacy” - for her this is a single whole. Resourceful, easily takes the initiative into her own hands. If you come across a man who is able to feel her, Angela will become a godsend for him in bed.


If the girl’s parents did not pay enough attention to hardening, then Angela will often get sick. And this is not only a cold, but also other, more serious illnesses.

Good rest, regular exercise (for example, swimming) and walks in the fresh air will help you avoid health problems.

Interests and hobbies

The changeability of views and interests does not allow Angela to concentrate her attention on one hobby. Her profession can become a real hobby - only if she chooses it correctly.

A girl’s own home can also become a kind of hobby for her. She knows how to create comfort, loves to receive guests, and is not lazy in preparing and fantastically decorating delicious dishes.


According to the main version, the name Angela comes from the male name “Angelus”, which arose in late Latin culture. The original root could be the word “angelos”, which means “messenger” or “angel”. By the way, in modern times this same version of origin also belongs to some derived synonymous names.

The female name Angela is not Orthodox, but it is popular in all Russian-speaking countries and is rarely found in European countries. And also, according to experts, this name has very strong energy...

Popularity: The name Angela and its synonymous names occupy a high 24th position in the ranking of Russian popular female names and occur in approximately 13-15 girls out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Anzhelka, Zhelya, Lika

Modern English analogues: Angelina, Angelika, Angelica

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Angela can give the carrier girl a whole bunch of good quality. Angela is delicate, tactful, never rude or lies, she pleases everyone and knows how to present herself to society in any situation. In most cases, these are the owners of good characters, easy to get along with everyone around, sociable and sociable, eloquent and optimistic, cheerful and positive. It’s easy to communicate and be friends with such people, it’s easy to conduct common business, and in general, these are mostly women who you can really rely on.

At the same time, the owner of this name can be very proud and scandalous. Often Angelas become owners of too much self-esteem, which in turn leads to problems with communication. People often begin to avoid her company after prolonged communication with her. And in general, not every person can stay close to such a bright, self-sufficient, morally and psychologically strong person for a long time.

Advantages and positive traits: purposefulness, sociability and sociability, eloquence, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, courage and impetuosity, perseverance, the ability to overcome obstacles, whatever they may be, and the desire to be the best in everything without exception.

Angela treats her badly overly self-confident, cunning, selfish, greedy and unkind people. Angela can also avoid powerful people, which is not surprising, because she herself is also powerful and does not tolerate competition.

IN modern world The name Angela is quite popular, but it sounds differently in different cultures.

Personality of the name Angela

The nature of the name Angela is such that it promises mostly good things for the bearer of this name. Kindness, generosity, honesty, devotion, loyalty, responsibility, determination, impetuosity, perseverance, integrity and lack of conflict - all this is still far from full list qualities that this name can impart to the character of Angela. And the most important thing is that bearers of this name are easy to educate in childhood, which in itself is also quite a big plus.

In childhood, Angela can be a calm girl, not spoiled, not too active, then she will become more serious and at the same time more active, and adult Angela is the owner of a character that combines all the best that parents usually want to see in their children . In general, the character of the name Angela is such that with it it should be easy for Angela herself to go through life. But at the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that character is influenced not only by upbringing and the name itself, but also by astrological factors, such as the Zodiac sign, the sign of the Eastern calendar and not only...

Early childhood

In early childhood, a girl named Angela can be calm and balanced, kind, generous, attentive, caring and judicious beyond her years. Parents won't have to worry a lot while raising her. In addition, she is obedient, tries to be useful and is always ready to help her parents around the house and more. She will not play around, be rowdy, or demand a lot of attention. On the contrary, in childhood these are usually single girls who try to devote as much time as possible to themselves and to no one else. Such a girl does not need attention, the presence of an adult nearby, or anything else - she is on her own, and does not suffer from it.

The only problem may be that most Angels are too sensitive and receptive girls. Hence the resentment, I don’t understand why, hysterics, tears, and isolation that manifests itself from time to time. But all these are temporary problems - the older Angela gets, the more restrained she will be.


