Ranks in cs go - a complete guide. How to play if you are a silver in CS:GO? Rank calibration in Counter Strike Global Offensive

Today we will look at the rank system in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, how it works, and what ranks exist in cs go. First, let's look at the profile that is in the game itself. There we can see your level badge, the rank that corresponds to this badge, the experience scale and the rank at the next level. The rank will be located below, as well as its icon - it is with the help of it that the matchmaking system will select your opponents in a competitive game.

Ranks in CS:GO:

Ranks in cs go are a kind of system of ELO points. In fact, it can be compared with the MMR system in the game Dota 2, only it does not show the points that you gain or lose per game. Instead, there are intermediate stages of ranks that can be increased by winning in competitive games. The more victories you have in a row, the faster your rank will rise. Accordingly, if you constantly lose, the system can lower you in rank. The lowest rank in the game is Silver 1, the highest is Global Elite.

Rank calibration in Counter Strike Global Offensive:

Calibration of ranks in CS:GO is an integral part of every beginner on the way to competitive games. It consists of 10 intermediate games, after which the system will determine your rank. As far as we know, the highest rank after calibration that can be is Legendary Eagle Master, which is not so far from Global Elite 🙂 .

A very important point is that you will not be able to access the calibration until you get the 3rd level of the profile, which was mentioned above. You can increase it by playing in the standard cs go mode or on Deathmatch, only on official servers Valve. Previously, it was possible to complete the calibration in one day, but now, winning 2 games in a row during this period, or simply playing 3 games, you will receive a temporary block for 21 hours.

Rank statistics in Counter Strike Global Offensive:

Many often wonder how many players raised their rank higher, and who dropped it down. Thanks to the wonderful site csgosquad.com, you can track the statistics of the ranks of all players, as well as your detailed statistics in games, kill/death ratios, win percentage, and much more.

Last winter, Valve made changes to their matchmaking system, which significantly lowered many players in rank. Those who were Global Elite dropped down to the Legendary Eagle Master, that is, the struggle for ranks became even tougher. Still, thanks to csgosquad.com, let's see the statistics for December last year, and for now:

December 2015: May 2016:

As you can see, the number of players who had ranks from Legendary Eagle to Global Elite has become significantly smaller. In fact, no one knows for sure how exactly the rank up and down system works, because this information is not on public display, so if you want to quickly increase your rank - win as many as possible by collecting win streaks.

Since recently, only one Valve multiplayer game has remained without a rating system - and that is the ancient Left4Dead, which in its current form does not need a rating at all. At the same time, it is surprising that if in Dota2 or Team Fortress2 the rating system is transparent and understandable, then in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, ranking has been a field for disputes and various theories for many years now. In this article, we will try to sort out all about the titles in CS:GO and finally decide on how points and badges are earned and lost in the game.

What are CS GO titles?

Gabe Newell, a big fan of cool theories, built into CS:GO not just a rating system that adds (or subtracts) you 25 points for victory and defeat, but used the system of the physicist Arpad Elo already developed at the beginning of the last century. Elo came up with his own system for chess players, calculating the number of points scored by a player based on his games with other chess players. In the Elo system, beginners-professionals were estimated from 1000 points, while Grandmasters started from 2700. This whole theory boiled down to the fact that in those games where the rating gap between chess players was 200 points, in 75% of cases the chess player with more the number of Elo points. If the gap was 400 points, then the chance of winning was already estimated at 94%.

A similar system was introduced in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Each player is evaluated exactly according to the Elo system, gaining and losing points based on the number of wins, losses and some other parameters that we will analyze a little further.

How many titles are there?

- Eighteen. Here is the whole list of all cs go ranks from lowest to highest:

  1. Silver I - Silver I;
  2. Silver II - Silver II;
  3. Silver III - Silver III;
  4. Silver IV - Silver IV;
  5. Silver Elite - Silver Elite;
  6. Silver Elite Master - Silver Grand Master;
  7. Gold Nova I - Gold Star - I;
  8. Gold Nova II - Gold Star - II;
  9. Gold Nova III - Gold Star - III;
  10. Gold Nova Master - Gold Star - Master;
  11. Master Guardian I - Master Guardian - I (“Kalash”);
  12. Master Guardian II - Master Guardian - II (“Kalash with wreaths”);
  13. Master Guardian Elite - Master Guardian - Elite (“Two Kalash”);
  14. Distinguished Master Guardian - Honored Master Guardian (“Big Star”);
  15. Legendary Eagle - Legendary Golden Eagle;
  16. Legendary Eagle Master - Legendary Eagle Master - Master (“Berkut with wreaths”);
  17. Supreme Master First Class - Grand Master of the Highest Rank (“Supreme”);
  18. The Global Elite - World Elite (“Global”).

