Where was Amschel Moses Rothschild born? The Rothschilds - the history of the largest financial tycoons (Heinrich Schnee)

Mayer Amschel Rothschild is the founder of the famous international dynasty of Rothschild entrepreneurs. He is also the founder of a bank in Frankfurt am Main. After his death on September 19, 1812, his business was continued by his sons: Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, James Mayer, Kalman Mayer and Nathan Mayer. They owned 5 banks in the largest cities in Europe (Paris, Vienna, Naples, London, Frankfurt am Main).

Was born Amschel Mayer in a Jewish family on February 23, 1744. They lived in a Jewish ghetto. Father Amschel Moses Bauer had a small money changer's office (like exchange offices today). There was a red sign above the office. In German it sounds like "Roth Schild". Therefore, the Bauer dynasty was soon given the nickname Rothschilds as a symbol of wealth and luxury.

At the age of 12, Mayer was sent to Hanover to study at Oppenheimer's bank. There he learned the basics of finance, learned to distinguish German coins from their counterfeits, and also set favorable exchange rates.

Mayer's parents died in 1760. The father's business was inherited by his son. In the office, Mayer was engaged in the exchange of coins and medals. Soon his money changing office gained popularity. This helped to save enough money to open his own antique shop, where Mayer was engaged in exchanging money from some German principalities to others. This was the first Rothschild bank.

It turns out that at the beginning of his career, Mayer was a dealer in ancient coins and medals. One of regular customers he had General von Estorf, who later introduces Amschel Mayer to Landgrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel. So, during the flight to Prague from Napoleon, this landgrave made Mayer his confidant, giving him her multi-million dollar savings. Not only was Amschel able to keep all this money, but he also increased it significantly. From that moment on, Mayer began to have his own capital.

Historians note Rothschild Mayer's exceptional business acumen. For example, in those days it was very expensive to transport money from one city to another. At the same time, the risk of robbery on the road was very high. Mayer used this money to buy cheap cotton and wool in England and sell them for much more in Europe.

Since 1764, Mayer has supplied gold and silver coins to the princely house of Hesse-Kassel. After 5 years, he was already the personal banker of William I. His task was to increase the capital of the princely house, covering all expenses for the army, luxury goods, stables and subjects. The risk was very high. Indeed, if he failed to fulfill his duties, Mayer would certainly be executed. But Rothschild not only coped with his responsibilities, but significantly increased Wilhelm’s fortune.

There was a case when Mayer, having withdrawn the prince’s money from a British bank account and paid for goods with it, made very good money. Since I paid in cash, I received a big discount. And instead of transporting the prince's money to England, exposing himself to the risk of robbery, he brought the goods to England and sold them at a higher price. But he made money not only on sales: the British paid in pounds, and the prince accepted payment in thalers. Mayer made money on the difference in exchange rates.

September 27, 1810 Mayer Rothschild founded a company called Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons. Using this company Mayer Rothschild arranged unprecedented in size for that time government loans. Gain cash the Rothschild family kept it for themselves.

After Mayer's death, the capital of his company was almost twice the assets of the French Bank. The father handed over his business to his five sons, who scattered all over Europe, opening five independent banks. But these banks were united by a courier connection, which made it possible to transfer information from one bank to another in the shortest possible time. Thus, the entire system not only quickly responded to changes in the state of the financial market, but also could create misinformation, thereby eliminating its competitors.

By the way, this formed the basis of the dynasty’s emblem: five arrows connected by a chain. A Father Rothschild's code sounded like this:

- never forget that modesty leads to wealth;

- live in harmony, friendship, love, share profits equally;

- men in the family must marry their first cousins ​​or second cousins ​​so that the fortune remains within the family. Daughters must marry aristocrats while maintaining their faith;

- all important positions in the business should be held by family members (not hired workers). Only men can participate in business. They are also heirs. The eldest son becomes the head of the family unless the other sons unanimously decide otherwise.

By the way, the latter happened one day in 1812, when Nathan was unanimously elected head of the family.

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The Rothschild financial empire has been famous throughout the world for more than 250 years. Members of the famous clan conduct business on all five continents. Their name has long become a household name and is associated with wealth, success, luxury and prestige. And the Rothschilds’ career is a living example of amazing disruptive power.

It all started with the Frankfurt merchant Isaac Elhanan, who in the sixties of the 16th century bought a house on Judengasse (the main Jewish street of Frankfurt) with a red sign on it - ROT SCHILD. And from this name the descendants of Elhanan, who died in 1585, adopted the surname Rothschild.

The children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Elkhanan were engaged in trade, without becoming particularly famous for anything. But Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) founded the bank.

As a young man, Meyer Amschel studied at a yeshiva in the city of Furth, preparing to become a rabbi, but after the death of his father, his mother sent him to Hanover to study banking. Returning to Frankfurt, he took up trading and founded a money changer.

During his stay in Hanover, Meyer Amschel was interested in art history and numismatics, and then in Frankfurt he published an annual catalog of rare coins, medals, paintings and sculptures. In 1769 he became the main supplier to the Ducal Court of Hesse-Hanau.

In 1770 he married. His wife bore him 19 (!) children, nine of whom died in early childhood. Five sons and five daughters continued the Meyer Amschel family. According to the principle he adopted, religiously observed by subsequent generations, only sons could manage family affairs, and daughters and their husbands were excluded from the business life of the Rothschilds.

Meyer Amschel was fascinated by the radical ideas of Jewish education, and in 1792 he attempted to found Philanthropy, a Jewish school with a secular curriculum, however, having encountered resistance from Orthodox circles, he was able to carry out his plan only in 1804.

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Banking flourished under his leadership, and in 1792, when the city was occupied by the French, Meyer Amschel was already one of the richest and influential people cities.

In 1800, Meyer Amschel was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the reigning house with permission to bear arms, tax exemption and the right to complete freedom of movement throughout the country. Together with his growing sons, he carried out the delicate instructions of the Landgrave; they were entrusted with transferring money and, as they would say now, “closed financial information” to various European cities, as well as storing important documents, gold, silver and jewelry in a Frankfurt bank.

Meyer Amschel also played a key role in granting the Jewish residents of Frankfurt civil rights equal to the native Germans. Let us remember that this happened at the very beginning of the 19th century - a phenomenon unprecedented in those days.

The businessman was remembered by those around him as a work fanatic. He could be in the bank for 18 hours, constantly analyzing and improving his business.

Officially approved historical facts are often just a veil behind which the truth about events that actually happened is hidden. In cases where it is possible to lift this veil, it often becomes clear that the facts described in official version, are often fiction, and perhaps even a hundred percent lie. The Rothschild dynasty can be considered as one of these controversial topics. Representatives of this clan in former times were Bauers. From this fact arises the association of a possible connection between the names of Rothschild and Hitler.