With age, Angela's character can change greatly. Already in adolescence, she may become more dependent on communication with peers, and less adapted to loneliness. Angela is a teenager, a kind, generous, sociable and very sociable child. He demands more attention than in childhood, tries not to be a “gray mouse”, participates in all events that take place at school and on the street, does not miss holidays and is always in sight. This girl always gets little attention, and she tries to appeal to people around him in every possible way.

Teenager Angela may also begin to show leadership inclinations. In addition, she really has a predisposition to leadership. Self-confident, purposeful, persistent, respected in society - she has everything to become a leader in society, gain the title of “class leader” and simply enjoy authority in society.

The only negative is selfishness, which can also appear in adolescence. Moreover, Angela can be such a selfish person that it will literally push people away from her - she needs to learn to keep her emotions and her selfishness under control.

Adult woman

Adult Angela is a more restrained and less emotional person. She can become a boss or leader, have an excellent career and simply achieve a lot in her professional field. But she needs to be stimulated, pushed - if she is stimulated, then she will make more and more progress. Otherwise, Angela can stop developing at any moment and remain in one place.

When it comes to communication, things couldn’t be better here. Usually adult Angels have many friends and comrades, many like-minded people. Angela will definitely not be left without attention, communication and fun. True, even here she needs to be controlled, because the more she has fun and relaxes, the more she will want this. In addition, Angels have such a big drawback as congenital laziness, which must be kept under control at all times.

Interaction of Angela's character with the seasons

Spring - the meaning of the spring season gives a girl named Angela an easygoing disposition, optimism in life, sociability, eloquence, sincerity and a thirst for justice. She is not a careerist or a leader, but an excellent friend, loyal and reliable, a caring wife and mother, and in general big man. Everyone around her likes to communicate with her, and this is the most important advantage of this lady.

Summer - and a summer person by nature is serious, responsible, a real careerist, able to prove herself well, and always adapts with ease to any situation. She doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice, she tries to be independent, independent, and respected at the same time. Doesn't trust those around her, only her mother, doesn't show off her emotions.

Autumn - this capricious season endows the character of the lady named in this way with a cheerful disposition, cheerfulness, erudition, sentimentality and gentleness. Outwardly she seems like a vamp, but in her soul she is soft and gentle, vulnerable and touchy. She can show arrogance (depending on her upbringing), considers herself a queen, before whom everyone must curry favor.

Winter - and the harsh winter colds present the world with a responsible and reliable, but too independent and independent personality. Her goal in life is self-realization, respect for the people around her, recognition of her merits by society, material assets and career development. She is not vindictive, but will never forgive deception or lies, even to those closest to her.

The fate of the name Angela

It is difficult to say what the fate of the bearer of this or that name will be. Especially when we're talking about about a name like Angela. And yet, something can still be said. So, taking into account the character and traits promised by this name, we can say with one hundred percent confidence that Angela’s fate in terms of love, relationships and personal life should be bright and very not boring. Angela is a bright personality in herself, a mystery person who sows positivity and good mood everywhere. Can such a girl have a boring fate in terms of her personal life? Of course not!

For that matter, the bearer of this name should have very, very many gentlemen. And she won’t go through them too much. Most likely, her personal life will be very eventful. Another thing is that she will not see happiness in love until adulthood - but there are reasons for this. And it doesn’t matter when happiness comes - what matters is that it comes!

As for the rest, Angela’s fate depends on a whole bunch of factors. It is simply impossible to say exactly what it will be like. But on the other hand, you can read horoscopes for the name Angela and find out what is in store for the bearer of this name in alliance with different signs Zodiac.

Love and marriage

Angela always looks impressive and attractive, but for her her own appearance, as well as the appearance of her chosen one, is far from the most important. Even crazy handsome man, who at the same time will be a lover of ambiguous statements, will not deserve even a drop of her attention. And in general, it is extremely difficult to earn Angela’s love, because she is a woman of mystery. That is why Angelas get married only in adulthood.