Why increase and decrease the rank in CS GO?

An important point: the Elo system is designed in such a way that when selecting a game, 10 people are recruited (5 in each team) with a similar, but far from the same, number of Elo points. Thus, each team has 5 players with a different number of Elo points. It is important that if a person with a minimum Elo wins the game, then he will receive large quantity points than the players with the highest Elo on the team.

Another feature of Elo calculation is, in fact, statistical indicators. Draws happen in ranked games, and in this case, those players who showed the best ratio of kills / assists / deaths receive a bonus to Elo, players with poor indicators receive a minus to their Elo.

In general, the system is quite simple - for winning the game you get Elo, for losing you lose it. Many players get stuck at certain ranks, which has led to the myth that in order to move to the next rank, you need to score certain statistics, but this is not true - it's just that the gap between different ranks is different, and when moving from, say, silver -elite master in gold nova it is much more than in the transition from gold nova to gold nova 2.

How to quickly raise the rank in cs go?

Everything is like in life: either you are a genius, or you work long and hard, or you break the rules of the system.

With geniuses, everything is clear - look at some professional players in whom the sense of the rhythm of the game seems to have been innate. It's not difficult for these guys to raise the rating.

Now for the long and hard work. It just so happened that the easiest way to get the highest rating is to calibrate to it. The calibration process is the process by which the statistics of your first 10 games in ranked matchmaking are calculated. Recently, even for the opportunity to start a rating game, it has become necessary for a beginner to play about 20 full-fledged games in the usual selection. This approach killed two birds with one stone: firstly, the number of “boosters” (people who raised the ranks of other players for money) decreased. Secondly, in the rating selection, the number of people who can't do anything has decreased.

There are a lot of legends about how the calibration is calculated. What is certain is that after every winning game in calibration, you are thrown into the matchup with stronger players, and if you win this game, you are thrown even higher. Thus, if you win all 10 games, you can get the highest rank in just 10 steps. Such a "swing" system is very convenient and logical for honest players, however, cheaters and boosters can still use the vulnerabilities of such a calibration system.

But we were talking about long and hard work. So, it is obvious that even a quick rise in the rating in the calibration mode is the way only for those who have already played hundreds of hours in the hardest ranked and are able to pull out all 10 games alone. Beginners, on the other hand, will have to work hard on themselves and get points for each victory, losing them due to defeats.

We will not analyze cheating ways to get a rating, because we are strictly against cheats. Let's just say that if you suddenly get stuck somewhere in the higher ranks. But if you really want to play in the global elite, then you can simply buy an account with the highest rank.


Summing up this topic, it must be said that in order to increase the rating, you need to improve your own game. In addition, you should warm up before entering the rating with a couple of regular matches, and, an extremely important point, it is desirable to have a well-played team. There are times when you, tearing everyone in your path, lose simply because one of the randomly selected players leaves the game or frankly “merges” the match for you. There are also cases in which the enraged players of your team simply clog the chat and interfere with concentration. Alas, this can be avoided only by having a well-played team of 5 people.

With what title is it no longer embarrassing to play?

With anyone. Playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive is not a shame at all, and the rating system was created not only for those guys who definitely need to be in the top. Moreover, it is at the middle and low ranks that the most comfortable ones often pass. Both in terms of difficulty and in terms of the team spirit of the game: in my memory there was even one match, after the defeat in which three of the players agreed to go and drink beer. The point here is that the range from Silver III to Gold Nova 2 is usually inhabited by those players who play CS:GO for relaxation and fun. Because of what, they are set up as relaxed and friendly as possible, while at the highest ranks for every mistake you can get a serious scolding.