Bauer-Rothschild dynasty

The Bauer surname gained unpleasant fame in Germany back in the Middle Ages. Then they were known as black sorcerers. The Bowery became known as the Rothschilds much later, in the 18th century. This new dynasty was headed by Mayer Amschel Rothschild. At that time, he was a member of the secret society of free masons, and therefore a red shield appeared on the Rothschild coat of arms, which in German sounds like rotes shield. The Rothschild name is associated not only with the shield, but also with the Masonic Star of David. This sign was decorated with a mansion owned by the Rothschilds in Frankfurt. , or as it was also called - the Seal of Solomon, began to be used in association with Jews after Rothschild appropriated it to his dynasty. Studies of Jewish history absolutely prove that this symbol in no way refers to the characters David and Solomon mentioned in the Bible. Until the end of 2007, the noble dynasty was represented by Guy de Rothschild, who came from the French branch. This man had a pronounced sick imagination. He can rightly be called the embodiment of evil. Together with his henchmen, he became the direct culprit in the death of millions of people. He helped create an organization called B'nai B'rith, or "Sons of the Union". The stated purpose of this organization was to combat anti-Semitism in all its manifestations. The hidden goal implied the fight against Christianity, intimidation and bribery of political figures, the destruction of rebellious Jews, and the conduct of anti-Christian propaganda. This organization is capable of masterfully slandering and destroying the life and career of anyone who tries to bring the truth to light. Representatives of the Rothschild clan continue to financially support B'nai B'rith, as well as the Anti-Defamation League organized by it in 1913, literally translated from English as the Anti-Slander League. Just like B'nai B'rith, the League was supposed to oppose any form of anti-Semitism and intolerance towards Jews. However, representatives of these organizations openly advocated strengthening the slave system in the American states during the war between the south and the north. Currently, they are still trying to convict some black leaders of anti-Semitism and racism. The Anti-Defamation League continues to present the so-called “Torch of Freedom” every year to active and deserving members of society, in the opinion of its leaders. This prize was awarded to Morris Dalitz, one of the friends of Meyer Lansky, the head of a large criminal organization that terrorized the United States for a long period.

Hitler's secret benefactors

Inciting hatred against people unfairly labeled as anti-Semites is similar to Adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews. Anyone who dared to doubt the intentions of the Rothschilds or the activities of any Jewish organization certainly became a Nazi and an anti-Semite. A similar false label has been attached to some scientists to discredit them and deprive them of their rights public speaking . Today, researchers claim that Adolf Hitler came to power with the financial help of the Rothschilds. According to this version, his arrival was facilitated by the well-known Masonic leagues of Thule and Vril in Germany. And Rothschild, for his part, financed Hitler through accounts at the Bank of Great Britain, as well as through other banking organizations in England and America. For example, through the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co, which was led by Paul Warburg, a representative of the Rothschild dynasty. Being a major figure in financial world America, Warburg, through secret intrigues, achieved the creation of the State Reserve System of America and became its leader. Moreover, the heart of the Nazi military power was an association of German chemical concerns I.G. Farben. In America, this conglomerate had its own branch, one of the directors of which was Max Warburg, brother of Paul Warburg.

Nazi I.G. Farben maintained a very close relationship throughout the war with Standard Oil, which belonged to the Rockefeller dynasty. It should be borne in mind that the Rockefeller empire developed thanks to the serious support provided by the Rothschilds. The Rockefellers, like the Rothschilds, came from Germany.

During the two world wars, Germany's largest news agencies were owned by the Rothschilds.. With their help they controlled information flows from Germany to other countries.
It was surprising that against the backdrop of almost completely destroyed industrial enterprises in Germany, the factories of the conglomerate I.G. Farben did not suffer from massive air raids, however, like the enterprises of another giant - Ford, which provided serious assistance to Hitler.

It turns out that the Rothschilds became the financial force that stood behind the Nazi leader. Representatives of this “Jewish” dynasty initially proclaimed patronage for people of Jewish nationality, but, pursuing their own goals, they shamelessly used the Jewish people, trampling on their faith and openly despising them.


Along with other peoples of the world, Jews are only draft animals. They are obliged to work so that representatives of those in power can unhinderedly exercise global control, covering the whole world and placing their comrades belonging to the brotherhood of Freemasons everywhere.

Freemasons are indeed susceptible to the idea of ​​consanguinity, so it is quite natural that, in an effort to achieve world domination, Hitler was allowed to power, apparently belonging to one of the branches of a well-known dynasty. A little research is enough to make sure that representatives of one clan have managed to gain influence in most areas of society. For many years they have held positions in finance, politics, media, military affairs and even royal families. From the depths of this dynasty came all forty-two American presidents. The first was George Washington back in the 18th century. And already at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, another representative of the clan, George Bush, took the presidency. Even political figures of the 20th century, such as Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt were directly related to this surname and were members of the Masonic fraternity. As a result of cunning and tough intrigues, these leaders managed to occupy high positions. Needless to say, the global carnage that involved the countries they led was financed by the Masonic fraternities led by the Rothschilds. It is not surprising that the organization that brought Adolf Hitler to rule the country sought to place only a leader from its own dynasty at the helm.

Did Hitler belong to the Rothschild dynastic roots?

The Rothschilds have always positioned themselves as protectors Jewish people, and Hitler, on the contrary, mercilessly destroyed them along with the Slavs and Gypsies. Could Hitler then come from the Rothschild clan? After all, the Rothschilds themselves came from Jews.

However, the scientist Walter Langer, in his work “The Soul of Hitler,” expressed the opinion that the Nazi leader was not only sponsored by the Rothschilds, but also came from this dynasty. Considering that he was also assisted by the British royal family, prominent representative which was Lord Mountbatten, descended from the Rothschilds, and knowing what great value Freemasons attach the idea of ​​kinship, it becomes clear that the august family would not finance a rootless guy. It is enough to know at least a little about the history and traditions of the free brothers to conclude that the Nazi leader was one of their own.

The generally accepted biographical facts of the origin of Adolf Hitler testified that the father of the future leader was the illegitimate child of Maria Schicklgruber, Alois Hitler. Alois’s father, and therefore Adolf’s grandfather, was a certain Johann Hiedler. But Langer questions these facts, relying on an Austrian document that claims that at the time Maria Anna Schicklgruber became pregnant, she was working as a servant in the house of Baron Rothschild.

Hitler's biography was of interest to many, including high-ranking officials from the Nazi party who tried to get information about the origins of their leader. The head of the Nazi security service, Heydrich, succeeded in this. He managed to collect a number of documents, which later went to the Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss. The Chancellor continued studying archival materials. From individual documents, registration and registration cards, and witness statements, he was able to recreate the events that preceded Adolf’s birth. Based on the picture he received, he concluded that Hitler’s grandmother, who came from a poor, simple family, came to the capital from the village and entered the service of a noble house. As soon as the pregnancy was discovered, Maria Anna was instantly sent back to the village, where she gave birth to a boy, Alois. The chancellor handed over all the collected and systematized information to Hans-Jürgen Köhler. This high-ranking official from the Gestapo, based on the materials received, published the book “Gestapo: An Inside View” at the beginning of the war.