Only a frank and honest man with pure intentions is able to win the heart of the bearer of this name. And then, only then will she agree to sacrifice her freedom, independence and personal space in the name of marriage, when she is convinced that her man will be ready to do the same.

In marriage, Angela can turn into an excellent wife, a good housewife and simply a woman with a capital “W”. She will never leave her husband hungry, she always washes his things and makes sure that he has a normal appearance. And in general, my wife Angela is the wife most men dream of.

Angela as Mother

Angela will approach the issue of motherhood very responsibly. She will probably plan it in advance, trying to provide for herself, as expectant mother, everything necessary. But then, when the “child” is born, she will devote all of herself to him, every minute, every day, every breath.

From an early age, Angela will instill in her children such qualities as hard work, respect for loved ones, honesty, determination and the ability to choose the right friends and loved ones. She will persistently instill in children a craving for everything beautiful. She will begin to attend art exhibitions, theater performances and music concerts with them, will arrange regular excursions and even take them to her work.

Angela will never leave her child without a good education, no matter how hard it is for her. For her, this is the key to the success of her children in their future adult life. And moreover, for Angel’s mothers, children are, first of all, an opportunity to correct their own mistakes - therefore, she will raise them in such a way that they grow up completely different from what she herself is.

Horoscope named Angela


Aries - here we are talking about an open, responsive, sincere, sociable girl named Angela. She hates liars and pretense, avoids closed and secretive people, but loves communication and tries to surround herself with the largest number friends. Ideal friend and comrade.


Taurus - this zodiac and the name Angela produce an eloquent and sociable girl, her character is so simple that it sometimes scares people away. She is ready to call everyone a friend, she is not afraid to make mistakes in a person, she trusts everyone around her and often suffers from this. Doesn't like being told things to her, doesn't accept teachings and criticism.


Gemini - the meaning of this zodiac sign promises a newborn named Angela attractiveness, charm, charm and a great talent for humor. He gets along with people easily, knows how to attract, charm and manipulate. Friendly and kind. In demand among the opposite sex.


Cancer is not independent, dependent on the environment and mood in society, avoids responsibility and never makes its own decisions. She is not sociable, neglects friends and prefers communication with her mother. She is attached to her parents and is in no hurry to get married.


Leo is an energetic lady, an active and active worker in any field. Surrounds himself only with those in whom he finds respect and honor. Arrogant and childish, she often makes mistakes in her attitude towards her interlocutors, but does not worry about this. Doesn't forgive anyone's mistakes.


Virgo - excellent compatibility with men, prudence, seriousness, reliability, responsibility and developed intuition reign here. With new acquaintances he behaves cautiously and reservedly, trusts few people and adheres to a solitary lifestyle. Tactful and polite.


Libra - the origin of this zodiac brings a lot to the destiny named after Angela. She is cheerful and cheerful, but superficial and idealistic. He often makes mistakes in assessing his surroundings, suffers from distrust and the inability to accept everyone as they are.


Scorpio is a lady with an excellent character, combining intelligence, erudition, seriousness, intelligence, charm, and the ability to discern evil. The only negative is that he neglects attention and respect. She needs a strong and strong spouse who can become her true protector.


Sagittarius is a soft, sentimental, naive, suspicious, shy, touchy representative of the weak half of humanity. Outwardly she tries to appear strong and independent, but it won’t be difficult to see through her - she doesn’t know how to pretend, she’s too sincere and honest.


Capricorn is an independent and self-sufficient, self-confident lady who does not accept help from others. Always ready to help, will help and help out free of charge. This is a friend and devoted comrade rolled into one. She will become an excellent wife and mother to children.


Aquarius is responsible and dedicated, always achieves her goal, does not strive for wealth and power, but considers self-realization the main thing in life. She needs a smart, persistent, but flexible gentleman as a companion, capable of giving in and at the same time guiding her in the right direction.