Summing up, we see that there is nothing complicated in the CS:GO rank system - it is a slightly more flexible version of the usual MMR with its own characteristics. When playing Counter Strike, you don't have to aim for the top of the leaderboard. The author of this article feels quite comfortable on the Gold Nova 3 and sees no point in climbing higher.

PC Gamer journalist Henry Stenhouse described everything that is known about the work of the ranking system in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Despite the attention given to ranks, little is known about how the system works.

Rank in CS:GO is a badge of honor. Many players find it difficult to level up in the matchmaking system. Someone is trying to escape from the "silver hell", and someone is trying to get to the heights of the Global Elite.

We have collected all the data available to help you understand the ranks and the factors that affect them.

How ranks work in CS:GO

When you start your matchmaking journey, you will first need to win ten matches, no more than two per day. They allow the ranking system to determine your level. A player without a rating will not be able to connect in matchmaking with holders of ranks higher than Master Guardian 1, unless he agrees with four friends in advance.

Once you have completed these ten matches, depending on your performance, you will be assigned to one of 18 Skill Groups. After that, you can play as much as you want, but only with players whose ranks are in the +5/-5 range of yours (again, unless you put together a team of five).

Depending on your successes and failures, your rank may change after matches. The mechanics of this process are still unknown, but The best way to improve the rank is to win.

If you don't play for a month, the skill group will disappear, and it will take a win or a draw to bring it back. Until you return it, you will not be able to play with ranks higher than Master Guardian 1.

Rank distribution

The independent analytical portal CSGOSquad presented a graph of the distribution of ranks. It shows how many percent of daily, weekly or monthly active players belong to one of the Skill Groups. The matches from which information was collected are randomly selected, so the monthly graph gives a good idea of ​​how the ranks are distributed among the players.

The example above shows information for February. The most common rank is GoldNova 2, and in general, 35% of players have one of the GoldNova ranks. If you've made it to LegendaryEagle, congratulations, you're in ten percent. the best players. Maybe you are even taller than you think. The random selection of matches means that as higher ranking players play more often, they are disproportionately more likely to be on the chart. But what does each rank really mean, and how does the game decide which one to give the player?

Elo and Glicko-2

Valve is expectedly silent on the internal mechanics of their games for fear that someone will begin to cheat the system and pay more attention to their rank than the success of their team. But in 2015, one of the company's employees blabbed that CS:GO was based on an improved and modified version of the Glicko-2 system.

You may have heard of the Elo ranking system, designed for one-on-one competitions like chess. In it, each participant is assigned a number indicating his rank. The difference between the numbers of the two opponents indicates the expected outcome of the match. The winner takes points from the loser. If the higher-ranking player wins, he will get far fewer points than the lower-ranking player, if the result is reversed.

Since the inception of Elo, many variations of it have been developed, each of which corrects some shortcomings of the system. Glicko-2 is one of these variations. In it, rating fluctuation is added to the main number. A player's matchmaking rank thus becomes a range (eg 1000-2000) rather than just a number (eg 1500). This approach allows the system to determine with 95% accuracy that the player's rank will be in this range. The better the system knows the real rank, the smaller the range will be. Glicko-2 also takes into account the "volatility" of the player, that is, how much the rank can change over time (it goes down if the user plays rarely, and goes up if he plays often).

However, although Glicko-2 is an open system, obvious limitations prevent it from being applied to CS:GO. Both Elo and Glicko were designed for one-on-one fights. There are many more factors involved in a five-on-five team game, and the impact of one player on a match is difficult to assess. Of course, one player can get four kills in a round, but what if he only managed to do this because a friend covered the plant or threw a light in time? Valve is in no hurry to tell what exactly is taken into account when choosing a rank. In response to this silence, the players began to build their theories about the principles of the system.

Player Theories

In 2014, Steam user RetriButioN shared extensive insights from working with the ranks of several accounts. He suggested that rankings take place at the end of each round: the system determines the winner based on the rankings of all participating players. This option would explain why some users got a rank increase after losing. The chance of this happening is incredibly low, but unexpected rank changes sometimes happen.

Nevertheless, this fact can hardly be considered an unconditional proof of the system's work in rounds, since external factors also affect the rank (for example, the removal of past games due to a detected cheater). This may explain particularly strange events such as the declining rank after the 16-0 victory.