Common roots

Finding out the truth about whose house Maria Anna Schicklgruber worked in was not difficult. According to Austrian laws of that time, any employee, as well as an employer, was required to register with the local police department. In case of violation, the guilty party could be fined a very significant amount. While working with documents, Chancellor Dollfuss discovered an interesting registration card, which stated that a certain young maid worked in a house owned by the Rothschilds. It is quite possible that it is in this house that one should look for the mysterious grandfather of Adolf Hitler. In this case, it is quite logical that the Nazi leader’s thirst to seize the capital of Austria was determined by the idea of ​​​​destroying documentary traces of his origin.

Causes and consequences of Hitler's trip to the capital of Austria

It is quite possible that Hitler had information about his real origins. It was not for nothing that immediately after the death of his mother he left for the capital, where he disappeared for almost a year. What was he doing and where was he all this time? Most likely, he established connections with his noble relatives, preparing the ground for his further growth in the interests of the common cause of the family dynasty. It is possible that it was then that his membership in the Rothschild clan became known.

Freemasons, who place family ties at the forefront, have always had many illegitimate children. These children grew up and were raised in foster families, but their blood relatives never forgot about them and never let them out of their sight. Neither the Rothschilds nor the Rockefellers were exceptions in this case. Using the example of Bill Clinton, who apparently came from the Rockefeller family, one can judge that all these illegitimate children became very successful in various areas of their activities. Hitler also had illegitimate children. It is possible that some of them are still alive and continue his family branch.

Which Rothschild was Adolf Hitler's grandfather?

Thanks to the research of historians, it became known that shortly before the birth of Alois, the only representative of this powerful dynasty, Solomon Mayer, lived in the rich capital house of the Rothschilds. At that time, he was alone in the capital, since his wife was temporarily living in Germany, and his only son was permanently living and running a business in France. Not having warm feelings for his father, he did not appear in the Austrian capital and only occasionally visited his mother in Frankfurt. From this it follows that lonely Solomon, like no one else, is suitable for the role of Alois’s father. The testimony of Hermann von Holschmidt, a descendant of one of the workers in the Rothschild office, has been preserved. He claimed that with age, Solomon began to develop an unhealthy attraction to young girls. Apparently, this craving was so strong that even the police became aware of it. Could such a person ignore the young maid who was constantly in front of his lustful gaze?

The fact remains a fact. Maria Anna became pregnant, and her grandson became the Chancellor of Great Germany and, with the support of Rothschild capital, plunged the world into the abyss of World War II, which benefited not only the Rothschilds, but also the Masonic brothers. Considering the Freemasons' obsession with blood unity and the desire to place only people close to their family in key positions, the Rothschilds' connection with the events that took place becomes obvious. Are these coincidences random?

The founder of the Rothschild clan, Mayer Amschel Bauer, was born 270 years ago - in 1744. His family lived in Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main. And his father's name was Amschel Moses Bauer. He ran a small money changer's office with a large red sign above it. In German, “red sign” is Rot Schild. This is how the name appeared, which has now become a common noun, meaning luxury and wealth. And this transformation took place as follows.

Mayer Amschel was not even eleven when his father died in 1754, followed by his mother. Having become an orphan, he was placed in a free school, but he did not like teaching, and the young man devoted himself entirely to one thing - numismatics. Every day he searched in landfills for an out-of-circulation coin, a worn medal, or some old badge. Having cleaned the finds and given them a marketable appearance, he successfully sold them to collectors.

In 1757, 13-year-old Mayer Amschel was sent to Hanover to study at the bank of Shimon Wolf Oppenheimer. There he learned the basics of finance, became acquainted with the coins of other countries, learned to easily identify counterfeits and quickly calculate favorable exchange rates.

In 1760, Mayer Amschel returned to Frankfurt, changed his surname from Bauer to Rothschild and continued his father’s business: he began exchanging and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became very famous among antique lovers. Having saved money, he opened his own antique shop, in which it was possible to exchange money from one German principality to another. So, gradually, the first semblance of the Rothschild Bank arose.

The path from numismatics to finance is quite natural, and Mayer Amschel became a financier, as he was a numismatist, purely out of his own interest. It’s just that now much more different types of money passed through it than before. He was not yet rich, but he was distinguished by self-confidence and sociability. And people reached out to him, including very rich people.

* * *

And then one day, through the mediation of one of his clients, a collector of ancient coins, he met the Landgrave (the title of the sovereign prince in the Holy Roman Empire, the core of which was Germany) Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel. This man was twelve years older and belonged to the highest circles of European society (his mother was the daughter of the British King George II). And surprisingly, they struck up something like a friendship. Moreover, from 1764 it was Mayer Amschel who began to supply coins and gold to the princely house of Hesse-Kassel. And just five years later, in 1769, Wilhelm IX appointed Mayer Amschel as his personal banker and court supplier - goffer.

The duties of the gofaktor were to increase the prince’s treasury, cover his expenses for the army, luxury goods, and supply the courtyard, kitchen and stables. If successful, the gofaktor received a reward in the form of part of the prince’s income and respect at court; in case of failure, ruin, trial, and even execution could follow.

But Mayer Amschel coped with his duties perfectly, and at the age of 26 (August 29, 1770) he married 17-year-old Guttle Schnapper, the daughter of the moneylender Wolf Solomon Schnapper. At the same time, he founded his first bank in Frankfurt. And, I must say, his business went very successfully. The fact is that the first Rothschild was distinguished by exceptional business acumen. Transporting currency in those days was very expensive, and there was always a risk of running into robbers. And Mayer Amschel found a very simple solution to this problem: he bought wool and cotton in England at low prices, and then sold them in Europe at much higher prices.

And of course, his acquaintance with William IX, one of the richest German princes, who actively traded in hired soldiers, was beneficial to him. For example, in 1785, it was he who profitably sold 17,000 soldiers to the English King George III for the war with the American colonists. And this deal could not have happened without Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

And then Napoleon Bonaparte came to power, and France began wars of conquest in Europe. In 1806, when the French invaded Hesse, Landgrave Wilhelm IX (in 1803 he became Elector under the name Wilhelm I) was forced to flee the country, and before that he made 62-year-old Mayer Amschel a confidant, leaving almost all of his state. And the banker continued collecting money from the princely debtors and was even able to significantly increase the amount left to him for management. At the same time, he did not forget about his personal interest. In any case, Wilhelm preferred thalers, and the British paid Rothschild in pounds, so Mayer Amschel could become rich just from the difference in exchange rates.

And he became one. And he proudly reported to his patron that he had managed to double his fortune, which further strengthened the trust and respect of the princely family for him.

* * *

Meanwhile, Napoleon had already subjugated almost all of Europe.

Undoubtedly, Napoleonic wars were beneficial to Rothschild, and he stimulated them in every possible way, profiting from endless military orders. But Napoleon turned out to be not so simple, and he refused to let Mayer Amschel annex his financial empire to his. Moreover, in February 1800 he created the Bank of France, independent of Rothschild. And in April 1803, he carried out a monetary reform, introducing silver and gold francs, and the Bank of France received the exclusive right to issue money.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild was outraged, and Napoleon said that if the government is financially dependent on bankers, then the country is governed not by the government, but by bankers. He said: “The hand that gives is always higher than the hand that takes. Financiers have no patriotism and honesty, their only goal is profit.”