Pisces - and here, who received the name Angela, is granted such qualities as gullibility, emotionality, hot temper, the ability to forgive and non-acceptance of lies and hypocrisy. He selects his friends carefully, and then only verified ones. She will be extremely demanding when it comes to marriage - she will select her husband carefully.

Compatibility with male names

Compatibility of the name Angela with other Russian names is a rather complex topic, but has several factors known to modern experts. So, it was found out that...

The best connection in terms of love and strength of feelings is expressed in pairs with guys called by such name forms as Akim, Gordey, Gleb, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat, Lazar, Kirill, Varlaam, Valery.

In terms of the strength of the marriage, the ideal combination would be a couple in which Andrei, Gabriel, Ermolai, Igor, Laurus, Nikita, Taras are present.

This calm, kind and shy woman needs a reliable man, a companion on whom she can rely in everything without exception.

Worst options: Arkady, Vsevolod, Innocent, Panteley, Eric, Vladislav, Izyaslav, Rodion.

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Angela, manifestation of love

Angela, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

Full name:

Similar names: Angelina, Angelica, Angelika, Angelika, Angelik

Church name: -

Meaning: angelic

The meaning of the name Angelica - interpretation

The beautiful female name Angelica is popular in many countries around the world. The history of its origin is ambiguous. Most often, historians attribute it to Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, άγγελος (angelos) means “angel” or “messenger of God.” It is believed that Angelica comes from another female name– Angelina, which is interpreted as “angel”. Some linguists associate it with the Sanskrit "ajira", the meaning of which is "quickly". According to one mythological story, the divine beings Zeus and Hera had a daughter named Angela. She was raised by a nymph. Angela was the goddess of the underworld.

Name Angelica in other languages

Astrology named after Angelica

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Lika as a child is a calm, kind, flexible child who prefers to sit at home, leaf through books and help her parents. The girl happily babysits younger children and animals. The baby loves to learn and takes responsibility for assigned tasks.

She develops comprehensively, attending handicraft clubs and sports sections. He is interested in creativity. Reads a lot. Angelica has angelic patience at an early age. But her character is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Lika has a strong inner core. She has her own opinion, which she is ready to defend. The girl is attached to her mother. Sensitively experiences a short separation. Always shares worries and sorrows with the parent.

The matured Angelica has an urgent need for independence. She is capable of stubbornness and insolence. From a stay-at-home girl, she turns into a sociable teenager. The young beauty takes care of her appearance, chooses bright clothes and puts on provocative makeup.

Such actions allow you to attract the attention of others to her. Adolescence for Lika is a period of rebellion. Eccentric behavior does not prevent the girl from studying hard and caring for her family. Such aspects as determination, pride, and sociability appear in the character.

The girl has a lot of acquaintances and friends, but rarely establishes lasting friendships. Her hobbies at this stage of her life are music, literature, youth parties.

Mature Angelica is a stunning beauty, captivating with her natural grace and charm. The woman has an excellent sense of humor. Communication with her is a great pleasure. Lika is responsive, hardworking and patient.

But not all of her qualities are angelic. This person loves freedom and has high self-esteem. Thanks to these traits, Angelica is able to become successful in work and in her personal life.

He prefers to hide his emotions in society and splash them out at home. Due to excessive emotionality, quarrels often occur in the family. Angelica is a wonderful wife and mother. Therefore, you should not pay special attention to her emotional outbursts.

Angelica's character

The strengths of a woman named Angelica are sensuality, self-confidence, temperament, and responsibility. When old enough, he usually restrains himself and does not show much aggression.

Lika is a passionate person with a strong temperament. She is practical, strong, self-confident. A woman is able to hide emotions from others for a long time. Angelica is happy to help others.

A woman's weak trait is pride. A woman is able to create intrigue while remaining an outside observer. From time to time, especially in his youth, he provokes scandals with his behavior.