RetriButioN also claims that the only aspect that influences the rankings, other than round wins and losses, is being awarded Most Valuable Player (MVP) status. The basis for this statement was the use of the "developer 1" console command, which displays a rating number on the screen. According to the experience of RetriButioN, it changes after the end of the round and the award of the MVP. However, Valve denied these rumors, stating that the data stored on the user's side does not affect the rank. But there is a chance that since the MVP played a role before, it is taken into account now.

Reddit user dob_bobbs also expressed his thoughts on how the Glicko-2 system works. He suggested that high rank instability might limit the amount of points a player can gain or lose. This guess is based on the fact that a player may have a streak of bad matches that does not indicate his immediate skill, and the system may take time to determine the average value.

What do we know exactly

With so many fan theories out there, it's easy to get lost in the maze of speculation, so here are a few key takeaways from the information available to us.

The rank is affected a large number of factors, all of which are recorded by Valve.

“All the calculations happen on our servers, and a lot of matchmaking parameters describing a scientifically determined set of variables are presented to the players as their ranks,” vitaliy_valve wrote in response to the guide from RetriButioN. No one, except Valve employees, can know the structure of the matchmaking system. Rank is affected by a large number of parameters at once, but it is always better to focus on the overall victory than to argue about who will defuse the bomb.

The more games you have played, the more difficult it will be to change the rank.

Due to the fluctuating rating in Glicko-2, the longer you play at a certain level, the more confident the system will be that it has correctly determined your rank. With low fluctuation, significant rank changes are not possible. If you've followed any streamer or YouTuber trying to upgrade from Silver 1 to Global, you've probably noticed that the Silver stages take a very long time to progress. This happens because the player lowers his rank by losing several matches on purpose. The game becomes confident that it has correctly rated him and becomes very reluctant to respond to his subsequent victories. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to raise the rank. If you work long and hard and defeat players above your level, the rating fluctuation will increase again, and the rise will accelerate.

A long pause will reduce the accuracy of determining your rank, and most likely will lead to a decrease in it.

After a month without a single match, you may find that your SkillGroup is gone and it will take a win or a draw to get it back. If you don't play even longer, there is a chance of getting a lower rank than before. Players assume that MMR is decreasing due to lack of activity, but no one has yet found confirmation of this. The most probable reason for the downgrade is an increase in its fluctuation.

The more time passes since the last game, the less confident the game will be about your ranking, which means you may be paired with players from a wider range of ranks than usual. If you are in the top half of the skill groups, you are more likely to be placed in one game with lower ranks because there are more players. But if you suddenly find that your rank has dropped, do not worry - an increased rating fluctuation will allow you to quickly return it.

Friends, hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to reveal the secrets of CS: GO. In the last article, we talked about everything, and today we will explain how to increase the ranks and ranks in CS GO. Having received a high rank, you will be able to play in a competitive mode with professional players, you will be called into teams and invited to various tournaments and competitions. If you want to become an experienced esportsman, participate in tournaments and receive prizes for victories, read this guide to the end.

From this article you will learn:

Need to know

Rank is an in-game indicator of your skill in CS: Global Offensive. It is displayed in the upper left corner of the CS:GO profile. Find the scale of experience and levels, look at the icon under it - this is the title.

Rank (or rank) is a subclass of ranks. With its help, the system selects opponents in a competitive mode. If the rank is low, the system will pick up weak players, and if it is high, you will play with the pros.

Ranks are similar to MMR in Dota 2, only without scoring. It increases after several victories in competitive mode, and can be lowered after a series of defeats. The calculation formula has not yet been published, but the principle of "career growth" is simple and clear - if you want a higher rank, win more often.

Rank system

The rank system can be conditionally divided into four types: low, normal, high and very high.

1. Low Level - The base level you are most likely to get after calibration. Looks like a silver badge with stripes. This rank takes into account "Silver" titles - "Silver (silver) 1-4", "Silver elite", "Silver master". It is believed that these achievements are received by the laziest and most inept players. But this is not the case – there are many beginners and even experienced people who occasionally come in to play one or two matches. Also at this level there are boosters - people who "pump" accounts for real money. And if they get a good profit for their efforts, then they should play well and quickly “pump” the account to the next categories.