But he needed money, and therefore in the same 1803 Napoleon gave French lands in North America to the United States. The size of the territory sold was then approximately 2.1 million square meters. km, and the transaction price was $15 million (or 80 million French francs). And when carrying out this transaction, Napoleon did not use the Rothschild bank, but its direct competitors - the Baring banking house in London and the Hope Bank in Amsterdam.

With the money from this deal, Napoleon quickly equipped an army and continued to spread his influence throughout Europe, capturing everything in his path. And his military vehicle crashed only in 1812 in Russia.

* * *

And Mayer Amschel Rothschild was no longer a young man, and his health had deteriorated greatly. And so he gathered all his children and urged them to never change their faith, to always stay together and help each other.

He died on September 19, 1812, at the age of 68, leaving behind him an enormous fortune and five sons.

The eldest was Amschel Rothschild, who was born in Frankfurt am Main on June 12, 1773. Then came Solomon Rothschild, born September 9, 1774, Nathan Rothschild, born September 16, 1777, and Karl (Kalman) Rothschild, born April 24, 1788. The youngest was James (Jacob) Rothschild, born on May 15, 1792.

* * *

The resulting Rothschild clan could not forgive Napoleon for his “arbitrariness.” And they declared “war” on the Corsican, that is, they began to provide loans to almost any country that was in the camp of Napoleon’s opponents. After all, didn’t Napoleon himself say that the only goal for financiers is profit.

In essence, the Rothschild clan decided to “overthrow” Napoleon, and to do this, he began to actively finance the British and Russians, that is, his main opponents.

As you know, Napoleon really didn’t want to fight with Russia, but he was forced to do it, and it could not have happened without the “hand” of the Rothschilds. In any case, when in 1812 the main backbone of Napoleon’s army was in Russia, Nathan Rothschild came up with a brilliant plan to finance the “second front”, that is, the activities of the Duke of Wellington’s army on the Iberian Peninsula. To do this, Nathan Rothschild bought 800 thousand pounds (then pounds!) of gold from the East India Company, and then sold this gold, so necessary for Wellington to conduct military operations, to the government of England. Naturally, he did this with huge profits. However, the British did not know how to transfer this gold to Wellington through French territory. And then the Rothschilds themselves took on this risky business.

The essence of the operation they carried out is as follows: first, James Rothschild unexpectedly appeared in Paris, and then his brothers wrote him letters containing feigned complaints that they were going to take gold from England to Spain, but the English government allegedly flatly refused them this. At the same time, the Rothschilds made sure that their messages to their brother would definitely fall into the hands of the French secret police. And the French Ministry of Finance took the bait. If the British enemies are against gold leaving England, the French ministry decided that these same Rothschilds must be helped so that they can still take out this gold of theirs...

Thus, the trick with the letters was a success, and Napoleon's government helped the Rothschilds to ensure that the gold eventually ended up in Spain, where it entered Wellington's army, which successfully fought against the French.

Later, at a business dinner in London, Nathan Rothschild boasted that it was the best deal of his life. However, then, in 1812, he did not yet know that his and his brothers’ truly best financial operation was still ahead.

By the way, it is worth noting that the Rothschilds also profited handsomely from the Continental Blockade of England, imposed by Napoleon by decree of October 27, 1806. At that time, Europe could only obtain British colonial goods (spices, cotton, tobacco, coffee, etc.) by smuggling. So Nathan Rothschild created a reliable network of smugglers who passed through any Napoleonic cordons. And, of course, the prices for these goods were fantastic.

As for Napoleon, he had previously had to fight exclusively with the armies of enemy states. Here he was an unsurpassed genius and won one victory after another. But now the emperor had to confront a new enemy, whose name is world capital. The living embodiment of this new enemy were the Rothschild brothers, which is why Napoleon considered them the main enemies of his great mission, officially promising 500 thousand francs in gold for their physical elimination. But the talented commander turned out to be helpless in the face of this new enemy, because the laws of such a “war” were unknown to him. The Rothschilds, having concentrated huge financial resources in their hands, managed to buy both the trust of politicians and the authority of government customers. As a result, in nine out of ten cases of placing state orders for the supply of weapons, gold and grain to the front, officials from state commissions for supplying the front turned specifically to the Rothschilds. Moreover, a whole queue of twelve states lined up for interest-bearing loans to the Rothschilds, and by the end of the war with Napoleon, the “victor countries” owed more than 70 million to the philanthropists Rothschilds, who had a developed network of agents, suppliers and couriers for transporting gold throughout Europe. pounds sterling.

* * *

And what was the best financial operation of the Rothschilds that was ahead?

This happened after Napoleon’s defeat in Russia. As you know, in March 1814 Paris fell and Napoleon was forced to abdicate the throne. Then he was sent into exile on the island of Elba, and then he unexpectedly returned from there and again seized power in France. The period known in history as the “Hundred Days” began and ended with the famous Battle of Waterloo. At this time the Rothschilds, who had good developed system alerts, managed to receive news of Napoleon's defeat a whole day earlier than the official message from the Duke of Wellington. As a result, Nathan Rothschild personally appeared on the London Stock Exchange on June 20, 1815 and, with a sad look, began selling English government bonds. Without saying a word. He simply stood in his usual place on the stock exchange and sold, sold, sold...

It became clear to everyone that England had lost the war. Otherwise, the experienced Rothschild would have behaved completely differently...

And everyone also rushed to sell their bonds. The market collapsed rapidly. Meanwhile, Rothschild's agents, waiting for the moment when government securities fell to their lowest level, quickly bought them up, but almost at the price of wrapping paper. And then the official message came about Napoleon's defeat. And the price of bonds skyrocketed...

So Napoleon got his Waterloo, and Nathan Rothschild achieved control over the entire British economy. It is estimated that he made over £200 million in net profits in one day. And James Rothschild did roughly the same thing in Paris.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said correctly: “He who owns information owns the world!”

Some historians claim that the Rothschilds bribed all the guides of the French army, that all of Napoleon's plans were known to them in great detail, that Nathan Rothschild created his own pigeon post and even personally came to the Waterloo region.

There is no reliable evidence of this, but the fact remains: world history has never known such transactions, and a century later the name of Nathan Rothschild was inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records as the name of the most brilliant financier of all times and people and a representative of a family that by the middle of the 19th century became the richest in the world. It is not for nothing that the rest of the 19th century is called the “century of the Rothschilds.”

* * *

Naturally, the Rothschilds were closely associated with the Freemasons. Moreover, it can be argued that the Masonic lodges, receiving the funding they needed, unquestioningly carried out the orders of the Rothschilds, carrying out their far-reaching plans.

It is believed that Robespierre himself was a blind instrument in the hands of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. No wonder he said: “It seems to me that we are constantly being pushed, against our will, by a “hidden hand.” Every day our Committee of Public Safety does what yesterday it decided not to do.”

And Robespierre was deprived of his life, among other things, because he dared to express his indignation at the fact that the foreigners, represented by Adam Weishaupt and other agents of Rothschild, turned into real rulers.