Possessing a sharp mind and attractive appearance, this woman has incredibly high self-esteem. She is prone to intrigue and gossip. External coldness can repel some people.

Angelica's fate

The life of a woman with this name is happy. Perseverance and hard work contribute to her career growth. The habit of being careful when choosing friends protects you from mean, malicious and selfish people. But the lack of desire to meet people and get closer to others can result in loneliness. A sensitive, responsive, strong, intelligent and honest man can make Lika’s life happy and fulfilling.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Angela is very hardworking and capable. The woman learns quickly. At work she is a careerist. Lika can realize her potential in art. Her attractive appearance promises success on stage or on the podium. Energy and composure will help in the career of a journalist, teacher, and politician.

Lika is not a fan of monotonous work. Boredom and low wages are the reasons for her search for a new place of employment. Entrepreneurship does not attract women. This person does not like to take risks, and any business is always a risk. Meanwhile, financial resources have great value in Angelica's life. Money gives stability and confidence in the future.

Marriage and family

An ideal relationship with a husband is trust, friendliness, stability, openness, passion. With her beloved husband, Lika is transformed, showing her angelic nature. But this woman will not tolerate deception and betrayal. She doesn't forgive things like that. On occasion, he can take serious revenge.

Angelica values ​​homeliness and comfort. A woman is ready to spend hours cleaning and experimenting in the kitchen. She raises her children delicately, trying not to disturb their psyche.

Sex and love

Lika is a heartbreaker and conqueror. She loves to flirt and tease members of the opposite sex, but does not allow gentlemen to approach her for a very long time. The girl practices physical love with pleasure. I am ready to enter into an intimate relationship with the guy I like after a short period of acquaintance.

Angela gets married late. Exclusively for love. He places high demands on his future spouse. A man must be strong externally and internally, intelligent, gentle, temperamental, infinitely honest and loyal.


Lika's angelic appearance and refined facial features suggest poor health. But this judgment is unfounded.

The girl has excellent immunity, which maintains the full functioning of the body throughout her life. At a young age, Angela may encounter allergies of varying complexity and nature.

Interests and hobbies

Lika's main hobbies are cooking and literature. The woman spends a lot of time creating edible masterpieces. Left alone, she happily immerses herself in the fictional plot of novels.

He likes to attend social events with his family - theaters, exhibitions, concerts, shows and competitions. A woman who is passionate about needlework enjoys knitting, embroidering, and weaving.

This material will discuss the characteristics and differences in the names Angela and Angelica.

A very beautiful and consonant name that is known in every corner of the world. Perhaps the reason for this was the old film “Angelique - Marquise of Angels” (1964), which simply exploded to the top of popularity (this film was based on the series of novels “Angelique” by Anna and Serge Golon). By the way, there are several parts of them and the names, accordingly, change a little. But back to our main problem: Angela is the same Angelica, or perhaps it is different names. Let's look at this issue in the article.

Name Angela and Angelica: different names or not?

In order not to walk in circles for a long time and not to believe all the prejudices, let’s first delve into the history of the origin of such a name. Perhaps the original roots or meaning of the name will give a little clue. Or it will even help you quickly reveal your cards.

Where and when did such a wonderful name as Angelica come from?

  • This name dates back to Ancient Greece. Yes, like most of our names, this name is of Greek origin.
  • As many have already guessed, the word is associated with an angel. Yes, Angelica comes from “angelos” (Greek). Translated as “angel”, “messenger (or messenger) of God.” It also has an etymological meaning - “angelic”, “similar to (or belonging to) an angel”.
  • It is also believed that the ancestor of the name is Angelina. Exactly given name and is pronounced "angelos" in ancient Greek. And it also means “angel, messenger, messenger.” But these are also considered different and independent names.
  • According to ancient greek mythology the names Angelina and Angelica come from the same name - Angela (Angelos).
    • Interesting facts! Angela was the daughter of Zeus and Hera, but her father gave her to be raised by a nymph. Returning 10 years later, the girl stole anointings from her mother, which provoked Hera’s anger. Angela hid in several places and the mother eventually forgave her daughter, but the cabirs had already managed to envelop the girl. And from that time on, Angela belongs to the afterlife.