2. Normal level - players who have overcome the silver threshold move to the next level and receive a gold rank - "Gold Star" or "Gold nova". The titles "Gold nova 1-3", "Gold nova master", "Master guardian 1-2" participate in this rank. Most of the experienced players who have completed several hundred maps in competitive mode are at this rank. There are fewer boosters, inadequates and cheaters, but sometimes they still come across in one of the teams.

3. High level - available only to Counter-Strike veterans with the titles of the categories "Master guardian elite" ("Master guardian elite"), "Honored master guardian" ("Distinguished master guardian"). Here everyone perfectly knows the maps, knows how to shoot accurately and quickly, acts clearly, quickly responds to changes in the situation and coordinates with teammates. At this level, the skill of the players is so high, as if everyone uses cheats.

4. Very high level– in other words, the elite of CS:GO. Humans must have the following ranks: "Legendary eagle", "Legendary eagle master", "Supreme master first class", "Global Elite ” (“The global elite”). Cheats and boosters are rare here, mostly pros and top players who participate in international CS: GO competitions play at this level.

How to upgrade a rank?

Look at all the classes in order in the table above and decide what you will strive for. If you are a beginner, then you do not yet have a title - to get it, you need to go through calibration. To do this, win 10 times in competitive mode, but keep in mind - only two wins per day count, so calibration will take five days. It is also necessary to undergo calibration after a long inactivity - in this case, it will be possible to return it in one game, but only in case of victory.

Do you want to play with pro-players and quickly increase the rank? We already wrote above that no one knows the exact formula for calculating MMR, except for developers. And after the update, this system has shifted significantly - experienced players say that they were lowered by 3-4 steps. This means that from the rank, for example, “Gold nova 1”, a person switched to “Silver elite”. This has not happened to everyone, but there are examples. Now the title is more difficult to get, but more interesting - there is no freebie.

How to find out your MMR? There are only assumptions about the scheme of work and how the titles are collected according to this system and the rating is calculated, for example:

  • +25 for victory;
  • -25 for defeat;
  • one rank - a positive "balance" of 200 points.

But this is in theory, but in practice you need to improve your skill - then you can get titles with enviable regularity. Those who, at the end of the match, are on the top lines of the final table, move faster along the “ career ladder” than inactive and ineffective players. This is logical - the better you play, the faster you will move to the next level.

A few life hacks

1. Don't play solo (alone). Gather a team of friends and acquaintances, and in extreme cases, follow other people, add friends to strong players and write to them if you see them online. Gather a team, coordinate actions and try to win. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a team game where one person can do a lot, but not everything.

2. Try to do as many useful things as possible. Destroy enemies, plant or defuse a bomb, make assists and rescue hostages. This is necessary to get more than 50 points in a match - more chances to increase the rank.

3. Increase your skill. Practice using weapons on aim-maps, learn to shoot accurately and hide quickly, watch matches of various tournaments and evaluate the tactics of teams.

4. Want to learn how to quickly downgrade? It's not difficult, you need to score a series of 20-30 defeats. We open the bad advice section and follow the instructions: interfere with the allies, do not shoot, troll in the chat, if the team plants a bomb or defuse mines - do not let them do this, in extreme cases, shoot at the comrades-in-arms, create kick votes. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will be kicked and the series of defeats will be over. As an option - work in a team and lower the rank in a company of 3 people.

At the end of the match, the order of obtaining is always the same - you can increase by one rank, or decrease depending on the results. Most quick ways promotions - a quality game and a series of victories in competitive mode.

Summing up

In 2017, the system of ranks and ranks has not changed, the principles have remained the same, and the number of pro-players has slightly decreased due to the rebalance. You can look at online resources such as csgosquad and evaluate statistics in the context of the ratio of kills and deaths, the percentage of wins and winning streaks, the average number of points per match and much more. We recommend following high-ranking people, evaluating their game and tracking match statistics for several months.

Follow our life hacks and you can quickly level up and get a new rank. If you have something to add on the topic of this guide - write in the comments, you do not need to register for this.

That's all for today. All successful games and great victories. Bye Bye.

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