Napoleon also did not want to serve secret lodges and foreign billionaires. I paid for this. Then, already in exile on the island of St. Helena, he admitted: “I did not want to start a campaign against Russia.”

And here is what General Gourgaud, who accompanied Napoleon into exile, wrote in his “Memoirs”: “What actually served as the motive for the military campaign against Russia? I don't know; it is possible that the emperor himself knew no more about this than I did.”

Adam Weishaupt - this man created the German Secret Society of the Illuminati in 1776. And this was done with the financing of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The goal of the Illuminati was the improvement and ennoblement of humanity, the destruction of national governments and religious institutions. It was from them that an extensive network of Masonic lodges of the “Great East” system later emerged. The sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild also became Freemasons. For example, James Rothschild was a Scottish Rite Freemason of the 33rd degree in Paris, and Nathan Rothschild was a high-ranking member of the United Grand Lodge of England in London.

* * *

After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschild clan continued to prosper, and the descendants of Mayer Amschel Rothschild began to dictate their iron will to European bankers, bishops, revolutionaries, dictators and royal dynasties. All five of his sons became barons, and historians have described the War of 1812 as part of their strategy of “managed conflict.”

James Rothschild, who became Commander of the Legion of Honor in France, once said: “Real weapons are not kept in the arsenals of brainless war ministers, real weapons are kept in my bank.”

Napoleon did not want to put up with this, and he died. He died on May 5, 1821 in exile, on a distant island, lost in Atlantic Ocean. And his fall, which began in 1812 in Russia, without a doubt, became a real triumph for the Rothschild clan.

The clan's emblem depicts five arrows connected in a chain, symbolizing the union of the five sons of the founder of the dynasty. Their motto became the words: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Concord, Unity, Diligence), and their powerful house became a special independent state among others European countries.

* * *

Amschel Rothschild died on December 6, 1855 in Frankfurt. He died childless, and management of his banking house passed to his nephews.

Solomon Rothschild died on July 28 of the same year in Paris. From his marriage to Caroline Stern he had two children: Amschel Solomon and Betty. And what is typical, both entered into marriage alliances with close relatives: respectively, with Charlotte Rothschild (daughter of Uncle Nathan Rothschild) and Uncle James Rothschild (founder of the French branch of the dynasty). And their children also got married only within the Rothschild family. Such endogamy became one of the basic rules of the Rothschild code, ensuring that accumulated property remained within the family and served the common cause.

By the way, about this code, bequeathed by Rothschild Sr. to his children. It also said that all important positions in business should be held only by family members, and not by employees; that only male descendants can participate in the affairs of the clan, and only direct male heirs can inherit. According to this code, the men of the family were supposed to marry their first or second cousins, but the daughters were supposed to try to marry aristocrats while maintaining their faith.

Returning to Solomon Rothschild, we can say that he and his descendants represented the interests of the clan in Austria, where a bank was founded that financed the first Austrian railway and various capital-intensive government enterprises. For his success in this matter, in 1843 Solomon Rothschild became the first Jew to become an honorary citizen of Austria.

* * *

The founder of the English branch of the Rothschilds, Nathan Rothschild, first traded in British textiles, and then moved from Manchester to London and founded a bank there. However, even complete ignorance of the English language did not stop him. He started his business with 20,000 pounds and very soon tripled the capital. And during all 17 years of his stay in London, he managed to increase the starting capital left to him by his father by 2500 (!) times.

He died on July 28, 1836. From his marriage to Anna Cohen he had six children: Charlotte, Lionel, Anthony, Nathaniel, Anna and Louise.

In 1847, Nathan Rothschild's son Lionel, married to the daughter of his uncle Charles Rothschild, was elected to the House of Commons, and in 1885 his grandson Nathaniel became a member of the House of Lords.

Nathaniel Charles Rothschild
Karl (Kalman) Rothschild died on March 10, 1855 in Naples. He was married to Adelheid Hertz, and from this marriage he had five children: Charlotte, Mayer Karl, Adolf Karl, Wilhelm Karl and Amschel Alexander Karl.

Karl Rothschild had a reputation as the least talented of the five brothers. However, he also showed himself in Naples to be a strong financier and very capable in developing extremely important business connections. He established a close business relationship with the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, after which his bank became dominant in Naples.

* * *

James (Jacob) Rothschild lived the longest. He died on November 15, 1868 in Paris. And it was he who turned out to be the most successful in business, and after the death of his brother Nathan in 1836, leadership of the Rothschild business passed to him. And it was he who introduced his brothers and nephews into the “era of the industrial revolution.” In the 30s and 40s of the 19th century, James financed very large investment projects, and everyone called him the Great Baron.

Within a quarter of a century, James became the second richest man in France, only the king's fortune was slightly greater.

On July 11, 1824, James Rothschild married his niece Betty Rothschild and they had five children: Charlotte, Mayer Alphonse, Gustavus Samuel, Salomon James and Edmund Benjamin.

* * *

It is estimated that the clan's total wealth in the 1970s was almost

$1 billion was a fabulous figure for those times. Not a single major project could be done without the Rothschilds: their money was used to explore diamond mines in South Africa, buy land for the construction of the Suez Canal, purchase oil produced in Russia, finance the construction of railways and metallurgical enterprises... Their bank became the largest in Europe, and the family is the richest in the world.

The Rothschilds were the first to create what are now called financial-industrial groups. They actively penetrated the industry of the most promising country from an economic point of view at that time - the United States. At the same time, they always hated acting openly, preferring to secretly take control of company after company, and those for the general public continued to be associated with completely different people. For example, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the Rothschilds established real control over the financial empire of the Morgans and the steel conglomerate of the Carnegie clan.

Members of the Rothschild clan still play an important role in global business. Despite two world wars, the confiscation of many properties and high inheritance taxes, the Rothschild empire did not perish and is still considered one of the largest in the financial world. It is almost impossible to give an exact figure due to the large number of assets. But some experts believe the Rothschild family's total wealth is now at least $350 billion. Others believe that the Rothschilds have about $1 trillion in real estate and the banking sector alone.

* * *

When answering this question, many people say the names Carlos Slim Helu, Bill Gates or Amancio Ortega. Lists of the very best are regularly published in Forbes and Bloomberg rankings, and there the figures for the top three members range from $63.8 to $84.6 billion. But in fact, the richest man in the world is Nathaniel Charles Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild and current head of the Rothschild clan, born on April 29, 1936, although in all sorts of lists he is very far from the first position. But he doesn’t really need to “shine” in the official ratings.

In the hands of Nathaniel Charles Rothschild there are now hundreds of mines and vineyards, large tracts of land, almost all of the world's largest news agencies (Reuters, BBC, etc.), a huge number of small and medium-sized banks, as well as the world's largest bank – N M Rothdchild & Sons. Here we may not be talking about “some” billions, but about trillions of dollars. And these are not virtual wealth or lines in Internet search engines. This is real wealth, with the help of which you can have a significant influence on everything, including world politics.