What is the history of the name Angela?

  • The fact is that the origin of this name is very similar to the previous version - its roots also come from Greece.
  • But it came from the male name Angel, which is also translated as “messenger” and “messenger”. Also, one of its meanings is “angel”.
  • Well, for now there are more similarities between these names, but there is one more nuance - the name Angela has a Bulgarian influence. But its synonym Angela is already the influence of an English accent.
  • By the way, in the Russian name book such a name arose only in the 20th century, that is, it can be called a relatively new name.

Therefore, the verdict will be as follows.

  1. Angela and Angelica are different names that are simply considered related. But the only thing they have in common is Greek roots. Although, yes, the meaning of the name is the same (meaning, the translation comes down to the word “angel”). And, yes, they have the same root word.
  2. Moreover, these names are considered independent and different from the legal side. Even if you write Angela as Angela, you get two different names. Indeed, in paper and documentary matters, even one tiny (and at first glance insignificant) letter plays a very significant role.
  3. But from an astrological point of view, it is worth considering in more detail their influence on the character and destiny of a person. But we'll come back to this a little later.

What are the name options:

  • For Angelica, the synonymous names will be Angelina (as we have already indicated), Angelika and Angelina.
  • Names of diminutive meaning: Lika and Lina (they are considered generally accepted abbreviations), Zhela, Zhelya and Zhelika.
  • But Angela’s names are slightly different synonyms: Angela and Angela, Angel, Angel, Angel, Angel, as well as Anelya, Anelia and Angel.
  • The shortened form is also more varied: Angie, Dzhela, Angi, Angeli, Hela, Gela, Lela, Angelochka, Anzhelonka, etc.

IMPORTANT: In the church sacraments there are no names such as Angela or Angelica. You will baptize the child under the name Angelina. If parents do not want such a name, then they can choose any other one that has the day of the Angel on this day (or close to it). But, naturally, with the permission and encouragement of the priest. Although practice shows that you can baptize with Anna, Olga and Sofia.

When is the name day?

  • Angelica is celebrated, for example, in Germany twice - on January 4 and 27. In Poland - May 26, and in Finland - December 8. In Sweden this day falls on December 7, and in Estonia on September 6. It is also impossible not to highlight the date December 6th - celebrated in honor of Blessed Angelica of Milazzo.
    • Interesting! May 26 is a day celebrated in memory of Blessed Maria Angelica Mastroti di Papasediro.
  • Angela Angela Day is July 14th. But in some countries these may also be different dates, for example, November 13 and 20 or March 2.
    • July 14
    • August 12
    • September 12
    • December 23

IMPORTANT: These dates are Catholic name days. IN Orthodox calendar there are no such names! There is a related name similar to them - Angelina. But her days are in Orthodox faith, they are indicated according to the Gregorian calendar.

Angela and Angelica: details about names

How to call names correctly, we have already partially answered this question. We have dispelled the myth that these names are the same. Although they have Greek roots, they appeared in different countries and in different times. Therefore, you should not be misled by the same root - these are similar, but different names.

  • In our Orthodox Church There is absolutely no name Angela or Angelica, but there is a related name, Angelina. Therefore, according to church canons, it would be correct to call them Angelines. Although many of their parents do not want to baptize their child this way, and choose a completely different name. By the way, adults will also hear a different address when visiting church.
  • From the legal side, these are, of course, different names. Absolutely! And it would be correct to write them down like that – Angela or Anzhelika.
    • But the last name has not taken root in our culture; this name is most popular in France. Perhaps the reason was the well-known film about the beautiful Angelica.
    • Angela is more popular in our country, but is also considered a rather rare name.

And now we come to the astrological meaning of the name.