Especially very big money. It is not for nothing that the code bequeathed by Rothschild Sr. to his children clearly stated: “In any case, the family’s property should not be described, the size of the fortune should not be disclosed. Even in court or in a will.” And it was also said there that modesty leads to wealth. To paraphrase the founder of the Rothschild clan, we can say: give me the right to control money - and I will not care at all who compiles any ratings...

Sergey Nechaev

Look for new ways to earn money.

The family of young Mayer Amschel lived in a Jewish ghetto. His father Amschel Moses Bauer ran a small money changer's office under a red sign, which in German sounds like "roten Schild". This is how the nickname appeared, which became a household name for luxury and wealth and laid the foundation for the 260-year-old Rothschild dynasty.

One day, Rothschild withdrew money from the prince’s compensation account in a British bank and used it to pay for goods. And since I paid in cash, I received a big discount. Mayer managed to avoid two operations at once: transporting money to England and counter-transporting the prince’s money to Frankfurt. Instead of money, Rothschild brought goods, sold them at a high price, repaid the debt to the prince and ended up with a big win. And since the prince received thalers, and the British paid in pounds, the banker also made money on the difference in exchange rates.

From 1764 Mayer Rothschild began supplying coins and gold to the princely house of Hesse-Kassel. And after five years, the head of the house, William I, appointed him as his personal banker. The duties of a court factor, such as Mayer, were to increase the prince’s treasury, cover his expenses for the army, luxury goods, and supply the court, stables, kitchen and cellars. If successful, the factor expected a reward in the form of a part of the prince’s income and respect at court; in case of failure, trial, ruin and even execution.

Prince Wilhelm was known as one of the richest and most noble German princes, traded in mercenary armies and lived in grand style. In 1785, he profitably sold 17 thousand soldiers to the English King George III for the war with the American colonists. When the prince went into hiding, fleeing from Napoleon, Rothschild continued collecting money from his debtors, and was even able to increase the amount received.

The Rothschild Code for your children.

1. All important positions in business should be held only by family members (and not employees); Only male descendants can participate in affairs; Only direct male heirs can inherit. The eldest son becomes the head of the family, unless the brothers unanimously agree otherwise (as happened in 1812, when Nathan was approved as head of the house).

2. The men of the family must marry their cousins ​​or second cousins ​​(so that the accumulated property remains within the family and serves the common cause). Daughters must marry aristocrats while maintaining their faith.

3. In any case, do not describe the family's property, do not disclose the size of the fortune. Even in court or in a will. Disputes between brothers should be resolved within the family, maintaining the unity of the home.

4. Live in harmony, love and friendship, share profits equally.

5. Never forget that modesty leads to wealth."

At the age of 27, Mayer married 17-year-old Gutla Schnapper, the daughter of a local moneylender. The Rothschilds had 5 sons and 5 daughters: Jeanette (1771), Amschel (1773), Solomon (1774), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781), Babette (1784), Karl (1788), Julie (1790), Henrietta (1791) and James (1792).

Rothschild's five sons continued his work. They were called "Five Fingers of One Hand". On September 27, 1810, Mayer Amschel founded the company Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons. By putting into circulation the cash funds of the Elector, which were at his disposal, Rothschild the Father began to arrange government loans on an unprecedented scale. The increase remained in the hands of the banker family, and the wealth itself was returned by the Rothschild heirs to the Landgrave's successors.

After Rothschild's death, his total capital was twice the assets of the Bank of France. His sons dispersed throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Amschel, the eldest son, managed all the affairs of the family home in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his company in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally, they were independent of each other, but had a common communication system - a courier service, which made it possible to receive news about the most important political events and any stock market shocks before anyone else. The Rothschilds’ ability to quickly collect information, and if necessary, spread misinformation, played a big role in the fact that the history of the house was closely intertwined with the history of Europe.

Battle of Waterloo.

The story of how Rothschild’s sons made a fortune from Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1918 has become a textbook story.

At the beginning of the battle, the advantage was on Napoleon's side, and observers reported to London that he was winning. But, Blucher’s Prussian corps arrived in time to help the English troops under the leadership of Wellington. The Allies were victorious. Nathan Rothschild's courier Rothward observed the battle and saw Napoleon flee to Brussels. Rotvoord rushed to the Belgian port of Ostend and, for 2,000 francs, persuaded a fisherman to take him across the English Channel, despite the storm.

On June 20, Rothschild received the news and reported it to the English government. They didn't believe him. Everyone was convinced that Wellington had lost the battle. Then Rothschild immediately began selling his shares on the stock exchange. Following him, everyone began to sell. As a result, securities prices fell almost to zero. At this moment, Rothschild's agents bought shares cheaply. On June 21 at 11 pm, Wellington's adjutant, Major Henry Percy, delivered the marshal's report to the government: “Napoleon is defeated.”

Thus, Nathan Rothschild earned 40 million pounds sterling from this news. Real information received earlier than others allowed the Rothschilds to play a win-win game on the stock exchange. The Rothschilds not only came up with the famous phrase “Whoever owns the information, owns the world,” they prepared everything so that the information would come to them first.

The emblem of the Rothschild dynasty depicts five arrows connected by a chain, symbolizing the union of the five sons of the clan founder Mayer Amschel. Their motto was: “Concordia, Integritas, Industria” (Concord, Honesty, Hard work).

All sons not only preserved family capital, but also multiplied it. The name of the Rothschild brothers is behind many global events of the 19th century. They financed the construction of railways throughout Europe, the purchase of the Suez Canal by England, oil exploration in Russia and the Sahara, and supported diamond activities around the world. They lent money to the Russian Tsars, financed the Habsburgs, and provided loans to the Pope himself, saving the Papal States from bankruptcy. In the 19th century, the five brothers issued government loans for almost all countries.

By the end of the twentieth century, the main branches of the dynasty are located in France, England, and Switzerland. The total wealth of Rothschild's descendants in the mid-90s was estimated at approximately 9 billion pounds sterling. The center of business activity remains the N.M. Bank. Rothschild and Sons" in London, which is more than 190 years old. It was the last private bank in England that was under the complete control of one family. There is a Rothschild & Co. bank in Paris, a financial holding company in Geneva and a Rothschild Bank in Zurich.

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel

Mayer Rothschild
Type of activity:

banker, philanthropist

Date of birth:
Date of death:

Amschel Moses Bauer


Gutle Schnapper


(German) ; February 23, 1744 (17440223), Frankfurt am Main - September 19, 1812, ibid.) - founder of an international dynasty of entrepreneurs (see Rothschilds), founder of a bank in Frankfurt am Main, freemason.

The business was continued by his five sons: Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. The brothers controlled 5 banks in the largest cities of Europe (Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main).


The family of young Mayer Amschel lived in a Jewish ghetto. His father Amschel Moses Bauer ran a small money changer's office under a red sign, which in German sounds like "Rot Schild". This is how the nickname appeared, which became a household name for luxury and wealth and laid the foundation for the 260-year-old Rothschild dynasty.

When Mayer was twelve years old, he was sent to Hanover to study at Oppenheimer's bank. There he learned the secrets of finance, became acquainted with the coins of the German principalities, and learned to identify counterfeits and favorable exchange rates.

After the death of his parents in 1760, Mayer returned to Frankfurt and continued his father’s business: he began exchanging and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became famous among antique lovers. Having saved money, Mayer opened his own antique shop, where it was possible to exchange money from one German principality for another. This is how the first Rothschild bank arose.

At the beginning of his financial career he was a dealer in antique coins and medals. Through the mediation of his client General von Estorff, a collector of ancient coins, he meets Landgrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel. Who made him his confidant during the Landgrave's flight to Prague from Napoleonic troops. Mayer Anschel Rothschild not only preserved capital, but also managed his multimillion-dollar fortune in such a way that it grew noticeably, and the foundation of his own fortune dates back to this time.

Rothschild was distinguished by exceptional business acumen. Transporting currency in those days was very expensive, and there was a risk of falling into the hands of robbers. Mayer found a very simple solution to the problem. He bought wool and cotton at low prices in England, and then sold them in Europe for much more.

From 1764, Mayer Rothschild began supplying coins and gold to the princely house of Hesse-Kassel. And after five years, the head of the house, William I, appointed him as his personal banker. The duties of a court factor, such as Mayer, were to increase the prince’s treasury, cover his expenses for the army, luxury goods, and supply the court, stables, kitchen and cellars. If successful, the factor expected a reward in the form of a part of the prince’s income and respect at court; in case of failure, trial, ruin and even execution.

Prince Wilhelm was known as one of the richest and most noble German princes, traded in mercenary armies and lived in grand style. In 1785, he profitably sold 17 thousand soldiers to the English King George III for the war with the American colonists. When the prince went into hiding, fleeing from Napoleon, Rothschild continued collecting money from his debtors, and was even able to increase the amount received.

One day, Rothschild withdrew money from the prince’s compensation account in a British bank and used it to pay for goods. And since I paid in cash, I received a big discount. Mayer managed to avoid two operations at once: transporting money to England and counter-transporting the prince’s money to Frankfurt. Instead of money, Rothschild brought goods, sold them at a high price, repaid the debt to the prince and ended up with a big win. And since the prince received thalers, and the British paid in pounds, the banker also made money on the difference in exchange rates.

At the age of 27, Mayer married 17-year-old Gutla Schnapper, the daughter of a local moneylender. The Rothschilds had 5 sons and 5 daughters: Jeanette (1771), Amschel (1773), Solomon (1774), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781), Babette (1784), Karl (Kalman) (1788), Julie (1790) ), Henrietta (1791) and James (1792).

Rothschild's five sons continued his work. They were called "Five Fingers of One Hand". On September 27, 1810, Mayer Amschel founded the company Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons. By putting into circulation the cash funds of the Elector, which were at his disposal, Rothschild the Father began to arrange government loans on an unprecedented scale. The increase remained in the hands of the banker family, and the wealth itself was returned by the Rothschild heirs to the Landgrave's successors.

After Rothschild's death, his total capital was twice the assets of the Bank of France. His sons dispersed throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Amschel, the eldest son, managed all the affairs of the family home in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his company in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally they were independent from each other, but they had common system communications - a courier service that made it possible to receive news about the most important political events, about any stock market shocks, before anyone else. The Rothschilds’ ability to quickly collect information, and if necessary, spread misinformation, played a big role in the fact that the history of the house was closely intertwined with the history of Europe.

Emblem of the Rothschild Dynasty

The emblem of the Rothschild dynasty depicts five arrows connected by a chain, symbolizing the union of the five sons of the clan founder Mayer Amschel. Their motto was: “Concordia, Integritas, Industria” (Concord, Unity, Diligence).

The Rothschild Code for your children

1. All important positions in business should be held only by family members (and not employees); Only male descendants can participate in affairs; Only direct male heirs can inherit. The eldest son becomes the head of the family, unless the brothers unanimously agree otherwise (as happened in 1812, when Nathan was approved as head of the house).

2. Men of the family must marry their cousins ​​or second cousins ​​(so that the accumulated property remains within the family and serves the common cause). Daughters must marry aristocrats while maintaining their faith.

Material from BLACKBERRY - website - Academic Wiki encyclopedia on Jewish and Israeli topics

Mayer Rothschild
Mayer Amschel Bayern Rothschild
Type of activity:

banker, philanthropist

Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Date of death:
Place of death:

Amschel Moses Bauer


Gutle Schnapper


Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer

Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild)(((lang-de|Mayer Amschel Bayern Rothschild), 1744, Frankfurt am Main - 1812, ibid.) - financier, founder of an international dynasty of financiers and statesmen.

Early years

Mayer's grandfather Isaac Elhanan (died 1585) was a small dealer in antique coins and medals. There was a red sign on his house in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt am Main. This shield gave the surname to the entire family. Father's name was Amschel Moses Rothschild; he traded in ancient coins and was involved in money exchange.

As a child, Mayer was sent to change coins for his father. He developed an interest in money - practical and scientific. My parents wanted Mayer to become a rabbi. He briefly studied traditional Jewish studies at the Fürth school. But he soon decided to become a banker and was sent to study in a small position at the Oppenheimer banking house in Hanover.

In 1760, he started his own business in the house of his father, who soon died. He married on August 29, 1770 Güttel Schnapper. They had five sons.

Financial success

He dealt in antique coins, works of art and souvenirs, and was a business agent and banker. Mayer made acquaintance with the German aristocrat, a passionate collector of ancient coins, General von Estorff. Soon after, in 1775, he met Crown Prince Wilhelm and began doing small business with him. In 1785, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, one of the richest European monarchs of that time (who made a lot of money by selling soldiers to the English king for the war against the United States), died. The Crown Prince became Landgrave William IX, inheriting all of his father's money.

Mayer Amschel changed a small amount of English money for him in 1789, and in 1794 accepted at least £150,000 for a profitable investment, but not alone, but in company with at least six other Frankfurt brokers. It was not until late 1798 that he obtained sufficient credit from the Landgrave to handle any amounts of his money alone.

Testaments to sons

Mayer established the order that his family would try to do business successfully, preferably with the royal houses, and that the father should have as many sons as possible who could take care of the family's commercial affairs abroad.

In business, he ordered to always act together and never strive for excess profits.

He ordered his descendants not to renounce the faith of their ancestors under any circumstances. He also ordered that in all his relationships with people (except family) he place profit and financial success above all else.

At the end of his life, Mayer Anshel Rothschild obtained the consent of Archbishop K.-T. Dahlberg, Prince-Primate and President of the Confederation of the Rhine, created under Napoleon's protectorate, to provide civil equality to Jews (when this did not in any way harm the financial interests of the family).

Notification: The preliminary basis for this article was the article

The sons continued the work of their father, they were called “five fingers of one hand”

The founder of the banking dynasty, Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, was born on February 23, 1744, and died on September 19, 1812. At the age of twelve he began to learn the secrets of financial art at Oppenheimer's bank. At the beginning of his career he was engaged in the trade of ancient coins and medals. He also started buying and selling goods, in particular, he purchased cotton and wool at low prices in England, and sold them in Europe at significantly higher prices. Later he began supplying coins and gold to aristocrats, and became the personal banker of famous people at that time.