Meaning of the name Angelica

  • Angelica acts like a treasure for her parents. Because this girl is very obedient and flexible. In general, Angelica is a completely non-conflict person and is used to resolving any issues in a quiet and peaceful way.
  • Such a girl cannot be called active. She is more of a homebody, and she likes quiet and sedentary activities, for example, reading or embroidering. Yes, she simply loves handicrafts and, by the way, such girls do their work very well.
  • He studies without much enthusiasm, but there are no problems at school, and he gets good grades. Although the intellectual sphere is not her area, she has an analytical mind.
  • Of course, we all have an impeccable image of Angelica before our eyes. In general, she has a beautiful appearance and knows how to dress with taste. But natural modesty does not allow a girl to become vulgar or focus on her appearance.
  • She is considered to be a selfless and very warm-hearted person. Even during periods of anger (which happens extremely rarely), she always stays calm and watches her words (and even more so her actions).
  • She has an excellent sense of humor, is sociable, but has few friends and rarely opens up her inner world to anyone.
  • In adolescence, her character from being shy and quiet can develop into an explosive mixture. Often such girls in their youth have an explosive and hot-tempered character. Although, over time, she calms down.
  • She feels great alone and is considered a very independent person. She very rarely turns to anyone for help, but this has nothing to do with her distrust of others (although there is some part of it). Most likely, this is due to excessive modesty.
  • At work he is considered a valuable employee, although he often gossips and quarrels with his superiors. By career ladder doesn't rise too high. She doesn't have the necessary pressure. And desires too, especially if she doesn’t like the job. And such girls are suitable for creative professions, even with small earnings. Especially, she is not attracted to monotonous and monotonous work.
  • Such beautiful picture It turned out, but there are some stains. She is quite narcissistic and often depends on her mood. And those around you, accordingly, can fall under its influence. And in a bad mood, Angelica can become too rude and straightforward, which can offend her neighbor.
  • Lika is considered a very strong and resilient person, which is undoubtedly a plus for her. If her career arouses her interest, then Angelica can achieve significant results.
  • Sometimes she can be overly stubborn and very vindictive. Yes, such a girl, sweet at first glance, can harbor a grudge for a long time, and if possible, she will definitely take revenge on the offender.

Love and family

  • She not only has a beautiful appearance, but also knows how to take care of herself. Therefore, men are always at her feet. But this only increases her self-esteem, and she takes it for granted.
  • The bar is too high when choosing a partner. That's why I'm often alone for a long time. The fact is that she either needs a prince in a white Mercedes, or no one at all.
  • Therefore, marriages happen closer to (or even after) 30, when a worthy and wealthy man is found.
  • A faithful wife demands the same from her husband. Such a girl will never forgive betrayal. This will be a blow to her ego.
  • She loves to take care of the house, arrange it and create comfort in it. Children, as a rule, dote on souls.
  • It is important for this woman to have stability and openness in herself!
  • And yet, such housewives know how to cook perfectly.


In general, Angelica has rarely been sick since childhood. And in adult life, she easily endures everything on her feet (if suddenly some kind of illness occurs). But such girls often take excessive care of their figure, which is reflected in their diet. Therefore, this is the only aspect that requires special attention.

intimate side

This is a passionate nature, but such a flower is not revealed to everyone. He sees sex, first of all, as a path to pleasure. It is very rare that men break her heart; rather, the opposite happens.

  • Suitable for her: Alexander, Nikita, Dmitry, Egor, Lev and Igor, as well as Julian.
  • An unfavorable alliance will be with: Arkady, Valentin, Roman and Rodion, as well as with Vasily and Daniil.