Over the years, he founded the company Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons. The financial company was engaged, in particular, in providing government loans on an unprecedented scale. It is noteworthy that at the age of 27, Rothschild got married, and the marriage produced five sons and five daughters. The sons continued the work of their father; they were called “five fingers of one hand.” After Rothschild's death, his total assets were twice that of the Bank of France. His sons dispersed throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Amschel, the eldest son, managed all the affairs of the family home in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his company in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally, they were independent of each other, but they had a common communication system - a courier service, which made it possible to receive news about the most important political events, about any stock market shocks, before anyone else. The Rothschilds’ ability to quickly collect information, and if necessary, spread misinformation, played a big role in the fact that the house was closely intertwined with the history of Europe.

It is worth noting that the emblem of the Rothschild dynasty depicts five arrows connected by a chain, which symbolizes the union of the five sons of the founder of the clan, Mayer Amschel. Their motto was the words: “Concordia, Integritas, Industria” (Concord, Unity, Diligence).

Below are the rules for success of the Rothschild dynasty:

To make a great fortune requires great courage and great caution.

Let me manage the country's money, and I don't care who makes its laws.

Whoever owns information owns the world.

The family should live in harmony, love and friendship, and share equally.

Never chase exorbitantly high profits and protect yourself from any accidents. Know the limits in everything and never lose sight of the goal.

In any case, do not describe the family's property, do not disclose the size of the fortune. Even in court or in a will. All disputes should be resolved within the family.

Be at least one step ahead of your competitor.

Taking care of your image is the key to prosperity.

Mayer Rothschild
Type of activity:

banker, philanthropist

Date of birth:
Date of death:

Amschel Moses Bauer


Gutle Schnapper


Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild)(German) Mayer Amschel Bayern Rothschild ; February 23 ( 17440223 ) , Frankfurt am Main - September 19, ibid.) - founder of an international dynasty of entrepreneurs (see Rothschilds), founder of a bank in Frankfurt am Main, freemason.

The business was continued by his five sons: Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. The brothers controlled 5 banks in the largest cities of Europe (Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main).


Young Mayer Amschel's family lived in a Jewish ghetto. His father Amschel Moses Bauer ran a small money changer's office under a red sign, which in German sounds like "Rot Schild". This is how the nickname appeared, which became a household name for luxury and wealth and laid the foundation for the 260-year-old Rothschild dynasty.

When Mayer was twelve years old, he was sent to Hanover to study at Oppenheimer's bank. There he learned the secrets of finance, became acquainted with the coins of the German principalities, and learned to identify counterfeits and favorable exchange rates.

After the death of his parents in 1760, Mayer returned to Frankfurt and continued his father’s business: he began exchanging and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became famous among antique lovers. Having saved money, Mayer opened his own antique shop, where it was possible to exchange money from one German principality for another. This is how the first Rothschild bank arose.

At the beginning of his financial career he was a dealer in antique coins and medals. Through the mediation of his client General von Estorff, a collector of ancient coins, he meets Landgrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Kassel. Who made him his confidant during the Landgrave's flight to Prague from Napoleonic troops. Mayer Anschel Rothschild not only preserved capital, but also managed his multimillion-dollar fortune in such a way that it grew noticeably, and the foundation of his own fortune dates back to this time.

Rothschild was distinguished by exceptional business acumen. Transporting currency in those days was very expensive, and there was a risk of falling into the hands of robbers. Mayer found a very simple solution to the problem. He bought wool and cotton at low prices in England, and then sold them in Europe for much more.

From 1764, Mayer Rothschild began supplying coins and gold to the princely house of Hesse-Kassel. And after five years, the head of the house, William I, appointed him as his personal banker. The duties of a court factor, such as Mayer, were to increase the prince’s treasury, cover his expenses for the army, luxury goods, and supply the court, stables, kitchen and cellars. If successful, the factor expected a reward in the form of a part of the prince’s income and respect at court; in case of failure, trial, ruin and even execution.

Prince Wilhelm was known as one of the richest and most noble German princes, traded in mercenary armies and lived in grand style. In 1785, he profitably sold 17 thousand soldiers to the English King George III for the war with the American colonists. When the prince went into hiding, fleeing from Napoleon, Rothschild continued collecting money from his debtors, and was even able to increase the amount received.

One day, Rothschild withdrew money from the prince’s compensation account in a British bank and used it to pay for goods. And since I paid in cash, I received a big discount. Mayer managed to avoid two operations at once: transporting money to England and counter-transporting the prince’s money to Frankfurt. Instead of money, Rothschild brought goods, sold them at a high price, repaid the debt to the prince and ended up with a big win. And since the prince received thalers, and the British paid in pounds, the banker also made money on the difference in exchange rates.

At the age of 27, Mayer married 17-year-old Gutla Schnapper, the daughter of a local moneylender. The Rothschilds had 5 sons and 5 daughters: Jeanette (1771), Amschel (1773), Solomon (1774), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781), Babette (1784), Karl (Kalman) (1788), Julie (1790) ), Henrietta (1791) and James (1792).

Rothschild's five sons continued his work. They were called "Five Fingers of One Hand". On September 27, 1810, Mayer Amschel founded the company Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons. By putting into circulation the elector's cash at his disposal, Rothschild the father began to arrange government loans on an unprecedented scale. The increase remained in the hands of the banking family, and the wealth itself was returned by the Rothschild heirs to the Landgrave's successors.

After Rothschild's death, his total capital was twice the assets of the Bank of France. His sons dispersed throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Amschel, the eldest son, managed all the affairs of the family home in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his company in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally, they were independent from each other, but they had a common communication system - a courier service, which made it possible to receive news about the most important political events, about any stock market shocks, before anyone else. The Rothschilds’ ability to quickly collect information, and if necessary, spread misinformation, played a big role in the fact that the history of the house was closely intertwined with the history of Europe.

Emblem of the Rothschild Dynasty

The emblem of the Rothschild dynasty depicts five arrows connected by a chain, symbolizing the union of the five sons of the clan founder Mayer Amschel. Their motto was: “Concordia, Integritas, Industria” (Concord, Unity, Diligence).

The Rothschild Code for your children

1. All important positions in business should be held only by family members (and not employees); Only male descendants can participate in affairs; Only direct male heirs can inherit. The eldest son becomes the head of the family, unless the brothers unanimously agree otherwise (as happened in 1812, when Nathan was approved as head of the house).

2. Men of the family must marry their cousins ​​or second cousins ​​(so that the accumulated property remains within the family and serves the common cause). Daughters must marry aristocrats while maintaining their faith.

3. In any case, do not describe the family’s property, do not disclose the size of the fortune. Even in court or in a will. Disputes between brothers should be resolved within the family, maintaining the unity of the home.

4. Live in harmony, love and friendship, share profits equally.

5. “Never forget that modesty leads to wealth.”

6. “Whoever owns information owns the world”

Publications on the topic