The secret of the name Angela

  • Angela's childhood was a little similar to Angelica's. This is also a quiet girl who rarely shows her whims to her parents. A distinctive feature of childhood is shyness.
  • She studies well, but studies (especially exact sciences) are very difficult for her.
  • Since childhood, the girl has incredible charm and beauty. And in adult life he is very popular among the opposite sex. She knows how to create intrigue and mystery around herself.
  • The hallmark is indecisiveness. Although Angela has a strong character, she often falls under negative influence girlfriends And, in general, he thinks about any decision for a very long time.
  • He always learns from his mistakes, so other people's advice, as a rule, falls on deaf ears. But the opinion of others is important to her.
  • She can be too impulsive and emotional, especially if she becomes powerless in the face of any obstacles.
  • But at the same time, she is a sentimental and touching person. She loves animals and often brings home stray kittens.

  • Angela is considered a good conversationalist, and most importantly, a listener. She can listen to a two-hour monologue with great patience. Excellent at keeping secrets.
  • In terms of career, she does not strive to achieve great heights (she has had such dreams since childhood). She can move up the career ladder for a very long time, but this does not bother her at all.
  • Valued as a creative worker. She has a well-developed imagination and can easily master the profession of a writer or journalist.
  • By the way, in my work I am used to achieving everything on my own and often make mistakes with my choice. But with incredible ease he can start building a new career.
  • Important distinguishing feature– she doesn’t like lies, and deceitful people in general. And also, have a negative attitude towards those who live at the expense of others

Love sphere

  • This is the woman who should see spiritual closeness in a man. In marriage she values ​​not only love, but also friendship.
  • She will fully reveal herself to her man and share all her secrets with him.
  • But he often puts forward excessive demands on the chosen one. By the way, it is important for her that the man be the main financial breadwinner and be able to provide for his family at a decent level.
  • But she is not ready to become a housewife; it is important for her to realize herself outside the walls of the house. And the man next to her should encourage her or at least not interfere with this.

  • Unfortunately, she is not an economical wife. She can spend the money she earns at an insane speed. And in one day.
  • As a housewife, she will be happy to take care of the house and raising children. Be very careful about their training.
  • Therefore, he wants to start them a little later, when the family is firmly on its feet financially.
  • And it’s important that there should be a patient man nearby. She can often flare up even in public. And also, she is highly dependent on her desires, which change very often.


Angela, unfortunately, is not in good health. The main problem part is the skin. Yes, pimples and acne often haunt her in adult life.

Sexy side

  • She is an ardent, passionate and insatiable lover. Yes, a man will have to work hard next to such a girl. He has a lot of ideas and fantasies in his head. Therefore, a man must be brave and ready to experiment.
  • She gives herself over to sex to the fullest and does not see a relationship without intimacy. The only thing that can push her away in a partner is his spiritual callousness.
  • This is a very jealous girl, although men never fade away from her charms.

Compatibility with male names

  • Favorable alliance with: Vladimir, Ivan, Valentin, Maxim and Roman, as well as with Mikhail, Anatoly and Igor.
  • An unsuccessful marriage will be with: Artem, Arseny, Vladislav, Dmitry and Evgeny, as well as with Valery, Ruslan and Stanislav.

What is the difference between the names Angela and Angelica?

We figured out that these, although consonant, are different names. Therefore, it is easier to say what they have in common is the common root of the name, as well as the connection with the “angel”. But Angelica and Angela differ not only in spelling and sound:

  • From the church side, these are different names that do not exist in the Orthodox faith.
  • From an astrological point of view, these names also have big differences. An illustrative example, compatible with male names or health aspect. Yes, and the character has some differences (temper and great passion, for example, Angela).
  • From a legal aspect, these are completely different and alien names that have nothing in common.
  • Name days for these names are also different, although they are not celebrated in Orthodoxy.
  • The origin of the name, although it has a common root, is also different (we looked above at what words the names came from).

Can Angela be called Angelica?

The clear answer is no. These are related and similar words (we repeat), but they are not the same name. Angelica can only be called Angelica or other generally accepted abbreviations (they are indicated above). Angela is not a shortened form. Angela is an independent name that has a different history of origin and its own characteristics (from the point of view of astrology). Let us repeat once again - you cannot call Angela Angelica (or vice versa)!

Video: Characteristics of the name Angela, Angelica

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